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S06.E07: Lisa's Story

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On 2/21/2018 at 10:10 PM, QuinnInND said:

Good God. There are no words. Manipulative, nasty, bitch. Ugh. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking there would be the BSOD saying she died. And nothing would have been lost of value. She had no redeeming qualities at all. 

I hate this woman!!!! lol

On 2/22/2018 at 2:00 AM, lovesnark said:

Holy crap! She is the absolute worst of the worst of every person I've seen on this show. And, that says a lot when you consider Assanti and Penny. What a manipulative, nasty shrew. She's gotten away with taking no responsibility for anything EVER in her life and loves laying in bed barking orders. Dr Now was at his absolute best tonight and showed great restraint. When she was shrieking in the ER, I wouldn't have been able to control myself and would have slapped her upside the head. Gah! It's going to take me a while to process this one........

Worst!!!! I can’t stand this woman!!

On 2/22/2018 at 11:58 AM, CaughtOnTape said:

I could not stand this woman.  OMG.  If I was one of the crew people who had to film this woman I would have left, she creeped me OUT!  All the manipulation about sex....gross.  Herbert was a pervert.  He didn't love her...he just wanted her to blow him every time he gave her food.  Blech!

There was not a single tear coming out of her eye when she was in the ER.  What a complete and total baby.  I hope her daughter gets away from her immediately.  Her wailing in the ER was ridiculous.  Let her wail and cry herself into a puddle.  Close the door.  She does it because people react.  


I didn’t see any!!! I hate this woman! 

  • Love 4
On 2/22/2018 at 12:26 PM, Kid said:

And sue she would. She had lots of resentment about the fact that he makes the big bucks.   Fact she misses is that he works his ass off for those big bucks and has to put up with excuses for human beings like her.

I laughed out loud at her complaining to Dr. Now about his income.  Oh yeah how awful that he went to school for 8 plus years, became an expert in his speciality, helped pioneer new procedures, worked until his 70s and makes more money than her after her lifetime of not working or moving from her bed??

On 2/22/2018 at 2:56 PM, alegtostandon said:

Maggots!? In her leg folds!? I can't even! And all that screaming...was driving me crazy.


On 2/22/2018 at 3:07 PM, calpurnia99 said:

The maggots could have only got there if there were a fly on her, where she had shit on herself. 

Anyone else having images of her losing an entire steak in her folds and the maggots developing because she doesn’t even notice, just like the chip bag?

On 2/24/2018 at 10:53 PM, IvySpice said:

The under-5% success rate is for people who don't have the surgery. People who get it have a real shot at maintaining a lower weight and better health.

Keep in mind based on what I’ve read, the definition of success in these cases is not maintaining a normal weight, but losing at least 50% of your excess weight. So for the people on this show, maintaining even 400lbs or less is successful. By that measure, quite a few people are “successful”.

On 2/25/2018 at 8:08 PM, Suzywriter said:

I think the reason a person can't be prosecuted for bringing heaps of food to an obese person is that the obese person is competent. They are adults who can decide to over eat or not over eat. If the obese person does not want to eat a mountain of cheese rice and fried chicken, they can take one piece of chicken and a cup of the rice off of the plate and leave the rest. They don't have to eat the whole mountain, just because it's offered by the enabler. 

I agree. Withholding food from someone who can’t get it is totally different than offering someone way too much food and then letting them choose to eat it.

I am wondering if we are getting tapped out on the 600lb and over crowd and the show should sideline to more relatable people like Danielle who are 300 to 400, but probably more likely to be able to turn their lives around given the resources provided to the 600lb people. Danielle probably can’t afford the surgery and the time away from responsibilities for the surgery (whoever would haul her mom up if she couldn’t lift for 6 weeks)? But then I guess TLC is probably not interested in patients who aren’t mentally ill and just have food issues that could be helped by therapy...

  • Love 2

Dear Lord, that was a shitshow. I’m first watching and catching up on this season. Lisa was not pleasant to watch. I really detested this episode. Not surprised she didn’t get with the program. Chip bags in skin folds? Maggots in wounds? I have health problems, too, lymphedema included. I’d be grateful for help if I were in that position. Sigh.

  • Love 2
On 2/22/2018 at 1:23 PM, Thrifty said:

You can feel sympathy that the sum total of all experiences in her life has caused her to be this way.  It's not really sympathy for the person, but sympathy for the fact that her soul is so poisoned that it led to such a doomed existence.

"Caused her to be this way."  I don't buy it, she is just naturally an unlikeable and selfish person.

On 2/22/2018 at 3:39 PM, jpc1 said:

I'll take the opposite side - I think Assanti was incrementally less loathsome than Lisa.  Lisa has held multiple children and grandchildren hostage to her addiction, which in my book (I'm not a lawyer, so this is a moral rather than a legal judgment) is egregiously abusive.  Assanti appears to have one child-abuse victim to his credit:  his brother.  So I say they're close, but by a tiebreaker in the category "quantity and egregiousness of child abuse" I give the 600-pounder gold medal to Lisa.  Her podium speech will start with, "Hit me, Daddy!"

I don't dislike Steven A even as much as I do this woman. The reason is because Steven A was clearly mental, and Lisa is just a brat!

  • Love 5
On 3/4/2018 at 7:42 AM, Maricopa said:

Steak would not be optimal calorie delivery. Needs to be chicken-fried steak.

Of course, 'cause IT'S FRAAAAAHD!!!!!

On 3/4/2018 at 10:57 AM, seniorpatriot said:

I don't dislike Steven A even as much as I do this woman. The reason is because Steven A was clearly mental, and Lisa is just a brat attitude-havin', plate-steckin', bidness-gettin', Froot-Loop-guzzlin', tantrum-throwin', Daddy-hittin', nasty damn ass bitch !

I fixed it for you, SeniorPatriot!

  • Love 6

I've tried watching Lisa's episode three different times and I can't get through it. My disgust for this woman knowns no bounds. She's dishonest, manipulative, cruel, vindictive, and lazy. Chip bags in her fat folds! And Herburt immediately tries to take the blame? Whatever. I about lost my lunch when they implied she was giving him sex in exchange for food. Neither of these people had a shred of self-respect or decency. Danielle needs to take her family and move far, far away from this toxic mess.

I don't think the therapist Lola was fooled at all, I think she was trying to give Lisa a way out and a way to move forward. That's a common therapy tactic so the patient doesn't feel cornered and can accept some blame without having to accept ALL the blame.

I felt sorry for Lisa's daughter and her grandchildren, being forced to care for her, especially those teenage boys. (Was there one or two?) They didn't need to see Grandma's privates like that ... though sometimes I'm shocked by the amount of casual nudity that goes on even in "normal families." A friend told me not long ago that since they have only one bathroom at their house, his pre-teen girls see him naked all the time. Um?


I’ve tried watching Lisa’s episode three different times and I can’t get through it.  My disgust for this woman knows no bounds.  She’s dishonest, manipulative, cruel, vindictive and lazy.  Chip bags in her fat folds!  And Herburt immediately tries to take the blame?  Whatever.  I about lost my lunch when they implied she was giving him sex in exchange for food.  Neither of these people had a shred of self-respect or decency.  Danielle needs to take her family and move far, far away from this toxic mess.

I don’t think the therapist Lola was fooled at all, I think she was trying to give Lisa a way out and a way to move forward.  That’s a common therapy tactic so the patient doesn’t feel cornered and can accept some blame without having to accept ALL the blame.

I felt sorry for Lisa’s daughter and her grandchildren, being forced to care for her, especially those teenage boys. (Was there one or two?)  They didn’t need to see Grandma’s privates like that.

Very well said!  I think Lisa is just evil, mean and gluttonous. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, MillieSparklepants said:

I felt sorry for Lisa's daughter and her grandchildren, being forced to care for her, especially those teenage boys. (Was there one or two?) They didn't need to see Grandma's privates like that ... though sometimes I'm shocked by the amount of casual nudity that goes on even in "normal families." A friend told me not long ago that since they have only one bathroom at their house, his pre-teen girls see him naked all the time. Um?

For the adults choosing to care for someone in whatever condition is up to them, & I could be okay with the kids just running to get something here or there, but not being directly involved so they're not seeing anything.

One bathroom doesn't mean it's okay to walk around naked in front of his daughters; there are such things as robes & getting dressed before entering/exiting etc. No excuses - that's abusive to those girls.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

One bathroom doesn't mean it's okay to walk around naked in front of his daughters; there are such things as robes & getting dressed before entering/exiting etc. No excuses - that's abusive to those girls.

I'm glad to hear you say that. I thought the same thing, then wondered if I was being too prudish.

  • Love 6
34 minutes ago, MillieSparklepants said:

I'm glad to hear you say that. I thought the same thing, then wondered if I was being too prudish.

Not at all.

Not to belabor the point, but, if another grown man were to expose himself to those girls, he'd be arrested & probably labeled a sex offender. A father, of all people, should know better. Accidents happen, but he seems to not care to do this kind of thing 'all the time'... disturbing IMO.

  • Love 6

It seems her vagina was being blurred in the part I watched so far.  She was wearing a shirt and nothing else and the boy was in and out of the room.  Is it always on display?  These people never seem to wear pants or underwear and never seem to mind.  I want to start a pants/underwear line for the 600+ set just to make viewing more tolerable.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

That would make the caretakers' duties even more difficult, wouldn't it?  Maybe you could just start a line of longer, bigger hospital gowns for home purchase.

Bigger, longer hospital gowns for purchase exist. There have been many patients on the show who made an effort to be stylish and modest and several who even made their own clothes when they couldn't find anything else. I think those who choose to go without clothes have reached the point they don't care anymore or it's for comfort. I noticed how quickly Robert stripped down whenever he could, and with the way his fat was distributed, pants were probably very uncomfortable.

Or could it be a control thing ... demanding their caretakers see and accept their nudity?

  • Love 2

Even a sheet or blanket, which could be just lifted off parts being cleaned, then dried & covered again; it's probably less convenient, but still...  I'm sure these folks don't think of themselves as even human form anymore, but others are seeing body parts & it's rude of them to lay it all out there. Those seem to be the more selfish & mentally ill patients though. There have been many others who continued to care for themselves or covered up in between washings.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 3
On 3/6/2018 at 11:56 AM, MillieSparklepants said:

I've tried watching Lisa's episode three different times and I can't get through it. My disgust for this woman knowns no bounds. She's dishonest, manipulative, cruel, vindictive, and lazy. Chip bags in her fat folds! And Herburt immediately tries to take the blame? Whatever. I about lost my lunch when they implied she was giving him sex in exchange for food. Neither of these people had a shred of self-respect or decency. Danielle needs to take her family and move far, far away from this toxic mess.

I don't think the therapist Lola was fooled at all, I think she was trying to give Lisa a way out and a way to move forward. That's a common therapy tactic so the patient doesn't feel cornered and can accept some blame without having to accept ALL the blame.

I felt sorry for Lisa's daughter and her grandchildren, being forced to care for her, especially those teenage boys. (Was there one or two?) They didn't need to see Grandma's privates like that ... though sometimes I'm shocked by the amount of casual nudity that goes on even in "normal families." A friend told me not long ago that since they have only one bathroom at their house, his pre-teen girls see him naked all the time. Um?

We only had one bathroom in our house and  my sister and I never saw my father (or anyone else in the family) naked.  The door should be used.  The fact that this father is so casual about it is very disturbing.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, MillieSparklepants said:

Or could it be a control thing ... demanding their caretakers see and accept their nudity?

It's absolutely a control thing!  Think about who has been the worst with the gratuitous nudity:  James "Owwww mah leg!" King, Lee, Lisa,, and Assanti.  These also top the "most controlling" list.  For Christ's sake - King made his fiancee sleep on the damn ass floor instead of in a bed in the next room just in case he needed her to wipe his g-d m-f'ing ass during the night!

  • Love 4
On 3/6/2018 at 11:56 AM, MillieSparklepants said:

I felt sorry for Lisa's daughter and her grandchildren, being forced to care for her, especially those teenage boys. (Was there one or two?) They didn't need to see Grandma's privates like that ...

If you watch closely, the kid was trying everything he could do to distance himself, and was looking away most of the time.  His body language screamed "get me the hell out of here."

  • Love 4

I don’t see caring for ill family members as child abuse. (It doesn’t matter WHY they are ill, if someone needs care they need care; I wouldn’t let my cat lie in their own filth).  Knowing how to be a caregiver (bathing, dressing, assisting with toileting) those that are ill or disabled is a skill a LOT of people need up needing to have; and it’s kind of sexist to excuse male children from this work but expect it from female children. 

However I grew up in a home with adult sized sized people in diapers, and I cared for my sister and my grandfather in my adolescence. Nothing sexual about it what so ever, to me it’s like caring for a baby. Many people did this before professional nursing homes were a thing and the elderly were at home when they died. 

Of course you respect the privacy and dignity of your loved ones but making sure they are clean is basic human decency IMO. 

  • Love 3

I thought for a second Lisa might start to get real when she finally admitted that she did cheat and cannot control herself. ...but no. Jesus God. So many classic moments in this one. Dr. Now pulling the chip bag out from under her ass like he just found the murder weapon, and this early exchange:

Danielle: Do you want some juice?

Lisa: What kind?

Danielle: Fruit Punch.

  • Love 4
On 3/7/2018 at 2:59 AM, Calicocats said:

It seems her vagina was being blurred in the part I watched so far.  She was wearing a shirt and nothing else and the boy was in and out of the room.  Is it always on display?  These people never seem to wear pants or underwear and never seem to mind.  I want to start a pants/underwear line for the 600+ set just to make viewing more tolerable.

The problem is that they can't lift up their legs/butt to get INTO the underwear.

  • Love 1
On 3/7/2018 at 7:49 PM, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t see caring for ill family members as child abuse. (It doesn’t matter WHY they are ill, if someone needs care they need care; I wouldn’t let my cat lie in their own filth).  Knowing how to be a caregiver (bathing, dressing, assisting with toileting) those that are ill or disabled is a skill a LOT of people need up needing to have; and it’s kind of sexist to excuse male children from this work but expect it from female children. 

However I grew up in a home with adult sized sized people in diapers, and I cared for my sister and my grandfather in my adolescence. Nothing sexual about it what so ever, to me it’s like caring for a baby. Many people did this before professional nursing homes were a thing and the elderly were at home when they died. 

Of course you respect the privacy and dignity of your loved ones but making sure they are clean is basic human decency IMO. 

I have mixed feelings about your post.  What you are saying makes sense - but it isn't right that someone must devote their life to caring for a family member because they ate until they couldn't get out of bed.  They actually are NOT disabled (in most cases) - they have a food addiction.  This does not mean that one family member must give up their life so that they can bathe, fetch food, wipe, take care of this person.  Where does responsibility come into play?  Accountability?  Choices got that person into that situation.  So that person must now deal with the consequences by either losing the weight so that they can take care of himself/herself like an ADULT - because they are NOT a helpless infant! - or they should HIRE a care giver who is PAID to spend their time doing these tasks.  To me, it is the epitome of selfishness to EXPECT a loved to give up their life for you because you love to gorge yourself and have no self-control.  (And believe me, I am a "foodie"!)   As someone said above, one man EXPECTED his S.O. to sleep on the FLOOR instead of on a bed in another room in case he needed his butt wiped in the middle of the night.  What in the world?  Unbelievable.

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

To me, it is the epitome of selfishness to EXPECT a loved to give up their life for you because you love to gorge yourself and have no self-control.  . . . As someone said above, one man EXPECTED his S.O. to sleep on the FLOOR instead of on a bed in another room in case he needed his butt wiped in the middle of the night.  What in the world?  Unbelievable.

The word "selfish" has been in my mind several times when reading the stories of these folks.  Their assumption/expectation that anyone else on earth HAS to give up their life to the level of wiping their butt and giving in to their every demand . . . what other word describes it, other than "selfish"?  It is even worse when the person who has become their slave/servant is a child.  I think the show should refuse to feature cases where minors are forced to be involved.  And where is CPS?  Do they ever get involved because SOMEONE knows this is going on?  A lot of what we see on this show rises to the level of child abuse.

  • Love 5
31 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I have mixed feelings about your post.  What you are saying makes sense - but it isn't right that someone must devote their life to caring for a family member because they ate until they couldn't get out of bed.  They actually are NOT disabled (in most cases) - they have a food addiction.  This does not mean that one family member must give up their life so that they can bathe, fetch food, wipe, take care of this person.  Where does responsibility come into play?  Accountability?  Choices got that person into that situation.  So that person must now deal with the consequences by either losing the weight so that they can take care of himself/herself like an ADULT - because they are NOT a helpless infant! - or they should HIRE a care giver who is PAID to spend their time doing these tasks.  To me, it is the epitome of selfishness to EXPECT a loved to give up their life for you because you love to gorge yourself and have no self-control.  (And believe me, I am a "foodie"!)   As someone said above, one man EXPECTED his S.O. to sleep on the FLOOR instead of on a bed in another room in case he needed his butt wiped in the middle of the night.  What in the world?  Unbelievable.

Expecting their significant other to sleep on the floor is absolutely wrong and selfish. 

Perhaps it’s a matter of perspective but I don’t see having to assist someone with daily care tasks as “giving up your life”, no more than I would cooking a meal for them. There’s a difference between helping grandma get ready to go out before the family goes out/the day begins etc and being stuck at home forced to care for grandma ALL THE TIME. (A big difference) Paid caregivers are a valuable asset but they don’t work 24/7/365, when you have someone in your home that needs that kind of care you have to help out sometimes- that’s just life.

 These patients absolutely need to take responsibility for themselves and their food addiction but choices get a lot of people into bad health circumstances- do we tell someone who smoked and now has lung cancer “oh well it was your choice to smoke so it’s your fault you’re sick from Chemo now, sucks to be you that you need help showering!” (I don’t think you are saying that I’m just making a comparison). No matter WHAT someone has done, they don’t deserve to be dirty in their own waste no matter what. They are still human. You can address their immediate needs WHILE encouraging and supporting them in recovery. 

I am 100% for feeding them a low carb diet and letting them get angry but that’s seperate from providing bathing/ toileting assistance. The caregiver issue is a seperate thing from the enabling issue, although caregivers and enablers are the same people due to proximity.


I also think our culture has huge issues with making all nudity sexual. In Europe families go to the beach topless and it’s not a thing- in the USA some people freak out if a woman is breast feeding under a blanket. 

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Expecting their significant other to sleep on the floor is absolutely wrong and selfish. 

Perhaps it’s a matter of perspective but I don’t see having to assist someone with daily care tasks as “giving up your life”, no more than I would cooking a meal for them. There’s a difference between helping grandma get ready to go out before the family goes out/the day begins etc and being stuck at home forced to care for grandma ALL THE TIME. (A big difference) Paid caregivers are a valuable asset but they don’t work 24/7/365, when you have someone in your home that needs that kind of care you have to help out sometimes- that’s just life.

 These patients absolutely need to take responsibility for themselves and their food addiction but choices get a lot of people into bad health circumstances- do we tell someone who smoked and now has lung cancer “oh well it was your choice to smoke so it’s your fault you’re sick from Chemo now, sucks to be you that you need help showering!” (I don’t think you are saying that I’m just making a comparison). No matter WHAT someone has done, they don’t deserve to be dirty in their own waste no matter what. They are still human. You can address their immediate needs WHILE encouraging and supporting them in recovery. 

I am 100% for feeding them a low carb diet and letting them get angry but that’s seperate from providing bathing/ toileting assistance. The caregiver issue is a seperate thing from the enabling issue, although caregivers and enablers are the same people due to proximity.


I also think our culture has huge issues with making all nudity sexual. In Europe families go to the beach topless and it’s not a thing- in the USA some people freak out if a woman is breast feeding under a blanket. 

Thank you for clarifying your thoughts.  I agree with your post.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

There’s a difference between helping grandma get ready to go out before the family goes out/the day begins etc and being stuck at home forced to care for grandma ALL THE TIME. (A big difference)

I see both points being presented. 

Grandma is much different, though, than a compulsive food addict, IMO.   I just wonder how many of these folks would have gotten it together quicker had they not had the option of someone readily available & willing to wipe their butts.

I think that has even been the catalyst for some of them, as in, it's getting to the point s/he cannot care for themselves so it's a wake up call to finally deal with their problems & lose the weight.

I seem to remember some of them saying they did not want that to happen, & I think one said the partner absolutely refused to help out that way, so - no other option but to lose the weight!

It's hitting rock bottom. They can't hit rock bottom if they are have help staying where they are.

  • Love 6
On 3/9/2018 at 7:30 AM, Scarlett45 said:

These patients absolutely need to take responsibility for themselves and their food addiction but choices get a lot of people into bad health circumstances- do we tell someone who smoked and now has lung cancer “oh well it was your choice to smoke so it’s your fault you’re sick from Chemo now, sucks to be you that you need help showering!” (I don’t think you are saying that I’m just making a comparison). No matter WHAT someone has done, they don’t deserve to be dirty in their own waste no matter what. They are still human. You can address their immediate needs WHILE encouraging and supporting them in recovery. 

I am 100% for feeding them a low carb diet and letting them get angry but that’s seperate from providing bathing/ toileting assistance. The caregiver issue is a seperate thing from the enabling issue, although caregivers and enablers are the same people due to proximity.

I agree it isn’t right to leave people in their own waste and bodily filth but I think the enabling and (IMO) inappropriate care demands on kids etc really are kind of enmeshed. I am finding it hard to articulate this but here goes:

There must be a first time the obese person cannot reach their butt, or arise from bed. Certainly whoever has been feeding the person should have modified things long before this but you would think that these “milestones” would FINALLY be a wake up call. But instead of restricting calories, tantrums or no, so many of these caretakers enlist a grandchild or other innocent bystander to perpetuate the whole mess. Too bad they don’t take the opportunity sooner to provide assistive bathing and butt-wiping devices, padlock the fridge, and hide the phone and money  

I do believe we want to raise our kids to be compassionate and to care for those who can’t help themselves. I also think it has to be confusing for kids to see their obese relative being force-fed into immobility and then become a raging tyrant who causes the kid to sacrifice chunks of their own life.

And US prudish values on sex notwithstanding, I think it is probably traumatic in any culture for a youngster to full-on see grandma or grampa’s soiled genitals and ass. In some scenes, it’s like that is the centerpiece of the whole family at times - everyone, let’s heave and roll Granma into position and spread those legs so we have access! Cleaning these folks requires them to splay in a fashion that I doubt is typical of “normal” sick or disabled people, at least in my experience. 

I don’t know. I wouldn’t leave someone lying in their own filth but I sure wouldn’t participate in a dynamic that resulted in my kid having any responsibilities for something that should never have happened. 

  • Love 9

I just watched this. There are no words. I was appalled from the start at this woman's outrageous behaviour. Her poor grandson. But I did laugh when Herburt came back in after she'd had the fight with Dr Now. "He can't talk to me like that because I'm a f(bleep)ing lady". 

I also always wonder, when I see these vile lardwhales who abuse and manipulate the men in their lives, yet still have their every whim catered to, why I am still single. 

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, essexjan said:

I also always wonder, when I see these vile lardwhales who abuse and manipulate the men in their lives, yet still have their every whim catered to, why I am still single. 

Because you have standards, and you know you deserve better than a man who will allow you to abuse and manipulate him.  (Not that you would.)

  • Love 4
On 3/9/2018 at 12:21 PM, LGGirl said:

Just watched this episode.  All I can say is “oh my”.   I hope she stays in Dallas and her daughter doesn’t get stuck taking care of her anymore.  

I just could not wonder how this woman could meet anyone and what man would want to deal with her?   It’s always a head scratcher for me. 

My assumption?  They're men who are felons and/or just plain lazy, looking for a free place to live, with a woman they can dominate.  Or just plain losers who no self-esteem whatsoever, who believe that no other woman would want them so they take what they can get.

  • Love 2

I wonder why social services aren't more involved in cases where the super morbidly obese person is being tended by minor children.  I don't mean CPS but adult-care services.  Do the obese patients not have medical care of any kind?  Wouldn't it be the duty of a doctor or nurse to report to a social services agency that this person is unable to care for him/herself?  Even a once- or twice-weekly visit from a home health aide for an hour or so would provide much-needed respite for the caregivers and more important would monitor the cleanliness and overall well-being of the obese person.  And if a child is providing any significant amount of care, or is expected to perform tasks that are inappropriate, more serious steps towards getting in-home care ought to be pursued. Disgusting as it can be--maggots--these people are helpless, regardless of why, and can't care for themselves.  Do they ever get moved into state nursing homes?  What happens if there is no one to tend to them?  Wiping an ass is gross, but an unwiped ass can lead to life-threatening infections and then you have the person in the ER, and then what?  Do they just get sent back home?  The people we see on the show have support systems, better or worse, but are there other people like them who have nobody?  Something *must* be being done for them, or we'd see stories in the news about another big fat person found dead on the floor with one hand in the refrigerator.

6 hours ago, Mothra said:

I wonder why social services aren't more involved in cases where the super morbidly obese person is being tended by minor children.  I don't mean CPS but adult-care services.  Do the obese patients not have medical care of any kind?  Wouldn't it be the duty of a doctor or nurse to report to a social services agency that this person is unable to care for him/herself?  Even a once- or twice-weekly visit from a home health aide for an hour or so would provide much-needed respite for the caregivers and more important would monitor the cleanliness and overall well-being of the obese person.  And if a child is providing any significant amount of care, or is expected to perform tasks that are inappropriate, more serious steps towards getting in-home care ought to be pursued. Disgusting as it can be--maggots--these people are helpless, regardless of why, and can't care for themselves.  Do they ever get moved into state nursing homes?  What happens if there is no one to tend to them?  Wiping an ass is gross, but an unwiped ass can lead to life-threatening infections and then you have the person in the ER, and then what?  Do they just get sent back home?  The people we see on the show have support systems, better or worse, but are there other people like them who have nobody?  Something *must* be being done for them, or we'd see stories in the news about another big fat person found dead on the floor with one hand in the refrigerator.

People have to be open to accepting such aid AND it has to be paid for.

Competent adults are allowed to make poor decisions- if they never state they need xyz (either due to pride or family taking care of them) other steps won’t happen. 

  • Love 2
On 2/22/2018 at 12:30 PM, Kyanight said:

That would be a 2 minute show - tops!  They use a crane to hoist Lisa onto the special bed-scale they brought to her house.  "1012 pounds".  Yep.  She's been eating.   When she dies they will need a shipping crate to bury her in.

When she dies, her family will probably call 911 to take her to the morgue and sign the papers for cremation before she’s cold so they can dump the ashes down the toilet. What a vile, disgusting human being. 

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Boy, oh boy, oh boy!

First of all, my biggest regret when it comes to this episode is that I missed watching it and snarking on it with all of you on the Live Chat; insightful and hilarious comments as usual. I actually read through all of them as well as all eight pages of comments here before posting.

I just watched it yesterday while simultaneously reading the Live Chat and feel that Lisa totally earned every ounce of disdain all of you gave her and more. After Schenee's episode, I just wasn't falling for her Miss Nice, poor me routine from the beginning and it wasn't long before she showed her true colors.

I can't remember when I have seen a more histrionic performance, including Steven ASSanti. Did anyone get the feeling that, during her nasty, manipulative last tirade against Dr. Now that she was about to hit him? I sure did and was kinda hoping she would so that someone could have called 911 and haul her stank carcass to the nearest jail. But who am I kidding? There's probably no jail in the entire state of Texas that could deal with her.

Dr. Now was in rare form during his visits with her. I was absolutely cheering when he said "Are you finished?" or "All you do is cry and lie!" especially since he had a little smirk on his face while doing so.

As far as make believe parentage, I see Lisa as the ungodly Hell-spawn of James K (same permanently wedged open "laygs") and Dominique, the vile 689 pound Haitian woman who was just as nasty, verbally abusive, and ungrateful with her children and anyone else who dared try and help save her life. Try getting the picture of that coupling outta your minds! BTW, Dominique was the subject of TLC's 600 Pound Woman: Race Against Time except in her case it was really a race to the grave since she died. She was only 40 years old and I hate to say it, but all I felt about her passing was relief for her beautiful daughters no longer having to be at her beck and call.

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One more observation about dear Lisa. There was a great deal of comment here about her gaining 29 pounds in thirty days. I was curious as to approximately how many calories per day it would take for her to actually gain a pound a day instead of losing one each day. There are many calorie/weight calculators online but I chose this one: http://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html and put in her age, gender, level of daily activity, her weight of 617 pounds when Dr. Now sent her home to lose weight, and guessed her height at 5 foot 5. This is what I got as far as daily caloric intake:

- To maintain 617 pounds, 4,109

- To lose one pound per week, 3,609

- To lose two pounds per week, 3,109

- To gain one pound per week, 4,609

- To gain two pounds per week, 5,109

If her maintenance calories are anywhere near 4,109 calories per day, then she could have easily lost weight eating 2,000 calories per day. I think that's why Dr. Now sends them home with a 1,200 calorie a day low fat, low carb diet knowing all the while that they will most like exceed those limitations. She wouldn't necessarily even have to eat low carb AND low fat which, at least for me, would be challenging, just a healthy, balanced daily diet. But, since NO ONE was helping her, I guess she couldn't even do that. How in the Hell could either she or Hurbert be so delusional to expect anyone to believe that Lisa only does "a little cheating" when she must have been eating seven or eight thousand calories day? SMDH.

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58 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

How in the Hell could either she or Hurbert be so delusional to expect anyone to believe that Lisa only does "a little cheating" when she must have been eating seven or eight thousand calories day? SMDH.

So many of them do this.  The only answers I can think of, is that they have no idea of what a normal portion size is, and are eyeballing what a serving is.
Also, they somehow think snacks are free.  You know, "if you eat in the shower, or the closet," it doesn't count.

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2 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

As far as make believe parentage, I see Lisa as the ungodly Hell-spawn of James K (same permanently wedged open "laygs") and Dominique, the vile 689 pound Haitian woman who was just as nasty, verbally abusive, and ungrateful with her children and anyone else who dared try and help save her life. Try getting the picture of that coupling outta your minds! 

Actually I cannot get that image INTO my mind as I just don’t think there is any way in Hell it could be accomplished. Thank the Lord!

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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On 2/22/2018 at 4:09 PM, the-grey-lady said:

Herbert is less strict about her diet, huh? Well, thank the maker for that. The last thing a 700-lb woman prone to maggots between her fat folds needs is someone who's too hard on her about food.

That talk with the nutritionist is positively nauseating. Someone please tell me that she didn't just insinuate that she provides Herbert with ice cream when he provides sexual favors. Please. I'll provide a non-food related treat for anyone who tells me this. Watching her cross her arms and command the nutritionist put the ice cream back is freaking hilarious. Yeah, you call the shots. What are you going to do if (when) she says no? Chase her down?

I almost threw up at that. Then she said he eats that by himself. Lie

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