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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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I'll be one of those annoying BB fans...

It's cool and all that you're showing us the house in bits and bobs but TELL ME WHEN THE FEEDS TURN ON. I like to time the subscriptions to my VPN so that I don't accidentally end up paying for a whole month I don't need because it went over by a few days. Some of us are on a budget, CBS. 

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Have we seen this press release? https://www.viacomcbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/releases/view?id=55726

It doesn't really add much that we haven't gotten so far today except for this bit:
"A Move-In Competition Will Set in Motion a Premiere Night like No Other – Action-Packed, High Stakes and with an Ending that Will Twist Up the Game like Never Before"

UGH. I hate it already. Move-In comp and a twist right off the bat? Blech. 

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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

They ARE single beds, so I'm guessing they must have a fourth bedroom upstairs since there's only eight or nine beds shown, right? I wonder how the bedroom situation is going to work with no more bed sharing. 

I didn't think about how they may not want them sharing beds/that may be against protocols. Add in that some of them may have requested that they would not have to share beds and I think there's a strong chance they added a bedroom.

3 hours ago, vb68 said:

And totally not surprised that Brett is still in Rockstar's head.  Maybe one day she'll grow into her big girl pants and move on. Speaking of Brett, so he has replaced Winston with....freaking Jackson? WHAT?  

Rockstar seems to be in Brett's head quite a bit as well, so it kinda goes both ways. As for Brett being besties with Jack and Jackson, I think Brett was lucky he got the cast he did in his season. He showed he's an asshole there but he toned it down, sometimes at Tyler's behest, and he had a cute friendship with Winston that made it easy to overlook his douchiness. If he had been in BB21 he'd have totally been bffs with Jack and/or Jackson.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

It's cool and all that you're showing us the house in bits and bobs but TELL ME WHEN THE FEEDS TURN ON. I like to time the subscriptions to my VPN so that I don't accidentally end up paying for a whole month I don't need because it went over by a few days. Some of us are on a budget, CBS. 

This reminds me, there's a code for 1 month free of All Access that I did not discover until after I already reupped my subscription which really annoys me. But anyway, it's PLAY for anyone who wants to take advantage. It expires on the 16th. Also, apparently some people have said they contacted CBS All Access's support and were told the feeds start after the premiere, but I personally do not believe that lol. Particularly because I tried contacting their support last week because the feeds won't fucking play for me and they still haven't gotten back to me. Ugh!

11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Have we seen this press release? https://www.viacomcbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/releases/view?id=55726

It doesn't really add much that we haven't gotten so far today except for this bit:
"A Move-In Competition Will Set in Motion a Premiere Night like No Other – Action-Packed, High Stakes and with an Ending that Will Twist Up the Game like Never Before"

UGH. I hate it already. Move-In comp and a twist right off the bat? Blech. 


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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

This reminds me, there's a code for 1 month free of All Access that I did not discover until after I already reupped my subscription which really annoys me. But anyway, it's PLAY for anyone who wants to take advantage. It expires on the 16th

Did you try adding it after the fact? I saw some people saying that they had the free two week dealio and could add the coupon code even though they already signed up and then they got the free month, too. If that doesn't work, try MORE as the code (that's the one I got in my email). Same date restrictions. 

Edited by Callaphera

Last year was my first and you all told me I'd be back. Ugh so here I am. I think they are going to use a lot of different lighting schemes and virtual special effects/green screens maybe instead of big huge elaborate backyard set designs. I mean I know they already used a lot of that - but it might be everything this year.  Also I don't want a comp right off the bat at the live event. That's when it went downhill for David and I'm nervous for him.

Edited by Tuxcat
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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Worse: Jack AND Son. Which makes me incredibly disappointed that he chose two racists to be friends with, rather than the sweet, adorkable dog-owner Winston. 


Winston spent a weekend in Vegas with Brett and the Jacks’s. He lives in Kentucky and has a job though out of the 4 he’s appeared on another show (last summers Love Island).

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I tried both codes and neither worked. Boo! Fucking CBS!

Did you try PLAY? That’s the one I saw on Twitter.

Edited by HartofDixie
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Okay, I've just been lost in the info for hours, thanks everyone!

I promised to not let myself think about this show until it was actually ON the schedule and happening.

In the meantime I watched Big Brother Australia... so I'm basically ruined for our little shit-show version, especially with supposed "All-Stars". But as Tuxcat so elegantly put it "Ugh so here I am". On with the show.

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I don't mind twists as long as they don't send someone home on Day One or put them in some kind of holding tank. I utterly hate that. But I suppose that's incredibly unlikely with an All Star cast, especially given all the hoops and tests and quarantines everyone had to go through just to be there. 

Please let this not be like that school where one of the students tested positive on the very first day. Certainly it's in BB's best interest to be on top of this situation. But I'm keeping that possibility tucked away in the corner of my brain so I won't be so disappointed if it happens at any point. 

1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

But as Tuxcat so elegantly put it "Ugh so here I am". On with the show.

Words to live by. 😁

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 If you Google Brett one of the pictures that comes up is him pulling down his shorts in the BB kitchen, exposing his (I have to agree nice) ass.  So I doubt Rockstar's bombshell fazed him much. 

 I can't say I'm surprised the Jackholes are his people, unfortunately.  I think it's spot on that with a different cast he would have been just as bad.  Hopefully Winston got out of that relationship. 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Jillibean said:

Do we know anything about why Hayden Moss was allegedly in and then dropped? I know he’s a favorite of CBS casting (and Kassting). Wondering if they just decided he wasn’t worth the headache that will be the social media storm surrounding his “political views” about Covid. 

I went through Hayden's Twitter feed and was surprised to not see a lot of weird conspiracy theories about COVID, masks, and being tagged with a tiny GPS chip to beam the 5G directly into your soul that Bill Gates is personally putting into every pre-loaded corona vaccine needle. But then I went to check out his likes and oh, there it is ("it", of course, refers to all those cracked out theories and anti-mask demonstrations that your crazy aunt who makes the shitty potato salad for the family reunions every year has been talking about on Facebook STOP IT AUNT SHIRLEY WE TALKED ABOUT THIS). All that was missing was complaints about Wayfair trafficking small bendy children in ottomans. I assume they're bendy because some of those ottomans couldn't fit my fifteen pound cat. That's too bad for Hayden, though. The $40k BB appearance fee could have paid for a lot of tinfoil to keep the 5G out. Why are the big and pretty ones always dumb, too?

I don't know if Hayden was ever really a lock to begin with - I know he was on the TMZ list and people took that as gospel but even TMZ got some things wrong or confused. He may have gotten dropped for any number of reasons or he may not have even been part of the sequester period to begin with. Or a close personal friend might be liking all those crazy tweets and he's still in sequester. You should see some of the lengths other HGs people are going to: a recorded Nicole A. is being spliced into live podcasts to make it seem like she's not in sequester and Dominic is tweeting heartfelt loving messages from Dani's account to himself (and then replying to them to thank "her" lulz forever). And then there's Angela just not giving a fuck and making it clear that Tyler isn't at home right now. 

(Speaking of conspiracy theories, I like to believe that Raven is in sequester and is also psychic therefore she knew to pre-record all those Cameos and have her person release them at the right times to make it seem like she's not in an Airbnb right now. I think she got her psychic powers when she got hit by lightning the second time. Two hearts, two lightning strikes, it all makes sense to me.)

  • LOL 8
11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Have we seen this press release? https://www.viacomcbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/releases/view?id=55726

It doesn't really add much that we haven't gotten so far today except for this bit:
"A Move-In Competition Will Set in Motion a Premiere Night like No Other – Action-Packed, High Stakes and with an Ending that Will Twist Up the Game like Never Before"

UGH. I hate it already. Move-In comp and a twist right off the bat? Blech. 

A twist is not a twist it you know one's coming. I hope the twist is: gotcha! Game over. The money's going to charity.


Oh, who am I kidding? What is summer without Big Brother?

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I went through Hayden's Twitter feed and was surprised to not see a lot of weird conspiracy theories about COVID, masks, and being tagged with a tiny GPS chip to beam the 5G directly into your soul that Bill Gates is personally putting into every pre-loaded corona vaccine needle. But then I went to check out his likes and oh, there it is ("it", of course, refers to all those cracked out theories and anti-mask demonstrations that your crazy aunt who makes the shitty potato salad for the family reunions every year has been talking about on Facebook STOP IT AUNT SHIRLEY WE TALKED ABOUT THIS). All that was missing was complaints about Wayfair trafficking small bendy children in ottomans. I assume they're bendy because some of those ottomans couldn't fit my fifteen pound cat. That's too bad for Hayden, though. The $40k BB appearance fee could have paid for a lot of tinfoil to keep the 5G out. Why are the big and pretty ones always dumb, too?

I don't know if Hayden was ever really a lock to begin with - I know he was on the TMZ list and people took that as gospel but even TMZ got some things wrong or confused. He may have gotten dropped for any number of reasons or he may not have even been part of the sequester period to begin with. Or a close personal friend might be liking all those crazy tweets and he's still in sequester. You should see some of the lengths other HGs people are going to: a recorded Nicole A. is being spliced into live podcasts to make it seem like she's not in sequester and Dominic is tweeting heartfelt loving messages from Dani's account to himself (and then replying to them to thank "her" lulz forever). And then there's Angela just not giving a fuck and making it clear that Tyler isn't at home right now. 

(Speaking of conspiracy theories, I like to believe that Raven is in sequester and is also psychic therefore she knew to pre-record all those Cameos and have her person release them at the right times to make it seem like she's not in an Airbnb right now. I think she got her psychic powers when she got hit by lightning the second time. Two hearts, two lightning strikes, it all makes sense to me.)

It's posts like this, where nearly every other sentence taken out of context would make the average person be like, "Huh?!" - but it all makes perfect sense here in these threads - that make me so excited for BB22.  I am getting ready to hang out on the live feeds threads for a significant portion of my upcoming days, as well as abandon all podcasts in favor of listening to RHAP and Taran discuss every minute detail of what is going on in that house.  And while I am bummed about Hayden - he always seemed very intelligent, but maybe that's only because he used to date Kat from Survivor - I hope that there are at least one or two huge surprises in the form of houseguests that weren't on anyone's radar.  

Edited by laurakaye
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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

lol I'm rolling at Christmas sending out an email prematurely. Honestly though, I am not against Christmas being on. Outside of her, there's no crazy people on the rumored cast and I need at least one crazy person.

I mean, bright side: maybe she'll try to start a physical fight with someone this season and get kicked out. That would be fun to watch. Since she can gladly ram her car into someone else's....

  • Love 4

Apparently, Reality BBQ posted yesterday that there was going to be a big surprise cast member. I think they've since deleted that tweet and said they misunderstood the info, but Dick (I know, ew, but I'm starved for content!) is apparently claiming that it's Hardy. I mean, can you imagine?! That's a real throwback. Plus, he's 50. And super hot lol.

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Hardy would be a great pick. 

As I noted before, I have come around on Christmas. She did finish third, her injured leg was a big storyline and she was someone that we all thought had a real chance of winning before she hurt her leg, so I'm fine with her. What I hope happens more, though, is that they spent some time adding some more "real" All-Stars (Hardy would qualify) and then they have the cast be, like, 22 HGs to start and then the twist is that they eliminate, like, three the first night or some nonsense like that.

I assume that Kaysar would be one of the three. 😉

I wouldn't WANT it to be Kaysar, I just assume it would be. He's bad like that.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

as well as abandon all podcasts in favor of listening to RHAP and Taran discuss every minute detail of what is going on in that house. 

Well that's a weird way to spend your summer. And exactly how I'll be spending my summer too, IF ALL GOES WELL. 😁

(I'm surprised Rob and Taran still have jobs. I think this virus must have hit them hard. This is the longest I've ever gone without listening to them, since BBCan got shut down. ) 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

Well that's a weird way to spend your summer. And exactly how I'll be spending my summer too, IF ALL GOES WELL.

If you are still self isolating at home, it sounds pretty damn good to me!


10 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I'm reminded why Big Brother is the only reality show that I'll watch, because we get to see what's actually going on and not the fake edited version that they air on TV. 

In a nutshell, that's always been the appeal of the show to me.

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I haven't had the feeds since season 7 or 8 maybe, but since I'm still working from home and will be for the foreseeable future, I decided I'd go ahead and sign up for all access since I can get a free month and I'll actually be able to stay up late enough (east coaster here) to see the good stuff!  It will be great to finally watch the feeds live again instead of just posted clips.

1 hour ago, HartofDixie said:

No mention of After Dark in that link. I probably won't need it if I'm watching the feeds, but does anyone know if it will be back?

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I think she got her psychic powers when she got hit by lightning the second time.

It was her mom who go hit by lightning twice, I believe. But obviously, those powers transferred in the womb as a latent effect to bless Raven with psychic powers to make up for her inverted spine and rough knee cap conditions.

3 hours ago, Melina22 said:

(I'm surprised Rob and Taran still have jobs. I think this virus must have hit them hard. This is the longest I've ever gone without listening to them, since BBCan got shut down. ) 

I *just* found out that Taran and another host (a female... I think her name is Mary?) had put out episodes of a BB4 blockumentary for free, like the ones for BB2 and 3 that Rob sold on his site. They were more than worth the money, but the fact that BB4's is free is even *more* worth it. If you haven't checked them out, you totally should. They're long and well done (well, I assume the BB4 one is well done. I just started it. But I can see by episode length that it's definitely long in total hours).


ETA: Here's a link to the first episode, if anyone's interested:


Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, apparently Thanksgiving had a mass email sent out to her customers about her being on All Stars. I would imagine that it was an unfortunate scheduled email that was prepared before the cast reveal delay was announced, so I think we really DO have Christmas on All Stars this season. 

Same thing happened with Nicole A. I guess some internet "personality" has taken over her social media and "Nicole" announced a surprise that she would reveal around the time the original cast announcement was supposed to be. But because they delayed it and Nicole A. looked like she had egg on her face, they decided to go one step further and release... her mom's potato(e) salad recipe. Womp womp womp. Which for the record, is the whitest white person potato salad because it has no seasoning and is bland as fuck. The recipes have started, y'all! (Just don't use that one.) 

Man, Arbor Day is gonna chew Nicole A. up and spit her out in the first week. I can't wait to see it!


2 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

It was her mom who go hit by lightning twice, I believe. But obviously, those powers transferred in the womb as a latent effect to bless Raven with psychic powers to make up for her inverted spine and rough knee cap conditions.

And the good twin with the save. On the one hand, as a Raven super fan, I should have known that. On the other, her list of lies almost hit triple digits so of course I would get one wrong occasionally. I still have my hopes up that she will magically appear on the premiere. "I had COVID four times already but my mom sent my results to my doctor in Sweden and he said I'm cured, y'all! I still have Raven's disease but that's what fills me with so much Arkan-sassy! Woo! Can I request green goo in the first competition? Because you know, green is for gastroparesis!" *cartwheel* *leg kick* *throws herself down the staircase*

  • LOL 11


No names but I'm betting that list of COVID-positive HGs would include Kaycee and Josh. 

I was thinking about this last night - the original lists that were floating around out there had Kaycee, Josh, Ian, Nicole F., Derrick, Dan, and Hayden on them. That's 7 winners. One more would have been half the house (assuming 16 HGs). I wonder if they were originally thinking of doing a winners versus non-winners/second chances/fan favourites or whatever season. I mean, now Julie is confirming that they sequestered more than they needed and we know Derrick is claiming his daughter didn't want him to play and accuse everyone of TAKING FOOD FROM HER MOUTH so maybe not but that is a surprising amount of winners they were in contact with. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:


No names but I'm betting that list of COVID-positive HGs would include Kaycee and Josh. 


This is exactly what I expected (including sharing your hunch about Kaycee and Josh).   As contagious as this virus is, and as many people as it has hit so far, there was no way they'd be able to go through all of the potential HGs without at least a few of them testing positive.  They had to have a good supply of back-up HGs on hand.  There could even be some false negative tests in the bunch, so it's good that testing will presumably continue throughout the season.  Some casts and crews of movies that are being shot right now are being tested every 3 days, but TV series productions might have a different testing schedule.

I was also pleased to finally see a photo of Julie in a mask.  I knew we would have to eventually see her wearing a mask, although I figured it would be a bit more stylish and fashionable - not just something with "JCM" on it.  Maybe the cute masks are being saved for the actual shows!  lol

Edited by TVFan17
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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

What I hope happens more, though, is that they spent some time adding some more "real" All-Stars (Hardy would qualify) and then they have the cast be, like, 22 HGs to start and then the twist is that they eliminate, like, three the first night or some nonsense like that.

I like this idea. I'm undecided on whether they'll get rid of anyone on night 1 though. They love doing that but with All Stars, they're gonna wanna get as much out of them as they can. Although, if they just do an Edge of Extinction/Camp Comeback like twist then they'd all still be there anyway so.

6 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Color me shocked. I really did not expect this. Too bad the feeds won't work for me and CBS won't fucking contact me back! I could just call them but I don't want to lol.

9 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

I was also pleased to finally see a photo of Julie in a mask -- I knew we would have to eventually see her wearing a mask, although I figured it would be a bit more stylish and fashionable - not just something with "JCM" on it.  Maybe the cute masks are being saved for the actual shows!  lol

Ooooh, now I want Julie to wear crazy masks to match her weird fashion choices all season!

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Kaycee did the same thing. The day after she reappeared on Instagram after the rumours of her being in sequester, she made a point to talk about how HEALTHY she is. 

Uh huh. You guys got the 'rona because masks aren't cool and partying in packed clubs in Florida is. (See also: Haleigh and Angela's recent trip somewhere in Mexico.)

Edited by Callaphera
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19 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I don't know if Hayden was ever really a lock to begin with - I know he was on the TMZ list and people took that as gospel but even TMZ got some things wrong or confused. He may have gotten dropped for any number of reasons or he may not have even been part of the sequester period to begin with. Or a close personal friend might be liking all those crazy tweets and he's still in sequester. 

It definitely could be a friend, but Hayden has always been a hard core right winger conspiracy theorist. I remember liking him so much on Survivor and then being appalled by his social media. 

I could easily believe that Josh tested positive and still doesn’t believe he has Covid and thinks he is being unfairly excluded. That would strike me as very Josh. That said, if he does have it and isn’t symptomatic, he is very, very fortunate and should feel grateful. Same for Kaycee. 

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I've been intrigued by the media suggestions of last minute cast replacements, such as Hardy. Of course I won't be happy until I learn that the one and only Mensa puppetmaster/compulsive liar/Arkansassy grifter Raven will indeed be in the house to spread her unique brand of crazy.  If not then what about Cody C's (then) married cuddle bunny "nudist" Christine (remember the intro video of her opening her fridge door nekkid?) Or maybe one or both of the "Jesus twins" (Adria? Sunshine?) who after winning HOH announced to the house that they would be consulting with the Lord about possible eviction nominees, leading to Marvin's hilarious DR observation, "They talked to God and apparently He told them to nominate the black guy and the gay guy! Marvin should have come back by now (seriously).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       What about Season 10's grumpy old man Jerry with his infamous hoarse shoutings of "Dan will always be Judas to me!" and the even better "You people are all going home!" Good times!  How about David and Amanda from Season 4, the first ever houseguests to do sexy times on camera? Or busty Season 3 Tonya? "My chi-chis are too big!" she confided. (Marcellus to Amy: "She's like a stripper posing as a Mom!") Or from that same season, the Sex and the City-obsessed Chiara (Amy to Marcellus: "She needs to go back where she came from, being the drunk slut at the mall!")

Ronnie the Rat!

Or maybe the hapless Lawon. Maybe he could finally win his special "super power." Who wouldn't want to see cult leader Crappy and maybe one or two of his devotees such as Ivette or "Busto"?

Jozea the Messiah!

And what about that houseguest who looked and sounded like a 14 year old. Chippy? Skippy? Anyway she's the one who participated in a battle back at the conclusion of which she did the splits and chirped, "GIRL POWER!"

And last but not least--Willy Hantz!

Come on Grodner and CBS--give the people what they want!

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