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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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24 minutes ago, springbarb said:

I had totally forgotten that Shane even existed, and I am REALLY intrigued about what went down with him and Danielle after the season. Both Shane and Danielle still seem very messed up from what happened.

The way Shane talks about it he heavily implies that Danielle wasn't faithful to him. I mean it;s kind of vague but that's the vibe I got.

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

The way Shane talks about it he heavily implies that Danielle wasn't faithful to him. I mean it;s kind of vague but that's the vibe I got.

Which is interesting, because from Danielle's accounts in the article, it sounds like Shane was going through a lot of shit mentally after the show and that he may not have been treating her right at all. It sounds like he's still bitter, even today, about Dan AND Danielle so I honestly took her own comments as Shane holding a grudge against her when they continued their relationship outside of the show.

Either way, it sounds like it was a messy breakup and it sounds like Danielle broke up with him.

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12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Which is interesting, because from Danielle's accounts in the article, it sounds like Shane was going through a lot of shit mentally after the show and that he may not have been treating her right at all. It sounds like he's still bitter, even today, about Dan AND Danielle so I honestly took her own comments as Shane holding a grudge against her when they continued their relationship outside of the show.

Either way, it sounds like it was a messy breakup and it sounds like Danielle broke up with him.

I actually thought less of Shane after reading this. To be so bitter towards Dan AND Danielle so many years later is sad. I mean yes Dan blindsided him in a ruthless way but it has been so many years later and no one else seems anywhere near as bitter. 

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I also never saw Will's original season, but if someone wants to put him over Dan as the GOAT, I won't object (Dan is my personal choice, but I've seen both his seasons).

However, I will strenuously object to anyone putting Derrick over either one of them. Every time I see an argument like "Derrick never would've allowed himself to get in that situation," I want to scream, "He was a ringer! An undercover cop! It was literally his job to blend in with people! It's like being shocked that the NFL quarterback can play college ball!" And he only won 6-3, besides.

Can't believe Dan's Funeral was seven years ago yesterday.

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That detailed story on Dan's funeral was exceptional. (Though I kept thinking that an "oral history" should be dedicated to something noble like a dying Native American tribe and instead I'm reading about semi-psychotic reality show contestants. Hilarious, yet sad.)

Dan was a superb player, no denying that. However, I never really warmed to him, and reading that article.... wow, what a piece of shit. (IMO, of course.) In particular the part about him hurling paint in Danielle's face after the timer went off - scumbag. And his whole anger schtick was based on her.... doing exactly what he was doing? Trying to win the veto? Hypocritical asshole with a fine religious mask.

I didn't get the feeling that Danielle cheated on Shane, but more that he was peeved that she didn't share every detail of her game with him as she did with Dan. Too bad, dude - this ain't Ru Paul's Best (Girl)riend's Race. She was playing the game for herself, not you.

I enjoyed reading Britney's and Danielle's takes most - seemed very candid. For lulz, though, Jenn City for the win! WOW - she knew about EVERYTHING going on! I assume she's now a multi-billionaire from having won every lotto draw in the country. I mean, clearly the girl's omniscient!

Now I really really really want more articles like that. How about one on Nakomis' realization of the 6-Finger Plan? I don't know why, but that might be my most favorite BB moment ever. I'd love to hear how it played out from everyone's perspectives.

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2 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

That detailed story on Dan's funeral was exceptional. (Though I kept thinking that an "oral history" should be dedicated to something noble like a dying Native American tribe and instead I'm reading about semi-psychotic reality show contestants. Hilarious, yet sad.)

Dan was a superb player, no denying that. However, I never really warmed to him, and reading that article.... wow, what a piece of shit. (IMO, of course.) In particular the part about him hurling paint in Danielle's face after the timer went off - scumbag. And his whole anger schtick was based on her.... doing exactly what he was doing? Trying to win the veto? Hypocritical asshole with a fine religious mask.

I didn't get the feeling that Danielle cheated on Shane, but more that he was peeved that she didn't share every detail of her game with him as she did with Dan. Too bad, dude - this ain't Ru Paul's Best (Girl)riend's Race. She was playing the game for herself, not you.

I enjoyed reading Britney's and Danielle's takes most - seemed very candid. For lulz, though, Jenn City for the win! WOW - she knew about EVERYTHING going on! I assume she's now a multi-billionaire from having won every lotto draw in the country. I mean, clearly the girl's omniscient!

Now I really really really want more articles like that. How about one on Nakomis' realization of the 6-Finger Plan? I don't know why, but that might be my most favorite BB moment ever. I'd love to hear how it played out from everyone's perspectives.

Well I think that was one of the best parts of watching BB14 -- seeing that religious choir boy facade from BB10 peel away and Dan just becoming the biggest super-villain of BB history. Unfortunately, his way of playing BB doesn't come out of nowhere -- it means that he's probably sort of a dick in real life too. I've noticed that he isn't very close to other BB alumni. 

One story he told in BB14 really kind of summed up his personality -- he said he had an on-again off-again friends with benefits relationship with Keesha. But every time he'd hit up Keesha for a booty call he'd "break up" with his gf Monica so he wasn't technically "cheating" on her. So ... yeah, a dick.

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On 8/29/2019 at 1:45 PM, Lady Calypso said:

So, this was posted in the Live Feeds thread but it probably works better here. A Complete History of one of the most infamous moves in Big Brother History: Dan's Funeral.

A lot of fascinating stuff, and new information that was never discussed before. What a fascinating read and it definitely shifts my perspective of Dan's entire game in BB14...but maybe in a better way? Surprisingly?

When I read that article the other day (when it was posted in the Live Feeds thread) I remember thinking, "I think Jenn City said more in that article than she did the entire season."  I honestly had forgotten a lot about the whole situation so that article was a very interesting read.  

For instance I did not even remember that Jenn City had won the veto and I did not remember Chef Joe being in the house at the time.  

On 9/4/2019 at 10:05 PM, Growsonwalls said:

Kevin from BB19 is having another surgery tomorrow. If he is that ill then Swaggy’s actions are even scummier and I’m glad Fessy and Scottie did the decent thing and mailed him a check for the charity event. 


What's the story here? What did Swaggy do to Kevin?

On 9/12/2019 at 3:44 PM, icemiser69 said:

Winners and losers.

It shouldn't be all that surprising where this season of Big Brother landed.  That said, this isn't the first season where twists didn't workout and a house guest or house guests were incredibly unpleasant.

Well, when people are saying Jackson should win, of course BB will continue to cast those types of players.

I think this season finally did it for me.

I've been watching This show since BB1 and this season just killed it for me. Not even halfway through I quit caring about the show and stopped watching/following it for the most part. 

I don't know what it is. No, really...I couldn't tell you. It's skeevy and predictable but that describes every single "reality" show on television today so why do I hate it on this show so much? I don't know. I just do. It's awful. It used to be about (there it is!) playing the game well and winning the money at all costs. People's little feelings get hurt but who cares? It's Big Brother bitch! Get over it and play the damn GAME!

Today though? People losing their jobs, their family being harassed, they're being vilified and crucified and their careers - or any chance of one - is destroyed in an instant.  I hate what this show has become and I hate that social media and the age of Instagram has made it so easy to sh*t all over a person playing a dumb game.

Gets worse every year and this year it just left a bad taste in my mouth and I couldn't do it anymore.

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On 9/20/2019 at 10:52 PM, hnygrl said:

I think this season finally did it for me.

I've been watching This show since BB1 and this season just killed it for me.

I got to the same point you're at now after BB19 after having watched since BB1. Nicole winning that previous season, then ending up with a double dose of Paul in back to back seasons and the behavior during BB20 finally wore me down. After my Mom died I realized some of the shows I watched like Big Brother for escapism weren't doing it for me the way they did beforehand. Julie standing by her man helped with my decision to quit watching BBUS too. Unintentionally I ended up forgoing BBCA too. I didn't plan on it but didn't watch the first few episodes a couple seasons ago, didn't feel like catching up and kinda stopped watching without as much interest to start again.

Edited by Jaded
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On 9/20/2019 at 11:52 PM, hnygrl said:

People losing their jobs, their family being harassed, they're being vilified and crucified and their careers - or any chance of one - is destroyed in an instant. 

Social media isn't to blame for that.   If someone chooses to voluntarily go on a reality show where they are filmed 24/7 and they behave like an asshole, they brought it on themselves.  They are responsible for their own behaviour.  Actions and consequences. 

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1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

Social media isn't to blame for that.   If someone chooses to voluntarily go on a reality show where they are filmed 24/7 and they behave like an asshole, they brought it on themselves.  They are responsible for their own behaviour.  Actions and consequences. 


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19 hours ago, Jaded said:

Unintentionally I ended up forgoing BBCA too. I didn't plan on it but didn't watch the first few episodes a couple seasons ago, didn't feel like catching up and kinda stopped watching without as much interest to start again.

You did not miss much.  From what I saw of the last BBCAN season it was pretty terrible.  The cast was not very likable.  I stopped watching about four weeks in after YouTube kept pulling episodes so quickly and I never made the effort to go searching for the rest of the season.

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On 9/23/2019 at 5:35 PM, Rachel RSL said:

Social media isn't to blame for that.   If someone chooses to voluntarily go on a reality show where they are filmed 24/7 and they behave like an asshole, they brought it on themselves.  They are responsible for their own behaviour.  Actions and consequences. 



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12 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Filming isn’t until next month but some BB20 folks are in the running for the Challenge.


I bet Mark will show up eventually.  He's now got the ex on the beach connection. 

Still not sure how Josh got on that show and keeps staying... I might punch myself in the face if I have to watch both Josh AND Swaggy

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I am not sure if anyone on here watches wrestling or not.  But there is a new upstart promotion called AEW that is looking to challenge the WWE.  I just read something that sort of blew my mind about one of the members of the AEW roster.

They have this masked wrestler named Luchasaurus and the guy wrestling as Luchasaurus is none other than tuna beard himself Austin.  Yes he is wearing a mask but I honestly did not make the connection.  He is in a tag team with Luke Perry's son who wrestler's under the name of Jungle Boy.  

Here is a picture of Austin as Luchasaurus (I tried to find one with him and Luke Perry's son, in case people were interested in seeing what his son looks like, but most of those pictures were of poor quality)...


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16 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

I am not sure if anyone on here watches wrestling or not.  But there is a new upstart promotion called AEW that is looking to challenge the WWE.  I just read something that sort of blew my mind about one of the members of the AEW roster.

They have this masked wrestler named Luchasaurus and the guy wrestling as Luchasaurus is none other than tuna beard himself Austin.  Yes he is wearing a mask but I honestly did not make the connection.  He is in a tag team with Luke Perry's son who wrestler's under the name of Jungle Boy.  

Here is a picture of Austin as Luchasaurus (I tried to find one with him and Luke Perry's son, in case people were interested in seeing what his son looks like, but most of those pictures were of poor quality)...

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Heads up! Lance Bass has a new podcast and his co-host just so happens to be be Holly's roommate. They said that they'll be an interview with Holly and Tommy on this Thursday and Jackson later on. Lance is a big fan of Big Brother so he wants to have more cast members on. The show is call The Daily PopCast with Lance Bass.

ETA: Holly, Tommy and Jackson will be on the show Thursday (10/3).

Edited by MitaJo
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1 hour ago, Vixenstud said:

What the?  How in the bluedilly hell did this happen?!

That's fucking great!

giggling .... By the questions that Andy asked he must be a real true fan.  I'm sure he said Mishie on purpose as well as Mishie (correction Michie) and Jackson.  🙄

I did get a kick out of Dan Rather and Henry Winkler ping-ponging their heads back and forth from Andy to Nicole during the Q&A.  😁

Edited by Ellee
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50 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Have we ever had a season before where the AFP pick was this much more popular with the media than the actual winner?  

Not a one....nay, nay, nay!  (For you History of the World, Part I fans out there!)

Anywho, just watched WWHL; big fan of Henry Winkler, he and Dan Rather together were great.  Nicole looked nice as well.

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Interesting that Nicole hasn't watched back any footage. I almost get the feeling she's afraid to. 

I thought Dan Rather and Henry looked sort of bemused, like "Who is she and what's she talking about?" (The face I make when people discuss The Bachelor.) 

Celebrity is so weird, isn't it? But she's certainly one of the more appealing and likeable unexpected celebrities we've had. 

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

Well now that Jackson is $500,000 richer I guess Holly's decided to hitch her wagon to the gravy train:

I don't know why it always surprises me when these showmances actually stick together for far longer after the show is done. Once again, I get duped by Jackson/Holly still being together when I was convinced that he'd dump her ass after Vegas. 

I still put their longevity at just under six months, but watch them be the next Marlena and stick together for far longer and make us all suffer whenever they somehow pop back into the reality tv news for whatever reason (bad break-up, probably with Jackson cheating on her or something).

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Now that Auli'i Cravalho is the lead in the Live Little Mermaid, and they have released some pics of her in costume, I now understand Nicole's hair.


On 10/4/2019 at 7:31 PM, HartofDixie said:

Jesus H, Jackson.  

Anyone remember the movie Tron from the early 80s?  I'm getting serious Master Control Program vibes from Jackhole.


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