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S07.E15: Keep Chugging Away

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

I have been thinking a lot about how Catelyn runs to a mental health facility at the drop of a hat when she becomes very depressed and/or has a panic attack.  I have suffered from life-threatening depression, and I never got to go away to a nice place--I would sometimes wish I'd be in jail (three hots and a cot sounded like heaven), and I wonder how many other middle-class women with "normal" childhoods have had the same experience.  You go to the doctor, who sends you to a psychiatrist or psychologist before or after prescribing anti-depressant medication.  If you are seriously suicidal, you go into the mental health ward of the local hospital.  I think the TMs, especially those who, like Cate, have had traumatic childhoods and were never really parented, just don't know how regular people respond to these mental health crises.  What they do is what movie stars do; from really hardscrabble backgrounds--hell, Tyler's sister was unable to feed her children--they go right to the tippy-top of expensive, intensive care.  I wonder if the absence from home has anything to do with their repeated visits to these places? (rhetorical question). 

Tyler's obsession with his body and general appearance (anybody else catch him looking in the mirror and smoothing his hair at an inappropriate time?) has got to be related to Cate's depression.  She has always had issues with her weight, and knowing, consciously or unconsciously, how important physical beauty is to her husband, doesn't help her feel good about herself.

Yep. I'm a middle class woman (who grew up "working class" more than middle) who has dealt with chronic depression for most of my adult life. Cate has no clue the way the average person would deal with mental health problems (hint: it's not by checking yourself into a luxury resort for treatment while MTV foots the treatment bill & pays your family's mortgage/rent/groceries/light bill/car note/etc in your absence). 

And yes, Tyler is in love with Tyler. No one - not even Cate or his biggest fangirls - loves Tyler like he does himself.  No one else thinks he's as beautiful as he does, either. It's got to be exhausting and I'm sure it's hard for Cate - or anyone - to be around that full-time (likewise, being around Cate has to be exhausting for a myriad of other reasons...maybe these two stay together because they're the only ones who will put up with each other). 

I think Tyler likes that he's "prettier" than his wife/friends/family, though.  He might realize he's just average looking if he was around truly beautiful, fit people for a long period of time. I bet he loves being "the good looking one" as well as being the hero/martyr/savior of his circle.  

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

And Andrew clearly said he’s unemployed but that he’s an aspiring screenwriter. Shawn, you’re so dumb “as least this one has a job” with Amber keeping a straight face.

Apparently expressing an INTEREST in something is the same as having a job. I guess I've got about 50 of them. 

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Jayde has a TV in her room and I think I caught a glimpse of Peppa Pig when they left her room after putting her down in her big girl bed. No wonder the transition was so easy. I could probably cut an hour and much negotiation from my nightly routine if I just let my 4 year old and 2 year olds fall asleep with the TV on. 

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5 hours ago, TexasGal said:

It was kinda ridiculously cute when she pronounced them "spicy" though.

Maybe he's like the hair monster on the Bugs Bunny cartoons.  If you shave him he'll disappear.

Could Mack's dinner friend have been less interested in their conversation?  She sounded like she was reading from cue cards. 

Pretend friends!   


I Wish New Matt Would Disappear!  Gosh he's big and hairy!  What Does She See In These Loser Men?

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4 hours ago, Calm81 said:

What the hell did I just watch? And they get paid how much????

Did anyone else get pissed off when Shawn said (non verbatim)”Every guy Ambers been with has had a shady past and skeletons in their closet!”? Fuck you, Shawn!!! How about Gary??? Gary was her longest relationship and he’s the most NORMAL, especially compared to your train wreck sister.

And Andrew clearly said he’s unemployed but that he’s an aspiring screenwriter. Shawn, you’re so dumb “as least this one has a job” with Amber keeping a straight face.

I did chuckle at the fact that immediately after that first dose of exercise, the nerfball session, Amber quickly submerged her entire being to Bubby’s couch and brought Andre the Giant on rogaine with her. She seriously is the couch whisperer. Did she hangout with Leah at all on that trip? And I think she’s purposely calling Leah, booboo to piss us off. It worked.

Catelynne is such a self absorbed bitch. Tyler just wanted a few minutes to vent to his life partner about his week without spending $60k at a not-a-spa and Catelynne shut that shit down STAT!! “Don’t stress, have your mom ship packages and put into mailbox ...easy peasy and do such and such! Problem solved and now back to me!” 

I do love that fact that Nova is only two months older than my sweet little girl and I keep catching the same outfits, toys and mannerisms of my child. My daughter is OBSESSED with horses right now and she was diagnosed with Autism so I’m scheduling a private session for her to see a horse trainer.

I wonder if Nova is on the spectrum...as my daughter has serious speech delay and has this strong passion for horses (from what I read autistic children respond strongly to horses and vice versa - don’t quote me as I’m still learning about it).

Anywho. I could sense some snarkinest with Cates Mom. April has LIVED A HARD LIFE and was probably thinking “nobody gave a flying fuck about me and my sadness etc and now I’m flown out to Arizona to apologize for everything my daughter has gone through..what about what caused me to be a horrible mother?” I think April and Tyler are going to start resenting Catelynn for all the high class therapy she’s receiving while they too are in serious need of it, too. 

I’m not saying someone should withhold getting good help because other people in their life need it too and can’t afford it, I’m just saying that I NOTICED some resentment and snarkinest from Cates family.

Onay, gotta go. Ending the book. Lol.

Andre the Giant on Rogaine!!!  You hit it there kiddo!

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17 hours ago, druzy said:

Good heavens!   Don't do that!!!  This popped up on my screen and I jumped a foot!

Numatt Is One Ugly Dude.  Scared Me!

Can You Even Imagine Being Intimate With THAT!!!

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14 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Well. That was boring. You guys.. I think I’m out? I don’t watch live anymore(Vanderpump Rules takes over that’s more fun and lively) but god.. this was painful even to watch on dvr. I don’t think I can do it anymore? Don’t  get me wrong I’ll come and read your comments but I didn’t think I can watch the show itself anymore unless you guys tell me something I may need to see. But otherwise I’m just not into it anymore.

Ditto. I would rather watch the Scheanna and crazy train than this.  I think I am really done with Teen Mom. 

There is nothing more than I hate than seeing Amber's lazy ass lay around. Just hearing her say "Bubby" drove me fucking crazy.

And Mac and Rhine. Dear God, he should not be having more kids. Her friend seemed as though she saw through all of her bullshit.

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One day Nova is going to have her own mile-long list and I hope Cate is prepared to hear it, of course knowing Cate,15 years from now that list will send her into rehab for like her 50th stint.

Edited by Caracoa1
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20 hours ago, jennyf said:

Jayde has a TV in her room and I think I caught a glimpse of Peppa Pig when they left her room after putting her down in her big girl bed. No wonder the transition was so easy. I could probably cut an hour and much negotiation from my nightly routine if I just let my 4 year old and 2 year olds fall asleep with the TV on. 


I hear you. There are times I've contemplated just handing my 3 year old the tablet with Netflix and sending him to watch it in his bed....or just getting him a small TV for his room that I can turn on while he falls asleep alone.  I spend at least an hour every night doing bedtime with my son (after doing it with my 20 month daughter old as well). I spend a minimum 1.5-2hrs of my waking hours just putting kids to bed (and as you said, "negotiating").  I could get so much done with those 1.5-2 hours free - laundry, meal prep, work out, etc. or just rest

Maci's parenting style is much more conducive to slamming back Bud Lights in the early evenings than ours are, @jennyf.  It's not like Maci & Taylor need to relax with a book (or Previously TV forum) after a long day on the job and then caring for children, since they don't have real jobs, either. It's not like they have to wake up to fight traffic and be in the office at 8am or get fired. They don't have to get rest because they have jobs in law enforcement/health care/etc where one could endanger someone's life by not being well-rested.  It's not like they even have a reason they can't spend time putting their kids to bed without electronics. So...yeah...I feel you. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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1 hour ago, jennyf said:

Jayde has a TV in her room and I think I caught a glimpse of Peppa Pig when they left her room after putting her down in her big girl bed. No wonder the transition was so easy. I could probably cut an hour and much negotiation from my nightly routine if I just let my 4 year old and 2 year olds fall asleep with the TV on. 

Maci has been doing that for the longest time. When Jayde was put in her crib during one scene when she was a baby, Maci had that television on. Maci is no different than Jenelle who throws Kaiser into his crib with a milk bottle and lets him cry. Maci can't be disturbed as she chugs on her beers for the evening.


Forgot who asked, but to the poster wondering why Cate goes to Arizona for "treatment" is because it is the only PRIVATE facility that will take MTVs money AND it will allow them to film on the property. That is why Butch got that "scholarship" that Tyler mentioned. That was code word for MTV is paying for the treatment and that was why cameras were allowed to film inside. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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18 hours ago, druzy said:

I wasn't paying attention to the preview for next week. Were Larry and Jen encouraging Ryan and Mac to procreate?



The exact opposite. Larry said it's too soon. Mack is so stupid and I hope the friend who shaded that sorry-ass first dance at the wedding clues her into how fucking petty and stupid she sounds talking about Maci pining for her junkie husband. What a joke. She's going to be embarrassed at the reunion if someone brings that up.

Don't hate me, but I missed Farrah. 

Agree with all of the Catelyn hate and the Tyler sympathy. I'm no Tyler fan but fuck he's got a load on his back with that wife. She is so self-centered it's painful to watch. Speaking of which, what is up with her child? Feral is the word someone here used that felt very apt. Throughout the show I kept finding myself comparing and contrasting Nova and Jayde. Nova is about 5 months older than Jayde (oy, these names!) but seems so much more advanced and human-like. She probably talks a mile a minute when the cameras and crew are gone. And how ADORABLE was she after the big girl bed was built and she ran to thank her father WITHOUT BEING TOLD TO? And how cute was she when she was trying out beds in the store? Especially the first time when she tucked her little self in to get a real feel for the bed. Say what we will about Maci, but she's doing a great job with her kids. They are sweet and normal and loving to each other.

Amber is just a delusional cow. How stupid is she to not want to do a pre-nup, not that I think that hairy monster is going to jump into a second legal obligation with her. Even though he's fucked up and has his issues, it seems like he comes from a normal family and this one he's hitching his unemployed ass to sure the hell isn't that. What does Shawn do for a living?

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I'm hardly a fan of St. Maci of Bud Light, but I do think that she and Taylor do get genuine enjoyment from their children and that comes through when we see the kids on camera.  Maci and Taylor may not always make the perfect parenting decisions, but I don't doubt that they do care about their children.  I never get the impression that Jayde & Maverick are just props in their Instagram stories (like kids are for Jenelle, Tyler, etc). Taylor and Maci do seem to see their kids as people rather than props or things they own. 

They also were honest enough with themselves about who they are as people (and Bud Light drinkers) to put their littles in daycare full-time right away so the kids would at least have caring, adult interaction & be socialized rather than just letting their babies wander aimlessly around the house picking up dog poop while the parents ignore them.  I think Cate & Tyler waited a good while before putting Nova in daycare, even though she'd probably have done better there than being ignored at home all day. 

Maci's kids also have Maci's parents (and occasionally Mimi Jen and Taylor's parents) as secondary caregivers, while poor Nova has Butch, April, and Tyler's mess of a sister.  

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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19 hours ago, politichick said:

Amber is just a delusional cow. How stupid is she to not want to do a pre-nup, not that I think that hairy monster is going to jump into a second legal obligation with her. Even though he's fucked up and has his issues, it seems like he comes from a normal family and this one he's hitching his unemployed ass to sure the hell isn't that.

Mr. Nordic and I have a pre-nup.  We had basically no assets besides our cars when we got married (he'd just finished nursing school and I was in grad school), but we got a pre-nup.  We got it mostly to divide up the (mostly student) debt we were bringing to the marriage and our cars....and because my godfather is a judge who recommends everyone get a prenup. 

So many of our friends judged us to our faces.  Many of them were engaged at the time or newly married and were all like "I'd never ask so-and-so for a pre-nup, because I love so-and-so" or "it's like you're asking for/expecting the marriage to fail."  Guess what? Hubby and I have been married ten years last week.   All of those engaged and newly-married couples among our friend group who judged us for getting a pre-nup ten years ago? They're ALL DIVORCED. Every single couple. Some of the divorces were really nasty. 

Amber, in the words of the esteemed philosopher Kanye West: "Holla we want pre-nup! We want pre-nup!" 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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OK, I will start out with something positive!...for once I actually enjoyed (*gasp*) Maci's story. Usually I just roll my eyes, or check my phone during her stilted & rehearsed scenes, but last night everyone seemed to be acting naturally for once. Maybe it's because when they're with their children it's too difficult to get a 2-year old say "so...how are things going with Rhiiine?"? At any rate, it was refreshing, and how flippin' cute are Jayde & Bentley (both separately & together)? Maverick is a cutie too, but please stop with the "Pebbles from the Flinstones" hair-don't, especially on a little boy. I have no issue with long hair on boys, or short hair on girls, but...just no (looking at you too Kail). 

Catelynn looked absolutely awful. Had she been attempting to krimp her 17-tone, not-washed-since-she-was-in-Michigan hair? I kept hearing @GreatKazu yell "clean your folds!!!" any time she was on the screen. 

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31 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

So, Cate is at the spa for a week. Week 2 is family week? So 5 people fly to AZ, including a family friend to watch Nova. WTF!

Of course. God forbid Nova’s parents actual PARENT her. 

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1 hour ago, CaliforniaLove said:

OK, I will start out with something positive!...for once I actually enjoyed (*gasp*) Maci's story. Usually I just roll my eyes, or check my phone during her stilted & rehearsed scenes, but last night everyone seemed to be acting naturally for once. Maybe it's because when they're with their children it's too difficult to get a 2-year old say "so...how are things going with Rhiiine?"? At any rate, it was refreshing, and how flippin' cute are Jayde & Bentley (both separately & together)? Maverick is a cutie too, but please stop with the "Pebbles from the Flinstones" hair-don't, especially on a little boy. I have no issue with long hair on boys, or short hair on girls, but...just no (looking at you too Kail). 

Catelynn looked absolutely awful. Had she been attempting to krimp her 17-tone, not-washed-since-she-was-in-Michigan hair? I kept hearing @GreatKazu yell "clean your folds!!!" any time she was on the screen. 


I was yelling at my screen about her unkempt look! lol


Maci's kids are so cute. Too bad we don't get more scenes with them. It is better than that scripted shit.

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22 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Bubby is halfway there. He asks the important questions, but then he just accepts the vague answers at face value. "Everyone should be writing"? Really?

Notice Amber even has to lay in bed when visiting with her brother!


I thought it was interesting that Cate mentioned the list of issues to work through with her dad was much longer than her mom's. I kind of want to know more about that. 

I'm no therapist, but it seemed like the instructions they were giving family were basically to just walk on eggshells around Cate. I do feel for her, I really do. But I have to wonder if coddling, including by MTV, isn't part of the problem. 


Maci's scenes are boring as fuck. But seeing Taylor with Bentley and Bentley with his siblings just melts my icy heart. 

Ryan was being all nice this episode. Talking about babies and smuggling. High, high....he's both high. 

Mack is really selling her "teen mom" plight, isn't she? But now she can go back to school because she has so many "resources"....i.e. TM ?. 

If she truly thinks Ryan was never an absent dad, she's never watched this show or is a delusional bitch. And we know she watched the show!

My favorite part was when Ryan said "are you gonna be able to handle school with two kids?"  What?  They don't have two kids.  Ryan sees Bentley for a couple hours a few times a month at his parents and Mactruck has limited visitation with her own son.   Quit trying to act like you guys are some happy family of four.  Ugh, I can't stand them.

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10 hours ago, TexasGal said:

It was kinda ridiculously cute when she pronounced them "spicy" though.

Maybe he's like the hair monster on the Bugs Bunny cartoons.  If you shave him he'll disappear.

Could Mack's dinner friend have been less interested in their conversation?  She sounded like she was reading from cue cards. 

She was there to eat. She had zero fucks to give about Mack or Riiiiiiiiiine. she had a laser focus on her food

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34 minutes ago, lezlers said:

My favorite part was when Ryan said "are you gonna be able to handle school with two kids?"  What?  They don't have two kids.  Ryan sees Bentley for a couple hours a few times a month at his parents and Mactruck has limited visitation with her own son.   Quit trying to act like you guys are some happy family of four.  Ugh, I can't stand them.

The delusion runs rampant with those two.

Another thing about his comment was the fact that he basically told her she was going to be taking care of the kids because he wants no part of raising any child, not even his own as we have watched for 8 years now. 

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I could not get a good look at the screen so can someone tell me what was on the horses heads at Caitlyn rehab. Are those new kind of blinders or something? It looked like the faces were wrapped in scarves and their eyes were covered up as well.

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Haven’t read the thread yet but a few thoughts:


Jayde is freakin adorable. More Jayde please. Her reaction to the bed was the sweetest thing.Bentley is turning into a preteen! Can’t believe how big he looks, he seems like a sweet kid.

Rhine and whatsherface, blah. Just blah. Stop trying to get your own spot on TM, Mackenzie, you’re boring and full of shit. You guys don’t have two kids. Ryan, your brother Bentley is not being raised by you. Please get these fools off tv.  

Amber, good god I need a shower after looking at Andrew’s disgusting face. Amber’s relationship with her brother is kind of odd. Laying on the bed talking to him? I know Amber can’t bare any less than 16 hours in bed a day but cmon. 


Same shit for Catelynn. Tyler needs a vacation. Nova is starting to grow on me although I’ve never found her particularly cute. The onion eating  is such a weird kid thing haha. 

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13 minutes ago, Poohbear617 said:

I could not get a good look at the screen so can someone tell me what was on the horses heads at Caitlyn rehab. Are those new kind of blinders or something? It looked like the faces were wrapped in scarves and their eyes were covered up as well.

It's a fly mask. Keeps the horse flies off their faces and out of their eyes. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

The delusion runs rampant with those two.

Another thing about his comment was the fact that he basically told her she was going to be taking care of the kids because he wants no part of raising any child, not even his own as we have watched for 8 years now. 

Couldn't come up with I gotta go see what do you call them .... counselor??? Addiction counselor.  How do these people get dressed in the morning?? School will give them something to do while trying to get pregnant like what happened that got you on this show. Spare me. 

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Is Bubby the only person in the TM Universe who didn't hear about Andrew's TWO restraining orders from ex-girlfriends?  The first woman even made a point of requesting that her dog be protected as well.  There must have been a reason for that specific request.  Then there's the drug bust.  Not marijuana, but heroin and ecstasy.  The dude is hardly a clean slate.  Oh, and he does not have a job anymore.

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2 hours ago, kira28 said:

It's a fly mask. Keeps the horse flies off their faces and out of their eyes. 

Catelynn is so fucking lazy that she probably would benefit from a fly mask too. 

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53 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Is Bubby the only person in the TM Universe who didn't hear about Andrew's TWO restraining orders from ex-girlfriends?  The first woman even made a point of requesting that her dog be protected as well.  There must have been a reason for that specific request.  Then there's the drug bust.  Not marijuana, but heroin and ecstasy.  The dude is hardly a clean slate.  Oh, and he does not have a job anymore.

Thank you. This is one of the reasons I give Bubby a hard time. 

Amber clearly hasn't done a background check on Baby Huey. She has blinders on. 

33 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Catelynn is so fucking lazy that she probably would benefit from a fly mask too. 

I was thinking the same damn thing as I read the fly mask post. Honest to God!

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Although I don’t doubt Cate has mental health issues, I don’t for a minute believe all these fancy rehabs are helping her get it together. I am not sure she even wants to live a mentally healthy life. If she really wanted to get better, she would be going to therapy every week with a therapist who doesn’t allow their sessions to be filmed. She would also be taking whatever medicine her doctor wanted her to take and not self-medicating. Six weeks in a fancy rehab isn’t going to fix the problems. It seems she gets overwhelmed and then needs an escape, comes home and starts all over again.  As many issues that can be had with Tyler, of the two, he is going to end up being the more consistent parent because Cate is likely going to keep going to keep going on these fruitless trips. I get that April helps out a lot but kids remember the parent who is around more often. It’s almost like Cate is afraid to be a parent. I don’t know, maybe she is afraid of screwing up her kids like her parents screwed her up. I can’t tell if she is running toward help or running away from parenting. 

I am in the camp that Nova is adorable and reminds me of a doll. 

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Omg you guys!!!! I actually just had a dream about Tyler and NuCate!!!!!!! They’re entering my fuckin’ dreams now!!!!!

In the dream Tyler was on the couch with NUCate talking about how he’s glad he’s telling Cate about their love and NuCate is constantly thanking him for financing her new coffee table from rent-a-center since Tyler is the Donald trump of Michigan (very poor areas Michigan - I lived there for 6 long months and a 26 year old with a 6 figure salary could get some loving attention).

Latelg I’ve been having weird premonitions in my sleep ...so be expecting NuCate soon and a new coffee table - and they were making our hardcore on the couch. ???????????????

Don’t ever appears back in my dreams TM franchise.

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Did Bubby's wife speak at all? You know she was counting the minutes until the freak show left town.

Bubby, Boo Boo and Booger Butt...Amber is so fucking dumb!

Edited by Mr. Minor
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9 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Catelynn is so fucking lazy that she probably would benefit from a fly mask too. 

I choked on my coffee, thank you!

OK so did it ever occur to Catelynn she is now a parent? Rather than draw up list for her parents why not give Nova some love/attention/parenting so she won't have to draw up her own lists. That kid is so screwed. She can't even be bothered to pretend interest in her own kid on camera. If I were Teresa I would absolutely close Carly's adoption STAT.

For Amber I wouldn't worry about pre nups, Matt OG has taken it all and her debts to IRS, landlords etc will take care of any future earnings. Bubba need not fake his  brotherly concern, his sister is no prize and a decent hardworking man is not wasting his time with her couch attached ass. Lord knows NuMatt is ugly as hell, I can't even look at him. 

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7 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Did Bubby's wife speak at all? You know she was counting the minutes until the freak show left town.

Bubby, Boo Boo and Booger Butt...Amber is so fucking dumb!

Actually, I was just about to ask, was that his wife or girlfriend? I thought Bubby was married but when they were all out to dinner it said girlfriend under her name. I've already forgotten her name.

I can't with Tyler. He acts like his life is the most stressful life anyone has ever lived.

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10 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Amber clearly hasn't done a background check on Baby Huey. She has blinders on. 

or perhaps a fly mask of her own. :-) 

God knows she could give Cait a run lounge off?? for her money. ;-) 

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Why is Ryan only now starting to think about going to  addiction counselor and NA meetings? It's been probably 6 months since he got home from his unfinished stint in rehab... That stuff should start right away to help him not to relapse. But I don't believe he got ever completely clean as his refusal to take drug test in order to get visitations with Bentley proves.

And why Taylor and Macy need warehouse in Jacksonville??? I thought he quit his job to concentrate on this "business" so is he gonna commute to Jacksonville every day to do his job? Did he gave up the fancy office with beer on tap? WTF!  It's just seems like convenient excuse to not to do anything hands on because they could easily get warehouse cheaply right where they live. Now they can say: "oh but we can't commute to Jacksonville so we hired someone to run the business for us because it's too far" .

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13 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Is Bubby the only person in the TM Universe who didn't hear about Andrew's TWO restraining orders from ex-girlfriends?  The first woman even made a point of requesting that her dog be protected as well.  There must have been a reason for that specific request.  Then there's the drug bust.  Not marijuana, but heroin and ecstasy.  The dude is hardly a clean slate.  Oh, and he does not have a job anymore.

Somehow I missed (or must have forgotten) that he has heroin on his record. Was it to distribute or personal use? Is he a recovering heroin addict? Because the last things someone who is a "recovering" (as Amber still drinks) fentanyl addict needs to be around is someone who is a "recovering" heroin addict. 

10 hours ago, MakingBacon said:

Although I don’t doubt Cate has mental health issues, I don’t for a minute believe all these fancy rehabs are helping her get it together. I am not sure she even wants to live a mentally healthy life. If she really wanted to get better, she would be going to therapy every week with a therapist who doesn’t allow their sessions to be filmed. She would also be taking whatever medicine her doctor wanted her to take and not self-medicating. Six weeks in a fancy rehab isn’t going to fix the problems. It seems she gets overwhelmed and then needs an escape, comes home and starts all over again.  As many issues that can be had with Tyler, of the two, he is going to end up being the more consistent parent because Cate is likely going to keep going to keep going on these fruitless trips. I get that April helps out a lot but kids remember the parent who is around more often. It’s almost like Cate is afraid to be a parent. I don’t know, maybe she is afraid of screwing up her kids like her parents screwed her up. I can’t tell if she is running toward help or running away from parenting. 

I think this is likely.  I also think being around Nova makes her feel the loss of Carly over and over again, like she feels guilty for having Nova when she couldn't parent Carly.  However, none of that is Nova's fault and she's the one who will be harmed by it.  Cate has the money, time, free childcare, and other resources to get herself in therapy regularly, make changes to her daily routines, and "get right," but she's squandering the opportunities she has now from the show's success.   These are opportunities that so many of us with mental health problems WISH we had.  It's beyond aggravating.  (And Tyler should be addressing his bipolar/mental health issues now, as well.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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17 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Amber clearly hasn't done a background check on Baby Huey. She has blinders on. 

Eh, she may have (or MTV did it for her), but she just doesn't care what it turned up.  She blew off a lot of Matt had done as "I've made mistakes, too. He's an addict, too."   She probably doesn't have the energy to care what Andrew's background is like as long as he'll bring her food in bed, help her get on the motorized scooter in Wal-Mart, and doesn't expect her to leave the couch/bed to clean/cook/do anything remotely resembling physical labor.  Even if she did care, she was probably just too lazy to break-up with him (but she doesn't care). 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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9 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Somehow I missed (or must have forgotten) that he has heroin on his record. Was it to distribute or personal use? Is he a recovering heroin addict? Because the last things someone who is a "recovering" (as Amber still drinks) fentanyl addict needs to be around is someone who is a "recovering" heroin addict. 


According to published articles:   “[Glennon] did unlawfully possess a controlled substance, to wit, heroin.” The second count read, “[Glennon] did unlawfully possess a controlled substance, to wit, MDMA (Ecstasy),” the court papers read. A third count charged Glennon for being under the influence of an ADHD medication. He was held on a $10,000 bail.


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3 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

According to published articles:   “[Glennon] did unlawfully possess a controlled substance, to wit, heroin.” The second count read, “[Glennon] did unlawfully possess a controlled substance, to wit, MDMA (Ecstasy),” the court papers read. A third count charged Glennon for being under the influence of an ADHD medication. He was held on a $10,000 bail.


Thanks, @Snarky McSnarky.  I remembered the ecstasy part but not the heroin part, I guess.  Bad news. I guess at least it was nine years ago when he was popped for possession? In Teen Mom Time, that has to mean he's been "sober" for like two decades in Amber's mind. LOL. 

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Last I remember, Amber's brother was married and had some kids...now he has a girlfriend? Huh???

Amber's new guy is weird...interesting that she hooked up with another "former" drug abuser with a criminal past.  Google his name...he has plenty of skeletons in his closet. He looks high a lot of the time or he's on the autism spectrum. He should stop putting hair dye on his beard...it's so obvious.

Taylor and Maci have no storyline...they are on the show just to shill their t shirt business. Ryan and Mack have nothing to talk about except to whine and complain about Maci. Mack is one of the most unlikable characters on this show, with the exception of Farrah who is no longer on. She just seems bitter, nasty and envious of Maci. For the two of them to suggest that Maci isn't over Ryan is just too funny for words!!!! Ryan is a delusional loser.

"Saint" Tyler seems to be stuck in a rut with his wife and his family...Everyone around him is a mess and he has to hold the fort up. I'm starting to think he likes the role of being the stalwart, the solid one who helps everyone else cope with their addictions and demons. And he is in over his head with this children's clothing line...I could have told him he would be left to handle everything to do with the business. Cate is incapable of completing anything or sticking to a schedule or keeping appointments even. What happened to that poor horse she "had" to have so she could ride him  every day? Tyler is too complacent with her and allows her to be the slacker that she is...he needs to put his foot down with her and make her set a daily schedule of things she must do. She has never worked, has no job now and just sits around the house that's in the middle of a cornfield, getting depressed smoking. She has no goals, no ambition, no gumption...grow a pair Tyler!                

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