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S07.E00: Teen Mom OG Finale Special: Check-Up with Dr. Drew – Part One


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Too Druzy:) to comment on this shit show. I have opinions that will have to wait until tomorrow. Nite Preverts.

Topic: Ty still smoking huh? That's really gotta piss off Cait. *Puff Puff Pass*

Edited by FairyDusted
opinions are not the same as options
  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Kazu said:

So, we now have at least two professionals advising Cate and Ryan to cease doing something for the good of their mental health (get rid of social media and quit Teen Mom), and they both ignore those orders. MTV is their real drug dealer.

Yup.  Exactly.

P.S.  Are you no longer Great?!  :)

  • Love 2

Why did Maci tell Drew that she thinks Ryan is "doing well" in response to his question about how she thinks Ryan is doing? She recently filed a restraining order against Ryan. He is not doing well. He is threatening her and her husband.

Amber's math again. She said she and Matt had been together for three and a half years. lol  She keeps stretching it out:

After kicking Baier out of her house due to his admitted drug relapse, Portwood confided in her brother that she thinks her former fiancé has been cheating her financially for three years.

“He told me that we could separate our bank accounts if it makes me feel good,” Portwood said. “Within the last three years we’ve been together, tallying everything up, it’s been $120,000 that I have no clue where it’s went. We’re not engaged and I feel like he’s a pathological liar.”

Amber also mentioned how Matt lied to her about being married when he had in fact gotten married two days before. He got married back in November.  Amber was still communicating with him as late as November?!! She didn't block him from calling her or texting her. She kept the door matt (Typo but I am leaving it. So appropriate) with his last name on it, and she was PREGNANT! Soooo gross.

Edited by Kazu
  • Love 22
3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Drew is a fucking idiot. Really? He's excusing her from not seeing Leah because of a breakup?? Bullshit!!

Brooklynista, when Drew gave her that defense (RE her drinking and she shouldn’t want to be around Leah at that time), Amber looked taken aback like damn, why didn’t I think of that first.

  I pressed the stop button on my dvr and came in here to get my peoples perspective (you guys lol) because honestly I had to fast forward thru Catelynn’s bs, Macy’s bs, Amber’s too.  Let’s not leave out the good doctor’s bs as well.  I’ll just enjoy all the snark on here which is better for my blood pressure.  

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, Kazu said:

Why did Maci tell Drew that she thinks Ryan is "doing well" in response to his question about how she thinks Ryan is doing? She recently filed a restraining order against Ryan. He is not doing well. He is threatening her and her husband.

I don't understand Maci's response either. The reunion was taped Saturday, March 3, 2018 and Sunday, March 4, 2018.

On her request for an order of protection Maci stated that in May 2017 Ryan showed up at Bentley's baseball game under the influence of heroine and "got in my face and yelling and threatening to hurt me (I attached that portion of the Order of Protection below). Maci waited until March 23, 2018 to file for a restraining order. Ryan was arrested March 28, 2018 for a violation of his probation dating back to his arrest on March 12, 2017. Maybe she was informed that Ryan was going to be arrested and tried to get ahead of the press and file for an order of protection to save face. I know it's not a popular opinion but why did she wait? 


Officials say the 30-year-old reality television star violated probation, which he was given after he was arrested on March 12th of 2017 for possession of heroin and possession of drug paraphernalia.



  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, druzy said:

I don't understand Maci's response either. The reunion was taped Saturday, March 3, 2018 and Sunday, March 4, 2018.

On her request for an order of protection Maci stated that in May 2017 Ryan showed up at Bentley's baseball game under the influence of heroine and "got in my face and yelling and threatening to hurt me (I attached that portion of the Order of Protection below). Maci waited until March 23, 2018 to file for a restraining order. Ryan was arrested March 28, 2018 for a violation of his probation dating back to his arrest on March 12, 2017. Maybe she was informed that Ryan was going to be arrested and tried to get ahead of the press and file for an order of protection to save face. I know it's not a popular opinion but why did she wait? 



Fully agree. I would have filed ASAP.

  • Love 3

I’m only 12 minutes in and I can’t listen to Cate say “like” as every other word. For reals.

I will watch it a second time (when my ears recover) because I want to count the official number of times she says it. I’m also watching for a max # use of it in one sentence. 

Also, we should’ve had a drinking game for the phrase “in treatment.” 

?? (Because Cate)

  • Love 20

I am no Drew defender, but when Drew was grilling Ryan about after care, where was that same line of interrogation with regard to both Cate & Amber? Asking them about therapy & 12 step programs would’ve been good for them to hear. When Drew jokingly asked Ryan about having the TX spa refer him to a TN therapist, even though R dodged the question, it was asked. Drew needed to be all over them about focusing on recovery just as much as Ryan.

I had major second hand embarrassment watching Ryan & Mack - they’re so dumb. Oh my God. They cannot follow a conversation with one other adult. Grrr!

Lastly, Drew referred to scenes from the show several times and then acted like he hadn’t seen any footage at all. I don’t understand that. Quite hinky...hmmm....

  • Love 20

I'm appalled that the deal breaker for Amber regarding Matt was his cheating on her. Not the physical abuse (alleged), not the mental/emotional abuse (alleged), but cheating. That was her line in the sand. I, too, like other posters have said, thought she looked thinner. Could it be she's actually follow the diabetic diet? Could that cause a woman who was overweight when she became pregnant to lose weight?

I never realized Cate was so busty! Her boobs looked huge! Dr Drew pissed me off when he told Cate her leaving Nova to run off to the spa was "different" than her being abandoned by her parents. NO IT'S NOT!!! Nova isn't old enough to understand why Cate left, she only knows mommy is gone for a long, long time. Same feelings of abandonment. I don't understand why Cate is so traumatized by her dad moving when she was 12. Many kids from divorced homes have a father who lives in another state and they don't go off the deep end. While far from ideal, at that age she was old enough for him to send her a plane or train ticket to visit over Christmas holiday and summer vacation. He wasn't really doing anything helpful in regards to the situation with her alcoholic mother when he lived nearby anyway. Looks like next week we once again will be regaled with the tale of her near suicide (insert eye roll). I hope Dr Drew asks her why, if she felt she needed immediate help or she'd kill herself (as she has stated several times), she didn't go directly the the local ER for immediate treatment. How did she manage to keep herself together in the time necessary to line up a rehab that was willing to film and give her free treatment, make plane reservations, line up a babysitter, and pack a suitcase? Of course he won't! I think the producers instruct him not to upset or challenge "the talent". At least that's my hope, otherwise it's terrifyingly to think he actually used to treat patients.

Ryan has no fucks to give. Not a one. He doesn't want to recover. It's too much work having to attend therapy and meetings. Mac makes me sick with her attitude that Ryan quitting the show to get clean is absolutely Out.Of.The.Question. I'm glad she felt screwed over with the way producers portrayed her shit show of a wedding. If it didn't happen they couldn't show it, honey. Maci was complaining it was cold in the back room where they were waiting to go on. Umm, maybe wear more clothes next time? When everyone else, including your husband, is wearing long sleeves, a sweater, or a sport coat I'd think sleeveless and halter back  is probably not the way to go. I do hope she gets a chance to call out Ryan. Or better yet, Mac.

Edited by happykitteh
  • Love 20

When Mac was talking about how they showed her wedding to be less than ideal, I started thinking about how one of the first times we saw her, she caught the bouquet at Maci's wedding and they showed her big white granny panties as she jumped for it.

They've always disliked her. It makes me wonder why. 

She is totally one of those girls who figures out that the cool kids dislike her and hangs around more. 

  • Love 23

I am not an Amber fan but want to say she looked very nice. She seemed calm, lucid and genuinely happy. I would not have known she was 8mo preg, she did seem thin in her face and shoulders.  I don't agree with her thought process on many things but she looked good. If NewMatt wants to marry before baby born why not?  I don't understand how flippant these women are when it comes to getting pregnant by random dates but then marrying the baby daddy is such a difficult decision!!

Cate needs a breast reduction. She cannot be comfortable like that. Maci looked 40yrs old. Actually so did Cate. 

  • Love 15
9 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

Cate , enough already. I am disappointed to hear Tyler still smokes pot but given all he is responsible for,  I guess I can look the other way for now.

It didn't really bother me. Pot is legal in many places; but, beyond that, I don't see it as any more harmful than drinking. SOME people actually do use pot to manage their depression and/or anxiety. Effectively. This wasn't the case for Cate, because her situation is so severe that she needs actual meds - and the pot was just making the situation worse. Maybe it helps Tyler relax....and sleep. He's always whining about not being able to sleep. 

Generally I like to see a spouse be supportive by abstaining from something their SO is struggling to overcome. But it's not like Cate gives up her giant quesadillas when Tyler is trying to lose weight. So fuck her. 

  • Love 23

Cate's reunion outfit??? Did she watch reruns of Married with Children and decided  was going to copy Peggy Bundy's style? Girl looked fresh out of Wanker County with those pants and top. And don't get me started on these plastic horse hooves shoes! 

Larry's "get 'em girl!" Is he back to being fed up with his son's drug use? And Ryan saying he is there during his visitation  with Bentley...So for how long? Do you just walk in, tussle Bentley's hair, make a joke and leave Mimi to do the parenting?

  • Love 14

Haha. Amber is now up to 3.5 years with Matt. Wasn't it, like, 22 months in real life? Next reunion show she'll be claiming 4+ years with Matt! 


That NuMatt is one awkward mofo.


I'm hanging in for next week to see Gary and Kristina. At least we know they won't have to share the couch with Portwood.

  • Love 19
10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I think he's one of those dudes that gets off on crazy chicks. I've known guys like that. It's a baffling, but real, phenomena. 


That might explain some of the light legal treatment we've been skeptical of. 


Not to defend that scumbag, but i don't think that's what he meant. I thought he was saying that Catelynn's worries and fears about leaving Nova are solely HER feelings...that it doesn't mean Nova really feels that way. 

Still BS, though, because Cate just proved that Nova IS having issues. 

I know you're right, Ghoulina.  I guess I'm just so incensed at the thought of Cate leaving that poor crying child behind again so she could "attack" her trauma (apparently trauma can only be attacked in a spa-like setting, across the country from your home and family) that I see red and can't think straight on that topic.

14 hours ago, druzy said:

Look at the body language in this picture.  Mack is angled toward him, gazing directly at him.  Ryan is angled slightly away from her, arms firmly crossed over his chest, no eye contact with her.  If I were in Mack's shoes and my husband treated me like this...on national television, no less...I would not want to attach myself to him for the next 18 years by having a child with him.  It's downright humiliating!

  • Love 14

Panda may be an idiot and it's pretty clear that he doesn't watch the show. And he maintains that the reunions are not therapy sessions and he is not their therapist. But hell man, you are fucking addiction specialist. It's pretty clear that Rhine is still on junk. Heck, I can tell and I'm only seeing it on TV and I'm not schooled in addiction. I really hope that DD takes Rhine, plus his enablers (Jen Larry Mac) aside off camera and tries to talk to them about it. This isn't about Maci, it's not about Bentley or custody or restraining orders or text messages or threats. It's about someone who is clearly on a road that will leave him dead if he doesn't do something about it. I feel like the money Rhine gets from MTV is just enabling his addiction to continue and ramp up. They kicked Farrah off the  show because she wouldn't stop with the porn. I don't understand why they wouldn't do the same for Rhine, in light of his problems. 

It was also interesting to hear how he got started. Everyone assumes he started after an injury with prescribed meds and got hooked. Didn't he say that he got them illegally from the start? Hmmm..

  • Love 18

Catelynn said "I'm a mess" and I'm thinking "yeah, but it's not because you're crying." That pink hair does her no favors, and neither did the outfit she had on. I think she was being honest when she said there's a lot of trauma for her wrapped up in having kids, but I also think she's prioritizing that trauma over her daughter. Nova needs her mom full time, and Catelynn has to figure out how to deal with her issues without disappearing out of state for 90 day stretches.

My eyes nearly rolled out of my head when Amber got teary and described Andrew as her soulmate. She said the exact same thing about Matt and we know how well that turned out for her, so she could definitely stand to tone down the aggrandizing. There's nothing wrong with saying "I love him and I'm happy" and not elevating a relatively new relationship to some unrealistic ideal. As for everything she said about working so hard for Leah, we all know that's a load of shit, but since Dr. Drew believes her we may as well pack it up and call it a day. Amber's going to be coddled and patted on the head and given an A for effort no matter how terrible or disinterested a parent she is.

Oh, Ryan's playing the "you're lying and I'll prove it by refusing to speak to you" card. Never change, buddy. Keep blaming everything on Big Bad Maci while crossing your arms and sulking like the giant man-child you are, that'll teach her. And Mackenzie, A) not every TM wedding is fairytale perfect (Jenelle's showdown on The Land comes to mind), B) the editors couldn't have shown us those arguments if they hadn't happened in the first place, and C) the wedding (and relationship) got the exact sad and pathetic portrayal it warranted. Mackenzie and Ryan are miserable, unhappy people, and neither one shows any potential or desire to change into worthwhile individuals. They deserve each other.

  • Love 17

My takeaways from this episode:

Cate totally has a smoker's mouth. I can't stand watching her talk, or hearing "like" every other word of her sentences. 

Maci's skin is ROUGH. HDTV does her no favors.

Amber is now my least favorite Teen Mom. If it weren't for ANDREW, she wouldn't even be here? It takes a man to save her from depression? Not Leah? And to think, there are people out there who look up to her as a role model (typing that made me want to vomit) and believe everything she says regarding Gary/Kristina/Leah. I cannot wait for Gary's segment, but know I'll be disappointed because he has to maintain a relationship with this psycho.

  • Love 21

I like how they (Amber/Hagrid) just glazed over the stalking allegations of his past. And it wasn't a one time thing. They just talked about some DUI. The stalking is concerning because it shows a similarity to Matt which should certainly be concerning. 

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
  • Love 10

Where was Tyler last night?  I didn't even see him in any of the back stage shots.  Maybe he's had enough?  Cate surely needs a makeover before appearing on tv.  Heaven help us she did look like My Little Pony.

Hopefully Jen and Larry will sell the house and move far away and let Ryan and Mac deal with their own drama.  Without the enablers they might just get their shit together.

Maci looked bad last night but Taylor looked good.  I do agree his beard could surely use some styling if he's going to wear it like that.  It always looks unkept. 

If I was MTV I would dock their pay every time they leave the set.  $$$ talks.  ChaChing...Cha Ching.  These teen moms and their baby daddies think they are movie stars with plane tickets, limousines  and rooms with stars on the door.  Who does that for drug addicts???

Speaking of Dr. Drew he sure looked handsome last night.  Maybe he needed a break from all the crazies.  I do think he is limited in what he can say and suggest to the little whiners.  But he gets a big paycheck so everybody's happy.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

Where was Tyler last night?  I didn't even see him in any of the back stage shots.  Maybe he's had enough?  Cate surely needs a makeover before appearing on tv.  Heaven help us she did look like My Little Pony..

He is part of next week. Drew mentioned they'd get into that (ie Tyler) in part 2 last night. 

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

Is it me, or did Loser Amber look thinner here than in recent episodes ? She's not due til next month,  right ?


14 hours ago, leighroda said:

It really worries me that Amber looks so much thinner at this point in pregnancy vs her normal, especially knowing how much she drops when using drugs. Tbh she really doesn’t seem like she does when shes strung out, so I’m not saying that she is using at this point but I do find her seeming weight loss weird. 

6 hours ago, CalicoskiesNC said:

I am not an Amber fan but want to say she looked very nice. She seemed calm, lucid and genuinely happy. I would not have known she was 8mo preg, she did seem thin in her face and shoulders. 

Amber is seriously one of thinnest looking 8 months pregnant women I've ever seen, especially for someone who wasn't in shape when got pregnant and who carries a lot of weight in her face anyway. 

My co-worker is 8 months pregnant, was in great shape (thin/athletic) when got pregnant, still does kickboxing cardio several days per week, and even she has started to "look pregnant in her face" at this point.  I'm about to call shenanigans....or drug use.  

12 hours ago, Kazu said:

Amber's math again. She said she and Matt had been together for three and a half years. lol  She keeps stretching it out:

After kicking Baier out of her house due to his admitted drug relapse, Portwood confided in her brother that she thinks her former fiancé has been cheating her financially for three years.

“He told me that we could separate our bank accounts if it makes me feel good,” Portwood said. “Within the last three years we’ve been together, tallying everything up, it’s been $120,000 that I have no clue where it’s went. We’re not engaged and I feel like he’s a pathological liar.”

Amber also mentioned how Matt lied to her about being married when he had in fact gotten married two days before. He got married back in November.  Amber was still communicating with him as late as November?!! She didn't block him from calling her or texting her. She kept the door matt (Typo but I am leaving it. So appropriate) with his last name on it, and she was PREGNANT! Soooo gross.


I wonder if it was only $120k since #TeenMomMath rules call for adding months/years to the length of relationships but likely also call for subtracting large amounts of money off of the total that "soulmates" have pilfered from you...

And how do you not miss $120k being gone from your accounts? That's more than my husband & I make in a year and the price of some fairly decent homes in many areas of my state and her state as well! I can't. (And yes, our cost of living/home prices are crazy low here, but so are many of our salaries.)  I have two graduate degrees and am lucky to have a full-time job (many people I graduated with do not).  It would take me several years of putting 100% of my take-home paycheck (which would never even be possible in the real world because bills) to get $120k stored away in my account.  Yet Amber can't even check her bank account from her phone while she lays in bed or be bothered to exert some energy to break up with Matt before he spent that much of her money.

And see above: I'm starting to believe the conspiracy that Matt is the baby's dad and Amber's already had the kid may be true.  That's crazy, right? It's more likely she just somehow magically manages to be slimmer in her neck/face while 8 mo pregnant than she's been for years non-pregnant, right? Or it's drugs? 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 12
12 hours ago, druzy said:


Solid intel!  I love how Macyi dots her I's with a circle.  Needs attention.  Ryan is still an idiot, nothing new.  I can't believe Mack is PG with his spawn.  She is going to be collecting a check for 18 years.

Caitlynn and Tyler are trauma survivors for sure.  Another problem is they have no positive role models beyond Tyler's mom.  I feel bad for them but at the same time, they really don't do much to improve themselves.  I hope they get the right combination of meds/counseling. 

  • Love 4

You guys are cracking me up. "Jenelle's showdown on The Land," "Hagrid," "Baby Huey." Someone referred to Hagrid as Andrew in a post and I was like, who's that, Jace's dad? 

Agreed that Taylor needs to trim that beard.

Cate's sense of style is just horrific. And I agree that she needs a breast reduction. Holy crap. Maybe that's the cause of her depression?!?! (j/k)

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, MerryMary said:

Solid intel!  I love how Macyi dots her I's with a circle.  Needs attention.  Ryan is still an idiot, nothing new.  I can't believe Mack is PG with his spawn.  She is going to be collecting a check for 18 years.

Caitlynn and Tyler are trauma survivors for sure.  Another problem is they have no positive role models beyond Tyler's mom.  I feel bad for them but at the same time, they really don't do much to improve themselves.  I hope they get the right combination of meds/counseling. 

I love when someone produces the receipts. Lol

If Ryan doesn't get serious about seeking treatment, the only check Mac will receive is an RSDI one. I hate to say it, but given the BS excused Ryan gave about seeking treatment, Mimi Jenn and Larry need to prepare themselves for the worse.

  • Love 13

I call BS on Baby Huey saying that watching and listening to Amber when she was taping Marriage Boot Camp (is that right name of the show?) he was smitten and wanted to get to know her better. Give me a break...even she said she couldn't understand that because she had been "so mean" on that show. What guy gives up his home in Malibu and his livelihood to go live in IndiaNOPLACE with a woman he barely knows who has anger management issues and borderline personality disorder??? And to top it off, he claims he never watched TM...right.

And WTF....Amber was self medicating all last summer with alcohol? Knowing that her dad died from the effects of alcoholism, instead of getting help and going for therapy, she just hit the bottle? Dr. Drew just skimmed over that???? It's a good thing that Leah never saw her during that time period. 

Ryan is a slug. Always has been. Spoiled, entitled, self absorbed, drug addict. That's Ryan in nutshell. His "wife" is an enabler and in denial. His parents are in denial most of the time. The mom just cries and the Dad just gets mad and explodes (especially after a few beers). They need family counseling along with extensive rehab for Ryan or he will forever be a drug addict. Something needs to change in the family dynamic. And BTW...Ryan's former girlfriend Shelby, claims that he has been hitting her up since he's been married...great guy, that Ryan.

I can see that Cate has emotional problems that need intensive therapy in order for her to heal and be a better parent to her daughter but part of that process should include no alcohol or pot. I was disgusted to hear that she had been smoking pot (a lot) before and after her stints at the therapeutic spa/ranch...what?  First off, it can create medical problems when used in conjunction with anti depressants and second of all, if she wants to be a better parent to Nova, maybe be clear headed and sober??? Honestly, these people just take all the perks of being on this show, like free rehabs at upscale places, for granted. When they get home, they just pick up where they left off...smoking, drinking, sleeping all day, not continuing with therapy or drug counseling. Cate says she wants to be better but her actions say otherwise...I think she likes being a victim.

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

Amber is now my least favorite Teen Mom. If it weren't for ANDREW, she wouldn't even be here? It takes a man to save her from depression?

This is what KILLS me with her. She talks all this "badass woman" stuff; but, by her actions, she's nothing but a co-dependent wimp. 


3 hours ago, Kazu said:

I am in the minority. I never believed in the car crash/brain injury/injury from anything else as the reason for his addiction. People actually can become addicts without any logical reason. I think Ryan got the benefit of the doubt because he is viewed as this good-looking guy (I don't see it) who comes from a relatively normal family (no drug addict/alcoholic parents).

Only speaking for myself, but I didn't believe that about Ryan (that his accident got him started on pills) because of his looks. I suspected that because I worked as a pharmacy tech before having kids and I cannot tell you how many people I saw become addicts in that way - treating legit pain and getting hooked. It's really really sad. They've also never been very forthcoming about his history, so that does leave one to wonder. 

But I have no problem admitting I was wrong. And I did find it interesting to get more of the backstory....finally. 

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, druzy said:

Mac certainly doesn't like being questioned, does she? And Jen is so deep in denial. How can she sit there and say that Rhine is precisely following dr's orders when he looks so bad and acts like he is out of it most of the time, even when he's on TV? 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 10

Who is Ryan kidding, he looked high as a kite (as always) and I don't buy his excuse that no counselor wants to see him because he's on Teen Mom. Celebrities in Hollywood get counseling so you can't tell me that a Z - list celebrity can't get counseling as well.

Fire Dr. Drew! He is the worst host, he tip toes around topics and he never calls people out on their shit! Like he was totally backing Amber up for not seeing Leah over the summer... "oh yeah you were depressed so why would you want to be around your kid..."  I wish they would get rid of Amber & Baby Huey and show more of Gary & Kristina instead...

I can't feel bad for Cate anymore. I think she just wants to avoid her responsibilities in life at this point...

  • Love 13

It disgusts me that cate couldn't be bothered to leave her spa to spend Christmas with her young daughter but she checked out early because she couldn't miss the opportunity to show her fat ass on TV at the reunion and she wasn't even obligated to attend. What a piece of crap parent. She Janelle and Amber should just disappear from their chidrens lives. Their kids would be better off being raised by people who love them and actually give a damn about them

 Poor Nova. 

Edited by kira28
  • Love 19
1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

Mac certainly doesn't like being questioned, does she? And Jen is so deep in denial. How can she sit there and say that Rhine is precisely following dr's orders when he looks so bad and acts like he is out of it most of the time, even when he's on TV? 

Jen’s level of denial and enabling over the years is just insane. She is delusional when it comes to her baby boy. 

  • Love 12

Looking at fat Ryan we know Mac 's pregnant.l. He's gaining all the weight!

Dr Drew can't push to hard with these losers.  They March right off the stage.  No doctor can keep them there.

They are the stars!!!  

Hit them in the pocket book!

I would be curious to know how much $$$  teen mom pulls in for the network.  If it's a lot then that's why these druggies are coddled!

Their already down one.  Farrah the porn star!.

Edited by Jeanne222
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

This is what KILLS me with her. She talks all this "badass woman" stuff; but, by her actions, she's nothing but a co-dependent wimp. 


Only speaking for myself, but I didn't believe that about Ryan (that his accident got him started on pills) because of his looks. I suspected that because I worked as a pharmacy tech before having kids and I cannot tell you how many people I saw become addicts in that way - treating legit pain and getting hooked. It's really really sad. They've also never been very forthcoming about his history, so that does leave one to wonder. 

But I have no problem admitting I was wrong. And I did find it interesting to get more of the backstory....finally. 

I made it seem everyone felt that way when I should have been more clear. Not everyone felt Ryan's addiction was due to an injury and not everyone gave him the benefit of the doubt because of his looks. Without a doubt, far too many people are becoming opiate addicts due to the fact they are treating pain due to injuries.

My mind never went with the whole brain trauma theory or car crash injury theory with Ryan only because Jen, Maci, Larry, and Mac never alluded to, hinted at, or came out and said Ryan had been dealing with medical issues stemming from an injury at work, home, or in a car crash. 

Jen is the biggest enabler to Ryan and we know she is covering up for him constantly. Even now she is in denial and making excuses for him. So, when she never mentioned anything about him being on meds due to an injury or accident, that was all I needed to come to the conclusion that Ryan was just your run of the mill addict who was likely popping pills with friends to get high.

Edited by Kazu
  • Love 5
5 hours ago, druzy said:

Do you remember when Mac first came on the scene and we all liked her and thought she was good for Ryan because she was almost like his babysitter?  And she and Ryan had a very nice, agreeable dinner with Maci and Taylor and the two women shared their experiences of being teen moms?  How in the world did we go from that Mac to this Mac who seems to ooze venom from her pores when she feels threatened in any way?

  • Love 18
39 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

Do you remember when Mac first came on the scene and we all liked her and thought she was good for Ryan because she was almost like his babysitter?  And she and Ryan had a very nice, agreeable dinner with Maci and Taylor and the two women shared their experiences of being teen moms?  How in the world did we go from that Mac to this Mac who seems to ooze venom from her pores when she feels threatened in any way?

I'll take a stab at it.  MTV made her a star and now she's full of herself!  Or...this is the role MTV has given her to play!

  • Love 3

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