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S05.E05: Pulp Friction

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8 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Naomie is worse...oh, right, Naomie isn't acting, she's a psycho bitch. 

Looks like Naomi is having some sort of breakdown.

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7 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Is Naomi even in the opening credits?   She is taking up so much screen time. 

You know what, I think they've stopped doing the credits altogether on this show.  Wonder why- I rather liked the opening shot of the horses pulling a carriage as the singer says mm-hm and it gives me a giggle because it's like the horses are mm-hmm-ing.  Yes I have a bizarre sense of humor.

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I hope they skewer the shit out of Naomi at the reunion. By then, everybody should be pretty much sick of her. Looks like Austen was already beginning to see the light in last night's episode. 

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Naomie has lost control of her show narrative and she knows it. That's part of her frustration and anger in her scenes. She probably was aiming for shady wit and instead she loses control in every scene and gives us (and the editors) screeching fishwife. She's probably furious at herself for ruining her best chance at a sweet reality TV spot. Plus, projecting like all get out onto Peyton. We all know that if VanderPump Rules called, Naomie would drop everything and move to L.A.

Craig looked extremely uncomfortable at the start of his life coach session. She sure has his number - giving him careful praise, after which he lit up like a firecracker. He LOVED her. Plus, he gave us some tasty Naomie bon mots in other scenes.

Cameron's testimony about her single mother's strength and providing a good example to her girls - preach. I love their relationship.

I like Austen. I don't think we've ever seen him fly into rages or demean anyone, with the exception of his skirmishes with belittling Shep. I loved seeing his family time and the simple way he talked about the family's tragedy.

Kathryn seemed really checked out during her meet-up with Craig at the fabric store. Perhaps she's on prescription medication.

Is Craig trying to start a pillow business? Southern gift shops are filled with that kind of thing. (A memory: Alice Roosevelt Longworth - the Kathryn Dennis of her day - had the original pillow that said "If you can't think of anything nice to say, come sit by me.")

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8 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Naomi going after Peyton actually scared me, and I was just sitting in my chair with my afghan on me, safe and sound. Can't imagine what it must be like to be around her in real life. 

How would you like it if someone went after you like that, talked about murdering you and your family?

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8 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Austen always seems enamored with Chelsea. Chelsea didn’t really want Austen-THAT is why they’re not together. No other reason-not his playboy ways. It’s Chelsea who rejected him. 

Chelsea was tired of Austen letting her pick up the check all the time. WTF Austen?

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1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

Chelsea was tired of Austen letting her pick up the check all the time. WTF Austen?

Yeah, I'm not exactly seeing what Austen brings to the show. He's cute. That's about it. He was a beer salesman. Started feeling the fame and enjoying the extra $$ from the show so he up and quits his job pretty quickly. Now he's just another one that parties all night and sleeps till 1pm every day, just like Shep. Then after he wakes up he goes and meets his pretend friends for more beers.  Not impressed with him at all. 

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2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Naomie has lost control of her show narrative and she knows it. That's part of her frustration and anger in her scenes. She probably was aiming for shady wit and instead she loses control in every scene and gives us (and the editors) screeching fishwife. She's probably furious at herself for ruining her best chance at a sweet reality TV spot. Plus, projecting like all get out onto Peyton. We all know that if VanderPump Rules called, Naomie would drop everything and move to L.A.

Craig looked extremely uncomfortable at the start of his life coach session. She sure has his number - giving him careful praise, after which he lit up like a firecracker. He LOVED her. Plus, he gave us some tasty Naomie bon mots in other scenes.

Cameron's testimony about her single mother's strength and providing a good example to her girls - preach. I love their relationship.

I like Austen. I don't think we've ever seen him fly into rages or demean anyone, with the exception of his skirmishes with belittling Shep. I loved seeing his family time and the simple way he talked about the family's tragedy.

Kathryn seemed really checked out during her meet-up with Craig at the fabric store. Perhaps she's on prescription medication.

Is Craig trying to start a pillow business? Southern gift shops are filled with that kind of thing. (A memory: Alice Roosevelt Longworth - the Kathryn Dennis of her day - had the original pillow that said "If you can't think of anything nice to say, come sit by me.")

You are right about Katherine.  I've noticed that she has been very mellow as if nothing bothers her.  Maybe an antidepressant?  Is that allowed in her case?  She's certainly a different Katherine.

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Naomi does that mean girl high school thing in her fight with JD and Peyton both where she says “everybody here feels the same”. Girl, try fighting your own fights and don’t put words in other people’s mouths. It’s just such a shitty, isolating feeling when someone does that to you. 

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I hope they skewer the shit out of Naomi at the reunion. By then, everybody should be pretty much sick of her. Looks like Austen was already beginning to see the light in last night's episode. 

As much as Naomi sucks, I honestly find the enabling "girl squad" to be as bad.  Dani cosigns all the bitchy comments by Naomi.  Kathryn, to her credit, seems to understand that Naomi was not too friendly to Peyton.  I think Naomi is going to have a tough reunion as its clear on the "after dark" show that Shep, Craig, and Austin were not too impressed with her behavior and didn't appreciate her excuse that she was just looking out for her friends.  She also commented on the "after dark" show that she knew the "proper way" to introduce herself into Charleston society.   Peyton is from Virginia and she wasn't the one showing her ass thus far.  

I think Naomi thinks she can be the Bethenny Frankel of this franchise and its just not going to happen.  Bethenny has a zillion critics ( I love her), but she can be absolutely hilarious and self depricating.  Naomi also seems to really want "the right guy".  Craig let her down by not becoming a successful lawyer.  Color me not shocked at all that she found herself an anesthesiologist, whom I hope has the common sense to run for the hills after viewing her on the show.  (Totally not lost on me that Cam's husband is an anesthesiologist.....but he seems like a hoot and a perfect match for Cam).  

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18 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Oh, that's interesting. How do you know that? Instagram? 

I am quite certain Naomie will be addressing his large nose soon.  Because Naomie wants things her way.  It just seems odd as if Naomie is going to try and become Cameran Jr.  An off screen man and able just to rattle off her opinion.

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The energy between Naomie and Craig is definitely toxic. They bring out the worst in each other. I noticed that their speech patterns are even similar. 

It gives me joy to think about the embarrassment Naomie will feel when she sees the season. Craig almost seems to have a ptsd like syndrome. He comes across a bit obtuse and slow but I think he is actually intuitive and sensitive. Naomie did a real number on his self esteem. 

I wanted TRav to slip and shave off his whole eyebrow. 

Patricia is haughty and snooty at times but, damn she looks great. 

I laughed when Cam admitted that she makes Jason remove his dirty hospital scrubs in the garage- I used to do the same thing when I got home from work. 

Whitney’s French ain’t that great for someone that lived in France.

Katherine seems medicated. 

Austen’s family is obviously very supportive of his endeavors. It makes me sad to think about everything his family has been through. 

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6 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Did I really hear Thomas say "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Is this 1950?  Patricia echoed my thoughts when she said that she didn't know why Thomas expected perfection when he was, well, himself!

Too bad she didn’t say anything to his face, just sat there mooing under her breath.

Edited by nexxie
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Wow NaOmi, settle down. If we are now catching a glimpse of what she really is like, I feel bad for Craig. She is just a really mean bitter bitch.  I bet she would not have confronted Peyton if her goon squad was not in sight.  As per Craig, she obviously had me fooled the last few seasons she has been on.  I also think T Rav is still in love with Kathryn.  I really dont like Ashley and at least T Rav is seeing some of the warning signs, but he is a dumbass for ignoring them if they are still together. 

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3 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Kathryn seemed really checked out during her meet-up with Craig at the fabric store. Perhaps she's on prescription medication.

Could be anatidepressants, could be just being in a fabric store.  When someone drags me to one, I go pretty catatonic due to sheer boredom.

Whomever said Austen's costume was "duck magnet" was right.  

Naomie is straight up ridiculous.  I don't even like Peyton, but crap on a cracker, there was no need for Naomie to go KKB levels of crazy on her.  I also don't buy the excuse that Naomie is young, unless she's lying about her age and she's actually 15.

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1 hour ago, Neeners said:

I actually really liked the scene with Craig and his Life Coach. She was giving him compliments and basically telling him not to be so hard on himself and negative. As she gave each compliment he actually started smiling and grinning more and more. Then I laughed with his talking head where he said, "This is great. I'm actually, you know, an awesome person!"

I can relate. When you're in a relationship where someone is saying so many negative things about you all the time, you can eventually start to believe it. I really hope he doesn't get back with her.

I liked this scene too - fingers crossed that he stays away from Naomie and rebuilds his life in his own way.


45 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

The energy between Naomie and Craig is definitely toxic. They bring out the worst in each other. I noticed that their speech patterns are even similar. 

It gives me joy to think about the embarrassment Naomie will feel when she sees the season. Craig almost seems to have a ptsd like syndrome. He comes across a bit obtuse and slow but I think he is actually intuitive and sensitive. Naomie did a real number on his self esteem. 

 So agree with your insights about “a ptsd like syndrome” and Craig being intuitive and sensitive - those qualities might be why Naomie targeted him as soul suckee in the first place. Run, Craig, run!

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Oh Naomi!  I get her being jealous, I do but to act the way she did and tell Peyton she was better than her?  I didn't watch RelationShep so I don't know anything about Peyton but that was beyond rude and classless.  Naomi was trying so hard to justify it afterwards by acting like she was doing it for everyone else's protection.  I honestly believe now that Craig was in an abusive relationship and I hope his (slightly inappropriate) life coach brings out the best in him.  Naomi obviously gets possessive really fast as seen with Elizabeth. Her new beau better look out.

Count me in on loving Patricia asking why Thomas believed he deserved perfection.....the man is disgusting.

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42 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I also think T Rav is still in love with Kathryn. 


I'm not sure I would call it love. Lust, maybe. They have a strong sexual chemistry.(Ewww). I don't think TRav really knows how to truly love anybody but himself. He's 54, he's not gonna start now. 

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I have a hard time getting on board with the whole "life coach" fad. My best friend became a life coach for a hot minute. She's 35-ish, never held a full time job for more than six weeks at a time, bounced around from living situation to living situation, baby daddy drama, etc yet she felt qualified to coach other people on how to have a productive life? Needless to say, that career lasted all of six weeks. I'm not really sure you need to pay someone to tell you to get off your ass and get a damn job. But, I digress. 

This show is slowly becoming the Naomi show and I don't like it. I used to actually like her and thought she was good for Craig her first season but the more I see of her the less I like her. Austin's talking head was funny with him realizing what the audience realized a while ago- that Naomi was the toxic one in the relationship, not Craig. The fact that not one of her "girl's" stopped her in the heat of the moment from confronting Payton spoke volumes- they all know she's bat shit too! I also laughed out loud when she prefaced the Payton smack down by announcing that she was a "girl's girl". I didn't like Payton on Shep's show but no way did she deserve that. 

I like Austin's family and his mom's no nonsense stance with him. I also have a soft spot for him due to his family's tragic back story but beer brewers are a dime a dozen now a days. My husband recently came home and told me he wanted to open a bar. I laughed and laughed. We live in Beer City, USA where there is a bar in every corner and a brewer on every block. I told him not to quit his day job :)

Edited by Mountainair
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7 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm not sure I would call it love. Lust, maybe. They have a strong sexual chemistry.(Ewww). I don't think TRav really knows how to truly love anybody but himself. He's 54, he's not gonna start now. 

So true - TRav is toxic, lacks empathy and a conscience.

Kathryn would be wise not to give in to her own lust - bad move that they hooked up in NY again!

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I was disappoionted in Kathryn.  She should have jumped at the opportunity Thomas offered her to be with her children for trick-or-treating, even if Ashley would be there.  It highlighted what her priorities are and they're obviously not her kids.  

There wouldn't have been a Naomie/Peyton cat fight if it weren't for Chelsea telling Naomie about Craig's little crush on Peyton.  (And BTW, N&C were already broken up at the time he first met her.)  If I'm Craig, I might still go to Chelsea for a haircut but I'm not saying two words to her about anything personal.  I think Chelsea's an underhanded shit stirrer.  

ENOUGH with the "thirsty."  They're all thirsty, looking for ways to get the most camera time!

I realize that Cameran, in the last part of her pregnancy, can't be involved in many of the cast outings, but why do they keep pairing her with the other women?  I like it much better when she's with Shep, or Craig, or even Whitney.  (We did get that awful interaction with Whitney and the Lamaze coach.  That was just creepy.)  I really don't want to see her with Naomie any more.  Then again, I don't want to see ANY of the cast members with Naomie any more!  I did love the scene with Cameran and her mom.  My goodness, her mom is a beautiful woman.  She was drop dead gorgeous in the photo they showed when Cam was a little girl.

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1 hour ago, Mountainair said:

I like Austin's family and his mom's no nonsense stance with him. I also have a soft spot for him due to his family's tragic back story but beer brewers are a dime a dozen now a days. My husband recently came home and told me he wanted to open a bar. I laughed and laughed. We live in Beer City, USA where there is a bar in every corner and a brewer on every block. I told him not to quit his day job :)

@Mountainair, don't tell me you're in Asheville, too! Because my husband has told me the same thing about opening a bar.  I don't think we should let them meet - some talk about 'craft brew' and 'mixology' would be inevitable, and who knows what kind of crazy business they'd come up with...

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13 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Austen always seems enamored with Chelsea. Chelsea didn’t really want Austen-THAT is why they’re not together. No other reason-not his playboy ways. It’s Chelsea who rejected him. 

Sure, he's enamored with her when she's within his sights. Out of sight? He's gonna go chase after other vaginas. And the reason why Chelsea rejected him is exactly that - his playboy ways. Why should a woman put up with a man who can't keep his dick in pants when she's not with him?!

8 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

At least listen and give your son some pointers-don't cut him off.   Here we go again with a twenty-something making six figures and the frustration of those around him to try and force them into a traditional job.

I'm sure this isn't their first conversation about that. Nor it seems it would be the last. Mom is smart. She knows reality tv show money and fame is very fleeting. While the money and attention is seductive right now, what happens when it all goes away? Just look at the Pratts. Or the Jersey Shore people. Mom just wants to make sure his son isn't hitching his entire wagon to Southern Charm. I mean, the show is not even on the RH level of popularity. It's not like the cast is gracing the covers of Us Magazine or Life & Style or Star. 

And Austen is not making 6 figures from the show. He supplements with some income from his IG ads.

I liked Naomie but she is getting harder to watch this season. Is this really how she is? Or was there a push from TPTB because Landon is gone and Kathryn is now sober and so who else would provide the cray-cray???

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This episode didn't have nearly enough of Miss Patricia.  When does she get her own 'Southern finishing school' show??  The uniforms could be her caftans.  "Ladies, leave something to the imagination; skip the body-con dresses and try a billowy fabric!"

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Could be anatidepressants, could be just being in a fabric store.  When someone drags me to one, I go pretty catatonic due to sheer boredom.

I get catatonic in a sporting goods store or the running shoe shop, so yes! Thanks for this observation; it's so true.

As for Naomi, I'm predicting she starts blaming her outbursts on being unhappy with herself hence, the nose job. Now that she feels better about her appearance, she will say she is no longer a beeyotch. 

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4 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

She's certainly a different Katherine.

She has good reason to be different: she needs to clean up her act and fly right to have more of an influence on her two children.  That's reason enough for anyone.

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27 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

I was disappoionted in Kathryn.  She should have jumped at the opportunity Thomas offered her to be with her children for trick-or-treating, even if Ashley would be there.  It highlighted what her priorities are and they're obviously not her kids.  

There wouldn't have been a Naomie/Peyton cat fight if it weren't for Chelsea telling Naomie about Craig's little crush on Peyton.  (And BTW, N&C were already broken up at the time he first met her.)  If I'm Craig, I might still go to Chelsea for a haircut but I'm not saying two words to her about anything personal.  I think Chelsea's an underhanded shit stirrer.  

ENOUGH with the "thirsty."  They're all thirsty, looking for ways to get the most camera time!

I realize that Cameran, in the last part of her pregnancy, can't be involved in many of the cast outings, but why do they keep pairing her with the other women?  I like it much better when she's with Shep, or Craig, or even Whitney.  (We did get that awful interaction with Whitney and the Lamaze coach.  That was just creepy.)  I really don't want to see her with Naomie any more.  Then again, I don't want to see ANY of the cast members with Naomie any more!  I did love the scene with Cameran and her mom.  My goodness, her mom is a beautiful woman.  She was drop dead gorgeous in the photo they showed when Cam was a little girl.

Clearly, Kathryn's interest is in Thomas and the hope of relieving him of some, most or all of his fortune so she can live in the style she would like to become accustomed to such a lifestyle would not necessarily involve raising her own children.  I honestly believe Thomas soulmate is JD and with JD sporting a Trump wig it is a fait accompli.

Craig met and made the comment about Payton three months earlier-Chelsea very carefully omitted that part of the equation.  Complaining to Kathryn -who slept with three of the cast members in a two week period just to get on the show would seem a tad insensitive.

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28 minutes ago, SillyOldClothCat said:

@Mountainair, don't tell me you're in Asheville, too! Because my husband has told me the same thing about opening a bar.  I don't think we should let them meet - some talk about 'craft brew' and 'mixology' would be inevitable, and who knows what kind of crazy business they'd come up with...

Hi! Yep- been here 10 years and the beer scene keeps getting bigger! I think our husbands would be in business together before we knew it! My husband was pissed when the beer bike downtown became a thing because he swears it was his idea first :)

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Cheers to Austin for bringing a six pack of Great Lakes Oktoberfest beer to his parents ( I live 15 minutes from Great Lakes Brewery), but starting your own brewery is a bit out of his wheelhouse. 

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32 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Cheers to Austin for bringing a six pack of Great Lakes Oktoberfest beer to his parents ( I live 15 minutes from Great Lakes Brewery), but starting your own brewery is a bit out of his wheelhouse

Agreed! Austin likes drinking beer. And it seems he was pretty good at selling beer. But, that is a far cry from brewing beer. And bottling it and selling it is a whole 'nother game. Plus if he ever even thinks about opening up a bar, he first needs to sit down and binge-watch Bar Rescue. 

Edited by SillyOldClothCat
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9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

As the season goes on loyal Naomieans are dropping like flies.  The After Show http://www.bravotv.com/southern-charm/season-5/episode-5/videos/did-naomie-discover-peytons-real-reason-for-moving-to is up and Shep et al, are pretty cocky about not needing Naomie to protect them from interlopers.  Naomie and her say anything to anyone has run its course.   All she showed is her thirst is very real.  I thought it a little odd Naomie was leading the conversation on the true color of unicorns.  I am hoping she does realize they are fictional.  What next Barney the dinosaur isn't really purple?

I like Austen just because he is a little different but his mother is very cold. I wonder if when she delivered Austen a business plan was discharged with the afterbirth.  At least listen and give your son some pointers-don't cut him off.   Here we go again with a twenty-something making six figures and the frustration of those around him to try and force them into a traditional job.  I also appreciated Austen NOT capitulating to entitled, smug Naomie.

Chelsea is as good as anyone with her pot stirring-certainly the one worth cheering for on the show.  I don't think she sees any kind of future with Austen.  I do like her though.

Kathryn acts as if she and Thomas are just on a time out-he has a girlfriend.  Her comment about her Thomas being able to do things together-Ashley invited you, I am quite certain she intends to be there as well.  Kathryn desperately seeking Thomas.  Find someone younger and let it not be Craig.  

Based on that new clip which was filmed couple weeks ago, I wouldn't believe if Naomi's apology if she even apologizes. She would just do it to not get negative pr on her clothing business. She had couple months to reflect on it. All she says in the clip is basically "yea I was a bitch to her" not an "oh looking back I feel bad now"

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20 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

Sure, he's enamored with her when she's within his sights. Out of sight? He's gonna go chase after other vaginas. And the reason why Chelsea rejected him is exactly that - his playboy ways. Why should a woman put up with a man who can't keep his dick in pants when she's not with him?!

I'm sure this isn't their first conversation about that. Nor it seems it would be the last. Mom is smart. She knows reality tv show money and fame is very fleeting. While the money and attention is seductive right now, what happens when it all goes away? Just look at the Pratts. Or the Jersey Shore people. Mom just wants to make sure his son isn't hitching his entire wagon to Southern Charm. I mean, the show is not even on the RH level of popularity. It's not like the cast is gracing the covers of Us Magazine or Life & Style or Star. 

And Austen is not making 6 figures from the show. He supplements with some income from his IG ads.

I liked Naomie but she is getting harder to watch this season. Is this really how she is? Or was there a push from TPTB because Landon is gone and Kathryn is now sober and so who else would provide the cray-cray???

I don't believe Austen was catting around-Chelsea just wasn't into him or having a committed relationship with him.  Wasn't he too sweaty or too quick in the sack for Chelsea? Much like Naomie, Chelsea was all about the insults and playing hard to get.  It is okay to not want to be part of a couple but ladies please, if you don't want him, don't hold it against him if he finds someone else-even a casual relationship.  When one of these women rids herself of the guy she sends a mixed message when she gets jealous or in Naomie's case goes nuts.  Fish or cut bait.  

The difference with Craig and Austen and even Peyton over the Jersey Shore group-they have degrees.  The show can be used as a great platform-which is why Naomie is so desperate-she is promoting a restaurant and now a clothing line-remember when she told Craig a clothing line was a bad idea?  Vanderpump Rules has a cast that came from pretty much nothing and the more popular ones are making mid six figures, and yes it is fleeting but Wendy is such a downer.  Embrace and encourage-I am sure Wendy and the hubs are doing their best but don't be Captain Obvious.  Collectively they dance around the fact that most of the cast gets their income from the show-even Whitney.  Thomas works a real job and Shep for all his mail box money is full of it-it is Bravo money.

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17 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

What’s with Thomas shaving his eyebrow area? Weird. 

Thomas’s pirate jacket looks more like a smoking jacket. Like Hugh Hefner would have worn...tho Hef favored the color maroon. 

Looked to me like he was trimming the long hairs older men get that can look pretty crazy.  

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16 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Good observation, the past seasons seemed to be more like a strong impressionist oil painting and this season seems like a pastel watercolor.

A Jackson Pollock hot mess, if you ask me.

Craig should be able to get laid 24/7 now. Naomie, we’ll see you in the funny papers. Bye!

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17 hours ago, b2H said:

Naomie, shame on you.  There are better ways to get what you think you want than how you are going about things.

You are going to find yourself lonely and isolated real quick.  Stalker doesn’t begin to define it.  

And for as wonderful as you think you are, I can only imagine how your parents are feeling watching you on this show.  I am sure they want their daughter back.  I know I do.  Go off somewhere and get some help.

She was off the rails.  A commercial for prospective beau's showing them how fucking unhinged she is!  It is not cute or funny to 'joke' about finding Peyton and her families address (seems restraining order worthy depending on her next moves), it is not attractive to go ham on someone who may or may not hook up with your ex, it was rude to treat the host of the party you are attending like shit when she is feeding you and providing booze, etc.  Maybe Peyton IS thirsty but I see all these people as dehydrated.  Why else would you sell your soul and privacy to be on a reality show? I fail to find a redeemable trait in her.  She is suffering from an affliction that affects many these days.  She believes she is better than others and that it is her job to show them/tell them all of their failures in a way to demean them.  She is an entitled asshole and her parents have done a bang up job raising her.  Wonder how unhinged she got with Craig when cameras were gone and they were alone?  

She needs to take a page from Luann (RHNY).  Make nice with the other woman.  Shows maturity and chances are, if she were good friends with Peyton, Peyton may not fuck her ex.  And if she does, who cares.  Naomi seems to despise Craig.  Hide the bunnies.

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I was really shocked by Naomi's behavior. She's the thirstiest one of all because she's just acting bat-shit crazy on TV and doesn't even need the money because her family is wealthy. She's just being a fame-whore bitch. I don't think that her friend Stassi would have behaved so despicably. 

I'm okay with Kathryn not wanting to trick or treat with Thomas and Ass-ley because it's just way too soon. She's not that long out of rehab, as someone else mentioned, they are still extremely attracted to each other and the girlfriend would just get on her nerves. Hopefully she'll do something with Kensie. The little boy is still a bit young to appreciate this holiday. She also gave Craig some good advice. Too bad that as we've seen in little clips they've shown that it will all end in tears.

Chelsea seems to still like Austen, but she's not trying to get with someone who loafs and drinks beer all day and quit his job so he can never pick up a check.

Craig does seem like he  has PSTD but when he and Naomi lived together he seemed to dish it out as good as he could take it..

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17 hours ago, tiffbook said:

I don't even like Peyton but I felt bad for her. If you look at it deeper, Naomie is criticizing how reality shows cast some people. Yeah Peyton whole moving thing was suspect but I'm sure the producers sort of created this. It really takes one to know one. Naomie did contact Craig when he was at his parent's house. I dislike Cam's attitude toward Craig sewing. So what. Let him sew. Who cares if isn't masculine. 

I felt badly for her as well.  I may end up disliking her but no one needs a disturbed harpie in their face for no reason.

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12 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Why does she seem to think it's OK to call ANYONE a "thirsty bitch"?  Shit, this incredibly nasty woman must have called her "thirsty" a billion times.  And she did it in such a ridiculously & casually cruel & exceptionally thoughtless way.  Ew.  Get this woman off this show immediately!  She is ruining this show, which is really sinking fast this season anyway.

Austen is pretty useless -- on this show & in life.  Just a waste of space.  But at least he showed some kindness, which was nice to see, in the midst of such cruelty.  Naomie is one nasty piece of work, but nobody else seemed to care about her calling someone "thirsty" a zillion times.  Looked like Kathryn was snickering every time she did.  Blech.  Idk, maybe the cruelty from these Bravo shows is getting too much for for me. 

Have to admit, JD's Trump wig gave me a quick giggle.

Whit's Grampa Simpson act continues . . . now I'm expecting the cam to catch him with his mouth open & drooling, and with a befuddled, vacant look.  Didn't he kinda look that way when Pat was bragging about him living in Paris 200 years ago?

She was purposely cruel wasn't she?  That is what my major beef was w her.  It's one thing to be honest, open, and direct with one's feelings, it isn't good to be purposely and as you said casually cruel. 


My sister had a long term boyfriend (a million years ago) and we were at a bar when her old boyfriend and his new girlfriend came in.  Drunkety drunk sister walks up to them and said something to them about how his new gf was fat and ugly.  I had a word with my sister that night.  I understood her upset but it was not this gal's fault and she was actually a very nice person.  My sister didn't speak to me for months.  But it was bad and I was not going to be a party to that.   Good friends will tell you when you are showing your ass.

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9 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I hope they skewer the shit out of Naomi at the reunion. By then, everybody should be pretty much sick of her. Looks like Austen was already beginning to see the light in last night's episode. 

From the look of the clip Zoeysmon posted it looks like the ladies are still Pro Naomi and the guys are slowly backing away.  Naomi or Danni mentioned a blonde girl who has dated a bunch of guys in their group and referring to Peyton.  But, um, your buddy Katherine had sex with 3 of them as well but she is ok?  Danni dated 2 of them season 1 (Shep and she went on a date with TRav).  If Danni wasn't serious and it was simply for the show, isn't she thirsty?  They all live in glass houses yet they throw the stones at the one not from Charleston.  I have no opinion about Peyton except I liked her costume yet they have forced me to defend her :).

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9 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Kathryn seemed really checked out during her meet-up with Craig at the fabric store. Perhaps she's on prescription medication.

I'm on the Kathryn Isn't Out Of The Weeds Yet team.  Plus, a Berkin bag Kathryn?  Gurl, you better stick that cash in a bank account.  Reality TV doesn't make for long careers, outside of those horrible people with a double K monogram.

8 hours ago, Neurochick said:

How would you like it if someone went after you like that, talked about murdering you and your family?

Yeah, she may have over-acted that particular scripted scene.

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5 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Wow NaOmi, settle down. If we are now catching a glimpse of what she really is like, I feel bad for Craig. She is just a really mean bitter bitch.  I bet she would not have confronted Peyton if her goon squad was not in sight.  As per Craig, she obviously had me fooled the last few seasons she has been on.  I also think T Rav is still in love with Kathryn.  I really dont like Ashley and at least T Rav is seeing some of the warning signs, but he is a dumbass for ignoring them if they are still together. 

Too true!  I haven't seen him look at Ashley the way he looks at Katherine.  

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7 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Yeah, I'm not exactly seeing what Austen brings to the show. He's cute. That's about it. He was a beer salesman. Started feeling the fame and enjoying the extra $$ from the show so he up and quits his job pretty quickly. Now he's just another one that parties all night and sleeps till 1pm every day, just like Shep. Then after he wakes up he goes and meets his pretend friends for more beers.  Not impressed with him at all. 

Don't forget, he does all of ^that^ while bemoaning the fact that he doesn't have "mailbox money".  Ugh.

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Craig is a piece of work himself, his life coach even told him that.  I think Naomi is just exasperated because she knows that Craig can do so much more than he's doing, he's just lazy and doesn't care.  It's got to be frustrating to have spent 3 years with someone, helped him lie to their group of friends about the bar exam and see him never get any further than taking and passing the test.  He clearly doesn't want to be a lawyer, he wants to be rich.

Austen is in the same position as Craig but without a law degree to "fall back on."  I'm guessing Austen is just using his show money to live off of (which is probably more than he made as a beer salesman).  He's running in a crowd thought that has the connections to help him.  Why not go in on a brewery with Shep or Shep's friends?

Naomi is so young, I think she thought Peyton was interested in Craig and she couldn't handle it (and probably had drunk to much).  I can't figure out why Craig and Naomi separated if they were seriously considering getting back together.

This show desperately needs Cameran, she is the voice of reason.  Its interesting that she's staying out of the drama with the ladies but still managing to hang out with the guys.

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10 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

This post should be spoiler alerted.  Some of us want to watch it happen.

It already aired it was the first scene of the season.

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