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22 minutes ago, princelina said:

Haha Mr P's mother is insane and loves to brag about all the haunted houses she's lived in and haunted offices she's worked in and her past lives, and Mr P gets so angry!  She used to live in the vicinity of an old abandoned house that she claimed was haunted on the 3rd floor, and he was all "So the ghosts just sit up there going 'I don't feel like going downstairs?'"  These conversations have me laughing remembering his angry rant :)

I knew someone with keys to the Ambassador Hotel (where RFK was assassinated) and spent a Saturday or Sunday exploring the grounds before it was torn down.  There was one area that people said was haunted up on one of the upper floors and it definitely had a weird energy.  I don't know if it was the creepiness of knowing the building's history, trespassing to run around a decrepit building that was scheduled to be torn down, or that it was turned into a set for the X-Files or Angel or some other show that required creepy, but I felt sick while I was up there.  I don't know why that particular area would be haunted though and not the steps where RFK was shot.   

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I could barely watch the psychic part of the show,  second hand embarrassment was strong. 

Teddi is coming across as a loon victim, as mentioned above. And I'm on her side. 

Erica becomes less and less likeable with every talking head. 

Poor Ken and LVP. 

Lisa R's mother is awesome. 

Dorit is /imagine her accent and syllabic accenting/ So  very very obnoxious. 

Camille's outfit at the lunch cut her proportions, Lisa R's butt looked awesome in those pants. 

Having Porsha consult with the psychic, just. Wow. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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On 3/21/2018 at 9:47 AM, walnutqueen said:

"Psychic principles" is an oxymoron.  Know that.


ETA: Lisa & Ken's sorrow just broke me.


This times a thousand. I can't believe Kyle is serious about this person. I think Camille brought in her "know this" friend just to goad Kyle and any of the others she was on the outs with at the time. Sham, sham.

Edited by renatae
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18 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

"until you have loved an animal, part of your soul remains unawakened"

Lord Byron, on the loss of his beloved Newfie, Boatswain:

"Near this Spot
are deposited the Remains of one
who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferosity,
and all the virtues of Man without his Vices."

...just about every animal companion, ever.

11 hours ago, WordsWordsWords said:

 I'm not expensive, but I'm not a quitter. She can kiss my overweight, disabled, flat-shoes-wearing foot.



Edited by film noire
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I was disappointed in the so-called seance.  I was expecting something like a scene from Dark Shadows, but it was just a psychic reading.  Boo hiss.

I didn't understand Erika's past life story.  She was a young Spanish prince who was kidnapped and lived in the bottom of a ship.  Is the ship where the kidnappers kept him?   She then said that a knight was hired to rescue the prince and the prince followed the knight to his death.  Does that mean the prince never went home or what?  It was confusing.

I did enjoy Lisa Rinna musing on possible past lives.  I've noticed that people are always claiming to be a Pharaoh or Charlemagne's lover.  Nobody claims to have been a one-eyed gong farmer. 

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I am a believer in psychics and mediums, but not this one!  As someone up thread said, she could've at least faked it a little bit better!  That was embarrassing.  She gives a bad name to the legitimate ones out there.  I'm sure they cringe when they see this kind of performance from so-called psychics.  YMMV.  

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On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 12:06 AM, missyb said:

Folks, never forget you are watching an entertainment show. Every new episode a twosome is chosen to go to lunch together and recap what offenses among the ladies may have happened. Its kind of like the diary room in big brother. So Teddi, when you sit down with Kyle for lunch, can you lead with a recap.

LVP, I am seeing a different side of her this season and I like it. Less about manipulating people for a laugh and more compassion. I find her compassion for Teddi has an authentic ring to it. She likes the lady.

I liked when LVP approached Erika right away about feeling hurt she had not reached out about her dog, it was what the ladies always scream at each other to do. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME TELL ME. So Lisa did and not it is only to make Erika feel bad. Okay Erika. Who by the way said she had only just heard which shows how interested she is in anyone else when the cameras are not on.

Dorit was Dorit. I thought Camille's TH's were funny. Her reaction to Teddi's apology was so "affected". In her upper crust voice, Teddi, that was not satisfactory to me. Watch and learn how I do it. Meaning climb all over some one or get 5 inches from their face .

Kyle, not much of a factor this season or this show. Clearly consumed with her own projects.

Lisa R was fun this episode and her mother is lovely.

I agree.  It does appear to be a genuine connection she has with Teddi.  I tend to find LVP very phony at times, and I am not getting that vibe when it comes to Teddi.

On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 10:00 AM, BusyOctober said:

When Erika was telling the ladies about her past life as a boy in Spain...I swear she said "...and I lived in the bottom of a shoe."  I rewound twice  and figured out it was "ship".  Either one, both are equally plausible....not. The whole psychic thing is such a joke, especially when done on these reality shows.  Talk about phishing for info.  How do these women not see it?  "I am seeing a "f" name 'Francis...or Frances...?'  and Rinna pipes up "My Dad was Frank!" (even though it sounds like the man never went by his formal name, just Frank).  Wow...info that ANYONE of us could Google or pull up on Wikipedia just magically "comes" to this woman!  It's amazing. And the dolt admitted she looked at Twitter re. LVP's dog dying.  If she's been employed by Kyle for 10+ years, then this "psychic" has surely picked up tidbits of info about Kyle's friends, family, etc. Also, there is a TV show aaaallll about these people that has been airing for 8 seasons.  I could do a "cold reading" on these women and guarantee 80% accuracy.

The whole Girl Cult thing was weird.  The pep talk from Mikey, Erika's Fluffer, about the amazing "young" women on the panel. Tyra Banks?? Kimora Lee Simmons?? I've heard that 40 is the new 20, but COME ON!  Then the MC's get up...was Mikey and his Insane Clown Posse in charge of styling her too?  What the hell was she wearing?  I thought at first she was Rebel Wilson doing a bit.  I am not as young and fresh as  the Ms. Girardi (b.'71), Banks (b.'73) or Simmons (b.'75). I was born in 1970, so I am old and haggard, and therefore do not know that what young women need to feel empowered.  Way back in my day (365 whole days BE -Before Erika), young women were encouraged NOT to dress like Japanese anime hookers to be taken seriously.  But what do I know...  I'll just be over here in the corner on my Lark Scooter, waiting for the Home Town Buffet to open for dinner...at 4pm.  

I like your whole post, but the bolded made me laugh out loud...here at my desk, at work.  As you can tell, I'm having a very productive day! haha

On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 10:23 AM, jennylauren123 said:

Oh, don't mind me. I'm just bumming around my house in my stripper heels and Gucci fanny pack...

My thoughts exactly!  Fanny packs are for Disney World.  What does she need to carry around in her fanny pack, IN HER OWN HOME?

On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 11:08 AM, ivygirl said:

Why would he miss his chance to hang out with Marilyn Monroe and a real-live (reincarnated) Spanish prince? Besides, George Harrison and Roy Orbison were busy playing pool with James Dean.

^^  Hahaha!  This cracked me up!

On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 11:56 AM, biakbiak said:

I seriously could not tell if Mikey was being serious or shady when he said that.

Was Mauricio carrying around an Agency branded yoga mat?

Hahaha!  Same!  We always talk about how Mikey and the clown posse (someone above called them the Insane Clown Posse, and I love it!!  Sorry, I didn't take note of the user, or I'd give credit!) MUST be trying purposely to make EJ look awful.  I took him saying "All sorts of hot young celebs" and then listing Tyra and Kimora Simmons as total shade.  He was definitely mocking her, IMO.

On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 11:58 AM, TexasGal said:

I was hoping that Teddi wouldn't feed her any info to let her expand the story, and then was disappointed when she offered up beach house.  So, clearly the psychic had researched them all and knew Teddi was an equestrian - do you think that was the basis of her assuming she may have lost a childhood friend or would she have just tossed that out to anyone?  And once she got a bite a broken neck was a good follow up guess?

See, when the psychic mentioned a childhood friend who died, Teddi offered that she fell off a horse (IIRC?), and then the psychic said something like "See, I thought so-- I could see the head and neck", and then Teddi was like "Wow-- the girl did break her neck!"  I think when the psychic said "I could see the head and neck" she actually meant a horse's head/neck, not the young girl's.  Just goes to show how easily you can feed info to a supposed "psychic", without even realizing you are doing it.

On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 12:29 PM, Happy Camper said:

Yikes, I don't know what is happening to me! 

I used to LOVE Dorit, now I can't stand her.  She seems so fake and mean. (I do adore her sweet kids)

I really did not like Teddi at all, not a fan! She still annoys me but I find myself rooting for her at times. 

Never have liked Erika or Kyle, but you never know!

Does anyone else find themselves changing opinions on these women, or are you ride or die?

I think I need an Arnold Palmer, or two.

I am with you-- I've been switching teams, lately!  Disliked Dorit since day 1, and do not see that changing anytime this lifetime.  I liked Rinna when she debuted on the show, but it didn't take long for her to grate on my nerves.  This season, I'm with the posters on here who are saying that she is actually not grating as much this season.  I still don't need to see her spawn ever again, though.  I liked Erika at first, but now that she is Team Dorit, and is being so mean lately, I'm not really a fan, anymore.  Kyle, LVP, and Teddi have their annoying moments, but overall, I like them.

On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 12:41 PM, Happy Camper said:

I will always love LVP, I think.

This season I actually am entertained by Rinna.

I was impressed with Teddi's Blog.  At the end, she called out Erika for the mean tweet.  I think Teddi is very smart and learning strategy. ( I don't think much of the whole accountability coach thing)

I agree.  When LVP and Teddi were chatting privately, and LVP mentioned that Erika had not reached out to her regarding their loss of Pink Dog, Teddi stayed very neutral-faced-- Like she was literally biting her tongue to not emote or say anything, since she obviously finds Erika to be very cold (I guess she doesn't know it's diamonds, not ice *eye roll*), and probably wasn't surprised to hear that she hadn't expressed her condolences. 

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Well, I am pretty pissed.  I was drowsily falling asleep watching this in an unprecedented event that I actually had time to take a nap but I opened my eyes when the psychic arrived.  What a fucking joke!!! 


I thought Erika was funny when she said she would give them all BJ's.  It was cheeky playfulness and made to make people laugh.  I like making jokes like that or hearing them from my friends.

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With Teddi - why is her friend hanging out at her beach house deck when she could be right at the beach? Why wouldn't she be hovering around her own mom and dad or maybe her childhood home or Teddi's childhood home in N or S Carolina instead she goes to the west coast to hang with Teddi?

Apparently the view from Teddi's beach house deck > hovering around her own mom and dad?

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On 3/22/2018 at 12:41 PM, mytmo said:

The whole psychic dinner event going from table to table reminds me of what some Native American believe.  I am part Native American and my family does a ghost supper every year in the fall where everyone is welcome to stop by the host house within a certain time frame (like 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm) and sit down to a meal family style where you reminisce about your loved ones and visit with the living.  Multiple table settings are done in that time frame.  Multiple families also do this in their homes on the same day.  At the end of each table setting a plate of food is offered (burnt) up to the loved ones that passed on.  Some Native Americans believe the departed are always traveling and stop by to visit which is why one is buried with helpful items for the journey.  For instance my mother was buried with a hatchet, matches and a bottle of Jack Daniels (she liked to partake once a year).  Departed loved ones definitely include pets.  Dogs in particular hold a special place in the spirit world.  Just thought I'd share.  I'll be going home in November to participate this year.  Don't recall John Lennon or Marilyn stopping by though.  Guess we need someone with special abilities to tell us.

We do this in my culture too, Dia de los muertos on November 2nd its a beautiful tradition!

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21 hours ago, dosodog said:

We are all assuming here 

Maybe Uncle Satan sent her to Teddi.  Because she has to be held accountable! 

Personally, if the afterlife is one giant Travelocity commercial and you can be where you want?

I'll be haunting some poor bastards in Tahiti.  In one of those hotel rooms over the water.

I'm going to be with with ponies....by the pool. 

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Oh the scene with Lisa and Ken broke my heart, too.  Poor, sweet Pink dog.  My heart goes out to any of you that have lost a sweet furbaby at any point.  I am in my early fifties and I can still remember my first loss of our family dog. I was in the 4th grade and I was crying over her and a boy laughed at me.  Obviously to this day I still remember how much it hurt.  I have lost a lot of animals through the years and it is just so incredibly painful but the joy they bring me is worth it to have even known them.  I lost my best friend when we were 31 and I always tell my doggies that she will be there to take care of them when they go to heaven(All Dogs Go To Heaven) and I will be there someday.  Speaking of past lives, I actually think I was a dog or some sort of animal because my love and compassion for them is boundless.

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Why do psychics think people take comfort from their deceased loved ones watching them?  I do all sorts of stuff I don't want my father watching. How would he know when it was a good time before popping in, or is it a supernatural case of "OMG" and averting the gaze from stuff that shouldn't be seen?

I guess I'm a quitter -- haven't worn heels higher than 2 inches since college, and at 54 my feet are in better shape than most women my age because I haven't been cramming them into a narrow triangle with all my body weight on them.  I don't personally consider feet an erogenous zone, but super fucked up feet have to be a turn off, don't they?  I wonder why their vanity never takes that into account.

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On 3/21/2018 at 6:32 PM, dosodog said:

First.  A hug  for you MatildaMoody.  I cry every time Pippet the lab doesn't come out of the water in Jaws right before the kid on the raft dies.  I know the dogs name.  I do not know the kids name.  Mmmmm hmm.

Second.  You are not overly sensitive. YOU have been blessed with the love of a pet (because some people love snakes, not me, but....).  Unconditional love.

People who are flippant about the death of a non human family member have never experienced that joy and blessing.

Feel bothered.  But don't feel bothered about you.  Feel bothered for those people who have lacked that particular kind of love.

Because no dog has EVER greeted me with, "What's for dinner?".  But EVERY dog has met me at the door with a tail wagging and "OH MY GOD YOU ARE FINALLY HOME AND I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH. HERE LET ME LICK YOU AND RUB UP AGAINST YOU.  AND OH BOY I'M GLAD YOU'RE HOME!"

Those people are totally missing out.  Or they dislike LVP so much that they refuse to see she is human.  And not just the Queen.

Like this post to infinity and beyond…  We have had a multitude of mammals, fowl, and reptiles through our home over the years, all but one, rescues. Each has become a family member and those that have passed have been much grieved. With each loss, I have reminded my children  that loss is heartbreaking, but with that grief and loss comes the infinite joy that each creature brought to our lives.

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I've been to two psychics in my lifetime and they told me things that would happen throughout my life and every single one of them has happened.  Very strange things that no one would guess would happen have happened just as said.  And neither one knew my name or where I lived or anyone who knew me.  I simply made an appointment and showed up at the time.  (no caller id back then, either)  So I have to believe there are some real ones out there. This so called psychic of Kyles is such a phoney it's just glaringly obvious!  How she can take money from Kyle for doing what she's doing I don't know.  Kyle wants so desperately to hear from her mother and this woman is just preying on her vulnerability :(   


I'm OVER Erica Jayne.  I'm tired of seeing Mikey putting makeup on her stone hard face.  Enough!  Is that all she's going to bring to the show?  Silly costumes, hair and endless makeup sessions.  The way she sits there like a queen while being fawned over is finally making me fast forward through her scenes.  Sadly, I don't think Satan Andy is gonna be tired of her any time soon....

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4 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Well, I am pretty pissed.  I was drowsily falling asleep watching this in an unprecedented event that I actually had time to take a nap but I opened my eyes when the psychic arrived.  What a fucking joke!!! 


I thought Erika was funny when she said she would give them all BJ's.  It was cheeky playfulness and made to make people laugh.  I like making jokes like that or hearing them from my friends.

Apparently Kyle feels differently.


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On 3/22/2018 at 12:41 PM, mytmo said:

The whole psychic dinner event going from table to table reminds me of what some Native American believe.  I am part Native American and my family does a ghost supper every year in the fall where everyone is welcome to stop by the host house within a certain time frame (like 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm) and sit down to a meal family style where you reminisce about your loved ones and visit with the living.  Multiple table settings are done in that time frame.  Multiple families also do this in their homes on the same day.  At the end of each table setting a plate of food is offered (burnt) up to the loved ones that passed on.  Some Native Americans believe the departed are always traveling and stop by to visit which is why one is buried with helpful items for the journey.  For instance my mother was buried with a hatchet, matches and a bottle of Jack Daniels (she liked to partake once a year).  Departed loved ones definitely include pets.  Dogs in particular hold a special place in the spirit world.  Just thought I'd share.  I'll be going home in November to participate this year.  Don't recall John Lennon or Marilyn stopping by though.  Guess we need someone with special abilities to tell us.

I love this! It’s so cool! ???

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5 hours ago, kassa said:

Why do psychics think people take comfort from their deceased loved ones watching them?  I do all sorts of stuff I don't want my father watching. How would he know when it was a good time before popping in, or is it a supernatural case of "OMG" and averting the gaze from stuff that shouldn't be seen?

I guess I'm a quitter -- haven't worn heels higher than 2 inches since college, and at 54 my feet are in better shape than most women my age because I haven't been cramming them into a narrow triangle with all my body weight on them.  I don't personally consider feet an erogenous zone, but super fucked up feet have to be a turn off, don't they?  I wonder why their vanity never takes that into account.

Eddie sez "Hell, yeah!" ;-D


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Has it been pointed out that Erika’s oh-so-witty comment that “ flats are for quitters” is totally cribbed from an episode of 30 Rock? 

Jack Donoughy (on why he loves Avery Jessup):

“Her laugh is like music. Really mean music. And she always wears high heels because, according to her, flats are for quitters.”

Edited by Duke2801
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8 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Well, I am pretty pissed.  I was drowsily falling asleep watching this in an unprecedented event that I actually had time to take a nap but I opened my eyes when the psychic arrived.  What a fucking joke!!! 


I thought Erika was funny when she said she would give them all BJ's.  It was cheeky playfulness and made to make people laugh.  I like making jokes like that or hearing them from my friends.

It's NOT funny -it's trashy just like she is. That's probably how she snagged the ugly old toad.

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2 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Has it been pointed out that Erika’s oh-so-witty comment that “ flats are for quitters” is totally cribbed from an episode of 30 Rock? 

Jack Donoughy (on why he lives Avery Jessup):

“Her laugh is like music. Really mean music. And she always wears high heels because, according to her, flats are for quitters.”

Honestly, this post is more satisfying than Erika's book could ever be. Maybe she can credit Tina Fey as a ghostwriter too!

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I thought Erika was funny when she said she would give them all BJ's.  It was cheeky playfulness and made to make people laugh.  I like making jokes like that or hearing them from my friends.

I thought it was funny too.

If any of the HWs or their husbands thought it was legit offer, I have some used Christmas cards I'd like to sell them...

Edited by BBHN
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17 minutes ago, BBHN said:



I thought Erika was funny when she said she would give them all BJ's.  It was cheeky playfulness and made to make people laugh.  I like making jokes like that or hearing them from my friends.

I thought it was funny too.

If any of the HWs or their husbands thought it was legit offer, I have some us,ed Christmas cards I'd like to sell them...

Edited 16 minutes ago by BBHN.


I tend to like her, but I didn’t like that comment. Apparently, she is “pretending” to be EJ as she makes that comment and prances out. I guess it fits with her act. 

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14 hours ago, kassa said:

Why do psychics think people take comfort from their deceased loved ones watching them?  I do all sorts of stuff I don't want my father watching. How would he know when it was a good time before popping in, or is it a supernatural case of "OMG" and averting the gaze from stuff that shouldn't be seen?

Maybe Kyle’s psychic knows whether or not heaven’s switchboard is sensitive enough to leave a message on the answering machine if you’re “indisposed”?

7 hours ago, rho said:

Honestly, this post is more satisfying than Erika's book could ever be. Maybe she can credit Tina Fey as a ghostwriter too!

How about Spanish princes? Wonder how they are as writers.

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On 3/20/2018 at 10:31 PM, A-Lo said:

It really turns my stomach to see Erica at any kind of "girls empowerment" movement, especially when she's crowing about how she loves to talk to young women about their journeys....how it's going to be a "struggle" and it's going to be hard.  Yeah, right, until you're a cocktail waitress at the right bar where the right elderly wealthy gentleman has taken a shine to you.  Then you marry said elderly gentleman and suddenly...your struggle is over!  From sheer perseverance you have risen to the top and have a crew of make-up and costume crew on hand 24/7 who can transform you into a woman you weren't before you got married.  And you now have a career as a pop star? (In limited markets) HOW is that message empowering any young woman???

Thank you! And what young girls are going to sit for an evening with this silly ho-bag hag and listen to her bark on ANY subject? She looks and acts like some kind of weird, unhappy, humorless May West character who is decades out of date.

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I thought it was a joke (no shit, Sherlock!) and I thought it was funny. But, this is a perfect example of the Erika Girardi/Erika Jayne lines blur. 

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Erika seems almost manic at times~ she goes from quiet, sulky Erika to crude, loud Erika. Throw in some angry attacks on others for good measure. She may truly have some emotional problems, but she is so fake and unlikeable that I can’t even feel any empathy for her. Not a humble bone in her body. 

Didn’t Rinna have issues with Lois at one time? Thought I remembered them not seeing eye to eye at some point. She actually said Lois’ stroke was a saving grace because it improved her mood and made her happy all the time ! Strange! Lois is adorable though! 

I really wish Teddi had stood up for herself more and called Erika out on her verbal attack. She should have said “excuse me”?!?! And stared her down ! 

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I doubt that anybody took her seriously, but it was a crass thing to say, IMO.  She doesn't have to try so hard to flaunt her sexuality - which I think she mistakes for female empowerment.  She doesn't need to prove anything to us.  Flaunt it where it counts, in your own bedroom.  As the saying goes: "Those who can, do; those who can't, talk about it."  Some of the sexiest women I've seen are the ones that don't feel the need to show it off.  They go quietly about their business leaving those around them in awe of their understated beauty.

Good thing we all have different opinions then.

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** Erika was doing a book signing in New Jersey, and PETA protestors took over ! She looked shocked and embarrassed but said nothing and just stood there with a dumb look on her face! 

Is Erika a big fur wearer- I can’t recall. Regardless it was amusing to see her speechless! Where’s her mouthpiece Mikey when she needs him ! 

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5 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

** Erika was doing a book signing in New Jersey, and PETA protestors took over ! She looked shocked and embarrassed but said nothing and just stood there with a dumb look on her face! 

Is Erika a big fur wearer- I can’t recall. Regardless it was amusing to see her speechless! Where’s her mouthpiece Mikey when she needs him ! 

And what's with the book signing being in the basement of the bookstore and not on the main floor? LOL

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3 hours ago, Jel said:

I thought it was a joke (no shit, Sherlock!) and I thought it was funny. But, this is a perfect example of the Erika Girardi/Erika Jayne lines blur. 

Yeah it was obviously a joke and the type that a lot of my friends would make. It barely even registered for me.

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6 hours ago, Otherkate said:

Yeah it was obviously a joke and the type that a lot of my friends would make. It barely even registered for me.

Phew!!  I felt a little attacked when people disagreed with me and said it was trashy.  I don't think I am trashy.  We might have the same sense of humor. 

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24 minutes ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Phew!!  I felt a little attacked when people disagreed with me and said it was trashy.  I don't think I am trashy.  We might have the same sense of humor. 

Don't feel bad. Nobody on this board should ever feel attacked for having their opinion. Sometimes we just disagree. (Not agree to disagree, but just disagree, and that's ok)

It's just that different kinds of humor appeal to different people. I would hope that people don't think I'm a prude for not thinking Erika was funny, but then again I love LVP's snarky sense of humor which some people don't appreciate. 

I don't like Kyle, but she can be very funny sometimes. :)

Also, I noticed that all the women laughed except for Kyle, so I think you are not in the minority for thinking it was all in good fun.

Edited by Happy Camper
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31 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

It's just that different kinds of humor appeal to different people. I would hope that people don't think I'm a prude for not thinking Erika was funny, but then again I love LVP's snarky sense of humor which some people don't appreciate. 

So true.  I feel the same way.   I don't think anybody is passing judgment on anybody here for the way they feel.  When I said that I found Erika crass (not just with the BJ comment - it's other things too), that's no reflection on how I feel about anybody here.  I only judge what I see, and since Erika voluntarily went on a reality TV show and opened up her life for public scrutiny, well, let the snark begin!  

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9 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

“Erika Jayne has blood on her hands! Erika Jayne has blood on her hands!”

She looks like she’s trying not to laugh. I did laugh. What a bunch of freaks. 

EriCa is the freak.

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Of course, she did. She's an egotistical beyotch.

No, that was the smart thing to do in that situation. Reacting would have given the protestors what they wanted.

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15 minutes ago, BBHN said:

No, that was the smart thing to do in that situation. Reacting would have given the protestors what they wanted.

I agree with you BBHN, it was the smart thing to do. I really like her, but I am having a hard time liking her this season. She seems so contrived being EJ all the time. 

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4 hours ago, ChitChat said:

So true.  I feel the same way.   I don't think anybody is passing judgment on anybody here for the way they feel.  When I said that I found Erika crass (not just with the BJ comment - it's other things too), that's no reflection on how I feel about anybody here.  I only judge what I see, and since Erika voluntarily went on a reality TV show and opened up her life for public scrutiny, well, let the snark begin!  

I think it was because I was quoted and the comment response to me was "it's NOT funny" in all caps.  I was a little taken aback.   I have moved past a lot of little arguments directed at me during my wonderful time here on previously.tv!    

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30 minutes ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I think it was because I was quoted and the comment response to me was "it's NOT funny" in all caps.  I was a little taken aback.   I have moved past a lot of little arguments directed at me during my wonderful time here on previously.tv!    

You would make such a bad Real Housewife! ;)

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