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S06.E13: Schenee's Story

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1 hour ago, DC Gal in VA said:

That whole scene of Dr. Now sending the participant to therapy waaaaay after they repeatedly fail to lose weight is absolutely maddening to me. Is it just a formulaic TLC thing? Is Dr. Now never made aware of severe traumas like childhood sexual abuse before their first visit? What role does Dr. Now's son, who is a producer of the show, play in all of this?

But on a recent show, or somewhere, Dr. Now was quoted as saying that the therapy worked best when they had it AFTER surgery. 

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30 minutes ago, JDAlexander said:

Speaking of tongue piercings and tattoos, I have often wondered why, when they can't even get out of bed to use the bathroom, they find it necessary to have these?  Do they think it hides their obesity?  If I had to ask myself "Does this tongue piercing make my face look thinner?" then I need help.  

I always wonder what goes through the minds (and pocketbooks) of these hugely challenged individuals to compel them to cover their huge body masses with the variety of tattoos and piercings we see in most episodes?  Do they wake up one day and decide the ONE THING their body is missing is some skin "art" maybe to accentuate certain areas and make them less unsightly??  Do they have specialized tattoo artists who have the equipment (like chairs) to cater to this category of customer?  As for the piercings (especially the tongue) , is that a fashion statement or a statement that makes them think they are "cool" and/or "hip"???  Please enlighten me...

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Regarding the grocery store trips where they complain about people staring and taking pictures while they fill their carts with all kinds of fattening,  sugary treats... I’m nowhere near the size of these participants, but I do find it difficult to avoid temptation in the grocery store. I’ve found that having PEAPOD or some other food delivery service from a major grocery chain makes it easier to order healthy/healthier foods and avoid the treats. I find it much easier to overcome cravings when it’s necessary to get dressed, drive to the store and pick up cookies or cakes. 

What I do is create a standing order to be delivered weekly or biweekly and my trusted friend is the only one with the password to the account so any changes must be made by her.  

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39 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

Maybe they think the piercings and tattoos make them look sexy. I just threw up in my mouth a bit writing that. 

From listening to conversations around me in the nail/hair salon, coffee place etc. it seems some feel the piercing adds to their skills in orally pleasing their partner.. I didn’t ask any questions . 

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1 hour ago, auntjess said:

But on a recent show, or somewhere, Dr. Now was quoted as saying that the therapy worked best when they had it AFTER surgery. 

Wow auntjess I didn't know that or ever heard him say that. Although I deeply admire his skills, dedication, and especially patience with these folks, but if he truly believes that, I have to say that this makes no damn sense to me. Their success before and after surgery depends on them getting a handle on their "eating habit" which often has deep roots in a variety of past traumas. I wonder what could possibly make him think this way.

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8 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Wow auntjess I didn't know that or ever heard him say that. Although I deeply admire his skills, dedication, and especially patience with these folks, but if he truly believes that, I have to say that this makes no damn sense to me. Their success before and after surgery depends on them getting a handle on their "eating habit" which often has deep roots in a variety of past traumas. I wonder what could possibly make him think this way.

Perhaps he has observed that patients, during therapy before surgery, have to deal with long-repressed issues. If these issues have caused the patient to get to the 600-lb mark, undoubtedly these are very painful memories. They have not learned healthy coping strategies yet, so in trying to deal with the pain, they end up turning to food, which derails their quest to lose 30 lb a month.

Once they have lost enough weight to qualify for surgery, they realize that they can successfully lose weight, and feel good about their sense of accomplishment. They have come up with ways to deal with the cravings and don't let a mild setback faze them. Once they have the surgery, they can go to therapy and be able to cope with the traumas of the past without falling back on bad eating habits. 

The goal of losing enough weight to get to surgery is short-term enough that many patients can succeed without dealing with the underlying causes. But as you said, overall success depends on learning to deal with past problems that have ruined their eating habits, so therapy after surgery is necessary for long-term goals. 

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I tried really hard not to hate Schenee. I know she is mentally ill, and I feel horrible for anyone who has been molested. But she was just such as awful person. She clearly had no real desire to get better. I assume when she said she is financially supporting Freddy, that they are living off her disability check? That is the only reason I can think of why he would stay in that marriage. Wiping someone's ass and cleaning them every day like washing a beached whale, and then to have them claim you're not helping enough?? Freddy must really want to avoid employment. 

I loved the blaming of fluid and then saying God was in control, meaning if she stays fat, its God's fault and not her eating fried food all day long. My grandmother used to claim that my uncle wasn't really fat, just big-boned. Cause that huge belly was clearly all bone. 

In the one scene, I couldn't stop looking at the potty chair next to the bed. That alone would make me never want to eat again.

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I would think most of the tats happen when they aren't quite as big, then they get stretched out as they continue to gain. I can't imagine what happens once they deflate & get skin removal surgery; the residual must be a mess.

With the grocery store shopping, not only are they very big but now they have a camera crew following them, which is what I've felt those people they capture 'staring' are probably wondering about.

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On 4/6/2018 at 10:47 AM, libgirl2 said:

I think Freddie digs really big women. I don't think he wants to see her be especially thin. 

I’m not sure I’m buying this. He SAYS he’s into big women because he’s WITH a big woman. If she did lose the weight, what would happen? Wouldn’t he just want her HEALTHY and not get into all these preferences of body size? 

And really - wouldn’t YOU be embarrassed and mortified that EVERYBODY you know has now seen your morbidly obese wife, naked in all her glory, shrieking at you about bleach for washing her fat folds?? I dunno, I just don’t get this whole thing...!?

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13 hours ago, CatherineM said:

I’ve dealt with buying a bariatric toilet. They are rated for static weight. That’s sitting down gently. Dropping down is a whole different weight profile. Most of these guys wouldn’t be dainty in their sitting down. 

That makes sense. Many of them would be so exhausted by the time that they got there that they would just fall into it.

I wonder if it was a bariatric toilet that Lupe got stuck in/broke? Poor woman. Glad she's doing so well now!

9 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Wow auntjess I didn't know that or ever heard him say that. Although I deeply admire his skills, dedication, and especially patience with these folks, but if he truly believes that, I have to say that this makes no damn sense to me. Their success before and after surgery depends on them getting a handle on their "eating habit" which often has deep roots in a variety of past traumas. I wonder what could possibly make him think this way.

Sometimes therapy is like resetting a bone. You have to break it to reset it. In other words, it gets worse before it can get better because they are dredging up a lot of stuff that's been long buried. He may feel that they are better off starting after surgery. Also it won't be interrupted by the surgery recovery process.

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On 4/8/2018 at 7:18 AM, Trees said:

I wonder if a landlord, in feature of the excess wear and tear on his property, could turn down someone so obese?  

Besides the excess weight on the property, there's also that issue that she's too large to use the toilet or shower - so there's a serious question for the landlord about sanitation and odors and hazardous waste disposal if she's using diapers?

Plus, 2 pitbulls.

How would their apartment smell?  And having seen the episode, imagine the amount of screaming you'd hear through the paper-thin walls of cheap apartments?

Are landlords allowed to make such decisions that protect their investment AND the rights of the others who live there?  

I have a rental and used a rental management company to vet new tenants after the renters from hell damaged my house and property to the tune of almost $27k. The rental market in my area is hot and I had 25 applicants 24 hours after it was listed. The property listing said NO PETS and I was worried about having to allow "service animals". I put that in quotations because the ability to have a pet declared a service animal has gotten way out of hand. Applicants had to disclose if they had one and two of them had not one, but two pit bull 'service animals'. I was able to get around having to even consider them because the insurance policy that covers my rental has a section that says no renters shall have certain breeds of dogs. Pits are named as well as several other breeds. My rental management lady did all the screening, background checks, etc and narrowed down the list. She then gave me the rundown on the ones she thought would be good tenants and I had the final say on who moved in. As a landlord, you aren't allowed to discriminate but, you are allowed to consider the applicants and choose which one you want to live in your rental. If I'd had a 600 pound person interested in renting my house, I would NOT have gone with them and I would NOT have had to say why I didn't choose them.

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17 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I have a rental and used a rental management company to vet new tenants after the renters from hell damaged my house and property to the tune of almost $27k. The rental market in my area is hot and I had 25 applicants 24 hours after it was listed. The property listing said NO PETS and I was worried about having to allow "service animals". I put that in quotations because the ability to have a pet declared a service animal has gotten way out of hand. Applicants had to disclose if they had one and two of them had not one, but two pit bull 'service animals'. I was able to get around having to even consider them because the insurance policy that covers my rental has a section that says no renters shall have certain breeds of dogs. Pits are named as well as several other breeds. My rental management lady did all the screening, background checks, etc and narrowed down the list. She then gave me the rundown on the ones she thought would be good tenants and I had the final say on who moved in. As a landlord, you aren't allowed to discriminate but, you are allowed to consider the applicants and choose which one you want to live in your rental. If I'd had a 600 pound person interested in renting my house, I would NOT have gone with them and I would NOT have had to say why I didn't choose them.

I'm so sorry to hear that! We made the mistake of renting a property to tenants who lied about their animals. By the time we got them evicted, the dogs had urinated on the rugs throughout the house and the stench had leaked all the way down to the wood. It was disgusting and cost quite a bit to repair. We went after them for damages but it's difficult to get blood from a stone. We no longer rent anything.

Also, I get queasy at the thought of a mistreated pitbull. Being locked in a cage outdoors for hours on end can't help with aggression/mistrust issues. I get that their owners will always say that they are "sweet" dogs, but I don't trust the owners and the fact remains that they are powerful animals capable of killing human beings. The thought of an animal hurting another person on the rental premises or a neighbor is horrific. I'm assuming that the legal liability would rest squarely on the shoulders of the negligent owners, but who is to say? I've yet to meet a pitbull owner who will say, "Yeah, my dog is a savage. Can we move in?"

I can't imagine any 600-pound person being scrupulous about upkeep of a rental property. (Has anyone on the show been an actual homeowner... not including their parents? I'm sure there's been one or two, but for the most part, they're almost all renters.) Even if a person who weighs less than that moves in with them, that person will be overwhelmed with the upkeep of the 600-pound one. Not much leftover energy for cleaning. And, what about if the person just lies in bed getting bigger? They have had to go in through walls before to remove them. None of this bodes well for prospective landlords.

I wouldn't rent to one either. It's a simple matter of economics. People rent properties to make money, not to lose money and have additional worry.

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31 minutes ago, gingerormaryann said:

Her FB page was updated with a video to tell everyone she did NOT eat the pizza.  And the only man she fell for was God.  There's a lot that could be said about her and her crew but let the video speak for itself.

I saw it this morning. What a Godly woman (and crew)--- not. 

2 hours ago, Smoothcoat said:

I’m not sure I’m buying this. He SAYS he’s into big women because he’s WITH a big woman. If she did lose the weight, what would happen? Wouldn’t he just want her HEALTHY and not get into all these preferences of body size? 

And really - wouldn’t YOU be embarrassed and mortified that EVERYBODY you know has now seen your morbidly obese wife, naked in all her glory, shrieking at you about bleach for washing her fat folds?? I dunno, I just don’t get this whole thing...!?

Who knows what the heck is up with that guy. 

Edited by libgirl2
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On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 1:09 PM, jpc1 said:

Schmuck-nee doesn't seem to be in the right ... umm ... demographic, let's say, to have a cousin named Carmine.  My ex-sister-in-law's friend named "Vinny the Knife" seems likelier to have a cousin named Carmine.  Am I right?

My nephew named his three sons:  Carmine--11 years old, Alex, 1.2 years old, and Vincenzo 3 months old.  He is a big Good Fellas, Tony Soprano fan. And he is Italian on his paternal grandfather's side.  Alex came from his grandfather on his mom's side.  Love those names.  I'm waiting for Mack the Knife,or Big Pussy.

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4 hours ago, AnnaBaptist said:
12 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Wow auntjess I didn't know that or ever heard him say that. Although I deeply admire his skills, dedication, and especially patience with these folks, but if he truly believes that, I have to say that this makes no damn sense to me. Their success before and after surgery depends on them getting a handle on their "eating habit" which often has deep roots in a variety of past traumas. I wonder what could possibly make him think this way.

Perhaps he has observed that patients, during therapy before surgery, have to deal with long-repressed issues. If these issues have caused the patient to get to the 600-lb mark, undoubtedly these are very painful memories. They have not learned healthy coping strategies yet, so in trying to deal with the pain, they end up turning to food, which derails their quest to lose 30 lb a month.

I think AnnaBaptist is on to something.  I think Dr. Now focuses much more on short-term tirty-pound-per-munt weight-loss goals without much concern for long-term sustainability for the pre-surgery patients we see here than he might for his run-of-the-mill ~400-lb. patients.  If he's to be believed when he says that a patient is perilously close to death - and I do believe him when he says that - his goal surely must be to get them to a condition where surgery is possible as soon as possible by any means necessary.  Often with therapy, whether the dysfunctional behavior is food addiction or something else, it gets a little worse before it gets a lot better.  There's more margin for a run-of-the-mill ~400-lb. patient to tolerate a short-term setback like gaining another 30 or 40 over a couple of months while the therapeutic process is kicking in than there is for many of those we see on the show.

Edited by jpc1
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Schenee is now on FB trying to raise $50K. she says she was dragged to Houston and humiliated on TV. This whole set up was a scam imho. TLC fell for it. She humiliated herself. 

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3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I wonder if it was a bariatric toilet that Lupe got stuck in/broke? Poor woman. Glad she's doing so well now!

Not to get off the subject of Schenee, but I have always suspected that whole "Lupe breaks the toilet" scene was a set up. Surely Dr. Now has at least one supersized toilet in his office for his extremely obese patients. We saw Lupe make Gilbert take her to the bathroom which was right off the waiting room instead of finding one that would accommodate her weight. The breakage, getting stuck and needing the fire department to extricate her made for good TV (and I'm sure Dr. Now got a new toilet compliments of TLC) 

But back to my new "Most Horrible" patient...

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1 hour ago, jpc1 said:

I think AnnaBaptist is on to something.  I think Dr. Now focuses much more on short-term tirty-pound-per-munt weight-loss goals without much concern for long-term sustainability for the pre-surgery patients we see here than he might for his run-of-the-mill ~400-lb. patients.  If he's to be believed when he says that a patient is perilously close to death - and I do believe him when he says that - his goal surely must be to get them to a condition where surgery is possible as soon as possible by any means necessary.  Often with therapy, whether the dysfunctional behavior is food addiction or something else, it gets a little worse before it gets a lot better.  There's more margin for a run-of-the-mill ~400-lb. patient to tolerate a short-term setback like gaining another 30 or 40 over a couple of months while the therapeutic process is kicking in than there is for many of those we see on the show.

I think you're right.  The 1200 calorie diet is really a crash diet for these patients, and the goal is two-fold:  to get some weight off *fast*--and at 1200 cals/day, these super morbidly obese folks ought to be losing close to 100 lbs/month--to make surgery safer; and to make sure the patient is at least somewhat capable of limiting food intake, as a preview of what life is going to be like from now on, so the patient doesn't blow out the surgery with too much food.  Throwing therapy into the mix at this crucial point might be worse than pointless--the patient's understanding of why he/she eats so much might make them actually eat more, now that they know why they're doing it.

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On 4/8/2018 at 10:49 AM, ams1001 said:

I don't know if this is true, but someone on the reddit thread I was reading last night said that she made it public about halfway through the airing of the show. If that's true, I'd say she likes the attention. 

I can't for the life of me imagine why someone would want that kind of attention, though.

Because with personality disordered people (narcissists in particular), they feed off the energy, particularly negative energy... in her case though, she feeds off everything...

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19 minutes ago, Mothra said:

I think you're right.  The 1200 calorie diet is really a crash diet for these patients, and the goal is two-fold:  to get some weight off *fast*--and at 1200 cals/day, these super morbidly obese folks ought to be losing close to 100 lbs/month--to make surgery safer; and to make sure the patient is at least somewhat capable of limiting food intake, as a preview of what life is going to be like from now on, so the patient doesn't blow out the surgery with too much food.  Throwing therapy into the mix at this crucial point might be worse than pointless--the patient's understanding of why he/she eats so much might make them actually eat more, now that they know why they're doing it.

Agreed, and I also think that the "to make surgery safer" part is why he gives different initial goals for different patients - fifty pound in two munt for one, tirty pound in one munt for another, immediate hospitalization and controlled diet for another.  I would imagine that he calculates for each patient, given the results of the "other tests" he always talks about running but we never see on the show, the maximum weight at which going under a general anesthetic presents a still-acceptable risk.  Given the presence/absence/severity of other co-morbid conditions and overall cardiovascular condition, this weight may be pretty different for different patients.

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

Dr Now has infiltrated my very brain.  I was listening to the radio; someone was talking about Scott Pruitt's spending habits.  You know what I heard.

There is someone on here named 'Mothra'???  Outstanding! Sorry if you are a long-time pounder and I haven't noticed before. 

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1 hour ago, gingerormaryann said:

Her GFM page has great comments.  Someone posted "In my best Dr. Now voice, 'Really?!'"

I'd be tempted to comment thusly;

"...,,,I,I,I,''''  Here's some punctuation for you.  Maybe you could use your knowledgement to insert it into your original post.  Have a blessed day."


ETA:  By the way, I spoke to God this morning, and he told me to tell you that you're giving Him a bad name.  So quit it.

Edited by AZChristian
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42 minutes ago, jpc1 said:

I will approve you for remedial English class at college. 

College is way beyond her level of expressing herself. Let's be realistic and approve her to go back to middle school. 

Another unrelated thought, perhaps she lists "Home Health Aide" as her occupation because she's her own patient? 

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4 hours ago, lovesnark said:

As a landlord, you aren't allowed to discriminate but, you are allowed to consider the applicants and choose which one you want to live in your rental. If I'd had a 600 pound person interested in renting my house, I would NOT have gone with them and I would NOT have had to say why I didn't choose them.

So, as a landlord you aren’t allowed to discriminate OUT LOUD, but hypothetically, if there are 3 qualified applicants for one,s rental property and one being 600 pounds, one being gay and one being black, one can legally choose between the three without having to disclose if one’s decision has to do with one’s personal feelings about being 600 pounds, being gay or being black...did I get that right?

Asking for a friend.

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7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Another unrelated thought, perhaps she lists "Home Health Aide" as her occupation because she's her own patient? 

Given the elocution skills she displayed in the episode, I believe that would be "Home Healff Aid" - she's the bes' Home Healff Aid on erf.

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7 hours ago, Kellyee said:

like washing a beached whale,

When I first read this, I thought it was "bleached" whale.   :)

(Okay, DC Gal,  I've gone and done it now.  Please order me a pair of those bloomers, and save me a seat on the bus.)

Edited by Miss Ruth
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2 minutes ago, gingerormaryann said:

She has disabled and deleted the comments from her GoFundMe page.  

I noticed this, too. 3 hours in and hasn't raised a single cent. Where are all her supporters? Apparently just sending "thoughts and prayers" but not cash. 

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34 minutes ago, kicotan said:

So, as a landlord you aren’t allowed to discriminate OUT LOUD, but hypothetically, if there are 3 qualified applicants for one,s rental property and one being 600 pounds, one being gay and one being black, one can legally choose between the three without having to disclose if one’s decision has to do with one’s personal feelings about being 600 pounds, being gay or being black...did I get that right?

Asking for a friend.

That's not exactly correct.  You aren't allowed to discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation.  You may be allowed to discriminate on the basis of weight, but only under limited circumstances (check with a lawyer).

But.. there's a question of proof.  Saying out loud that you're discriminating is pretty good evidence that you're indeed discriminating.  But there are other types of evidence that can be used to show discrimination. And if you're dragged into court and they question you directly, it's the law that you have to tell the truth (that is, disclose your personal feelings).  But, again, we come back to a question of proof on the issue of whether you're telling the truth or not.  All of this boils down to what can be proven.

So, you may be able to get away with discriminating if you do it in a certain way, but you are taking the risk that someone will gather enough evidence to show you are discriminating. 

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41 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I noticed this, too. 3 hours in and hasn't raised a single cent. Where are all her supporters? Apparently just sending "thoughts and prayers" but not cash. 

It's a message from God  He doesn't think she should have $50,000.00.


ETA:  Someone just donated $5.00. 

Edited by gingerormaryann
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42 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I noticed this, too. 3 hours in and hasn't raised a single cent. Where are all her supporters? Apparently just sending "thoughts and prayers" but not cash. 

I highly doubt she will raise a penny. 

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13 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

That's not exactly correct.  You aren't allowed to discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation.  You may be allowed to discriminate on the basis of weight, but only under limited circumstances (check with a lawyer).

But.. there's a question of proof.  Saying out loud that you're discriminating is pretty good evidence that you're indeed discriminating.  But there are other types of evidence that can be used to show discrimination. And if you're dragged into court and they question you directly, it's the law that you have to tell the truth (that is, disclose your personal feelings).  But, again, we come back to a question of proof on the issue of whether you're telling the truth or not.  All of this boils down to what can be proven.

So, you may be able to get away with discriminating if you do it in a certain way, but you are taking the risk that someone will gather enough evidence to show you are discriminating. 

7 minutes ago, gingerormaryann said:

It's a message from God  He doesn't think she should have $50,000.00.


ETA:  Someone just donated $5.00. 

That won’t even cover her lunch. 

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6 minutes ago, magemaud said:
7 minutes ago, iwasish said:
35 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

she actually got money? 

 A poster said she got $5.00.

That'll buy a lot of bleach at the Dollar Store

At the rate the money is rolling in, she'll be at her $50K goal in a quick 3.5 years.  So, which is likely to happen first?

(A)  She raises the full $50K.

(B)  She surpasses 1K pounds.

(C)  She gets to have a face-to-face conversation with God.

(D)  Dr. Now pimp-slaps her with that damn pizza box.

Edited by jpc1
Add option D
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I know no one has the answer, but what exactly is she funding?  We all have the snarky answers but how is she defining her scam?  She speaks vaguely about getting better but as the now deleted comments noted, she was given a golden opportunity to get better with Dr. Now and she blew it.  I guess it doesn't exactly cross the line into deception as she isn't clear at all about what the money is for.

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3 minutes ago, gingerormaryann said:

I know no one has the answer, but what exactly is she funding?

My theory is that no lawyer offered to take on her case pro bono, so she wants to hire one because she was SO humiliated. At least she's getting her 15 minutes of fame which is priceless. 

Edited to add, maybe the $ 5 is like what a street performer puts in his own tip jar to give people the idea to donate. 

Edited by magemaud
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4 hours ago, jpc1 said:

I want you to gain 25 comma and 5 period in next munt.  If you do dat, I will approve you for remedial English class at college.  And take a reality check - your attitude has not gotten any better.


This comment made my day. Thank you. :)


1 hour ago, magemaud said:

Edited to add, maybe the $ 5 is like what a street performer puts in his own tip jar to give people the idea to donate. 


That is exactly what I was thinking.

Edited by ams1001
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3 hours ago, magemaud said:

College is way beyond her level of expressing herself. Let's be realistic and approve her to go back to middle school. 

Another unrelated thought, perhaps she lists "Home Health Aide" as her occupation because she's her own patient? 

She does everything for Freddie.  THAT'S what she meant.  Amiright?

Edited by toodles
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Oh boy! I KNEW IT!  I commented way back in the middle of this thread that she'd be creating a GoFundMe!  These 2 think they are so clever but they're utterly predictable stereotypes.

If anybody sees it, remember that you can notify GoFundMe if it's bogus.  A few of us reported the 2 GoFundMe's for "Oh Mah Laigs!" and they got taken down.

Re: tattoos and piercings, I noticed the same thing when I watched a few episodes of Cops.  I'd love to ask a psychologist what drives people to get them.  My youngest daughter got some tasteful and small ones and it broke my heart.

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I just found her GoFundMe. I reported it in violation of their terms because she is making false statements about "being dragged to Houston" and humiliated on TV.  She signed a contract and agreed to be on the show.  I encourage others to do this if it bothers you.  

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