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S06.E13: Making Fashion History

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I am so happy for Anthony!  His collection was amazing.   DD said she wanted his finale dress for prom.  :)  All three made lovely collections, and I'd love to have several pieces from each in my own closet.  This was a fantastic season.     

@LennieBriscoe  the unfinished hem drove me batty, too.  It was that way on the preview and I was disappointed he didn't finish it for the final.

Edited by SuzySmith
  • Love 7

Ok! You got me, Show! I did NOT see that coming!

All season they were telegraphing Stanley or Fabio. Meanwhile, I thought Anthony had the most complete collection & I wanted to wear his clothes the most. Yea Anthony!!!!????????

Also, some of the new models had rather plain faces, but their legs *my God* went on for days!

Edited by NowVoyager
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How on earth did Anthony keep this a secret for two years?


And in the irony department, I really liked Georgina's frock tonight; what a beauty for a possibly last appearance. (Although do we understand a second PRAS has been filmed?)  

I was disappointed when Fabio came out dressed as a part of his presentation; I think he might have blown the judges away who thought they knew him if he'd shown up in the suit he wore to D.C.  Likewise Anthony looked so mature and cool with the top coat. 

Does anyone left, anywhere in their viewership believe that they devoted three months of their lives to that production? Anybody?  Ms. Milano's hair would have grown out.  But we all know that it's a rushed production to stress the designers and to keep production costs down.  Did they really bus all those models to D.C.?  

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, dosodog said:





This.  THIS.  THIS!!!!

Thank GOD he scrapped the idea of leather chokers.

That peacock dress!  Shut up, Georgina.  That fabric and pattern was EVERYTHING.  And how bold of him to scrap his original signature piece when it was so well-received.

Well done to all of them.  But the judges got it right.  And I HATED that 4th Fabio look.  Girlfriend looked like she escaped a psych ward.

  • Love 12

Congrats to Anthony! Also loved Stanley's collection, but I knew it was too "classic" for the judges. And Fabio ... is a nice person.

I also loved how supportive everybody was of each other this season (with a few exceptions) and got along so well. You don't need the sniping and screaming. Too often competition shows fall back on that for dramaz.

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I thought it was a shoo-in for Stanley and I'm SO GLAD I was wrong!   I really wanted Anthony to win, but I didn't dare hope.  Maybe now he can stop making "dead people dresses."  The best man won!  I'd stand in a long line just to hug that delightful man.

I should have gotten the hint when Candace was complaining/commenting about Anthony's collection, behind his back of course.  History has shown that the one who's having problems, might not get finished in time, etc. usually wins.  Ah...Anthony!

Edited by Miss Ruth
  • Love 11

OMG!!! I am so happy Anthony won!!

Fabio:  I still hated his first look.  The model is tiny (size-wise) and it made her look thick.  The rest of his collection was nice.  I really did like some pieces and even I could wear them - even if I am short and not necessarily thin enough.

Stanley:  I thought all of his clothes were elegant and rich looking.  They were beautifully made.  I also was not crazy about the last look - I hoped that he would fix the collar and hem.

Anthony:  I absolutely loved everything.  It showed his growth through the "season" and how he took the critiques made to heart and tried to improve each time.  And yet stayed true to himself in that he wants to make the woman who wears his clothes feel beautiful.  I AM SO GLAD HE WON!!

I enjoyed how supportive and kind these gentlemen were throughout the season.  And how they each said that even if they lost, they won because they had made friends and respected each other.  

I would have been happy for anyone of them to win BUT that Anthony won - WOW!  He is one of my favorites.  Congratulations, Anthony!!

  • Love 12

I felt the same about all 3 collections, so I didn't care who won. I really wanted Ken to win.

Why do they keep getting these random people to be judges? What does Catherine Zeta Jones have to do with anything?

That was a pretty lame final runway, couldn’t they put together something that didn’t look like the same runways they’ve had all season & had a good sized audience?

  • Love 3

All three of the designer's collections were great  (although Fabio's designs don't appeal to me personally) - I have been on TeamAnthony all season so I was thrilled to see him win, but I really thought Stanley was going to.  I thought his collection was stunning.   But then again, that last dress that Anthony sent down the runway was perfection.   And I think the fact that he pointed out honestly that he did listen to what the judges told him during each critique and tried to improve helped too. 

It was nice to see a finale where all three designers were classy in their interactions with each other - you could tell they genuinely like  and respect each other. 

Seriously Zac - "RiRi"?  You name-dropper! : )

And Alyssa's green dress was awful - why does she make herself look so dowdy?  Didn't Zac have anything she could wear?  I remember when Michael Kors (oh, how I miss him) was a judge on PR, and often Heidi made it a point to wear one of his dresses for the Fashion Week finale.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 14

All three of the designer's collections were great  (although Fabio's designs don't appeal to me personally) - I have been on TeamAnthony all season so I was thrilled to see him win, but I really thought Stanley was going to.  I thought his collection was stunning.   But then again, that last dress that Anthony sent down the runway was perfection.   And I think the fact that he pointed out honestly that he did listen to what the judges told him during each critique and tried to improve helped too. 

It was nice to see a finale where all three designers were classy in their interactions with each other - you could tell they genuinely like  and respect each other. 

Seriously Zac - "RiRi"?  You name-dropper! : )

  • Love 6

I still can't believe that the designers were given less than a week to create their collections. Come on, you guys! Remember when the designers were given MONTHS to create their final collections?

I totally cracked up when Anne told Stanley, "This is all very nice but you don't get points for just tasteful, classy, and wearable." Cut to Stanley's list of colors: black, navy, tan, white, off white. I like Stanley and his collection looked very cohesive but using such a somber color palette made it look like it was straight from Banana Republic. Adding that coral dress definitely helped, but I thought the dress itself was too simple. It was just a plain dress that you could probably get at J. Crew right now. The hem on that dress as well as the signature dress were terrible, even from a distance. He managed to get a perfectly straight sharp hem on the back of that long coat for his first look but he couldn't get halfway even hems on either of those two dresses? He even told someone at this point in the episode (maybe Amanda?) that he had cleaned up the dress and even mentioned the hem so I was expecting to see a clean finished hem, not the same ragged crooked unfinished hem with threads hanging everywhere.

Fabio was smart to add that bright yellow as a pop of color to his collection. That really lightened and brightened everything and broke up all the navy and white. I'm glad that he got rid of the birds, but I still didn't like the top he paired with skirt from last week. I liked the jumpsuit, the striped top, and the white skirt. I also liked the black stripes he added to the white shoes. His collection looked the most cohesive of the three.

I loved that Anthony wanted to use colors, prints, feathers, and paint in his collection. Runway shows are about drama so I was excited to see something bright and fun. When he said that he was ditching the ostrich feathers, I thought nooooooo! The big white splotch of paint on the front of his LBD looked like a semen stain.  Aside from that, I really enjoyed his collection. Loved that his final dress was so dramatic. It was so sweet to hear him telling the judges all the things he learned from them and how he incorporated the tidbits they'd given him over the years into his collection.

Loved seeing the designers having champagne and cake together. After working their asses off, it was nice to see the three finalists relaxing and enjoying their mutual admiration society.

When Candice said it took her two hours to make two corsets for Anthony, I was waiting for Helen to repeat what she had said to Fabio earlier about how she could make two corsets in ten minutes. As terrible as it was to see Stanley's rippled zipper, loved when Candice told them how to do it properly.

Yay for Anthony!! His squeal when he was announced the winner was hilarious.

  • Love 8

I was sorry to see Alyssa swallowed by that large green crocodile. 

I loved Stanley's collection but it wasn't exactly fashion forward. The red dress was something that I would want, but there was nothing "fashion," about it. Fabio seems like a cool guy, but his clothes are way too much for me. Anthony was the perfect compromise, between too much innovation and too little. Plus he is such a sweetheart. 

I was sure Fabio was going to win, because the judges seemed to love him all season, so this was a great surprise for me. 

  • Love 16

I muted the actual shows as I could not bear to hear Ann muttering inanely to each designer. 

I really thought Anthony would come in last...feared Fabio might win to show the “with-it” young vibe of the judges. But his clothes do have a medical/uniform sort of vibe crossed with a kimono-type style that often look made of muslin. 

I did not care for Stanley’s massive button/circles, pins or no.

And Alyssa...good grief girlfriend. Stay true to your baaaad style.

  • Love 3

Alyssa looked like a mermaid that washed up on shore somewhere, died, and has been rotting for at least 6 months.

I liked all of the collections and really thought they all had merits to win.  I like Anthony personally, but I actually didn't like his collection overall.  I liked maybe 2 of the looks.  I know.  UO.  I also HAAAAAATED how he kept saying that his collection was based on if Audrey Hepburn lived long enough to turn into Rhianna.  First, that makes zero sense and second, Audrey Hepburn was the epitome of class, taste and beauty.  She is and always will be the gold standard.  Rhianna should want to turn into Audrey Hepburn, not the other way around. Sorry.  That just really made me burn. 

But, I still like Anthony personally and really wish all of the designers long and wonderful success. 

  • Love 17
10 minutes ago, Bebecat said:

I muted the actual shows as I could not bear to hear Ann muttering inanely to each designer. 

I should've done the same.  What drove me the most crazy?  When she kept harping on the need for Fabio to bring in more yellow to his collection.  I'm like, "Wait.  For YEARS, we've been hearing Kors (and various other judges) declare that color does NOT equal cohesion.  Now, Ann wants to come along and insist that he needed more yellow to tie the collection together?  Girl, bye."

9 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

I also HAAAAAATED how he kept saying that his collection was based on if Audrey Hepburn lived long enough to turn into Rhianna.  First, that makes zero sense and second, Audrey Hepburn was the epitome of class, taste and beauty.  She is and always will be the gold standard.  Rhianna should want to turn into Audrey Hepburn, not the other way around.

Funny because I really responded to the idea.  Audrey Hepburn IS the epitome of class, taste and beauty but AH is Old Hollywood Glamor.  Timeless though it may be, it's not exactly exciting for a runway.  Rhi is always cutting edge and extremely fashion - forward in her own right with a youthful edge.  I loved Anthony bringing his love of Old Hollywood to a new level where he's incorporating that new edge.  

  • LOL 1
  • Love 19
3 hours ago, mwell345 said:


And Alyssa's green dress was awful - why does she make herself look so dowdy?  Didn't Zac have anything she could wear?  I remember when Michael Kors (oh, how I miss him) was a judge on PR, and often Heidi made it a point to wear one of his dresses for the Fashion Week finale.


The sequins were too big.  I say this as a 5'1" woman who realizes that something can be really cute, but completely overwhelm my body size.

Now.  Had she talked to Issac, he could have steered her to his sequin tshirt he sells on QVC.  The sequins are teeny, tiny, but they give off this iridescent, sparkly feel, without being in your face.  And he has it in a green.

Why do they allow her to look so bad? 

In other news.......

SQUEEEEE!  Fans self with hand.  ANTHONY WON LAST NIGHT!

And I'm still giddy!  With an extra bounce in my step.  I'm buying this season of Project Runway.

Edited by dosodog
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Fabio was smart to add that bright yellow as a pop of color to his collection. That really lightened and brightened everything and broke up all the navy and white. I'm glad that he got rid of the birds, but I still didn't like the top he paired with skirt from last week. I liked the jumpsuit, the striped top, and the white skirt. I also liked the black stripes he added to the white shoes. His collection looked the most cohesive of the three.

Yay for Anthony!! His squeal when he was announced the winner was hilarious.

Agree - HOORAY for Anthony!!  That peacock gown was stunning. I also loved how Fabio came in for a hug afterwards, all three of these guys were so sweet and just class acts.  

I really liked Fabio's last coat/gown and was surprised none of the judges commented on it (that we saw).  Of course, Anthropologie is my crack store so it makes sense I'd love his looks.  And as with many things at Anthro I couldn't wear most of them but just admire them from afar.

  • Love 5

I smell some kind of mini-special coming with the final four. Unless PRAS is finished forever. Maybe another network will do it.

Congratulations to Anthony. I liked all three collections.

Every time I look at Stanley's work, I think Oscar de la Renta, Geoffrey Beene, Michael Kors. Stanley does Ladies Who Lunch beautifully.

I'm surprised no one commented on Anthony's avante-gardish white and black long dress - the one with the leather thingy/corset around the mid-section. It was interesting.

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Yay, an actress/special guest/judge who has some knowledge of high fashion! I respect the opinion of Catherine Zeta Jones more than a 20 year old Disney actress. 

Who on earth chooses Alyssa's clothing? I'm assuming it's a legally blind fashion designer, because I can't think of any other option. Goodness, her wardrobe is horrendous.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, tobeannounced said:

I'm so happy that Alyssa said she chooses clothes that she has an emotional connection with. That explains a lot.

If that is the case, she needs a therapist. Stat.

Glad that Anthony won. Love his collection and that fabric of the gown. Stanley had a good collection too. To me, it was a tie. 

What is missing from this show? I didn't enjoy it as much despite seeing a few favorites (the finalists). Does it need a new host, mentor, judge or are the challenges getting old? I don't even care for the sponsors of the accessory wall or haircare/cosmetics.

  • Love 4
45 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

What is missing from this show? I didn't enjoy it as much despite seeing a few favorites (the finalists).

I think it's the rushed aspect of making them jam 7 looks in 5 days.  Why???  I like when they let the designers return home and work on their collections with a decent amount of time.  Plus, I like the home visits.  Also, it lacks the excitement and energy of a true NY Fashion Week.  That runway show was so underwhelming despite the fantastic effort by the designers.

 Fabio 's weird accordion music.  Hee! 

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