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S01.E14: The War Without, The War Within

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I did too.  Tilly is the purest expression of what makes the Federation great.

And my heart broke all over the place with Paul's pain when he confronted Ash, Ash's guilt over what he'd done, and that scene with Michael.

Cornwell and L'Rell are terrific together.

Did Sarek say without saying that he loved Michael?  I hope she realized that.

I have to admit, I've seen a lot of the twists coming, but the one at the end of this episode I did not see.  Perhaps I'm dumb and should have.

ETA:  Every single one of us needs a friend like Tilly.

Edited by starri
  • Love 16

I'm going to miss this show when the season is over. It always surprises me.

It has the plot twists (Tyler, Cromwell appearing to take over, taking the fight to Qu'ros, Georgiou at the end), and the emotional beats (Tilly supporting Ash, Ash/Stametz confrontation, Sarek and Michael, Michael/Ash, Stametz' success with the spores)  I still don't like the new Klingons but I'll take it for the rest of the show.

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It was a good episode. Like that we still end up getting a version of Georgiu (funny that ST:D and Arrow both have important doppelgangers taking over their dead selves universes). I am so interested in getting to know this version and really hoping that she is here to stay.

I still feel a major disconnect from majority of the cast though so hopefully that is something they can fix next season.

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6 minutes ago, jcin617 said:

I’m really enjoying the story being told, but it just seems so disconnected from what we know of future history.

I smell a big ole time-travel reset button coming at the end of Season 1, it's just skewing way to far off the beaten path leading up to TOS.

I just don't buy Cartwright putting the MirrorEmperor in charge of the Discovery as FauxGeorgiou.  It's going to go wrong in so many ways.

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The timey-wimey bubbly wubbly stuff may go horribly wrong next week.

I did like the reference to Archer,. I kinda miss the beagle.

Felt a bit sorry for Ash/Tyler. At least the crew sat next to him. He does face a questionable life - being a lab rat, really.

Glad that the spores worked, but it seemed a bit convenient that there was an original sample and a handy planet nearby.

Sarek and the Emperor/Georgiou being Michael's parents was a bit odd. The show is brave to go with a female-centric captain/crew. Wonder if current universe Lorca will show up.

I wonder if Jason Isaacs is done with the show and wants to move on. I have the feeling that whether we get PU Lorca back depends on that.

53 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I just don't buy Cartwright putting the MirrorEmperor in charge of the Discovery as FauxGeorgiou.  It's going to go wrong in so many ways.

It can go wrong in so many ways but I buy it that Cartwright would do it.  She's got nothing now, you could tell from how she froze when she was Starbase 1 had been taken by Klingons.  Saru had to give the order to get the warp out of there because Cartwright couldn't deal with it.  I can believe that Sarek and Georgiou worked out a plan and Georgiou is going to help them now. 

It's to her benefit. As much as she wants to get back to her own universe, she can't until the war is over and Starfleet gets their spore drive working.

Unlike MU Lorca, MU Georgiou was willing to listen to Burnham's plan.  She's smart but not as megalomaniac as he was.  It's to her benefit to help Cromwell right now.  And after that, Cromwell needs to watch her back.

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I can totally go with MU Georgiou being made captain.  "Desperate times call for desperate measures."  I figured that this (or something similar) was how this storyline was going to play out.  I can also see that sometime in next season, the crew/Federation is going to have to choose between human and Terran tactics.

An Enterprise mention!  Yay!  So the Klingons have really been isolationists until now. 

"So my Gabriel is gone."  Sniff.  Let's hope not.

Tilly is absolutely fabulous.  She's what the Federation is all about.  I love her kindness, which she first showed to Burnham and now Ash.

More Tilly!

  • Love 6

Michael kind of hit it right on the head when she credited Tilly for her "optimism," about why she's ended up being such an important part of this show, in my opinion.  This is admittedly a darker, more serial series of the Star Trek franchise, but Tilly really is the character that brings the hope and optimism that keeps some of the old-school Trek in this.  Really loved her being the first one to show Ash kindness (and how the others followed her act), and her talk with Michael.

So, basically the Federation is kind of fucked at the moment, but the Klingons themselves have their own issues, since there really isn't an actual leader, so each faction is just doing their own thing.  At least Cornwall and Sarek are still around, but it seems like their backing Emperor Georgiou's play, which I suspect could backfire.  Just can't trust her.  And now they're pretending that she's O.G. Captain Georgiou that they just happened to "safe" during those nine months, with only Michael, Saru, and transporter dude knowing what is really going on here.  Uh oh!

Really now sure where Tyler is going to go from here.  I feel bad for him, but I understand why it is too hard for Michael to ever be with him again.  But I'm more curious to see how his relationship with Stamets is going to continue.

Since the Previously made sure to show Lorca getting disintegrated, I suspect he'll be back in some way come next week. 

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Michael kind of hit it right on the head when she credited Tilly for her "optimism," about why she's ended up being such an important part of this show, in my opinion.  This is admittedly a darker, more serial series of the Star Trek franchise, but Tilly really is the character that brings the hope and optimism that keeps some of the old-school Trek in this.  Really loved her being the first one to show Ash kindness (and how the others followed her act), and her talk with Michael.


Thats one of the reasons I love Tilly so much. As dark as this version of Trek is, Tilly is around to be the idealistic and kind hearted person that personifies the Federation at its best. It was so great seeing her being kind to poor Ash, and inspiring everyone else to show more empathy for him. I just adore her. 

Good episode, even if I still question a lot of of creative decisions the show has made lately (the Lorca stuff, killing off poor Hugh, at least for now) as of now. Lots of good character beats throughout, and I actually do like how the Ash story is going. Its tragic, but quite interesting. I still hope he and Michael can make it work damn it. Once that get that Klingon out of him, of course. 

Terran Georgiou play acting as Prime Georgiou is going to be interesting, and she might actually be helpful in this darkest hour stuff. For now anyway, I still dont trust her. Not all Mirror Universe people have been evil, but they have ALL been a lot rougher than our Prime gang, so at best, this Georgiou wont be the person Michael mourns, and at worst, she could be a monster she causes more problems than she fixes. 

Archer! Maybe next we find out that due to time travel shenanigans, poor Tucker didn't 


*spoilers for a show that ended several years ago, just in case* die a cruel and pointless death. 

in this time line. 

  • Love 4

Was not feeling the crew jumping to accept Tyler/Voq in any way at all. He murdered one of their own and no one has the vaguest conception of who or what he actually is at this point. No way he would be allowed to roam the halls. I am not feeling that relationship in any way.

A lot of fans are thinking the augment virus from ENT will end this, but IMO Georgiou would not stop at mutating a foe's appearance. She would (and will, given the opportunity) wipe the Empire out or leave it a subjugated slave race.

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Ugh, what is with this Ash Tyler breaking my heart all over the place?! At the same time, I don't trust him, so Michael is clearly smarter than I am. Her speech to him at the end about rebuilding your life was quite moving.

Another good speechifying moment was Tilly talking to Burnham while loading the spores. I don't know if it was the lighting, the makeup, or the passion, but Mary Wiseman was killing it there while looking absolutely stunning.

Even Sarek got emotional this episode. I'm glad he, in a roundabout way, mentioned his love for Amanda. Those two have always been such an interesting couple to me. 

Dettmer's not stupid enough to believe that was *really* Captain Georgiou, and yet her bright smile as Cornwell introduced the miraculously-rescued Captain says otherwise.

If ST:D doesn't go back in time 9 months and/or find another way to save Culber, I'm going to be mad. No writers, despite all your protestations, you have not made his death right. Fix it! Fix it with hand wavy woo-woo timeywimey crap if you have to! Fix it!

  • Love 5

I enjoyed it... Loved Michael's "parents conference"... You saw them both shiw live for their version if Mike and also a lil parental boasting... I'm sure phillipa will help and her pretend stay on a klingon shio could explain why she will be so damn different.. I'm still hoping for one more time jump... Away from the start of TOS and to somewhere new where we don't need to worry abt canon... But if it doesn't.. I'll still trust the show.. Hasn't let me down yet... Also looking fwd to knowing more about the bridge crew.... The Asian dude.  The black guy in comms.. Detmer.. The African lady... Robot/cyborg lady.  I expect the shiw to give us a bit more of who they are in the finale and then next season.. When I hear may be more Trek-like.. We will get deeper into a few

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So Michael has missed nine months of war, she knows some starships have been destroyed, yet she doesn't ask Sarek about Spock? Are they both pretending he doesn't exist? Why is this show like this? I don't think we should see Spock himself but it's weird when it looks like his father and stepsister don't give a shit about him.  A mention of the Enterprise or the Farragut would be nice too. 

I can understand Michael's reluctance to be with Ash, although I'm sorry for him, poor baby.

Putting Mirror Giorgiou in charge of the Enterprise can go wrong in a million ways. And I want to believe that everyone on the bridge was aware that she was from the Mirror Universe they have just left behind. Otherwise they would be too stupid to be serving in the Fleet.

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MirrorGiorgiu in charge of the most powerful ship the Federation still has in its much diminished fleet? I understand why they decided to take the risk at this point, although I hope the writers indicate at one point that she has not been given access to all of the Federation command codes or that someone in the senior staff has the power to override her authority over the ship's systems, should she be tempted to use it for her own ambitions. If there is no failsafe measure, this depleted Federation is really desperate and has forsaken most of its brains.

This should be an interesting ride, although I think that in the end the timeline may very well be put right by a time jump, either planned or accidental, into the past and a restrospective defeat of the Klingons. You know, what the Enterprise crew used to call "Tuesday".

Edited by Florinaldo
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6 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

that someone in the senior staff has the power to override her authority over the ship's systems, should she be tempted to use it for her own ambitions. 



Admiral is the failsafe...what would happen if she gets killed?????

ETA: Admiral Cartwright was from ST movies 4 & 6

Cromwell executed King Charles

Edited by paigow
2 minutes ago, paigow said:

Admiral is the failsafe...what would happen if she gets killed?????

My thought was that the Admiral would not always be on the ship; she might be on a mission, having high-level meetings with what's left of the Federation Leadership, etc. And she might also be killed as you say.

Which is why a failsafe amongst the senior staff would be needed; redundancy is standard practice in security procedures and systems.

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The good: I loved Michael admitting that the reason she grabbed MirrorGeorgiou was simply that she couldn't watch her die again, and Saru gracefully accepting this. Stamets' reaction to Tyler was perfect: he didn't punch him, and he was aware that Tyler was suffering too, but he wasn't ready to forgive and forget. Cornwell shooting the fortune cookie bowl and referring to "my Gabriel" was lovely. And any time Cornwell and L'Rell are on screen together, it rocks. MirrorGeorgiou talking with Sarek was great, too . . . 

The bad: . . . except, it seems this conference led to a bone-headed plan. Seriously, I get it: we love Michele Yeoh and want any excuse to keep her on the show. But making the Terran Emperor captain of a Federation starship is ridiculous. The cover plan is to map the Klingon home world with an eye to taking out all their military strongholds. So, obviously, the real plan is some kind of global genocide. Which we are supposed to believe Cornwell and Sarek endorse, because they think it is the only way to survive. But, of course, it is really an opportunity to let Burnham shine by espousing Federation principles, at the expense of Cornwell's character (Sarek's complicity will be excused due to his Vulcan logic). On other notes, while I feel bad for Tyler, I'm kind of over his story line. Tilly getting up and sitting with him was great, but then other people doing the same cheapened the bravery of her action.

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

I think I like how Mirror Georgiou is checking on Saru on the bridge. It is like me when I see a big fat cow. "Mmm... Your porterhouse must be very good grilled medium-rare."

I do that all the time when I'm reading to my son and the book references bison...I stop to tell him how delicious bison burgers are, and he tells me I'm being silly. Oh kid...

My crush on Michelle Yeoh is big enough to handwave all the crazy things they do to keep her around, he!

I don't believe for one minute that Discovery will just do reconnaissance next episode. Clearly the emperor had something else in mind and she managed to convince Sarek that she needs to be in command to pull it off. Burnham probably has to deal with history repeating itself. 

I love Tilly and she ruled this episode but I did not buy the other crew members following her example that easily. Poor Tyler, he's truly screwed. And Michael is in serious need of some therapy.

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I thought that the other crew members following Tilly and sitting with Tyler simply showed that one person standing up and doing the right thing can affect others and inspire them to do the right thing, too.  Very Trekish, in my view.

I would love it if Discovery's hijinks with timey wimey bubbly wubbly stuff would reset that most egregious of storylines, the Abomination that is TATV.   (According to the Abrams timeline, Archer is still alive and kicking, so who knows?)

I think the season finale will end on the cliffhanger of will they or won't they follow Georgiou's plan and do Something Awful and Irredeemable to Qu'onos and the Klingons.  

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There was a lot of good, mired by two frickin' scenes that pissed me off.

The whole thing with Tyler is still so undefined, but now it's "settled", he's still Tyler, but now can access Voq's memories? Sure, fine. Tilly and the crew forgiving Tyler ... yeah, that works, and shows why Tilly is the best, though it was a little Hallmark for my taste.

But ....

I am still team Stamets and team Burnham. They, as the two parties most directly affected by Tyler's betrayal, are under no obligation to forgive him. And so, Tilly and Tyler trying to guilt and push Burnham into forgiving him ... no. HELL no.

I will say that I actually really liked Burnham's response about how hard it was to bring herself back after the Binary Stars. It was a good line, and well done.

  • Love 7
54 minutes ago, Unusual Suspect said:

And so, Tilly and Tyler trying to guilt and push Burnham into forgiving him ... no. HELL no.

I don't think Tilly was attempting to guilt Michael, she was just suggesting that Michael actually talk to him, even if she was going to tell him goodbye.

And clearly, no one dared to tell Paul that.  

It occurs to me that the only people who know who the Emperor actually is are Saru, Michael and the transporter chief.  Ash and L'Rell know that Georgiou is dead since they ate her.  But to the galaxy at large, outside the admiralty, Sarek, and the Federation Council, the real thing is commanding Discovery, I wonder if some of the "freedom" the Emperor asked Sarek about might actually have included Michael, like some kind of statement exonerating her.

Seeing Ash struggling not to cry makes me want to cry.

Edited by starri
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On 2/4/2018 at 8:21 PM, starri said:

I did too.  Tilly is the purest expression of what makes the Federation great.

It just occurred to me that Tilly is what Harry Kim should have been.

Its funny but there are elements of Voyager in this show, the crew as family aspect, the technobabble and action adventure aspect. It definitely takes more of a cue from DS9 with the serialization and the war arc but its interesting what they are using and learning from.

  • Love 5
On 2/5/2018 at 7:32 PM, starri said:

It occurs to me that the only people who know who the Emperor actually is are Saru, Michael and the transporter chief.

The Discovery crew is supposed to believe that in the 9 months of losing Starbases, Outposts & Ships, scarce Federation resources were dedicated to rescuing Phillipa? 

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I'm especially grumpy today so forgive my grumpy post.

I just don't connect emotionally to this show.  I recognize the structual, formal things they're doing with all the mirrors and parallels and Alice Through the Looking Glass and on and on (and I would say more but next week previews don't go in this thread I guess) but it always feels to me like they planned that out beforehand and filled in the story and characters second, so that everything that happens doesn't feel organic and natural or even make any sense but is just checking boxes and filling blanks.  It's like a TV show sestina.  Clever, sure, but cold and meaningless.  And annoying!

That was a lot of special effects budget put to no good use at all for the spore-planet terraforming thing.  Who cares?  And if the spore drive is handwaved away like the Mirror Universe, oh it's classified, then: dumb.  But then what else is new on that front.  The fact that Ash was made back into Ash (when it's not even his body!  It's Voq!  Why would he be Ash now?  And all it takes is some fiddling by L'Rell??) is unbelievably dumb to me. Speaking of, I see the Internet is loving Michael rejecting Ash's manpain but as always when she gets high and mighty I'm like, dude.  Ash (in whatever absurd roundabout way) was mind-controlled by someone else after being horrifyingly tortured and suffering from all sorts of terrifying things.  You had absolutely none of these things be true and you tried to mutiny and take over a ship with the express and sole purpose of murdering an entire ship full of people.  Nobody mind-controlled you into that, that was all you.

But I just never liked Michael and I never will.  And I'm completely over Tilly The Wonder Cadet who is always so pure and good and right and the only scientist on the ship except Stamets.  Stamets is OK, and Saru is good (assuming we ignore the ridiculous episode where he tried to kill everybody for no reason, hey another AMAZING PARALLEL), but in general, I find almost nobody either believable or interesting, much less likeable.  Honestly, I feel sure I would like it better if it had been a "normal" Star Trek where the focus was on the bridge crew, who all seem likeable enough. 

But I think the problem with the characters is just a symptom of a general unreality, an emptiness, a lack of a world.  I don't really mean continuity, but rather a sense of something outside the ship.  It's amazing, considering the disdain people used to have for "bottle episodes", how rarely they've ever beamed down to a planet, and conspicuous how, like the silent bridge crew and the nonexistent scientists and the non-Culber doctor who shows up for a few lines and then vanishes forever, the universe and Starfleet seem to consist only of people we saw before.  They come back 9 months later and meet........the same admiral and ambassador that they were hanging out with before!  Out of the entire quadrant's population!  And with this emptiness, the characters are drifting nobodies, just filler for the sestina chart, as I said before.

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58 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

I’m still a bit confused about Ash/Voq. Whose body is that? 

My understanding is that Ash Tyler was captured by the Klingons at some point and they found a way of copying his consciousness so it could be implanted over top of a Klingon spy, who in this case was Voq. Voq's body was altered by some brutal surgery that did not include anesthetics and when they were finished butchering him down to human size they bolted Tyler's consciousness over top and set him loose. The logistics of this are... whimsical but who knows what surgery will be able to accomplish in the 23rd century?

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10 hours ago, dwmarch said:

The logistics of this are... whimsical but who knows what surgery will be able to accomplish in the 23rd century?

That's putting it mildly. The Voq/Ash mess is probably the greatest misstep of this season (along with turning Lorca into a one-dimensioanl villain). The fact that so many people (and even reviewers) are confused about his identity shows a failure in writing.

I think the character was initially created as a smoke-screen for Lorca. Have everyone wonder about his identity so that the Lorca reveal was all the more shocking. Although it didn't really work out it was a good idea. But then someone had the bright idea to add the twist that Burnham should fall for for someone who was literally Klingon to his bones. Because of the inherent symbolism? Sarek talking about the ability to love your enemy as a the greatest source of peace was both cringe-worthy and hilarious at the same time.

So instead of going the traditional sleeper agent route they came up with this extremely convoluted way to create a character who was both Klingon and not Klingon at the same time. Somehow hoping that nobody would question the rationale behind the whole thing. If you have the magic technology to transplant a personality/consciousness from one body to the other why not simply insert Voq into Ash's body? That would be the logical step. But I guess we just have to accept that Klingons have extremely advanced medical skills but not logic and no anesthetics.

And now they muddle the water even more by allowing Not-Ash to keep Voq's memories, bah!

Edited by MissLucas
  • Love 8

[Interior: Discovery Sickbay]

Emperor / Captain: Doctor Nameless, where is the last medical report on Mr. Tyler?

Dr. Nameless: Retrieved Captain. What would you like to know?

Emperor / Captain: Has he consumed any antibiotics or growth hormones in the last 90 days? I like my Klingon filets crew to be natural as possible...

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

But I think the problem with the characters is just a symptom of a general unreality, an emptiness, a lack of a world.  I don't really mean continuity, but rather a sense of something outside the ship.  It's amazing, considering the disdain people used to have for "bottle episodes", how rarely they've ever beamed down to a planet, and conspicuous how, like the silent bridge crew and the nonexistent scientists and the non-Culber doctor who shows up for a few lines and then vanishes forever, the universe and Starfleet seem to consist only of people we saw before.  They come back 9 months later and meet........the same admiral and ambassador that they were hanging out with before!  Out of the entire quadrant's population!  And with this emptiness, the characters are drifting nobodies, just filler for the sestina chart, as I said before.

Michael is the only actual character. She's in a cube on Picard's desk, and I am here for her stories.

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What kind of medical in the 23rd century indeed. I find it hard to believe that if by the 23rd century there are things like interstellar/galactic spacecraft moving around virtually instantaneously, that there would even be anything recognizable as human as crew in the first place. More like the ships themselves would be cybernetic or if an actual crew, a much genetically altered being.

On 2/5/2018 at 6:52 AM, Helena Dax said:

So Michael has missed nine months of war, she knows some starships have been destroyed, yet she doesn't ask Sarek about Spock? Are they both pretending he doesn't exist? Why is this show like this? I don't think we should see Spock himself but it's weird when it looks like his father and stepsister don't give a shit about him.  A mention of the Enterprise or the Farragut would be nice too. 



If they are like me, then no mention of Spock is meant to suggest there is no change in the status quo.  She doesn't need to ask about Spock (or Amanda) because Sarek would have volunteered the information if the war had affected him.


On 2/7/2018 at 7:55 AM, MissLucas said:

So instead of going the traditional sleeper agent route they came up with this extremely convoluted way to create a character who was both Klingon and not Klingon at the same time. Somehow hoping that nobody would question the rationale behind the whole thing. If you have the magic technology to transplant a personality/consciousness from one body to the other why not simply insert Voq into Ash's body? That would be the logical step. But I guess we just have to accept that Klingons have extremely advanced medical skills but not logic and no anesthetics.


Voq was the test case for species reassignment protocol.  The idea is to create a sleeper agent.  You need Ash's persona laid over Voq's to get the sleeper agent in place.  Voq wouldn't be able to pretend to be a Starfleet officer, so you need the Ash persona to get the agent into place, then you activate Voq.  The problem was that L'Rell couldn't trigger Voq.


On 2/7/2018 at 10:26 AM, 100Proof said:

What kind of medical in the 23rd century indeed. I find it hard to believe that if by the 23rd century there are things like interstellar/galactic spacecraft moving around virtually instantaneously, that there would even be anything recognizable as human as crew in the first place. More like the ships themselves would be cybernetic or if an actual crew, a much genetically altered being.

Not a problem in a universe where there is such things as artificial gravity and inertial dampers.

Edited by RobertDeSneero

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