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S03.E09: Golden Globes Party

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1 hour ago, Roaster said:

I want to marry Amy.

Despite the fact that he's with Kelly right now, Jonah would probably fight you over her. Marcus would too. 

I felt bad for Jerry, but I was glad that Kelly's game did seem help him. 

The store has an electronics section. Half the staff is there and not one of them knows how to work a TV? Not even Brett, the wonder employee? 

Many of us have been in Kelly's predicament with all the inside jokes especially when you're new to a company. It doesn't help either that she doesn't get the references. According to the Wiki, she's older (1985) than Jonah (1988) so she probably should have though. The Grey Poupon and the Budweiser frog commercials weren't obscure and, considering they're in St. Louis, I can't imagine those commercials wouldn't have aired there.

We finally get to meet Jerusha. 

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1 hour ago, DrScottie said:

Despite the fact that he's with Kelly right now, Jonah would probably fight you over her. Marcus would too. 

I felt bad for Jerry, but I was glad that Kelly's game did seem help him. 

Marcus! Where was he tonight? And Cheyenne!

Much of the show was cringe-worthy—I hate seeing characters in uncomfortable, embarrassing situations. So I fast-forwarded through some of the scenes. But I love the way Dina stood up for Amy and made everyone stay. And she told Garrett to wheel himself back. LOL. Dina is harsh but loyal .

I thought Kelly would be bothered by Amy asking for Jonah’s help or the way they lingered together at the front door. Either Kelly is really secure in their relationship, or she’s clueless. 

And I hope Sandra plays more games with Jerry  

1 hour ago, DrScottie said:

Many of us have been in Kelly's predicament with all the inside jokes especially when you're new to a company. It doesn't help either that she doesn't get the references. According to the Wiki, she's older (1985) than Jonah (1988) so she probably should have though. The Grey Poupon and the Budweiser frog commercials weren't obscure and, considering they're in St. Louis, I can't imagine those commercials wouldn't have aired there.

We finally get to meet Jerusha. 

I couldn’t believe Kelly knew none of those commercials. There were at least 10 versions of the wassup commercials. Unless she grew up in a home that didn’t allow television but didn’t want to admit it. 

And Jerusha seems to have cognitive delays. But she was very nice  

I hope she and Glenn get pregnant. 

Edited by topanga
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I felt like there was something missing from the Kelly commercials storyline. As in they should have ended it with the group finding out that Kelly doesn't watch TV and everyone think she's really weird so she's even more uncomfortable.


I generally find Dena hilarious but Annoying and not someone I would ever want to be around, but tonight I absolutely love her. I loved her standing up for Amy and eating the meat even though she's vegan. And her coming out of the end in still being there for Amy. After tonight I want Amy to acknowledge her as a good friend.


I think my favorite part though was when Kelly was talking about her prom and Mateo said that she still kept the dress.

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Amy was even more pathetic than she was last week, she's no doubt my least favorite character. I didn't like how Kelly was treated but really something MUST be up with her not to get those references. Perhaps she's Mormon or from an ultra religious background? Or Amish background? Yes! Perfect casting for Jerusha! I wish I had a friend like Dina.  

*no offense to the Mormon religion or Amish culture. 

Edited by malaluna
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Poor Kelly. I felt sorry for her in this episode. She tries really hard to fit in with the group but just doesn't connect with most of them. I'm wondering what Jonah sees in her, aside from the fact that she's really attractive. He seems like the sort of guy who would want some sort of real emotional and intellectual compatibility in a woman, not just a quick bang.

Nice to see Dina being so helpful in her own blunt and overbearing way... she's not the complete bitch she often seems to be in the store. Eating a bird must have been a nightmare for her!

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The actress who played Jerusha was fine, but I was hoping we'd never meet the character. It's more fun to wonder what a woman who would marry Glenn (after he sexually harassed her into it) would be like.

I can understand Amy not knowing how to barbecue, but how does she not know that piling a variety of meats in the microwave won't end well? Dina is the best, though. Overbearing, but loyal to a fault. It was horrifying, but I laughed so much at, "I'm going to eat a bird now! I'm going to eat a bird now."

Justine trying to park the car! Poor Justine.

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That looked like a Dyson vacuum Amy was using in her house. Those things cost upwards of $250 - I have a hard time believing Amy would buy something that expensive unless she stole it from the store. 

The meat was just SO gross. 

And yeah - it's pretty hard to believe nobody could work the TV, especially Marcus or Garrett. It's not like it was broken - Amy eventually fixed it by trial and error so it was just a matter of figuring out how to work the remote or set it to the right input of something simple. Plus, once she realized she was out of propane should could have just ordered pizzas. Problem solved.

Edited by iMonrey
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4 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I don't know why Glen and Jerusha are trying to have a baby right now. Haven't they been foster parents for dozens of kids? And they're in their mid- to late-40s. Seems like an odd time to try to get pregnant.

During Health Fund when they didn’t know the answer about the mole he admitted he regretted never having a biological son and realized if he had penis cancer he would never have the chance. When they got the good news at the end he proclaimed he was going to have a baby. This is a continuation of that.

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Just now, Skyfall said:

During Health Fund when they didn’t know the answer about the mole he admitted he regretted never having a biological son and realized if he had penis cancer he would never have the chance. When they got the good news at the end he proclaimed he was going to have a baby. This is a continuation of that.

Ohhhhh thanks, I had totally forgotten about that! Probably because I was not a fan of the "Glen's penis" plotline so I stopped paying attention during those scenes, haha.

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2 hours ago, BTBAM310 said:

I usually don't get queasy watching people do gross stuff on TV or in movies, but watching them eat the severely undercooked chicken was disgusting - I had to look away

That was so disgusting. I really felt for Dina both because she doesn't eat meat and because she loves birds. Amy too but not as much because she put herself into that position by trying to prove everything was the same when it wasn't. And that doesn't means she's in shambles or tatters, just that things aren't the same and trying to maintain the exact same traditions probably won't work out. If she'd been open to doing something different from the start, she probably would have succeeded.

Dina was an amazing friend and Jonah came through which is nice because things have felt off with Amy and Jonah all season. I do ship them but mostly I just want them to be friends. I am bummed but not surprised that no one tried to fix the TV. These aren't people who try things. Effort isn't something they do.

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6 hours ago, Kip Hackman said:

Perfect casting.

I enjoyed the Office-style cringe moments, but Amy's story line is starting to get depressing.

Loved Dina, as usual.

I remember reading how they said this season was going to be affected greatly by the Tornado. Amy has never been on her own. She got pregnant senior year of high school and married Adam. This seems like a realistic story to me and I’m a bit surprised she hasn’t taken to drinking or something to cope.

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5 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I don't know why Glen and Jerusha are trying to have a baby right now. Haven't they been foster parents for dozens of kids? And they're in their mid- to late-40s. Seems like an odd time to try to get pregnant.

I had forgotten about the mole story from the previous episode, and was thinking that they were in the habit of trying to get pregnant every ovulation for their entire marriage, despite realizing they were infertile, and after having fostered many children, continuing the tradition "just in case" and either in denial that it wasn't going to work, or just enjoying the effort...

I loved how Jerusha was so completely friendly despite having some ideas that would otherwise be very off-putting, like what she said to Kelly.

I felt for Kelly-- but she made the situation worse because she didn't try to explain not being up on popular culture ("we didn't have a tv when I was growing up"), or just stay quiet when she didn't get a joke. She also didn't explain why she had overdressed-- like she explained it to Jonah. I thought her explanation was charming and funny, and also if people were rude to her, turning it back on them by having a clever response would have defused it. But I guess that's the character trait they've given her; she's good looking but socially awkward. It doesn't go with how everyone loved her inane videos previously, though.

I don't know how Amy affords that house on her salary. What does her ex do for a living? I don't remember him being a responsible guy with a good job,  but somehow they sure do seem to have been doing fine financially.

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They have GOT to dial down how poorly Amy is being written.  Who would put chicken on the grill for THREE HOURS AND NEVER CHECK IT?????  An adult woman hosting a tv-watching party doesn't check that her tv works?  She has raised a child but tries to cook pounds of meat in a MICROWAVE???  This is out of hand and making a cute show unwatchable.

  • Love 24
1 hour ago, possibilities said:

I don't know how Amy affords that house on her salary. What does her ex do for a living? I don't remember him being a responsible guy with a good job,  but somehow they sure do seem to have been doing fine financially.

That was my thought exactly. Don't they make just above minimum wage? Doesn't John line with Garrett because he can't afford an apartment on his own? But then I remembered that Amy's parents' house was really nice too. Maybe houses are just a lot cheaper in St. Louis. Where I live you couldn't not touch that house for under $500.00.

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I miss smart, snarky, competent Amy.  But I still enjoyed the episode (except for the meat.)  

This past summer I did a partial rewatch of the Mary Tyler More show; I had a bit of a flashback to Mary's parties. 

I love Sandra's devotion to Jerry.

Dina for the win - she's becoming my favorite character.

I don't feel any chemistry between Jonah and Kelly; they're kind of just there.  But I've always liked Feldman and am glad he's found a good vehicle (finally!) where he's a lead.

  • Love 4

They have GOT to dial down how poorly Amy is being written.  Who would put chicken on the grill for THREE HOURS AND NEVER CHECK IT?????  An adult woman hosting a tv-watching party doesn't check that her tv works?  She has raised a child but tries to cook pounds of meat in a MICROWAVE???  This is out of hand and making a cute show unwatchable.

I do think there's something different about the way they are portraying Amy this season. She didn't used to be the butt of the joke all the time. If I had to guess, I'd say the writers didn't think the audience liked her enough because she was too much Head Bitch in Charge and unrelatable during the first couple of seasons so they're trying to humanize her by making her more vulnerable or something. These past two episodes have centered around her desperate need for approval and that just wasn't the Amy of Season 1 and Season 2.

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The three hours thing made me think she wasn't intending to grill the meat so much as smoke it. Low and slow blah blah blah? I say this as a vegetarian so I don't really know. But Amy made no sense with the microwave. Ooops it's not cooked? Turn on the oven as hot as it can go and put the whole tray in there. It seemed like she was microwaving for more than 15 minutes. 500 degrees for 20 and at least some of that food could've been cooked. Does Amy never cook anything? Or was she just so thrown and panickey about "barbecue" that her brain turned off?

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6 hours ago, theatremouse said:

The three hours thing made me think she wasn't intending to grill the meat so much as smoke it. Low and slow blah blah blah? I say this as a vegetarian so I don't really know. But Amy made no sense with the microwave. Ooops it's not cooked? Turn on the oven as hot as it can go and put the whole tray in there. It seemed like she was microwaving for more than 15 minutes. 500 degrees for 20 and at least some of that food could've been cooked. Does Amy never cook anything? Or was she just so thrown and panickey about "barbecue" that her brain turned off?

I so relate to this post. I am a vegan and I knew to handle the meat the way you directed. How did Amy raise a child without some basic cooking skills? I did love the cutesy names of the drinks: such as, "Master of Rum." That's the kind of thing I have tried at parties to lessor or greater success. Tip for Amy, if no one is using your cutesy names, drop the gimmick. One more tip for Amy, if first your meal does not succeed, call out for pizza, hold the cheese on mine.

Edited by MaryHedwig
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5 hours ago, theatremouse said:

Amy made no sense with the microwave. Ooops it's not cooked? Turn on the oven as hot as it can go and put the whole tray in there.

Why she didn't do this bugged me sooo much. It is unbelievable that a grown woman would not think to put the tray of meat in the oven instead of the microwave. Cover it, cook it for an hour, uncover it, pour the bbq sauce over it, let it caramelize, and serve. May not be as good as grilling it but it sure would've been a lot better than the under cooked nightmare Dina had to eat. 

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On 1/12/2018 at 0:36 AM, topanga said:

Much of the show was cringe-worthy—I hate seeing characters in uncomfortable, embarrassing situations. So I fast-forwarded through some of the scenes. But I love the way Dina stood up for Amy and made everyone stay. And she told Garrett to wheel himself back. LOL. Dina is harsh but loyal.

I don't like embarrassment/humiliation humor, so I thought this episode was awful.

Dina is my least-favorite character, and I don't like the way she's forcing her "friendship" on Amy, but I will give her props for being loyal in her weird, twisted way.

Edited by SmithW6079
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I absolutly hate it when shows like CHEERS and FRAISER play coy and never show you Vera or Maris and for the longest time it looked like they were doing this here! So glad they didn't. She was a a great characters....much better than just someone on the other end of a phone!

Some writer or producer must be a fan of  MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW because Mary was famous for throwing awful parties. A vaguelly remember a first season episode where she did something at her party and messed up a guest seeing the eclipse and he said saracatically that it was okay, there would be another one....in 1979! Almost 40 years in our past but 10 years in their future.

Jerry!  The employee parking the car! It was all good stuff....oh and Mateo is the worst! Hate him.

Classic episode...love it!

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Fantastic seeing Kerri Kenney-Silver. Love when my Reno 911 peeps show up on more mainstream stuff.

Kelly: "Two people died at my prom, we had it on a boat. It was really sad."

Mateo: "And yet you kept the dress."

Mateo is almost always my least favorite character on the show, but it's moments like this when I'm happy he's around. Cause that dress (what was she thinking???) was deserving of a comment like that and only Mateo would say it. Garrett's reaction to the line was perfect too.

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On 1/12/2018 at 1:07 PM, iMonrey said:


That looked like a Dyson vacuum Amy was using in her house. Those things cost upwards of $250 - I have a hard time believing Amy would buy something that expensive unless she stole it from the store. 


Speaking from experience, an employee discount will justify a lot of impractical purchases. Or spending beyond your means. 

Walmart gives their employees 10% off almost everything. And at Christmas, you got to pick one item to get 20% off of. Maybe it was a Cloud 9 holiday splurge. 

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22 hours ago, bonniejmac said:

Speaking from experience, an employee discount will justify a lot of impractical purchases. Or spending beyond your means. 

Walmart gives their employees 10% off almost everything. And at Christmas, you got to pick one item to get 20% off of. Maybe it was a Cloud 9 holiday splurge. 

Plus layaway maybe?

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On 1/12/2018 at 10:15 AM, malaluna said:

Amy was even more pathetic than she was last week, she's no doubt my least favorite character. I didn't like how Kelly was treated but really something MUST be up with her not to get those references. Perhaps she's Mormon or from an ultra religious background? Or Amish background? Yes! Perfect casting for Jerusha! I wish I had a friend like Dina.  

*no offense to the Mormon religion or Amish culture. 


On 1/12/2018 at 11:58 AM, festivus said:

I love Dina. I know she's harsh but she's exactly the kind of friend I'd want. I like people to be honest even if they are blunt. I also don't mind Kelly at all, I think she and Jonah are cute. I'm not an Amy/Jonah shipper, I like their friendship. I know it's mean but Mateo's comment about the dress cracked me up.


On 1/12/2018 at 4:22 PM, MarcusBrody said:

They have GOT to dial down how poorly Amy is being written.  Who would put chicken on the grill for THREE HOURS AND NEVER CHECK IT?????  An adult woman hosting a tv-watching party doesn't check that her tv works?  She has raised a child but tries to cook pounds of meat in a MICROWAVE???  This is out of hand and making a cute show unwatchable.


6 hours ago, Jaded said:

I don't remember Kelly being so off when she first showed up. I don't like the way they are writing Amy either and ended up FF'ing through a lot of this episode. It made me wonder what's changed behind the scenes from Seasons 1/2 and now 3. 

I am liking the show more and more but am disliking Amy in equal measure.  I am not sure if Amy/Jonah are end game but I am not feeling it. Them chatting on the porch at the end of the party reminded me of Pam/Jim so I though that’s where they’re headed. Put a ship in front if me and I am usually there for it but Amy seems so unlikeable this season for a lot of what’s quoted above. 

I was surprised Amy had this tradition with her coworkers since she seemed to want to avoid blending her personal and work life. And you’d think a manger of a large retail store would be able to manage a small party. I think she is being written inconsistently. 

Otherwise, I think the other characters are shining and what keep me hooked. 

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On 1/12/2018 at 8:18 PM, MaryHedwig said:

That was my thought exactly. Don't they make just above minimum wage? Doesn't John line with Garrett because he can't afford an apartment on his own? But then I remembered that Amy's parents' house was really nice too. Maybe houses are just a lot cheaper in St. Louis. Where I live you couldn't not touch that house for under $500.00.

most t.v. houses are unrealistic and it makes me , for one, feel bad about myself!! 

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