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S22.E12: After the Final Rose

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7 hours ago, Boofish said:

On a normal day in a normal setting no one would barely turn their head to get a second look at Ashley, Jason, Desiree, De'Anna, both Ben's, that fake Prince .. I could go on.

Here's me thinking Desiree was dazzling and the  prettiest of all the B'ettes.  But then, I think Lauren, Becca, Bekah, Kendall and especially Caroline were all great looking. 


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9 hours ago, Rainsong said:

After The Final Rose

In which the Victimology Parade becomes a conga line with all getting in on the act and concludes with the perfect metaphor of a horse’s ass.

This episode (?) almost defies comment. It was chaos and not in a good or interesting way. Even CH admitted the control-freak producers and directors were going to hate him for going off-script.

The audience had been assembled along with a half dozen Bachelorettes, all with faces as grim as if they were about to pronounce a death sentence. Off with Arie’s head!

As the camera panned the observers, it’s clear that the drowned-rat center-parted hairstyle is resisting any attempts to kick it off-trend. These women will look as silly in 5 years as beehives from the 60s or big hair from the 80s do now but groupthink is a strange, powerful force.

Tonight’s broadcast might have been subtitled I Want Answers. Lauren wanted answers. Becca wanted answers. Both grilled Arie on what he was thinking at every split second of the finale and after filming had (mostly) concluded. They wanted to know just when and how much he was ‘unfaithful’ – despite both of them being consenting participants in a reality show involving dozens of dates and romantic encounters for TB. It has been said (and I don’t necessarily endorse this view) that women are upset more by the emotional betrayal of infidelity than by the physical. But is it infidelity if both have a 50/50 chance of being picked? The post-ring activity is fair game for anger and accusations but the narcissism of ‘when did he love me and when did he stop?’ has absolutely consumed both women who are clearly more interested in saving face than in latching on to Arie.

CH wants answers too. Actually, he just wants one answer to one question. As critics have pointed out repeatedly, the chronic disease afflicting American media – news, sports, entertainment – is their insistence on asking the question ‘How does it feel?’ Astronauts, Olympic gold medalists, mountaineers, deep sea explorers, Super Bowl MVPs, Nobel Prize winners, etc – the details and difficulties of their achievements are routinely ignored in favor of this silly query. CH doesn’t even bother to reword the question and bludgeons every guest onstage with ‘How does it feel?’

Becca forgives Arie for 30 seconds, then spends 90 minutes not forgiving Arie as she’s encouraged by the baying hounds to join the Victims Club into which all of the also-rans have already initiated themselves.

Even CH is claiming to be the target of threats.  The obvious question is:  who is making these threats?  Someone emotionally unstable enough to be upset over an on-camera breakup of two people they don't know?  Upset enough to threaten the host?

Bekah M has stolen more curtain pulls to wear as earrings and is wearing a repurposed shower curtain. Caroline just wants to bitch some more. She’s left her calm, cool, collected real estate business maven persona somewhere in the ditch and has appointed herself Emoter By Proxy for Becca. The penny has finally dropped for Tia, Seinne and Kendall who realize they’ve had a lucky escape. To her credit, Kendall is correct about the displays of emotion shown in the previous episode and is being a good sport about it (for now). Tia is wearing another pillow sham as a dress. Bekah M, to her discredit, is wrong in principle about showing the breakup on camera and wrong in practice about showing the breakup since all involved, including her, were contractually obligated to appear onscreen whatever the outcome. She simply can’t or won’t get to the point. Some reports had CH claiming that some filming took place at his house in order to avoid publicity before the controlled news release. Let’s hope it wasn’t the cold, spartan accommodation we saw.

The giggles about Becca getting another chance are a clear and very premature tipoff that she will become The Bachelorette. Becca’s red-carpet-caliber gown and the tasteful, obviously professionally done, makeup (good riddance to the spider lashes) are additional hints for anyone paying attention. ‘It’s hard to watch all of that again’ – yes, love, you’ve said that about a dozen times now. Suddenly Kendall has lost the plot in the front row of the audience and is being comforted by Bekah M, who hypocritically claims to be floating above it all but exhibits the most anger of anyone in the room.

As Lauren did earlier, Becca gets to cross-examine Arie as we hear strange scratching sounds on the mics and even the whirr of ventilation fans in the hushed studio. There are few answers, even fewer good answers from Arie who has agreed to submit himself to this ritual defenestration in exchange for near-future considerations.

The meager number of Unspoiled Viewers see Arie & Lauren reunited onstage and a proposal ensues. A romantic might say they are brave in the face of opprobrium but nevertheless devoted to each other. A cynic might say that Arie saw the countdown clock nearing 00:00 on the chance to get a fancy and, most importantly, free Neil Lane ring and he’s going to take advantage before all the contracts expire.

And now Becca’s back and she’s The Bachelorette which comes as a shock to approximately zero viewers. As a demonstrably emotionally needy and still naïve lead AND a recently, very visibly jilted fiancée she is a producer’s dream. Unfortunately for her and us, the initial selection of Bachelor suitors are an absolute nightmare. The first one has a British accent unlike any this Anglophile has ever heard. Somehow he’s been convinced that he is the new star of this show, her show, any show really and simply won’t shut his trap. Even Becca has to fake-laugh at his lame jokes and nudge him off to the wings. Another arrival is also steeped in victimology and has the brass neck and the free-range ego to apologize for the male race. It’s an old, boring, pathetic gambit identified as far back as 1989 when the band Lush did ‘Ladykillers’ with its lyrics:

Telling me that women are superior to men / Most guys just don’t appreciate this / You just try convincing me you’re better than them / So he talks for hours about his sensitive soul

I can’t be bothered to check but I think the male hater of men was the same one with the over-the-top Daffy Duck lisp. Becca is running on fumes at this point after a night of emotional upheaval but her disappointment at the slim pickings offered up so far is quite evident. If she has any veto power prior to the start of her season she might consider redirecting these beta milquetoasts to Paradise.

The final ignominy comes in the form of a live horse led into the studio with about 500 nervous souls hoping the horse didn’t eat a big lunch. Becca is surreally hoisted in her finery atop the horse (sidesaddle, natch) and pretends to be elated.

And so, it ends. And with apologies to Thayer:

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children
The Bachelor is mercifully over - Sneaky Arie has lucked out.

Just curious- do you enjoy watching this show? 

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58 minutes ago, JenE4 said:


Yeah, I read The Washington Post article. And I do agree that he showed a lack of empathy and had some shady comments. It seems that he was “honest” to Becca about his feelings about Lauren but maybe not to the extent that she realized how deep the feelings were. He waited a week after talking to Lauren before telling Becca, etc. I agree with everyone that this isn’t someone I would marry. I agree with all that. I just think SOME of the posters and opinions of Bachelor Nation are taking this way too far ascribing “motivations” and “proof” that seem like conspiracy theories. For example, the implication that he tried to sleep with Bekah because they met in a hotel room—when meanwhile the article clearly has Bekah saying it was a 30-minute conversation FILMED by the show. This isn’t exactly the unsigned Stormy Daniels NDA smoking gun. Same kind of thing about how they “know” Arie was only following Becca around to make her cry and get a bonus, that’s ridiculous. If you feel the need to make a death threat against our beloved Harrison or take out a billboard to “defend” Becca (when this is the greatest thing to ever happen to her), you might be a tad too invested in this TV show. But i’m Here for the Wrong Reasons, so a “twist ending” is good in my book, yet I do think Lauren and Arie ARE Right Reasons together. Yes, he was cold and awkward as hell with Becca (almost acting like mannequin Lauren!) but he has an entirely different demeanor around Lauren and always has. He may have been a cad to 1,000 different women —including Becca—but darn it I think Lauren is the mystical unicorn to make him a changed man. Hahaha. No, seriously, these two crazy kids just might make it...assuming Lauren seriously ignores the internet and that l

I agree that it's crazy for anyone to be issuing death threats. There's no excuse for that kind of psycho behaviour but the last time I checked there was no one on these boards doing that. We have only been stating our very sound arguments that Arie's behaviour was despicable. Don't forget HE REQUESTED that they film the break up. That's unbelievably cruel at worst and delusional at best.

And I don't see ascribing "motivations and proof" on Arie's actions any different than others applying the same to Becca's feelings and actions during the break up. Given that he purposely brought cameras to film her reactions I would think that's much more suspect than reaching to say Becca didn't really care for Arie because she didn't cry enough, she was faking it..ect. I' m not saying you specifically said that but it seems some think painting Becca in a bad light justifies or diminishes Arie's actions. We will have plenty of time to judge and critizise her next season but she shouldn't be taking flack for something she had no control over. It's just bizarre to me that she was treated that way but somehow she's supposed to be the villain? 

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I think very few of the men or women on these shows is exceptionally beautiful. They are all "manufactured" pretty. Lots of extensions and make up can make most people as pretty as the majority of them. I think Becca is interesting pretty. I think her personality makes her better looking. I think Lauren is generically pretty. I think her looks are all she has going for her. Arie has a squint and maybe he's kind of nerdy cute? Yeah, no, he's just completely not my type at all. 

As much as I hate what Arie did, the way he did it, which just shows what a fucking pansy he is, I think he FINALLY made the right choice. Becca would have grown bored of him and dumped his ass once the Stockholm syndrome finally wore off. I think Lauren is perfect for him because I think she just wants a husband, she doesn't care quite as much about who, as long as he chooses her. Arie and Lauren are both pretty boring in their own rights so I don't think they will get bored of each other. 

I thin Becca got over the break up because, while breakups hurt, once she was out of the bubble she realized what a non-catch Arie was. I imagine once the pain of being dumped by that loser faded she was relieved more than anything. 

4 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

Don't forget HE REQUESTED that they film the break up.

That killed any benefit of doubt I was trying to give him. It's one thing if the show forced him to do it on film, or even if they just heavily bribed him to do it. That would still be cruel, humiliating her on camera for money is pretty shitty but not nearly as shitty as being the one who WANTS to do that to her and then pretending it was for her benefit. WTF? That is when he 100% lost me. Not that I was feeling him before that. He lost me quick. I held on to the hope Juan Pablo wasn't a total douche on his season longer than I could Arie this season. 

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20 minutes ago, Kendra143 said:

Just curious- do you enjoy watching this show? 

Rainsong's posts are the best part of this thread for me. I get more entertainment from them than from this dreck show. So I hope he/she does enjoy watching and keeps posting into the Becca Season.

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7 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Rainsong's posts are the best part of this thread for me. I get more entertainment from them than from this dreck show. So I hope he/she does enjoy watching and keeps posting into the Becca Season.

Agreed ?.  I find myself screaming at the tv and then coming here for updates. Takes a lot to watch and dissect so thoroughly

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22 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

I agree that it's crazy for anyone to be issuing death threats.

I'm curious what Chris Harrison construes as death threats. To me, it's only a death threat when the people who issue it know where to find me and have the capability of carrying it out. Like if someone came to my house or place of business with a gun and threatened to shoot me, that would be a death threat. Someone tweeting "bitch, die" at me is not a death threat, that's "just" cyberbullying, which, while not OK, is not nearly the same thing. I remember CH saying that Kaitlyn got death threats for sleeping with Nick, and later it turned out to just be cyberbullying as well.

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14 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I think very few of the men or women on these shows is exceptionally beautiful. They are all "manufactured" pretty. Lots of extensions and make up can make most people as pretty as the majority of them. I think Becca is interesting pretty. I think her personality makes her better looking. I think Lauren is generically pretty. I think her looks are all she has going for her. Arie has a squint and maybe he's kind of nerdy cute? Yeah, no, he's just completely not my type at all. 

As much as I hate what Arie did, the way he did it, which just shows what a fucking pansy he is, I think he FINALLY made the right choice. Becca would have grown bored of him and dumped his ass once the Stockholm syndrome finally wore off. I think Lauren is perfect for him because I think she just wants a husband, she doesn't care quite as much about who, as long as he chooses her. Arie and Lauren are both pretty boring in their own rights so I don't think they will get bored of each other. 

I thin Becca got over the break up because, while breakups hurt, once she was out of the bubble she realized what a non-catch Arie was. I imagine once the pain of being dumped by that loser faded she was relieved more than anything. 

That killed any benefit of doubt I was trying to give him. It's one thing if the show forced him to do it on film, or even if they just heavily bribed him to do it. That would still be cruel, humiliating her on camera for money is pretty shitty but not nearly as shitty as being the one who WANTS to do that to her and then pretending it was for her benefit. WTF? That is when he 100% lost me. Not that I was feeling him before that. He lost me quick. I held on to the hope Juan Pablo wasn't a total douche on his season longer than I could Arie this season. 

I agree that Arie made the right choice. For now or forever who knows. His past behaviour certainly makes one doubt forever but she may be the one to do it. But for now they need to go on lay low and stay off TV for a good long time. Preferably forever.

Also agree with your take on Becca. Just because she's ready to do the Bachelorette doesn't mean she never cared for Arie. And why does she have to be suspect for wanting to do it? After probably realizing fairly quickly after the initial shock wore off that Arie really wasn't for her I don't blame her for wanting a chance to meet new men, travel and feel wanted again.

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2 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I'm curious what Chris Harrison construes as death threats. To me, it's only a death threat when the people who issue it know where to find me and have the capability of carrying it out. Like if someone came to my house or place of business with a gun and threatened to shoot me, that would be a death threat. Someone tweeting "bitch, die" at me is not a death threat, that's "just" cyberbullying, which, while not OK, is not nearly the same thing. I remember CH saying that Kaitlyn got death threats for sleeping with Nick, and later it turned out to just be cyberbullying as well.

Exactly. And given how this show loves drama I would say that it was cyberbulling. 

I must be getting tired because when I read "bitch, die" it just struck me as so funny. I think you just have a way with words and phrases @chocolatine.

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9 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

After probably realizing fairly quickly after the initial shock wore off that Arie really wasn't for her I don't blame her for wanting a chance to meet new men, travel and feel wanted again.

I feel like one has just as much chance falling in love on a manufactured tv show as on a street corner so yeah, why not go another round? She's going to get paid, she's going to travel, stay in a swanky house for a few weeks and meet some guys. She might hit it off with one of them, she might not, but she's got the outgoing, confident personality that I think will make her better able to handle the lead than someone like Arie, who seems like he would do whatever production told him to do like a good  little puppy.

I just learned that Becca has a corgi so she is now my favorite person on this show EVER. (I LOVE corgi's. I'm pretty sure I would go on this show if I were given the chance of adopting one of 28 corgis rather than getting engaged to one of 28 guys). 

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5 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

Exactly. And given how this show loves drama I would say that it was cyberbulling. 

I must be getting tired because when I read "bitch, die" it just struck me as so funny. I think you just have a way with words and phrases @chocolatine.

Aw, thank you! I think "bitch, die" is my best work yet. :D

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56 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Here's me thinking Desiree was dazzling and the  prettiest of all the B'ettes.  But then, I think Lauren, Becca, Bekah, Kendall and especially Caroline were all great looking. 


While everyone can debate how good looking or average the contestants are.  There IS one commonality and pretty much a rule:  Contestants must be THIN.  That is the one bottom line.  Must look good in a hot tub or on a beach. 

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5 hours ago, JenE4 said:

but darn it I think Lauren is the mystical unicorn to make him a changed man. Hahaha. No, seriously, these two crazy kids just might make it...assuming Lauren seriously ignores the internet and that last episode.

Agreed. Getting through this together will stick them together. I think it’ll work. I was spoiled so maybe this clouded my judgment, but it didn’t even seem like he liked Becca all that much. Whatever.

banjo guy went for the “sufjan Stevens are the Oscars” vibe and for that reason I adore him...

Edited by sistersledge
Because sufjan
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13 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I feel like one has just as much chance falling in love on a manufactured tv show as on a street corner so yeah, why not go another round? She's going to get paid, she's going to travel, stay in a swanky house for a few weeks and meet some guys. She might hit it off with one of them, she might not, but she's got the outgoing, confident personality that I think will make her better able to handle the lead than someone like Arie, who seems like he would do whatever production told him to do like a good  little puppy.

I just learned that Becca has a corgi so she is now my favorite person on this show EVER. (I LOVE corgi's. I'm pretty sure I would go on this show if I were given the chance of adopting one of 28 corgis rather than getting engaged to one of 28 guys). 

I wonder if she'll bring her dog on the show like Rachel did? 

I agree I think she will do well as the lead. I've heard some say she's to boring but that's because up until the last few episodes we didn't see that much of her. She had the first 1on 1 and then that long stretch of nothing so we really didn't know much about her. I love her go get'em attitude as well. This girl has faced some adversity and come out stronger I think. I immediately thought of her dad when she volunteered to donate the 6,000 dollars to Stand Up To Cancer. I guess being a cancer patient myself that touched me. I hope she hits it off with someone as well and has a great time in the process.

Edited by yorklee2
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6 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

A decent human being would've broken up with Becca first then called Lauren (he knew he was testing the waters not getting closure) and if he lost both women, he lost both women.  We all know that scenario is the hardest to do and risk being totally alone. 

Yup.  On top of all of this, he is a wuss and a coward.

5 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

Boy these two just don't get it do they? They are so delusional. Do they seriously think ABC would take a chance on televising their wedding that barely anybody would watch? We don't want to see their wedding. We just want them to go away. Talk about a programming disaster!

Which is precisely why Fleiss is rubbing his hands together, thinking of the ratings and money to be made from it.

Trust me.  Probably by Christmas.

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8 minutes ago, b2H said:

Yup.  On top of all of this, he is a wuss and a coward.

Which is precisely why Fleiss is rubbing his hands together, thinking of the ratings and money to be made from it.

Trust me.  Probably by Christmas.

Call me dense but I don't get it. How can you make money on something most people won't watch?  Do you think Christmas will be enough time to soften their image? Personally I would never have any interest in seeing it. And that was even before he decided to film the break up.

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Just now, yorklee2 said:

Call me dense but I don't get it. How can you make money on something most people won't watch?  Do you think Christmas will be enough time to soften their image? Personally I would never have any interest in seeing it. And that was even before he decided to film the break up.

Fleiss has not gone broke underestimating Bachelor Nation.  Ever.

I don’t imagine he will here, either.

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2 minutes ago, b2H said:

Fleiss has not gone broke underestimating Bachelor Nation.  Ever.

I don’t imagine he will here, either.

So your saying anyone would be surprised at the Arie supporters out there? Or the gluttons for punishment? 

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9 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

Call me dense but I don't get it. How can you make money on something most people won't watch?  Do you think Christmas will be enough time to soften their image?

Who is to say people won't watch?  There's hate watching.  And snark watching.  Isn't that what The Bachelor franchise is all about? 

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You're joking... I accidentally deleted my laboriously collected multiquotes... Oh, well, random thoughts:

Reading this thread, after watching the show, I thought the collective outrage at and damnation of Arie was way over the top and pretty global - I usually save that level of contempt for people who view child exploitation material online, etc. As someone said upthread, he's not Satan.

I am bummed that Boring Becca, who has attained bizarre saintly status on account of everyone who has ever been dumped by a guy projecting their feelings onto her, is going to be the Bachelorette. How many more times am I going to have to hear, "Let's do the damn thing!" and other assorted catchphrases? Those five sampler guys were pretty gruesome, but maybe it was the pressure of the moment. (I thought, "Bradley the horse for Bachelor" after watching that little skit.) I predict it will be as sadness-enducing as Desiree's season - which gave us Brooks, so what am I complaining about?!

I am glad Lauren is happy, and it was good to see both sets of parents applauding and warmly reaching out to one another after their proposal reenactment. I think Arie just panicked and tried to please his family by choosing the sensible option with Becca and then he went back to his heart. I hope it works out well enough for all concerned.

I feel ashamed of myself for buying the edit Lauren got as the full extent of their relationship/her personality - I believe she was punished by TPTB and edited in the most unattractive light as part of the campaign to try and create some buzz around this pretty boring season, and create a Bachelorette in Becca out of some fairly banal material.

Sloppy seconds is a pretty revolting term; people may have been misusing it for years, but strictly speaking Becca was Arie's sloppy seconds, or possible thirds, if Krystal (glitter bomb! needledick!) is to be believed...

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2 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

So your saying anyone would be surprised at the Arie supporters out there? Or the gluttons for punishment? 

Hey, we all watched five hours of this Final Rose nightmare, didn't we. That wedding would be The.Most.Dramatic.Wedding.EVAH plus would prove TB works in finding your true love. ABC would promote the heck out of it and it would "break the Internet" (TM Chris Harrison) plus probably be the highest rated show that night, depending on which night Fleiss tells them to get married. Yeah, people are gonna watch that wedding, for sure. Including most of us here. Because: Wrong reasons, you know.

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13 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

Call me dense but I don't get it. How can you make money on something most people won't watch?  Do you think Christmas will be enough time to soften their image? Personally I would never have any interest in seeing it. And that was even before he decided to film the break up.

Because it's programming.  It fits a time slot and it's appointment TV (meaning people are less likely to DVR it and watch it a week later fast-forwarding through the commercials). And it will be extremely cheap to produce. It doesn't need to do better than other Bachelor weddings or BIP or anything in the Bachelor Nation, it just needs to do better than whatever reruns ABC plans on running.

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I was one who was OTT pumped at Arie being The Bach, but by the second episode I wondered WTH happened to the guy I crushed on in Emily's season, and by mid season I didn't give a care who he picked or didn't pick. Still, I stuck around just because, and for the snark here. But whether Arie gets married or not ... meh (TM Arie), it just doesn't matter to me. This is the first season (and I've been here since the beginning and for the odd spin offs) where everyone in the show made me not care. Yeah, Arie was a dick for what he did to Becca, but since he's a man, it didn't surprise me. In fact, I sorta expected it.

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I thought I heard Chris Harrison say, right before proposal2.0, something along the lines of "This is the last time I'll talk to you" to Cardi-boi.  I was yawning a lot by then, so I may have mis-heard it, but I remember thinking it sounded dismissive.

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I read somewhere upthread that the rumor is Lauren is pregnant. Where did that rumor come from? I haven’t heard that one. 

Can someone please point me to the article where Arie says it was his request to film the breakup? I had it open on my phone but accidentally closed it. Thanks. 

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My 20-month-old was telling Arie "Bye bye!!"  when he wouldn't leave.  She doesn't know what is going on.

Some thoughts about Becca, I only scanned the comments so not sure if this was said or I would have quoted someone.  Do they always film their weekends together?  Is the show always there?  It seemed like they had footage from a few trips.  I'm suspicious of her.  If someone was to film me being broken up with and bragged about it trending on social media I would tell them to eat shit.  I would not gleefully hug Chris Harrison at the end and step into the role of the Bachelorette.  Also, the filming of her looking at pictures of her and Arie. So set up.  We don't need that to feel sympathy.  When this happened with Jason and Melissa it was much more genuine. Melissa was more heartbroken and Molly was in more shock.  This is really reaching.

The ridiculousness of Arie and Lauren.   What was that proposal about?  Why did it need to be done there?  Do these two not get the vibes that 80% of the audience hated them at that given moment?  It's all been done before so just fuck off and go live your life where you "like walk your dogs after you get home from work" and then on the weekends "like take your dogs to the park".

Arie is such an asshole to be flaunting like that in front of Becca.  And having the Mesnicks on was so silly.  Oh HAHAHAHAH remember when that happened to us?? And Chris Harrison making that joke to Becca at the end "maybe this engagement will stick".  Hardy, har, har, motherfucker.  No need for it to be FIVE HOURS LONG.  This is why I can only watch every other season and some season I can't finish.  Time suck.  I ended up liking Baby Bekah at the end.

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37 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Who is to say people won't watch?  There's hate watching.  And snark watching.  Isn't that what The Bachelor franchise is all about? 


33 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Hey, we all watched five hours of this Final Rose nightmare, didn't we. That wedding would be The.Most.Dramatic.Wedding.EVAH plus would prove TB works in finding your true love. ABC would promote the heck out of it and it would "break the Internet" (TM Chris Harrison) plus probably be the highest rated show that night, depending on which night Fleiss tells them to get married. Yeah, people are gonna watch that wedding, for sure. Including most of us here. Because: Wrong reasons, you know.


32 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

Because it's programming.  It fits a time slot and it's appointment TV (meaning people are less likely to DVR it and watch it a week later fast-forwarding through the commercials). And it will be extremely cheap to produce. It doesn't need to do better than other Bachelor weddings or BIP or anything in the Bachelor Nation, it just needs to do better than whatever reruns ABC plans on running.

I don't hate them but if I did that would be even more of a reason for me not to watch. To each his own @SABER5055 but I can promise you I wouldn't be watching. Regardless of their choices and actions I think they are two incredibly boring people and I have no interest whatsoever in seeming them get married. 

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6 minutes ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

The ridiculousness of Arie and Lauren.   What was that proposal about?  Why did it need to be done there?  Do these two not get the vibes that 80% of the audience hated them at that given moment?  It's all been done before so just fuck off and go live your life where you "like walk your dogs after you get home from work" and then on the weekends "like take your dogs to the park".


I think I read he'd already proposed privately - but to get the Neil Lane ring they needed to do it again on the show. It was also a way of publicly honoring Lauren, after the mess made by his earlier decisions, etc. So quite sweet, I thought.

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13 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

I read somewhere upthread that the rumor is Lauren is pregnant. Where did that rumor come from? I haven’t heard that one. 

What’s the over/under on how old the baby has to be before he/she is smarter than the parents?

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21 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I think I read he'd already proposed privately - but to get the Neil Lane ring they needed to do it again on the show. It was also a way of publicly honoring Lauren, after the mess made by his earlier decisions, etc. So quite sweet, I thought.

So just screw the other person who got hurt and is sitting backstage?   I guess if they are that materialistic that they just had to have a Neil Lane ring and Arie can't buy his own (he can) then great.

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Ok I'm going to hate myself for posting this but I feel like clearing up what "sloppy seconds" means because there seems to be confusion. Sloppy seconds refers to a woman (or hey a man too) who has sex with someone and then has sex with someone else afterwards. So technically Becca should be saying to Lauren "enjoy my sloppy seconds"..  or as it is often used by men, Ross could say to Arie that Becca is his sloppy seconds. And in terms of Krystal she could also potentially say to Becca to "enjoy her sloppy seconds" in Arie. Gahhh I feel so dirty ?

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1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

Who is to say people won't watch?  There's hate watching.  And snark watching.  Isn't that what The Bachelor franchise is all about? 

That’s all it is for me.  But I still won’t watch, because they’re so dull and I probably will be washing my girdles that night anyway. 

Unless we can have a live chat fun party.  Then I’ll push the girdle washing to another time.  Lauren is so meh I can’t find any real snark, but I like going ham on the possum. That’s a lot of fun.

i talked myself into it.

ETA: ARIE is the sloppy seconds.  Lauren ended up with the sloppy seconds.  

Edited by Mu Shu
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22 minutes ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Do they always film their weekends together?  Is the show always there?  It seemed like they had footage from a few trips. 

No.  But they usually have a handler there since they're not supposed to leave.  I think some of the pre-breakup footage was likely from cell phone video/photographs.   From what has been rumored/reported, the reason Becca was expecting the cameras that day is that she was told they were going to film a check up visit.  That's not something that usually happens but shows change things up all the time. 


I'm suspicious of her.  If someone was to film me being broken up with and bragged about it trending on social media I would tell them to eat shit.  I would not gleefully hug Chris Harrison at the end and step into the role of the Bachelorette.  

Based on something she said last night, I think she has a very business-like opinion of production.  She knows that, given the opportunity, they're going to film anything dramatic or crazy that they can.  That's what she signed up for. It was Arie who set this up.  (I don't know that he came up with the idea but he took that option).  So she probably doesn't feel betrayed or even angry at the show because she never expected anything else from them.  She was also pretty much shown in a good light from what I can tell. That's not to say everyone likes her but I don't recall them ever choosing to show her in a truly awful light.


When this happened with Jason and Melissa it was much more genuine. Melissa was more heartbroken and Molly was in more shock.  This is really reaching.

Except there are rumors there too that Melissa had already been seeing her previous ex and knew it was coming.  So who knows what is really genuine?

As for people being surprised by the reaction to the TV Show, the TV show wants us to have a reaction of some sort.  It is a TV show like a lot of other TV shows except here there is some reality mixed in with the fiction.  Outrage is part of the fun precisely because it's not the end of the world. Or serious.  It doesn't tie up my stomach in knots. It's escapist when they travel or do cool things or do really stupid things.

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6 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

That’s all it is for me.  But I still won’t watch, because they’re so dull and I probably will be washing my girdles that night anyway. 

Unless we can have a live chat fun party.  Then I’ll push the girdle washing to another time.  Lauren is so meh I can’t find any real snark, but I like going ham on the possum. That’s a lot of fun.

i talked myself into it.

ETA: ARIE is the sloppy seconds.  Lauren ended up with the sloppy seconds.  

Yes exactly.. and after I typed that all out I thought wow these people have all swapped bodily fluids. ABC must have stock in valtrex. 

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36 minutes ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

So just screw the other person who got hurt and is sitting backstage?   I guess if they are that materialistic that they just had to have a Neil Lane ring and Arie can't buy his own (he can) then great.

So terribly hurt and broken by this experience she is grinning like a horse at the idea of dating approx. 28 new men in a few weeks time!

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19 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Except there are rumors there too that Melissa had already been seeing her previous ex and knew it was coming.  So who knows what is really genuine?

Watching it, I remember Melissa being much more vulnerable and her talking to Jason was much more emotional.  So to me that seemed genuine.  Not something based on fact, just my opinion.


I don't think anything badly of Becca per se.  She's probably a strong woman who doesn't become unglued easily.  I just don't feel like one of those people who is rooting for her to find love after this supposedly devastating breakup.  I don't feel that compassion for her they are trying to drum up from the audience and I'm not going to make a billboard for her.   

She's going to screw someone over at the end of her show - just like in every season. 

Just now, violet and green said:

So terribly hurt and broken by this experience she is grinning like a horse at the idea of dating approx. 28 new men in a few weeks time!

And I pointed that out in my previous comments that I was suspicious of her.  But Arie and Lauren can still act tacky. 

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13 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

"Not aired" being the operative words.

fib, Are you simply predicting that Arie's RE career is over? Because: https://www.remax.com/realestateagentoffice/scottsdale-az-85260-arieluyendyk-id29901908.html

Yes.   In real estate, there is the shopping side of thinga, which is the way into the biz.  The selling side is where people make their name.  And I do NOT think people will trust their houses to someone so flaky.  Apparently one of those properties is his parents house and its been on the market for 300 days.  (Ha!)

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Here's me thinking Desiree was dazzling and the  prettiest of all the B'ettes.  But then, I think Lauren, Becca, Bekah, Kendall and especially Caroline were all great looking. 

I still think Gia was the most beautiful contestant ever.


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9 minutes ago, violet and green said:

So terribly hurt and broken by this experience she is grinning like a horse at the idea of dating approx. 28 new men in a few weeks time!

Darn right! After coming out of that experience if  I were her I would be willing to meet 20 plus new men, travel to exotic places and get paid to do it. No better way to wash the stank of Arie Luyendyk off IMO.

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Missed some of you for your witty insight and helpfulness in getting me up to speed during the Bachelorlette. Of course I got the lowdown from a friend and co workers who know I lost my  Bachelor virginity by watching Rachel's s!!% show season.  The good news is that my friend actually did not watch much of this season. Rachel's season broke her love of the franchise, either that or she knew in advance that what I've read  about this season was true going in...that it was going to be boring and a waste of time.  I did not see an episode and I am happy to report that!  I  do confess to coming to the boards and looking for posts from some of my favorites a few times, but I had no idea what or who you were talking about or snarking on, so it was not as much fun. 

Since you can't get away from this...on any news show, the Washington Post, CNN, ...all my favorites, I would have to be under a rock not to know what happened.  I have the great fortune of not knowing who Arie, Emily or anyone else is.....but as for the ending as I understand it ....I said it in Rachel's season and I will say it again...I refuse to be upset, ashamed, etc. for someone who does not feel that way for themselves.  

I saw and read reports of the jilted party's response and she could not be more of a good little cheerleader for ABC so that she can get free clothes, a stylist and some trips abroad.  In no way do I think she was madly in love with this man, especially  from what I've read about him and by looking at him.  The only thing she was mourning was the loss of her talk show appearances, magazine covers and potential shilling opportunities...until they offered her the Bachelorettte and she perked right up because now they were back in play.   If she was by any chance sincere, my empathy/sympathy went out the window when she she agreed to "say all the right things" to make ABC and the boring man look better for their actions....or actually say them to make herself look so GREAT by being so mature and selfless, thereby gaining even more viewers for ABC for those sucked in by it and now want to invest in her "revenge" journey.   Her scripted responses to CH's rehearsed questions was nauseating.  Is she just a good little soldier for wanting to get back out there and try again on national television....with the same network that screwed you?  

Smart play ABC..tape the breakup, show her as a sympathetic  figure and drive those ratings back up!  After Rachel's racial season and the new "Boring Bachelor" they needed a 'moment," and boy they got it!  Boring man did something that would make him memorable and after a decent time (marriage or not) he will dump the "winner" but have bragging rights to the REAL "most dramatic" season. 

I have no idea all the details about Jason, other than again,  I'd have to be under a rock not to know he did a switch -a -roo, but why would this dick call him for advice?  If anything he should have called his WIFE so she could give him insight into how the women might  feel, not  call the  dick that pulled the same thing and clearly also did not have a clue. 

I finally got a look at Seinne as my co worker kept telling me that  I should ( I guess since I am black she thought another black woman would make me watch the show) and I agree she is striking.  What I don't understand is why I keep hearing her name mentioned for Peter or Ben?  I saw 1 1/2 Ben episodes and he was Bland Ben and Peter.....why would she want to date the man that admitted he had never dated a black woman and couldn't commit ?  I doubt Ben had either so I am confused why if anyone thinks she is a catch they would want her to date anyone in this franchise, especially those two?   Didn't Ben also do something terrible?  The real test will be if she can keep the Instagram pace of her counterparts....that's how your worth is gauged in this franchise.  Whatever other accomplishments she may have are not as important as this stat...andf for me they are suspect because well, she is on this show ready to potentially humiliate herself for  a personal trainer, software salesman, or real estate person...none of whom are terribly attractive.  At least Peter can take a decent picture and knows his angles...it was not hard for him to shine as attractive with that group they gave Rachel. 

I know nothing of the blonde girl that won.  I say girl instead of woman, because a real woman would have enough class not to (even in this "pretend" world of UNREAL people) accept a proposal on television under these circumstances.....but then again, those talk show appearances, etc. mean so much more than self respect.  She is just one of many who think that being on this show all of a sudden makes them a "celebrity" and important when 50% of the people who watch the show are making fun of them, or at least considering themselves superior to them...or think they are characters in a play. 

Then I read here that members of the Bachelor "family" are already making fun of this?  So much for the closeness. 

I refuse to ever take Chris Harrison seriously.  Every time I look at him I think about how I wanted him to get fired from HGTV because he was so bad  and I am bitter he has now deluded himself that he has a talent and some importance. 

I really, really tried to understand how people see this as entertainment, but when I am exposed to the Lee drama and now this, I can't.   Racism and lying, cheating men are not "escapism" to me...that's the cartoons or superhero shows.   Those things are real life....and I don't have to watch reality television to experience that! 

I agree, television is supposed to evoke feeling,  (and truly good shows from days long ago did, whether it was Archie Bunker, Mash, Law and Order, LA Law,etc.) bt that feeling is not supposed to be disgust.   So I heard they also trotted out two Black men for her to show that they are committed to diversity!!  Give me a break ABC...you have not earned that much good will because of the Good Doctor! 

Best of luck to all of you for your next season!   I'm generally annoyed with most shows these days, not just this one.  I just resent the media coverage it gets..and when it knocks my show off tv. 

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35 minutes ago, TomGirl said:

I still think Gia was the most beautiful contestant ever.


Isn't this the girl who committed suicide? She was stunning! What would make a beautiful woman like this take her own life? How tragic.

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3 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

Isn't this the girl who committed suicide? She was stunning! What would make a beautiful woman like this take her own life? How tragic.

Yes. Of course nobody knows what exactly went through her mind, but from what I've seen of her on The Bachelor and Bachelor Pad, she was very sensitive. Apparently before she went on the show she dated a professional athlete who cheated on her. On BP she got together with Wes, and he later cheated on her with Vienna. The man she was dating when she killed herself was also a professional athlete, and apparently there was trouble in the relationship. Sounds like she kept falling for the wrong men and ended up getting hurt every time.

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3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Yes. Of course nobody knows what exactly went through her mind, but from what I've seen of her on The Bachelor and Bachelor Pad, she was very sensitive. Apparently before she went on the show she dated a professional athlete who cheated on her. On BP she got together with Wes, and he later cheated on her with Vienna. The man she was dating when she killed herself was also a professional athlete, and apparently there was trouble in the relationship. Sounds like she kept falling for the wrong men and ended up getting hurt every time.

I read an interview w/Gia's mom a few years back. Apparently Gia suffered from a severe form of PMS-related depression. At the time of Gia's suicide, they were unaware that it wasn't under control. I believe she said Gia had been on medication for it. 

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In terms of past leads and how genuinely attractive they are...I agree that most of them arent that spectacular looking (or, at least, their level of attractiveness doesn't translate on tv)

I think Shaun and Ben F are hideous. Allie, Desiree and Ashley are cute, but not beautiful. I actually think Jason is really very cute and sometimes handsome. Brad and Andi are the only leads that are think are outstandingly attractive. Emily is very pretty but she seems to have an "it girl" and "hot girl" factor that elevated her. And Ben H and Jojo are very, very attractive but both sorta still have baby faces. I'm not sure where I'd put Kaitlyn on this list...prettier than most, not as beautiful as Andi or Emily. I'd say Becca falls, looks wise, solidly near the lower middle of the bachelorettes

PS : Forgot Rachel who I do think is beautiful.

Edited by nicgwatchingtv
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5 hours ago, catrice2 said:

I saw and read reports of the jilted party's response and she could not be more of a good little cheerleader for ABC so that she can get free clothes, a stylist and some trips abroad.  In no way do I think she was madly in love with this man, especially  from what I've read about him and by looking at him.  The only thing she was mourning was the loss of her talk show appearances, magazine covers and potential shilling opportunities...until they offered her the Bachelorettte and she perked right up because now they were back in play.   If she was by any chance sincere, my empathy/sympathy went out the window when she she agreed to "say all the right things" to make ABC and the boring man look better for their actions....or actually say them to make herself look so GREAT by being so mature and selfless, thereby gaining even more viewers for ABC for those sucked in by it and now want to invest in her "revenge" journey.   Her scripted responses to CH's rehearsed questions was nauseating.  Is she just a good little soldier for wanting to get back out there and try again on national television....with the same network that screwed you?  


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3 hours ago, nicgwatchingtv said:

read an interview w/Gia's mom a few years back. Apparently Gia suffered from a severe form of PMS-related depression. At the time of Gia's suicide, they were unaware that it wasn't under control. I believe she said Gia had been on medication for it. 

i would see Gia at Pelicans basketball games as she was living here in New Orleans at the time as she was dating Ryan Anderson at the time.  I even said "hi, love your jeans" in the ladies room one time when I ran into her.  She was so sweet and nice that it was a shock to me to learn that she suffered so greatly from depression.   If you get a chance read this story about Ryan and Gia after her suicide.   


Ryan credits his coach at the time Monty Williams for saving his life--that has a sad twist to it as Monty lost his wife to a car accident in 2016.

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