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Tom Colicchio and Anthony Bourdain respond to Mario Batali sexual misconduct allegations

The one sort of positive thing I have to say about this particular situation is that at least Batali admitted to it immediately. I am so sick of the faux apologies we've been getting (I was drunk/I don't remember doing that/my actions may have been misconstrued/things were different back then) so I'm glad that he didn't go that route.

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5 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I read earlier today that Bravo is editing John Besh out of the TC episode(s) he's in.  Sorry I don't have a link.

 I just read an article and was coming here to post the link.


The episode will air in January.  It can't have been an easy edit to cut out a well known guest judge.  Good call by Brave on this.

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The episode will air in January.  It can't have been an easy edit to cut out a well known guest judge.  Good call by Brave on this.

I'm guessing they're grateful it was just one episode and something they could take care of without killing the whole season, a la America's Next Baking Whatever It's Called. I'm glad to see that they were able to find a way to 8-6 Besh but keep the episode itself.

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4 hours ago, LizDC said:

From that article:


After 11 years on the air, and many excellent seasons, the Bravo reality cooking show has turned unbearably creepy, replete with uncomfortable remarks about physical appearance, crass sex jokes and an overdose of dude.


This sexist shift comes at the worst possible time. Like Hollywood, the restaurant industry has been embroiled in multiple sexual harassment scandals involving major industry players, including John Besh, who was a frequent guest judge on “Top Chef,” and Mario Batali, who was fired from ABC’s “The Chew.”

I don't agree with everything in that article and in fact, think that some is quite a stretch, but I've also thought the sexual innuendos have been over the top this season. In my case, I think the fact that sexual harassment in the food industry is receiving attention makes the comments this season stand out more. Padma routinely makes sexual innuendos, and Tom and the cheftestants have always played along. It's probably not actually more than in prior seasons. It never made me uncomfortable before, although I've also never found it humorous, but this year, it's just too much. 

PTV commenters have acknowledged the sexual comments and behaviors before, mostly negatively, whereas many other sites have comments discussing Padma, her clothing, and her jokes with additional sexual comments that have occasionally been disturbing to me. It's along the lines of "if she can joke about it or dress that way then I can assume she wants me to talk about her as an object of lust" which they then do, out loud and on the internet for the rest of us to read as opposed to in their heads where the rest of us don't have to see it. Just way too far for mixed company since the internet is largely anonymous.

Hopefully, next year it will change since Tom has taken a stance of it being time for the profession to change in this aspect. He has tweeted a few comments about things that would not have aired if they had the time to re-edit the episodes, and applauded Bravo for taking the time and spending the money to cut Besh out of the episode.

TMI, but the reason this bothers me so much - One of my first jobs as a paralegal was defending a company that was sued for sexual harassment by a woman who was being tortured daily by a man with sexual comments, including cutting explicit photos from a Playboy and submitting a request for reimbursement for something and stating that he would take it out in trade on the photo of a woman's nether regions. He never actually touched her and therefore, didn't think he was doing anything wrong, and I truly believe he really didn't see anything wrong with what he considered flirting with a single woman. Scary dude. The others in the office felt that she must not have been that bothered since she never told him to stop, but two of the men addressed how uncomfortable it made them, too, and they were afraid of losing their jobs in an area with an extremely high unemployment rate, the same reason she took it without complaint until she mentally broke.

Those two men testified during their depositions that the supervisors ignored it because the main perpetrator was super good at his job and there wasn't anyone else in the company that could do what he did as well and as quickly. Since he was getting away with it and people thought she didn't mind it, others joined in with the joking but she wasn't afraid the others would physically harm her like she was the main asshole. The company had no choice but to settle fairly for her, because of the men who took a stand to say how toxic the workplace had become, and how nonchalant the supervisors were about it all. After five cases defending employers for sexual harassment, none as bad as the one I just described, even though the firm had a case of sexual acts required to keep their jobs, but I didn't have to work on that one, I transferred to a domestic relations firm only to decide I would never marry and that everyone is awful and collectable spoons are not worth paying several grand in attorney fees to fight over. That should go without saying but when emotions and hurt are involved, it has to be said. 

I also worked my way through college in bars and restaurants where sexual behavior and jokes were the norm. I just can't find sexual jokes funny when it's part of a work situation, and I consider Top Chef a work situation. They are advertising themselves, and some are probably playing along believing it is expected. If someone is bothered or uncomfortable, they are not likely to speak up when the group atmosphere is that it is being said/done in humor, so they would make the decision to let it roll off their backs because they don't want to be seen as making something out of nothing (something I, personally, have been accused of here on PTV because I ramble and rant when I decided to type a comment in the middle of insomnia, like right now.)

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I think the sexual innuendos are unnecessary, but this is after all a TV show, and is meant for entertainment purposes.  It's not actually a workplace where such things are frowned upon, though it operates like one in some ways, and I do think the chefs are wise to treat it professionally, sort of like a job interview.

I dunno, not sure exactly how to feel about this one.  We also get lots of TH from the cheftestants expressing attraction of guest judges and that kind of thing which is sometimes funny, sometimes a little creepy.

I guess it's at best bad form.  At worst, an indication of the mores of the industry.

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1 hour ago, Wings said:

This smacks of  the editor sayiing Johnny, I want you to do a piece on sexual harassment in reality TV.   Robert you do one on harassment in Convince stores.  Fred, you take banks. 

This is going too far. 

Top Chef is on the bottom of the creepy list in my book. 

I totally agree.  This is a TV show.  Almost half the shows I watch contain something that is a bit cringeworthy, but the option is not to watch anything at all because i might become offended.  

There are plenty of things to be offended about (like the overwhelmingly obnoxious commercials for catheters and suffering animals that you can't avoid) without picking on Top Chef.

The Post writer just needed a subject for a column and I'm not buying.

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I walked away last season for several episodes, only catching up at the very end. The show was obvious, the winner was obvious, and I wasn't enjoying myself.

With the exception of Claudette, and now Brother, I've liked all these chefs. I don't like the sexual innuendos that have taken place for several, if not all, seasons, and it seems worse to me this year. There are a group of people who cannot say the jokes are making them uncomfortable without it blowing back on them "to grow up!" Because they are in a work situation, they just smile and nod. Of course, not everyone would be bothered so the others just need to get thicker skin or get out of the industry. That's how the harassment works.

Padma makes a sexual joke with a grin on her face, and the others joke along because it's expected. I've never found it funny but this year is seems extreme. Like I said in my first comment, it's probably because it has been in the news routinely lately, making it seem like it's happening more than before when it's really not.

The entire television industry is a cesspool of drug, alcohol and sexual abuses so there is no reason to hold this show up to a higher standard, and I wouldn't, if Tom didn't keep insisting it is. 

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I posted a link to that article in a reality TV group I belong to on Facebook..... they all raked me over the coals, saying that Padma doesn’t do anything to elicit that kind of talk. I guess they don’t watch the show with the same open eyes we do.

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

I posted a link to that article in a reality TV group I belong to on Facebook..... they all raked me over the coals, saying that Padma doesn’t do anything to elicit that kind of talk. I guess they don’t watch the show with the same open eyes we do.

Seriously?  Padma doesn't?  Rocky mountain oyster promos...."I hope you like nuts".



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On 1/10/2018 at 0:03 PM, Blonde Gator said:

I am beyond sick of these heartfelt SPEWS of being offended.  For cryin' out loud, if you're offended, DON'T WATCH!   It's time for people to grow the Hell up.

I'm confused.  Perhaps I misunderstand you.

I don't see a problem with anyone expressing offense at excessive sexual innuendo spoiling an otherwise good show like Top Chef. Those who are beyond sick of complaints about sexist remarks and innuendo and are offended by those complaints - DON'T READ them!

I'm not sure why growing the Hell up has anything to do with it.  I hope Top Chef improves the show by taking those legitimate complaints to heart and changing for the better.

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I'm not clutching my pearls over people wanting the show, which represents a sort of workplace, to have fewer innuendos, etc. There is nothing wrong with a more professional environment. 

That being said, this is a TV show, and apart from the whole incident with Marcel, nothing on the show has offended me either. And that article was ridiculous. "Rainbow clique? Awesome! Europeans palling around? Of course! The Bear Den? Horrible dudebro offensive stuff!" C'mon.

Padma's lame jokes aside, I like this season, and this cast. And yeah, Curtis Stone is hot. Ha.

Edited by CrazyDog
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I feel very sorry for Fatima who seems like a delightful young woman.  I'm sure we all feel the same way.  I must say that I've never cared much for Padma but she has gone up a LOT in my estimation because of her personal support for Fatima.  

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Several years ago, I did a bunch of auctions with all proceeds going to my local chapter of ACS. Bruce Kalman donated a chef’s apron from Alex’s Lemonade Stand, and he signed it and wrote “Fuck Cancer” on one of the pockets.  I would bet he’s going to do something for Fatima in light of his unwavering generosity.

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On 1/17/2018 at 2:07 PM, mlp said:

I feel very sorry for Fatima who seems like a delightful young woman.  I'm sure we all feel the same way.  I must say that I've never cared much for Padma but she has gone up a LOT in my estimation because of her personal support for Fatima.  

I agree.  I like Fatima very much and hope she has a successful surgery and treatment.  Padma standing with her says a lot about her character as well.

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24 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

I think Padma looks at Fatima like a little sister, both are Indian and many times Padma has mentioned “our food”. I pray Fatima comes through this OK.

While the foods are obviously very similar, Fatima is Pakistani not Indian. 

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Fatima got released from the hospital and Padma did an IG making a slightly spicy khichadi a lentil and rice porridge for her.

Padma's friendship with several chefs like Kristen and Fatima makes me adore her even more.

Edited by biakbiak
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On 1/14/2018 at 4:05 PM, Christina said:

I walked away last season for several episodes, only catching up at the very end. The show was obvious, the winner was obvious, and I wasn't enjoying myself.

With the exception of Claudette, and now Brother, I've liked all these chefs. I don't like the sexual innuendos that have taken place for several, if not all, seasons, and it seems worse to me this year. There are a group of people who cannot say the jokes are making them uncomfortable without it blowing back on them "to grow up!" Because they are in a work situation, they just smile and nod. Of course, not everyone would be bothered so the others just need to get thicker skin or get out of the industry. That's how the harassment works.

Padma makes a sexual joke with a grin on her face, and the others joke along because it's expected. I've never found it funny but this year is seems extreme. Like I said in my first comment, it's probably because it has been in the news routinely lately, making it seem like it's happening more than before when it's really not.

The entire television industry is a cesspool of drug, alcohol and sexual abuses so there is no reason to hold this show up to a higher standard, and I wouldn't, if Tom didn't keep insisting it is. 

We are adults. We are sexual beings. These things happen.

Get thee to a nunnery.

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"Now Fatima has confirmed that she has been declared cancer-free, noting that there's a 30 percent chance of remission..."  - quoted from the article

What in the heck does that mean?  I'm guessing that the writer meant recurrence, not remission.  In any event, I'm delighted that she's doing well.  Ewing's sarcoma is a very nasty diagnosis.

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19 minutes ago, mlp said:

What in the heck does that mean?  I'm guessing that the writer meant recurrence, not remission.  In any event, I'm delighted that she's doing well.  Ewing's sarcoma is a very nasty diagnosis.

I read up a bit on Ewing's Sarcoma, seems it's a young person's cancer, and is rather on the lethal side.  I suspect whomever wrote that didn't quite understand what he/she was writing.  I believe they meant to say that while Fatima is currently cancer-free (i.e. in remission), there's only a 30% chance of non-recurrence.  As you said, it's a nasty one.   Per Fatima herself, FUCK CANCER!

Edited by Blonde Gator
delete double word
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Or pregnant ladies...

or fathers waiting for their adoptive-birth mother's water to break...

or chefs who already know two-thirds of the judges...

or guest-judges with abuse allegations...

Will Gail be on maternity leave?

will we get more of Mr. White Glasses (I genuinely forgot his name).

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3 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

I guess we’ll be seeing Edward Lee. I can only think of a few restaurants I’ve been to in Louisville when I had to travel there for business. There’s a really good little steakhouse called Del Frisco’s by the river that was good.

Although he still "owns" 610 Magnolia, he is now based in Washington DC.


In the meanwhile, he was served with a cease-and-desist notice by McDonalds for his intended burger in his new Whiskey Dry bar in Louisville:


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The Kentucky Derby is May 5th so I imagone they will have a challenge around that.

2 minutes ago, chiaros said:

Although he still "owns" 610 Magnolia, he is now based in Washington DC.

He will most likely still appear given his history.

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They have Churchill Downs and the Louisville Slugger museum to work with. Thunder Over Louisville before the Derby. I am betting they will start filming earlier than usual so they can take advantage of the big race for something. Look for a mint julep contest, Kentucky hot brown challenge to redo the sandwich (which is considered sacrilegious to me, leave it be). I don’t know that much about Lexington, never been there. 

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On Pack You Knives, Bruce mentioned that the birth was scheduled for a c-section on June 18th and the show wrapped on June 19th but his son was born a month early so that probably added to his worries.

Edited by biakbiak
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I am so excited about Top Chef KY! Lexington has lots to offer including chefs Ouita Michel, Jonathan Lundy, Dan Wu, Mamadou "Sav" Savané, Mark Jensen, Ranada West-Riley, and many more. The food scene here is pretty diverse and fun. I'm sure there will be a Keeneland event, and hopefully not everything will be bourbon-related!

Edited by 3outta5
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On 12/15/2017 at 12:36 PM, hendersonrocks said:

I'm guessing they're grateful it was just one episode and something they could take care of without killing the whole season, a la America's Next Baking Whatever It's Called. I'm glad to see that they were able to find a way to 8-6 Besh but keep the episode itself.

Funny you said that... considering that the guy from Great American Bake Off (if that is what you were thinking of) is who was cut out of the Stanley Hotel/Shining quickfire! 

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15 hours ago, chiaros said:

In the meanwhile, he was served with a cease-and-desist notice by McDonalds for his intended burger in his new Whiskey Dry bar in Louisville:

I stood a few folks behind Ed in line once at the iconic Ollie's Trolley, which serves a not dissimilar burger.  Maybe he was doing research, more likely he just wanted a tasty snack.  I'd love to see six or seven cheftestants trying to keep up there for a day.


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