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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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Everyone needs to check out the post-game Final 3 interviews over at RHAP. Victoria really and truly believes she would have beaten Cody (8-1, she says) AND Derrick (5-4, she says). A stunned and flabbergasted Rob got to the point in the interview where he was just egging her on and trolling the shit out of her (she had no idea, of course). Very entertaining.

Lmao. Can't wait to listen!!

Donny, other BB16 HGs, and BB alum are going to be on The Bold and the Beautiful.



We're going to have fun with all the speculations about Donny's 'real' career and it'll involve a lot of costume changes," hints the soap's supervising producer Casey Kasprzyk, a longtime Big Brother fan who has also hired twelve other Big Brother houseguests for roles on the soap's Halloween episode. That roster includes BB16 players Amber, Zach, Cody, Caleb, Nicole, Hayden and Devin, plus past Big Brother favorites Brendon, Rachel, Elissa, Jeff and Jordan. "We were only limited by time and budget," Kasprzyk says. "Otherwise, we would have invited even more houseguests. This was a season of terrific personalities.

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Everyone needs to check out the post-game Final 3 interviews over at RHAP. Victoria really and truly believes she would have beaten Cody (8-1, she says) AND Derrick (5-4, she says). A stunned and flabbergasted Rob got to the point in the interview where he was just egging her on and trolling the shit out of her (she had no idea, of course). Very entertaining.


It was so worth waiting through Derrick and Cody's interview to listen to Victoria!  She would go back for All Stars and rule the house this time.  Hysterical.  Rob did a good job.  

“It was all strategy,” Zach told BuzzFeed News. “I never cuddle with men [in the outside world], but I’m playing a game for $500,000 — if someone wants to cuddle with me, why not? But it never went beyond cuddling. Hands didn’t travel … although Frankie kissed my neck and bit my ear a couple of times. Not saying I didn’t like it.”


Zach said that their intimate relationship ended the instant he was evicted from the house, but according to Nicole that’s not entirely accurate. “Five minutes after Frankie walked into the jury house they were on top of each other,” she told BuzzFeedNews. “I didn’t know how Zach was going to act towards Frankie because it was no longer a game, but, oh my gosh, I think Zach’s really obsessed with Frankie.”




“We are officially dating, so you can call us boyfriend and girlfriend,” Nicole said. “We’ve been talking about moving to Chicago and seeing where things go. We’re serious.”




Here's Frankie's apology to Victoria and her family :rolls eyes:


“One of my strategies was to be one of the guys of the house, to bro it out,” Frankie told BuzzFeed News. “In that moment, they were finding me extremely funny. Obviously, I’m a very colorful and effervescent person, so I take things a little too far. Of course, there was no malintent. You know how much I love Victoria. She’s a wonderful person, so if I did offend anyone, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. It was not my intention.”




Poor Zach honestly. There are some really out there Zankie shippers. He should probably distance himself from the whole thing as soon as possible. But, I think he's probably gonna let the obnoxious, famewhore side of himself take over and he'll be all over Frankie in the media to try to get a TAR gig or something. 


And honestly he seems to actually like Frankie a lot. Which is why I could never full enjoy Zach.

ETA: A Big Brother-Palooza on The Bold and the Beautiful


TV Guide Magazine: But you're going on The Bold and the Beautiful and he's not! Have you ever given acting a fleeting thought?

Thompson: Never. Back home, I had a couple of buddies who were in a school play of Li'l Abner and that's the closest I've ever come. I have a fear of speaking in front of people, so I'm a little nervous to be going on a glamorous soap opera. They sent me a script and I have quite a lot of lines to learn. On the BB16 finale, they gave me just one question to ask [the finalists] and I practiced it all day long and, when the time came, I still had to read it off my piece of paper. But being on The Bold and the Beautiful will be lots of fun. They've got me wearing all sorts of outfits — surgeon, soldier, you name it. [Laughs] Wait till they see this back home! I'm going to be in scenes with Scott Clifton, who they tell me has three Emmys and that he loves Big Brother and is a big fan of mine. Huh? I'm just a little groundskeeper from nowhere and I have a fan who's a big-deal actor in Hollywood? I'd be happy just to mow his grass.

He also gets in a nice dig at Derrick, which I will always enjoy. Keep shading everyone, Donny!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Everyone needs to check out the post-game Final 3 interviews over at RHAP. Victoria really and truly believes she would have beaten Cody (8-1, she says) AND Derrick (5-4, she says). A stunned and flabbergasted Rob got to the point in the interview where he was just egging her on and trolling the shit out of her (she had no idea, of course). Very entertaining.

She's out of her mind.  Zach's instincts about her were dead on.  She is, in fact, the worst.  (OK, Frankie is the worst for entirely different reasons, although neither one of them seems to be living anywhere remotely close to planet earth)

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Poor Zach honestly. There are some really out there Zankie shippers. He should probably distance himself from the whole thing as soon as possible. But, I think he's probably gonna let the obnoxious, famewhore side of himself take over and he'll be all over Frankie in the media to try to get a TAR gig or something.

And honestly he seems to actually like Frankie a lot. Which is why I could never full enjoy Zach.

I think Zach is actually going to really think about what his next steps are and what he really wants to do. He said in a few interviews that he has something's on the table that he's been offered he doesn't seem like a stupid kid and I think he will do what is best for him.

I think he's being smart slowly acclimating himself back. He went from no one knowing him to be one of the faces of BB16. He has a lot of Fans who are clammoring for him. Hopefully he plays this out smartly but seizes this opportunity.

I was reading something about how at the Wrap Party on Wednesday everyone was clammoring for photos of him and to talk to him. I can't imagine what that must be like esp after you have been basically in hiding for 3 months haha.

I saw some fans of his on Twitter freaking out cuz he wasn't tweeting yet while everyone else was lol. Some of his fans esp those Zankie ones are a bit obessed!!

He didn't go to that big Finale Party last night, rumor has it he just wanted to hang out with his Mom.

I could be wrong. But that's my perspective on it. He's a funny character and I hope he uses that to his advantage and seizes some good opportunites.

There is an article I read can't find it now. Cody can't even pay off all of his loans with the $50,000 prize. He said he found that out while talking to his brother. Regret will come quick for him.




     He didn't go to that big Finale Party last night, rumor has it he just wanted to hang out with his Mom.

I saw that. I thought the reason was it seemed like a Frankie fest. That makes sense he just wants to hang out with his mom. There is also a random snapchat Zach took of Donny on tubmlr. That makes me respect Zach more skipping out some nightclub to hang out with his mom, Donny & whoever is in LA from Donny's family.

Edited by choclatechip45
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There is an article I read can't find it now. Cody can't even pay off all of his loans with the $50,000 prize. He said he found that out while talking to his brother. Regret will come quick for him.


I saw that. I thought the reason was it seemed like a Frankie fest. That makes sense he just wants to hang out with his mom. There is also a random snapchat Zach took of Donny on tubmlr. That makes me respect Zach more skipping out some nightclub to hang out with his mom, Donny & whoever is in LA from Donny's family.

In Jeff's interview with Derrick yesterday, Derrick said he was gonna take care of Cody and that he will have a good Christmas. I'm assuming he will probably give him some money. I'm guessing his Team America money since that was just extra on top of the 500K.

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There is an article I read can't find it now. Cody can't even pay off all of his loans with the $50,000 prize. He said he found that out while talking to his brother. Regret will come quick for him.



I saw that. I thought the reason was it seemed like a Frankie fest. That makes sense he just wants to hang out with his mom. There is also a random snapchat Zach took of Donny on tubmlr. That makes me respect Zach more skipping out some nightclub to hang out with his mom, Donny & whoever is in LA from Donny's family.


I think that's the one you're talking about.


I read somewhere that his student loans are $80k, I don't know how he thought $50k would cover that if it's true.

Edited by willpwr

Would Cody take that money? I can't imagine taking loser pity cash from anyone.

Random Zach theory: maybe he stayed in last night to watch the Ryder Cup. My husband was glued to it and it aired something like 11pm-8am in California.

Someone asked Derrick what he said to Cody when they were hugging before they walked out of the house, he said that he said "I got you" and he said Cody knew what he meant. He then said he will be taken care of and is going to have a good Christmas. Jeff than said him and Jordan had a deal like that (not giving eachother money, like I'm assuming Derrick means). But that if Jordan won he would get Bears tickets and if he won she would get Diamond earrings. He ended up getting LASIK. He then went on to talk about how amazing Cody's family is, and he sees why he is the way he is. How his family was constantly checking in on Jana throughout the season and making sure she was okay. And during the interview said that Cody's brother was actually watching Tenley during the interview. So cute! So it's possible they had some sort of understanding. Edited by SiobhanJW
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It sucks that someone who came... what was it... fourth, or was it fifth (I stopped paying attention)... is front and center next to the winner in media interviews.  Because he's the biggest famewhore and related to a big star... yeah, we know...

Although it's often F2 at these appearances, In this case I think it makes sense but that's because I find Derrick to be as boring as dirt and let's face it, Cody is pretty but he's not going to give a good interview.   Frankie, on the other hand is an entertainer (dancer, youtube, etc) and over the top.  Before the finale when the news first broke that Frankie was appearing on The Talk, I supposed that it was to counter the dullness of Derrick.  Of course, that doesn't mean that Frankie isn't  a famewhore - just why I think a talk show booker (or Julie) would have him on with Derrick. 


He also gets in a nice dig at Derrick, which I will always enjoy. Keep shading everyone, Donny!

I liked the Skittles comment at the finale, but it's surprising to me how bitter he still is all these weeks later.  

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I think more wry than bitter, but YMMV. ;)

The Skittles comment was wry (I like that word Nashville, and rarely get to use it, lol) but I was referring to the linked interview where he talks about how honest he was in the game and how Derrick lied about his job, etc. and ended up winning.   And you're right, mileage varies.  It's so strange to me to even like any of the hgs after a season and Donny was certainly very likable - at least once I decided his Gomer Pyle act wasn't an act.  

I don't think this has been posted yet: a segment from TMZ with Frankie being asked about Ariana's alleged diva-ness while he's signing autographs, posing for photos, and being surrounded by the paps as he enters the Eleven Bar & Nightclub. He's in his glory among all the hubbub, but obviously didn't like the diva question.


The stories move down pretty fast on the TMZ site, so you'll have to scroll.  Right now, it's on the middle of the first page, but will probably move to the second page before the end of the day.



Edited by Gemma Violet

Someone asked Derrick what he said to Cody when they were hugging before they walked out of the house, he said that he said "I got you" and he said Cody knew what he meant. He then said he will be taken care of and is going to have a good Christmas. Jeff than said him and Jordan had a deal like that (not giving eachother money, like I'm assuming Derrick means). But that if Jordan won he would get Bears tickets and if he won she would get Diamond earrings. He ended up getting LASIK. He then went on to talk about how amazing Cody's family is, and he sees why he is the way he is. How his family was constantly checking in on Jana throughout the season and making sure she was okay. And during the interview said that Cody's brother was actually watching Tenley during the interview. So cute! So it's possible they had some sort of understanding.

I remember Derrick and Victoria hinting about having a similar deal, so I wouldn't be surprised if he and Cody had the same thing going.  I think Victoria pretty much said that if she won (*eye roll*), she'd give Derrick half.  I think it was all kind of half said and coded cause they're not actually allowed it come right out and say it, right?

He's in his glory among all the hubbub, but obviously didn't like the diva question.

I think he was trying to come up with one of his smartass quips as an answer. When he couldn't then he just went with a straight answer. I thought it was a dumb question because what else was he going to say? He's not going to be throwing his sister under the bus while he's still trying to ride her coattails. Maybe TMZ was hoping he'd fly off the handle and they could blow it up into a mini-scandal.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu

I remember Derrick and Victoria hinting about having a similar deal, so I wouldn't be surprised if he and Cody had the same thing going. I think Victoria pretty much said that if she won (*eye roll*), she'd give Derrick half. I think it was all kind of half said and coded cause they're not actually allowed it come right out and say it, right?

Yeah I think they aren't allowed to say anything about splitting money, or giving anyone money while in the house.

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I don't think this has been posted yet: a segment from TMZ with Frankie being asked about Ariana's alleged diva-ness while he's signing autographs, posing for photos, and being surrounded by the paps as he enters the Eleven Bar & Nightclub. He's in his glory among all the hubbub, but obviously didn't like the diva question.


The stories move down pretty fast on the TMZ site, so you'll have to scroll.  Right now, it's on the middle of the first page, but will probably move to the second page before the end of the day.



Every story on TMZ has it's own URL.  You can just direct people to those.


In this case that's http://www.tmz.com/2014/09/26/frankie-grande-ariana-diva-big-brother-video/

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Every story on TMZ has it's own URL.  You can just direct people to those.


In this case that's http://www.tmz.com/2014/09/26/frankie-grande-ariana-diva-big-brother-video/

Thanks Kromm!  That clip is a dream come true for Frankie - surrounded by paps and fans who know HIS name.  Mentioning Ariana probably jerked him [momentarily] back to reality.  

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OK, thanks.  I couldn't figure out how to do it as when I played the video, it still just had www.tmz.com up in the top bar.

When you're seeing it as part of the whole TMZ front page that's all you'll get on top.  But notice when you move your mouse over the headline that it kind of... lights up? That's because each headline is a hyperlink, and if you click on the headline it will take you to a page dedicated just to that story alone (that's actually how most sites with that many stories work--go to NYTimes.com for example and it's the same thing).

When you're seeing it as part of the whole TMZ front page that's all you'll get on top.  But notice when you move your mouse over the headline that it kind of... lights up? That's because each headline is a hyperlink, and if you click on the headline it will take you to a page dedicated just to that story alone (that's actually how most sites with that many stories work--go to NYTimes.com for example and it's the same thing).


Got it!  Yes, I was clicking on the "play" button on the main page to play the video instead of simply clicking on the headline to get to a different page.  Thanks!

Edited by Gemma Violet

Everyone needs to check out the post-game Final 3 interviews over at RHAP. Victoria really and truly believes she would have beaten Cody (8-1, she says) AND Derrick (5-4, she says). A stunned and flabbergasted Rob got to the point in the interview where he was just egging her on and trolling the shit out of her (she had no idea, of course). Very entertaining.

Holy hell, Victoria may be a dumbass but Cody isn't that far behind - at least as far as BB goes.   In regards to taking Derrick instead of Victoria  Cody literally said that "from day one" he told himself he would never let the money determine his actions in the game. 


Also, he doesn't understand why Christine didn't vote for him since she knew the brilliant game Cody was playing (haha) and she didn't even know anything about Derricks game!  Uh, Cody, when she's a BB fan and when realized Derrick's game she was impressed.  Oh, and he has the cadence of a middle schooler.  To be honest, literally, to be honest. 


I liked the Derrick stuff too - he said that he knew getting Zach, etc. out and the unanimous house votes were probably a huge snooze-fest for the feeders but he had a strategy and he had to stick with it.   


Victoria?  What can I say that hasn't been said.  I think her best chance is marrying money. 


Anyway, thanks so much for the link Bob Sambob.  Not only informative (Derrick) but entertaining. 

Edited by Cosmocrush

The two questions I wanted asked to Derrick were about skittle gate & "lying" in the DR. I was surprised Rob didn't ask him. I suspected Jeff wouldn't & I haven't read anything about it in Derrick's exit interviews. He was asked by both Rob & Jeff if he was he surprised that he didn't get Donny's vote & Derrick said Donny was basically bitter. That's when I think someone should have followed up with his role in skittle gate. IMO!!

In Jeff's interview with Derrick yesterday, Derrick said he was gonna take care of Cody and that he will have a good Christmas. I'm assuming he will probably give him some money. I'm guessing his Team America money since that was just extra on top of the 500K.

I'm pretty sure that isn't allowed. And honestly, I can't see Derrick doing it. I mean why would he? It makes little sense. It's not Derrick's fault Cody is mindbogglingly dumb and threw away 450K for a man he's known for 3 months.


I was referring to the linked interview where he talks about how honest he was in the game and how Derrick lied about his job, etc. and ended up winning.

That's just a fact though! Derrick lied to everyone about everything and then won. It's just what happened.

I think Donny is bitter about Derrick though for sure. And Derrick is very bitter about Donny. Their relationship in the house was so embarrassing but hilarious. They never liked each other but Derrick would never give up pretending like he liked Donny and continued to lie straight to his face (and our faces) for weeks (months?) after he knew Donny didn't buy his shit. It was so embarrassing. And another point, IMO, to how Derrick got very lucky this season.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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If it hadn't been for TA, I doubt Derrick would have interacted with Donny at all. Everyone one on the outside (and, Derrick) like to make Derrick out to be this super nice guy to everyone. Althoughh, he really couldn't hide his distain for Donny. IMO! And, now that's he has won he really seems to like him even less. Granted, everyone doesn't get along with everyone. Especially, a young guy from the city like Derrick & a "older" guy from the south. I just find Derrick a little phony while trying to hide his dislike for Donny. I might be in the minority on this but it's what I've noticed in his exit interviews in print & video. I also don't see them keeping in touch either. See you next summer BB!

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SIOBHANJW, ON 26 SEPT 2014 - 4:41 PM, SAID:

In Jeff's interview with Derrick yesterday, Derrick said he was gonna take care of Cody and that he will have a good Christmas. I'm assuming he will probably give him some money. I'm guessing his Team America money since that was just extra on top of the 500K.




Not to worry, Jana will see to it that they keep his winnings!  


Derrick doesn't see the entire picture yet, he hasn't been out long enough.  He is being all fuzzy and happy right now.  

Edited by wings707
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He is being all 'let me protect my image to America' right now, IMO, like he has done all season. Phony asshole!


That being said, his daughter is the cutest thing ever. Devin's daughter is, too. And they both look exactly like their fathers, which is cutely strange.


LOL at only like 5 people from the cast going to Vegas. These HGs still won't provide us with any drama. Maybe it isn't all Derrick's fault!

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I'm pretty sure that isn't allowed. And honestly, I can't see Derrick doing it. I mean why would he? It makes little sense. It's not Derrick's fault Cody is mindbogglingly dumb and threw away 450K for a man he's known for 3 months.


That's just a fact though! Derrick lied to everyone about everything and then won. It's just what happened.

I think Donny is bitter about Derrick though for sure. And Derrick is very bitter about Donny. Their relationship in the house was so embarrassing but hilarious. They never liked each other but Derrick would never give up pretending like he liked Donny and continued to lie straight to his face (and our faces) for weeks (months?) after he knew Donny didn't buy his shit. It was so embarrassing. And another point, IMO, to how Derrick got very lucky this season.

To be fair, when Derrick confronted Donny about all the talking he was doing behind his back Donny also lied to Derrick's face and said it wasn't true and that he just wanted Team America to work together, etc, they both lied to each other about trusting one another and having each other's backs.. Neither one of them is a paradigm of truth.

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“One of my strategies was to be one of the guys of the house, to bro it out,” Frankie told BuzzFeed News. “In that moment, they were finding me extremely funny. Obviously, I’m a very colorful and effervescent person, so I take things a little too far. Of course, there was no malintent. You know how much I love Victoria. She’s a wonderful person, so if I did offend anyone, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. It was not my intention.”

“In that moment, they were finding me extremely funny...." reaaaaally. This is why I am not entertained by Frankie. Anyone watching the clip can see they had already been laughing about something else. He couldn't tell that happy laughing turned into shocked and embarrassed laughing. Broing it out is what Derrick did. What Frankie did was be a Diva and continue to not know his audience.

To be fair, when Derrick confronted Donny about all the talking he was doing behind his back Donny also lied to Derrick's face and said it wasn't true and that he just wanted Team America to work together, etc, they both lied to each other about trusting one another and having each other's backs.. Neither one of them is a paradigm of truth.

This. Donny started back biting and strategizing against Derrick before Derrick decided to work to get Donny out.

Besides that, I admire that Derrick is trying to cover it if he has dislike for Donny. Not throwing shade is the polite thing to do......Donny. Also, They just got out of the house. Maybe they could be friends if Donny can get over himself.

Edited by Seawolff
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“In that moment, they were finding me extremely funny...."

So to his kind of thinking, it's okay to say or do something patently offensive on TV as long as your small, captive audience acts like they're enjoying it? Suuurrre. I bet he wouldn't pull that crap on The Talk or SNL because he knows he'd get immediately called out for it. In the house, I think people were relatively afraid to criticize him (to his face) until close to the end when Caleb and Cody got brave enough to start shutting him down. IMO, Frankie has a narcissistic personality which doesn't allow him to recognize interpersonal boundaries--other than the boundaries of people whose position in life he covets, e.g., Julie Chen.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 8

They never liked each other but Derrick would never give up pretending like he liked Donny and continued to lie straight to his face (and our faces) for weeks (months?) after he knew Donny didn't buy his shit. It was so embarrassing. And another point, IMO, to how Derrick got very lucky this season.


Isn't this one of the etched-in-stone-tablet rules for winning Big Brother and Survivor? Don't let your emotions get in the way, i.e. it's business, not personal? Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer? People who blow up typically don't win. How was this luck? Donny, while a sweet guy, had no allies, because Derrick and the Hitmen/Detonators removed his potential allies.


As for him "lying" to us, I covered that here.

Edited by Bob Sambob
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In Jeff's interview with Derrick yesterday, Derrick said he was gonna take care of Cody and that he will have a good Christmas. I'm assuming he will probably give him some money. I'm guessing his Team America money since that was just extra on top of the 500K.


He can give him a gift, like Jordan gifted Jeff with the eye surgery he wanted. So she paid for that. But you can't give money out right. 

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