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S10.E11: Evil Twins

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Cheyenne is soo handsome! I felt bad for him having to eat some of those gross pancakes. He was very tactful.

Ashanti looked gorgeous. Good lighting in that studio. She didn't add much to the discussion, but who cares?

Some of the Queens really went there with the inner saboteur monologues. In particular Asia/North Korea & Eureka's were painful to listen to.

4 minutes ago, rlc said:

I’m done.

Why? Wha happen?


Ok episode.... Didnt liked the play pretend for as long as they were used, it took away the real reactions during the critics.

Anyway, I agree with the results... Aquaria not only killed both looks but once again, she proved she can act. IMO, some people overlook how well she did at the acting challenges (the one with Eureka, the Snatch Game were she fairly won, the most funny character of that gay cruise acting challenge) when they say she only serve looks. And once again, her interpretation on both characters were spot on. She has that ´´I´m too cool`` vibe but she actually has a funny side and is not afraid to play a fool. Watching one of her instagrams stories last week, she sent the link for people to vote for Miss Congeniality, with a full speech like if she was about to ask for people to vote to herself, than by the end when she was saying ´´dont forget to vote for...`` she inserted a voice over saying Monét X Change. I LOL and that also shows how she support her fellow queens (she also was sending good messages/showing her friendship with Vixen when people went against her/expected them to be enemies). Thats shows me shes more mature that her age might show.

I´m with Michelle about Asia.. Her nice look was allright, her evil look was strong tho. Eureka was ok... kinda too expected, I wanted something else from her good queen, at least she really went dark for her recording. 

Cracker and Kameron had more to prove comming to this challenge and they did just ok... Ru expected both to open up/step up and they didnt as they went for more of a costume challenge than really present their bad and good sides.

On the lip sync, it was kneck to kneck till the middle when Kameron did those moves upside down with her legs while Cracker went a little messy.... Two things IMO sent Cracker home: The fact that once again, Kameron presented a more cleaner/professional lip sync, but what sealed her deal was what Ru said: This was the challenge for her. Ru, as many of us and even Cracker herself, expected her to kill the competition, specially at the acting challenges. Unfortunatelly, she didnt/couldnt fully get out of her head. She good ideas for her looks but not as out of the box as we would expect, and her comedy side (supose to be her strenght) didnt translate as it should. Shes a very smart queen, and with the right plataform, she can be very funny (she is very funny at her youtube/drag race review videos).

Edited by CaioF
  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, rustyspigot said:

This season seems to have developed a limp.

I dont think so.. Its still one of the strongest seasons IMO. The thing tho, that happens every season, is that when we get down to just 5 or 4 queens, there is less to gag us. The queens are pretty much very close friends, so no real drama... less runway, less of queens failing, not much for us to figure it out after we see their presentations and judges critics since its easier to figure it out the top and bottom queens..

Edited by CaioF
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, NowVoyager said:

Cheyenne is soo handsome! I felt bad for him having to eat some of those gross pancakes. He was very tactful.

Ashanti looked gorgeous. Good lighting in that studio. She didn't add much to the discussion, but who cares?

Some of the Queens really went there with the inner saboteur monologues. In particular Asia/North Korea & Eureka's were painful to listen to.

Why? Wha happen?

I also fell out when Ru introduced Ashanti. Like, she looked familiar to me but I couldn't place her, and as soon as he said her name, I was upset. That woman refuses to age. Just two middle fingers in the face of god, myself, and the world.

She's so beautiful. 

  • Love 8

Damn, that was rough. I am going to miss Miz Cracker. I have to admit that Kameron is indeed a lip sync assassin, but overall I prefer Cracker's drag and persona. 

The top three were all pretty great - happy with Aquaria's win, but I would've been fine with Asia or Eureka winning as well. 

Michelle and Carson were funny with the sequined bodysuit banter. Lena Dunham was a great judge and I loved the backstage visit. I wonder if that was her idea, as she was just thrilled to be there.

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, Ruby Gillis said:

I do not get Eureka or Aquaria.  They are okay, but the judges were falling all over themselves.  That was one of the top 10 outfits of all time?  What?

I like Eureka, but thought her runway looks tonight were competent and expected. It was not creative in any way. I think she was solidly safe, but she needs to bring it in the final four.

Now Aquaria... that is some shit I don't get at all. This bitch must smell like candy, sparkle like a Twilight vampire, and induce spontaneous orgasms in the judges. I wouldn't put that in my top 20 or even 50. The scale of the two prints were pretty similar making it look a little muddy and hard to see that there were 2 different animal prints. The spine and jaw bone had no real relationship to the rest of the look or Aquaria's evil twin story. This is what gets me about her. She's creative, but too young to channel it in interesting and thoughtful ways.

Kameron is solid, hard working, and pretty consistent. She's like a Panera. You're probably never going to have the best meal you've ever eaten there, but you also won't have the worst meal. You'll get good decent food there and you'll be relatively satisfied. That's Kameron--consistent and entertaining, but not memorably entertaining enough. Or Law & Order. Kameron is the Law & Order of drag.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 21

I think Asia or Aquaria has this. They can do very little wrong in Ru's eyes. Normally, I'd say Ru would go for 'the future of drag' Aquaria, but she sure seems especially fond of Asia.  They're both solid enough - both have many strengths, so it'll be interesting to see which one wins.  I'll miss Miz Cracker - she was kind of hit or miss in the final stretch, but she is naturally funny and seems like a genuinely sweet person. 

I didn't think I'd warm to Aquaria, but she really is pretty fierce.

  • Love 4

Now that Miz Cracker is gone, so am I. I really, really like her smartness and am sorry that often got in her way in the Drag Race venue. If you haven’t listened to her Slate interview linked over in the other thread in this forum (the name escapes me, the one where it’s just general talk about the queens), take the time to do so. It’s very interesting. 

Of the remaining, Asia is the only one I can summon even a slight interest in. Kameron is lucky she has mad lip syncing skills, because her runway looks are not there. I have repeatedly voiced my dislike of Eureka, so I needn’t rehash that and I am sticking firm to my belief that Aquaria is too young and unformed to win this. 

  • Love 7

I know Cracker didn't do well in the challenge and I have been dying for her to show more vulnerability. That said, I am stunned that Kameron won a third lipsynch. Usually people don't win 3 lipsynchs unless 1) they are SPECTACULAR performers a la Alyssa Edwards, or 2) the other person colossally fucks up. When Cracker didn't make a mistake but was still sent home, I was quite surprised. Oh well. I loved Asia's evil twin, she really went in on herself and I lived for it. Aquaria deserved the win, though, she really embodied both characters physically.

I HATE Lena Dunham but she did a good job of judging.

  • Love 11

Bleh. Second season in a row where I won't be mad or especially thrilled with whoever they choose for the winner. 

Eureka's runway looks were extra weak to me because they sort of evoked Clueless but not even good Eureka's was the right color -- yellow is iconic, pink is more early 2000's Limited Too nonsense.

Asia was my favorite of the night, but calling her evil twin North Korea made me viscerally uncomfortable. Like, I get it, but also...yeesh? The balloons were a great touch, though -- and her "good" look was no more basic than Aquaria's, imo, and I was way more into the evil look.

I feel like nobody will ever top Raja's Marie Antoinette, but Cracker's velour housedress version was an especially bad attempt.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, CaioF said:

I dont think so.. Its still one of the strongest seasons IMO. The thing tho, that happens every season, is that when we get down to just 5 or 4 queens, there is less to gag us. The queens are pretty much very close friends, so no real drama... less runway, less of queens failing, not much for us to figure it out after we see their presentations and judges critics since its easier to figure it out the top and bottom queens..

I completely agree with this. I didn’t watch last night’s episode, and I probably won’t. That’s pretty much the case with the last ep of every season. There’s nothing else really to see from any of the queens at this point, and I can’t remeber the last time I felt super strongly about one queen I wanted to win where I wanted to watch just to see how she did. 

I'm having serious deja vu. This final four reminds me of season seven's: a young fashion queen, an annoying big girl, a pretty but dull boy and a pageant queen who sometimes comes across as a little too blunt. Even the fifth place queen was smart and funny but fighting the demons in her head and the sixth place-getter was a comedy queen who's likely to return and win a future All-Stars season.

And, much like season seven, my reaction to whoever wins this season is likely to be "...meh".

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I know Cracker didn't do well in the challenge and I have been dying for her to show more vulnerability. That said, I am stunned that Kameron won a third lipsynch. Usually people don't win 3 lipsynchs unless 1) they are SPECTACULAR performers a la Alyssa Edwards, or 2) the other person colossally fucks up. When Cracker didn't make a mistake but was still sent home, I was quite surprised. Oh well. I loved Asia's evil twin, she really went in on herself and I lived for it. Aquaria deserved the win, though, she really embodied both characters physically.


The way I saw it, if Kameron didn't fuck up then Cracker was going home after that speech Ru gave at the table about Cracker producing herself and being all 'this challenge was made for her and she failed.' Ru came off as pretty ticked off about it all.

And I agree with everyone mystified at the Aquaria tongue-bathing. I'm not saying she hasn't put out some good looks, she has, but only a small amount have been ULTRA to me. And her outfits last night were not. It's getting to the point where it's actively annoying me to compare her to Violet because Violet's looks were sharp in just about every way imaginable. Aquaria isn't there yet. Not to me. So the judges going nuts for her is irritating.

  • Love 5

I like Miz Cracker too. I was sad to see her go. She is smart and funny. I've watched some of her videos. I like Kameron. Something about her fascinates me. I think it's her naturally reserved nature. There's something both unusual and refreshing about it. She keeps to herself and does her work. She avoids become too distracted. I admire that about her. I don't even know how you could avoid being distracted in the work room. :-)

At this point I'd love to see Asia win the whole thing, if only because of this moment: 


I almost died of laughter when she wore her "mermaid" mask (more like sparkly lizard) during that entire episode of Untucked.


Also, add me to the list of people who don't care for Lena Dunham, but thought she did a good job as a judge.

I'm never unhappy when Cheyenne Jackson graces my screen.

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 11
On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 1:01 PM, SFoster21 said:

I just thought the split screen work was amazing!  High production values this season.

The show's come a long way since that obscene bright lighting on Ru, seeming to be hiding something! It was parodied many times on "1/2 hour gay comedy show" on VH1! Matthew's make up and hair creations are very good where the illusion of RU is still quite striking even though an old man! Today's queens have so much more going for them in getting their acts together! The couple of female impersonators I knew were quite professional back in the 60's to an extent, but nothing like it is today! Everyone's a star regardless of how rude Asia was to Miz Cracker last nite! Hopefully she'll be able to tell her that in person in a reunion show! That note wasn't enough for me and it wasn't me being insulted and having my dreams dashed by this person who's been such a role model and counselor! Why go there even that one time at this point in the game? I'm sure the same old tired explanation of stress, pressure, and a pending end to it all is coming! ;-(

Edited by Fiero425
  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Trip said:

Minority opinion, I guess, but I honestly thought Aquaria was the worst of the night.  That evil outfit was disjointed as hell and needed to be simplified to make any sense.  And her "read" of good Aquaria was so weak!  It was just random potshots rather than really getting in deep, the way they insisted everyone else do.  

Come sit by me, honey.  I'm wondering who the hell she is screwing  because she did NOT deserve that win.  The fix is in, but it is not Eureka, it's Aquaria.

Edited by Omeletsmom
I forgot what forum I was on.
  • Love 10

I love Aquaria but she really doesn't hold a candle to Violet as a look queen. (Of course Violet kinda sucked when it came to acting and the like so Aquaria DOES have that all over her.) I might be one of the few who has Season 7 amongst his fave seasons. All the hate that Violet got then (especially when she was unfairly IMO lumped in with Pearl) made me batty. I did get a bit of comfort when Violet showed up to pass on the crown to Bob and everyone GAGGED over her look (deservedly so, obviously).

I won't miss Cracker. I find it interesting that I think he sees himself as being this big ol' open book but he really comported himself quite differently on the show at least. And I'm about 20 minutes or so into that Slate podcast he did last year that some were raving about. I don't find it so amazing. At least yet anyway.

I still think it's Asia's to lose. I'm pretty much ABE (Anyone But UKnoWho) at this point tho. (Obvs I don't think Kam has a snowball's chance in hell.) But I will say that Kameron's lip synching is turning out to be kind of legendary.. Probably one of the most surprising things this season to me.

Edited by Victim Noises
  • Love 6

God help me, I like Aquaria. I was fully prepared to hate her after the "Miz Cracker copied me" bullshit in the first few episodes, but she has these amazing flashes of dorkiness and self-awareness that are so appealing to me. I also love that she "drags up" her boy looks in the werkroom every week and is just so expressive with her face. She's just *fun to look at* for me.

11 minutes ago, Mayberry said:

I wonder how Aquaria would handle such a lipsync showdown. 

I have seen some of her YouTube videos and bitch can turn some shit out. I think she is the only queen this season capable of turning out a Sasha-level lipsynch at the finale, if it comes to that.

  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, Mayberry said:

I missed Monet's presence this episode.

Asia was a bit ungracious this episode with some of her comments but I guess that never stopped anyone from winning the crown.

I can see it being between Asia and Aquaria. But some seasons are harder to call, sometimes it does come down to the Grand Finale and the lipsync. Like with Sasha Velour. I wonder how Aquaria would handle such a lipsync showdown. 

Not sure if we gonna have that lip sync showdown this season..The reason behind it last season it was because the season got the reputation of having the lamest lip syncs ever, with queens giving up, not knowing lyrics, under performing all across the season, so that was a chance of rendemption. But if we have, the fact Aquaria is the only one left that didnt lip sync might work on her favor like it did with Sasha. It gives them the chance to bring the surprise factor.

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Aquaria just does not impress me. I remember slowly being surprised with Violet as her season dragged on. We're at final four and I'm still not warming up to her. Really annoyed that Cracker's gone, I like Kameron and Asia and I guess I prefer them over Eureka but...yeah. 

Never watched Girls but am aware of Lena Dunham, love how thrilled she seemed to be a guest judge. 

Untucked using "Vaaangie" before and after commercial breaks made my day. LOL 

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, CaioF said:

Kameron just had to shut down the comments section of her instagram page because of all the attack against her/her fans after last night. Lame, this people never learn.

Ironic because Kameron’s look, basically the same for both twins very much called up Phi Phi’s Rupacalypse look for me. https://goo.gl/images/JjWZRY. The only thing that could really save this season for me would be if Kameron burst forth from her cocoon like a butterfly. Either that or bitch lip synched her way to the crown. A first.

  • Love 1

They've really been telegraphing for a while that the final 3 will be Aquaria, Asia and Eureka. If past seasons are any indication, next week Ru will just eliminate whoever she chooses without a lip sync (like she did with Kennedy in season 7 and Chi Chi in season 8), or she'll put all four of them in the finale like last season. If she eliminates someone, I'll be absolutely stunned if she doesn't boot Kameron.

I'm fine with an Aquaria/Asia/Eureka final 3. They're all very talented. But the bias really shows in the judging, and it's irritating me. Eureka's outfits were just basic this week (which was surprising, because she's usually so strong in that department). If Kameron or Cracker had worn anything that basic, the judges would have torn them to shreds.

Asia's evil twin look was great, but her "good self" was so....meh. "Cute" doesn't cut it at this level of the competition.

And while Aquaria's first outfit was amazing, I agree with those who say that the second one didn't quite come together. Maybe it looked different in person than on camera? Regardless, there was no need for Ru to say it was one of the top 10 runways of all time. So much overpraise this season, for the chosen few.

  • Love 8

I'm going to quote samburger88 from reddit, because I don't know what to say about this episode: "What a fucking bizarre episode. The mini-challenge was some Adult Swim anti-comedy disaster, AGGRESSIVE music played during the entirety of Ru's walkthrough, Ru herself was loopy, no one's narration was funny or memorable and we had a boring lip-sync that somehow still incorporated multiple flips and splits. Like seriously what even happened."

I think being down to just five personalities makes it less interesting. Or, the desperation to push some weird narratives isn't working. I'm looking forward to the finale, I guess, but at this point I don't trust them to make a good choice.

Edited by Cosmic Muffin
cat on keyboard
  • Love 3

My love for Michelle Visage grew a little when  Lena was yabbering on about feeling self-conscious about her body, and Michelle said, "But you're always naked."  hahahah, slay her, Michelle. 

 Lena loves to show off her body, and not just for acting purposes. I can't stand that bitch. (for a multitude of reasons) but I will say that is the best she has ever looked. I applaud Ru's makeup team. I also loved that Kameron didn't even notice her in UnTucked.  LOL

When Monet left the wind went outta my sails. And Now Miz Cracker is gone, and I don't agree with the decision at all. I didn't think Aquaria's look was cohesive at all, and I'm not sure why they were gagging over the looks. Her voice-over was ok, because she can act, and that is what it felt like...an act. Therefore, I think Aquaria should have been in the bottom this week. 

Another side-note:  I was a little put out about the critique about Kameron being a bit shy, and reserved. So what? She knows her strengths and weaknesses but it makes her a stronger queen. I don't particularly like when queens are too loud, or tell every detail about themselves. She won't win drag race, but I value her presence in the game, because it takes a swipe at the stereotype of what a drag queen should be. And as a gamer, I totally got her characters in the Evil Twin episode. It reminded me of Horizon Zero Dawn. 

Edited by Barbara Please
  • Love 15

I don't really get this whole "they need to be vulnerable" thing. I didn't know much about queens from past seasons I have come to love as entertainers, and I really don't know shit about Ru, yet I enjoy and respect her. Maybe it's my personality, but I tend to like those who are studied with a great character, like Willam or Bianca or Bob, and those who don't consciously realize what they're doing (at least at first), like Alyssa. And those like Aquaria, who I think is a secret genius playing the hell out of this game. I don't really need anything more from them. 

It is a weird season. I think it's one of the most even, talented top 4 groups, yet I'm not super passionate about anyone in the sense that...I'm not excited to see what happens next. I think I dislike Eureka so much it's a distraction. 

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

And as a gamer, I totally got her characters in the Evil Twin episode. It reminded me of Horizon Zero Dawn. 

I will say that this is one of my bigger gripes with Rupaul and the judges. They seem to have this real issue with appreciating queens who pull references that aren't stereotypically queer. Phi Phi and Dax are really into cosplay and geeky references. As is Nina Bonina. And frankly it would be nice to have a couple of challenges that focused on something a little geeky (comics, anime, scifi, gaming, or what have you) and have someone like Gail Simone judging. She's written many queer comic characters (trans, gay, lesbian, and poly). Or a prominent gaymer judging.

I feel like this stuff is super important because gaming, comics, and the movies they inspire make billions of dollars, but the queer characters and romances in their source materials never make it to the movies. These characters are straight-washed or their sexuality is ignored. In the comics, Loki, Valkyrie, and Korg are explicitly gender fluid, bisexual, and gay. In Thor: Ragnarok, nothing is mentioned about their sexuality. Ayo, who can be seen in Captain America: Civil War, Black Panther, and Avengers: Infinity War, is a lesbian in the comics; none of that is depicted in the films. I think both geek fans and mainstream audiences are ready for queer characters in their blockbusters. Geek fans have been clamoring for a big screen representation of Midnighter, sometimes shorthanded as "gay Batman." Midnighter has been married to a man, he's picked up guys on Scruff, recognized a disguised hero just from his ass, and calls his somewhat antagonistic friendship with Dick Grayson, Batman's first Robin sidekick, nemesisters. Comic conventions have had queer panels for years. Gender swapped cosplay is fairly common. And Captain America's second most popular ship in the Marvel films is with his best male friend. 

I think having a challenge focused on geekier interests might help introduce Drag Race fans to interests that might not been as averse to queer representation than might be readily apparent at first glance.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 13
3 hours ago, Mayberry said:

I was watching the episode again and Asia talking about not seeing a star in Miz Cracker was way harsh, Tai. Cracker has star quality, and it's different to Asia's. It doesn't have to be the same. 

You would think 10 years into this competition that we'd no longer see queens with limited imaginations pronounce that someone else doesn't have star quality. I don't like Lena Dunham, but how stupid and mean does Asia's statement about "star quality" seem when you have Lena Dunham judging. Lena who is isn't "pretty" or polished and not funny in typical ways.

Hell, even Hollywood isn't that dumb. It's not like they announced "We already have Bette Davis/Meryl Streep/Humphrey Bogart/Jimmy Stewart/Robert DeNiro no one else need apply." We have leading men, leading women, ingenues, action stars, character actors, comedians, and a whole host of other terms I'm sure I'm forgetting because even stereotyping Hollywood realizes that there is more than one way to grab an audience. As you said there many different types of star quality and many ways to be successful.

When you look at some of the most successful queens post show, queens who are reliably funny do a lot better than those who aren't. Yes, they have to present with an attractive front too, but being funny, witty, or quippy gets you so much farther than just pretty and polished. And at this point, Asia has yet to be reliably funny. I honestly don't even like Aquaria and I think she should have won the Breastworld challenge over Asia, but Aquaria's runway was so off theme that they couldn't give it to her.

That's not to say that Asia can't be successful, but I honestly think that she's vomiting her own insecurities out of her mouth. Asia's performance has been just as mixed as anyone else's and it seems like she'd rather be nasty and stank than admit that the judges could easily eliminate her over anyone else. Additionally, Asia has often been safe when Cracker has been in the top. So she's never seen how Cracker crackles and can riff with the judges. That's still no excuse. For someone who isn't really funny, can't sing, doesn't seem to dance, and can't really act, you'd think Asia would keep quiet about "star quality" lest someone turn to her and say "you can't do that shit either."

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

That's not to say that Asia can't be successful, but I honestly think that she's vomiting her own insecurities out of her mouth. Asia's performance has been just as mixed as anyone else's and it seems like she'd rather be nasty and stank than admit that the judges could easily eliminate her over anyone else. Additionally, Asia has often been safe when Cracker has been in the top. So she's never seen how Cracker crackles and can riff with the judges. That's still no excuse. For someone who isn't really funny, can't sing, doesn't seem to dance, and can't really act, you'd think Asia would keep quiet about "star quality" last someone turn to her and say "you can't do that shit either."

I tend to agree. I like Asia, but I don't see anything really unique about her. Cracker at least had a snarky humor and looks with a clear point of view. Asia seems to toe the line between pageant and costume-camp and I end up just feeling confused by her. Her looks are very literal, like "here's a clown. Now here is Tweety Bird." I like her talking heads and she is a talented designer/seamstress, but everything else is very hit or miss (or missing entirely).

  • Love 5

Was Asia being harsh as part of playing the mean twin? 

With respect to geek culture, where I was confused by their critique of Kameron was in saying it was too close to a costume. So...where does this show draw a line between drag and, say, cosplay? It'd be interesting to see a challenge as discussed above to help clarify for people like me who don't get what isn't drag on this show after people like Sharon Needles. 

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  • Love 9
1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

That's not to say that Asia can't be successful, but I honestly think that she's vomiting her own insecurities out of her mouth. Asia's performance has been just as mixed as anyone else's and it seems like she'd rather be nasty and stank than admit that the judges could easily eliminate her over anyone else. Additionally, Asia has often been safe when Cracker has been in the top. So she's never seen how Cracker crackles and can riff with the judges. That's still no excuse. For someone who isn't really funny, can't sing, doesn't seem to dance, and can't really act, you'd think Asia would keep quiet about "star quality" last someone turn to her and say "you can't do that shit either."

1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

I tend to agree. I like Asia, but I don't see anything really unique about her. Cracker at least had a snarky humor and looks with a clear point of view. Asia seems to toe the line between pageant and costume-camp and I end up just feeling confused by her. Her looks are very literal, like "here's a clown. Now here is Tweety Bird." I like her talking heads and she is a talented designer/seamstress, but everything else is very hit or miss (or missing entirely).

YES! You both said what I've been thinking and trying to put into words. Asia is gorgeous, but she is resting on that, and it's not enough. She stands/sits there, in and out of drag, with a cute/smirky little smile, a little snark, and...that's about it. I need more. Where's the swag? Anyone can stand there and look pretty. 

1 minute ago, phoenix780 said:

Was Asia being harsh as part of playing the mean twin? 

With respect to geek culture, where I was confused by their critique of Kameron was in saying it was too close to a costume. So...where does this show draw a line between drag and, say, cosplay? It'd be interesting to see a challenge as discussed above to help clarify for people like me who don't get what isn't drag on this show after people like Sharon Needles. 

The judges are all really just FOS! They're hypocritical all the time and should be called out for it more often! The judges get on many of these b!tches cases for not having big enough hair one day, then the next it's all out the window! I seem to remember in "AS2" where the top 2 for the 1st challenge barely had much with closed cropped hair; Tatiana and Roxxy ("All Star Talent Show Extravaganza")! ;-)

  • Love 1

I think Asia's ugly comment got into Miz Cracker's head - ironically, given the theme of the runway challenge - and sabotaged any chance she had of pulling off a strong lipsync. That's it for me and Asia O'Hara. And it strikes me that the comment might just as well be a projection of denied characteristics in herself - as I see no particular star quality in Asia. She can sew, I noted at the beginning, which is a plus - but I don't like her runway looks.

I really don't like to see queens going home feeling defeated, and that just seemed ultra sad and unnecessary and deeply unkind to do that to someone. I prefer retiring, shy, unconfident, easily self-doubting, etc to someone sitting back on a couch delivering 'home truths' like the second coming of Oprah and Dr Phil.

Glad Kameron pulled it out. Again. Stick it up 'em, girl.

Lena D who I find generally loathsome was so charming, and I adored her eye makeup. Living for the eye-makeup this season, and that is somewhere Aquaria truly excels. I wish they'd can the runway and just have slow lingering pans and closeups of the eyeshadow. Even Michelle I hate green Visage was wearing a beautiful green, too.

I miss Monet...

  • Love 2

My first reaction to seeing Cracker eliminated was WTF? I was shocked. Afterwards I understood. I love Kameron, but I was shocked by this elim. She had been in the bottom three times in a row. But Cracker's performance was off. And she and Kameron had both won one challenge. Kameron's was her solo performance in the Cher show and Cracker's seemed to be helped by her partner.

I felt they were in the bottom less for their ability to dress, and more because they just didn't go revealing enough with their insecurities. I thought Aquaria and Asia did a good job with the insecurities. Eureka's insecurities seemed to be more generic for her and not what she really thinks of herself. That's fine, but her performance wasn't my favorite. Then again I didn't really recognize either of her characters (Cher from Clueless and something John Waters.)

I got the video game thing even if I don't game. It was good.

Edited by Temperance

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