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"The View": Week Of 04/16/2018

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7 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Meghan’s surprisingly calm demeanor--not that she wasn't vile, but I expected her to be feral--today makes me think the princess was given another paddling for threatening to filet a high-profile guest yesterday.

I think she's been getting quiet a few paddlings lately.  I really noticed it when they came back from a week off  about a week or two ago.  She was tame and demure on the Monday and as the week got on.....she got worse.  I can tell when she's had a "talking to"

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4 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Meghan’s surprisingly calm demeanor--not that she wasn't vile, but I expected her to be feral--today makes me think the princess was given another paddling for threatening to filet a high-profile guest yesterday.

Maybe or it could be Stormy's poise threw her.  The best Meghan could come up with was saying the make America horny again tour a few times and trying to shame her for hurting Trump's family.  I'm sure there are websites that will spin it as Meghan took her down but Meghan looked pathetic.  Staring daggers is not fileting someone.

2 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I think she's been getting quiet a few paddlings lately.  I really noticed it when they came back from a week off  about a week or two ago.  She was tame and demure on the Monday and as the week got on.....she got worse.  I can tell when she's had a "talking to"

Whether she likes it or not Meghan is an employee of ABC and if she does something that affects them there will be repercussions.  If enough people complained or started boycotting sponsors she will definitely have a talking to.

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1 minute ago, blondiec0332 said:

I wonder if her scorn for women who sleep with married men applies to all women.

Yes, It seems like an odd  stance for her to take, she wouldn't like the same thing directed at HER mother. 

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19 hours ago, Haleth said:

James Comey:. Graduate of William & Mary and Univ of Chicago law school. US Attorney and director of the FBI under 2 presidents. Long list of important cases, including prosecuting the Gambino crime family.

Meghan McCain:  BA in history from Columbia  (Ok, that surprised me.  I didn't know she went to an Ivy League school.)  Former Foxbot and View "pundit."

Yeah, Comey is scared to death.

This post needs to go in some sort of Hall of Fame.  The more I think of it, the better it gets.  Meghan thinking she's going to fillet this guy is laughable.  

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Did anybody on the East Coast have the email address to send tips on the threatener bleeped out by ABC?  Here in California, we did. I'm going to tweet Michael Avenatti to ask him if he knows why they bleeped him.  In case anybody else wonders, the email address is all over Twitter.  It's idthethug@gmail.com.

I wonder why Sunny was so reticent today.

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On ‎2018‎-‎04‎-‎16 at 11:20 AM, Jaded said:

Anyone else with U-verse have their DVR not pick up the show at all? Looking at scheduled recordings it doesn't look like it's set to record all week but picks up next Monday. For some reason the new episodes this week aren't being detected as new. Maybe my DVR is trying to protect me from RBM. Ha!

I don't have U-verse, but noticed that The View was the only one of my series recordings that had been turned off every day this week, so I turned it back on. 

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1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Meghan’s surprisingly calm demeanor--not that she wasn't vile, but I expected her to be feral--today makes me think the princess was given another paddling for threatening to filet a high-profile guest yesterday.

I thought she was more calm because of her father's condition.

She will probably be back to her witchy self tomorrow.

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4 minutes ago, deirdra said:

I don't have U-verse, but noticed that The View was the only one of my series recordings that had been turned off every day this week, so I turned it back on. 

I honestly think its a hack.....both the View and Colbert can't be "series" recorded?  Please, and both have Comey on this week.  A few months ago, I would have never considered this tin hat theory, but now....who knows?  anything can happen.

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On ‎2018‎-‎04‎-‎16 at 12:25 PM, Alexis2291 said:

Did anyone catch Meghan looking directly into the camera when she said, "I know what a leak is, trust me" ?

Yes, and I loved how Sunny followed up with "the audience may like to hear the definition" and then defined it.  The show isn't all about you Meghan!

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3 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

I think Stormy was also married when the affair took place. Anyone who watched in real-time, please correct me if I'm wrong. When Meghan asked her why she waited this long to speak publicly about having sex with Trump (yet another problematic question IMO), one of the reasons Stormy mentioned was her husband. I can't remember if she elaborated on that point.

I thought she meant she was married at the time of being threatened and her husband didn't know what had taken place between her and Trump.

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Just now, blondiec0332 said:

I thought she meant she was married at the time of being threatened and her husband didn't know what had taken place between her and Trump.

You're right! She was talking about being threatened. I couldn't remember if Meghan was asking about the sex or the threat, thanks! 

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5 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

I think Stormy was also married when the affair took place. Anyone who watched in real-time, please correct me if I'm wrong. When Meghan asked her why she waited this long to speak publicly about having sex with Trump (yet another problematic question IMO), one of the reasons Stormy mentioned was her husband. I can't remember if she elaborated on that point.

None of this nullifies your point but I didn't know she was married until she mentioned it today. Still, Trump having sex with her means he clearly didn't care about how it would affect his family anyway, so why would it concern Stormy? Like you said, she's not married to the Trump family (still doesn't make it right). 

The affair with Trump happened in 2006, and she was not married at the time.  And I also think she meant that she had never told her current husband about what happened with Trump.  I can easily understand that.

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7 minutes ago, debbie311 said:

The affair with Trump happened in 2006, and she was not married at the time.  And I also think she meant that she had never told her current husband about what happened with Trump.  I can easily understand that.

Yeah, @blondiec0332 corrected me. Stormy was referring to not telling her husband about the threat she received while with her daughter, not the sexual encounter. 

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MM apparently thinks sticking around to grill Stormy and fillet Comey is more important than heading home to see her father; hope he doesn't take a turn for the worse before Thursday.

Edited by deirdra
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Thanks for posting, Adele. Meghan's run on question to Stormy was rude, derisive and as Avenatti pointed out not even accurate in her accusation that Stormy had no business being at the hearing. Pretty darned close to slut-shaming, too. Stormy handled it with aplomb. Major Meghan face plant, for sure. 

Edited by merriebreeze
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1 hour ago, telemachus2 said:

Puleeze, folks, giving Meghan credit for a degree in history overstates her qualifications: she has a BA in ART history.  

My bad.  I got the info from Wikipedia.  I didn't care enough to look for another source for confirmation.  :)

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22 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

I'm sure Comey is nervously awaiting being questioned by Meghan McCain. (I can't even type that with a straight face.) She has always tried gotcha! questions with her perceived political enemies, and they flick her off so politely and so easily, like one would an ant at a picnic.

Meghan has never had a "real" job (by that, I mean a job she hates but can't quit because she needs to make the monthly rent), has never been in the military, and has never run for or been elected to office. By contrast, Comey has served under presidents of both parties, has been grilled by Congressional Committees, helped take down the freaking Gambino crime family, was second in command of the Department of Justice, and was Director of the entire FBI.

And Meghan not only considers herself his intellectual equal, but thinks she is going to take him down?

Oh, sweetie. Bless your heart.

Meghan is the coyote unable to catch the Road  Runner (any guest she despies).

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 I thought Stormy came off fairly well. She gave an excellent description of how her life has changed since all  this started. Loved her saying that anyone that puts her on a pedestal should get their life checked. Of course Meghan was her usual empathetic self. She came out mad and just got madder as the show went on. And this was only the warm up. I'm starting to get worried for Comey.

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Someone might've already said something similar, but the best part of the interview for me was Stormy's lawyer. His potshots at Trump, Cohen, and Hannity were hilarious, and the fact that he deftly shutdown McCain immediately at the beginning of the interview show he is absolutely worth every penny she's paying him. IDtheThug.com made me cackle.

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3 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:
22 hours ago, Haleth said:

James Comey:. Graduate of William & Mary and Univ of Chicago law school. US Attorney and director of the FBI under 2 presidents. Long list of important cases, including prosecuting the Gambino crime family.

Meghan McCain:  BA in history from Columbia  (Ok, that surprised me.  I didn't know she went to an Ivy League school.)  Former Foxbot and View "pundit."

Yeah, Comey is scared to death.

This post needs to go in some sort of Hall of Fame.  The more I think of it, the better it gets.  Meghan thinking she's going to fillet this guy is laughable.  


2 things-

It is grill and filet.  jeeeeze :>

Think she would have gotten into Colombia without dad? 

3 minutes ago, atlantaloves said:

Oh and can I be totally shallow about today's show....Hey MM, could you possibly put just a little more lipstick on, you ugly bitch.  Thank you, now I feel much better. Taa Taa. ?

High 5

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Whoopi is in trouble with her hair.  Well she has been for while now but it is getting worse.  You can see the bald pink spots on the top of her head very clearly now.  Seems the dreads are attached to a very small amount of hair on top of her head.  She cant just clipper it to 1/2 inch as some do because of too many bald spots.  

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I'm not sure if there were too many people at the table, but my judgement is they were not up to interviewing Stormi Daniels in any contributing way.  There were awkward pauses, Sunny did not say enough as the only attorney co-host at the table, and they were too concerned with allowing Meghan to get 50% of the questions.

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26 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm not sure if there were too many people at the table, but my judgement is they were not up to interviewing Stormi Daniels in any contributing way.  There were awkward pauses, Sunny did not say enough as the only attorney co-host at the table, and they were too concerned with allowing Meghan to get 50% of the questions.

I noticed that, too.  I don't think any of them are all that interested in her story anymore.  The facts are out and the story has been told.  The composite sketch is new and that is it.  There is so much more to going on that demands attention that I found this boring, too. 

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6 hours ago, AdeleDazeem said:

The responsibility doesn't lie at all with Stormy. She didn't take a vow of fidelity (if, in fact, Trump did). I think it's scummy for anyone to have an affair with a married or involved person, but, it's the married or involved person who is betraying someone -- not the other woman/man.

Stormy was married at the time she slept with Trump. She is on her 3rd husband and has been officially in a marriage every year since 2003. That makes her just as scummy.

Edited by Ohboy
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7 minutes ago, Ohboy said:

Stormy was married at the time she slept with Trump. That makes her just as scummy.

Not married in 2006.

Pat Myne (m. 2003; div. 2005)
Mike Moz (m. 2007; div. 2009)
Brendon Miller(m. 2010)

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I was surprised that the show spent so much time on Stormy. I thought she'd be on for a segment or two, but that wasn't the case at all. It also felt like there were less commercials this time around. Do you think it will be the same for tomorrow?

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2 hours ago, Ohboy said:

Stormy was married at the time she slept with Trump. She is on her 3rd husband and has been officially in a marriage every year since 2003. That makes her just as scummy.

Given that Stormy Daniels' career is in adult films, one would think that her husband(s) have different expectations regarding fidelity. I find her openness about it more refreshing than someone with a newly born baby catting around and paying hush money to keep an affair hidden.

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1 hour ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I was surprised that the show spent so much time on Stormy. I thought she'd be on for a segment or two, but that wasn't the case at all. It also felt like there were less commercials this time around. Do you think it will be the same for tomorrow?

Less commercials and they changed the music they cut to at a commercial break. They made it sound all serious like a news program or investigative report.

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10 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

And anyway, Stormy Daniels isn't the president.

She could be though since the standards have dropped so drastically!  My friend visited DC and posted pics of the White House and I was like, "Who even cares anymore?"  Stormy could be running the country in an iHOP for all I care.

Hey guys, haven't posted in awhile but I've been watching.  Maybe I have blinders on, but I never find Joy as snotty as Meghan can come across.  But the real issue I have with Meghan is her hair.  I just don't know what to do to fix it.  Some highlights and knock it off with the braids?  It's just terrible and God knows she can afford a nice weave.  The grind of a daily talk show will take it's toll on anyone's hair, but hers is just awful and sometimes her braids even spread to Sarah who is just a beautiful woman.  Ok, I know this has been shallow, but I just look forward to Meghan's hair each show.

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Can't wait for Comey today.  Caught him on another show last night and could not believe how tall he is 6'8".  Wow.  He was shown back stage waiting to go out and he was with two women who were probably handlers and they looked like his kids compared to him.

Trivial sure but I do notice a tall man.

The how bruhaha about Cohen and Trump - what MM doesn't seem to get is that because Trump finally spoke, on Air Force One no less, is how they got confirmation of the deal.  It is literally the straw that broke the camel's back.  The whole Russian hookers thing is important because Trump wanted Comey to disprove the story which is another misuse of the power of the office.  A later post credits a better way of describing the incident.

Just wanted to catch up on the discussions this week.

Edited by jumper sage
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