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S12.E19: Season Finale: Candle Wicks and Lunatics

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Vicki giving relationship advice *eye roll*. 

This season was not  the best by far but not the worst ( the one with Carlton was IMO). 

I hope they don't bring back Peggy and Lydiot because they are so infuriating to watch. I hope they don't bring back Meaghan because she's boring. 

Shannon and Kelly will be back for the divorce drama and Tamra and Vicki will return I think mainly because they have been on the show for so long. 

On to the long, drawn out reunions where everything that happened will be rehashed over and over and over...

Edited by Straycat80
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None of the dresses were good, yikes.  I miss Heather's style.

I like Meghan, wish she'd be back.  I love Shannon, hope she blossoms next season.

Kelly's unhappiness in her marriage really comes across; no acting there.

I think part of Peggy's issue is that she's self-conscious in front of the cameras.  A deer in the headlights, freezes up and all thoughts leave her brain.

I love Eddie.

  • Love 15

I couldn't dislike these people any more. Hate is too strong a word because they really aren't worthy of that much emotion. It's so obvious that Diko wants this so much more than Peggy does and she cannot decide what she's supposed to be upset about.  Meanwhile, Shannon, it is so easy to push your buttons that if I were in your social circle I would stay clear of you. David was already checked out by this episode and probably had his divorce papers in his back pocket. Kelly has no self awareness at all. All the things she says about Michael are true of her. Hope she'll be happy because she doesn't seem like she would be much of a hot commodity in the dating circles. She's not easy to be with. Vicky's boyfriend Steve is very nice but too normal and nice; I don't think he's filling  her love tank as much as she would like.  Meghan and Jim seem to have come to a detente; he'll let her have her babies and her business if she'll leave him to travel and play golf. Lydia - good bye.  Tamra and Eddie seem to be doing well; so sad that she and her daughter can't seem to make it work.  If this show gets renewed it needs a revamp!

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2 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I couldn't dislike these people any more. Hate is too strong a word because they really aren't worthy of that much emotion. It's so obvious that Diko wants this so much more than Peggy does and she cannot decide what she's supposed to be upset about.  Meanwhile, Shannon, it is so easy to push your buttons that if I were in your social circle I would stay clear of you. David was already checked out by this episode and probably had his divorce papers in his back pocket. Kelly has no self awareness at all. All the things she says about Michael are true of her. Hope she'll be happy because she doesn't seem like she would be much of a hot commodity in the dating circles. She's not easy to be with. Vicky's boyfriend Steve is very nice but too normal and nice; I don't think he's filling  her love tank as much as she would like.  Meghan and Jim seem to have come to a detente; he'll let her have her babies and her business if she'll leave him to travel and play golf. Lydia - good bye.  Tamra and Eddie seem to be doing well; so sad that she and her daughter can't seem to make it work.  If this show gets renewed it needs a revamp!

I second so much of what you say here - with an ephasis on divorce papers in David's back pocket (hysterical)!

I thought the ending of the show was interesting and kind of fun.  This group of whack jobs, with nothing in common among any of them, standing around in a circle - getting along FOR ONCE.

It was so odd that a big part of me now wants them all to return to see them rise to the challenge of working through their junk.  The reunion will be the tell-tale though!

Edited by Jextella
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1 hour ago, b2H said:

She has the absurd air of superiority as though she is the smartest person in the room, when she is honestly the nastiest, stupidest one in the room.  If true that she is not coming back, I won’t miss her one bit.  She is a vile person.

Peggy feels superior because she is the most fluent in her Armenian Women's English conversation group. It's like being the world's best t-ball player with no freaking clue that the MLB exists.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 23
11 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Kelly is amusing this season, but I can't stand how hard she's working to gaslight her husband. She's practically screaming about him being so horrible and mean, and her looks of contempt and repulsion thrown at him, while he does nothing at all offensive is so crazy. The guy is the most mild-mannered of all of them, and looks like he's always trying to walk on eggshells around her. I'm glad she's divorcing him. He deserves a nice woman that appreciates him. No one should have to live with such a nasty bitch. 

It's all about Kelly's out of control ego.  Just because she's on TV now, she thinks Michael isn't cool enough for her.  Just like Vicki - who kicked good guy Donn out - and exchanged him for con man Brooks. 

Michael will be much better without her - and hopefully he has an iron clad prenup that will ice Kelly out.

Edited by ifoundit
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I felt for Shannon tonight on WWHL. She got choked up when she reported that David had taken his wedding ring off.

Vicki is so dumb, thinking that all is well and she's back in the cool girl group. She didn't bother to apologize to Eddie so Tamra's back on the warpath. I'm sure that will come out in the reunion.

  • Love 23

This season was such a chore to get through. This episode basically had everyone apologize to each other with flashbacks every other moment. It was boring the first time I watched it, so watching the flashbacks made it even more dull. I am going to try to make it through the reunion. I wish someone would go at Lydia and Peggy harder, but I doubt it.

Kelly seemed so hostile with Michael during her previous seasons as well. Didn't she leave him at a Costco or something? She always seemed to be having issues with Michael, but it seemed like a lot of her hostility toward him was on the back burner this season until this the past couple of episodes.

I would not mind seeing Tamra, Shannon, or Kelly again next season. I can tolerate Kelly more when she is not around Vicki. Meghan I do not mind, but she really did not do anything much this season. Though if next season gives Meghan PI something to do I would be all in for her returning. I really want Peggy, Lydia, and Vicki gone. I doubt Vicki will ever be fired though. The only past housewife I would welcome back is Heather. The others not so much.

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I think it's so interesting that the season preview footage showed Peggy and her family marching about the Armenian genocide, but I don't think that footage ever aired. The producers thought repetitive arguments about Peggy's cancer and whether Shannon was having issues with other wives were more interesting than any footage Peggy could deliver.

  • Love 18
26 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

This season was such a chore to get through. This episode basically had everyone apologize to each other with flashbacks every other moment. It was boring the first time I watched it, so watching the flashbacks made it even more dull. I am going to try to make it through the reunion. I wish someone would go at Lydia and Peggy harder, but I doubt it.

Kelly seemed so hostile with Michael during her previous seasons as well. Didn't she leave him at a Costco or something? She always seemed to be having issues with Michael, but it seemed like a lot of her hostility toward him was on the back burner this season until this the past couple of episodes.

I would not mind seeing Tamra, Shannon, or Kelly again next season. I can tolerate Kelly more when she is not around Vicki. Meghan I do not mind, but she really did not do anything much this season. Though if next season gives Meghan PI something to do I would be all in for her returning. I really want Peggy, Lydia, and Vicki gone. I doubt Vicki will ever be fired though. The only past housewife I would welcome back is Heather. The others not so much.

I could do without Peggy bc I just don't understand wtf she's talking about and Lydia is just kind of a random and too conservative, IMO, for this show. 

I like Vicki. Not a fan of Tamra but she knows how to bring it, drama-wise. Shannon is ok - horrible judgement but I like how open and honest she is about literally everything in her life. She is an open book, nothing is off-limits for her and that is why she is perfect for reality tv lol. Meghan is ok, I like her but I feel like she made a huge splash her first season with the whole Brooks thing and since then has just been coasting by without really doing much of anything. Kelly is cool, I like that she seems to be a loyal friend and I like that she's candid. 

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Shannon is a pig. And despite their maliciousness during season nine, I've come to realize that Heather and Tamra were fundamentally correct re initially clocking her for a pathetic drunk. Abstractly, I know there's a vast difference, morally speaking, between Vicki's transgressions and those of Shannon but I find them equally repellent. It's just so gross to watch Shannon be celebrated and coddled by her co-stars and Andy alike after she spent the past four years doing such casually nasty stuff like telling David she needed to be more intoxicated to endure the St. Regis getaway he planned (and then wondering why he isn't plying her with romance and sexual overtures); stumbling drunkenly out of multiple parties while sobbing and cursing; hurling plates at cast mates; admitting she physically assaulted her husband during a blackout; and literally crying because said husband took her out to a family dinner for their anniversary and gave her a necklace that wasn't to her liking. She is monstrously spoiled and her behavior on anyone over ten - let alone 53 - is not normal. 

Maybe the hormone treatments accounted for the (slightly) less histrionic performance she delivered at the finale party? 

Kelly, meanwhile, has revealed herself to be much dumber than I initially thought. Whatever her husband does off-camera, I've never seen him try to publicly humiliate her on-camera; in fact, he has been unfailingly supportive of her during her spree of conflicts with the other women. If she thinks she's going to support herself, her mom, her brother, and her daughter on her show salary and the sale of the house in perpetuity in anything approaching a comparable fashion to what she enjoys now, she's an idiot. 

I had to chuckle at Tamra's remark that she's changed so much in the past decade. I guess no longer orchestrating sexual assaults on colleagues constitutes progress but she's still pumping out Sydney for her own benefit. If only there was a cast member really willing to take it to her on that point since she seems to want to make it a storyline so badly.

I don't think Vicki adds any drama whatsoever to the show and I didn't even notice that she was absent from most of the scenes. Her counsel to Kelly was bizarre and basically amounted to an admission that she craved sexual gratification so badly she prioritized it over her marital vows. 

I found Meghan innocuous until the preview of her attacking Lydia for consulting the Bible in making life choices. Also, did anyone notice that Meghan was absent from the list of friends that Shannon enumerated on WWHL? She said she was not done with Kelly or Tamra but everyone else. Wonder if she forgot Meghan or if they've had a falling out. 

I am perhaps the sole Peggy fan on this board. I find it amusing that she seems to dispense entirely with narrative continuity and/or any consistency whatsoever and has no compunction about contradicting herself from one breath to the next. I don't know if the accent and lack of linguistic fluency are put-ons but, if they aren't, I don't think either comprise reflections on her intellect. She reminds me of Melania Trump who is often maligned as stupid but speaks five languages - Peggy says she speaks four and, if she's been raised in cultural insularity, it makes sense she has thicker dialectical characteristics that may fluctuate. 

I also think it's a positive when people have immense cultural pride. It's a bit troubling when that is cast as a negative. But I've often found the franchise at large unsettling in that the rarity of diversity usually results in a gang up of a majority-white alliance on a ethnic minority. 

Lydia is very much an afterthought at this juncture. I will say that I don't see a Vicki, Tamra, Shannon, and Kelly core being all that compelling moving forward. That was the base this year and the season was like watching paint dry for the most part. 


2 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

So Coto Insurance has a board of directors?  And surprise, surprise, her son Michael is now on the board.  Even Helen Keller would've seen that coming.  And they all have to wear headsets at work?  They have that many calls into an insurance agency?  We have a regular call center where I work, so those folks will have headsets on most, if not all the time.  A few others who are on long conference calls will wear headsets (and pace around - a big pet peeve) some times.  Then when the partners or whomever they were cane into the meeting room, I saw Shah - and did a double take.  I was like oh no, don't tell me it's a crossover with the Shahs show.  I don't think it was.  Michael looked just thrilled; he looks like a trapped animal.  I bet he'd be happier working somewhere else.

Peggy, you're a moron.  Diko tried to squash the issue with David and Shannon.  He basically tried to make nice.  (You just know Diko is so pissed at her for blowing it and losing her orange.) Then Peggy says oh no I didn't say I was hurt.  Cue editors with clip of her saying, "I was hurt, hurt, hurt".   Then she says oh I said I was hurt.  I'd be having such headaches being around her, from the constant whiplash.   Yes, yes, yes.  No, no, no.   I just say GO, GO, GO.  Translation:  leave, scoot, vamoose, drive away in one of your cars, go by bye,   Take Lydia with you.  And the Coto President, too.

Tamra, your daughter had you at the graduation, but I don't think she's ready for you to be back in her life full time.  Not sure I blame her, either. 

Lydia was sure jumping on the Shannon is crazy train.  Nice Christian values, but she wanted or needed a nice big paycheck.  Shannon, you're better off without David.  I think I might be screaming like a banshee with all these fake, crazy broads saying shit about me 24/7.  

Kelly, if you're that unhappy, get out.  Do not take advice from Vicki about relationships.  Just do not.

This just made me think of Meghan and Tamra supporting Shannon after the "do your trust your husband" fight. Meghan tried to criticize Peggy by noting, "she didn't even say anything."

Before Shannon cut her off and screamed, "Because I did all the talking, is that what you're saying!?!?!"

Shannon's hysteria reached full-throttle delusion this season at times. 


All my subjective opinion. 

Just now, SoCal4Us said:

Do you know which one?  Hope it's Heather.

This rumor was on Twitter earlier sans identification, too. 

Logically, if true, I think it could only really be Heather. With Alexis a very distant and unlikely second. 

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, SoCal4Us said:

Do you know which one?  Hope it's Heather.

I would love for it to be Heather but I don't see her returning if Vicki is still on the show due to the crap that Vicki was spreading about people dying on Terry's OR table.  I would take it as a sign that Vicki is off if Heather comes back. 

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