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S05.E06: We're Having A Baby

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7 hours ago, John M said:

Let's open these letters written by a person in rehab together, they couldn't possibly be intensely personal, especially to the person that I was in a relationship with when I hit rock bottom.

I think that the only reason Whitney wanted for her and Heather to read their letters from Buddy together is because she wanted to make sure Heather's letter wasn't more loving than hers.  Did anyone else catch Whitney throwing out jabs that Buddy's recovery would be better off without Heather?  She's such a lousy friend. 

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1 hour ago, swankie said:

She's such a lousy friend. 

And an even WORSE labor&delivery coach.  Hot sauce ramen noodles to induce labor? The whole time she's in there behind the closed door I was picturing her just being in the way and not doing anything remotely useful or coach-y, just blathering about how SHE is feeling and doing some bizarre play-by-play as if Ashley (or the hospital staff who REALLY ARE helping) needs that sort of crap.

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Last week Whit had no clue at all about Buddy's drug abuse. This week she knows all the details of how deep he was into addiction right down to what stage of addiction he was in. Bitch shuddy!

Heather is pathetic. I guess now she's thinking she can love him back to health. Pay attention girly, nothing in his letter said anything about getting back together. 

Glenn is paying for 5 of Whitney's friend to come along to Hawaii.  Right. Are 5 of Hunter's buddies also invited??

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6 hours ago, princelina said:

Weren't we originally told he was a school counselor?


I'd bet $$ that she was never in that delivery room and her voice was superimposed on whatever intrusive video WAS taped in that room.  (And the OBGYN then gave the line about her "holding the leg" because he had agreed to be filmed)

I suspect this as well. That audio scene of ‘waaa waa. She’s just so beautiful. Waaaa waaaa’ was just so overblown. I’ve been in a lot of delivery rooms. Sure it’s an emotional place but that just sounded like what dramatic Whitney thought it should sound like when a baby is born. 

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50 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Glenn is paying for 5 of Whitney's friend to come along to Hawaii.  Right. Are 5 of Hunter's buddies also invited??

Hmmm BROOKLYNISTA - you just might have hit on something....

I've always wondered how that obnoxious, spoiled child had any friends....I think you gave me the answer.

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I actually dry heaved when Shitney dry humped and damn near fondled her pregnant friend.  When that massive leg barely cleared her friend's head I'm sure it wasn't a pleasant experience.

No hun you are not Lucy and Ethel.  Not even close.

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8 hours ago, auntjess said:

  And if Tal has been through rehab, that's his business, not the world's.

Let’s hope she never goes to a 12 step meeting.  They are  called anonymous for a reason. What you hear there and who you see there you keep to yourself.  I can just see her going to a meeting and then going on television and talking about who is there and what they said. And that’s a no no. However, since this is scripted, Tal had to know she’s going to out him.  However, that was his story to tell not hers.

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I thought that was the best episode ever on this series.  Whit is crazy over the baby.  I just read somewhere that the baby has a different name than the one given last night....hmmm.....did they change it?  I thought Whit did a great job of coaching and is so smitten with the child.  Ashley did great.  What a trooper.  So glad everyone is happy and healthy.  And Whit gave the family their space.  She does have boundaries at times. lol ...Whew.....

I thought that this would have been a good opportunity for Whit to have educated the public about getting a pet that can be challenging to handle.  When cute piglets grow up, they may be problematic.  Of course, some people keep adult pet pigs in their home and have no issues. There are even pet therapy pigs who go into nursing homes. There are a lot of factors though. Motto of the story is not to get a pet that you aren't equipped for.  I wouldn't think Whit's parents are equipped for something like that. But, it may have been producer driven drama.  

Lucky friends to go to Hawaii!  I would love that. Regardless of who's paying, it'll be fun.  And if it is her dad....he can afford it.  He volunteered, so that's his choice.  I thought Whit was touched and appreciative.  

Heather has to really consider the life of a girlfriend/wife/significant other to a recovering addict.  I've seen what it's like.  It can be a HUGE deal and is something that may directly impact your kids.  I respect those in recovery, but, if I were the children's dad, I'd take issue with it, if Heather wants to pursue that relationship.   I wonder if that's why Whit told Heather to move on.  A common symptom of addiction is relapse.  Heather are you up for that? I'd really reconsider. 

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2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:


Glenn is paying for 5 of Whitney's friend to come along to Hawaii.  Right. Are 5 of Hunter's buddies also invited??

This was my thought as well. If we’re going to pretend that Glenn is paying, wouldn’t he pay for some of Hunter’s friends as well?  And Glenn comes up with the magical number of five friends?  We all know that Twit only has that many paid barnacles that are not in rehab who can come. Or does she?  She’s got Todd, Tal, Heather and Donna. If  Ashley just gave birth and Buddy is in rehab, who else is coming?  Lenny?  Avi?  Nada?  ?

Edited by Ocean Chick
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13 hours ago, navine said:

so ..... why doesn't she have a job?  seriously --- I haven't watched from the beginning ---- she's 30-something, right?  Fat people work.  Why doesn't she?

Isn't being the star of a reality show a job?  People earn a living in a lot of different ways.  Look at the numerous narcissists they call "Youtube Celebrities" and "Social Media Stars".

12 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Piggy wasn't a gift - Babs bought him. The "ugly" kitten was to be a gift though and I totally agree - animals should never be gifts. "Here's a decade or more of work and responsibility - hooray!" - um, thanks?

Well, there was a standup comedian I once heard refer to pets as "eventual sadness", since they have shorter lifespans than humans.

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Whatever Ashley's getting paid to fill in this much airtime this season will buy a lot of diapers.  And she may not be getting paid maternity leave.  

So I suppose that's a reasonable trade-off for allowing Whitney to pretend to be involved in the pregnancy and delivery.  

But, in reality, I highly doubt that Whitney was in the delivery room or that the baby's father was not.  This was just a matter of Ashley cashing in.  Just like free airfare and even (I'm guessing) modest amenities in Hawaii are worth it for the barnacles to pretend to Whitney's close friends. 

do believe that taping in the delivery room was prohibited by the hospital.  Many hospital forbid that (even by family who, for some reason, feel the need to film the business-end of the delivery) because the video can reveal evidence of malpractice in deliveries that wind up with birth-injuries to the baby.  

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I think the pig bite scene was a reenactment.  It happened, but, not when the filming was taking place, imo.  And who doesn't get medical attention for an animal bite.  I was thinking, it's not the blood loss that's the issue. It's infection! 

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10 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

I've heard that hospitals are not allowing filming these days as they did in the past. They don't want documentation in case there is a problem.

This is true.  I gave birth twice in this same hospital (Women's Hospital in Greensboro), and they do not allow video of the birth.

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13 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

Was literally about to type this. Those butt wings!!! I can't believe how much bigger she is!!!! 

I saw that, too! Actual butt wings, just like on My 600lb Life.  That image alone, those butt wings, you'd think she'd be concerned about that. Her 5k "training" is a joke--she could barely do laps around the gym (and was trying to go fast like she could hold that pace for the whole thing) and now the pool? They don't run 5ks in pools and with her buoyancy, it can't be doing much good for that. I don't know how long it is between these episodes and the 5k but in her condition, she'd need to be working on this for weeks--and that shows just how bad off she is. A 5k shouldn't be a horrible, painful event but for her, it is. The butt wings and the fact she can barely do laps around the gym should be her clues that she is NOT healthy. 


13 hours ago, WaterSpirit said:

Whitney must have been the grade school snitch...she just blurts out everyone's business, tells on Buddy, tells on the Pig, and oh the drama. Grabs phone, "insert pig name..." Bit Mom!" maybe mom did not get hand out of the way when feeding cucumber? (and he surely hates Whitney as that is natural)


Again, in re run from last week, I just cannot believe that B**tch demanding to know who Buddy's new GF is, and staring down his friend because she just knows he is lying. Damn I wanted to slap her.

and Buddy, can you try to get through the 28 days before you go start training to be an addictions counselor. Good Grief...I would think 5 years sober might be the first step to being i a place to tell others what to do.

So now Whitney is going to get rid of pig and then bring back the cat? Does mom have a say in anything?

and Dad is not paying for friends to go to Hawaii, TLC is.

LOLOLOL! She probably was. And Buddy, yeah. I believe he wants to be helpful and that's a great goal, however, he should try working at staying sober for a while so he can relate to people on the long term. "Hey, I just got out, let me counsel you"...........uh, no. 

Edited by TurtlePower
TurtleCorrect didn't check Autocorrect before posting
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Others (including myself) have said it, but a 5k IS A BRISK WALK!!!!!  

It's a nice entry-level introduction to distance "races" for kids and for those who've never really exercised before (witness various "from the couch to the 5K" training programs you can find online).

It's not something that a reasonably healthy, active adult should have to "train" for.

Which begs the obvious big DUH!

But, let's remember, Whitney and this show would have us believe that she is a reasonably healthy, active adult despite her size.  After all, she's a professional dancer with a real, legitimate, dance career.  Isn't she?  I mean, isn't she?

I must have misheard when Whitney was waddling through the hospital and said she hadn't trotted that far in a long time.  Because, surely she's dancing every day and teaching her BGDC and just being a dancing dancer who dances.  Isn't she?

There are just some episodes where they're just begging us to read the show's title ironically.

1 minute ago, 3girlsforus said:

So you want your friend to have a relaxing pregnancy massage ......  there are people who do that!! Get her a massage from a professional. That was hideous. 

What's not relaxing about having to lie back on your friend's gunt/fupa, be smothered with what appeared to be Wet Wipes, feel the breeze from Whitney's arm fat as she waved them over your head, and then finish off with a titty-twister from an emotionally-retarded-sexaholic with no boundaries?

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1 minute ago, 3girlsforus said:

So you want your friend to have a relaxing pregnancy massage ......  there are people who do that!! Get her a massage from a professional. That was hideous. 

Again, it’s a boundary issue. She has no respect for boundaries. All of the touchy-feely just makes A person want to wretch.  

That scene in the pool with her father really rubbed me the wrong way. There was something highly inappropriate about the way she was looking at him and the way she kissed him. And I don’t think I’m imagining things. Her interaction with him appeared sexualized to me.

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I have seen the give a pregnant woman spicy food on numerous shows before-everything is scripted here. Don’t think anything is wrong with Whitney being ga-ga over the new baby-I’m that way about every new baby in our family. Also saw no evidence that Whitney wasn’t in the room with Ashley-the mom usually gets to decide within reason.

I’m also sure Tal knew and approved his storyline and admitting to being a recovering addict-if he works as a counselor that info is probably public knowledge.

I don’t agree that Glen owes to some stranger to give up his job. If he enjoys working and is good at his job, he has a right to work. No one is owed a job and if a younger person wants his job they need to put in the work for it. I agree the pig bite scene was re-enacted. 

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My high school alma matter ran an annual 5K for, I think, five years.  I went there every year, although I was never in good enough shape to run it.  They gave out awards to the people who finished first in the walking and running division.  One year, because I had been exercising a lot, I managed to win 1st in the walking division.  Coming in 2nd was my 10th grade history teacher.  The teacher had been at the school for a very long time and was a very popular faculty member.  Several current students were cheering him on.  Somehow, this motivated me to walk faster, so the anonymous alum could beat the beloved teacher.  Fun times.

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Hmm......I didn't get an icky feeling about the pool scene.  And, I'm normally observant on those kind of things. I'll have to watch again. If my dad volunteered for my friends to come along with us on a family vacation, I'd be happy too and likely give my dad a kiss.  Knowing her, I don't see it as anything other than how she is.

I was under the impression that Whit was NOT doing her normal classes.  She's not in great shape, imo, and I don't think she's trying to say she is. Notice how she keeps expressing concern over even finishing this upcoming race?  To me, she's worried and I would assume for good reason. 

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8 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Hmm......I didn't get an icky feeling about the pool scene.  And, I'm normally observant on those kind of things. I'll have to watch again. If my dad volunteered for my friends to come along with us on a family vacation, I'd be happy too and likely give my dad a kiss.  Knowing her, I don't see it as anything other than how she is.

I was under the impression that Whit was NOT doing her normal classes.  She's not in great shape, imo, and I don't think she's trying to say she is. Notice how she keeps expressing concern over even finishing this upcoming race?  To me, she's worried and I would assume for good reason. 

Not worried until something's brought up that a normal person can do that she cannot. I think she's been living in "happy denial"--she hadn't been working out, hasn't cared about her diet and it wasn't an issue until Glenn brought up the 5k. Rolling around in her bed, rolling out of bed to get in her car for a big cookie and a latte doesn't require much. Glenn: "Let's do a 5k in Hawaii". Uh oh. Reality check. She doesn't want to do it because she knows she'll have to face the fact that a somewhat easy walk is torture for her. 

She's become far less mobile from season one to now.  And, 2 words: Butt Wings. Butt Wings are not fabulous, they're a sign of decreased mobility and over-eating. With all these people in treatment around her, I wish they'd intervene on her. For real this time, not the fake one they had a few seasons ago. She needs help. 

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42 minutes ago, Kid said:

Again, it’s a boundary issue. She has no respect for boundaries. All of the touchy-feely just makes A person want to wretch.  

That scene in the pool with her father really rubbed me the wrong way. There was something highly inappropriate about the way she was looking at him and the way she kissed him. And I don’t think I’m imagining things. Her interaction with him appeared sexualized to me.

No boundaries is right.  I couldn't be friends with her just for that reason alone.  I am very protective of my personal space.  I also didn't like the pool scene.  I didn't exactly think it was sexualized but I think it's gross and inappropriate for a 34 year old woman to kiss her father on the mouth.  And not because she's a woman and he's a man, I think it's odd that any adult kisses their parent on the mouth.  Kiss on the cheek? Great.  Why the mouth?  I also think it's icky when a grown adult calls their parent's Mommy and Daddy.  Maybe it's a southern thing?  I know plenty of people do it and think it's completely normal.  I don't know, I just think it's icky.  Again, boundaries.  

Edited by WhatsUpDummy
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2 minutes ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

I also think it's icky when a grown adult calls their parent's Mommy and Daddy.  Maybe it's a southern thing?  I know plenty of people do it and think it's completely normal.  I don't know, I just think it's icky. 

I had a friend in high school who called her mom by her first name and called her dad Daddy. Her dad was a super creep, too, he was always making sexual comments and trying to grab-ass her friends (including me). Apparently Glenn is an ass-grabber so maybe it's a "guys who insist on being called Daddy" thing.

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That whole nonsense with trying to induce pregnancy went on for far too long.  I swear, it looked like Whitney was trying to chloroform Ashley, like they do in the movies. And I’ve lived in the Carolinas all my life. I’ve never heard of ramen and hot sauce. And I’m totally with Ashley - there are SO many better options for spicy food. Instead, Whit goes for the lowest form.  Hell, I would have even understood if they had her take a shot of the hot sauce by itself.  But apparently, anything goes with ramen noodles...


I wouldn’t have minded so much Whitney getting everyone together to break the news about Buddy...if it didn’t reek of an attention-seeking gossip session.  If it had been a matter of, “This is what’s happened.  This is what’s going on.  How can we beat support him when he completes his treatment?” I wouldn’t have minded her having a one-on-one with Tal about this, given his past experience and what he does.  Or even in a group setting, it wouldn’t be a big thing for her to defer to Tal (with his permission ahead of time), knowing him being in recovery.   It did sound like he was saying that he would need to make some major life changes (bartending job being out), and that maybe being back here wouldn’t be good for his recovery. 


Whitney talking to Babs about re-homing the pig was probably the least repellant thing she’s done in several seasons.  I thought she played it well by saying that the pig DOES have a good, caring home with Babs and Glenn, but it’s just not what the pig needs.  


The 5K - no effort whatsoever.  Even a rudimentary Couch to 5K program would help her not want to die in progress. Seriously, I’ve taken a look at the program. It helps a person work UP to that distance.  But given that there are so many 5Ks that people do for fun, and don’t have to be in shape for to even WALK it, she is making a FAR bigger deal of this than is warranted.


Girl needs therapy.  Whitney doesn’t seem to recognize (or doesn’t want to) that there is a VAST ocean in between what she’s doing with her eating habits currently, and anorexia/bulimia.  I can even get my junk food-loving husband to realize that measuring out portions is NOT that big a deal, not that time-consuming, and is damned useful in maintaining awareness of how much a person is consuming.


And to the people who had questioned up-thread - yes, the pig was neutered after his humping incident. It was referred to in passing, but they did mention the pig was fixed, I think some time last season. 

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2 minutes ago, Yajmele said:

Whitney doesn’t seem to recognize (or doesn’t want to) that there is a VAST ocean in between what she’s doing with her eating habits currently, and anorexia/bulimia.

This is such an important point and it seems to be a common theme with the "fat activism" movement - that being obese is no less healthy than being anorexic, that they'd rather eat anything without restriction than starve themselves. It is extremely telling about their psychology that they, Whitney included, do not seem to view "moderation" as an option.

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1 hour ago, Ocean Chick said:

This was my thought as well. If we’re going to pretend that Glenn is paying, wouldn’t he pay for some of Hunter’s friends as well?  And Glenn comes up with the magical number of five friends?  We all know that Twit only has that many paid barnacles that are not in rehab who can come. Or does she?  She’s got Todd, Tal, Heather and Donna. If  Ashley just gave birth and Buddy is in rehab, who else is coming?  Lenny?  Avi?  Nada?  ?

Two seats for Twit.

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1 minute ago, ClareWalks said:

This is such an important point and it seems to be a common theme with the "fat activism" movement - that being obese is no less healthy than being anorexic, that they'd rather eat anything without restriction than starve themselves. It is extremely telling about their psychology that they, Whitney included, do not seem to view "moderation" as an option.

So much this. I do think one of the problems is that people who say something like that define "starve" as "don't eat as much as I do now". Well duh - if you want to lose weight you will have to eat less than you do now. But that doesn't mean you have to just eat carrots and lettuce. In fact someone as big Whitney could still eat a lot and lose weight. She could even eat some of the not so good for you stuff and still lose weight. I recently decided it was time to do something about my weight but knew from past experience that I can't just go 'everything uber low calorie". My family still expects me to cook real meals for them and I have not been successful in the past making something separate for me. So all I've been doing is charting calories in fitness pal. (love that app). I eat mostly very good stuff but sometimes the dinner I make is a bit higher in calories. I just make sure at the end of the day I have less than my allotted. I ate Super Bowl junk food. I've gone out to eat several times. I cook with regular ingredients. I haven't once felt like I was starving but I know I'm getting less calories that I did before because of my portions. In 18 days I've lost 7 lbs. And I'm doing it with foods I ate before, just with the knowledge of how best to eat them and how much of them to eat so hopefully when I hit my goal weight it will be easier to keep the weight off because I didn't radically change the foods I ate and won't be spending all this time wishing I could eat what my family eats - I already am. Also, tracking everything I eat keeps me from grabbing that handful of nuts or crackers when I'm in the kitchen because I hate logging something I wish I hadn't eaten LOL. 

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30 minutes ago, Yajmele said:

I wouldn’t have minded so much Whitney getting everyone together to break the news about Buddy...if it didn’t reek of an attention-seeking gossip session.  If it had been a matter of, “This is what’s happened.  This is what’s going on.  How can we beat support him when he completes his treatment?” I wouldn’t have minded her having a one-on-one with Tal about this, given his past experience and what he does.  Or even in a group setting, it wouldn’t be a big thing for her to defer to Tal (with his permission ahead of time), knowing him being in recovery.   It did sound like he was saying that he would need to make some major life changes (bartending job being out), and that maybe being back here wouldn’t be good for his recovery. 

And how about her taking at shot at Buddy for being behind in the rent when she was reading his letter.

"Gee, I'll sit here and feel sorry for myself over the fact that I failed to see big honking billboard that made clear that Buddy was tooting the rent money up his nose, and cry poor-mouth about him being behind in rent." 

[And, I get it.  If she's a real-life landlord and he's just a random tenant of course she's entitled to her rent.  Even in this actual situation [assuming it's accurate and not "for show"] she's entitled to her rent.  But if Buddy really is her bestest friendest in the world, someone she cares so much about, a normal human's reaction is probably to realize that being out of work and in rehab is going to cause an even further hit for Buddy financially and maybe cut him a break on the rent thing.  Whitney's initial reaction is like a cartoon with dollar-signs bursting out of her eyes]

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2 hours ago, Ocean Chick said:

This was my thought as well. If we’re going to pretend that Glenn is paying, wouldn’t he pay for some of Hunter’s friends as well?  And Glenn comes up with the magical number of five friends?  We all know that Twit only has that many paid barnacles that are not in rehab who can come. Or does she?  She’s got Todd, Tal, Heather and Donna. If  Ashley just gave birth and Buddy is in rehab, who else is coming?  Lenny?  Avi?  Nada?  ?


44 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Two seats for Twit.

Ha ha I was going to suggest New Girl Cameron?  But AZChristian is probably right :)

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48 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

And how about her taking at shot at Buddy for being behind in the rent when she was reading his letter.

"Gee, I'll sit here and feel sorry for myself over the fact that I failed to see big honking billboard that made clear that Buddy was tooting the rent money up his nose, and cry poor-mouth about him being behind in rent." 

[And, I get it.  If she's a real-life landlord and he's just a random tenant of course she's entitled to her rent.  Even in this actual situation [assuming it's accurate and not "for show"] she's entitled to her rent.  But if Buddy really is her bestest friendest in the world, someone she cares so much about, a normal human's reaction is probably to realize that being out of work and in rehab is going to cause an even further hit for Buddy financially and maybe cut him a break on the rent thing.  Whitney's initial reaction is like a cartoon with dollar-signs bursting out of her eyes]

I thought it was Buddy who brought the rent up in his letter, said he would make it up, etc.  I thought it was him who was concerned, not Whit. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought it was Buddy who brought the rent up in his letter, said he would make it up, etc.  I thought it was him who was concerned, not Whit. 

Buddy mentioned in his letter that he planned on paying her back and Whitney snortled about it.  Something like "that's good" as in "it's about time".  

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1 minute ago, Alapaki said:

Buddy mentioned in his letter that he planned on paying her back and Whitney snortled about it.  Something like "that's good" as in "it's about time".  

Oh, I didn't take it that way.  I thought it was like, it was funny that he would be concerned with something like that, when he is in such a serious situation.  Oh well.....even if she holds him to the repayment....that's fair.  If you overlook unacceptable behavior of addicts, it doesn't help them, but enable them.  I hope he follows through and that she doesn't shame him about that. That's not good either. 

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47 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

If you overlook unacceptable behavior of addicts, it doesn't help them, but enable them

Sort of like Whitney’s friends and family do with her. That is a consistent theme in every episode including this one.

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I get training in the pool, just a way to build up cardio endurance that is easy on the joints. But she also needs to do some actual exercise walking, not just couch to kitchen.


I did not want ANYONE, my husband included, getting up in my newborn's face. Or kissing them. Because, germs. And personal space. And leave me alone with my baby. I'm amazed she voluntarily left the hospital and didn't camp out all night in Ashley's room!

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3 minutes ago, Emma C said:

I did not want ANYONE, my husband included, getting up in my newborn's face. Or kissing them. Because, germs. And personal space. And leave me alone with my baby. I'm amazed she voluntarily left the hospital and didn't camp out all night in Ashley's room!

Actually, the hovering reminded me of a vulture over a corpse.

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6 minutes ago, Kid said:

Sort of like Whitney’s friends and family do with her. That is a consistent theme in every episode including this one.

Totally agree about not enabling destructive behavior.  I do think that she is able to pay her bills, but, if not, same thing applies, imo. I haven't seen anyone putting her shoes on her lately.  Hmmm.....

If Whit wasn't a friend and his things were in their house, with overdue rent......they would likely not have been so forgiving and likely gone for an eviction.  Not sure what time frame this happened under, but, he's lucky that Whit's not really strapped for that money.  Some people who have roommates HAVE to get their rent money to pay their mortgage and bills and can't just let a room sit empty with a non-paying tenant.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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3 hours ago, spazchic said:

This is true.  I gave birth twice in this same hospital (Women's Hospital in Greensboro), and they do not allow video of the birth.

You might be able to provide a bit of info.

Is there any likelihood at all that the hospital would appear to be ENTIRELY EMPTY except for the birthing mother, her OB, presumably a nurse, and a supposed birthing coach? Because it struck me that, at 7:45 at night, a hospital would not appear to be LITERALLY EMPTY. There weren’t even blurred-out workers or any of the multitude of ambient noises that belong in a functioning hospital.


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3 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

I also think it's icky when a grown adult calls their parent's Mommy and Daddy.  Maybe it's a southern thing? 

I always called then Mother and Daddy, and a lot of my southern cousins did, too.  My mother was from Alabama, my father from Kansas.

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18 minutes ago, tdanaher said:

Is there any likelihood at all that the hospital would appear to be ENTIRELY EMPTY except for the birthing mother, her OB, presumably a nurse, and a supposed birthing coach? Because it struck me that, at 7:45 at night, a hospital would not appear to be LITERALLY EMPTY. There weren’t even blurred-out workers or any of the multitude of ambient noises that belong in a functioning hospital.

I can't speak for this hospital.  But many hospitals try to keep their labor and delivery floor and areas around the birthing suites pretty quiet.  In all likelihood the only people on that floor would be mothers who are in labor and that number is obviously pretty variable.  

A lot of hospitals make a selling point of the calm, mellow atmosphere of their birthing areas.

So I can buy that empty hallway.  

20 minutes ago, auntjess said:

I always called then Mother and Daddy, and a lot of my southern cousins did, too.  My mother was from Alabama, my father from Kansas.

Yeah.  But I think the thing with Whitney is that there's a strong sense that she infantalizes herself and, to an extent, her parents cooperate in infantalizing her.

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I haven't watched the episode yet but re: the abandoned maternity ward, it is really odd the kind of traffic patterns that happen in maternity wards. I went into labor in the wee hours on Easter Sunday and it was totally deserted. They told me there were two other women in the whole 30-room ward. The nurses all gathered in my room to watch because they were bored. A friend of mine had a totally different experience going into labor mid-week. It was packed, every room full, and the doctor barely arrived at her room in time for her to push the baby out (delivering multiple babies at once, basically). They schedule C-sections and inductions during the week so the doctors don't have to do them on weekends, so it is much emptier on weekends (especially holidays). 

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I sure hope Buddy learns through his time in rehab that once he gets out he has to start a new life for the sake of his sobriety. No junkies for friends or even aquaintances, or even people that use recreationally, this includes alcohol. In his case, a new job, too. He should not move back in with Whitney. He probably doesn't need to start back up with Heather, either. She's sweet but sounds like an enabler who had blinders on during the relationship. Good Luck, Buddy. 

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48 minutes ago, auntjess said:

I always called then Mother and Daddy, and a lot of my southern cousins did, too.  My mother was from Alabama, my father from Kansas.

I was born/raised in California, but both my parents came from Virginia.  They were Called Momma & Daddy with the added bonus of sir/ma'am after a yes or no response. ?

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21 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I haven't watched the episode yet but re: the abandoned maternity ward, it is really odd the kind of traffic patterns that happen in maternity wards. I went into labor in the wee hours on Easter Sunday and it was totally deserted. They told me there were two other women in the whole 30-room ward. The nurses all gathered in my room to watch because they were bored. A friend of mine had a totally different experience going into labor mid-week. It was packed, every room full, and the doctor barely arrived at her room in time for her to push the baby out (delivering multiple babies at once, basically). They schedule C-sections and inductions during the week so the doctors don't have to do them on weekends, so it is much emptier on weekends (especially holidays). 

If I was lounging in my own personal pool/spa, I'd wait for the workday to come out too.  Let me enjoy my holiday.  That's probably why Easter Sunday was deserted.

Baby:  "You want me to come out and start having to deal with pooping, swallowing and breathing????  Nah, it's cool, brah.  I'll just hang here until the holiday's over.  They do everything for you in this place."

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4 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

If I was lounging in my own personal pool/spa, I'd wait for the workday to come out too.  Let me enjoy my holiday.  That's probably why Easter Sunday was deserted.

Baby:  "You want me to come out and start having to deal with pooping, swallowing and breathing????  Nah, it's cool, brah.  I'll just hang here until the holiday's over.  They do everything for you in this place."

Right? Me too! Although it turned out okay, at least for me, because the hospital had a special "ham and sweet potatoes" Easter dinner going on that night and I had two servings of everything, LOL.

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3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

He should not move back in with Whitney.

Most definitely should NOT move back in with her or even spend time with her.  He needs to be around healthy people who have real jobs. Whitney does not live a healthy life. She gets a paycheck for being fat and basically doing nothing.

Regarding the back rent, not only did Whitney mention it this episode, she mentioned it last week too.   There was also an entire episode regarding the lease and Buddy owing back rent.

So, this is what Whitney shares with the viewers?  90% or more of the show is fake, but she mentions he owes her money.   Some friend.  And please don't mention she would be enabling him if she didn't mention it because they drank and ate enough for 10 people.  Probably a lot of  other things we didn't see too.

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I don't blame Whitney for mentioning Buddy not paying her rent for months. I would be furious and would have kicked him out. You don't pay, you don't stay. Friends don't do that shit to friends. That's totally on Buddy. If he follows the twelve steps, he will make amends for that. I know he said he will pay her in the letter but we will see. Or maybe we won't, but Whitney will. 

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1 hour ago, tdanaher said:

You might be able to provide a bit of info.

Is there any likelihood at all that the hospital would appear to be ENTIRELY EMPTY except for the birthing mother, her OB, presumably a nurse, and a supposed birthing coach? Because it struck me that, at 7:45 at night, a hospital would not appear to be LITERALLY EMPTY. There weren’t even blurred-out workers or any of the multitude of ambient noises that belong in a functioning hospital.


Hmmm...it is a quiet hospital--it is not a full hospital, but just a Women's Hospital that seems to be mainly for delivering babies (and a few other women-only things).  I remember trying to move things along by walking up and down the halls and it was pretty quiet, but certainly not a complete ghost town. There are nurses and visitors coming and going.  There are separate wings for labor and delivery, and then for mother/baby after the delivery.  So I suppose it is possible it was a quiet night, but more likely the TLC crew cleared out those halls for some shots.  

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