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Season 3 Discussion

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41 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Apparently during his nightly writhing with Annie, his penquinesque lower half sweats profusely and the sounds produced by his ass cheeks slapping together are reminiscent of a sonic boom. Annie herself admits to being quite vocal during sexy time.

Oh, Lordy, I haven't laughed so hard in weeks! Thank you thank you! (and ew, gross)!

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

On the re-watch, I took it to mean that it was Molly's weekend to have Kensley but since she was going out of town, she asked Bio Dad to switch weekends with her so HE could take Kensley. He obviously said no, so Molly had few options.

I thought it was the reverse. She asked her ex to switch weekends JUST so Luis would have to babysit. She wanted him to have to step up and since Olivia is out of the house she wasn’t available and Molly wants Luis do his step daddy duties. She knows he won’t  so she called her mother to step in and watch her. So Luis is off the hook. 

  • Love 3

It is interesting to see how different people view America once they get here and realize their personal situation isn’t going to be what they expected or were led to believe. Annie’s resentment over David failing to provide the promised lifestyle has led to her      dissatisfaction  with America in general. Anfisa was also led down the garden path but instead of being resentful towards America for Jorge’s failure she is using  the opportunities America offers to try and better her life (even if it’s only the chance to find a man who actually has money). 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 9
15 hours ago, MsSilverSpecs said:

I'm RH negative, my husband is positive. I had no issues carrying to term (3 kids). At 28 weeks, you get a RHogam shot and at birth if the baby is born Rh positive, you get another. It's not end of the world devestating like it would be before that shot was available.

Either way, miscarriage is awful and I feel for Pao on this one.

Unless research has changed, this isn't even an issue with a first pregnancy.  It's the subsequent pregnancies that require rhogam shots.

  • Love 1

I know for a fact that it is extremely difficult to prove your child is unfit to raise his/her own child(ren).  My child is estranged from his entire family, and we can't even get visitation, despite criminal activity and far too many other issues to list here.  Nicole doesn't seem like a very good mother to me...oh, who am I kidding, she seems like a crappy mother...but nothing she is doing is reason enough for authorities to remove Mae from her care.

From what I understand, the doctors didn't want to remove the bullet from Jacob's face until the swelling went down.  I know that plenty of people are walking around with bullets or shrapnel in them, so it's not going to kill him for them to wait a bit, and I know there are lots of nerve endings there that could be nicked or damaged during surgery, causing facial paralysis and other problems...and that's with surgery done under optimal conditions!  Poor Jacob, though...he looks so miserable!!

I think Annie is mostly annoying and has a pretty inflated opinion of herself (and she is one hard-looking 25 year old...I'd have guessed 35!), but I thought she was very reassuring to David and her prayer bracelet for Jacob was sweet.

  • Love 11

I had so much glee watching this show and reading everyone's comments!  It just gets better and better!

Pao-in order to distract people from why you haven't contacted them for 4 years, I would probably go back further than 2 days before getting to Columbia.  She is representing those who are never responsible for their own actions; she kept giving them excuses until she found one that would "stick."  I bet after she and Russ return to Miami it will be a loooooong time before she contacts her family again.

I have never supported the idea of Robbelee getting custody of Mae as she raised Nicole and I just don't see her as an appropriate guardian.  However, just seeing the grandfather for a 2 second clip in the previews, I'm thinking he might be the one...  Nicole just really never listens to anything she doesn't want to hear.  I so hope she goes to Morocco as I think it will be comedy gold!  I am ready for it.

Molly just annoys me.  No, Luis is not automatically Kensley's "father" and if someone really doesn't want to take care of a child, NEVER leave that child with that person.  I don't know how Luis could make it clearer to Molly that he has no interest in, and no intention of, ever being a father.  Respect that message that he has been consistently giving you for two seasons.  Another one who never accepts "no."

David so intentionally blew that interview.  He so doesn't want to work; or, if he does want to work, it would only be in a job that meets his high expectations of himself.  He is so waiting for Annie to be able to work.  I think there may also be a part of him that thinks that Chris will eventually give in and start supporting him again.  I can hear David's plea now "I looked so hard for a job (that was worthy of me...)."  I think that Annie may be reconsidering her belief that she would do anything to get out of her life in Thailand...

Family Chantel is so passive-aggressive.  "No, we won't eat or say grace until Pedro gets to breakfast" even though Chantel told them that he was still sleeping and wasn't coming to breakfast.  And mother Chantel-please don't try to speak to Pedro in your broken Spanish/English.  Comedy gold when Pedro got drunk basically saying "I will leave and go to the Dominican Republic without Chantel..."  Unlike others, I believe that is the truth and he accidentally let it slip out because he was getting drunk and was frustrated.  He immediately tried to backtrack, but I totally believe that is and has been his plan.  Send enough money home so that when he goes back he can start a business.  Good thing family Chantel had Pedro sign a pre-nup so that it was clear that what was his was his and what was Chantel's was Chantel's.  It totally created a mindset that what he earned was his-kind of back fired on family Chantel.

As far as Anfisa and Jorge go, I think that Anfisa does not necessarily want another 'sugar daddy.'  She thought she had one with Jorge and then discovered that Jorge lied, took things back, and tried to keep her isolated.  Not only that, but she had to suffer the insults that Jorge's sister threw at her.  I totally think that Anfisa decided to get an education and to make money to be reliant on herself.  

  • Love 7
13 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Unless research has changed, this isn't even an issue with a first pregnancy.  It's the subsequent pregnancies that require rhogam shots.

If indeed she was pregnant perhaps it wasn’t her first pregnancy? 

After all she was the hot spicy Latina on the back of a motorcycle in her beloved town. 

And if she had suffered a miscarriage just before this trip home.... she certainly didn’t look devastated over her possible inability to have ever a child, not when she was strutting down the street like some Hollywood star returning to her roots, or riding on a crotch rocket with her ass stuck up in the air. 

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, iwasish said:

It is interesting to see how different people view America once they get here and realize their personal situation isn’t going to be what they expected or were led to believe. Annie’s resentment over David failing to provide the promised lifestyle has led to her      dissatisfaction  with America in general. Anfisa was also led down the garden path but instead of being resentful towards America for Jorge’s failure she is using  the opportunities America offers to try and better her life (even if it’s only the chance to find a man who actually has money). 

Going on appearances alone, Annie might want to lower her expectations.  She might well be a lovely person, but she is not exactly arm candy.  I also realize there is only so much hustle she can put forth without her green card, but she can cook, read, take some online courses (there are free or cheap ones out there on a variety of things), go out walking around the city and try to make some friends...

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

I'm checking out of the Family Chantal storyline.  They just aren't interesting. I feel like they just have the same conversations again and again, just at different tables around Georgia.  And is it a thing to refer to the DR, out loud, as "The DR"? Because I can see typing it, sure, we all abbreviate things in type. But when they say "the DR" as casually as a tweener says "BRB" I just start throwing dog toys at the screen. 


I live in an area with a sizable Dominican population, and everyone says "the DR". Just a data point. I loathe family Chantel, for many reasons, but saying 
"the DR" isn't one! What kills me is that they say "The Dominican"! WTF?? Where did they get that? 

6 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

All this distrust of Family Chantal for Pedro is straight up mostly (not all) Chantal's fault. She set the stage for this with her lies at the beginning of the relationship when she lied about the depth of her relationship with Pedro. Claiming he was just a boyfriend and coming to the US to study. Meanwhile, she brought him here on a fiance visa and didn't tell her parents until a few days before the wedding. Family Chantal never really seemed to hold Chantal accountable for her lies. 

Pedro isn't helping matters by referring to the money he earns as 'his' and sending money and expensive items indiscriminately to his family in the DR. Then, he goes on a drunk and says he is moving back to DR. Way to pay into their hands. 

Family Chantal though, has used this mistrust that Chantal built, and getting entirely out of pocket. They can't sit their and interrogate Pedro, treat him disrespectfully, be xenophobic and then wonder why Pedro doesn't want to be around them. DUH!

Pedro's mom and sister are greedy jackals. 

Just a perfect storm of stupid! 

I believe Pao about the miscarriage. If she is lying than her talents lay not with modelling as her 'cah-reer' but acting. What I don't believe is that is one of the reasons for not being in contact with her family for 4 years. She herself said, the miscarriage only happened a few weeks before their trip to Colombia, so how can that be why you haven't spoken to your family, the other 3 years and 9 months? 

 As for the rest of the reason?

- Because she was in OK and miserable. Yeah, but you have been living your best life in Miami for nearly 2 years though boo.  Running around with your girlfriends, paying for expensive dye jobs and hair extensions, buying cars, fashion nova clothes, bags and red bottom shoes, signing with scammer modeling/prostitution agencies and appearing in ass shaking videos. You weren't miserable then.  

- Even when she was in OK and miserable we saw her ass talking to them back in their 2nd season. She made it known to them that she hated OK and that Russ was being a little bitch for having a problem with her modeling in lingerie.  I remember because Russ was angry and rightly so, at Pao for talking shit about him to them and encouraging them to do it. Mark my words, they thought Russ was behind her not talking to them because Pao gave the impression he was controlling because he doesn't want her tits and minge hanging out for all to see. 


Pao's family says that she was the heart and life of the family that kept them together and that she changed post Russ. I expect Pao is as she has always been. A loud, out-going selfish party girl. Out of sight, out of mind for Pao. 

Yes to all this. Chantel told the original lie, that Pedro was here on a student visa. I almost fell off the couch when Mama Chantel threw "you said you were here on a student visa" at Pedro, with all the disdain her self righteous ass could muster.

Pao and her whole family are full of shit. "We're sooooo close!" she bleats. Oh yeah? Then why, when you were wallowing in your misery in Oklahoma, didn't any one of your super close and warm and supportive family members pick up the phone and call you when you were MIA? Wasn't anyone worried? Concerned? Nah! "Hey, has Pao called lately??"  "Hmmm, let me see...no, she hasn't called in a year!" "oh, OK". WTF??

And if she's the heart and soul of the family? Right.  

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Psst Nicole, a k3 is not a slam dunk. I know someone who was denied a k3 after she went to his country, married him and brought him to the states. He had a criminal history that he never told his wife about. A K3 is no guarantee. 

If that was her grandfather who told her  she was foolish/stupid going to Morocco and he’s the same one who is letting her live rent free, I hope her tells her that that freebie is over if she goes to Morocco and returns with Hassan. 

1 hour ago, LGGirl said:

It’s not that I don’t agree with you BUT Nichole has not done anything egregious enough to warrant May being taken out of her care.  For all we know her parents may have already consulted a lawyer on this already and were told the same thing. If anything, the lawyer told them to do whatever it takes to keep Nichole around in order to keep an eye on May.  It’s clear that Nichole uses her daughter as a bargaining chip.  It’s how she extorted him into becoming Azan’s sponsor in the first place.  

I agree with the previous post that they should give a financial reason to keep May with them and have Nichole go off to Morocco alone.  If it were me, I’d tell her I’d fund this venture and living expenses while in Morocco if she let May stay behind. 

I doubt there really isn’t enough money for Nichole to let May behind.  It’s In her best interest to keep May close.  

You’re exactly right.  Most people have no idea how low the bar is for parenting, and how high it is for DHS (or whatever social services is called in your area) to step in and take your child.  Physical & sexual abuse is pretty much it.  And if you manage to get your child taken away while you’re being investigated, they do everything in their power and give you multiple chances to get your child back.  You’re allowed to be a sorry, selfish, self-centered POS who gives your child the bare minimum in everything in life and you’re in no jeopardy if having that child taken away.  Robbalee and the fam probably know this, may have even looked into it.  

I know this is tough talking on my part, but if my son ever tries to hold my (future, he’s only 11) grandchild/ren over my head to get their way over some bullshit, I hope I have the nerve to call his bluff and show him that I won’t be controlled that way.  Probably doing it very early on would be enough to get the point across and no other attempts would be made. But he’s not a fat impulsive baby as of yet, so maybe that’s nothing I’ll ever have to reconsider my stand on.

  • Love 10

Olivia speaks the truth, but unfortunately for her, Molly is surrounded by a chorus of yes-men -- everyone from her well-tipped hairdressers to her lackey of a business partner. Take a chance on love, they say.

Pao is most likely a narcissist because she cares only about Pao. That's been pretty well apparent from Season 1. Maybe Russ has a type because his religious mother was pretty awful to Pao before she even gave her reason, joking about how they "hoped Russ didn't come back with a Columbian." NOT funny! Now they don't speak to Pao, and even though she's given them plenty of reason, it's not a healthy way to deal with the situation. She seems old enough and Mormon enough to know better.

Seems as though a family wealthy enough to afford a vacation cabin like Family Chantel's wouldn't be doing their own packing and moving. Not in my experience, anyway. What on earth does Father Chantel do for a living? Perhaps he inherited his wealth from a family business, and his other brothers, Chantel's uncles, try to keep him occupied with menial tasks so that he doesn't do any harm. Kind of like Gob in Arrested Development.

13 minutes ago, iwasish said:

If that was her grandfather who told her  she was foolish/stupid going to Morocco and he’s the same one who is letting her live rent free, I hope her tells her that that freebie is over if she goes to Morocco and returns with Hassan. 

I'm thinking that perhaps they need to play hardball with her and fast! Heaven forbid she has a child with Azan. A judge would declare him the more fit parent. And, what if he decides to take the child back to Morocco so that he could get the assistance of his mother and aunts? Great for the kid, but hell for Nicole and her family. Most likely there wouldn't be a darn thing she could do about it, either. 

  • Love 3

I don't understand Pao, is she full of shit or is she telling the truth, we will never know but the RH factor is a real thing. A long, long time ago when my mother was pregnant with my brother she learned that that she had an RH issue, she was O Negative and my father is B Positive, she was part of a study and got Rogam shots thru out her pregnancies, (my sister and myself), as each baby was born the possibility of the baby needing a transfusion grew more and more.  I was the the last and the closest to needing a transfusion but did not have to.  I have to figure the doctors are wise to this issue these days and Pao's doctor would treat her accordingly should she get pregnant again.   

Pao not calling her family in a year is sad, they should watch last season and watch all the fun she was having in Miami while not worrying about calling home and they may shift their blame squarely to Pao and leave Russ alone. 

3 hours ago, iwasish said:

Wouldn’t be surprised to see Nicole go to Morocco, get strung along by Hassan til money runs out and he dumps her. Just hope she does not get knocked up.


I also think the email was bogus. Most government official letters arent addressed. “Dear Nicole”. That would also explain the use of the word “refused” vs the normally used  “denied”. I wonder what signature was used and I would also expect that even if they did send an email, it would have been followed up by a letter. 

Bolding mine.

My plan was just to lurk and enjoy all the wonderful snarking on this thread, but as a paralegal who has worked for an immigration attorney (EB-5, not K-1) , I just felt the need to speak out on this.

No government agency, ESPECIALLY the USCIS (which is  is a component of the United States Department of Homeland Security) would EVER send ANY kind of correspondence via email.  It doesn't happen.  And you cannot email them.  They love paper.  As in even when submitting documents, it's all paper.  Not even on a thumb drive or CD or DVD.  I have literally spent weekends in the office printing 2,000+ pages for one application on foreigners who were spending at least $500,000+ on  green card investing in US projects.  Even people trying to come here on a O-1 Visa (which is for Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement) cannot send a DVD showing their dance skill, for example (true story).  USCIS demands a written description of said dance by that individual.  WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF A DANCE.  The ONLY electronic updates you can get on your file are through their website and they take a good 3-6 months to update that (my personal observation...)  Everything is sent by USPS.  Even getting a fax from these people requires begging and offering your first, second and third child plus spending one wild weekend with you every month.  And sometimes that doesn't work.

I say all this to say... I am convinced Hassan/Azan wrote that email.  Seriously.  

  • Useful 1
  • Love 23
45 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Psst Nicole, a k3 is not a slam dunk. I know someone who was denied a k3 after she went to his country, married him and brought him to the states. He had a criminal history that he never told his wife about. A K3 is no guarantee. 

Jeez Louise! So she was stuck with a criminal who wasn't allowed to work? That guy is a genius!

very funny recap


  • Love 1
23 hours ago, NinaH said:

Whyyyyyyyy is she forcing him to babysit or play stepfather when he makes it plain he doesn’t want to?  I’d worry about the safety & well being of my child to force him on someone who wanted nothing to do with him. Which I would never do, bc I actually do put him ahead of my own and don’t just claim to. 

With what all she’s spent on importing him and keeping him here, she could’ve hired a real nanny. And just got laid in her spare time without all these complications. 

I have a child Kensley's age and couldn't imagine leaving him with someone who openly disliked him and clearly didn't want to be responsible for him for 3 days.  Molly is a horrible mother for even considering that.  Thank god she came to her senses and called her mom.  First smart thing she's done since she's been on this show.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, iwasish said:
1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

Unless research has changed, this isn't even an issue with a first pregnancy.  It's the subsequent pregnancies that require rhogam shots.

If indeed she was pregnant perhaps it wasn’t her first pregnancy? 

From what I've read, RH neg women also need the RhoGam injection within 72 hours after a miscarriage (or following the birth of your first and subsequent children) My children are in their 30s and I'm O Neg (husband is something positive) so I had to have the shot after the first one was born, then twice at prescribed intervals with my second pregnancy and would have had another one after delivery if I hadn't had my tubes tied during my Cesarean.  

edited to add this little factoid I just found online: Less than 10% of South Americans have RH negative blood types so maybe our Espicy Latina has some other blood disorder that could affect a pregnancy

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 3

Can we talk about David's interview? Yes, I realize it was for the cameras, but my goodness, he couldn't have done more wrong if he tried. First, the wrinkled kakhis, TURTLE NECK, and I'll fitting jacket. A far cry from dressed for success . Next, the guy asked what his goals were and he said to keep his 25 year old wife happy. Lololol. I think he's supremely proud that he has a 25 year old wife, and enjoys telling anyone who will listen all about it, but a job interview isn't the time. How about your career goals David? Anyway I didn't the lawyer was too impressed by his young wife. I caught a serious gay vibe from him. Yes,you can finesse your way through a career break, but you need to stress that you left govt to do public service by teaching English. He is so into his own narrative he has no idea how it comes across. And for God's sake, don't start off listing your health history and problems. Saying that you had a stroke wins you nothing with a potential employer and will probably hurt you. Ugh,could he have done any worse? 

Nicole's dad is worried about muslims. Oy.

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 12
41 minutes ago, LadyBugKAnn said:

Bolding mine.

My plan was just to lurk and enjoy all the wonderful snarking on this thread, but as a paralegal who has worked for an immigration attorney (EB-5, not K-1) , I just felt the need to speak out on this.

No government agency, ESPECIALLY the USCIS (which is  is a component of the United States Department of Homeland Security) would EVER send ANY kind of correspondence via email.  It doesn't happen.  And you cannot email them.  They love paper.  As in even when submitting documents, it's all paper.  Not even on a thumb drive or CD or DVD.  I have literally spent weekends in the office printing 2,000+ pages for one application on foreigners who were spending at least $500,000+ on  green card investing in US projects.  Even people trying to come here on a O-1 Visa (which is for Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement) cannot send a DVD showing their dance skill, for example (true story).  USCIS demands a written description of said dance by that individual.  WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF A DANCE.  The ONLY electronic updates you can get on your file are through their website and they take a good 3-6 months to update that (my personal observation...)  Everything is sent by USPS.  Even getting a fax from these people requires begging and offering your first, second and third child plus spending one wild weekend with you every month.  And sometimes that doesn't work.

I say all this to say... I am convinced Hassan/Azan wrote that email.  Seriously.  

Thanks for all your insight and knowledge. 


I also wonder if the attorney was a plant by the producers to feed the K-3 info to Nicole to insure more drama this season. 

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, LadyBugKAnn said:

Bolding mine.

My plan was just to lurk and enjoy all the wonderful snarking on this thread, but as a paralegal who has worked for an immigration attorney (EB-5, not K-1) , I just felt the need to speak out on this.

No government agency, ESPECIALLY the USCIS (which is  is a component of the United States Department of Homeland Security) would EVER send ANY kind of correspondence via email.  It doesn't happen.  And you cannot email them.  They love paper.  As in even when submitting documents, it's all paper.  Not even on a thumb drive or CD or DVD.  I have literally spent weekends in the office printing 2,000+ pages for one application on foreigners who were spending at least $500,000+ on  green card investing in US projects.  Even people trying to come here on a O-1 Visa (which is for Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement) cannot send a DVD showing their dance skill, for example (true story).  USCIS demands a written description of said dance by that individual.  WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF A DANCE.  The ONLY electronic updates you can get on your file are through their website and they take a good 3-6 months to update that (my personal observation...)  Everything is sent by USPS.  Even getting a fax from these people requires begging and offering your first, second and third child plus spending one wild weekend with you every month.  And sometimes that doesn't work.

I say all this to say... I am convinced Hassan/Azan wrote that email.  Seriously.  

Agree 100%. Govt agencies do not email official documents to people. I think Azan put that email together using language he is familiar with either through his or his friends online endeavors. He is trying to figure out a way to string Nicole along for money, but not have to actually come over. When she suggested that they pursue a k3, he was like waahhh, not so fast Nicole. I'm  sure there have been and are currently several Nicoles in azans life, but he probably hasn't encountered Nicole the bulldozer. 

  • Love 8
13 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

David appears to be in poor health.  Obviously, that is not a priority with him.  Would his wife be entitled to Veteran's benefits in case of his death? I doubt he could get life insurance at this point. I didn't understand why a 4 year stay abroad prevents him from obtaining employment.  I think that prospective employer was just BSing.  

Well I sure as hell wouldn't hire someone for a job after they tell me they're there not because they're at all interested in my company or the job itself, but rather because they need to take care of their 25 year old wife they bought in Asia and they're broke.

  • Love 8
32 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Can we talk about David's interview? Yes, I realize it was for the cameras, but my goodness, he couldn't have done more wrong if he tried. First, the wrinkled kakhis, TURTLE NECK, and I'll fitting jacket. A far cry from dressed for success . Next, the guy asked what his goals were and he said to keep his 25 year old wife happy. Lololol. I think he's supremely proud that he has a 25 year old wife, and enjoys telling anyone who will listen all about it, but a job interview isn't the time. How about your career goals David? Anyway I didn't the lawyer was too impressed by his young wife. I caught a serious gay vibe from him. Yes,you can finesse your way through a career break, but you need to stress that you left govt to do public service by teaching English. He is so into his own narrative he has no idea how it comes across. And for God's sake, don't start off listing your health history and problems. Saying that you had a stroke wins you nothing with a potential employer and will probably hurt you. Ugh,could he have done any worse? 

Nicole's dad is worried about muslims. Oy.

At his age, he should know you play up your strengths, downplay (or at least don’t emphasize) your weaknesses. And that goes double for someone who supposedly has a background in HR. 

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I wonder if Chantel's Spanish is as bad as Pedro's English.  Honestly, he's been in the States for how long now, and every word he says "in English" still has to be close-captioned?  Same with Annie.  If you're looking to stay here and get a decent job, you should at least be able to communicate in the language of the country where you live.

We were laughing out loud at David's job interview.  It was almost like a youtube video on how NOT to present yourself at an interview.  And, wow - his butt is about to be able to apply for its own zip code.

Annie seems to speak fluent English.  She can't help her accent.  I'm sure any of us would have pretty thick accents if we were to speak Thai, too.  

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Seems as though a family wealthy enough to afford a vacation cabin like Family Chantel's wouldn't be doing their own packing and moving. Not in my experience, anyway. What on earth does Father Chantel do for a living? Perhaps he inherited his wealth from a family business, and his other brothers, Chantel's uncles, try to keep him occupied with menial tasks so that he doesn't do any harm. Kind of like Gob in Arrested Development.

On their first season, it was said that Father Chantal coaches high school basketball and Mother Chantal coaches cheerleading.

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

On their first season, it was said that Father Chantal coaches high school basketball and Mother Chantal coaches cheerleading.

I don't think that family Chantal understands that Pedro isn't interested in harvesting Channel's money, cuz,she has none. Pedro is interested in the green card that marriage to Chantal provides. That way he can get a job, make american money and buy american goods and send them home to the DR, maybe to sell. Family Chantal needs to stop acting like Pedro is attempting to abscond with the family jewels. 

  • Love 8

Annie actually softened this week, at least momentarily for Jacob's sake.  She doesn't like burgers & fries - has this woman not yet been introduced to a supermarket?  If she can lure David away from the snack cake isle & shop the peripheral she'll see all kinds of real foods - buy some & cook for crap's sake.  Actually I'm sure she has, as she promised Jacob she'd cook him his 'favorite' when he's back from TX (hopefully for her sake it's not burgers).

Surprising David will dine with the daughter again next week, given his shower last time. Maybe she'll go for something carbonated for an extra kick this time.

Not sure what to make of 'will do anything for a story line Pao', & still mostly FF'ing there.

I suspect Molly's mother was the plan for Kensley all along; but I may be giving her too much credit.

Am I the only one who doesn't think Anfisa is 'always completely honest'?  Did she not have a webcam thing going on porn hub that was well known but has yet to be 'honest' about? Anyway, she's on TV, which she's thoroughly enjoying, so it hasn't been a total loss for her with Jorge.

Chantel & Pedro, same old, just with longer lashes. I was distracted about the eggs & bacon getting cold - forget Pedro & the cameras; just eat breakfast already.

Edited by gonecrackers
too many she's
  • Love 5

I FF so fast thru Pao & whats his names scenes so fast that it looks like he’s abducting an emotional circus clown. It’s a carnival like blur. They are awful. 

Nicole just ugggggggggHHHHH

There was a blissful plethora of name dropping “family Chantel” this week. I loved it each and every time, there was even a Father Chantel! 

Louisville is horse country. The penguins wife could get an under the table job like nannying or housekeeping with free housing on a LOT of farms ! That lawyer in the cut suit was kind of questionable...... 

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I don't think that family Chantal understands that Pedro isn't interested in harvesting Channel's money, cuz,she has none. Pedro is interested in the green card that marriage to Chantal provides. That way he can get a job, make american money and buy american goods and send them home to the DR, maybe to sell. Family Chantal needs to stop acting like Pedro is attempting to abscond with the family jewels. 

There is a ton of money to be made in cheering camps and train ing. Tons.  Dopey parents act like their kids will end up at the Olympics.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, OrchidThief said:

Can you elaborate? I see he was a Columbia prof but not sure how this fits in.

His major work is a book called Orientalism. The Wiki writeup has a good summary: 


The thesis of Orientalism concluded that the West's knowledge of the Orient depicts the cultures of the Eastern world as an irrational, weak, and feminized non–European Other, which is the opposite of the West's representations of Western cultures as a rational, strong, and masculine polity. That such an artificial binary-relation originates from the European psychological need to create a "difference" of inequality, between the West and the East, which inequality originates from the immutable cultural essences innate to the peoples of the Oriental world...

In the academy, Orientalism became a foundational text of the field of Post-colonial studies, for what the British intellectual Terry Eagleton said is the book's "central truth ... that demeaning images of the East, and imperialist incursions into its terrain, have historically gone hand in hand."

Basically, that the Western (American/European) understanding of Asian or Middle Eastern cultures was mediated through Western interpretation rather than direct representation, and with an inherent assumption that Westerners knew better, made better choices, were guided by more rational reasoning, etc., and basically those from the "Orient" were kind of naive and helpless, but so cute and exotic. 

  • Love 2

I doubt Azan can get tourists visa to check America before he moves here. First he is from country where it's not easy to obtain US tourist visa and then he is unemployed, has no business or any property that would prove it would be in his best interest to return back to Morocco. There is many countries that people have problems to get tourists visa, even my sister who applied to visit me with her kids and husband didn't get them even though they own their flat and I send them a notarized letter for the U.S. Embassy that I'm inviting them and they will have a place to stay with us (me and my husband but then still boyfriend). At that point I had Green card for about 8 years. And applications are really expensive and you don't get the money back when they decide not to give you visa. Took them another 10 years to be able to visit USA.

I think that it would be actually good for Nicole and Mae to live in Morocco for a year. Mae would learn new language very quickly and easily at this age she is now and her diet would greatly improve. Plus Azan's family actually pays attention to her and she wouldn't have to be on her iPad to be entertained. Azan likes to stay in shape so he would take her hiking and doing fun stuff just to avoid Nicole. And Nicole would have to grow up as she wouldn't have her family to run to with every little problem. She would probably have to get a job or at least try to if Azan can't. Maybe it would be easier for her as she speaks English and could possibly even teach other people. Also her diet would have to improve as I doubt you can easily find microwaveable food and junk food there in grocery stores and eating in restaurants would not work for financial reasons. So she would have to learn to cook using fresh ingredients. Also working and living real life in different country could change her perspective on a lot of things and it would definitely have positive influence for her and Mae's future. 

  • Love 4

Oy vey! I really hate that people insinuate Luis is a pedophile. Pedophiles are the lowest of the low. The scourge of the earth. It seems to me Luis does not try to groom his "prey," if this were the case.  He might be a little more excited about hanging out with Kinsey alone if he were a pedo.   I don't know where it has been shown that Luis is attracted to kids. There may be something about Luis people may not like--he may be a jerk, or hate helping Molly around the house, but that doesn't mean he's a pedophile, speaking as someone who has been molested as a child. I tend to be hyper vigilant about these types of things, especially in my job as a teacher, and as a mom. I just hate the thought of someone being labeled as such an ugly, ugly thing. 

I'm also of the opinion that it seems Pao's miscarriage seems a little suspect. That's an awful thing to lie about. I really hope she's not lying. I've never miscarried, so I don't know how one's body responds afterward. I'm sure it could be different for everyone. I just have a hard time imagining having a miscarriage and then riding a motorcycle, carefree, and fists pumping to the heavens. But what do I know?

Edited by zenme
  • Love 20
3 minutes ago, zenme said:

Oy vey! I really hate that people insinuate Luis is a pedophile. Pedophiles are the lowest of the low. The scourge of the earth. It seems to me Luis does not try to groom his "prey," if this were the case.  He might be a little more excited about hanging out with Kinsey alone if he were a pedo.   I don't know where it has been shown that Luis is attracted to kids. There may be something about Luis people may not like--he may be a jerk, or hate helping Molly around the house, but that doesn't mean he's a pedophile, speaking as someone who has been molested as a child. I tend to be hyper vigilant about these types of things, especially in my job as a teacher, and as a mom. I just hate the thought of someone being labeled as such an ugly, ugly thing. 

I'm also of the opinion that it seems Pao's miscarriage seems a little suspect. That's an awful thing to lie about. I really hope she's not lying. I've never miscarried, so I don't know how one's body responds afterward. I'm sure it could be different for everyone. I just have a hard time imagining having a miscarriage and then riding a motorcycle, carefree, and fists pumping to the heavens. But what do I know?

But being in her home Country is only place she feels like the spicey Latina she is! There and Miami where she is able to work on her carrreeer of sexy Latina in skimpy lingerie.

WEEE!!!  look at sexy spicey Latina Pao in her tight dresses and jeans!!! Oooh there’s sexy Pao with her big ass sticking out on the back of a scooter!! 

Nope, not falling for the miscarriage story. She might have pulled it off, but overplayed it with the blood disorder and having babies with “weak limbs”.

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Dear Mr. Hassan Azan:

Your visa has been rejected a little bit.  We think you should not appeal because it's only 55 or 56% chance of appeal.  We suggest instead you go to the gym and not be lazy.


United States

Haha! This is good! I agree that if Azan were smart, he'd put in something like, "...and we can only give you this visa if Nicole were to lose at least 100lbs."

  • LOL 1
  • Love 7
22 hours ago, Meowwww said:

So. Wait now.  Penguin’s Son still has the bullet in his face?  Did David or Annie say they needed to be able to afford the surgery to remove it???

Exactly what I thought!  He's going to his Mom's in Texas because she has insurance?!?!  Was that poor kid discharged from the hospital with a bullet in his cheek because there was no money to remove it?  Yikes.  And.....sketchy friend or what? "playing" with a gun and pointing it at Sonny's head?  Did friend get arrested for that I wonder?  Was something more nefarious going on?

And Family Chantal is THE WORST.  Mother Chantal just pushes, and pushes, and pushes.  I predict she will be the victim in an upcoming 20/20 episode.  the mystery will be, who killed her?  Maybe me!!!

Did anyone notice that gigantic cross on the hotel room door next to Nicole's unit?

  • Love 5

Yes, I saw the cross and recall reading that the housing is for single mothers sponsored by a church. Then we saw Nicole in a kitchen for the very first time which made me wonder if the door with the cross led to some kind of shared kitchen facility that was not accessible from her hovel.  

Edited because another thought just popped into my head. If Nicole is living in a unit geared towards single mothers, shouldn’t there be lots of other young women to interact with and even more importantly, lots of children for May to play with? 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 5
38 minutes ago, Horrified said:

Exactly what I thought!  He's going to his Mom's in Texas because she has insurance?!?!  Was that poor kid discharged from the hospital with a bullet in his cheek because there was no money to remove it?  Yikes.  And.....sketchy friend or what? "playing" with a gun and pointing it at Sonny's head?  Did friend get arrested for that I wonder?  Was something more nefarious going on?

And Family Chantal is THE WORST.  Mother Chantal just pushes, and pushes, and pushes.  I predict she will be the victim in an upcoming 20/20 episode.  the mystery will be, who killed her?  Maybe me!!!

Did anyone notice that gigantic cross on the hotel room door next to Nicole's unit?

Supposedly they can’t remove the bullet till the swelling subsides. 

I saw an episode of Wahlburgers and they took the mother to a Dim Sum Chinese restaurant. One of the offerings was chicken feet (perhaps bar b qued or fried). She tried them and seemed to enjoy. My Italian grandmother, way back when my mom and dad first got married, would make her chicken soup with the feet still on the legs..my mom loved the soup til she opened the pot to get more and saw the feet. My grandma was kind enough to reassure  her that she would no longer use the feet if she knew my mom was going to be eating the soup. Whether she actually left them out or just discarded them if my mom would be partaking,I don’t know. There are old family photos of dinners prior to my folks getting married and it appears that grandpa at least would eat the skin and whatever meat (?) there is on a chicken foot. 

I guess my point is in some places the feet are consumed and thought of as either a delicacy or treat of some kind. Not sure really what the intention of Pedros family was.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 3

Info on Jacob's condition

The above was from February.  Poor kid was and is still in bad shape!  Apparently he was given only a 5% chance of survival when he was first brought in.  Also, isn't his mother a critical care nurse or something?  Because she'd be a lot better choice to care for him than David and Annie.

April update on Jacob

Poor Jacob!

Edited by Marmiarmo
My iPad hates me.

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