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S04.E11: The Elongated Knight Rises

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THE RISE OF THE HERO - When a familiar villain returns to terrorize Central City, Ralph must rise up to defend the innocent while Barry is detained by his trial. Meanwhile, Barry searches for the strength to keep his optimism alive in the face of his new circumstances.

Alexandra La Roche directed the episode written by Sterling Gates & Thomas Pound


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Lianne Mars is still no good.  But at least this time, she came back for her kid.

You have Goldberg, and she doesn't spear anybody?  Make your free throws, Flash.  You better have him spear somebody in the next episode.

Once again, great casting choice in Jessica Parker Kennedy.

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Good episode. Ralph is still a putz, but he’s learning, and he had the Big Hero Moment, risking what he thought was certain death. Minimum? Really, really nasty pain.

Is that shorthand at the end? I mean, no mystery who the lady is supposed to be if you know comics canon, but the symbols are . . . huh? Has there been anything like that popped up before? [ETA: Shit, didn't recognize her, never mind]

At least Barry made a friend . . . and, of course, he’s somebody Henry saved. One question: I know “Big Sir” is based on something, but I don’t know what. “Elongated  Man”? A bit postmodern, but it’s held up over the decades.

Alternate title: “Mark Hamil Was Really Busy.” Good efforts from Axel and his mom. And Cisco throws a little shade on Nineties fashion, which is fun. Now . . . constantly yelling at a Caitlin to trigger Frost! That’s gonna bite the team in the ass.

Edited by Lantern7
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Ralph: "what's Kryptonite"

Group: "Oh come on!"

Me: "Do they have Kryptonite on this Earth?  Because I totally missed that or the writers missed that tidbit since I'm pretty sure Ralph never ran into Supergirl." 


Ralph was slightly more tolerable though that is not saying much. 

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So thrilled to see Beebo again!!! 

Also, I was trying the entire episode to figure out where I’d seen the actress playing Trickster’s mom before. Being a huge FRIENDS fan, I kept thinking she looked and sounded like a girl who played Joey’s girlfriend in one single episode. I just checked IMDB and I was right! Pretty proud of myself for that one lol! 

Edited by srpturtle80
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I really liked this episode, even with the ongoing prison plot, which isn't my favorite. 

I enjoyed seeing Ralph grow more, and blend more with the team. He is still a dick, but a dick with a heart of gold. I mean, he risked a pretty nasty death to save Caitlin and Cisco, so that has to count for something. And he finally gets his name and a decent costume! Finally! He has grown on me a lot, I have to admit. And, I actually liked the speech Barry gave Ralph. Its ok to be scared, but sometimes you have to suck it up and do the right thing if you want to succeed. Not a bad lesson for the kids. 

I laughed super hard at the look Iris gave Harry when he was like "yeah we thought you were indestructible, guess not!" after Ralph got burned. You could tell she wanted to tell him to shut up and read the damn room. 

Iris and Barry are having the WORST first year of marriage. The phasing through glass to hold hands thing was sweet though. 

Leanne Mars continues to make bad life choices. Liked Trickster Junior and his mom, and I assume we will see them again. Maybe when Mark Hamils schedule clears up, they can have a full on family reunion! 

 Really happy to see Jessica Parker Kennedy and I cant wait to see what they have in store for her, especially if she is who I am pretty sure she is. 


I will but this in spoilers, even though its only speculation. I bet future Cisco bought her that shirt, or at least influenced her sense of style. She really is a great choice for the daughter of Iris and Barry, both in looks and personality. 

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21 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Who is she supposed to be? I don't read comics.


She is probably Dawn Allen, Barry and Irises daughter from the future. She and her twin brother both have Barry's speed powers, and are known as the Tornado Twins. 

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Mark Hamill has obviously been busy with Luke Skywalker duties but his version of the Trickster would not be able to keep a low profile for a year.

How fortunate for Caitlin that their broadcast never really showed a clear shot of her face.  Wear a mask, folks!

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I have to say, this episode was a lot of fun.  Like Season 1 fun.  Didn't know they'd have Prank show up again and was even more surprised when it was the original actress.  Prank was kind of a proto-Harley before Harley was even around.  Off her meds, she and Trickster Jr. were fun villains.

I continue to enjoy Ralph's storyline this season.  Been enjoying Caitlin when she turns into Killer Frost too.


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Hey, @Trini time to update the who knows secret identities list! Axe and Prank saw Caitlin brunettified and Cisco without his goggles. 

I like that they remembered the bully they mentioned in season one for Killer Frost's trigger this episode. Excited and surprised to see Jessica Parker Kennedy again. Is she here to set right Barry's trial? Or just recording a significant time period - Flash in jail, Elongated Man's debut?

38 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

Ralph: "what's Kryptonite"

Group: "Oh come on!"

Me: "Do they have Kryptonite on this Earth?  Because I totally missed that or the writers missed that tidbit since I'm pretty sure Ralph never ran into Supergirl." 

I like to imagine they've been talking about Supergirl a lot and Ralph is just not paying attention and they've told him about this a hundred times.

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10 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Mark Hamill has obviously been busy with Luke Skywalker duties but his version of the Trickster would not be able to keep a low profile for a year.

Are we sure because I think as long as he's on his meds and the Flash is playing soft darts with him, the Trickster might be able to keep a low profile.


4 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

I like to imagine they've been talking about Supergirl a lot and Ralph is just not paying attention and they've told him about this a hundred times.

This was my thinking about it too. A joke with Ralph not recalling that they told him that Nazis crashed the wedding would cement that Ralph doesn't listen.

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They need to get Barry out of prison.  Stat.

I really want to see who that girl is and if my suspicions are correct (well everyone's suspicions)... 

I was more interested in the prison part of the show than the Ralph filler stuff.  But how is Barry able to do Flashy stuff in prison when he isn't getting enough fuel?  He has to eat specialized bars made to keep his energy - no way he's getting that in prison.  Sweet moment with him and Iris, but sooooo sad how they now look like Barry and his dad in terms of situation.  

I need them to get Barry out of prison though.  And can we find out who symbol girl is?  And what is Thinker's plan?  And why does this prison look so different from the place they keep the metas?

The meta facilities look a million times nicer.  This prison is much grittier and run down than the meta facilities.

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That was kind of a fun episode, though it featured the usual plot-stupidity (Caitlin and Cisco's powers can be negated by tying them up with rope? Really?). Ralph's costume is an improvement, though I tend to think his original costume- if given some color- with the new mask would have actually worked better. 

Interesting take on Big Sir from the comics, though any time I see that character it makes me think of the Injustice League. Which makes me think of the Justice League International. They should get J'onn J'onnz from Supergirl and Ralph Dibney together in an episode. They could even add Maxwell Lord and you're halfway there (almost).

I love when they bring back villains from the original Flash series. 

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Is that shorthand at the end? I mean, no mystery who the lady is supposed to be if you know comics canon, but the symbols are . . . huh? Has there been anything like that popped up before?

I thought it was the same code that Barry was writing when he first returned from the speed force.

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17 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

That was kind of a fun episode, though it featured the usual plot-stupidity (Caitlin and Cisco's powers can be negated by tying them up with rope? Really?).

Trickster family somehow got access to power dampening cuffs.  They cuffed Caitlin and Cisco first before tying them up, that is why Killer Frost completely defrosted.

Fun episode overall, very quippy.  But it really crystallizes the fact that we need Barry out of prison.  The best scenes were the prison scenes.  I find Ralph ok but he really can't carry the center of the show.

Shallow alert:  Iris looked really pretty in this episode.  Her hair was gorg, she looks really good in that dark red cinnamon color.  The leather skirt in the first half and then the top in the second half and the lipstick to match.

WestAllen appreciation:  I love the look on their faces every they got to see each other.  Grant really sold me on Barry's longing and pure joy when 1:30 came.  And Iris kinda broke my heart with her longing for him.  Honestly they are both really selling it.

I wonder when we'll discover who the female character (that we all suspect who she is) really is.  I wonder where she'll fit in the rest of the plotline for the season.

I LOVED seeing Beebo in triplicate.  He's so damned huggable!

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It was okay. I see that people are liking it and it did have a fun, Season 1 tone to it, but I'm just too indifferent to Ralph to care. 

Barry seems to enjoy being in prison, which is weird. But maybe they just don't want things to get too depressing in their lighthearted season, so I can overlook it.

I am very interested in mystery girl though, who I think we all probably know the identity of. 

Edited by ruby24
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Only have time for quick reactions again:

Enjoyable episode!

You know what, I kind of like Ralph (but maybe parts of that is that the actor who plays him seems really sweet). He does seem to be getting a lot of focus for not being a regular, though... But I tend to like teams with some different types of characters, so having an arrogant kind of full of himself character is ok to me. As long as they don't go back to the sleaziness. The whole press conference and him being all I'm single, reminded me of Wally. Made me miss him.

Barry and Iris, my heart. Their excitement to see each other, Barry phasing through the glass so they could hold hands. ~wipes away stray tear~

I wonder if Cisco has learned all those skills Cynthia had in her first appearance. She could freeze a speedster in his/her tracks. He is potentially the most powerful member on the team.

The girl


(possibly Dawn)

is back. Intrigued. The coded language was so interesting in the season premiere, so I'm glad we're getting back to it

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:
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She is probably Dawn Allen, Barry and Irises daughter from the future. She and her twin brother both have Barry's speed powers, and are known as the Tornado Twins. 


I was thinking she was more XS.  Dawn would have recognized her father, but when we first saw this girl at the wedding, she was in awe of Barry and seemed to only know about him off hand, not directly.  That suggests that the girl is XS, his granddaughter.

Edited by bmoore4026
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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:


Forgot about that. So funny. And Axel could have made a little money selling those on eBay. Now . . .  how do you get one of those faux Furbys on Arrow?

1 hour ago, phoenics said:

I really want to see who that girl is and if my suspicions are correct (well everyone's suspicions)...

Forgot about her in CoEX, because I was thinking of Ralph and somebody completely different. I am a sad excuse of a fanboy.

42 minutes ago, CletusMusashi said:

That was a lot of Digby.

More Pushing Daisies would have been nice. What show doesn't need an "alive again" Golden Retriever? Yeah, I know who you mean, @CletusMusashi, but I couldn't resist.

When Barry went for the touch, anybody else expecting somebody to call his name, get distracted, and blow up the glass? Not that I wanted Barry or Iris to get hurt, but that could totally happen to Barry with his recent bad luck.

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Where in the heck is Wally..? Now would be a good time to bring him back until Barry's name is cleared..

3 hours ago, mtlchick said:

Ralph: "what's Kryptonite"

Group: "Oh come on!"

Me: "Do they have Kryptonite on this Earth?  Because I totally missed that or the writers missed that tidbit since I'm pretty sure Ralph never ran into Supergirl."

Kind of shocked they didnt have Ralph in the last crossover..although he probably wouldve shown up at the very end like"So what did i miss..?"

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Barry is so going to get caught using his powers.  Then shit is really going to hit the fan.

And, I don't care what anyone says - I like Ralph.  I think he's funny.  And he adds more to the story than most of the supporting cast.  And him and Cisco together is comedy gold!

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2 hours ago, benteen said:

Didn't know they'd have Prank show up again and was even more surprised when it was the original actress.  Prank was kind of a proto-Harley before Harley was even around.  Off her meds, she and Trickster Jr. were fun villains.


58 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

Dang, 27 years later and Prank still is hot.

"How can I miss you when you won't go away!!!!"

(Yeah, I know that moment isn't in this scene, but I still love that moment anyway.)

3 hours ago, mtlchick said:

Ralph: "what's Kryptonite"

Group: "Oh come on!"

Me: "Do they have Kryptonite on this Earth?  Because I totally missed that or the writers missed that tidbit

Well, Oliver did have a Kryptonite-tipped arrow a few weeks back.

Of course, he may have got Cisco to "port" to Kara's reality and get him some

(in exchange for letting Cisco use his limo for a weekend)

3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

At least Barry made a friend . . . and, of course, he’s somebody Henry saved. One question: I know “Big Sir” is based on something, but I don’t know what.

Of course he's a D-list Flash villian.

I still remember that issue of Justice League International where Major Disaster discovers Big Sir is an idiot savant like "RainMan"

so he cheats at cards at that Justice League Casino Island Club that Booster and Blue Beetle set up.   Good times!!!!!!

Edited by Twilight Man
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This wasn't a bad episode, but it's the tonal whiplash that is bothersome. Not just between the comedic A-plot and downer of Barry's plot, but also between this episode and the previous one. Clearly, they have yet to balance the "lighter tone" of this season with darker season-long arc of Flash vs. Thinker.

Ralph is better now, I guess, but I'm still not a fan; so I wasn't all that interested in his plot. But the A-plot itself was also so cartoony, almost a completely different show. Again, it's feels weird coming after a fairly serious episode (episodes, actually).

So Trickster Sr. escaped offscreen a year ago?? I wasn't expecting to see Mark Hamill again, they could have just said they transferred him to a more secure prison elsewhere; don't like that he apparently running free.

Also didn't like them yelling at Caitlin - again - to turn her into Killer Frost; especially when Killer Frost turns out to not be that useful for the second episode in a row. Did Harry and Cisco just sit down and write out a list of triggers?

Where are these criminals getting these power dampening cuffs??

Wally should be here!!

There were good parts in this one, though:
The Barry & Iris scenes were sweet; I knew he'd figure out a way to touch her again! The show needs to let them be happy for more than 5 minutes.

Glad that Barry made a friend, and that he met someone who was a friend to his father.

Glad for Ralph's costume upgrade. I thought from the photos that he was actually wearing fancy goggles, but it's a mask-like frames without lenses, with his eyes blacked out. The effect is pretty good.

And that waitress from the crossover is back! And the writing from the premiere, finally! Writing in her diary: "Today I met young Uncle Cisco; his hair is even more awsome in 2018!"


On 1/23/2018 at 10:12 PM, bettername2come said:

Hey, @Trini time to update the who knows secret identities list! Axe and Prank saw Caitlin brunettified and Cisco without his goggles.

Look, if I have to keep tabs on everyone's secret identities, there be no end to the madness!! But I'm convinced that all of Central City knows Cisco Ramon is Vibe anyway, since he really isn't trying that hard to conceal his identity.

Edited by Trini
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It might be damning with faint praise, but I actually enjoyed this episode in comparison to last week's clusterfuck.  Still not wild about Barry being in prison, but this episode at least gave me hope that this storyline might not completely suck.  Yay?

So, with Barry away, it's up to Ralph to be the big damn hero (do neither Cisco or Caitlin want to do it?) of Central City.  All of his stuff was pretty predictable, but I do think his character discovering that he isn't invincible is a solid step forward, and will knock back some of his showboating and smugness.  Again though, it really is Hartley Sawyer that is making this work, because he is able to make Ralph likable at times, even when he is being a dick or a boor.  The show better count their blessings they got him, because in a lesser actor's hands, this still could have been a disaster.

Fun seeing Trickster 2.0. and bringing back Zoey/Prank from the 90s series was a fun little idea.  Of course, we all know the reason O.G. Trickster isn't around is because he is in a galaxy far, far away.

I see the show is wisely trying hop on the Beebo train.  Now, I'm hoping Arrow will somehow find a way to work him in.  The Legends did it first (and better) though!

Meanwhile, Barry's rocking the prison cap and scruff, and dealing with classic issues like prison riots, mean guards, and trying not to get shanked.  At least he's found a friend in Goldberg!  Err, I mean, Big Sir.

Finally get another appearance from Jessica Parker Kennedy's character.  I still have a sneaking suspicion over who she's going to end up being.

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I really don't get why they are pushing Ralph so hard. Nothing against the actor, he's probably a great guy, but to me Ralph is just annoying and while he did have a couple of funny lines I have no interest in watching the Elongated Man show.

I'm with those who don't like how Caitlin is being treated. Yelling at her to bring Killer Frost out? I understand having Frost help out when the situation is dire enough but if she is willing to do so they shouldn't need to berate Caitlin first. Just let her change. Keep the stupid alternate personality thing if you must but they don't need to do it this way. They actually can have their cake and eat it too in this case.

Only hearing Jesse Sr. had escaped now came as a surprise. Not that fact that Mark Hamill wasn't available. Plus Ralph probably would not have survived an encounter with the real Trickster, since he wouldn't be fumbling around with his equipment. But the last time we saw Jesse he and Weather Wizard had been caught and sent back to jail. Now we find out he escaped again, apparently right after that. and no one on Team Flash has mentioned it or been the slightest bit worried about the murderous villain running around loose?

Of course Ralph doesn't know about kryptonite. If it doesn't involve Ralph Dibny it's not important. I wouldn't be surprises if he had no idea Nazis showed up a little while back, let alone about the hot alien girl with an allergy to green rocks.

Well Barry, if you have to be in jail, at least you found someone who looks like he can back you up. Goldberg!

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..Well I beleive Caitlin needs to be pissed to become KF.. So that's why the constant need for the trigger... I know Wally was polarizing to some.. But the fact that he's disappeared and no one makes nite if it kinda proves his fears that he's second class... I mean I know it's because he's iff filming LOT.. But I mean not even a throwaway line as to why he wasn't around for the trial and to help out otherwise.. I like Jessica Parker Kennedy and whether she's


Dawn or XS

.. I'm looking FWD to her interacting with some of the crew

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I wonder if they sold this to GG as follows - hey, you won't have to shave every day, you won't need to squeeze into the Flash suit for a while, you can go light on the stunt work and green screen stuff, and you don't really have to do a lot of location shooting. 

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2 hours ago, KirkB said:

I'm with those who don't like how Caitlin is being treated. Yelling at her to bring Killer Frost out? I understand having Frost help out when the situation is dire enough but if she is willing to do so they shouldn't need to berate Caitlin first. Just let her change.

They're yelling at her so she can get angry and change though.  It's not because she doesn't want to.

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 No, I understand WHY they're yelling at her. I get that the show says, for whatever reason and unlike every single other meta ever, Caitlin needs to be angry or scared to use her powers. What I'm saying is I don't understand why the writers decided to have it be that way. Caitlin shouldn't have to be berated every week just to use her super powers and Frost shouldn't be forced to come out. The writers obviously find it funny. I actually don't. They wanted Caitlin to be a meta, fine. They wanted Frost to be different from Caitlin, fine, they could have easily said her powers alter her brain chemistry and lower her inhibitions or something. Instead they make Frost her bad roommate and yell at Caitlin to make her change, even if neither of them wants to.

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13 hours ago, Wishing Well said:

RIP Beebo

this is the worst thing they have ever done

Even worse than when Mick Rory literally flamed him and then declared "I HATE puppets!"?

12 hours ago, TDT said:

Kind of shocked they didnt have Ralph in the last crossover..although he probably wouldve shown up at the very end like"So what did i miss..?"

According to Hartley Sawyer, Ralph couldn't attend the wedding because his goldfish was sick.  That's why he missed out on the crossover.

Edited by legaleagle53
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I’m looking forward to next week where we find out that Beebo has risen three days after his apparent death. Don’t forget that he died for our sins. 

I also loved how the second Iris realized that Cisco and Caitlin had walked into a trap, she grabbed a giant and gun immediately ran off to handle it herself before Ralph showed up! 

Edited by tennisgurl
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11 hours ago, Trini said:

Killer Frost turns out to not be that useful for the second episode in a row.

It's called "Redemption Demotion".  In the comics, characters like Phoenix and The Juggernaut and even Hulk are super-powerful when they are on the side of evil,

yet when they attempt to work on the side of good, they "suddenly" become not-so-powerful.

The reasoning behind it (in-universe, anyway, we all know why out-universe) is because they are "struggling" to remain "in control".

If they attempted to use their full power, they would "lose control" and go "full evil" again.

Caitlin is struggling to keep "Killer" Frost in check.  Even when it looks like Frost is in control, she is clearly not; otherwise, she would "kill" (hence her codename) her adversary without a second thought

(sorry, Beebo, you're not human, so you don't count)

Because of that, Killer Frost is not as powerful as when she was an adversary of Team Flash,

and that is why she's "losing" a lot more.

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34 minutes ago, KirkB said:

 No, I understand WHY they're yelling at her.

Oh, I misunderstood who was the criticism was directed

On my part, I'm happier that there's some kind of logic to it compared to the powers just turning her evil of the previous year.  A Hulk-like multiple personality I understand.

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As someone not a fan of Ralph I didn't really like this episode.

Barry in prison is interesting, although I hope it doesn't last too long. I can't imagine it will last long seeing as the producers said at the beginning of the season that they wanted to bring some humour back into the show. Barry being in prison really doesn't add to that.

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3 hours ago, KirkB said:

No, I understand WHY they're yelling at her. I get that the show says, for whatever reason and unlike every single other meta ever, Caitlin needs to be angry or scared to use her powers.

While your point about the weirdness of Caitlin's powers is totally valid, having to get emotional to use your powers isn't something that is strictly a Caitlin thing. Just off the top of my head, when Cisco first got his powers, Wells would scare or startle him to get him to use his powers, because he couldn't otherwise use or control them. Hopefully we will get to a point where Caitlin can control her powers/split personality without people freaking her out. I remember that being played for laughs too mostly. 

Not saying that was super great either, or that Caitlin's powers are not super confusing and make little sense, but its not like this is the first time this has happened to a main character on this show. 

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You're correct about Cisco. He was trying to figure out the trigger for getting a vibe. But as I recall it was only that one time. Harry got him worked up and after he just got vibes. It wasn't like every time they needed Cisco to vibe something one of them would have to run up to him and go boo! And the big difference is Cisco wanted to get control of that power. He asked Harry for help. However, this does make me realize my larger issue is not so much Caitlin's powers working differently, it's that Harry and Cisco decided when and how Caitlin should use her powers. They didn't ask her or Frost, they basically insisted Caitlin go to sleep and Frost come out.

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3 hours ago, johntfs said:

I think I'm mostly done with this show.  I couldn't bring myself to bother watching last weeks episode and this week's is also unwatched.  On the other hand Black Lightning rocks hard.

Yeah, The Flash has been one of my favorite shows on TV since the pilot episode, but I can't handle the omnipotent, smug super villains anymore, who prance about unchecked THE ENTIRE SEASON. Barry and Iris barely got a MONTH of being newlyweds before he was put away for life after the worst trial ever? I came in on the last 10 minutes of last week's episode, was so disgusted that I never caught the first 50 minutes, and only had this week on in the background as I did other things.

Ralph is an overacting putz, and I don't understand why they couldn't figure out a thing to do with WALLY DAMN WEST, sent him off to Siberia and we get to watch Stretch Douche Bag learn how to become a real boy. 

I'm not ready to call it quits, but I'm really nearly out of patience. If I wanted the Depressing Trials and Sorrows of Superheroes, I wouldn't have dropped Arrow in Season 3.

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33 minutes ago, jmonique said:

Yeah, The Flash has been one of my favorite shows on TV since the pilot episode, but I can't handle the omnipotent, smug super villains anymore, who prance about unchecked THE ENTIRE SEASON.

I don't mind a season-long villain, but the team really needs a win against the DeVoes - before the end of the season. I know DeVoe is super smart, but there are geniuses on Team Flash too.

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Great episode, better than last week. I love Ralph, I know its blasphemy, but I enjoy him more than Wally and I don't miss Wally. I love Wally, but, it took me by suprise that I don't miss him. 

Westallen were great and I love Ralph development. I can't wait to find out who the waitress is.

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