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S14.E14: Games People Play

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3 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

Okay, I have wanted to ask this on more than one previously tv forum. I have tried to figure it out on my own, but haven't been able to figure it out and I just give up. When fans are "SHIPPING" a couple, where did that term come from? I know it means you want them to be together. I know how you combine names like Jackson + April = Japril. But I just want to know where the term "SHIPPING" comes from - like what play on words made that become the term to use for wanting a couple to be together? Anyone? 

Combining names = portmanteau

Shipping comes from the word relationship.

25 minutes ago, Efzee said:

The "You're your mother's daughter" didn't sound like a compliment. More like, that bitch stole my research (possibly the one Meredith is now continuing) and here you are, "stealing" my polymer! I also thought it odd that Meredith never asked Webber or maybe Bailey or even Koracick(sp?) about the woman before she arrived; they've been doctors for years and are supposedly very knowledgeable/skilled in the medical community and their specialized fields, so might have heard of her.

I thought the same thing too. When she said that, I was like uh oh, this does not bode well for Meredith. Then there was a dun dun DUUUUUUN in my head when Auntie Marie declined Meredith's invitation to go celebrate. I can't decide if Marie is going to sue Meredith for using the polymer without permission or steal her research, replicate it, and claim it as her own. Wouldn't it be ironic if Ellis winning the Harper Avery Award was due to stealing Marie's research? And then it would be extra ironic if Marie won an award for stealing Meredith's research! Would Meredith have any recourse? I mean, first she would have to admit that she used the polymer without permission which would probably get her in a lot of trouble.

As for Meredith now realizing that Auntie Marie was the same person as the polymer guy's daughter, Marie is a common first name and since she was a little kid when she knew Marie, it's not surprising that she didn't know Marie's last name. There were several non-blood related aunties and uncles I had growing up and I didn't know their last names until I was probably in middle school. I never called them anything but Auntie/Uncle [insert name] and it never occurred to me to ask them or my parents what their last names were.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Wouldn't it be ironic if Ellis winning the Harper Avery Award was due to stealing Marie's research? 

That would be lovely. It's clear Ellis transgressed -- or Marie thinks she did -- and her having won the Harper Avery with stolen research would be rich. This gives Meredith the chance to make amends. 

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, Pallas said:

That would be lovely. It's clear Ellis transgressed -- or Marie thinks she did -- and her having won the Harper Avery with stolen research would be rich. This gives Meredith the chance to make amends. 

Once again, Ellis' actions reflect negatively on her daughter. She was a shitty mother. She put schtupping a married man in the OnCall room, above her daughter and her husband.  She put her career above them, as well, which was the least offensive thing she did. She was verbally abusive, demanding, aloof, and not exactly a warm, loving parent.  And now Meredith is quite possibly going to suffer the fall out of her selfish mother's actions with someone else.  She was a gifted surgeon. That's the one redeeming quality we've been shown of Ellis Grey.  Oh, and she gave up her second daughter to be raised by loving parents, instead of her. She gets points for that, too.  At least she was self-aware enough to realize that there was no sense damaging a SECOND child needlessly. 


Tell me again, WHY they had Mere name her daughter after her? What was Derek's mother's name? The woman who was a military nurse and raised and educated five doctors after her husband was murdered? Now, THERE'S a grandmother that poor Ellis Shepherd could be named after that would make sense.  Every time they mention little Ellis (when they bother), I think WHYYYYYY.


ETA: just looked it up on Tyne Daly's Wikipedia. Her name was Carolyn. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 7

I would have enjoyed Jackson's supposed-to-be-romantic speech if he and Maggie had any chemistry, if the show had in any way succeeded in making me want to see them together . . .made me anticipate it at all. But they failed at that so I found the whole thing icky to watch. I was never a fan of April/Jackson, but once they had them get together and have a child, I went ahead and bought in. That being said, if they'd found some character for him to have chemistry with, I would have been rooting for that moment.

For whatever reason (sometimes its acting ability; other times it just is what it is) people do not have chemistry while other have it for days. Meredith had it with Derrick but not the other people they've paired her with.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I didn't ship Jackson and April.  I don't actually like Jackson.  But there is some chemistry between him and April, and there was between him and Stephanie.  I see zero chemistry between Maggie and Jackson.

I've been saying that for years.  Unfortunately, it very rarely happens, and never works out when it does.

I agree.  I didn't think Jackson/Lexie had chemistry either.

  • Love 3
38 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I just remembered someone I thought Jackson had chemistry with--it was Christina. They briefly showed interest and she moved on to Army Doctor. Let's get her back and they can date.

I do remember that...I don't believe in on-screen chemistry (I explain that all in another thread), but Jackson and Cristina worked especially well together.  And, I can see how those two characters would have been attracted to each other (unlike Cristina and Owen or Jackson and Maggie) and, for a minute several seasons back, it looked like that's where they were going.  And then, no...

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, llewis823 said:

Did I miss something? When Meredith heard the man's last name with the polymer, did she not recognize the last name as her mom's friend? (or as it turns out - former friend)? Or was "Mer-Mer" too young to have known her last name back in the day? I may have just answered my own question. She was, afterall, too young to know that she and her mom ended up as bitter enemies. I have to say, until Weber said that about them being arch-enemies, I did not see this twist coming.

“Mom’s friend” might have a married name and no one ever mentioned it. She was being referred to as The Inventor’s daughter. 

3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I can't decide if Marie is going to sue Meredith for using the polymer without permission or steal her research, replicate it, and claim it as her own. Wouldn't it be ironic if Ellis winning the Harper Avery Award was due to stealing Marie's research? And then it would be extra ironic if Marie won an award for stealing Meredith's research! Would Meredith have any recourse? I mean, first she would have to admit that she used the polymer without permission which would probably get her in a lot of trouble.

I think she's going to register a patent for Meredith's invention. She's calling her lawyers immediately with all the info from Mere's presentation, having them write up the application overnight, and file it in the morning. Patent law favors "first to file" over "first to invent," and since Meredith hasn't published her research yet, Marie can present it as "novel," which is one of the requirements to get a patent. If she has the patent for the method, it makes her polymer patent immensely more valuable. She did say in the beginning that she's running her father's company. She makes her living by monetizing medical inventions rather than practicing medicine or doing groundbreaking research. I'm sure Meredith's not the only person whose invention she stole, and it's not just a personal vendetta against Ellis. Meredith of course could try to fight her in court, but she didn't make her sign any non-disclosure/non-compete agreements before the presentation, so her chances of winning would be slim.

In other news, I loved April calling out Amelia and Owen for talking about sex in a crowded elevator. It's a miracle nobody has yet filed a complaint to HR about all the sex talk.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Pallas said:

The Seattle Grace HR Department got flooded; the Seattle Grace Mercy West HR department got shot up, and the Grey Sloan HR department burnt to the ground. 

LOL! The other explanation is that none of the employees want to complain about anyone who's friends with the hospital board members for fear of retaliation.

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On 9.3.2018. at 8:30 AM, NUguy514 said:

Good lord, that was terrible.

April is somehow suspended over an incident that is in no way, shape, or form her fault (and something she tried multiple times to prevent), yet Owen actually knocks a patient to the ground and is not suspended?  Cool.

Jackson and Maggie. have. no. chemistry.  Jackson came across as SUCH a creep in his speech leading up to that kiss at the end.  Blech.

Auntie Marie seemed shady as hell from the moment she appeared, so if the "twist" at the end was supposed to be surprising, that was a major fail.

ALL of this. So, after all the crazy shit almost every single character in the history of this show has pulled, THIS is the thing that warrants a suspension? PLEASE. And no, I did not find Bailey and Webber laughing at the video footage of the incident hilarious or endearing. If anything, it highlighted what a hypocrite Bailey is. She'd be beyond mortified if anything similar happened to her.

I couldn't possibly care less about Maggie and Jackson and their imaginary love story that came literally out of nowhere, but they really should stop dragging it out and just go there if that's what they really want. One Meredith/Riggs fiasco was enough. It would be hilarious if they pulled a George/Izzie with them and have them hook up and make a huge deal about it only to realize they don't actually fit, but sadly, I don't think that's what's going to happen.

Meredith's plot in this episode was so confusing. So, her mother's supposed best friend simply disappears without a trace and never tries to make contact again, and she doesn't think there's anything weird or suspicious about that? Also, if she wasn't willing to give the patent to her beloved MerMer in the first place, what made her think she'd soften up after she found out they had already used the patent without her permission? 

Also, Owen and Amelia are at it AGAIN? Like, seriously? Simply fantastic storytelling there. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 7
10 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I found the whole thing icky to watch. I was never a fan of April/Jackson, but once they had them get together and have a child, I went ahead and bought in. 

Agree. I have watched on and off; the supposedly romantic Jackson-Maggie scene grossed me out and had me thinking very poorly of Jackson. This guy stood up at April and Matthew's wedding just a few years ago, declared his love to April saying "Even the things I don't like about you, I love," basically asking April in front of everyone to leave Matthew for him.  Since then, they've lost a child shortly after April gave birth and April almost died from the traumatic C-section of their second child. That was just a year ago. While they are no longer married, we know they've been intimate, are co-parenting and remaining colleagues since Harriet's birth. April's Game Night outburst and then hinting at a hook up with that doc as she left should have flat-out alarmed Jackson, at a minimum because she's the mother of his child. Instead, he's merely very irritated with April's behavior toward the woman he's dating when he's actually focused on Maggie. So he takes his date home as it's clear that Maggie and Clive are done, breaks up with her, and then returns immediately to tell Maggie he wants to date her. Yet the woman who has been his "great love," with whom he shares a child, isn't even a thought in his head?  Someone should be at least checking to make sure April got home safely, and if April doesn't want to have conversations with Jackson, he could ask a mutual friend to look out for her explaining that right now April is shutting him out. 

  • Love 16
17 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Agree. I have watched on and off; the supposedly romantic Jackson-Maggie scene grossed me out and had me thinking very poorly of Jackson. This guy stood up at April and Matthew's wedding just a few years ago, declared his love to April saying "Even the things I don't like about you, I love," basically asking April in front of everyone to leave Matthew for him.  Since then, they've lost a child shortly after April gave birth and April almost died from the traumatic C-section of their second child. That was just a year ago. While they are no longer married, we know they've been intimate, are co-parenting and remaining colleagues since Harriet's birth. April's Game Night outburst and then hinting at a hook up with that doc as she left should have flat-out alarmed Jackson, at a minimum because she's the mother of his child. Instead, he's merely very irritated with April's behavior toward the woman he's dating when he's actually focused on Maggie. So he takes his date home as it's clear that Maggie and Clive are done, breaks up with her, and then returns immediately to tell Maggie he wants to date her. Yet the woman who has been his "great love," with whom he shares a child, isn't even a thought in his head?  Someone should be at least checking to make sure April got home safely, and if April doesn't want to have conversations with Jackson, he could ask a mutual friend to look out for her explaining that right now April is shutting him out. 

The ending scene from the week before last (Arizona seeing April doing shots in the bar with the interns) seemed to indicate that at the very least Arizona was now too taking seriously Jackson's concerns from that day. Did Jackson think to call Arizona and perhaps give her the heads up to check on April? It seems as though Arizona is April's only friend. Owen, maybe? April and Richard aren't close but Jackson must know that Richard is a recovering alcoholic so he might be able to relate to April on the drinking level. Richard is also one of the few characters I can see being sensitive enough (the scene of him and Bailey ;laughing at the surveillance video notwithstanding) to talk to April about her faith spiral if April so desired, or even be the one to notice that April's issues have stemmed from that day when Matthew's wife died and everything else went wrong.

  • Love 4

So that jaggie kiss wasn’t all that, especially for a first kiss that has been supposedly anticipated for 14 episodes.

im discovering a new appreciated for Sarah Drew because I’m starting to see how much of japril was Sarah drew selling the crap out of it. Example: compare jaggies first kiss to the japril Montana kiss. Japril poured themselves into each other but really april was really pulling Jesse into it and forcing him to react. But that kiss had heat. Jaggies first kiss? Yeah they were smiling but i didn’t feel like it was in any way a game changer for them, like world altering. When April kissed Jackson for the first time, he was completely shook!

plus did anyone think the blocking was weird. He puts his hand on her shoulder and I immediately got a creeper vibe like he was about to say “come here little girl”...not the vibe you want for your tent pole pairing.  

Edited by moonorchid
  • Love 10

I thought Jackson had more friend/frenemies/mentor/colleagues chemistry with Mark than he has had in most of his relationships.  I don't blame the actor/actresses.  I think it's the writing that insists everything has to be huge obstacles and drama.

I think both April and Maggie are pretty, but they were so embarrassing at game night.  Also, all the "we can't date because our parents are married" stuff was dumb.  As was "Maggie finds a guy to date outside the hospital so he has to be a cheating jerk so now she can date Jackson."  Why couldn't Jackson and Maggie just go on a date?

I'm finally finding Meredith's story interesting, and I haven't been able to say that for years.

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@Bringonthedrama everything you said.

Right now Alex is my favorite person on this show. I love him and three obvious love he has for his patients. You rock Alex! 

April, my heart is just crying along side with you, the plain you are trying to hide with your witty comebacks and your drinking, I do want to hit Jackson. I've been on Japril team since the very beginning, but I've reached the point where I'm gonna say: "let him go girl, he doesn't deserve you"

Anybody else think they maybe Meredith's aunt may not pull the dirty on her? That's what they want us to think right?

Bailey, that was unprofessional to say the least (laughing at that video) I'm actually still in shock!

Deluca and Sara, go for it, I Ally don't mind them.

As for all the sex that is going on in this hospital, anybody else feel like constantly using hand sanitizer? All those on call rooms, ewwww

Poor April....

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8 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:

April, my heart is just crying along side with you, the plain you are trying to hide with your witty comebacks and your drinking, I do want to hit Jackson. I've been on Japril team since the very beginning, but I've reached the point where I'm gonna say: "let him go girl, he doesn't deserve you"

I get April is hurting.. But what exactly dies that have to do with Jackson?  When he wasn't noticing she was unraveling.. He was in the wrong.. When he did start to notice he was told to drop it by April and Arizona who said basically he was being jealous.. Just looking for clarification on why ur angry with the guy... As for him not deserving her.. To that I'd say they have both hurt each other either by words or actions but have both conpromised for the other and all things being equal ive always felt she did a bit more damage to him than vice versa.. Just my opinion.. To be fair Jackson's character is very close to my real life being mixed and financially secure(much smaller degree)  even down to a demanding and profoundly talented light skin mama.. So I may be a tad  biased

  • Love 5

So he just drops it because he was told to? What an a--! While he may feel he doesn't owe her a thing, he still owes her the courtesy of talking to her like a decent human being and he hasn't tried, besides that lame attempt before. Most of the time he ignores her and anybody can see she gets worse in his presence, hello trying to get his attention? Which is why I say he doesn't deserve her, he can't man up to be strong for his ex wife, but he can ditch a date to run back to his new flame to comfort her. Not even caring that April is going home with who knows what! Oh please, like someone else said in an above comment, not so long ago he was telling the whole world about his love for April and how he's doing it to Maggie. Woman thy name is fickle. Hey this is a man! (Groans)

@UNOSEZ ya you may be a tad biased, lol

  • Love 6

Several things, first I want to address what @UNOSEZ has said about Jackson and Dr. Horny. I think they both are being creeps. But higher up on the creep factor is definitely Dr. Horny, no doubt about that. He kept pressuring Amelia to have sex with him even though she denied consent (No) how many times? He just can't give her a break! And then April, I would have been worried that Dr. Horny was going to take advantage of April's vulnerability and hurt her. No clue what the previews said for this coming Thursday, but I'm sure they're going to play it off as being consensual sex. *sigh* Jackson is definitely creepy, and forget the fact that he's horny for sister (biological or not) Maggie, the way he's approaching the whole situation is all messed up. For me, the red flags were April the whole game night, yet he goes home to dump Amal Clooney clone, and runs back to Maggie?

And speaking of which, this brings me to my big question: where the hell was Harriet?!

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What is Jackson supposed to do about April?  They are divorced and April is an adult.  If the situations were reversed, I wouldn't expect April to be responsible for Jackson's behavior, or owe him anything.  If they were still married, and Jackson was making a fool of himself, I would be perfectly fine with April telling him he was being a jackass, and she didn't want to be around him.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I get April is hurting.. But what exactly dies that have to do with Jackson?  When he wasn't noticing she was unraveling.. He was in the wrong.. When he did start to notice he was told to drop it by April and Arizona who said basically he was being jealous.. Just looking for clarification on why ur angry with the guy... As for him not deserving her.. To that I'd say they have both hurt each other either by words or actions but have both conpromised for the other and all things being equal ive always felt she did a bit more damage to him than vice versa.. Just my opinion.. 

It has everything to do with Jackson. If he didn't truly love April and intend to look out for her/be her partner for life, then he never should have interrupted the April-Matthew wedding in the first place. He didn't seem get that her experience of carrying their child for nine months and then watching the baby boy die was traumatic for her in a way that I think a man can't begin to grasp unless he studies maternal-fetal bond. She survives the C-section that nearly killed her, and then a year later she is faced with the trauma and tragedy of seeing Matthew's wife die, and the happiness managed to find after April die with it. In April's position, I would be thinking, "If I hadn't left Matthew for Jackson, he wouldn't be suffering like this twice." Jackson never had to deal with the misery of seeing this new young family experience tragedy; he only heard about it.  He should know April well enough that she would be deeply affected, since he met Matthew while M&A were dating, and he was 1/2 the reason why Matthew had to start over in looking for love. Did he ever express regret (other than the 1-second "I'm sorry") for humiliating Stephanie, and his part in Matthew being humiliated in front of family and friends? If Maggie is aware of Jackson interrupting that wedding, she would be wise not to trust any of his declarations about feelings.  

Of course April is going to tell him to "drop it" when she's spiraling. As for Arizona, she cheated on her wife, has a not great relationship history, and will say things to people that are not her place. I wouldn't trust her judgement when it comes to a delicate balance involving a kid and an ex/sex partner in the last year. 

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Jackson shouldn't have interrupted April and Matt's wedding, but April didn't have to leave Matt for Jackson.  I wonder if Matt will be the one who notices April is having problems and help her out.  I don't want to see that because Matt is a nice guy, and he didn't deserve what April and Jackson did to him.  If Matt does help April out, and Jackson comes sniffing around again, I hope April tells Jackson to drop dead.  I hate when people do stuff like that.  The time to put effort into a relationship is when you are in it.  Interfering with an ex's current relationship because you've changed your mind or because you don't want them, but don't like seeing them with someone else, is just selfish and stupid.

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 2
16 hours ago, After7Only said:

I have enjoyed the slow pace of a Jackson/Maggie pairing.   I for one do see the chemistry between the 2.   Maggie’s awkwardness and Jackson’s confident coolness go well together.  I would love to see Maggie finally get a guy who was available and seriously into her.  

This! I get Japril have a lot of fans. I was one of them for a bit, but they wore me out.  

Jackson/Maggie are a refreshing change. They are sweet, I think they have tons of chemistry too.  It’s cute how they’ve been trying to deny/avoid their feelings. I love their kiss - and the way they were just going in for another one when jock blocker Merideth entered.

But, I don’t know where this April/Jackson dynamic is going so we’ll see...

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

I think my main problem with Jackson is that he's treated April like absolute crap since last season and when you compare it to how he sleazes all over Maggie he just comes off like an insincere sleazy dick. 

While treating April like crap seems like a stretch.. I'll forego arguing that as the two of them were in the middle of a divorce so maybe we see things differently on that front... But I do wanna ask abt how he's " sleazes all over Maggie" and how that apparent sleazing makes him an insincere dick in regards to Maggie and April 

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

I think my main problem with Jackson is that he's treated April like absolute crap since last season and when you compare it to how he sleazes all over Maggie he just comes off like an insincere sleazy dick. 

I don’t know, I think Jackson’s been the more likable lately.  He showed concern for April and backed off when she told him to  * off. He’s taken things slow with Maggie and has been there for her. I think Jackson’s looking the more mature compared with April’s headcase actions lately.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

What is Jackson supposed to do about April?  They are divorced and April is an adult.  If the situations were reversed, I wouldn't expect April to be responsible for Jackson's behavior, or owe him anything.  If they were still married, and Jackson was making a fool of himself, I would be perfectly fine with April telling him he was being a jackass, and she didn't want to be around him.

The situations were reversed last season when Jackson was being a total dick to everyone, especially April and his mother. He was yelling at April, telling patients about Samuel (which wasn't bad in any way, just OOC for him), stuck in a one-track mind about how to perform the surgery, disappeared/refused to prep for the surgery, getting drunk when he was supposed to be working, giving up on the patient when things got hard... But April knew something was wrong and she dug and pushed until she got to the bottom of it and helped him find resolution. It's a bad look that he can't do the same for her this season. 

Edited by Layne
  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, Layne said:

The situations were reversed last season when Jackson was being a total dick to everyone, especially April and his mother. He was yelling at April, telling patients about Samuel (which wasn't bad in any way, just OOC for him), stuck in a one-track mind about how to perform the surgery, disappeared/refused to prep for the surgery, getting drunk when he was supposed to be working, giving up on the patient when things got hard... But April knew something was wrong and she dug and pushed until she got to the bottom of it and helped him find resolution. It's a bad look that he can't do the same for her this season. 

Exactly. And the fact that he can so dismissive towards her while being all sweet and lovey to Maggie in my opinion makes him just come off as insincere and sleazy imo.

  • Love 7
On 10/03/2018 at 4:11 PM, Bringonthedrama said:

Agree. I have watched on and off; the supposedly romantic Jackson-Maggie scene grossed me out and had me thinking very poorly of Jackson. This guy stood up at April and Matthew's wedding just a few years ago, declared his love to April saying "Even the things I don't like about you, I love," basically asking April in front of everyone to leave Matthew for him.  Since then, they've lost a child shortly after April gave birth and April almost died from the traumatic C-section of their second child. That was just a year ago. While they are no longer married, we know they've been intimate, are co-parenting and remaining colleagues since Harriet's birth. April's Game Night outburst and then hinting at a hook up with that doc as she left should have flat-out alarmed Jackson, at a minimum because she's the mother of his child. Instead, he's merely very irritated with April's behavior toward the woman he's dating when he's actually focused on Maggie. So he takes his date home as it's clear that Maggie and Clive are done, breaks up with her, and then returns immediately to tell Maggie he wants to date her. Yet the woman who has been his "great love," with whom he shares a child, isn't even a thought in his head?  Someone should be at least checking to make sure April got home safely, and if April doesn't want to have conversations with Jackson, he could ask a mutual friend to look out for her explaining that right now April is shutting him out. 

This. I just cannot believe how insensitively the writers are making Jackson behave towards his ex-wife and mother of his child. Surely if you had been friends with someone for so long, you would recognise how many red flags that supposed good friend's behaviour is putting up. Surely you would care enough to dig deeper when told to "drop it" if you do express some concern for that friend. Hell, surely you would think twice about leaving a clearly unravelling person in charge of a small child. And without going into any of the reasons why decisions were made by TPTB, I think it would be a shame if the writers totally trashed Kepner prior to the end of the season. I am a Sarah Drew fan. Loved her in Everwood and I have enjoyed watching the April character grow and change over the last couple of seasons. 

In other news, I do not buy the Jaggie thing for a moment. What a snoozy first kiss. And please keep Greg Germann.

  • Love 18
On 3/8/2018 at 10:37 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Technically, only Meredith, Maggie, and Amelia were part of Games Night, if I remember correctly. Intern Amy Schumer was stupid enough to think that she was also invited. Glasses tried to tell her that they probably weren't invited. But then by the next scene, everyone was finding out about Games Night. So I guess it was supposed to be funny? It just made me resent the interns not named Casey Parker. Speaking of Parker, he's the best intern they've had in years. Very respectful, mature, smart, and good at his job. Seriously, Glasses and Amy Schumer made me wonder how they became doctors in the first place. 

I love this--The intern totally reminds me of Amy Schumer as well.  I couldn't figure it out.  She is annoying.

  • Love 1
On 3/9/2018 at 10:12 AM, llewis823 said:

Okay, I have wanted to ask this on more than one previously tv forum. I have tried to figure it out on my own, but haven't been able to figure it out and I just give up. When fans are "SHIPPING" a couple, where did that term come from? I know it means you want them to be together. I know how you combine names like Jackson + April = Japril. But I just want to know where the term "SHIPPING" comes from - like what play on words made that become the term to use for wanting a couple to be together? Anyone? 

As ElectricBoogaloo stated, "shipping" is derived from the word "relationSHIP." The pairing that you support is called your "ship" and the supporters of a ship are called "shippers."

And from what I've read, "shipping" originated with The X-Files, with fans who wanted Mulder and Scully to have a romantic relationship.

Edited by calipiano81
  • Love 1
16 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

As ElectricBoogaloo stated, "shipping" is derived from the word "relationSHIP." The pairing that you support is called your "ship" and the supporters of a ship are called "shippers."

And from what I've read, "shipping" originated with The X-Files, with fans who wanted Mulder and Scully to have a romantic relationship.

Cool. Thanks  Calipiano81 for the clarification. Now it makes perfect sense. I have wondered about this FOREVER! : )

On 3/12/2018 at 12:24 AM, katisha said:

I do not buy the Jaggie thing for a moment. What a snoozy first kiss. And please keep Greg Germann.

Word! Greg Germann's character is so much fun!

  • Love 1

I think I’m gonna quit watching this show again and hopefully stick with it this time.

Jackson and Maggie suck and I don’t even care about Jackson/April because that ship sailed a long time ago. Also they are not related at all. I just think they have like negative chemistry. Watching them together is painful. Also I hate Maggie she is a shitty character that the writers obsess over for no reason. The actress kind of sucks too. 

The only thing I liked about this episode was Alex really but when I’m FF like most of the show it’s nlt really worth it.

  • Love 3
On ‎3‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 3:11 PM, calipiano81 said:

As ElectricBoogaloo stated, "shipping" is derived from the word "relationSHIP." The pairing that you support is called your "ship" and the supporters of a ship are called "shippers."

And from what I've read, "shipping" originated with The X-Files, with fans who wanted Mulder and Scully to have a romantic relationship.

I may have been wrong about this the whole time, but I always thought shipping someone was short for worshipping that couple

9 minutes ago, skermac said:

I may have been wrong about this the whole time, but I always thought shipping someone was short for worshipping that couple

To be fair it usually ends up that way and people get creepily over the top with certain ships to the point that you're not allowed discuss anything besides how amazing they are and how anyone who says otherwise is evil case in point Bughead on Riverdale, Delena on vampire diaries. Thankfully Greys has outgrown that... And their ships aren't particularly exciting.

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 Most of the time he ignores her and anybody can see she gets worse in his presence, hello trying to get his attention? Which is why I say he doesn't deserve her, he can't man up to be strong for his ex wife, but he can ditch a date to run back to his new flame to comfort her. Not even caring that April is going home with who knows what!


Eh, April is not Jackson's responsibility. They're no longer together, so they owe each other nothing. They'll always be in each other's lives because of Harriet, but that's it. He tried to talk to her in the previous episode, and she blew him off. That seems to be the pattern with them. When he wanted to work on their marriage, she left him twice to go to Afghanistan. When he was rightfully pissed off and wanted a divorce, I didn't blame him one bit. She took him for granted and she lost out. 

I'm not mad at the Jackson/Maggie pairing, either. I could understand feeling some kind of way if they grew up in a Brady Bunch situation and their parents married when J/M were children, but their parents married when they were both grown-ass adults, so it's whatever. 

Edited by Sheenieb
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12 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Eh, April is not Jackson's responsibility. They're no longer together, so they owe each other nothing. They'll always be in each other's lives because of Harriet, but that's it. He tried to talk to her in the previous episode, and she blew him off. That seems to be the pattern with them. When he wanted to work on their marriage, she left him twice to go to Afghanistan. When he was rightfully pissed off and wanted a divorce, I didn't blame him one bit. She took him for granted and she lost out. 

I'm not mad at the Jackson/Maggie pairing, either. I could understand feeling some kind of way if they grew up in a Brady Bunch situation and their parents married when J/M were children, but their parents married when they were both grown-ass adults, so it's whatever. 

I agree with this, all of this.

On 3/9/2018 at 12:26 AM, Amethyst said:

IA.  Weed isn't the worst thing in the world, and if it helped the girl eat, then all the better.  But Alex should have spoken to the grandmother privately before he went full steam ahead on this.  It's not just the weed, grandma had a right to know about any changes in the medical plan, not to be informed of them afterwards.  

If April leaves, she can take DeLuca's sister and his wannabe gf with her.  

I'm fine with Jackson and Maggie.  But I'd be cool with Maggie and DeLuca too, although it looks like that ship has sailed.


i just watched this, i was behind. 

Kimmie lied to alex and said her grandmother was for it, so alex did the paperwork, and then said to Nana, the paperwork was ready then she freaked out. 

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