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S06.E15: Bettie Jo & Susan

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1 hour ago, CarolMK said:

I remember Susan saying that she did start smoking when she went on Dr. Now's diet, as a way to distract herself from eating. She says she traded one addiction for another. I do like the fact that Dr. Now told her mom to stop smoking and get healthier too. Also glad that Susan went to her final appointments without her mom.

I felt sorry for Bettie Joe thinking she had cancer, and was super irritated when I found out that she didn't. I'm a breast cancer survivor, and Dr. Now is absolutely right, cancer is treated right away. 

So why did dr now do the previous 2 surgeries if she was smoking ?

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29 minutes ago, dahling said:

Really amazing that they traveled to Houston to try to sell the cancer story to Dr. Now - a medical doctor.  What even was the point of that trip, with her knowing she hadn't lost any weight? Seems like an expensive way to be humiliated on national TV.

What did they care? They had Josh's mother (I think) pay for the tickets (2 for Bettie Jo) so it didn't cost them hardly anything.

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Bettie Jo is saying "Dr. Now is not my doctor..." uh, yes, he is.  And if he is going to be treating you medically and surgically, I'm sure you signed a release of medical information form when you signed on with him. He can't treat you properly without knowing your entire medical history and what is going on with you physically.

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10 hours ago, leighroda said:

I said some of this in the live thread but what I don’t get is that this mass was soooo dangerous, yet she’s had it all her life. I don’t doubt it caused discomfort, even without a mass your back is bound to hurt at 400lbs,

I wonder if all the fat kept it from pressing against her spine, and she did feel in more, when when she lost weight.

3 hours ago, AnnaBaptist said:

It must be so boring 99% of the time for the film crew to follow the patients around for months and watch them sit in bed, prepare a meal, visit Dr. Now, and maybe walk on the wild side and take a stroll to the mailbox and back.

I doubt that they're there much.  I'd think they'd film whoever is in Houston, as needed, then off to something else.

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1 minute ago, CoachWristletJen said:

My guess is she hauled her asses to Houston because they thought that cancer story was going to work on Dr. Now. They're that dumb.

In addition to the 'usual' pathological stuff that accompanies a person faking cancer, I think that the two of them were planning to start up a GoFundMe page, and they were hoping to use the show as a platform to launch their sob story.

After all, there's only so many ways to get money when you're indigent. Those taco salads won't buy themselves!

These two might do something monumentally stupid, stupid enough to lead to Preston being put into foster care and eventually adopted by a competent family. If so, I just hope it happens before he's old enough to remember them. Seriously, I don't see much hope for him if he's raised by these two.

Its a scary thought of an infant in the hands of these two that can't even take care of themselves. I wish no harm on the child, but I wish he could be in a better situation. 

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3 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Gah, my boyfriend and I rewound and played that part about 5 times laughing like hell at, "we're taking our old stuff from the old house and moving the old stuff into the new house..."  Yes Susan, you could have saved 30 seconds of your life by just saying "we're moving".

But think of the calories she burned!!! That slow talking was her brilliant way to lose weight. A lot  easier than walking. 

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I'm glad that Dr. Now called out Susan's blob of a mom.  Smoking and morbid obesity together is like a death sentence! Her mom didn't seem to care. And, she responded to Dr. Now's censure by taking it out on Susan. 

Dr. Now: "You're a bad example to her and she's following that example."

Susan's mom: "Oh, well." 

WTF? Couldn't she at least pretend to give a sh%t in front of the doctor?

Of course, the both talked about Susan as if she were a child instead of a grown woman living under her mother's roof who just doesn't do anything.

And, even after Dr. Now confronted her, Susan's mom still refused to accept responsibility for anything. To this day she's probably laughing and smoking and eating junk.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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Good for Susan - taking this seriously and not making excuses. I was glad to see her progress, but so very annoyed at every piece of "therapy" she was given by Lola. (My husband and I yell, "IT'S LOLA!" every single time she is on the show. No idea how anyone could take her seriously). First off, you're overeating because eating is pleasurable and for someone like you, a habit turned compulsion. That's it. There is no such thing as "self sabotage" and you aren't doing it because you're scared to face more surgery. You're doing it because things in your life are causing you great displeasure and eating is a quick and easy way to feel good, at least in the moment. Dealing with other crap in your life is great, but it won't automatically end the overeating if you "figure it all out." You have to break the habit of overeating and no one else can do it for you. 

And getting hypnotized by Lola, as she reads from a script and uses a meditation gong? Seriously?

Onto Bettie Jo... Dr Now said she has Munchausen syndrome -- no, she's just a compulsive liar who doesn't want to take responsibility for anything in her life. Seriously, she doesn't want to stop overeating - so she invents reasons why she can't. Stay on her medically-prescribed diet? Nope! Doctors tell her to eat everything while pregnant. Get back onto her diet after the baby? Nope! My back hurts and things are so stressful. Deal with the baby? Nope! Can't lift anything (except the dog, her backpack and a large bag she took into the doctor's office, but I guess those don't count). Deal with her husband? Nope! Just says she "can't take it much longer" and does nothing. I actually don't think her husband knew the truth, which is why he was so angry when Dr Now confronted her. I really think she told him she had cancer. Did no one question this when she went a year and half with no treatment whatsoever? That's not how a cancer diagnosis works unless you've refused treatment and even then, you'd probably at least seek palliative treatment. 

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10 minutes ago, Lunula said:

You have to break the habit of overeating and no one else can do it for you. 

Agreed.  Susan should be able to control herself even if her mother sits on her lap and eats a Hershey bar.

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I have no issue with Lola wearing wigs, but those are not good wigs. If it looks super fake and is this "urine blonde" (tm RPDR) color, it's distracting. Get yourself a nice brunette lacefront, Lola. I'm sure being a therapist pays enough!

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When Susan went in to see Lola, I was able to read the info on the door sign. She's not a doctor (not yet, anyway), she's a Licensed Professional Counselor. Her name is Lola Clay and a search on that name is... interesting. (Not sure what we can link to here, so I'll leave y'all to do your own sleuthing!)

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I think Bettie Jo wanted to have cancer because she wanted chemotherapy to make her lose weight.

Somebody in the live chat--which is my favorite reading material these days--mentioned how awful those blouses with holes on the shoulders are, and I agree.  I came here really to tell anyone who'll listen that those things don't look good on anybody, and if you think they look good on you, you're mistaken.

Josh flouncing out of the office was my favorite ;part, even more than using a telescope to diagnose cancer.

ETA:  Here is a picture of Crystal Clay, who looks like she must be Lola's sister.  She specializes in drug and alcohol abuse.  I'm about ready to abuse some gin myself.



Edited by Mothra
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35 minutes ago, Mothra said:

I think Bettie Jo wanted to have cancer because she wanted chemotherapy to make her lose weight.

Somebody in the live chat--which is my favorite reading material these days--mentioned how awful those blouses with holes on the shoulders are, and I agree.  I came here really to tell anyone who'll listen that those things don't look good on anybody, and if you think they look good on you, you're mistaken.

Josh flouncing out of the office was my favorite ;part, even more than using a telescope to diagnose cancer.

ETA:  Here is a picture of Crystal Clay, who looks like she must be Lola's sister.  She specializes in drug and alcohol abuse.  I'm about ready to abuse some gin myself.



I look like a linebacker when I try those shirts on. I hope its a trend that will just die already! 

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8 hours ago, Tosia said:

Bettie Jo is a narcissist, (like Twitney Thore), and upped her game to Munchausen's to seal the deal for sucking  all the air in the room. 

That couple who was helping them move, I assume that was her husband's friend and his wife because I can't see Bettie Jo having friends of her own as selfish with zero personality she is.

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3 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

Susan should be able to control herself even if her mother sits on her lap and eats a Hershey bar

It is hard when you are tempted by others but she would never make it if she had kids and had to fix them food. My little one could live on grilled cheese, hot dogs, mac & cheese, and chicken nuggets which are all fattening and tempting to me....and yes I do throw her a vegetable or something healthy sometimes... :)

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Rewatching from the beginning, knowing Bettie Jo lied about having cancer, makes me question everything this chick says. Oh no, I could be paralyzed. Oh no, my legs are numb. Oh no, I’m only allowed to get out of bed once a day or I’ll get a blood clot. Yeah, right. Even in the flashback to her first episode they showed her back on the hospital after her surgery, and wouldn’t ya know, *after* Dr. Now called her out for not losing any weight. I thought she was just dull and a little slow, but by golly, she may actually be quite the conniving scammer! 

Edited by CringeWatcher
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9 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

good choices in baby sisters

I know that was a typo, but please for the love of dog no baby sisters for little Preston!



She's also a mouth breather. A lot of the people on the show are. I guess those jaws are just too heavy to hold in place (although you'd think they would be strong from all of that chewing...seriously).

I would guess that has to do with their weight affecting their breathing (all that fat around the throat and lungs). You get more air through your mouth. I have a family friend who is very overweight (probably in 300-400 range, and he's not that tall) and he breathes through his mouth a lot. He also has sleep apnea. (Even as a teenager when he was smaller he did it; some of it had to do with the aftereffects of a broken nose, for which he eventually had surgery (I don't know how much good that did), but I'm sure his weight doesn't help. I've heard him snore when just chilling on the couch, fully awake.) His wife isn't much (if any) smaller than he is; I fear their kids will take after them, too.


5 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

Free testing????

Makes me wonder if it's one of those shady clinics that's treating people who don't really need it.


4 hours ago, auntjess said:

Cancer found with telescope.

HA!! ??

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1 minute ago, CringeWatcher said:

but by golly, she may actually be quite the conniving scammer! 

I noticed at the end they showed her husband outside taking care of the baby while she was sitting inside online with her weight loss group she started (where she lost a whopping 6 pounds). Like you said looking back she is a scammer, she will do anything to avoid work!

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9 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Gah, my boyfriend and I rewound and played that part about 5 times laughing like hell at, "we're taking our old stuff from the old house and moving the old stuff into the new house..."  Yes Susan, you could have saved 30 seconds of your life by just saying "we're moving".

English teacher here, so I do get a bit annoyed when people don’t use their words, but it looks like they bought a new trailer and put it on the same piece of property as the old one. If that’s the case I can forgive her the “taking our stuff from a to b.” My ex and I did something similar when our house was finished, and no, it really didn’t feel like *moving* exactly. 

Still, it was kinda funny :)

Edited by CringeWatcher
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Regardless of what kind of growth she had on her spine, being lighter and putting less stress on it would certainly be a good thing, right? And if it was cancer, losing weight would be better too, right?  

 I know people with severe spine problems and their doctors encourage them to stay as active as possible.  Nothing crazy, but, to stay mobile.  Even people with heart transplants are encouraged to get up on their feet not long after surgery.  So, I'm trying to figure out why she was so restricted.  I mean, really... I don't really believe her. 

I believe in people's freedom of choice and how you should smoke if that is your choice. I've always thought you shouldn't be treated like a criminal for smoking, but, then not long before Thanksgiving last year, a friend of mine, died suddenly from sudden cardiac arrest.  She hadn't been sick, no health issues, not overweight,  nothing was wrong that she knew of, no warning, just suddenly sick feeling and labored breathing.  She went to ER and they life flighted her to a major medical center where she died the next day.  She was only 63.   AND an avid smoker for many years.  I researched heavy smoking and for women, it's a very high risk factor for sudden cardiac arrest.  I don't think she really believed it would happen to her.  I don't smoke, but it really put a different spin on it for me. 

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As for BJ being on bedrest and only being allowed up for one hour a day, I can attest to the fact that this is a real thing. When I was pregnant with my twins, the Dr put me on bedrest for the last 3 months. I was allowed one hour a day of being up.  I showered and enjoyed being upright. We called it my "vertical enjoyment period". I hated being on bedrest. I don't get how these people just lay around and do nothing for years. It was a relief to be able to get up and do stuff again when I could. 

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6 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

  I researched heavy smoking and for women, it's a very high risk factor for sudden cardiac arrest.  I don't think she really believed it would happen to her. 

The danger is very real. My SIL was obese, smoked and had a heart attack at 42 while bathing her 3 yo son. Fortunately, her husband was there, called 911 and she survived after surgery. It could have been such a tragic situation if he had not been home. She gave up cigarettes,but still struggles with her weight. 

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11 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

As for BJ being on bedrest and only being allowed up for one hour a day, I can attest to the fact that this is a real thing. When I was pregnant with my twins, the Dr put me on bedrest for the last 3 months. I was allowed one hour a day of being up.  I showered and enjoyed being upright. We called it my "vertical enjoyment period". I hated being on bedrest. I don't get how these people just lay around and do nothing for years. It was a relief to be able to get up and do stuff again when I could. 

Oh, I meant AFTER she had the baby.  I don't question bed rest during a pregnancy, but, I thought this lady was describing all these descriptions after the baby was born.  Like when they were going to the airport and she said she couldn't lift or carry anything, including the baby.  And she told Dr. Now that she couldn't do anything like a wife or mother does.  To me, that was her choosing to not do anything and not any real medical restriction. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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20 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

Even though he's so stupid he says the cancer might have to be diagnosed with a TELESCOPE!

Where is my mind?  Maybe I should retire tomorrow?  I kept wondering why you guys are snarking on a diagnosis with a telescope. Like, what else are they going to use?

Now that it's in caps (or that I've had more food than some chocolate bunnies), I see it. Telescope - not microscope!  Jeez Louise!

I guess I should retire. I'm going thru my mail and I've got an envelope from HHS - Welcome to Medicare!  Wow. I should call my mother and make her feel old - she's gonna have a kid on social security. 

Edited by aliya
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1 hour ago, Armchair Critic said:

It is hard when you are tempted by others but she would never make it if she had kids and had to fix them food.

I know from personal experience how hard it is but I did it without gastric bypass surgery, and while I took care of two small boys, a husband, a house and all the yard work.  Determination is the key.

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1 hour ago, CringeWatcher said:

Rewatching from the beginning, knowing Bettie Jo lied about having cancer, makes me question everything this chick says. Oh no, I could be paralyzed. Oh no, my legs are numb. Oh no, I’m only allowed to get out of bed once a day or I’ll get a blood clot. Yeah, right. Even in the flashback to her first episode they showed her back on the hospital after her surgery, and wouldn’t ya know, *after* Dr. Now called her out for not losing any weight. I thought she was just dull and a little slow, but by golly, she may actually be quite the conniving scammer! 

Munchausen's is a mental illness, so I don't think she's all that conniving.  I checked WebMD to make sure it was a genuine mental disease, and boy did I hit a gold mine!  It said M. is a "factitious" disorder, so then I went to find out what that means.  Apparently there's a whole range of factitious disorders (serious mental disorder in which someone deceives others by appearing sick, by purposely getting sick or by self-injury) including Squalor Syndrome which I think I have!  Not really, but certainly some of these symptoms apply at one time or another:

Diogenes syndrome, also known as senile squalor syndrome, is a disorder characterized by extreme self-neglect, domestic squalor, social withdrawal, apathy, compulsive hoarding of garbage or animals, and lack of shame. Sufferers may also display symptoms of catatonia.

So if Bettie Jo has Munchausen's, she really can't help lying.  What I don't understand is if she believes she has/had cancer--she certainly persuaded her husband that she did.  I couldn't tell from WebMD whether the person with M. understands that she isn't really sick.

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On 4/18/2018 at 11:31 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

Huge difference in attitude. Susan says if Dr. Now gets upset with her, she'll be hearing what she needs to hear.

Bettie Jo comes into his office off her diet and loaded for bear. And, her jerk husband jumps into the argument. Don't they realize Dr. Now saved her life? Where's the gratitude? 

Dr. Now made an excellent point when he noted that Bettie Jo didn't even attend to her own baby. She didn't even look in the child's direction.  She may be soft spoken and mealy-mouthed, but she's an incredibly selfish person! 

I feel sorry for that baby.

I wish I could like your post 100 times!  I do like Susan now.  Yes, total difference in her attitude!  I didn’t like her on her first episode because she was such a big baby.  She seems more mature now and she did a great job on her weight loss! 

Betti Jo is a terrible person and mother.  Now that we know that she’s a big fat liar, that means she making up reasons not to take care of her baby! I feel so bad for that sweet baby too! I think she’s an incredibly lazy slob after finding out she lied about Cancer! I loved that Dr. Now exposed her! Hearing that she lied about something as serious as cancer makes me really doubt her “rape” story that she told on her first episode.  I would never ever doubt someone’s story about being raped but, she made cancer up and Dr. Now said she makes up things for attention and to be taken care of.   She a big MANIPULATOR and  wants people to feel sorry for her!  After this episode, everyone will see her for the liar that she is!! 

Betti Jo is the Brooks (Real HW Orange County) of 600lb life! 

Edited by Kaia40
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I think Susan wants to succeed but I wonder if a part of her thinks she isn’t allowed to succeed because it will make her mother unhappy. I remember her sister from the original episode. I wonder is she now lives far away and it’s on Susan to always be her mother’s rock/companion/only friend. She may feel guilty about living her life, which would result in her mother’s loneliness/unhappiness. I think it would be good for Susan to get some type of job, even part-Time, to gain confidence and give a little break from being 24/7 with her mom.

I really hope Betty Jo doesn’t have munchausen’s because it could become by proxy and she would end up making the baby sick for attention. I don’t think she is that mentally ill in general. I think she is just lazy. I would guess she told her husband all the things they would do once she lost weight and, now that she has lost weight, he (and his family) expects more from Bettie Jo. She needs a reason to not work, clean, eat healthy, take care of the baby or just live an adult life. The baby is adorable I have to say. 

I do wonder if Susan, Betty Jo and Betty Jo’s husband are a little lower IQ.  Just something seems off about them.  think a lot of these people blame the weight for their problems and, once they have lost the weight, realize they still have the same problems but are just skinnier. 

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7 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

n addition to the 'usual' pathological stuff that accompanies a person faking cancer, I think that the two of them were planning to start up a GoFundMe page, and they were hoping to use the show as a

110%!!  What a lying POS! 

7 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

I really hope Betty Jo doesn’t have munchausen’s because it could become by proxy and she would end up making the baby sick for attention.

I was thinking the exact same thing!  Honestly, if she lied about cancer, I wouldn’t put it past her to start with the baby.  She seems to have no connection to that sweet little guy! 

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19 hours ago, missnoa said:

Did you notice she was just fine to lift her dog when they were at the airport and that she was fine to have a super fully, heavy backpack on her shoulder too? Dr. Now also commented that when the baby cried she didn't even look at him. And there was no reason for her to not finish feeding the baby that bottle before she ate herself and then took her meds but she still made Josh stop moving them into their new place to take the baby and feed him. She's using every excuse to not take care of that kid. She wants to be taken care OF, not to do the caretaking.

Thanks for pointing this out. I was so aghast at her fake ass cancer scam and furiously live chatting with all of you that I missed this.

Unfortunately, Bettie Jo is a consummate con artist and will use anything, including that so very cute baby boy, to scam her way through life. I am watching the Supersized episode right now and just listening to Bettie Jo say how much she wants a child and giving us that big old sad, doe eyed face. But now knowing that all she ever wanted was a child she could use as a prop to garner sympathy and, most importantly, cash from kind hearted people even her own family, I could just reach through the tv and scratch her eyes out. What a loathsome excuse for a human being.

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4 hours ago, Miracle Maxie said:

When Susan went in to see Lola, I was able to read the info on the door sign. She's not a doctor (not yet, anyway), she's a Licensed Professional Counselor. Her name is Lola Clay and a search on that name is... interesting. (Not sure what we can link to here, so I'll leave y'all to do your own sleuthing!)

Therapists are very often not medical doctors. There are different types LCSW which is a licensed counselor social work and LPC is a professional counselor which is what it sounds like Lola is. These are normal and respectable credentials for the profession. That doesn’t guarantee she’s any good but she isn’t unqualified. 

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9 hours ago, Mothra said:

Munchausen's is a mental illness, so I don't think she's all that conniving.  I checked WebMD to make sure it was a genuine mental disease, and boy did I hit a gold mine!  It said M. is a "factitious" disorder, so then I went to find out what that means.  Apparently there's a whole range of factitious disorders (serious mental disorder in which someone deceives others by appearing sick, by purposely getting sick or by self-injury) including Squalor Syndrome which I think I have!  Not really, but certainly some of these symptoms apply at one time or another:

Diogenes syndrome, also known as senile squalor syndrome, is a disorder characterized by extreme self-neglect, domestic squalor, social withdrawal, apathy, compulsive hoarding of garbage or animals, and lack of shame. Sufferers may also display symptoms of catatonia.

So if Bettie Jo has Munchausen's, she really can't help lying.  What I don't understand is if she believes she has/had cancer--she certainly persuaded her husband that she did.  I couldn't tell from WebMD whether the person with M. understands that she isn't really sick.

We actually studied this in my Psychology class in college.  From what I learned, even though it’s a mental illness, she is very aware of what she is doing. Just like serial killers have mental illnesses (Sociopaths, Psychopaths etc) they still are very aware of what they’re doing and it doesn’t excuse them for murdering.  With munchausens they are very good at manipulating just like Betti Jo.  They actually do things to make themselves sick and even go as far to look up the symptoms of whatever illness they are faking and fake the symptoms of that particular illness.  She’s a waste of space.  

Edited by Kaia40
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Bettie Jo saying she couldn’t get out of bed because she might get a blood clot? I always thought the opposite, and that lying around immobile was dangerous. 

Has Susan’s dynamic with her mother changed now that SHE’S the slimmer one? 

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How many people here remember Alan Sherman' s going to summer camp classic song "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah?" Every time Dr Now talks about a mother, that song starts playing in my head and I can't stop laughing.  And yes, I am a bit obsessed with the show.

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:


I believe in people's freedom of choice and how you should smoke if that is your choice. I've always thought you shouldn't be treated like a criminal for smoking, but, then not long before Thanksgiving last year, a friend of mine, died suddenly from sudden cardiac arrest.  She hadn't been sick, no health issues, not overweight,  nothing was wrong that she knew of, no warning, just suddenly sick feeling and labored breathing.  She went to ER and they life flighted her to a major medical center where she died the next day.  She was only 63.   AND an avid smoker for many years.  I researched heavy smoking and for women, it's a very high risk factor for sudden cardiac arrest.  I don't think she really believed it would happen to her.  I don't smoke, but it really put a different spin on it for me. 

Well it is Susan’s choice to smoke or not but it’s Dr Now’s choice to deny her the surgery because of the increased risk the smoking carries. I don’t think she was being treated like a criminal. Dr Now was just pointed out that she kept coming to the office saying she wanted skin surgery more than anything but he told her if she is smoking - no surgery so she’d better quit. It’s completely up to her. 


I am so sorry about your friend. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
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After  BJ's first update I would check her FB until she was outright banned for fraud.  Obviously, her personal page from 2 years ago no longer exists but she kept advertising meet and greets for a fee, and for more money you could get "coaching"  That's okay, but only if you don't show up or do a thing after taking money from people.  No idea what happened after the ban, and know she has new pages.  Honestly, I think she's too simple to rip people off.  Not sure about Josh.  Who knows who the people are in their lives.  

I always liked Susan.  I always hated her mother.  

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4 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

That couple who was helping them move, I assume that was her husband's friend and his wife because I can't see Bettie Jo having friends of her own as selfish with zero personality she is.

I remember her saying that the guy of the couple was her best friend.

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

Bettie Jo saying she couldn’t get out of bed because she might get a blood clot? I always thought the opposite, and that lying around immobile was dangerous. 

Has Susan’s dynamic with her mother changed now that SHE’S the slimmer one? 

I think people heard this a little wrong.  Bettie Jo was saying, in her own interminable, slow as molasses in the winter, gotta take some time because I'm using my mouth for speaking and breathing way, that she was on bed rest due to her high risk pregnancy.  She was told to get up an hour a day to help prevent blood clots.   

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3 hours ago, Otter said:

After  BJ's first update I would check her FB until she was outright banned for fraud.  Obviously, her personal page from 2 years ago no longer exists but she kept advertising meet and greets for a fee, and for more money you could get "coaching"  That's okay, but only if you don't show up or do a thing after taking money from people.  No idea what happened after the ban, and know she has new pages.  Honestly, I think she's too simple to rip people off.  Not sure about Josh.  Who knows who the people are in their lives.  

I think I'd go to Whitney Thore's meet and greet, before Bettie Jo's.

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OK, I have a theory:  Bettie Jo wasn't really lying about cancer - she just mis-heard the doctor.  What she heard as, "You have bone cancer," was really the doctor saying, "You're a cancer on society, you bone-head!"  

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4 hours ago, Kaia40 said:

From what I learned, even though it’s a mental illness, she is very aware of what she is doing.

Kaia40, do you think the impression conveyed by her speech that she's (as my late grandmother would say) really rather limited is a conscious affectation like that too, or do you think she's really as dumb as a post?

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Bettie Jo's episode was pure déjà vu to me. We had a guy at work who roomed with me for a short while who claimed to have cancer. First he said it was stomach and testicular and he said he was going through immunotherapy for it. Not one medical bill passed through my house, but he would have episodes where he "coughed up" a bit of blood and said it was "flaring up" (usually when he didn't want to do or confront something). Eventually he moved on to say it was blood and bone. Still, not one medical bill, no work absences, just a lot of hearsay sob stories. 

Since he never really requested off for it there was no reason for our workplace to ask him to prove his condition via a doctor's note etc.

That's not how cancer works. My father died of a glioblastoma and I've taken courses in oncology to get a firm grasp of a variety of cancers and their behaviors. I have zero sympathy for cancer fakers. Just vitriol. 

Pure munchausen/patholotical lying/histrionic personality crap. I'd have empathy but these people arn't paying me like they would a therapist to deal with that kind of bullshit.

Edited by sidka
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I have another theory.  I think the reason Josh became so unhinged with Dr Now was because if she has cancer, then she needs him.  As we all know, Josh has an almost pathological fear of abandonment which we learned from the first episode.  So, as long as she’s fat, sick, and/or helpless, he’s relevant.  It’s co-dependency at its worst.  Someone should tell him he’s got a job for life, she’s not going anywhere.

also, my mom died of cancer. Bettie Jo is a POS.

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