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S09.E11: Tell All - Part 1

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On 3/26/2018 at 9:55 PM, Mothra said:

I have not watched this show from the very beginning, but in one of the first episodes I saw, Meri was going on a trip and wanted to take ?Sol? along with her, but his "real" mother said no, he wasn't old enough to be away overnight or something, how about taking ?some girl?  Meri was a little pissed.  I think at one point she did feel she had a role as an involved "aunt" to all those kids, and I think her rather aggressive "I'm not going to go to their houses and take care of their kids" is just nasty.  She has made overtures to some of the children, but apparently there are some she is interested in and some she is not.

I had a family member who played that game. She would bring a gift for one of my children but not the other. She'd have some lame excuse to the other kid like oh you're older or I just saw something other kid would like. I put an end to that crap real quick. It's a nasty thing to do. I can definitely see Meri doing something petty and disgusting like that.

  • Love 10

Having a bout of insomnia and finally catching up on this episode. Holy hell! These people are exhausting! Nothing about this situation is going to change until Kody makes a move and his pride won't allow him to. In his mind, all of this is on Meri and the attitude is how dare she betray him. Now don't get me wrong. I'm no Meri fan. I think she's downright selfish on a lot of levels but she's not the only one that screwed up. If you're going to forgive a person, forgive him/her and stop throwing the offence in his/her face every chance you get. If you're going to move forward, commit to putting in the work and rebuilding the trust. 

Kody gets a kick out of using her offence and his affection as a weapon against her and it's beyond effed up. Either forgive her or tell her you want to end it. Shit or get up off the pot, dude! 

12 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

They need Iyanla for some real truth telling. Iyanla please come fix the Browns.

I would pay good money to see Iyanla snatch every edge in the cult du sac. 

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Marigny said:

Having a bout of insomnia and finally catching up on this episode. Holy hell! These people are exhausting! Nothing about this situation is going to change until Kody makes a move and his pride won't allow him to. In his mind, all of this is on Meri and the attitude is how dare she betray him. Now don't get me wrong. I'm no Meri fan. I think she's downright selfish on a lot of levels but she's not the only one that screwed up. If you're going to forgive a person, forgive him/her and stop throwing the offence in his/her face every chance you get. If you're going to move forward, commit to putting in the work and rebuilding the trust. 

Kody gets a kick out of using her offence and his affection as a weapon against her and it's beyond effed up. Either forgive her or tell her you want to end it. Shit or get up off the pot, dude! 

 I agree that there's plenty of blame to go around in this mess, but until Meri actually owns up to her bad actions and stops playing the poor victim, I can't blame Kody for not really forgiving her.  Forgiveness requires contrition and Meri is not contrite.  She blames everyone and everything and takes ownership of nothing. If I were Kody (OH MY!!) I would not move forward with anything until she takes accountability for her actions and is remorseful.  Then I would need to see a sincere effort to work toward being a part of the family and building trust before I started committing myself to anything.  He needs to build trust, too, but why even start with someone who can't take accountability for their own actions and plays the perpetual victim?  Personally, he needs to end it, which seems to be what he is telegraphing via the whole we don't co-habitate comments, etc.  I think she is hanging in there because of the show.  If they weren't on a show, I believe he would have told her to go her separate way or just stopped seeing her, which he has done.  I think when these polygamists stop seeing a wife, it is their passive aggressive way of getting out of the commitment.  It's a pretty nasty way of (not) dealing with people. 

I think he does enjoy using her offence as a weapon, but that's certainly the way Meri operates as well.  She weaponized her legal marriage and position as first wife for years.  Now the chickens have come home to roost!!  

  • Love 16
On ‎3‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 4:46 PM, LilWharveyGal said:

Well folks, if you want answers to more scintillating questions you’ll just have to wait until next week, because we’re leaving the Tell All now for some kind of special episode where the Browns play a memory game that allows the producers to pad the entire thing with flashbacks.  Let’s test our skills - or our livers as we drink more, it’s entirely up to you.

I had to drink just to get through that excruciating review.  It was excellent (and hysterical) as usual......and sounds so horrible to have watched.  No way, no how, never.

  • Love 3
On 3/26/2018 at 7:01 PM, Gothish520 said:

Well, that was pure speculation on my part. She could've been just fine and we were just shown times when she was quiet. 

She looked really miserable and stonefaced the whole time. She may have been sick that day, or, she may be entering that phase of adolescence where she sees her parents as separate from her, and she is so over them;  maybe just had an argument with someone that day. 

She might be starting to look look at her parents’ dysfunctional relationships in a negative light. All the other older teens and young adults have strongly separated and individuated away from the identity of their parents, rejecting polygamy. On Instagram, Logan even promotes coffee drinking, (almost seems like he has a marketing contract with a coffee shop), and is often shown drinking beer, both forbidden in their faith.  Mariah was the only one who was into polygamy as a younger teen, and then after falling out with her mother and getting betrayed, she rejected her mother and radically changed her identity.  She does seem to be so much happier now; she is smiling in almost every shot this season. 

Notice how all the kids abandoned the game by the end. It seems like everyone was ready to be done, but then there was a producer set-up where they required Meri to give two compliments to each adult. That was cringe-worthy, and the producers knew it would be.  She was downright rude to Jenelle in that part. I don’t like the way it was so scripted and manipulated.

Axel was born in May 2017, and in this scene he was crawling (cute baby) so he must be seven or eight months, and it must’ve been filmed around December, or January 2018.  That means they got everyone together recently for the game and the boring tell all where nothing at all was “jaw-dropping”.

  • Love 2

Is it getting comical at this point, that we keep hearing the same thing from the sister wive's for the last three years?

Meri: I don't know what my role in the family is?

Robyn: Your role is right here, with us.

It appears that their therapist Nancy continues to allow them to get away with this repetitive and deflective response. Does anyone really believe that Meri does not know what her role in the family is suppose to be? Us, mere viewers, even know what it is suppose to be. She's suppose to help with the children, help the other sister wives. You know, the job that Robyn's niece, and Christine's mother, have been doing for her?

So let's cut the B.S. and really discuss the problem. Meri knows what the role is, but doesn't want it. I don't understand how a therapist can allow a person to give the same blanket response for years, and never challenge Meri over it.

  • Love 11
On 3/28/2018 at 4:46 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

So do we know for sure if this show is actually coming back ? Will there be another 2 year hiatus ? I don't think I can go another season with another kid wedding, even though I do like Aspyn (for now, I reserve the right to change that opinion at any damn time) . They have beaten the proverbial dead horse a million times, I bet Meri will still be "figring" stuff out, no further "safe" conversations between Christine & Meri, the bogus therapy sessions with Janelle & Meri, and Robyn the almighty knowing what is best for the fambily/

Next season might be a two-fer, as Aspyn AND Logan are engaged. Although, Logan and his fiancee aren't big on the TLC circus and don't appear on camera much, they'll probably work in a mention or a wedding prep activity, such as Janelle working out.  I doubt Logan's actual wedding will be filmed. God help us if Mariah and Audrey decide to have a wedding. TLC will be all over that. And Mariah doesn't have a problem appearing on camera, as opposed to Logan, and also Aspyn to an extent. She's definitely not Mykelti. 

  • Love 4

Meri knows what the role is, but doesn't want it


Meri knows what her role is. She just doesn't really like it. It's not what she thought it would be when she signed up, mainly because she has so fouled up all her relationships. So she is running around whining about not knowing what her role is in hopes that someone is going to rescue her from the life she has created for herself. That's what it boils down to.

I suspect that decades ago when  Meri agreed to throw her life away on this polygamy crap when Meri wed Kody, she envisioned living her life as the honored first wife ... loving, faithful partner to Kody for decades.  Beloved mother to a gaggle of children,  the revered First Wife who was looked up to by the other sisterwives and the adored bonus mother to all their children. But the reality is that after years of being unhappy in her marriage, she broke her vows and she is now hopelessly estranged from her husband.  She is an empty nester, struggling in her relationship with her only child. And she is surrounded by women she does not care for, some of whom she has been at war with for years and all of whom are busy with kids that Meri has only a passing interest in. 

She doesn't want to be a sisterwife or a friend to her sisterwives or a bonus mom to their children. I don't believe she sincerely wants to be involved with Kody either, really. Mariah's contempt for her has been excruciating.  But she is clinging to the idea of this role she imagined, refusing to adapt to the reality of the relationships she has with everyone around her. Thus the constant pleas for someone to redefine her life for her.  To save her from all the bad relationships she has cultivated for YEARS. Which is never going to happen. 

The truth is the only role in the family Meri was ever happy with was Head Bitch in Charge. First/legal wife.  Arguably Kody's favorite, lording over the other sisterwives, the sad, weepy creature who was only ever able to have just the one, single child (but who still deserved a full 25% of the family's resources and poor little victim if anyone suggested otherwise). Well those days are OVER and they aren't coming back. The sooner Meri accepts this and faces the reality of her place in her family, the better. Stop sniveling about her "role" and recognize that she has two options: either settle for what she's created or move on (because I have absolutely zero belief she can change or improve any of her relationships with the adults). Make a choice then focus on rebuilding her relationship with her daughter. Redefine her own damn life and stop begging all the people around her she has mistreated for years to do it for her!

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 20
12 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

She doesn't want to be a sisterwife or a friend to her sisterwives or a bonus mom to their children. I don't believe she sincerely wants to be involved with Kody either, really. 

The truth is the only role in the family Meri was ever happy with was Head Bitch in Charge. First/legal wife.  

*Applause*  I totally agree, and I get the sense this might be an unpopular opinion.  I believe the only loss Meri is truly grieving over is the loss of her HBIC status - not Kody, not sex.

  • Love 14

I hear what you guys are saying, but I still get all kinds of neediness from Meri when it comes to Kody. I think she really wants him back in every way as a husband, and I think his attention being drawn away by the other wives is the crux of her problem. She liked being HBIC, yes, as long as that came with being Kody's HB. Once he started paying real attention to the other wives, Meri's insecurity and jealousy grew. This may go all the way back to Christine, but it definitely came to a head with Robyn. And Kody just wanted Meri to be fine with it all - once she started getting needy and demanding, all he had to do was run to one of the other wives to get away. 

Kody has always said that he was just as culpable as Meri in letting their relationship flounder. Whether that is just lip service or not, I can't say, but it's obvious that he is so over it right now. Christine figured out a way to get her man back without stepping outside her commitment. Unfortunately for Meri, her behavior and her choices just threw gasoline onto the fire.

  • Love 3

I've been thinking about Kody spilling so much about his personal life with Meri, when in the past he's been somewhat closed-lipped about things like that.  I'm wondering if it was the Brown's idea of a new hook/plot device to keep people watching.  I can see TLC dragging the "will they/won't they" storyline on for awhile, with a season ending cliffhanger where the audience is left wondering if Kody and Meri are back to "co-habitating."

  • Love 4

I have a question and I'm eager to hear people's thoughts on it. Do you guys believe that Kody should continue to keep Meri out of his weekly routines? 

I know Meri was the first to ask Kody to stop coming around the house, but now she has been vocal that she wants him to come around and work on their relationship.

If Kody has agreed and it sounds like he might be in the next tell all to work on the marriage, should Meri be put back in the rotation?

Keep in mind I'm not asking if they should have sex. Kody has made it quite clear he is only interested in a platonic relationship, at this time. So should he still spend at least a day and night over there, to work on their relationship, and then spend the night in the guest room or on the couch?

Does not having a sexual relationship mean that you get isolated completely out of his scedule? Should the sister wives stand up and advocate for a Meri day if they truly want Kody and Meri's relationship to work?

Or should Kody make the sole decision that he has cut out Meri, and he solely get to decide if or when he would stay over there?

Do you believe that no sex should equate to no husband platonic time either?

  • Love 4

First let me preface my answer by saying that the Browns have stated numerous times that they do not want to be treated any differently from a monogamous relationship, whether among themselves or via the public.

To that end, Kody divorced Meri. Only issue here is that we hardly ever hear of a plural marriage totally falling apart (a sister wife leaving her husband permanently).  If Kody & Meri were monogamous, they would have parted and gone their separate ways.  There would be no begging or suggestions of platonic time together or ANY time at all.  To suggest "working" on a relationship after divorce and saying she wants to be put back on his weekly scheduled visits (sexual or not), is bordering on stalking.

Sorry Browns, you can't have it both ways...and I don't blame Kody one iota for not wanting to be intimate or otherwise "platonic" with his divorced wife. Unfortunately, Meri doesn't know anything else, so she stays and they allow her to stay. TLC money no doubt plays a part in this decision.

As to whether or not the sister wives should advocate a "Meri day" is like asking me to advocate a special day for my husband's ex-wife. Never gonna happen, regardless of what others want/think. Any further relationship should be between the divorced couple.

Bottom line, Kody doesn't owe Meri anything (even though she'd probably get alimony in a monogamous divorce)...be it sexual or platonic.

Edited by MsTree
  • Love 2

But supposedly they divorced just so Kody could marry Robyn and adopt Robyn's kids. He remains spiritually married to Meri. They could dissolve that union if they chose to, but they haven't done it.  So their situation is not really akin to a monogamous couple divorcing.  They still have an eternal union accordingly the tenets of their faith.

For that reason I think Meri is entitled to some kind of regular time with Kody. I don't think he should have to engage in sex with her if he doesn't want to, of course. But nothing will ever change if they don't even have contact. If Kody refuses to spend any time with Meri at all, Meri should end their spiritual marriage and just be done with it. I know I wouldn't want to just lurk around the cuddle sac waiting forever for a man who had no use for me at all. Sharing him with all those other women would be bad enough, but having to watch him go from one house to the other while avoiding mine would be unbearable. And pointless. 

I halfway believe that is really what Kody wants to happen ... for Meri to decide she no longer wants to be his wife and for her to end things so he is not the bad guy.  

I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say Sunday night. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 16
On 25/03/2018 at 9:13 PM, antfitz said:

 I disagree with your point of view. I think Mary felt discarded long before this and that the only reason she got involved with that other person. Her husband had really moved on to the new woman, the new toy. He even took away the fact that she was the legal wife. I think she felt abandoned. When you feel alone and abandoned you will seek other people, Not necessarily sexual.

 In fact I think Mary maybe the only one with real brains because she is not enthralled with Cody anymore. 

( I'm not going to keep correcting the spelling on the stupid names.)

I just re watched the first season and Mari talked about having difficulties with Kody  for years.  I think that she brought Robyn into the family in order to get into Kody's good graces.

  • Love 2
On 3/27/2018 at 5:33 PM, Jeanne222 said:

Honestly I'd love a season where Meri assumes the Janelle position and listens to others speak.

We've had three seasons of Meri!

The divorce season, the cat fish season and now the b & b season.

Enough of that very calculating, manipulating, ugly woman.

Surely there's something else for the writers and production to come up with!

Don't forget the wet bar season!

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

But supposedly they divorced just so Kody could marry Robyn and adopt Robyn's kids. He remains spiritually married to Meri. They could dissolve that union if they chose to, but they haven't done it.  So their situation is not really akin to a monogamous couple divorcing.  They still have an eternal union accordingly the tenets of their faith.

For that reason I think Meri is entitled to some kind of regular time with Kody. I don't think he should have to engage in sex with her if he doesn't want to, of course. But nothing will ever change if they don't even have contact. If Kody refuses to spend any time with Meri at all, Meri should end their spiritual marriage and just be done with it. I know I wouldn't want to just lurk around the cuddle sac waiting forever for a man who had no use for me at all. Sharing him with all those other women would be bad enough, but having to watch him go from one house to the other while avoiding mine would be unbearable. And pointless. 

I halfway believe that is really what Kody wants to happen ... for Meri to decide she no longer wants to be his wife and for her to end things so he is not the bad guy.  

I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say Sunday night. 

Meri  was the one who repeatedly told Kody  to stay away.  If my SO told me that and then wanted me to come over to get the ladder, it would be a resounding F OFF!  I AM ON Team Kod y where Meri is concerned.....Bless my heart!

  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, neh said:

Meri  was the one who repeatedly told Kody  to stay away.  If my SO told me that and then wanted me to come over to get the ladder, it would be a resounding F OFF!  I AM ON Team Kod y where Meri is concerned.....Bless my heart!

They (Kody and Meri) have never been really clear about the timelines regarding the "stay-away" request. Was it during the catfishing or before? Was it after she felt him completely ignoring her for Robin and making baby Sol?

I think with Kody and Meri, there's a lot of "tit-for-tat" in their dysfunctional relationship. They each seem to ratchet it up , draw lines in the sand, and blame each other for the state of the relationship. I know Kody gave lip service to the fact that he felt responsible for Meri's loneliness, but I think that was for PR purposes and protecting their "brand." ymmv

Actually, I think Kody and Meri are a lot alike in their stubbornness and entitlement-ness. Yes, Mer can be a bitch and a miserable cow--but I'm not giving Kody a free pass, either. At this time, he wants to treat Meri as if they are divorced in every way, while she is supposed to behave at least like they are "spiritually" married? 

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

But supposedly they divorced just so Kody could marry Robyn and adopt Robyn's kids. He remains spiritually married to Meri. They could dissolve that union if they chose to, but they haven't done it.  So their situation is not really akin to a monogamous couple divorcing.  They still have an eternal union accordingly the tenets of their faith.

For that reason I think Meri is entitled to some kind of regular time with Kody. I don't think he should have to engage in sex with her if he doesn't want to, of course. But nothing will ever change if they don't even have contact. If Kody refuses to spend any time with Meri at all, Meri should end their spiritual marriage and just be done with it. I know I wouldn't want to just lurk around the cuddle sac waiting forever for a man who had no use for me at all. Sharing him with all those other women would be bad enough, but having to watch him go from one house to the other while avoiding mine would be unbearable. And pointless. 

I halfway believe that is really what Kody wants to happen ... for Meri to decide she no longer wants to be his wife and for her to end things so he is not the bad guy.  

I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say Sunday night. 

I agree with Celia.  Looking at it from their faith's perspective means that they now have the marriage that Kody has always had with Christine and Janelle. A spiritual union with their promises to each other.  That is all a marriage is...a commitment between parties. Oral, written doesn't matter past what the couple (or group in this matter) commit to.

Having issues or not, the whole avoiding the wife in the rotation is a passive aggressive shit way out.  They committed to each other and intimacy or not doesn't matter.  Every fourth night you put your butt in her living room, you put your butt at her dining room table.  Even if sleeping is in one of the many rooms or on that fugly couch...so be it. 

By the sounds of it when Janelle said that at least Kody and Meri are speaking with a better tone to each other, and not snarking at each other...they may only see each other at family gatherings.  Sorry....that's what you do with an Ex-wife...NOT a spiritual wife. 

Yes...Meri was telling Kody to stay away during the catfish times.  She stated on the show it was because JO messed with her head and turned her against Kody....yadda yadda.  However some of that was coming from Meri as well.  Why have Kody around when she was always waiting for phone time with her online hottie.  However...that is all part of the healing as well.  Getting the truth of the matter out in the open between them, being open and honest...brutally honest.  Then moving forward.  I really really really wonder if Kody didn't ever go online and see the photos/texts/voice mails and that is what just ended it for him. He can't hang on the whole "but...but...you told me to stay away" any longer.  That was then...this is now.  BUT!!  I get the feeling sometimes when they show him looking at Meri...really looking at her...the look on his face is telling.  I know it's hard for me to look at her and not see that damn banana photo, or the "come hither, lover" photo...I can't imagine being her husband and seeing it over and over in your mind.

The whole "Kody doesn't want to end it and be the bad guy" I think might have something to do with their faith as well.  He has said in the past that if a wife wanted out..that was that.  I think he puts it squarely on their shoulders, they want in..they are in.  However they aren't treated well unless they submit to the family.  Just like with Christine...she had to beg for "more grocery money" and for Kody to come around more often in exchange for wrestling mats in her garage, then the whole get away to Texas and "love the family and I'll love you".  Christine followed orders, she sucked up to Robyn...and now she is getting the attention and time etc.  Meri is in...but only sort of.  If she wants more from Kody she will have to do the same.  I think with him (after that money tweet he put out there) that the fact that her LuLaRo money isn't shared with the others hits hard.  It's a one for all world in Kody Brown land.

  • Love 11

Wait, I missed that ... Kody made a tweet that confirmed (or implied or suggested) that Meri's LuluNO money stays in her pocket alone?

Man, I would SO deduct a chunk of change from her share of the TLC check if I were in charge of the money!  Kick her off the phone plan, stop paying some bill of hers, something. She's just not a team player in a sport where being a team player is what matters most. She is a complete drain on every imaginable resource ... emotional, spiritual, financial, you name it. And she appears to give nothing back but blame and complaints. 

At least it looks like they are finally starting to rebel against Meri's tyranny a bit this season. After all the years of rolling over everyone else, it must be stunning to her. I still think that based on principle alone, Kody should have to spend time with her. But I wouldn't blame him one bit if sought a spiritual divorce from her. If she won't change (and at this point she won't even accept any responsibility for their problems) there is little point in remaining married in any capacity at all. 

  • Love 9
40 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Wait, I missed that ... Kody made a tweet that confirmed (or implied or suggested) that Meri's LuluNO money stays in her pocket alone?

Man, I would SO deduct a chunk of change from her share of the TLC check if I were in charge of the money!  Kick her off the phone plan, stop paying some bill of hers, something. She's just not a team player in a sport where being a team player is what matters most. She is a complete drain on every imaginable resource ... emotional, spiritual, financial, you name it. And she appears to give nothing back but blame and complaints. 

At least it looks like they are finally starting to rebel against Meri's tyranny a bit this season. After all the years of rolling over everyone else, it must be stunning to her. I still think that based on principle alone, Kody should have to spend time with her. But I wouldn't blame him one bit if sought a spiritual divorce from her. If she won't change (and at this point she won't even accept any responsibility for their problems) there is little point in remaining married in any capacity at all. 

I can't believe I'm defending Meri in this but I'm guessing the "common pot" method stopped after they bought the Vegas homes. If they were really running things that way, I would think the houses would all be owned by Kody Brown Entertainment rather than separately.  I don't think Janelle is making much or any money from Strive, nor is Robyn from MSWC. If Janelle is really working as a real estate sales person, I doubt she is dividing the money up amongst the other three families. She still has kids that are going through school. 

Meri appears on the show, in fact at this point she's the main focus of the "adults". If it weren't for the catfish and all Meri's dramas, the show would be even more painfully boring than it is now and probably cancelled. She's earned her portion. 

I think that if it weren't for the show and the fact she's a co-owner of the Vegas house she'd be long gone. 

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

 Meri appears on the show, in fact at this point she's the main focus of the "adults". If it weren't for the catfish and all Meri's dramas, the show would be even more painfully boring than it is now and probably cancelled. She's earned her portion. 

 Ha, good point! Let her keep her Lulacash for herself.  Maybe she'll spend it on treatment from a competent therapist one day. 

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

If Kody refuses to spend any time with Meri at all, Meri should end their spiritual marriage and just be done with it.

I agree. It has been almost three years now, since Kody has stopped his visits to Meri's house. What kills me is on the tell all, how Robyn gives kudos to Kody and Meri for choosing not to give up, and fight for their marriage. huh? They are all talk, and no action. No one is trying to save that marriage. His ass should be there at her house at least one day out of the week. They don't have to have sex, but you have to be present to try and make a marriage work.

3 hours ago, Roslyn said:

However they aren't treated well unless they submit to the family.  Just like with Christine...she had to beg for "more grocery money" and for Kody to come around more often in exchange for wrestling mats in her garage, then the whole get away to Texas and "love the family and I'll love you".

That's why when Meri made that comment that she was not going to raise the other wive's children, and was adamant that she just wasn't going to do it, I thought, well your mouth just put that final coffin in your marriage. Like you said, Kody has always been about the family. Can you imagine Kody's reaction when he saw Meri say that. She's basically saying, I'm not going to help or raise your children Kody! Yep, real good Meri, that's the way you try to win back your husband. Keep telling him how you aren't going to be there for his children, that's going to make him fall back in love with you!

1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

I don't think Janelle is making much or any money from Strive, nor is Robyn from MSWC.

I remember reading at least back in 2015 MSWC  made fifty thousand a year. I can assume, that has gone down, while the show was not on, and that profits spike back up when the show is airing.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

I wonder if that $50,000. figure from 2015 is profit or total sales.  I notice on the site they are still trying to sell off Christmas jewelry from 2012 thru 2015, that may be why subsequent years seasonal items are no longer dated with the year of issue...not so obvious it's leftover stock.

I call BS on that, unless we see a tax return, it's just heresy. There's no way they've made $50k total on this crap.

  • Love 7
22 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

But supposedly they divorced just so Kody could marry Robyn and adopt Robyn's kids. He remains spiritually married to Meri

Supposedly...but I don't believe it for one second.  It was/is a great public excuse, but with Kody & Meri's rocky relationship and lack of intimacy for quite some time, I believe he wanted a divorce in every sense of the word, and not just to adopt Robyn's kids.

As for their spiritual marriage, Meri will spiritually remain in the family as long as the TLC gravy train keeps going because seriously, what not?!?

  • Love 11
On March 25, 2018 at 9:09 PM, lma said:

Ok guys I’m signing off from viewing the rest of the Tell Nothing and deleting it from my DVR. They fooled me again. They lie every season. I thought with last week’s episode, we might actually get some honesty. They are all kissing up to each other, especially to Meri. No one will say what needs to be said: Meri you suck, Robyn you’re annoying, Christine stop saying I’m sorry, Janelle speak up, Kody go away.

I will enjoy reading and loving on most of the posts here. You guys are insightful and definitely more entertaining than this Tell Nothing.

Agree 100%! I was so pissed that I turned off the show and couldn't even comment! Lol lol! They all certainly got to christine and beat her back into sweet submission! We will never be allowed to see the honesty that we were shown in her 'library'. They suck. Liars.  

  • Love 1
On 3/31/2018 at 12:02 AM, Onceafan said:

I have a question and I'm eager to hear people's thoughts on it. Do you guys believe that Kody should continue to keep Meri out of his weekly routines? 

I know Meri was the first to ask Kody to stop coming around the house, but now she has been vocal that she wants him to come around and work on their relationship.

If Kody has agreed and it sounds like he might be in the next tell all to work on the marriage, should Meri be put back in the rotation?

Keep in mind I'm not asking if they should have sex. Kody has made it quite clear he is only interested in a platonic relationship, at this time. So should he still spend at least a day and night over there, to work on their relationship, and then spend the night in the guest room or on the couch?

Does not having a sexual relationship mean that you get isolated completely out of his scedule? Should the sister wives stand up and advocate for a Meri day if they truly want Kody and Meri's relationship to work?

Or should Kody make the sole decision that he has cut out Meri, and he solely get to decide if or when he would stay over there?

Do you believe that no sex should equate to no husband platonic time either?

I don't think Kody should do anything he doesn't want to do.  Personally I think he has been fed up with her and her attitude for a long time but hung in there because of the marriage and kids.  Once she broke his trust I think he saw her for what she is.  A selfish and very difficult woman and now he wants no part of her and may feel like she gave him an excuse to be real about his fillings.  He will stay with her out of obligation but I think he wants no part of her in or out of the bedroom.  She was willing to cheat on him and the rest of the family and would be gone had JO been all she presented herself as (a rich dude).  I just don't think he even LIKES her at this point.  

  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I just don't think he even LIKES her at this point.  

Waaaaaaay back when (season 1, episode 5 : The First Wife's 20th Anniversary) Kody & Meri go to Mexico and they are at some restaurant chatting about jealousy amongst his wives (he doesn't get why his wives would be jealous). Meri asks how he would fill if she was "giving her affection" to another man. Kody isn't just upset by the idea, he's sick over it, says it's an affront to god and nature for a woman to have two husbands -- and corrects it to a husband and a lover.  I don't remember the exact quote but he CLEARLY evidenced his disgust at the mere mention of the thought.  Obviously, his Own Personal Sect of Mormonism doesn't believe in "affection"(from kissing to intercourse) outside of a marriage covenant(legally recognized or not), so the requisite "slut/whore/sinner/Queen of Babylon" narrative would automatically apply to any woman (even if she wasn't his wife) to even think about, let alone participate in such a thing.

He looks at her now the same way his face looked during that exchange.  Just the fact that she "lusted in her heart" and carried on an emotional relationship with someone she believed was a man, even though they didn't physically do the deed, is enough for Kody to feel betrayed and repulsed by her.

  • Love 10
On 3/31/2018 at 12:02 AM, Onceafan said:

Do you guys believe that Kody should continue to keep Meri out of his weekly routines? 

I believe Kody should do whatever he feels is best for their marriage.  Maybe he's too much of a negative right now to feel like including her back into the weekly routine and thinks it would just make things worse.

On 3/31/2018 at 12:02 AM, Onceafan said:

If Kody has agreed and it sounds like he might be in the next tell all to work on the marriage, should Meri be put back in the rotation?

Meri took herself out of the rotation.  Maybe they all do sometimes for a week or two or however long-I believe once Janelle took herself out of the rotation (and the house) for awhile and she ended up coming back into it.

On 3/31/2018 at 12:02 AM, Onceafan said:

So should he still spend at least a day and night over there, to work on their relationship, and then spend the night in the guest room or on the couch?

I think that should be up to him, he was the one who was betrayed by a cheating spouse.  If it takes time for him to feel comfortable being intimate again or spending the night in her house, it should be on his timeline.

On 3/31/2018 at 12:02 AM, Onceafan said:

Does not having a sexual relationship mean that you get isolated completely out of his scedule?

In my marriage?  I can't imagine it, but I'm neither a polygamist nor religiously opposed to sexual relationships outside of marriage, so I don't know how that works with the Brown's Own Personal Sect of Mormonism.

On 3/31/2018 at 12:02 AM, Onceafan said:

Should the sister wives stand up and advocate for a Meri day if they truly want Kody and Meri's relationship to work?

I would assume that according to how they have explained their particular Sect of Mormonism that the sister wives stay out of anything intimate or affectionate or pertaining to the marriage relationship outside of their own personal one with Kody.  Like, they could hug her or cry with her or offer an attagirl but as far as anything further, I'd imagine that would be frowned upon.

On 3/31/2018 at 12:02 AM, Onceafan said:

Or should Kody make the sole decision that he has cut out Meri, and he solely get to decide if or when he would stay over there?

According to what they have disclosed about their lifestyle, the sister wives involvement with including other sister wives into their family begins with the permission to be courted by their husband and ends at the marriage ceremony.  I think, after that, they all submit to his authority with regards to who stays and who goes.  Which is why I think Meri sticks around~she's waiting for his permission to leave.

On 3/31/2018 at 12:02 AM, Onceafan said:

Do you believe that no sex should equate to no husband platonic time either?

As in, if she doesn't get sex from him she should deny him platonic time?


if they aren't having sex then he won't be staying the night because it's just platonic time?

Sorry, I was confused by that last question.

Edited by kicotan
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, kicotan said:

I believe Kody should do whatever he feels is best for their marriage.  Maybe he's too much of a negative right now to feel like including her back into the weekly routine and thinks it would just make things worse.

Meri took herself out of the rotation.  Maybe they all do sometimes for a week or two or however long-I believe once Janelle took herself out of the rotation (and the house) for awhile and she ended up coming back into it.

I think that should be up to him, he was the one who was betrayed by a cheating spouse.  If it takes time for him to feel comfortable being intimate again or spending the night in her house, it should be on his timeline.

In my marriage?  I can't imagine it, but I'm neither a polygamist nor religiously opposed to sexual relationships outside of marriage, so I don't know how that works with the Brown's Own Personal Sect of Mormonism.

I would assume that according to how they have explained their particular Sect of Mormonism that the sister wives stay out of anything intimate or affectionate or pertaining to the marriage relationship outside of their own personal one with Kody.  Like, they could hug her or cry with her or offer an attagirl but as far as anything further, I'd imagine that would be frowned upon.

According to what they have disclosed about their lifestyle, the sister wives involvement with including other sister wives into their family begins with the permission to be courted by their husband and ends at the marriage ceremony.  I think, after that, they all submit to his authority with regards to who stays and who goes.  Which is why I think Meri sticks around~she's waiting for his permission to leave.

As in, if she doesn't get sex from him she should deny him platonic time?


if they aren't having sex then he won't be staying the night because it's just platonic time?

Sorry, I was confused by that last question.

There is no marriage anymore. They're just exes who co-own a house, have a grown daughter, and are on the same TV show. Kody doesn't have to do diddly squat. 

Janelle did move into her own place but states that Kody still visited regularly. I think she even got pregnant with her youngest during that time.  It's not like she moved very far away, she just wanted to get the Eff away from Sour Meri. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, kicotan said:

He looks at her now the same way his face looked during that exchange.  Just the fact that she "lusted in her heart" and carried on an emotional relationship with someone she believed was a man, even though they didn't physically do the deed, is enough for Kody to feel betrayed and repulsed by her.

I remember that conversation at their anniversary dinner and Kody's repulsion.  I also think that his feelings now are an extra step past feeling betrayed and repulsed simply by her willingness to step out of his spiritual marriage with her.  She didn't just betray him with her online fling, she betrayed The Family.  That is a really really big deal in KodyLand.  She gave out personal financial information to her Batman, mortgage papers, TLC contracts, banking information.  Her "man" was "getting his lawyers" to go over her contracts to get her out of them, as well as trying to untie her from the family etc.

Kody does not have a poker face. He could take lessons from Janelle...And he does look at her with a repulsion.  I certainly hope that off camera they have gotten real with each other, but I really do doubt it.  If he did look into what she was really up to online with all the information that was released I have a feeling that part of how he looks at her is her voicemails "comparing" her Batman to Kody and that bloody banana photo, but some part is the fact that she breached Family loyalty by handing over personal information. 

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, kicotan said:

I believe Kody should do whatever he feels is best for their marriage.

The key word there is "should".  In reality, Kootie will do only what is best for him.  He has made it crystal clear from the beginning that it's not his job to work on relationships with his concubines.  If they don't like it, tough cookies.

  • Love 10

So sick of Meri and her crap. Kody hates her, the family understandably doesn't trust her and yet SHE IS STILL THERE, playing victim. I just quit MBFFL forum and am ready to quit this one, too. It goes continually in circles, centered around the Meri-Go-Round. 

Whatever, Meri. Sit there with your frizzy fried brassy hair, orange tan, bronzer over-use, selling ugly tights and pretending you were a "victim". Over it. 

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