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S06.E12: History in the Making

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Ken's is screaming "shades of Helen" between the bodice and sleeves but I love his fabric choices. Not sure how I feel about Anthony's yet. Don't like Fabio's. Love Stanley's.

I wish they'd have let all 4 show their collections. I am going to hate to see one go. I'd actually enjoy the 4 of them on a show together. They have a great rapport and cameraderie.

Edited by Snappy
  • Love 16

I hate when they just tacking on these stupid wrenches in the mix. It makes me think that they didn't want to eliminate the person who they thought did the worst so they used the additional competition to stop that from happening. I don't find it especially interesting or necessary.


I actually didn't mind the flats with Stanley's look.

I'd think Anthony would be used to the heat being from Georgia. lol

Edited by Snappy
  • Love 8

Wholly Carp!  When the heck did Ken become one of my favorite people?  I actually teared up at his auffing.  He really learned how to deal with the stresses of being on a competition reality show and not let his temper take over.  It's so much nicer being able to focus more on their artistry, rather than their hissy fits.  

 I am happy that my Anthony is still in it, but I really thought Stanley's white dress was boring.  And dated.  But, what do I know?  I have 3 pairs of pants, 5 tops and two shoes and just cycle through those.

  • Love 13

I knew Ken was a goner when he made those wonderful comments in the lounge while the judging was going on.  I think Fabio should have been ousted.  I believe Stanley is the designated winner, but Anthony is my favorite.  I remember during the first challenge how he told someone he makes dead people dresses.  He's a hoot!

Anne looked like she had been melted and poured into that dress, and don't get me started on Alyssa's side boobage.

Edited by Miss Ruth
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Can anyone else see Stanley filling in for Tim Gunn as a mentor?  I think he's got excellent taste, good ideas and knowledge and is very gracious and diplomatic.

I suggested earlier calling him Mr. Stanley for just those reasons.  With a showroom, with models wearing clothes that everyone who entered (to be offered a cup of tea in bone china and several dainty cookies) would feel that they had to buy.  Mr. Stanley FTW.  (Mr. Anthony for his version of The Chew)

  • Love 7

I really did not like Fabio's!  His first look made the model look short and kind of dumpy.  Not flattering in my opinion.  The second one too!!  I must not be artistic enough because I generally did not like what he made - although, he seems like a genuinely nice person.  I like his personality.

Ken's first look was beautiful - It seemed almost exotic to me in a way.  Just beautiful - his second look was good too.  Made perfectly in one hour!!!

I liked Anthony's looks!  They were old style glamour.  And to be criticized that his second look was wrinkled???? WHAT???  He had one hour!!! ONE HOUR!!!  The draping was beautiful and the fabric had been in that bin for who knows how long.  

I liked both of Stanley's looks too.  The first one reminded me of movies of the past but with a modern take.  The second look was different from the first. Although I don't particular care for shiny/glitter material, I thought it looked  good too.

The person who should have gone home was Fabio's  for his "Crisco in a can" look.  It seemed as if they created that one-hour challenge to "save" him.

I have to agree that these four gentlemen are a pleasure to see.  Supportive, funny, kind, talented - without the snipping like Josh would have and did bring to the competition.

I hope Stanley or Anthony wins.  :)

  • Love 18

For the second outfit, I thought they were using the actual fabric from the past outfits, not the leftover fabric. Which made me think, “Do they just throw the clothes after each week?” I imagine not (though they are definitely some outfits throughout the years that are deserving of the trash can) 

Does anyone know what happens to the clothes after each season?

God, I find Fabio so hot. He looks like one of those guys I would have been all over in grad school. But I digress. 

I liked Fabio’s chinoiserie pattern, but I’d like it more on wallpaper like someone said. Loved Stanley’s shoes and yes, he’d be a wonderful Tim Gunn.

Really liked how the final four were men of color and really loved seeing them respond to the Smithsonian exhibits. As an African American woman, I often find some tension when confronting the dominant American paradigm. Nice to see them getting inspiration from Michelle Obama and Harriet Tubman’s clothing. I wish all four could have showed.

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, susannot said:
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Crisco in a can!!

I think the Crisco got out of the can and took up residence in Alyssa's underarms.

What a disaster.   This show makes such a big fuss about establishing harmony between the garment and the model's shape, meanwhile the host's pulchritude is literally bursting out of her dress and what do they do?  Send the poor girl out to pose in front of the silhouette screen.

I was hoping Anthony would be eliminated.  I'm tired of his screeching, squealing and preening.   While the four finalists were all very nice to one another and created some interesting looks, it still would have been nice to have a woman or two in the finals.   It felt like a show solely for male designers.   When I saw the previews for next week with Candace and Amanda, I thought, "oh that's right, there used to be women competing on this show."   But I believe All-Stars (and all the PR shows) works from an agenda laid out before production even begins and culls the designers accordingly.

  • Love 8

I hate when the show gives the designers ridiculous timelines and added twists and then tries to justify it with "but this is all stars!" Yes, it's all stars but you should still give them more than a week to create a six piece collection. And, hey, by the way, you have to present one look to the judges TOMORROW! And now you have one hour to make another look out of leftover scraps of material!  And did I mention that you need to create a seventh look for the final runway? FFS.

Ken's look had some good runway drama. I also appreciated how much awareness he's had this season. He knows that he's known for ready to wear but he also recognized that he needed to up the wow factor for his final collection. He also realized that his original design was veering into too costumey so he edited, taking away the sleeves and changing the cape into a sash. The fact that he is able to do that (as opposed to some designers who refuse to deviate from their original idea an iota) is great. I also liked that he deliberately chose lighter colors to show the judges that he doesn't just use black material.

While I loved Anthony's inspiration of Audrey Hepburn/Rihanna evening gown and his blue evening gown was lovely, his dress was a little too simple. It was a beautiful red carpet dress but it didn't seem different enough to me.

Fabio smocking the skirt perfectly on the stripes was great but there was way too much going on in that outfit. I didn't like the baggy bird top or the clunky shoes. But on top of all that, none of the shapes he created were flattering to his model's body. If that's how big she looks and she's a size 0, what will someone who wears a size 5 look like in his clothes?

Stanley's cream colored dress had a very classic look with some interesting touches. I agreed with whichever judge said that the collar was too big/thick so it might have been better if it had be more delicate. But when the judges mentioned the black underskirt and the camera zoomed in, all I could see was the uneven unhemmed raw edges of the fabric. His model's face looked gorgeous so great job with her makeup.

Those poor designers. Having to make those new looks in an hour with leftover material must have been so stressful. They were all smart to choose the largest pieces of fabric they could find.

Anthony's teal and purple dress made out of Josh's leftover fabric was really glamorous. I was rolling my eyes when the judges complained that part of the skirt was wrinkled. I saw him steaming that dress. He did what he could in the SIXTY MINUTES you gave him. If you want to see unwrinkled dresses, consider giving the designers more than an hour for these bull shit last minute challenges.

Stanley's sequin and leather dress was a smart decision to use three pieces of fabric, but I didn't love it. I didn't hate it either but it was just there. Honestly, it looked like a prom dress you could find at the mall, but I tried not to judge these one hour dresses too harshly since, you know, they only had one hour to put together outfits made out of scraps.

Ken's black dress was a perfect LBD. It looked amazingly finished for only having one hour.

Fabio's white dress made me wish for Michael Kors and Nina Garcia to be there so they could ask what kind of woman wants to look wide in the stomach and hips. I hated the dressy sculpted top with the walking shorts. Who the fuck would pair those two things together?

It's amazing to me that Ken was such an insufferable ass during his first season and he has been so calm, thoughtful, mature, supportive, humble, and funny this season.

Best look tonight: Dita Von Teese's black dress. That was gorgeous!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
Because smocking is notthe same as smoking.
  • Love 13
44 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I may be alone on an island here, but I would rather the talent be judged, and winner chosen based on the work product and not on gender or race.  I would be disappointed if women or men were retained as participants based solely on gender.  That each winner of PRAS has been male is a coincidence to me, not a conspiracy.  There is so much female involvement in this show, I just don't believe that it's being predestined to have male winners.  

The regular PR has had an even mix of winners.  Project_Runway_contestants


44 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I may be alone on an island here, but I would rather the talent be judged, and winner chosen based on the work product and not on gender or race.  I would be disappointed if women or men were retained as participants based solely on gender.  That each winner of PRAS has been male is a coincidence to me, not a conspiracy.  There is so much female involvement in this show, I just don't believe that it's being predestined to have male winners.  

The regular PR has had an even mix of winners.  Project_Runway_contestants

I agree. Talent, not gender, race, height, religion, etc., should determine who is in the finals  All 4 of these gentlemen worked hard, and produced quality garments (in some cases, only enough quality to beat out 1 other person.), and deserved their spot on that stage. Add to that, there was no sniping, backbiting, witchy behavior. Wondering, would the topic even come up if all 4 designers left had been women? 

  • Love 9
Just now, chitowngirl said:

Alyssa’s dress looked much better when she was standing up and walking. It’s definitely a red carpet dress, not a sit down dinner dress.

That's when I liked it. The color also looked good on her. As soon as she sat down, or had a side angle shot, all bets were off. Was her top an homage to Stanley's winning dress? jk

I think they made the right choice. Ken's tailoring is good but none of his designs are exceptional. I hope he gets lots of business after being on the show.

When Anthony threw himself sobbing onto Ken, I saw a little thought bubble over Ken's head: "This is not about you; get off me." Not to mention other thought bubbles when the judges were slavering all over him after eliminating him.

Stanley and Anthony are wonderful guys and make beautiful clothes. But Fabio is a more adventurous designer, which is tweaking the judges' interest. But I think Stanley is the winner. Izaac is practically wearing a neon sign telling us so.

Isn't it a conflict of interest - Stanley will collaborate with Izaac, which will be boosted by Stanley winning the competition? Why wouldn't Izaac promote a Stanley win?

Must make a trip back to the Smithsonian to see the fashion.

Does anyone know if the ratings are up over the past several seasons? I doubt we'll get such a charming group again.


ETA: Loved Stanley's white dress. If only he'd made a tiny leather collar, instead of the big one, it would have nudged over into "fresh" without being unwieldy. And his shoe choice was spot-on.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 3

I really loved Anthony's outfits - both elegant and flattering.  I don't see how there could have been that much of Josh's fabric left from discards to make that long gown, but it was lovely and a much better use of it than Josh had done, IMO.

Stanley's white dress seemed pretty boring to me, well made, but nothing grabbed my attention.  I thought taking that neck piece off made the neckline unflattering, though they all seemed to swoon over it.

Liked Ken's, but neither was my favorite of the looks.

Fabio's, to me, was really awful and I think he should have been the one to go home.  That first top and skirt reminded me of the little Dutch girl.  Braided pigtails on the model would have completed the look. I really like him but his fashions usually look off-proportioned to me and just not flattering. 

I could totally do without seeing that judge with the pale makeup and hat ever again too.  

Looking forward to the finale.  I have a feeling Stanley will be the winner, seems like that is the way the judges have been leaning through this whole thing and I will be ok with that, though my personal favorite is Anthony.  It just better not be Fabio unless he surprises me with some flattering looks and I doubt it.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I hate when the show gives the designers ridiculous timelines and added twists and then tries to justify it with "but this is all stars!" Yes, it's all stars but you should still give them more than a week to create a six piece collection. And, hey, by the way, you have to present one look to the judges TOMORROW! And now you have one hour to make another look out of leftover scraps of material!  And did I mention that you need to create a seventh look for the final runway? FFS.

Ken's look had some good runway drama. I also appreciated how much awareness he's had this season. He knows that he's known for ready to wear but he also recognized that he needed to up the wow factor for his final collection. He also realized that his original design was veering into too costumey so he edited, taking away the sleeves and changing the cape into a sash. The fact that he is able to do that (as opposed to some designers who refuse to deviate from their original idea an iota) is great. I also liked that he deliberately chose lighter colors to show the judges that he doesn't just use black material.

While I loved Anthony's inspiration of Audrey Hepburn/Rihanna evening gown and his blue evening gown was lovely, his dress was a little too simple. It was a beautiful red carpet dress but it didn't seem different enough to me.

Fabio smoking the skirt perfectly on the stripes was great but there was way too much going on in that outfit. I didn't like the baggy bird top or the clunky shoes. But on top of all that, none of the shapes he created were flattering to his model's body. If that's how big she looks and she's a size 0, what will someone who wears a size 5 look like in his clothes?

Stanley's cream colored dress had a very classic look with some interesting touches. I agreed with whichever judge said that the collar was too big/thick so it might have been better if it had be more delicate. But when the judges mentioned the black underskirt and the camera zoomed in, all I could see was the uneven unhemmed raw edges of the fabric. His model's face looked gorgeous so great job with her makeup.

Those poor designers. Having to make those new looks in an hour with leftover material must have been so stressful. They were all smart to choose the largest pieces of fabric they could find.

Anthony's teal and purple dress made out of Josh's leftover fabric was really glamorous. I was rolling my eyes when the judges complained that part of the skirt was wrinkled. I saw him steaming that dress. He did what he could in the SIXTY MINUTES you gave him. If you want to see unwrinkled dresses, consider giving the designers more than an hour for these bull shit last minute challenges.

Stanley's sequin and leather dress was a smart decision to use three pieces of fabric, but I didn't love it. I didn't hate it either but it was just there. Honestly, it looked like a prom dress you could find at the mall, but I tried not to judge these one hour dresses too harshly since, you know, they only had one hour to put together outfits made out of scraps.

Ken's black dress was a perfect LBD. It looked amazingly finished for only having one hour.

Fabio's white dress made me wish for Michael Kors and Nina Garcia to be there so they could ask what kind of woman wants to look wide in the stomach and hips. I hated the dressy sculpted top with the walking shorts. Who the fuck would pair those two things together?

It's amazing to me that Ken was such an insufferable ass during his first season and he has been so calm, thoughtful, mature, supportive, humble, and funny this season.

Best look tonight: Dita Von Teese's black dress. That was gorgeous!

Me too. Like, he had an hour. The fabric was wadded up in bins. He did the best he could, which I thought was great. Shut up, judges! That second challenge was stupid and pointless, given that some of the judges said flat-out that they were basing their opinions on the collection looks.

Having said that, I LOVED Stanley's second "bling blocked" look. Loved. It. I'd buy it right now. I'd also buy Anthony's first look, although the fabric is too heavy for spring.

Ken really has matured. He's right when he said he was a better person - I don't know his life, obviously, but he was MUCH nicer, funnier, more pleasant, this season than he was on his first. I wish him well and want good things for him.

All the finalists looked so handsome at the Smithsonian! I love a man in a nice suit.

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I'm so upset that Ken was eliminated!  There was no reason for that - how many times has PR not eliminated someone and had a four person final fashion show?  That was the first time I actually teared up while watching Project Runway.  My heart was breaking for him!

All of these men are exceptionally nice to each other, and show total respect.  See -- that's how it's done!  

I kind of like all of the final first runway looks, except Fabio's - while the smocking was done to perfection, I really didn't like it on the skirt - the shape the smocking gave the skirt did the model no favors, and the top was totally unflattering.  It's no surprise that Alyssa loved Fabio's outfit and wanted to own it - that skirt would look absolutely horrible on her, so it would be exactly like everything else she wears!  If I were a judge, I probably would have voted for Fabio to be eliminated over Ken.

I loved Stanley's first runway look, but was confused that no one called him out on the unfinished hem and neckline.  The camera kept showing the hemline, with the fraying threads, and it was driving me crazy!!  But yet, Isaac commented on the wrinkled portions of Anthony's second, ONE FUCKING HOUR TO MAKE, look made from LEFTOVERS basically thrown in a bin!!!  I'm sure Anthony was more worried about not having the draping fall away from his model and expose her private parts, instead of steaming the wrinkles out of a leftover piece of fabric.  

Anthony's blue gown was perfection, but we've seen similar looks from him before.  What was his inspiration from the Smithsonian?  

Ken's look was different, and the tailoring was immaculate.  Again, I can't believe that Isaac was commenting that the front of the pants were pulling silghtly - I thought they were tailored excellently - I wish I could find ready-to-wear pants that fit like that!!  

I guess I don't know who I want to win - I think it's a toss up between Anthony and Stanley.

BTW - Can anyone else see Stanley filling in for Tim Gunn as a mentor?  I think he's got excellent taste, good ideas and knowledge and is very gracious and diplomatic.

Stanley's dress took my breath away. I loved it. Stanley's had some absolutely fabulous, luxe and classy looks this season. I just love what he's doing. And yes, I think he'd be a great stand in for Tim. He has a gentle, professorial demeanor that I find very calming. I love all four finalists and wish they'd been able to show for the finale. I adore Fabio. To me he's arty and edgy and I love how he pushes the boundaries. He's not for everyone, and even when I was a young and fashionable woman I probably couldn't have worn  his clothes, but I love that he's so out there and fearless. Plus he seems so kind and thoughtful. Anthony, bless him, is such fun and a breath of fresh air. I've enjoyed this season a lot. Except for my beloved Kelly being bounced so early, that is.

9 hours ago, enoughcats said:

I suggested earlier calling him Mr. Stanley for just those reasons.  With a showroom, with models wearing clothes that everyone who entered (to be offered a cup of tea in bone china and several dainty cookies) would feel that they had to buy.  Mr. Stanley FTW.  (Mr. Anthony for his version of The Chew)

I can totally see this. Mr. Stanley's atelier would be elegantly furnished with a few well chosen pieces, in exquisite taste. Each woman would be treated like a combination of visiting royalty and beloved cousin. And no one would leave empty handed. If you didn't get an outfit you would at least leave with a pair of gloves, or a handkerchief, because everything would be so lovely and luxurious as to be irresistible.

If Anthony does not end up with a TV show after this there is no justice in the universe. A "Chew" style show, focusing on on fashion and lifestyle, would be great for him.

11 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

All the finalists looked so handsome at the Smithsonian! I love a man in a nice suit.

Didn't they? I had to keep pausing so I could drink them in. They looked lovely, and each one was unique!

  • Love 10

I have only sporadically watched this season. Add me to the list of people who hated the twist. Those poor guys! They were stressed out and tired enough and then had to make a design in ONE HOUR!  Such B.S. And then they criticized Anthony's dress for being wrinkled. No shit, the material had been in a bin for how many weeks! 

Not that I'm a fashion expert but I had no problem with any of the designs, I thought everyone did a good job and everything was different. I wish all four guys would have been able to be in the finale. 

  • Love 11

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