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S10.E09: Breastworld

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The queens are assigned parts and must act in the new hit series, "Breastworld"; "Broad City" stars Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson guest judge; Randy Rainbow and Stephen Colbert are special guests.


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I didn't get old lady from Cracker anymore than I did from Aquaria. 

Monet should have won. 

I respect Ru and her decision. I had no idea how to judge that LFYL.

Aquaria seemed to be doing boy chest. Again.

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First time this season I disagree both with the winner and one of the bottom 2 queens.. I dont think Asia was that funny, she sorta broke character at a moment and other than that she was more herself, just like Cracker.. I think she was better than Cracker sure, but winning? But from the moment Ru went to her station, It was clear she was pushing for a Asia comeback/victory.  IMO, Aquarias was the funniest and I dont have such a problem with her look... Like Ru said, shes the youngest, in 50 years from now, she can look like that.. She could have aged just a bit, but Cracker also didnt aged her face as much...

And on the bottom, for me Cracker was the most obvious pick... I understand her character was the one with the most lines, so she had more to screw up, but she just played herself and not as funny as her natural self.. Bottom 2 for me this week would be her and Eureka (she was lazy this week, both on challenge and on runway). Kameron struggled at the challenge but she pulled out the most impressive transformation at the runway (thats what I was expecting the most with this runway) and she brought the acting and fun she missed at the challenge. That should have saved her. 

It seems the queens agree with me because they really thought Kameron would be safe and they seemed kinda surprised with Asia winning.

But since it was a non-elimination, no one was robbed... I think Ru had this on his cards, thats why he threw Cracker a life jacket this week because I´m note sure she would be able to survive that lip sync.

PS: As far Monet, as always, really good at the challenge but a big disappointment at the runway. It wasnt neither funny enough (the execution was lazy... She should at least had hold those breasts and than let it fall at some point, her runway this week pretty much let everything hanging) and neither glamourous. 

PS2: From all the latests seasons, I´m glad we gonna have a extra week on this one.. (unless there is a double elimination, but I doubt it).

Edited by CaioF
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18 hours ago, Temperance said:

I didn't get old lady from Cracker anymore than I did from Aquaria. 

Monet should have won. 

I respect Ru and her decision. I had no idea how to judge that LFYL.

Aquaria seemed to be doing boy chest. Again.

Just depends on where you live! Cracker had a certain look of NYC; Joan Rivers' crowd (old Jewish $$)! Aquaria's look reminds me of what Cher would look like if she didn't dye her hair or slowed down with fillers/surgery! The lip sync was worth the cost of admissions while the rest of the show sucked; sorry! This was a big come down from last week! I just don't like these stage productions; wind up being just awful anyway! Violet Chachki did a lot of "boy chest" from episode one on; esp. going out there nude with duct tape on and a smile! ;-(

Edited by Fiero425
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I saw Cracker as vintage glam. She looked like Blair St. Clair on any runway or a Hitchcock heroine. 

I thought Kameron wouldn't be able to hold her own against Eureka, but I was wrong. Yay!

Edited by Temperance
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Great to see/hear Colbert on the show, but it's a shame he couldn't have been more involved in the episode. Nice to know he's a fan.

Eureka probably should've gone home but I'm OK with another week of everyone left.

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Kameron is beating the odds... The lip sync was great but if it was about pick one, Kameron won. I wonder if producers/Ru really expected that or if they had Kameron in the bottom instead of Cracker thinking she would be a easy one to beat at the lip sync (as we know they want Eureka at the finale). Anyway, someone said here a couple weeks ago that the black queens would turn out as assassin lip syncers, after tonight, seems we found more fierce lip syncers outside the black queens.

Edited by CaioF
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A LSFYL without tearing off wigs or air guitar, Hallelu! 

Although I was surprised Eureka wasn't dinged for turning her back on the judges panel for what seemed like a bit too long.

As Fiero425 said, the stage production maxi challenge was meh, at best.

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17 minutes ago, Watermelon said:

Eureka staying was riggor Morris for real! That ten second jaunt with her back turned to the judges? Unacceptable! I will not have it!

Yes, what was that? And how hard was it to pretend to shoot someone earlier. She'll never be a Charlie's Angel.

Miz Cracker and her mom was kind of matter of fact in the delivery of her going blind. It reminded me of blind Amanda from ANTM Cycle three. She has to be blind by now, right?

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Cracker was Miranda Priestly Upper East Side Carmen Dell'Orefice older lady.

I thought Aquaria's runway was a mess. I couldn't tell what was going on. I legitimately could not figure out what was supposed to be clothing and what was supposed to be tattoos. She would have done better to channel Zandra Rhodes, Vivienne Westwood, and Betsey Johnson. And she would have been better served with a tattoo bodysuit under her clothes.

Both Monet's and Asia's old lady drag were the kind of gags that play better on the chitlin circuit. It's something that a Black audience would have found it a little funnier. Monet's could have played in the Borscht Belt too.

Monet, Asia, and Aquaria were the funniest in the Breastworld sketch, but the writing wasn't that great to begin with. The humor to be mined from Westworld is that the hosts are stuck in their weird loops and often can't deviate from them and  go into a murderous rage when they are mistreated. They could have had the Queen repeating catchphrases over and over. "Vangie!" So if the show wanted a message of tolerance, they could have had the guests demand that the hosts be less gay and that's what caused the hosts to malfunction. "Vangie!"

Did anyone notice that Laith de la Cruz was one of the underwear models in the mini challenge.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I just do not like Eureka, there is something about her that even when she does well, I still don’t like.  There is a whiff of big, old phony about her. Guess I got a little bit of The Vixen in me in that regard! I fear they are prepping her for the ultimate redemption storyline of winning the whole shebang. I just may be permanently out if that happens.  

I very much like Miz Cracker, she’s smart, quick, and witty. I wish she would get out of her own way in the challenges. I just don’t think her particular talents translate well to this competition; she may be too smart for it. I think back to the one challenge where she dressed like a pickle and threw out all the truly funny pickle puns and none of the judges got it at all. I thought she did just fine in the maxi for what she had to work with.

Kameron probably peaked last week. Aquaria is too young, too full of herself, and too committed to the boy chest. Monet and Asia can be hilarious in the challenges, but some of their runway looks, particularly Monet’s, I just don’t get. Even when it’s a glamour runway they often look.......not. All this is to say, unless the fix is in for Eureka, and damn I hope not, I don’t know who deserves to win this thing. By this time I usually have one strong front runner who I am really pulling for. 

Edited by Juneau Gal
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The main challenge dragged a lot, was basically a knockoff of the reality acting challenges from AS3.  Why not do Melrose Place?  Whoever writes these needs to be fired.  Sarah Palin jokes are so tired and passe at this point.  This was bad, and it made me kind of over Miz Cracker and seeing her struggle with her performance again; I also thought Miz Cracker's runway was generic and not so senior.  I was ready for her to sashay. I groaned when Monet came out on the runway basically bald again after Ru tried to nudge her into the direction of wearing big hair, and her outfit was another leotard.  It's getting old. 

I thought Eureka looked good in the challenge with that red wig and the lack of a body suit, but her runway wasn't special (and no, people did not wear glittery spandex body suits on downton abbey.)   Kameron's perfomance in the acting challenge kind of reminded me of a lukewarm Katya, who does hysterics in a much more satisfying and OTT way and would have knocked this out of the park.  I bought Aquaria's runway, which was sickening again and I think she was the best tonight.   The lipsync was incredible this week, and worthy of no one going home, especially not Eureka who is being setup for the crown.

Edited by Glade
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I have a photo of my toddler cousin looking at her mother with such love and adoration, it makes me melt. It is the same look that was on Asia's face when the first guy pulled down his pants. I was cracking up.

One of those guys was HUGE (in like, body size). I literally said, "Oh Jesus" when they showed him. I don't know how his face looked like but the rest was nice. I don't think that underwear was really flattering though.

I don't know what they were doing in that skit, they could have done something much better with the Westworld/Breastworld theme.

Whenever RuPaul likes a LSFYL, her bopping and smiling really remind me of Peggy Bundy when she watches Oprah.

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I’ve absolutely have fallen hard for Kameron, and was so happy she didn’t go home. Her runway look was hilarious and fun. I love her personality, and she’s definitely the definition of “still waters run deep.”

Of course, Eureka stays. She’s the comeback story, and while she has her moments, she basically does the same loudmouthed character week after week. I don’t believe she’s as nice as she is portraying herself to be. 

Aquaria is confident for a reason. She’s good! She’s surprised me the most in this competition because I thought she’d be all style and no substance. She’s really stood out as the star in Breastworld, and her performance shone in an otherwise boring skit. 

Miz Cracker has stated several times that she’s a comedic queen but she hasn’t shown that side yet. She’s very stiff and too much in her head. However, I like her and her runway looks are so polished. 

Monet is a natural comic. I was so hoping she’d get the win. I loved the low hangers. ?

Asia has not inspired me at all. Her runway look was meh. The performance was somewhere in the middle.


i did enjoy all the man candy. Yowsa!

Edited by Barbara Please
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7 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

The lip sync was worth the cost of admissions while the rest of the show sucked; sorry! This was a big come down from last week! 


7 hours ago, Temperance said:

I thought Kameron wouldn't be able to hold her own against Eureka, but I was wrong. Yay!


Kameron and Eureka did Ms. Patti right with their LSFYL. I truly did not expect what they both acheived in their performance of that song. 

Agree with BarbaraPlease - The Man Candies were fabulous tonight.

Edited by vixenbynight
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 You'd think after all these seasons of RPDR, we would have already heard every possible topic of discussion, but I liked hearing them talk about dating as drag queens. I totally get what Asia said about not dating boys around drag because sometimes they can fall in love with the character you're portraying instead of the real you. I think that can be true to an extent for all kinds of performers. No matter what kind of art you do, there will always be the groupies who like the idea of dating a dancer/actor/singer/musician/painter/whatever and if it hadn't been you, there would have been someone else at the show.

I'm so tired of skit challenges. Yes, being a drag queen is about being a performer but we don't need this many challenges that center around memorizing lines/songs.

My main issue with Aquaria's runway look was that if someone had shown me a picture of most of the other looks without any context, I would have been able to tell that they were dressed as old women whereas that was not at all evident from Aquaria's look. If someone had shown me a picture or even the entire video footage of her walking the runway and then asked me to guess what this week's theme was, I would have been at a loss. Usually she has a very clear head to toe look but this one was a mishmash of a bunch of stuff and none of it said older woman.

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I wish they'd spent less time on the terrible maxi-challenge and a lot more time on the mini-challenge. If I was a competing queen I'd chose 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, etc and keep going even if I remembered a match. Gotta take your prizes when you can.

I have a feeling whoever wrote that Westworld parody had only heard of the show rather than ever seen it [and misremembered what they'd heard]. Julie from The Love Boat and Sarah Palin?? Huh..? And what a waste of Randy Rainbow.

I'm surprised none of the queens did a Jocelyn Wildenstein plastic surgery look for their runway.

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

My main issue with Aquaria's runway look was that if someone had shown me a picture of most of the other looks without any context, I would have been able to tell that they were dressed as old women whereas that was not at all evident from Aquaria's look. If someone had shown me a picture or even the entire video footage of her walking the runway and then asked me to guess what this week's theme was, I would have been at a loss. Usually she has a very clear head to toe look but this one was a mishmash of a bunch of stuff and none of it said older woman.

That part.  If Aqualad would have dropped the vanity enough to give us one thing that read as old lady.... say, that exact same look but using a walker / cane .... or perhaps some sort of breathing apparatus.... then I could have definitely given her a high place for runway.

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Asia winning was just bizarre to me. Her performance was fine; nothing more. And her runway was subpar.

IMO, Monet was the obvious winner. She took a nothing role and made it funny, did a good-job ad-libbing, and really embraced the runway.

Ru's really in Asia's corner, isn't he? Asia managed to avoid the bottom three after a lousy performance in the ball, and again after that disastrous Snatch Game. And last week, Ru made sure to point out how surprising it was that Asia bombed.

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It was hard not to notice in both the first part of the episode and Untucked how much nicer the camaraderie was with the queens and how much less tense the workroom and lounge seem without The Vixen.  

Eureka’s lame performance in Breastworld almost felt, how should I say this, fakely lame.  She barely even looked where she was pointing with the ray gun/hair dryer and didn’t seem to want to correct that, which anyone could have easily done.  She was also pretty amazingly prepared for a great routine on LSFYL.  Were I a conspiracy theorist who thought that the producers might have deliberately set up a “nobody gets eliminated” episode for drama, I might go “Hmmmmm.”

In any case, glad to see Asia make a quick comeback.  She was hilarious.

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Aquaria's boy-chest doesn't bother me, it's very Violet Chachki and Naomi Smalls. It goes with her brand as being a fashion queen. There have been some breastplate queens in the past who do the ginormous tittaaays all the time and that didn't bug me either. What does bug me a bit is that Aquaria sometimes has flashes of that pompous attitude that turned off a lot of us in episode 1. I've come around to her since then and it makes me sad when I see that "first-impression Aquaria" again. I'm like "girl, no, don't make me dislike you again."

Cracker is SO Trixie to me. Hilarious but not translating well to the Drag Race format. I still see Cracker making the top 3. What I'm really hoping for is a roast or stand-up challenge at some point. It's getting pretty late in the game but we already had the damn ball challenge so maybe they'll give us something different.

Kameron intrigues me. She obviously idolizes her dad (she talks about him in Untucked and how like him she is, how she doesn't like to show weak emotions). Kameron strikes me as probably one of the hardest workers in the group, which makes sense because her physique requires so much work to build/maintain, she is probably like that in a lot of areas of her life. She reminds me of my husband: he grew up with a "strong, silent type" dad that he idolized, and knows the value of hard work. IMO Kameron is more likely to make top 3 than Eureka for this reason, but we will see.

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2 hours ago, bobbyjoe said:

Eureka’s lame performance in Breastworld almost felt, how should I say this, fakely lame.  She barely even looked where she was pointing with the ray gun/hair dryer and didn’t seem to want to correct that, which anyone could have easily done.  She was also pretty amazingly prepared for a great routine on LSFYL.  Were I a conspiracy theorist who thought that the producers might have deliberately set up a “nobody gets eliminated” episode for drama, I might go “Hmmmmm.”

I agree. Unless she's getting scared and truly starting to doubt herself this late in the game, I can't see why she would be struggling so much. Where is the Eureka who totally killed it in the Drag Con sketch? How hard is it to point a hair dryer and shoot with conviction? My seven year old nephew could do better.

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Just had to chime in that I thought Eureka's performance during that lip sync was EVERYTHING and one of my favorite ones ever in the herstory of the show!! I'm surprised to read so many people feel otherwise so maybe I need to re-watch ASAP lol. 

I absolutely love Aquaria to the point that if she doesn't win I will be pretty disappointed. If I were judging, I would have given her her third win here. She just has an it factor, a certain je ne sais quoi that I find really appealing and enjoy tremendously. Asia felt really held up here in relation to her actual performance in the challenge. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

Each week I expect the quality to suffer, but it continues to deliver episode after episode! I've said it before and I'll continue to shout it from the rooftops--It feels like this season was delivered personally from Jesus himself to wash away the horrible stink Ben de la Creme left from shitting all over AS3. I'm not sure it's entirely serendipitous, but it really could have gone the other way and this could have just been another middling season like S9 was. Instead it has really infused so much fresh air and excitement into the franchise.

I also love absolutely everything about Ru this season. His interactions with the queens have been seamless and helpful. And his judging and bon mots are as entertaining as always! He seriously deserves all the Emmys. He is just such a national treasure!

Edited by Victim Noises
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4 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Kameron intrigues me. She obviously idolizes her dad (she talks about him in Untucked and how like him she is, how she doesn't like to show weak emotions). Kameron strikes me as probably one of the hardest workers in the group, which makes sense because her physique requires so much work to build/maintain, she is probably like that in a lot of areas of her life. She reminds me of my husband: he grew up with a "strong, silent type" dad that he idolized, and knows the value of hard work. IMO Kameron is more likely to make top 3 than Eureka for this reason, but we will see.

Kameron may very well be in the top 3 talent-wise, but I have to question if Ru wants her there. I strongly suspect that Kameron was cast primarily to be eye candy, and that the producers never expected her to deliver the way she has.

And I also strongly suspect that Ru was expecting Eureka to beat Kameron easily - and that the non-elimination was pulled out to save someone intended for the final 3. (Like when Ru gave Yara Sofia and Carmen Carrera a Spanish-language version of Mickey to lip sync to, and Carmen nonetheless won.)

Edited by Blakeston
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5 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

And I strongly suspect that Ru was expecting Eureka to beat Kameron easily - and that the non-elimination was pulled out to save someone intended for the final 3. (Like when Ru gave Yara Sofia and Carmen Carrera a Spanish-language version of Mickey to lip sync to, and Carmen nonetheless won.)

There are six guests next week, so it was either going to be a double shantay or they were going to bring someone back. 

I love LOVE Monet's talking heads. She has such a fun, relaxed attitude. I wish she's step up her runway a bit because I don't want her to go!

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6 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

I absolutely love Aquaria to the point that if she doesn't win I will be pretty disappointed. If I were judging, I would have given her her third win here. She just has an it factor, a certain je ne sais quoi that I find really appealing and enjoy tremendously. Asia felt really held up here in relation to her actual performance in the challenge. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

I also love absolutely everything about Ru this season. His interactions with the queens have been seamless and helpful. And his judging and bon mots are as entertaining as always! He seriously deserves all the Emmys. He is just such a national treasure!

Yessss, I agree, Aquaria should've won this challenge hands down. And you could tell she felt the same, the way she shot that look in Asia's direction, lol. I love Asia but no way did she deserve this win. Her performance and runway were both middle of the road.

Also agree that Ru has been a doll this season.

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24 minutes ago, MaryWebGirl said:

There are six guests next week, so it was either going to be a double shantay or they were going to bring someone back. 

The makeover episode is usually the time when they bring someone back (when they do it.)

On one hand, I'm glad they don't appear to be bringing anyone back, because it's almost always gone badly. But if they were going to do it, this would be the season to do it, because so much talent has already walked out the door.

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5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

My main issue with Aquaria's runway look was that if someone had shown me a picture of most of the other looks without any context, I would have been able to tell that they were dressed as old women whereas that was not at all evident from Aquaria's look. If someone had shown me a picture or even the entire video footage of her walking the runway and then asked me to guess what this week's theme was, I would have been at a loss. Usually she has a very clear head to toe look but this one was a mishmash of a bunch of stuff and none of it said older woman.

2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Aquaria's boy-chest doesn't bother me, it's very Violet Chachki and Naomi Smalls. It goes with her brand as being a fashion queen.


4 hours ago, TheLukeP said:

That part.  If Aqualad would have dropped the vanity enough to give us one thing that read as old lady.... say, that exact same look but using a walker / cane .... or perhaps some sort of breathing apparatus.... then I could have definitely given her a high place for runway.


Aquaria's look was a mess. Fashionable, but not appropriate for the challenge and visually hard to read. It was also a terrible interpretation of her inspiration.

Aquaria likes to think she's a fashion queen, but she's been so successful at such a young age that it makes her think she's more knowledgeable than she is. Michele Lamy was a terrible inspiration and it was executed poorly.

If she wanted to go high fashion older lady, she could have chosen Cruella deVil, Isabella Blow, or Daphne Guinness. Admittedly, the latter 2 weren't or aren't particularly old, but it's obvious that Daphne is going to be wearing those McQueen hobble shoes  into her 80s with 2 very stylish canes to help her out. And if Aquaria had been willing to do a droopy boob and a dropped lumpy butt even under her existing poorly thought out look, it might have been more successful. Her vanity and arrogance continue to get in her way. She could have also chosen Iris Apfel, Anna Piaggi, or Grace Coddington (Balenciaga!) as inspiration.

While her performance was good, she whiffed the runway. Eureka's runway was banal, but Aquaria's was totally wrong for the challenge. Aquaria has good instincts, but she's obnoxious and needs to hone her skills. She's not done baking yet.

5 hours ago, cousin oliver said:

I'm surprised none of the queens did a Jocelyn Wildenstein plastic surgery look for their runway.

This or Katherine Helmond in Brazil were so obvious that I'm shocked that no one did them. It's doubly shocking considering that Aquaria and Kameron both used prosthetics.

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16 hours ago, CaioF said:

First time this season I disagree both with the winner and one of the bottom 2 queens.. I dont think Asia was that funny, she sorta broke character at a moment and other than that she was more herself, just like Cracker.. I think she was better than Cracker sure, but winning? But from the moment Ru went to her station, It was clear she was pushing for a Asia comeback/victory.  IMO, Aquarias was the funniest and I dont have such a problem with her look... Like Ru said, shes the youngest, in 50 years from now, she can look like that.. 

I think Ru was saying that someone as young as Aquaria is clueless enough to think they'll barely age - not that they'll realistically look that young in their seventies.

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I hated the acting challenge, as I do all acting challenges on RPDR, because I doubt any of these queens are looking for a career as the next big TV star. I actually didn't mind Cracker's old person runway look, because having grown up on NYC's Upper East Side, she looks like every older woman I've encountered there, down to the patronizing attitude. Asia definitely shouldn't have won, because I thought Monet did an all around better job with both the acting delivery and the old woman challenge. I really got where she was going with her old lady persona, and it's a shame that the judges didn't get that as well. 


As for the previews for next week, I unfortunately recognized Frankie Grande from BB fame as one of the makeover stars, and hearing that he was paired with Eureka is already preparing me for a cringeworthy moment. Eureka's campiness is annoying on its own, but pairing her with another over the top person who never met a TV camera he didn't like? That's not going to go over too well.

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11 hours ago, cousin oliver said:

I wish they'd spent less time on the terrible maxi-challenge and a lot more time on the mini-challenge. If I was a competing queen I'd chose 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, etc and keep going even if I remembered a match. Gotta take your prizes when you can.

I have a feeling whoever wrote that Westworld parody had only heard of the show rather than ever seen it [and misremembered what they'd heard]. Julie from The Love Boat and Sarah Palin?? Huh..? And what a waste of Randy Rainbow.

I'm surprised none of the queens did a Jocelyn Wildenstein plastic surgery look for their runway.

Not to mention that tribute to Designing Women towards the beginning of the end of Breastworld...

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First Alex Trebek, now Stephen Colbert...who's next in awesome guests?! Omg I would squee if Chris Pine would ever pop up on Drag Race, I loved his SNL skit where he and other "manly" characters discussed that season's contestants and he LSFYL.

So much focus on Kameron, her struggles, etc last night succeeded in making me think she was next to sashay away, thank goodness she didn't! New Attitude was the last song I would have ever thought that either she or Eureka would slay but glad I was wrong. 

Aquaria's runway look was my least favorite. Maybe if her bodysuit had purposely saggier skin all over I would have thought "oh I see, she's a senior citizen queen!" Cracker totally sold the Upper East Side rich old lady vibe. As for Breastworld, it was...not good.

I'm surprised no queen has ever done Jocelyn Wildenstein on RPDR, talk about a look, yikes. 

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58 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Way back in the day my dance class did a routine to New Attitude for a recital.  There were no splits involved.  I'm glad both Eureka and Kameron brought it.

Eureka had to be desperate to go to the maneuver that blew her knee out last season! She ain't gotten no smaller so I was shocked to see both go to the split to "save their lives!" ;-)

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I am old enough to remember the Sonny & Cher show but must have blinked and missed her disco phase.  If it's iconic to Ru, I suppose it is, but it wasn't something I recognized or that I think of as something distinctively Cher. All the other phases were instantly familiar to me. FWIW.

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Ugh, I was hoping we’d finally get rid of Eureka this week. I just see no positive qualities in her and I know she’d annoy the absolutely shit out of me IRL. Can’t imagine anyone paying or making a special trip out to hang with her, but I guess if people can be fans of Carson Kressley they can be fans of anything. 

This crop of contestants feels distinctly less talented and stupider than other seasons. “America’s Next Barfly.”

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I missed when RPDR tried to make an actual not-garbage product at the end of acting challenges. They might as well not have a director there at all. There's occasional snide commentary with paltry suggestions to provide fodder to laud or berate the queens with on the main stage and that's it. And they're shot horribly. The writing was choppy and full of poorly connected gags. The whole thing was just...ugh. 

I could almost believe this challenge was fixed, bc it made no sense that Eureka was so reluctant to be goofy with the hairdryer. This is the person who literally scribbled on his belly as Honey Boo Boo and threw his naked ass on the ground and threw a tantrum. I bet Eureka's mad to reveal her secret weapon, the return of the splits, before the final 4.  I was legitimately skressed when she did it not once, but twice. Kameron executed the lip sync Dusty Ray Bottoms tried to do. It wasn't one of my top lip syncs, but they were well matched and had good energy throughout, which is rare and I applaud them.

Monet keeps tanking herself with these basic runway looks. PUT A DAMN WIG ON! THEN PUT ANOTHER WIG ON TOP OF IT! 

I feel like Cracker was desperately trying to provide some continuity throughout the sketch since she's kind of the lynchpin of the whole thing. She needed to Ben Dela it up and become the boozy android cruise guide of our dreams.

Edited by rozen
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I can't take more Eureka. For me she's in this weird place where she's neither authentic and endearing or an interesting character, and she gets so much screentime it's making the show less enjoyable for me. 

Luckily there's still Aquaria, who I'm starting to think is a genius, and Kameron, who's the first in a while to really surprise me. 

I hope Cracker wins something at some point. She's set up with either a good winner's arc or an easy exit story, and she missed a great opportunity to let her guard down on Untucked so I'm worried it's the latter. I like her, though, and want to see her do better. 

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8 hours ago, NickPappagiorgio said:

Ugh, I was hoping we’d finally get rid of Eureka this week. I just see no positive qualities in her and I know she’d annoy the absolutely shit out of me IRL. Can’t imagine anyone paying or making a special trip out to hang with her, but I guess if people can be fans of Carson Kressley they can be fans of anything. 

I'd pay to see Eureka. She has an annoying personality, but hell, so do must drag queens. She's still a very seasoned queen, and most of her outfits are remarkable, and she can be very funny. She slew the reading challenge, and she managed to out-shade Trinity at last season's reunion.

I wouldn't want to hang out with her with for any significant length of time, but watching her onstage? Absolutely.

10 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

Eureka had to be desperate to go to the maneuver that blew her knee out last season! She ain't gotten no smaller so I was shocked to see both go to the split to "save their lives!" ;-)

Eureka didn't actually injure her knee doing a split. She's explained that her injury happened off-camera. They show that footage of her doing that split because it's all they've got.

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On 5/17/2018 at 9:39 PM, beartrash said:

A LSFYL without tearing off wigs or air guitar, Hallelu! 


A much better LSFYL than I was expecting.  Although I wished one of them would have kicked off her shoe and rolled on the floor as Ms. Labelle would often do back in the day.  

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On 5/17/2018 at 11:55 PM, HunterHunted said:

I also need to note that Aquaria was inspired by Michele Lamy, wife of fashion designer, Rick Owens. Aquaria's version was really quite bad. Michele's so much weirder than that mess Aquaria put together.


Yeah, I thought it was weird that Aquaria got some points for having a reference - and sure, it's nice to see a baby queen pulling from something more interesting and left-field than Kylie freaking Jenner - but to me she really didn't do a good job executing it.

Michele reminds me of Iris Apfel, though, and how Mz Cracker really should have gone that route instead of what she did. 

Monet's deserving a better edit than she's getting. I don't give a fuck that she likes pussycat wigs -- she's got the most charisma/uniqueness/nerve/talent of the queens remaining and I don't like how much she keeps getting the Susan Lucci treatment.

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Finally caught up on Untucked -

I thought it bizarre that Miz Cracker decreed Kameron was not allowed to feel down on herself for doing poorly in the challenge and clearly being in the bottom two, because Crack's mom is losing her sight and one must appreciate everything, and then later it's fine for Crack to have a miserable whine about likelihood of same...

I like Eureka, and maybe she laid it on a bit thick, but I always find her to be genuine and well-meaning, and I enjoy her private chats with Kameron. Asia, sitting there as winner, which I also found bizarre, all confident and comfortable going the Oprah on the couch really drove me mad. It sucks to feel you did poorly, what part of that is hard to understand?

So glad both Eureka and Kameron Michaels got to stay.

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On ‎5‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 4:23 AM, Mayberry said:

You're right- Cracker was down on Kameron for thinking she was in the bottom, and then Cracker did have a whine later about not being the comedy queen she came there to be. I guess Cracker was trying to lift Kameron up (as was Asia) but Kameron just wasn't in the mood for it.

Both Cracker and Kameron have been down on themselves (they were both surprised previously when they were safe.) They both do it.

They both have the same problem in that when they don't do well they drag themselves down even more with their negative thinking. Neither of them should do it but as we've seen it happens fairly frequently on the show, to a lot of queens. 

Well there was a little insecurity with Aquaria who was actually rehearsing the lip sync so she thought herself in trouble for a change! ;-)

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