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S08.E10: The Big Apple Bites

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16 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

I thought Dorito’s hair looked greasy. 

I loved when Lisa showed her Bella cover, it really was a nice cover then they showed Dorit's cover...it was a much different vibe.  I am not a fan of the raccoon eyes and greasy hair, looked like she took a ride in a trunk of a car before stepping in front of the camera.  It struck me funny when Dorit (walking with LVP in her oh so, "just me being me"sweats), said how excited she was about her first cover...is she anticipating more covers in her future?  Is she confusing herself with a fashion model?  

I think Kyle was extra emotional due to the cocktails she had but she does resort to tears when ever possible and it is a tired ploy.  

Erika's dress she wore to the magazine party was odd, I don't care if it was couture, was it Luann who said even Gucci makes a mistake from time to time, 'cause she was right, lol.  

Erika's trip to Simon and Schuster with her writer was filler but what was he wearing, an Eton suit?  The man at the table in the little hat and goatee looked so familiar, do we know him?

I loved Dorit's hair and make up team saying in nasely unison (but with no actual feeling), "congratualations on your cover." Like they even care.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

It is kind of immature, but I think I'd be hurt too. We're friends for 10 years, but you're sharing these deep things with someone you've only known a few years? It may be silly, but human emotions are complicated. It would upset me. 

But why?  What Lisa chooses to share with Dorit doesn't have anything to do with Kyle.  This type of thinking exhibits nothing but jealousy and insecurity on Kyle's part.  Lisa has shared many more deep things with Kyle over the years I would imagine.  Why does Kyle care so much that Lisa told Dorit some passing comment - which she doesn't remember or acknowledge as truth now - about her parents ignoring her?  Dorit also went and told that information to pretty much anyone who would listen...which I would assume will prompt Lisa to never tell her anything again.

Here's the thing.  Kyle is super insecure in her relationship with Lisa.  Maybe that's partially Lisa's fault, maybe it's not.  I've not seen enough to say one way or the other.  What I have seen is an overwhelming amount of evidence proving that Kyle is insecure.  And that most of the time, it has little to do with Lisa, but more to do with her.  Like I said before, Kyle expects Lisa to behave and speak in a certain way and when she doesn't, Kyle gets mad.  Kyle expects Lisa to feel a certain way and when she doesn't, Kyle calls her out or tells her how she feels.  Neither of these things are going to work with Lisa.  

This is what I mean by Kyle is stupid.  A decade of friendship and she hasn't learned how to handle her relationship with Lisa yet?  She is jealous of Dorit - which is so stupid there aren't even words.  Lisa is very aware of the shit Dorit has pulled and Kyle knows that, yet Kyle is concerned about her standing in Lisa's life and Dorit pushing her out.  

If Kyle were smart...which she isn't in this situation...she would sit back and let Dorit hang herself.  Which is what Camille is doing.  Camille thinks Dorit is full of shit, her happy little smile every time Dorit opens her mouth tells me all I need to know on that front.  Lisa will see what Dorit has been saying about her and that will be that.  If Lisa had somehow pushed Kyle out and allowed Dorit in (which I don't see ever happening) then Kyle would have a leg to stand on at the reunion when Lisa would inevitably have to eat crow about it.  

It's sad to see Kyle do this and reduce herself to tears and then somehow blame Lisa for it.  What happened last night was 100% Kyle's fault for working herself up in her head rather than allowing Lisa to handle it on her own.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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Lisa and Camille were preoccupied with being momanagers and took off pretty much right away. Kyle, though I understood why she was upset, I also think she set herself for it, by insisting that LisaV be hurt by what she said that Dorit said about her. When LisaV refused to get upset at Dorit, Kyle lost her shit. Then when Kyle went off on Dorit, and LisaV ignored her, she went into meltdown mode, convinced that LisaV should appreciate her "defending her." I would have reacted the same way as LIsaV if someone was trying to tell me how to feel and insisting I get mad at another person. ANd I totally see why LisaV is just totally over it, it's quite ridiculous.

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14 hours ago, WireWrap said:

IMO, she looks hurt, big time hurt. 

To me she looks a little drunk and conflicted about 1 - the fact that Kyle's timing sucks but she knows Kyle wants her to join in and 2 - her irritation with Dorit's trash talking versus concern about how a blowup with Dorit will affect LvP's relationship with PeaKigh

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I also think that LVP is not really comfortable with these types of confrontations, when all the ladies are present. 

Yes, and Kyle fully knows that. Kyle doesn't need someone to "have her back", she just wants an aggressive, finger-pointing partner in crime. And Pinky don't play that.

Someone needs to inform Erika that she's about thirty years too late in attracting the pedo demo. Kudos to her for beating the odds, though, by being the first HW to write a book.

Dorit is bringing bones, bitches are gnawing on them, and Rinna (and Andy) couldn't be happier.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I loved when Lisa showed her Bella cover, it really was a nice cover then they showed Dorit's cover...it was a much different vibe.  I am not a fan of the raccoon eyes and greasy hair, looked like she took a ride in a trunk of a car before stepping in front of the camera.  It struck me funny when Dorit (walking with LVP in her oh so, "just me being me"sweats), said how excited she was about her first cover...is she anticipating more covers in her future?  Is she confusing herself with a fashion model?  

I think Kyle was extra emotional due to the cocktails she had but she does resort to tears when ever possible and it is a tired ploy.  

Erika's dress she wore to the magazine party was odd, I don't care if it was couture, was it Luann who said even Gucci makes a mistake from time to time, 'cause she was right, lol.  

Erika's trip to Simon and Schuster with her writer was filler but what was he wearing, an Eton suit?  The man at the table in the little hat and goatee looked so familiar, do we know him?

I loved Dorit's hair and make up team saying in nasely unison (but with no actual feeling), "congratualations on your cover." Like they even care.

Just trying to keep it all straight for posterity.  ;)


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16 hours ago, bosawks said:

My favorite part of this season are Camille’s side eyes to Dorit.

You just know they’re accompanied by a plaintive sigh.

I was really hoping that Camille would have had too much to drink, and then when Dorit went up to make a speech, Camille would have pulled a Kanye on Taylor move.

Grab the mike and scream: Dorit you're such a stupid cunt! Wink wink, British humor, chip chip

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10 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

This show is becoming a little predictable and may I say, boring. I guess there are only a limited number of scenarios you can have with privileged, middle aged women and after so many seasons it's just mixing the personalities up and regurgitating the same stories but with different people. Only Kyle and Lisa remain and so we just keep reliving their so called " friendship" difficulties. I doubt they are friends off camera so I'm not terribly invested in saving it and all the yelling and histrionics is not very interesting.

Are you me? I'm asking seriously because I want to make sure that I'm not having fugue events.

Y'all better make sure you describe this show in accurate detail because I'm out. I'm going to monitor this show vicariously through you guys, but otherwise I'm done. Y'all better be truthful and funny (though you've demonstrated that you are capable of both).

I'm done with Dorit's shit stirring/verbal diarrhea (and I even like the woman). Her tits are too big, her style this season is whack, and her apologies are for shit.

I'm done with sentient animatronic Erika's attempts to show how she became a real girl. Surprise, she didn't. She is the same shallow awful woman she was before she came on the show. She can't dress. She can't sing. She can't dance. The Boss pays for everything including her simulacrum of humanity.

LVP is a chess player. She's pissed that her ride or dies have called her on her shit. Want to know how I know she's manipulative--Vanderpump Rules. Her successful 6 season spin-off where she alternates kindness, superiority, and condescension.

Kyle's mom fucked her up and Kyle's refusal to get therapy irks me. I've been on her side from day one because I knew that Kim was an addict. I grew up around them. It was as obvious as 3 billboards outside of Ebbing Missouri that Kim was still using in season one, but Kyle refused to get help for herself. And all of the shit that Big Kathy fucked up in her continues to rear its head in her relationships with women. GET THERAPY!

Teddi thinks she's the second coming of Eileen and Bethenny, season one. She's not. Her aggressive efforts to remind the women of everyday shit are offputting. As Bethenny wisely understood, the Greek chorus/voice of the audience is better utilized in talking heads and not in forcing the rich women doing things from doing rich women things.

Rinna is an asshole. I'm not delving into it because the cover of the book reflects the contents.

Camille is terrible. I'm not backing away from that. Her awfulness might have been contained and directed after her season one disaster, but she's still fundamentally terrible.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I have only watched this franchise since Eileen Davidson originally joined, so do not know Camille. So far this season I like her. However her daughter appears to be another who is a model because her parent is famous. She has Kelsey's very square face, high forehead and eyes that are close together. If anything she looks better without all the makeup than with. If Lisa's kids are the Hadidn'ts, Camille's is the Hadshouldn't. 

As others have pointed out, I loved Dorito wearing that horrible track suit while bragging that she is a designer. It looked like something she retrieved from a dumpster after it was discarded by someone who's puppy used it as a chew toy. A laughable look, followed closely by Erika's pink, white, gold and black atrocity. When I first saw that dress on Shark Tank, I assumed it was a one off, because who else would ever buy something so ugly? 

Erika looked ridiculous with the sunglasses on indoors. Did she even explain (can't remember) to those in the room why she was wearing them? (I think in her TH she said allergies?). Thank goodness the allergies apparently cleared up by Dorito's event, though the ugly sunglasses would have gone just fine with the equally ugly dress she was wearing. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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16 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

I would have walked away ages ago on LVP! She's truly a fair weather friend and will punish you time and time again for little slights, but seems to kiss Dorit's arse for some reason! The woman has something wrong in her head! She was told what was said and can't fess up to it while LVP just sits there allowing that carnage to go on even though she's the center of it! If Kyle allows this $#!t to go on, she deserves what she gets from both Dorit and LVP! Next week Lisa does confront Dorit and clarifies their friendship saying it's mostly thru PK; sorta like her loyalty was more with Mohammad over Yolanda! The woman can't be trusted; she's phony, fake, and FOS! She's not fooling me with that ridiculous English accent! How many years has she been here? ;-)

There is definitely something off with LVP.

I don't think she is a true friend to any female - she always sides with the "man" in any couple.

With PK, she doesn't find anything he does wrong with his first wife and she's basically telling Dorit if they split up she will continue her friendship with PK not Dorit.

She did the same with Mohammed. Very 2 faced with Yoland while they were married and then nurtured her friendship with Mohammed and kicked Yolanda to the curb,

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14 hours ago, Juniebaby said:

I understand Kyle’s crying, we’re close in age and I notice that I cry very easily.  I cry when I’m sad, happy, frustrated, etc.  It’s hormonal, pre-menopausal.  She’s very hurt because the mean things Lisa does to her are really piling up.  I just don’t understand how you can forgive some of the mean nasty things some of these women have said.  Lisa talking about other women rumors while Porshia is right there and has said things about Mauricio’s character.  After that, you don’t get another chance.  Kyle could say plenty about Ken and Max and she never says a bad word about them.

That’s why I say she has cognitive dissonance - Kyle was devastated when Lisa made that comment in front of her little daughter, and for a moment realized that “her friend” meant to devastate her. But then comes renewed rounds of friendship fakery and LVP manages to keep Kyle in the fold in spite of the many ways she plays with her head and heart.

Kyle says she is confused - she should be; Lisa’s words don’t match her actions. And never will.

Edited by nexxie
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16 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Artistic license


Ley's leave that to the animals, and I'm still annoyed with people who dress up animals.


On a serious note, there are folks who have severe light sensitivity and who need to wear sunglasses all the time.  But of course that's not why a RH does it.

Edited by Mrs peel
I am a horrible typist.
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These girls are coworkers, not friends.  Clearly Lisa brought Dorit on (through her connection with PK) and, I suspect, there was some sort of understanding of what Dorit's role was to be with regard to Lisa; promote Lisa's businesses and be her ally.  This is why Dorit knew about Lisa's jewelry line (and Kyle didn't - cause Lisa doesn't discuss her side businesses with her coworkers).  This is why Dorit was at the photo shoot for the jewelry line.  

But I think Lisa misjudged how THIRSTY Dorit (and PK) are.  They are broke@ss and  will use EVERY opportunity to get some dollars.   That's why Dorit is pushing her bathing suit line ahead of normal limits; push, push, push while there is a camera aimed at you.  Get on the cover of ANY magazine you possible can (wonder how much that cost?).  Push, push, push.  Don't stop talking.  The more you talk, the more likely you will get t.v. time when the episode airs.  Push, push, push.

And, although Dorit and PK should be appreciative of Lisa's efforts to get them a platform, these two are just too thirsty to hold back.  If attacking Lisa gets Dorit more camera facetime, she just can't seem to help herself.

Lisa looked more confused than hurt to me.  She was taken aback.  It was like she was thinking, "This isn't what we discussed AT ALL, Dorit.  WTF?".

Dorit tried to address it in the park, but without addressing the underlying agreements they had (which aren't supposed to be shown to the audience).  It was like she was hinting, winking, hinting.  And Lisa was just confused.  

When Dorit was going to take a separate car, Lisa was jumping at the chance to get her alone.  You could just tell she wanted to be alone with Dorit to straighten things out.  

Dorit is OFF SCRIPT.  Lisa is going to bury her.  I'm going to enjoy watching that happen.

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3 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I watched last night's show with mixed emotions.  On one hand, I kind of understood where Kyle was coming from, being upset with LVP for not "backing her up" against Dorit.  On the other hand, I also understood LVP's point of view that the after-party for Dorit's magazine cover may not have been the best time or place for Kyle to express her feelings of anger and frustration at Dorit.  

I also think that LVP is not really comfortable with these types of confrontations, when all the ladies are present.  I think that she prefers a more one-on-one conversation with someone who has done her wrong. 

I wonder if LVP may have been thinking that Kyle was just recently complaining that she felt that LVP and Dorit had conspired or ganged up on her during their dinner at Palihouse, and now, Kyle is complaining that LVP didn't do the same thing to Dorit.  

I usually like both Kyle and LVP, and I think together, when they are getting along, they are hysterical.  Some of the scenes with them in the rain were very funny!  BTW - does it ever rain in Beverly Hills?  Some of these women acted like they were going to melt if a raindrop hit them!  What was up with Kyle's purse that it couldn't get wet?  Kudos to Teddi and Camille for just dealing with/dancing in the raindrops (and, also, extra kudos to Camille for wearing an ACTUAL raincoat/trenchcoat!!)  

I'm curious to see how the aftermath of all of this plays out....the previews for next week look interesting.

Rain makes people lose their minds.  I'm swimming in the Caribbean Sea with other tourists.  It begins to rain.  I swear it was like that scene from Jaws with the mass, panicked exodus from the water and in a minute, I'm the only one left in the sea, wondering why, if you're already wet, you would panic over....water.  Everybody else was huddled under palm trees and obviously I'm the only person from the state of Washington. 

Unclench your thighs!  I'm totally using that one with my best Jon Stewart fake British accent.

And then.  Kyle loses her composure.  

Rinner needs to be drunk more often.

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3 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I know this because I've watched this stupid show for 8 years. 



Teddi has no idea.

She doesn't -- but the thing that drives you mad (and I get why) is the thing I really liked about Teddi last night:  she has no history in her back pocket. She's not carrying around years of baggage (so that every gesture is laden with questions about motivation, top-dogging, playing to the cameras, that kind of crap). She's just responding to what's in front of her and with reactions that feel genuine  ("Dorit is telling ME to shut up? WTF?") and normal impulses ("Kyle is sobbing and Lisa is trying to breastfeed her into submission - they might need help here!") while also keeping clear of the drama.  She's in it,  but not egging it on; responding to the crazy, but not feeding the crazy.  (Maybe it's the equestrian mindset in her coming out? The riders here will know better -- I only did a few lessons because that "posting" thing was LUNACY  -- but it's a little like the show is her horse, and she's connecting and communicating, but when the horse gets spooked, she doesn't start screaming at the animal. She just changes her hold on the reins.) 

@CrinkleCutCat -- I'm blushing! (in a cyber-happy, non-creepy way ;)

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52 minutes ago, NoWhammies said:

I feel like if I was the designated editor of HoWive books, I'd pretty much spend my life thinking, "Kill me. Kill me now."

I am an editor and I'd love it, haha! They'd probably be some of the easiest assignments ever!

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2 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

But why?  What Lisa chooses to share with Dorit doesn't have anything to do with Kyle.  This type of thinking exhibits nothing but jealousy and insecurity on Kyle's part.  Lisa has shared many more deep things with Kyle over the years I would imagine.  Why does Kyle care so much that Lisa told Dorit some passing comment - which she doesn't remember or acknowledge as truth now - about her parents ignoring her?  Dorit also went and told that information to pretty much anyone who would listen...which I would assume will prompt Lisa to never tell her anything again.

Here's the thing.  Kyle is super insecure in her relationship with Lisa.  Maybe that's partially Lisa's fault, maybe it's not.  I've not seen enough to say one way or the other.  What I have seen is an overwhelming amount of evidence proving that Kyle is insecure.  And that most of the time, it has little to do with Lisa, but more to do with her.  Like I said before, Kyle expects Lisa to behave and speak in a certain way and when she doesn't, Kyle gets mad.  Kyle expects Lisa to feel a certain way and when she doesn't, Kyle calls her out or tells her how she feels.  Neither of these things are going to work with Lisa.  

This is what I mean by Kyle is stupid.  A decade of friendship and she hasn't learned how to handle her relationship with Lisa yet?  She is jealous of Dorit - which is so stupid there aren't even words.  Lisa is very aware of the shit Dorit has pulled and Kyle knows that, yet Kyle is concerned about her standing in Lisa's life and Dorit pushing her out.  

If Kyle were smart...which she isn't in this situation...she would sit back and let Dorit hang herself.  Which is what Camille is doing.  Camille thinks Dorit is full of shit, her happy little smile every time Dorit opens her mouth tells me all I need to know on that front.  Lisa will see what Dorit has been saying about her and that will be that.  If Lisa had somehow pushed Kyle out and allowed Dorit in (which I don't see ever happening) then Kyle would have a leg to stand on at the reunion when Lisa would inevitably have to eat crow about it.  

It's sad to see Kyle do this and reduce herself to tears and then somehow blame Lisa for it.  What happened last night was 100% Kyle's fault for working herself up in her head rather than allowing Lisa to handle it on her own.

I guess I just don't see insecurity as such a negative character flaw. I mean, it's not a POSITIVE. But it's something that's really hard to overcome and I think there's a lot worse things one could be than insecure. I'm probably biased because I'm very insecure. I get my feelings hurt easily. I don't think it's as simple as "Lisa told Dorit things she didn't tell me". It's compounded by Lisa not speaking up when Kyle did, knowing that Lisa was pretty incensed earlier. And by Lisa choosing to leave with Dorit. It likely just made Kyle feel more invested in the friendship than Lisa was. Now, it's not LVP's fault if Kyle's that insecure. It's not her job to hold her hand through life. But I can simply empathize with Kyle, and I think Dorit is exploiting these character flaws and playing them off of each other. 


11 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Or Clip Clip (a la Dorinda) 

I REALLY need Dorinda to come on and "clip" Dorit. 

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Oh I am so there for Lisa V. going head-to-head with Bethenny next week. 

If I'm subjected to that hosebeast on another show I watch, it best be because she gets owned in some kind of way.


The Howives Handler. (He might watch all of their shows and therefore able to judge if their books are real to them). 

Any belief he had in Erika's "realness" went out the window the moment she refused to remove her shades.


Camille is terrible. I'm not backing away from that. Her awfulness might have been contained and directed after her season one disaster, but she's still fundamentally terrible.

Camille showed that she's one of - if not the - most calculated of all the HWs when she hired Howard Bragman.

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3 minutes ago, film noire said:

Miss Norma Shearer is in the house! (From Montreal, may I add :)

These two are the REAL Housewives of BH:

Norma=married the boss

Joan=“When you're only No. 2, you try harder,” **



**thanks Avis

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36 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Rain makes people lose their minds.  I'm swimming in the Caribbean Sea with other tourists.  It begins to rain.  I swear it was like that scene from Jaws with the mass, panicked exodus from the water and in a minute, I'm the only one left in the sea, wondering why, if you're already wet, you would panic over....water.  Everybody else was huddled under palm trees and obviously I'm the only person from the state of Washington. 

I made an offhand joke about a friend in grad school who didn't come to class on one rainy day. I said "She doesn't come to class when it rains." Later I told her the story and she confirmed that she didn't come to class when it rained. I grew up in a very rainy part of the US. So it was always interesting to meet people who moved to my area because I learned that people and the rain was a thing.

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17 hours ago, nexxie said:

Well, that’s what she’d probably like people to think - but I don’t buy her act at all. imo her ego is “hurt” but she couldn’t care less about any of the others.

I think LVP is very aware of the cameras and is usually very careful of what she says in front of the cameras.

I think public perception and her image are very important to her. If she does make a wrong move, she's very quick to say it's British humor or she was only joking.

Letting Kyle go off on Dorit, while not doing so herself gave her life

1) It shows her how much Kyle loves her

2) She didn't have to do any of the dirty work

3) I think she gets off when Kyle or any of the women "cry"

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45 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I guess I just don't see insecurity as such a negative character flaw. I mean, it's not a POSITIVE. But it's something that's really hard to overcome and I think there's a lot worse things one could be than insecure. I'm probably biased because I'm very insecure. I get my feelings hurt easily. I don't think it's as simple as "Lisa told Dorit things she didn't tell me". It's compounded by Lisa not speaking up when Kyle did, knowing that Lisa was pretty incensed earlier. And by Lisa choosing to leave with Dorit. It likely just made Kyle feel more invested in the friendship than Lisa was. Now, it's not LVP's fault if Kyle's that insecure. It's not her job to hold her hand through life. But I can simply empathize with Kyle, and I think Dorit is exploiting these character flaws and playing them off of each other. 

Insecurity - for me - is an inherently selfish quality in a person.  It says to me "I expect the world to bend to my will."  Kyle expects Lisa to behave how she thinks Lisa should behave and if Lisa doesn't do this, Kyle throws a huge big baby fit because her feelings get hurt and then she paints Lisa as the bad guy for hurting her.  Lisa didn't do anything last night that I would deem as so hurtful Kyle needed to display the level of histrionics that ensued and I would guess Lisa felt the same way.  Kyle needs to learn to communicate with Lisa and not do things she "thinks" will make Lisa react.  She should have asked Lisa during their little hair/make-up session how Lisa felt about the situation and if Lisa felt like she wanted to handle it right then and there.  But she didn't.  She took it upon herself to decide she already knew how Lisa felt.  That is selfish.

This is why she and Lisa will implode eventually.  Because of Kyle's desperate need to always make it look like Lisa has done something to her.  My ex-best friend used to put me in this situation all the time.  We are no longer friends because of it.  Lisa is not the bad guy simply because she chose not to handle the situation the way Kyle did.  

However, if Kyle had left her discussion with Dorit to just "Hey, I am angry about what you said about ME." then I'd have been on her side.  But she didn't.  She dragged Lisa into it because what Dorit said about Lisa was worse and Kyle needed to amp up her argument.

So tell me...who's the more calculated here?

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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18 minutes ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Insecurity - for me - is an inherently selfish quality in a person.  It says to me "I expect the world to bend to my will."  Kyle expects Lisa to behave how she thinks Lisa should behave and if Lisa doesn't do this, Kyle throws a huge big baby fit because her feelings get hurt and then she paints Lisa as the bad guy for hurting her.  Lisa didn't do anything last night that I would deem as so hurtful Kyle needed to display the level of histrionics that ensued and I would guess Lisa felt the same way.  Kyle needs to learn to communicate with Lisa and not do things she "thinks" will make Lisa react.  She should have asked Lisa during their little hair/make-up session how Lisa felt about the situation and if Lisa felt like she wanted to handle it right then and there.  But she didn't.  She took it upon herself to decide she already knew how Lisa felt.  That is selfish.

This is why she and Lisa will implode eventually.  Because of Kyle's desperate need to always make it look like Lisa has done something to her.  My ex-best friend used to put me in this situation all the time.  We are no longer friends because of it.  Lisa is not the bad guy simply because she chose not to handle the situation the way Kyle did.  

However, if Kyle had left her discussion with Dorit to just "Hey, I am angry about what you said about ME." then I'd have been on her side.  But she didn't.  She dragged Lisa into it because what Dorit said about Lisa was worse and Kyle needed to amp up her argument.

So tell me...who's the more calculated here?

Well, I certainly don't expect anyone to bend to my will. I wish I could control my insecurities. It kind of sucks feeling so badly about yourself. 

I agree that Kyle's reaction was too OTT. I understood it, but I wish she would have tried to control herself better. I try to control my doubts and hurt feelings because I know this is MY problem, not someone else's. But I think Kyle was pretty well lit, and alcohol can inhibit that self control. 

I don't think Kyle was acting in a calculated way at all, or trying to use LVP. I think she was operating on pure emotion. It was a very reactionary response. I think this stuff has been building up over the season, due to Dorit's subtle machinations. And I think that earlier when Kyle and LVP were discussing, Lisa seemed pretty peeved, and Kyle just expected that Lisa would join her in calling our Dorit. Suddenly Lisa seemed more "meh" about it and Kyle was like, "WTF???" 

Kyle should have realized that's just not how LVP operates, but I don't think she's an inherently selfish or manipulative person. 

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15 hours ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:

I can't be the only one that thinks Teddy sucks, right?


Is this PK with an alias, lol???

Teddi own this episode.  First off, she (and Camille) sat there at the lunch and let Dorit run her mouth - and essentially dig her own grave.   It was clear both of them were taking mental notes.   She gained Kyle and LVP's confidence by stating the facts - without being a drama queen.   It was obvious Dorit knew she was caught - she was flustered and totally off her game.  It was smart of Teddi to get Erika to back her up in front of the others that Dorit's trash talking was 100% true - and then have her admit on camera that she would be upset if Dorit done that to her.

Edited by twilightzone
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8 hours ago, escapetoreality said:

I was looking forward to seeing all the places they went in NYC but those identifying shots were cut short in order to have all the senseless and ridiculous squabbling. So -- what is the hotel where they stayed? Did they go anywhere of interest that we casual visitors to NYC might want to check out?  Thanks! 

I'm wondering if they stayed at the W. The restaurant "Irvington" a few of them went to is in the lobby of the hotel. Dorit & LVP park scene - is Union Square Park - about 2 blocks away.

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32 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Lisa seemed pretty peeved, and Kyle just expected that Lisa would join her in calling our Dorit.

This right here.  This is the problem.   Kyle never asked her how she felt about what she was just told.  Kyle just decided Lisa was peeved and therefore she should have reacted the way Kyle decided she should have.  That's selfish.

When she didn't, Kyle decided Lisa had hurt her feelings and started crying.  Painting Lisa as the bad guy.  That's manipulative and calculating because Kyle needs everyone to know that it's big bad Lisa always hurting poor defenseless Kyle.

And it's not the first time she's done it.  She cried at dinner with Dorit when Lisa didn't react to something the way Kyle expected her to.  Kyle is about as manipulative as they come when it comes to Lisa.  She decides how Lisa should feel about something and when Lisa doesn't, Kyle gets mad.  

None of this is Lisa's fault.  Lisa was completely within her rights to handle what she'd been told about Dorit any way she chose to handle it.  Once Kyle told her what Dorit had said that ended her responsibility as far as Lisa was concerned.  This is not third grade.  

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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7 hours ago, A-Lo said:

I had to wear them indoors once when I had a horrible case of pink eye and the slightest little bit of light hurt my eyes.  But even then, with justification, I still felt like an asshole!

I had to wear a patch once because I stabbed myself in the eye.  It was probably pretty obvious that it was for medical reasons and not just that I felt like being a pirate and I still felt like an asshole and I know for a fact that someone I worked with for some reason decided it was a choice and talked shit about me being an asshole because of it.  

5 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I watched last night's show with mixed emotions.  On one hand, I kind of understood where Kyle was coming from, being upset with LVP for not "backing her up" against Dorit.  On the other hand, I also understood LVP's point of view that the after-party for Dorit's magazine cover may not have been the best time or place for Kyle to express her feelings of anger and frustration at Dorit.  

I also think that LVP is not really comfortable with these types of confrontations, when all the ladies are present.  I think that she prefers a more one-on-one conversation with someone who has done her wrong. 

I wonder if LVP may have been thinking that Kyle was just recently complaining that she felt that LVP and Dorit had conspired or ganged up on her during their dinner at Palihouse, and now, Kyle is complaining that LVP didn't do the same thing to Dorit.  

I usually like both Kyle and LVP, and I think together, when they are getting along, they are hysterical.  Some of the scenes with them in the rain were very funny!  BTW - does it ever rain in Beverly Hills?  Some of these women acted like they were going to melt if a raindrop hit them!  What was up with Kyle's purse that it couldn't get wet?  Kudos to Teddi and Camille for just dealing with/dancing in the raindrops (and, also, extra kudos to Camille for wearing an ACTUAL raincoat/trenchcoat!!)  

I'm curious to see how the aftermath of all of this plays out....the previews for next week look interesting.

Water can leave marks depending on the leather and you don't want a nice or expensive purse to get messed up because of rain.  I've been known to carry some of mine inside my jacket when it rains even if they are stain protected.

3 hours ago, jaync said:

Yes, and Kyle fully knows that. Kyle doesn't need someone to "have her back", she just wants an aggressive, finger-pointing partner in crime. And Pinky don't play that.

Someone needs to inform Erika that she's about thirty years too late in attracting the pedo demo. Kudos to her for beating the odds, though, by being the first HW to write a book.

Dorit is bringing bones, bitches are gnawing on them, and Rinna (and Andy) couldn't be happier.

I think a few of the HWs from various cities need to get the memo re: pedo chic.  The Marge from NJ said on WWHL that she wears pigtails because "who doesn't want to bang a girl in pigtails."  Infantilizing yourself to be "sexy" or "bangable" is gross.

2 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

I feel like if I was the designated editor of HoWive books, I'd pretty much spend my life thinking, "Kill me. Kill me now."

I don't know.  I've been trying to figure out a way to monetize all the time and brain cells I've wasted on Real Housewives and have fallen short.  

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I guess I just don't see insecurity as such a negative character flaw. I mean, it's not a POSITIVE. But it's something that's really hard to overcome and I think there's a lot worse things one could be than insecure. I'm probably biased because I'm very insecure. I get my feelings hurt easily. I don't think it's as simple as "Lisa told Dorit things she didn't tell me". It's compounded by Lisa not speaking up when Kyle did, knowing that Lisa was pretty incensed earlier. And by Lisa choosing to leave with Dorit. It likely just made Kyle feel more invested in the friendship than Lisa was. Now, it's not LVP's fault if Kyle's that insecure. It's not her job to hold her hand through life. But I can simply empathize with Kyle, and I think Dorit is exploiting these character flaws and playing them off of each other. 


I REALLY need Dorinda to come on and "clip" Dorit. 

I feel like the BH gang wouldn't be able to handle drunk Dorinda.  She gets kind of gangster.  Although I guess so far the only bitch she's cut on TV has been herself.

1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I made an offhand joke about a friend in grad school who didn't come to class on one rainy day. I said "She doesn't come to class when it rains." Later I told her the story and she confirmed that she didn't come to class when it rained. I grew up in a very rainy part of the US. So it was always interesting to meet people who moved to my area because I learned that people and the rain was a thing.

I almost didn't pass a class because it was a morning class during El Nino and getting to it in the pouring rain in LA rush hour traffic was the worst and once you got there you were soaking wet and it was an old building that was super cold.  I'm currently contemplating a move from LA to Seattle and the rain has me wondering if I can do it.

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The entertainment value of their grammatical errors, and "mountains out of holemills" type stuff would be worth it!

Definitely. And the editorial queries would probably be far less dry and clinical than those of my everyday work! No footnotes, no references, no graphs, tables (unless it's Teresa, of course), or statistics--whoooo!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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48 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

But there is a vast difference between being inherently insecure and having an expectation like that. People can feel the former without doing the latter, which is a whole separate issue from insecurity.

Not from where I sit.

Insecurity - again for me - is born out of thinking everything is about you.  What people say, what they do, a look they may throw your way....all about you.  What they said, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did.  What they do, probably had nothing to do with you - but you think it did.  The look, probably not meant for you - but you think it was.  

And then you get sad and weepy and suddenly everyone is asking you why.  Satisfying your need for....making it all about you.  You never asked if what they said or did had to do with you...you just assumed.  Because defenses went up before you ever knew if what was said was really meant for you.  

I use "you" here in a completely general sense.  Not "you" as in you personally.  

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13 hours ago, lunastartron said:

I used to think Kyle was merely a lot better than Lisa at quietly jockeying herself into the best presentation possible but that unhinged display this week has me second guessing that. It's much less disciplined than her usual efforts to paint Lisa as the target. 

I really think it's because she's lost support from the sisters which she desperately needs.  She is relying entirely too heavily on friendships for her well-being (even moreso than usual).

PS Great post Lunastartron:)

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I think Dorit and Peekaaaay better have their house fumigated because some big ole moths have been getting to Dorit's clothes.  Her white t-shirt last week and that atrocious sweatsuit this week... WTH? 

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I did notice Dorit has very pretty hands though.  There... now I don't have to say anything nice about her for the rest of the season.

Erika's pink dress was definitely odd... with the hairstyle and headband it looked to me like an Alice in Wonderland costume.  I did love how rational she and Teddi both were though with the ladies (I use that term generously) arguing.  And I appreciated how Erika handled Dorit and the bus ride home too. 

The scene of Kyle and LVP in the rain... when they're silly like that, they give off a Lucy and Ethel vibe that I can't help but enjoy. 


5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I loved Dorit's hair and make up team saying in nasely unison (but with no actual feeling), "congratualations on your cover." Like they even care.


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16 hours ago, missyb said:

Dorit on the red carpet " Can you imagine going through life if I didn't like the cover ?? What could be worse in life than that.

That was so deliciously insane.  I'm in the minority, I get a kick out of Dorit's particular narcissism.

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