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S14.E20: Judgment Day

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During presentations on Grey Sloan Surgical Innovation Prototypes Day, Arizona shares some cookies from an appreciative patient that, unbeknownst to her, contain a special ingredient. Meanwhile, Catherine reveals some shocking details to Jackson about his grandfather's past; and Jo steps in mid-operation on a major surgery after Bailey and Meredith are down for the count.


Welp who else is utterly not shocked about the Harper Avery revelations?

Total flashback to when Callie made Meredith take the lead on the guy with his hand in the meat grinder.

Dr. Roy deserved that firing.

High April and Bailey is everything I needed.

Welcome to parenthood Owen. I foresee Amelia moving back in by the end of the season, in time for Teddy to show up with a positive pregnancy test.

  • Love 24

Alex was hilarious, but there is nothing that can make Owen and Amelia interesting.

Usually I don't like Katherine, but I did like Katherine telling Jackson he had no idea what it was like to be a woman 30 years ago.  I wished she had followed up with not a lot has changed in all that time.

It looks like they are thinning out the herd of interns again.

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 15

Omg. This episode, I was lauging constantly. I loved that Mere was in charge (all hail the future chief of surgery) and that she taught Jo. She has really has come into her own. Although, she should have picked a sober someone to stay with all the high doctors. 

Loved Alex. We sure did get a lot of him today. Actually, I dont know how these actors got through this episode with a straight face. Everyone was hilarious. Jo trying to stay serious when she realized Bailey was high? Classic. Poor DeLuca, I felt really bad for him.

I wonder if this had happened when the Fab Five were interns, who would have been the one to try and complete the contest high. Probably Izzie...lol.

Not surprised they went with Avery sexually harassing women. Im really interested to see how it plays out. Im guessing Katherine is going to take the fall to protect Jackson. 

  • Love 7

Yeah, bye Dr. Roy, you dumb ass! When Richard said he was fired, I was very happy. There were a lot of LOL moments, but the revelation on Harper Avery. That didn't show me one bit and now seeing that this was the build up, it all makes sense. However, Katherine did everything herself with the cover up and everything and yes, I see her taking the fall in the end. Yes, Owen. This is parent hood, not white picket fences and Friday night dinners. It's hard work and yes, not how any of us pictured. Maggie and her cheese cravings, she really can't do anything interesting even when high. 

  • Love 6

The beginning scene between Maggie/Jackson had no chemistry and it was super awkward. I know chemistry is subjective and all, but it didn't even seem like they were a couple or that they had just slept together. If they are the new Ship for the show, both actors are going to need to improve next season on generating chemistry or even acting like they are attracted to each other. Not everyone can have amazing chemistry, but there needs to be at least something

  • Love 15
23 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Did I hear April correctly? Did she tell Bailey she was seeing someone?

I thought she was referring to the Neuro guy, who now I can’t think of his name. I hope its not Matthew, I think thats totally not fair of April to chase after leaving him at the alter. Plus, Matthew is super vulerable with everything thats going on with him and Ruby.

  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

She did, that surprised me too. The only one I can think of is Matthew. How long has it been since the last episode.

This was one of the most enjoyable episodes in awhile. 

I still think Amelia is going to be pregnant.

Either Matthew or Koracik(?) unless she meant the intern that just got fired. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Amelia ended up pregnant. I could see Owen having to give back the little boy and then Amelia ending up pregnant. 

If anyone ends up pregnant, I hope it’s Amelia and not Teddy. 

Edited by Stacey1014
  • Love 2

Yeah, I would much prefer the Neuro guy to Matthew.  I mean Matthew just lost his wife.  He's no ready for anything real.  And that would feel like his wife was just a placeholder breeder like all of Owen's potential mates.


Stoned Maggie is funny.  The cheese.  The line reading on, "It is shaped like a liver."   Best line since her drunk, "You could buy an island.  You could buy two islands and make them fight."

  • Love 6

Well, that was a fun episode. I think it was a good way to utilize the main cast with very limited patient interactions.

I totally missed the line about April seeing someone. Please let it be Koracick. 

I found all the high characters pretty hilarious. From Stoned Maggie going on and on about cheese to Arizona figuring out what happened with the cookies and trying to tell Meredith and Jo, to April/Bailey playing music with their noses, to Silent Deluca who legit only had one or two lines in the entire episode, to Alex munching on chips while trying to play with Owen's new foster baby. 

Speaking of that, I did like Amelia being there for Owen. I'd much rather this than Amelia ending up pregnant. I'd love to see Owen be a foster dad for a while. It's at least different from another pregnancy storyline.

Yes! Another intern down! Many more to go! 

This is an episode I might actually rewatch for the dialogue with the stoned characters.

  • Love 9

I'll be the lone voice of dissent and say that I don't think watching stoned people is funny. The only part of that I found slightly amusing was Alex's futile attempt to tie the baby carrier around himself and secure the teddy bear in it. Maggie and April are just as insufferable high as they are sober.

2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I still think Amelia is going to be pregnant.

Even if she isn't, it already seems like the show is trying to make it look like Owen's foster son brings them back together and makes every reason why they're wrong for each other suddenly disappear. Because that's how it works in real life. *facepalm*

The Harper Avery harassment coverup was not surprising, but the revelation that Marie Cerone was a victim both of him and Ellis was a nice twist. I hope Mere does the right thing and gives Marie the credit she deserves, but I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

I still think Amelia is going to be pregnant.

Yeah, and of course she and Owen will get back together and they'll end up keeping the baby boy too --raising them like twins.

Obviously, the 'getting back together' part won't last very long... then they'll fight over custody of the kids.

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady

For all the years I have endured Owen's 'aching' womb, and the way he has treated the women in his life, it was just not fair to let him have a support system when it actually comes down to raising a kid. It would have made sense if he had done the whole thing alone. 

Oh my, I was kind of sure about Harper Avery being a predator as well. I don't know if the award to his name holds any importance now. But when everything boils down in the end, I hope we don't see our precious docs saving that rat's name just to save hospital's reputation. Yay for the Cristina mention.

So, April dose knows about Jackson and Maggie now, plus she's seeing someone, I bet that's Mathew.

Jo doing the surgery as a lead was so refreshing to watch, I hope we see more solo surgeries with her.

Poor Deluca, I still think him and Maggie can be a better pairing than Jackson and Maggie.

Alex and Arizona were my fav in this episode, considering them being high was an appropriate mix of comic and seriousness both. Alex describing his foster families made me tear up. Also I can't wait to see him as a dad someday. He'll be such an amazing parent.

Hmm high Arizona talking about Callie made me feel all sorts of mush. She clearly has got abandonment issues and anyone at her place would have them. I'm still sceptical about her and Carina as a pair. But I was equally relived when Carina sought her out at the end. At the end of the day, I just want someone for Arizona, who prioritizes her and treats her right.

After tonight's episode, I feel like this contest's winner will be Meredith & Jo as Bailey already has her funding from somewhere else, Arizona is just pleased that she found a solution to maternal mortality, Webber's study got his moment of light as well, so it's definitely them.

Edited by beautifulGA
  • Love 2

I could watch Stoned Alex give Owen shit all day long.  I could watch Belligerent Stoned Bailey talk about sex toys with Stoned April all day long.  I could watch Stoned Maggie and Stoned Arizona cover up a digital image of a skeleton and pronounce its time of death with deadly gravity all day long.  I could watch Stoned DeLuca stare at random pictures on the wall all day long.

I'm glad Webber fired Roy because what he did was unforgivable, but it's annoying that numerous other doctors have committed surgery crimes that are at least as bad and not suffered any consequences.  Also, if they were going to go down this road with one of the interns, I wish it had been Glasses because I hate Glasses; at least Roy brings the eye candy.

I hope Catherine is the fall person in this Harper Avery mess.  I was going to reach through my television and punch her in the face if she said to Jackson one more time that he had ruined them all.  Lady, Harper Avery did that when he harassed multiple women, and you helped him by covering it up (however good you say your intentions toward those women were, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and you still abetted a sexual predator – the end).  Byyyyyeeeeee.  I also hope Meredith retroactively credits Marie for half of her mother's first (I think) Harper Avery award.

  • Love 8

Katherine continues to be THE WORST. People who micromanage other people's presentations suuuuuuck. I had one boss who drove everyone crazy when it came time for presentations and manuscript submissions because he would pull his chair up right next to whoever was working and say things like "Add a comma right there." I was having flashbacks when Katherine leaned over Jackson's shoulder and told him to move a box. First of all, STOP IT. Second of all, if you wanted that kind of input, the time for that was before the day of the presentation. GTFO, Katherine.

Alex trying to wrap the teddy bear in the moby was hilarious. I also loved him doing the baby voice and asking Owen for a pony and a little sister. But don't take that to mean that I want to hear all about or see this baby in future episodes, show. If Meredith can have three kids who we see for a total of three minutes each season, Owen can do the same with Liam.

Meredith has become a good teacher. I remember when she and Cristina used to just yell at their interns and give them scut work. She let Jo figure out what to do and make her own decisions about the surgery.

April and Bailey playing the throat bagpipes made me laugh a lot harder than it probably should have.

10 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Usually I don't like Katherine, but I did like Katherine telling Jackson he had no idea what it was like to be a woman 30 years ago. 

Word. 1987 wasn't that long ago, but Jackson has no idea what it was like to be a woman at that time. I always think of this brief exchange from My So-Called Life (this episode was shot in 1993 but didn't air until 1994, so shortly after the time period that Katherine is talking about) which sums up how even high school girls accept and expect guys to act like douchey douchebags:

Angela: These guys started hitting on us.
Brian: What? Like, sexual harassment?
Angela: Like guys.

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Usually I don't like Katherine, but I did like Katherine telling Jackson he had no idea what it was like to be a woman 30 years ago.  I wished she had followed up with not a lot has changed in all that time.


I was waiting for Katherine to reveal that she was one of the women Harper Avery harassed.

And, of course, if they want to go full on soap, Harper Avery will turn out to be Jackson's real father and that's why daddy (played by) Eric Roberts took off.  (And I do think we'll see him again.  You don't hire an actor like Eric Roberts and use him only in a single episode)

Edited by DEL901
  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, BooksRule said:

Everyone has already mentioned the scenes that I would have mentioned here, but I did laugh at Amelia giving Jo a 'bag of snacks for the road' she had fixed for Alex.  Cheetoes?

Well, if anyone would know, it would be Amelia. I’m just glad that she and Richard didn’t eat any cookies. LOL at Alex wearing the hat in the lab. He reminded me of Doc Brown from Back to the Future. 

Unpopular opinion, but I like Amelia. She has her issues, but she is almost always there for others when they need them. She’s helped Meredith with her kids for years and she stepped up for Owen no questions asked not only with the baby but with Meghan. I liked the scenes with Amelia and Owen and I’m hoping they’ll get back together. I think she likes the idea of being with Owen and raising a baby with him, but after losing her first baby, the thought of actually carrying and possibly losing another baby scares her. 

Did my ears deceive me or did Amelia refer to Meredith as her ex sister in law?  That seemed a bit off. It’s not like she divorced Derek. 

  • Love 14

It's interesting that they've once again put together people who usually don't interact that much (Arizona/Maggie, Alex/Owen, April/Bailey) and again it actually worked! See, when you make a bit of an effort (even though the premise was somewhat silly), it's possible to have everyone well integrated into the story. Too bad they didn't start doing that earlier and more often.

On the other hand, the tireless insistence on Owen and Amelia as a couple is one the most bizarre choices the show has ever made, which says a lot about how terrible it is. But, at this point, it clearly is what it is and it's not worth getting worked up over it.

I'm starting to feel Arizona and Carina, even if just a bit. Carina seems to genuinely care about her, and I hope they continue to make a progress and have a happy ending together.

So, Harper Avery is sexual predator. What a surprise. Yawn. I just hope Catherine takes the fall and Marie Cerone finally gets her justice. 

  • Love 4

I enjoyed this episode more than I expected since I don't generally find high people to be funny or want to watch a show with people being high. The throat bagpipe thing was the best. April and Bailey were great. I also loved Amelia giving Jo the snack back and Alex's jacket like she was sending him home from day care.

I do get tired sometimes how this show always makes it super easy for people to just completely drop everything. Amelia is a busy surgeon but no worries just heading over for the day to help with the baby. Apparently Owen had nothing scheduled for that day either. They do that a lot--like when Meredith and Maggie were assigned to find a solution for the AA sponsor and apparently had nothing else to do so no problem focusing on that one thing all day. Real life is so much more complicated.

I've learned from posters here that the fired intern's name was Dr. Roy. I had no idea. I'm glad he's fired and hope they don't rehire him.

They have really made this Harper Avery award thing more than I think it would be in real life. It's an award; not the point of existing. It's not like you get some giant grant to go with it. I'd prefer they don't over do its importance.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Apparently Owen had nothing scheduled for that day either.

Well, they actually explained this. Owen had just come off of a 36 hour shift when the social worker called about his first foster kid. Amelia, on the other hand? Yeah, I guess it's lucky that she didn't have anything scheduled.

33 minutes ago, Joana said:

On the other hand, the tireless insistence on Owen and Amelia as a couple is one the most bizarre choices the show has ever made, which says a lot about how terrible it is. But, at this point, it clearly is what it is and it's not worth getting worked up over it.

It's definitely odd, but surprisingly, I didn't mind them in this episode, especially since their interactions were friendly and not romantic. Plus, Amelia was basically babysitting a stoned Alex and a nervous/sleep deprived Owen.

  • Love 8
28 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

They have really made this Harper Avery award thing more than I think it would be in real life. It's an award; not the point of existing. It's not like you get some giant grant to go with it. I'd prefer they don't over do its importance.

I’m pretty sure the Harper Avery is also a monetary award. At the very least a grant. The award Jackson started up has a grant. And the Nobel Prize is a million dollars. The money is what makes those awards so sought after.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

I’m pretty sure the Harper Avery is also a monetary award. At the very least a grant. The award Jackson started up has a grant. And the Nobel Prize is a million dollars. The money is what makes those awards so sought after.

ok but what is the amount attached to it? if it's  like the Nobel (which is one of the things I was thinking of) we should know the amount. anybody remember what it is? am I the only person who can't remember? I'm surprised it doesn't get mentioned more--as in "if Meredith wins this contest that will be really annoying since she already has access to $1m for her Harper Avery. . "

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

Eventually. But there would be no prestige if there hadn’t been money attached to it first.

@RedbirdNelly, I don’t think they’ve ever said how much money you get for winning a Harper Avery. Not that I’ve noticed.

It would not shock me if next week they tell us you win $$$ millions but that would be the first we ever heard of it because the writers just now made it up.

It just feels to me that this season has started to overly focus on this award and I don't really want to see that continue.

  • Love 4

I loved stoned Maggie!  I would be so happy if they punted the romance with Jackson and just let us enjoy Maggie.  Grey's trying to force every character into a relationship with a co-worker needs to end. 

Amelia was so cute and funny with the baby at the very end.  I like her w/o Owen and Owen w/o anyone they have ever paired him with much better.  Again, Grey's needs to fully develop their characters as individuals before pairing them up.  I am still not over the awful George/Izzie 'romance'. 

So glad the intern was fired.  Wasn't he the one April was hooking up with? I hope that doesn't come back to bite her with the current Harper Avery storyline. 

I like Jo and Meredith together, they have a good dynamic.

Still do not like DeLuca's sister.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I was waiting for Katherine to reveal that she was one of the women Harper Avery harassed.

And, of course, if they want to go full on soap, Harper Avery will turn out to be Jackson's real father and that's why daddy (played by) Eric Roberts took off.  (And I do think we'll see him again.  You don't hire an actor like Eric Roberts and use him only in a single episode)

I thought the same thing.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, beautifulGA said:

Oh my, I was kind of sure about Harper Avery being a predator as well. I don't know if the award to his name holds any importance now. But when everything boils down in the end, I hope we don't see our precious docs saving that rat's name just to save hospital's reputation. Yay for the Cristina mention.

After tonight's episode, I feel like this contest's winner will be Meredith & Jo as Bailey already has her funding from somewhere else, Arizona is just pleased that she found a solution to maternal mortality, Webber's study got his moment of light as well, so it's definitely them.

I agree, but for somewhat different reasons (although your reasons were good). If Merideth and Jo are chosen, at the same time as Harper Avery is 'outed' as a predator who sexually attacked Marie Cerone, the press will start digging. The truth will be revealed, that Mer's mother dropped Marie Cerone's name from her Harper Avery-winning research after they had done it together! 

And Merideth could be facing a huge lawsuit because she didn't give Cerone credit for their research.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

I agree, but for somewhat different reasons (although your reasons were good). If Merideth and Jo are chosen, at the same time as Harper Avery is 'outed' as a predator who sexually attacked Marie Cerone, the press will start digging. The truth will be revealed, that Mer's mother dropped Marie Cerone's name from her Harper Avery-winning research after they had done it together! 

And Merideth could be facing a huge lawsuit because she didn't give Cerone credit for their research.

why would Meredith be sued for Ellis not giving Cerone credit? I'm not following that part.

  • Love 7

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