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S06.E03: Next of Kin

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That was largely entertaining. Thank you, FBI lady, for showing up and improving this show. 

Good things:

1. Using Black Canary's scream to throw Diggle into a car.  Though maybe you should try PRACTICING that bit just a trifle more before using it in the field.

2. "How many times have you come down here to find me brooding?"  Nice callback, show.  Also, I laughed.

3. THANK YOU OLIVER FOR FINALLY REMEMBERING THAT DIGGLE, TOO, HAS A CHILD. Only took you a week, but at least you sorta remembered. 

4. In general, a strong scene between Oliver and Diggle, focusing on what the show does best - discussing violence, the response to it, how to handle it. I say "in general" because I have one hell of a quibble coming up, but that was also Amell and Ramsey at their best. More of that sort of thing, please.

5. Felicity running off to do Team Arrow stuff while Oliver stayed behind. I laughed.

6. Oliver's shock that Felicity only won that math thing three times, and Felicity admitting that even now, she still resents that she couldn't enter it as a freshman.

7. Felicity finally giving us a reason to justify William's presence on this show: the kid is good at math.

8. When trying to list Oliver's redeeming qualities, the first thing Felicity could think of was his abs. I may never have identified with her more. 

9. In general, all of the Olicity scenes in this episode - the cuteness was dialed up at least to 11, if not 12.  I repeat my earlier request: keep them like this, Arrow. This episode proves it: They can be cute. Let them be cute! I'M BEGGING HERE. 

10. It only took until season 6, but did we just finally get an in show acknowledgement that yes, cops can be important too? I think we did! Progress, Arrow!

11. And did this show just finally have someone pointedly explain to the city government that it would make more sense for the cops to be going after the bad guys instead of the vigilantes attacking the bad guys?

Not to mention, Star City Council People, Central City seems to be making some hard cash on Flash stuff. You might want to try to do the same with Green Arrow stuff. Who knows how much you could potentially make from Green Arrow merchandise!

12. Also, really liked the twist of having Oliver turn this over to the Star City population for a vote. 

13. Onyx - a villain of the week presenting a credible threat. 

14. This FBI lady is awesome. My only regret is that Arrow didn't grab her to play Amanda Waller.

15. The truck drivers. I might even be up for a truck driver spinoff, where various superheroes pop into the truck only to be tortured by the music.

Questionable things:

1. Uh, are we really going for a Diggle/Dinah romance or partnership here?  And if we are not (and I really don't think we are), can we maybe try not to act as if we are, show?

2. Yes, yes, Arrow, we all got the joke, but in no way, shape or form would two programmers/coders/hackers choose ORACLE for a potential name. There are good gags, and then there's that.

3. Ok, I know I recently went on a rant about how this show used to try to look like a comic book, and now it rarely does, and how much that sucks. THAT SAID, this pausing for a few moments to stand in comic book poses just looks ridiculous and makes everyone's costumes look terrible.

4. This show really has an issue with tennis balls, doesn't it?

5. Oliver, I appreciate the intent behind the Monte Cristos, and I love that you made them with waffles, but ACTUAL Monte Cristos have to be FRIED. You are into cooking. You should know this. You just crushed me and my faith in you.

5. The Diggle questions his own leadership abilities plot. Uh, show? We've been here before. Diggle has been the leader before – back in season three, when Oliver took off to join the League of Assassins, and between seasons 3 and 4. He's also stood in for the Green Arrow before. Why shoulder him with all of these doubts now?  To show him dependent upon some sort of drug?

Because if he is dependent on this drug, or using it so he can be the Green Arrow, then I seriously hope this plot is leading somewhere – that is, to Diggle's need to be a leader/an actual superhero.

6. Speaking of the drug thing: uh, Diggle. You hang out with a guy who cured spinal paralysis. It's in the script. You also are friends with a doctor who hands out neurotoxins without asking questions, are married to the head of an organization who presumably has access to the very latest in comic book medical advancements, and you are friends with Caitlin and Cisco who can and have accomplished medical miracles. And Cisco can take you to other worlds. Plus, you have a way to contact Team Legends, who have a Magically Healing Ship and Dr. Stein. 

Given all of this, why the hell are you turning to street drugs? Because you don't want people to know? Caitlin is perfectly capable of keeping a secret - not just the Killer Frost dual personality thing, either.

It was one thing for Laurel, Thea and Quentin to turn to drugs and alcohol before this. It is another thing entirely for Diggle to turn to drugs at this point in the show and the shared universe. Arrow, I get that out of all four shows, in many ways you are the most reluctant to acknowledge/work with the other shows, since they strongly feature superpowers and until this season, you really didn't, but....the other shows exist. You want us to watch them in late November/December.  So you need to ensure that any plots you have here make sense within the context of this show.

Or you can just have Diggle start slapping water. I know we all said that was ridiculous back in seasons 1 and 2, but I kinda preferred that to this.

7. How on earth are office rents up in Star City, given the ongoing major attacks on/destruction of various parts of the city, major things going BOOM every week, one of the city's largest employers, the merged QC/PT going completely bankrupt, the inability of skilled assassins to find anything other than retail jobs, and so on?  I mean, sure, presumably the window repair people and reconstruction folks are going great, but otherwise, rents should be down. Negotiating a fair price for commercial rental space is part of your job, Felicity!

8. And while I'm complaining, given that you don't even know what you will be selling/doing, maybe worry about getting the office space once you've figured that out? Apple started in a garage while they were figuring things out, and that seemed to work out just great.

Bad things:

1. Guys, it's nice of you to find a way to let Diggle shoot off a few arrows, and yes, Oliver has occasionally used small crossbows from time to time, but I can't help thinking that even people like me, who are not exactly good at identifying weapons, will be able to notice the difference between a crossbow and a regular, up and down long bow. 

2. So the FBI lady notices that the new Green Arrow doesn't shoot arrows, but hasn't noticed that he's NOW BLACK? As said, I like this FBI lady, but, you know, MIGHT WANT TO WORK ON THAT WHOLE INVESTIGATION PART OF THE FBI.  Also, why isn't she having people tail Oliver?

3. At this point, I believe that Kord Industries has been robbed/bombed/entered more than the Arrow Cave and Star Labs combined. Which is really saying something.  Specifically saying, Geoff Johns, I get this, but if you are going to have Arrow, and to a lesser extent Flash and Legends of Tomorrow, use Kord Industries as a convenient piggy bank for your Macguffin of the week, then you might as well go ahead and have the inevitable reaction happen: Ted Kord coming out screaming at all of the vigilantes and metahumans for preventing him from focusing on inventing things.

Or at least have Oliver admit, in script, that he always hated Ted Kord back in school so he's delighted that Ted keeps getting robbed now.

4. Arrow, if you want me to buy Dinah instead of Rene or even Curtis as a potential second in command or team leader or partner, you are going to have to stop a) having her judge people for keeping secrets when she's keeping secrets, b) yelling at Curtis during a very time sensitive situation, c) jumping on Rene, who was not the screwup in this episode. It would also help if she suggested that Diggle consult the available help. I know she hasn't met Team Flash or Team Legends yet, but CURTIS IS RIGHT THERE, and she does know about Felicity's spinal injury/implant. 

I liked her in her one cop scene, as she worked with Felicity and Curtis to collect info from Kord Industries. The key there is with. Let's focus on that - she was able to work with the team last season, snarking away, but managing to sound sympathetic as she did so. 

5. Epilepsy and migraine headache warnings for all of us next time, Arrow, before you start shooting off bright lights like that. I kinda expect it from the other shows, but your whole thing is dark, darkness, more dark. Dark. 

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Hey, this episode was actually kind of good!  And wouldn't you know it, it just happens to have a decent bit of Diggle/Felicity, some good Oliver/Diggle, and actually have Oliver/Felicity act like the couple they are instead of co-workers who barely see each other.  Was it really that hard to do, show?  Not that I'm saying the rest of the squad don't have their moments, but it really is hard to top Original Team Arrow.

Of course, they still have a few silly things like pretty much everything involving Diggle as the new Green Arrow.  So, now he suddenly gets cold feet when he's in charge and can't make decisions when he's the boss?  Kind of finding that hard to believe, but whatever, he's already over it.  But instead he's now drugging himself up to get rid of his tremors.  The hood really does make it's wearer an idiot at times.  Did he even try to reach out to STAR Labs first?  Because if anyone could whip out a sudden cure out of nowhere, it would be Caitlin.

At least someone has apparently told Juliana Harkavy that she doesn't always have always come off like she's always hitting the other character anytime she's on screen, but the random posing is still getting a bit much.  Still, Dinah was way more tolerable then Curtis, who I'm at my wits end with.

Oliver is apparently going to have the anti-vigilante law be voted on by the city, instead.  That could be either very good or very bad.  It's hard to tell with the folks in Star City sometimes.

Even William doesn't annoy as badly when he's around Felicity!

FBI Agent is still hilariously over-the-top with her hatred for Oliver.  I'm hoping she randomly pulls up a knife (or better yet, an arrow!) and just stabs that photo of Oliver at one point when he manages to worm his way out again.

As usual, even though they clearly want me to think James Bamford is the best of the best when directing action scenes, but no one can touch Kevin Tancharoen.

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That was an excellent episode - it’s so rare for the writers to let things breathe and develop on this show. I loved most of the interactions (I tuned out during the Diggle-Dinah scenes - she’s not developed enough to be interesting), the villain was credible, the fights were well choreographed and performed, good moments of humour, great use of the Olicity theme music in their last scene...yep. Yeeeeeepppppppp. 

However, the “Diggle has a secret” storyline is boring. They haven’t done enough to explain why it makes more sense than any of the very good options raised on this thread. I didn’t mind Rene speaking to Oliver - it’s better than keeping his concerns a secret.

i thought Mayor oliver’s strategy for the anti-vigilante legislation was both solid - let the people decide while he speaks to the need to let police focus on areas of need - and reckless - I enjoy how the agent is circling him.  

On the key, I would bet Oliver found the key chain months ago and bought it because he knew what he wanted to build towards with her. 

Edited by La Dee Da
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5 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Oliver is apparently going to have the anti-vigilante law be voted on by the city, instead.  That could be either very good or very bad.  It's hard to tell with the folks in Star City sometimes.

It’s going to depend on the day. And time of day. Morning, they may love vigilantes. Afternoon, they may hate them. Especially if they had a bad lunch or something. 

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I really like the "Let Star City Vote" twist as well. Not only am I interested to see how it turns out, its actually not a bad bit of political gaming. Oliver is the mayor, and its nice to see him doing something interesting/useful with the position. Oliver also made a super valid point that it seems stupid for the cops to be targeting vigilantes and spending so much time and resources trying to catch them, when you have a city with a MASSIVE crime rate, and history of violent attacks, plus the endless supply of super villains, deadly super tech, evil magicians, and alien invasions. Why not focus on the people actually making the city unsafe? These guys arent even the Punisher, killing criminals, they just catch them. Did everyone forget that the Arrow has saved the city like seven times now? Not that vigilantes should never be questioned, but come on. 

FBI Agent has such a massive hate on for Oliver, I wonder if she is trying to make a name for herself, or if this is actually personal? Like, she lost someone in an attack, and she blames vigilantes for whatever reason. Her Green Arrow board looks like something you might find in the basement of a guy trying to prove that Hollywood faked the moon landing on the behalf of alien cat people. 

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Felicity made William smile for the first time, I think? #Smoaked

Also, I'm now starting to think Felicity is hiding something because she's barely sleeping and missing meals and kind of hesitated to answer Oliver when he asked if she was busy at the end there. Is that them just trying to show how time consuming building a start-up is or is it more? I know @quarks said she was keeping a secret in 601. Thoughts?

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Diggle on drugs and Oliver making smart choices. Maybe it is the suit. Maybe the more time he spends out of it the smart Oliver will get. 

Which means he’ll have to do something super dumb when he puts it back on. 

FBI lady bothers me. Why is she so sure Oliver is a vigilante? I mean, obviously he is, but in show everyone seems to not be able to figure that out. So what makes her so special? You can’t just have everyone and their mother not see the obvious, and then give me a character who does without explaining why, show. It’s confusing. 

Edited by Hiveminder
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Really liked the episode, it's been a long time since I've thought that. 

I don't know how they managed to make all of the noobs the wooooorst, Tinah was the absolute worst this week followed by Renee. I was happy they kept Curtis out of Felicity's company storyline. At this point my preferred "get rid of/kill off" order is Tinah, Curtis, and then Renee. Who knew Myson would be the least of this season's problems so far? I almost thought we were getting a Delicity scene in the beginning and then Tinah walked in :/

I haven't hated the Oliver/Myson scenes this season, and I say that as someone who detests everything involving the BMD, but Felicity just made Myson so much better. It's kind of odd because even though SA's a father in real life, I found EBR's scenes with the kid to be more convincing. 

I loved Diggle as the Green Arrow, kind of more than Oliver ?. (Minus the Tinah parts of course). Also happy that Felicity was back to the kind of screen time she deserves, the show is at its best when it's focusing on Diggle and Felicity imo. 

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Is it my dirty mind or were they messing with us shippers during the BBB "snack" scene? Oliver was super flirty when he delivered the snack line at the door and then they had Felicity hop on the table all suggestively when she said her line about the snack. They are messing with us I swear!

She skipped!!!!!! Baby girl skipped!!!!! Felicity you are too cute, there should be laws against it!!!!!

I'm not a fan of the Diggle on drugs thing but I'm enjoying DR screentime.  It's typical Arrow to do a plot line like this though.  Speaking of Diggle those arms will never cease to amaze me ?. Loved that chat between the boys.

OMG LOVED LOVED LOVED the Queen family scene. William I will put you in my next canon compliant fic!!!!! I'm sold because Felicity can sell me anything!!!! Oliver gazing at his two loves while they were studying was just too much! Great move by the show to make William more studious like Felicity.

I love how Felicity is running off doing vigilante work while Oliver waits around. I also like that they are giving her a life outside of the bunker. 

I didn't mind Dinah that much. She's a bit sour but it could be worse!



And Oliver looking all teary during his speech to her. Omg you sap!!!!!! You're so far gone!!!!!!


*deafens the entire forum*

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6 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

FBI lady bothers me. Why is she so sure Oliver is a vigilante? I mean, obviously he is, but in show everyone seems to not be able to figure that out. So what makes her so special? You can’t just have everyone and their mother not see the obvious, and then give me a character who does without explaining why, show. It’s confusing. 

What cracks me up is she seems to get all of her information from the local Starling City news. She has a nifty suspect board, so I hope she gets more proactive then just showing up in Oliver's office and snarking at him. 

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4 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

What cracks me up is she seems to get all of her information from the local Starling City news. She has a nifty suspect board, so I hope she gets more proactive then just showing up in Oliver's office and snarking at him. 

Wait, you mean just watching the news isn't a good investigative strategy? I think FBI lady would be shocked by this. I also hope we see her actually investigating at some point because right now the actress is good but the character never seems to actually do anything.

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19 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Felicity made William smile for the first time, I think? #Smoaked

Also, I'm now starting to think Felicity is hiding something because she's barely sleeping and missing meals and kind of hesitated to answer Oliver when he asked if she was busy at the end there. Is that them just trying to show how time consuming building a start-up is or is it more? I know @quarks said she was keeping a secret in 601. Thoughts?

I took it that she was just a bit nervous around Oliver since they are still doing their little flirty flirt thing. She was all cutesy and a bit flustered around him earlier in the ep too.

They are not subtle enough for it to be more imo. If she's hiding something they would have a scene of her looking uber shifty with shifty music! It's Arrow after all! 

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2 hours ago, Angel12d said:

And as much as I think the kid actor is pretty bad, that Felicity/William scene was really lovely. Oliver watching them with heart eyes was even better.

I've started to come around to the idea that it might be the material he's given more than Myson's performance. There are scenes where he actually seems to do well with the script, and engage with- well, Oliver, the only actor he's had scenes with. Other times, he comes across as just a typical whiny kid... those times seem to perhaps not surprisingly coincide with dialogue written in stereotypical whiny kid lingo.

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Okay, the episode was much better on re-watch. Still started pretty slow but definitely got stronger as it went along. So much better without flashbacks!

12 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

I've started to come around to the idea that it might be the material he's given more than Myson's performance. There are scenes where he actually seems to do well with the script, and engage with- well, Oliver, the only actor he's had scenes with. Other times, he comes across as just a typical whiny kid... those times seem to perhaps not surprisingly coincide with dialogue written in stereotypical whiny kid lingo.

IDK, I still think the way he says some of the lines are pretty awkward. When he said "She's pretty cool!" about Felicity, I kinda winced because it felt like he emphasized the wrong word? LOL. I can't really explain it. He's just a bit wooden. I do agree they give him pretty terrible dialogue but at least he was allowed to act his age in this episode, unlike 601.

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2 hours ago, quarks said:

That was largely entertaining. Thank you, FBI lady, for showing up and improving this show.

You're kidding right? FBI lady's role in every scene she's been in so far has been to basically go "I'm ON TO you people!" and point two fingers at her eyes and then at Oliver before leaving. Not to mention that she just ends up sounding like a total bitch in her every line. I'm hoping there's more to her character than that coming up because if not FBI lady's one trick poniness is going to grate quickly.


3. THANK YOU OLIVER FOR FINALLY REMEMBERING THAT DIGGLE, TOO, HAS A CHILD. Only took you a week, but at least you sorta remembered. 

Not only did they acknowledge that Diggle has a kid, but Lyla too, and then pointed out how Diggle has made his peace with the possibility of dying and leaving his wife a widow and his child fatherless as a result of his work with Team Arrow. They really should have acknowledged that last episode though.


10. It only took until season 6, but did we just finally get an in show acknowledgement that yes, cops can be important too? I think we did! Progress, Arrow!

Now we just need to have a bunch of scenes throughout the season and ideally the rest of the show actually showing cops occasionally successfully bringing down bad guys and doing it without dying in droves and we'll be set.


11. And did this show just finally have someone pointedly explain to the city government that it would make more sense for the cops to be going after the bad guys instead of the vigilantes attacking the bad guys?

Especially since it's a really stupid idea to go after the effectively the only remotely competent law enforcement in the entire city, not to mention one that has saved the city like half a dozen times.


1. Uh, are we really going for a Diggle/Dinah romance or partnership here?  And if we are not (and I really don't think we are), can we maybe try not to act as if we are, show?

I can see a partnership, but I have no clue where anyone is getting this idea that there's going to be a romance between Diggle and Dinah from. Their relationship seems as platonic as it gets really.


6. Speaking of the drug thing: uh, Diggle. You hang out with a guy who cured spinal paralysis. It's in the script. You also are friends with a doctor who hands out neurotoxins without asking questions, are married to the head of an organization who presumably has access to the very latest in comic book medical advancements, and you are friends with Caitlin and Cisco who can and have accomplished medical miracles. And Cisco can take you to other worlds. Plus, you have a way to contact Team Legends, who have a Magically Healing Ship and Dr. Stein. 

Given all of this, why the hell are you turning to street drugs? Because you don't want people to know? Caitlin is perfectly capable of keeping a secret - not just the Killer Frost dual personality thing, either.

It was one thing for Laurel, Thea and Quentin to turn to drugs and alcohol before this. It is another thing entirely for Diggle to turn to drugs at this point in the show and the shared universe. Arrow, I get that out of all four shows, in many ways you are the most reluctant to acknowledge/work with the other shows, since they strongly feature superpowers and until this season, you really didn't, but....the other shows exist. You want us to watch them in late November/December.  So you need to ensure that any plots you have here make sense within the context of this show.

Or you can just have Diggle start slapping water. I know we all said that was ridiculous back in seasons 1 and 2, but I kinda preferred that to this.

Given how self aware Arrow is this season I fully expect Oliver to call Diggle out and point out this exact thing. The worst part? Having Team Flash help out could shoot two tennis balls with one arrow. Have Team Flash work on the problem, then come to the conclusion that the only way that works would be to have Barry give Diggle some of his speed. Tennis Ball 1 is this fixes Diggle's nerve damage, Tennis Ball 2 is this gives the perfect excuse to slow Barry down some so he's not so insanely fast and thus doesn't have to be incompetent to avoid breaking the plot in half.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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2 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

I thoroughly enjoyed this ep! I'm so happy to be having fun again. All the Olicity scenes were aces and gave ME hearteyes for these two idiots. Also, pardon my crassness, but they totally went to the Bone Zone in that last scene, and I don't think it was the first time since last season's finale. That's my head canon, at least. I maintain my opinion that Myson is not a good actor, but EBR and SA make him tolerable. If I can't get a better actor, I'll take that. 

I really liked Digg as leader, and look at Oliver giving pep talks now. I'm so proud of both of them. 

The rest of the team is a big meh for me, and Dinah can feel free to fork right off. 

I also enjoyed Onyx as a villain. I was genuinely bummed when she killed those two truck drivers. Feel free to bring her back, Show!


I think they lived despite getting shot in the head.  Per Felicity's casualty list, two people were in critical condition, no fatalities. :D

1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

Okay, the episode was much better on re-watch. Still started pretty slow but definitely got stronger as it went along. So much better without flashbacks!

IDK, I still think the way he says some of the lines are pretty awkward. When he said "She's pretty cool!" about Felicity, I kinda winced because it felt like he emphasized the wrong word? LOL. I can't really explain it. He's just a bit wooden. I do agree they give him pretty terrible dialogue but at least he was allowed to act his age in this episode, unlike 601.


Out of curiosity, I read through Reddits live reaction thread to the episode.  Quite a number commented on how much they at 12 would've wanted a tutor that looked like Felicity.  (Apparently, hormones trump how much they hate her?) While many of their comments were bordering on skeevy, they had a point.  So while a line delivery with an emphasis on "cool" would make the most sense, it also makes sense for him to stress either "she" or "pretty" lol.  

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

Seriously. Look at her body. She could beat all the newbies up.

Girl, yes. EBR's physique is amazing. She looked totally smoakin', much like DR in his tight-fitting black shirts. Good job wardrobe! I truly appreciate your efforts at showing off the hotness of your cast. I'm only a little disappointed that the 9pm time slot is still not being utilized properly because the show decided to cut to the next scene, just as Felicity was removing Oliver's jacket. Like, you have the 9pm time slot, guys. Use it! Show. The. Sexy. Times! Please and thank you.

They may get robbed A LOT and were ultimately ineffective but damn, that Kord Industries security team response time was amazing. Less than 2 seconds of that tech dude hitting the alarm and the security guards were opening the door and surrounding Onyx. One would think they were just outside the glass doors--the same glass doors that Onyx had just come from about 5 seconds ago--waiting for their cue or something. Regarding their deaths, how did the flashbang cause it? All the victims apparently had broken vertebraes and died of blunt force trauma. Did Onyx's team go to town on those poor Kord employees during the flashbang-ing then, magically, disappear leaving only Onyx in the room once the flashbang got done blinding the audience? I'm confused.

Speaking of things I'm confused about, I don't understand the floor plan of Oliver's apartment. It really looks like it only has the one bedroom--William's. There's the main door that leads to the living room with the shelves of weird artifacts/decor of unknown pieces, then it's the kitchen which is right next to William's room. I don't think I've seen any hallways leading from the living room or kitchen that could suggest other bedrooms or other areas in that apartment. Like, where is Oliver's room? And Raisa's? Are there stairs on the side that go up to a previously unseen second (or down to a basement) floor with more bedrooms/bathrooms? I'm just wondering because I want to see Oliver's bedroom to be sure that it's nice and tidy and, also, sound-proofed well enough for whenever Felicity sleeps over. Important stuff to know.

I really loved Nevada's 3-time state Mathletic champion tutoring William. I agree that Felicity being around William totally made him better 'cause not once did the thought of the kid's acting enter my mind during those scenes. I still think he isn't a good actor (I agree that it's the weird line deliveries but, also, his face and demeanor just screams 'I'm Acting!' to me and doesn't come off as natural?) but, at least, Felicity and Oliver made me forget about it for a bit in this episode.

I don't think I'll ever warm up to Dinah apparently becoming the go-to gal who Diggle has heart-to-hearts with. She just doesn't seem like she really cares about him/what he's going through but is more about how he is affecting her and what she's doing. Which, I understand since they work in the field together and they need to be able to trust each other to keep each other alive but a little empathy goes a long way, Dinah. Anyway, I got the Diggle/Oliver bromance talk which delved into Digg's mindset much better (even though it doesn't really make sense how worried he is about being the leader when he's done it before) so that was cool. I just need the Diggle/Felicity scenes to be longer and not be interrupted by Dinah in the future please. Diggle-Arrow's fight scenes with Onyx by/in the limousine was nicely done and I can't wait to watch him use that wicked crossbow-arrow in the field! I'm uneasy about it but the Digg-does-drugs storyline is something I'm reserving judgment on pending how it's handled.

Curtis is absolutely superfluous and I don't understand why he's still here. Rene was somewhat annoying but tolerable, though. On a different note, that Onyx team member traitor who she wanted to kill is the least smooth ex-CIA operative I have ever seen. Way to not look suspicious with the twitching and anxiety-laden body language during the go-bag retrieval scene at the hotel, my dude. How did you even become part of Onyx's elite group, who actually seemed pretty competent in their minion-ing ways?

By the way, I totally thought that the t-spheres BS stole in the S6 premiere was what Onyx was using, initially, and that the villains got smart and had retrofitted it to blind and kill the Kord employees. But then Onyx used the flashbang balls on Team Diggle-Arrow and they were only blinded for a bit before they got beat up. So, I guess the flashbang balls only happened to look like t-spheres because of the show being poor. Heh.

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4 hours ago, Soulfire said:



This gif made me all kinds of happy!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm so sorry I cannot stop!!!!!! Someone needs to sedate me for the later episodes coming up! 

I also love how encouraging and supportive Olicity are of each other. I loved her comment about how if Oliver cared about math he'd be good at it. She always stands up to him when she needs to but she has such a high opinion of him as well. *happy sigh*

oooh I'm also SOOO happy those two truck drivers survived! Nice touch show! No need to kill likeable funny extras! I vote they have another cameo! They + Diggle were hilarious! DR's face while he was riding in that truck was priceless!!!!!!

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4 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Hate that dumb ass slow mo jump just to circle up and talk...lame!

Oh my God, that was like watching Power Rangers. They all do the same slo-mo jump to... converge and talk? When they were all just together and are all wearing ear pieces?! It honestly looked like different action scenes were done by two wildly different directors. The hand to hand combat scenes were all good, and the one in the car was excellent, but then we also had this and that cartoony shot of Dig falling down. But I guess there was the requisite GA and BC working in the field together. Whatever. 

4 hours ago, Angel12d said:

I LOL'd at Diggle in the truck. "You have terrible taste in music."

That was hilarious. I even decided to ignore that it's damn dumb for Dig to expose himself to such close scrutiny for a good while. And I'm thrilled that a) they gave a random driver a personality, and b) that that random driver miraculously survived. I was really bummed when he got shot. Hope to see him pop up again. Maybe one of the team members get stuck somewhere without transportation and he pulls over and offers them a ride.  

3 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Felicity made William smile for the first time, I think? #Smoaked

How a Queen boy looks when watching a Smoak woman:



That moment made me think of William meeting Donna, and him and Oliver seeing the Smoak-Queen baby girl for the first time. (In the show's final episode, @Mellowyellow.) Who would have expected that a year ago? Certainly not me.

Also, this is an excellent parallel.

tumblr_oygnsgrreb1tiq97xo1_250.gif   tumblr_oygnsgrreb1tiq97xo4_250.gif

tumblr_oygnsgrreb1tiq97xo2_250.gif   tumblr_oygnsgrreb1tiq97xo3_250.gif


I'm waiting for Oliver to get a T-Shirt saying, My Body is Ready... To Have Your Babies. Could he be a more obvious dork? He goes from taking things slow to giving Felicity the key to his apartment. I love it!

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59 minutes ago, bijoux said:

How a Queen boy looks when watching a Smoak woman:



I swear that's Jack Moore reacting to Emily being her usual hilarious self. Kind of like Stephen's story about his first scene with Emily in 103 when he broke character and genuinely smiled at her.

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

How a Queen boy looks when watching a Smoak woman:



That? Is adorable. I've seen a few people speculate that William is going to develop a crush on Felicity, and I certainly hope not, because a son crushing on his dad's girlfriend skeeves me out. But a little bit of "she's pretty cool" hero-worship? I'm good with that.

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

That moment made me think of William meeting Donna, and him and Oliver seeing the Smoak-Queen baby girl for the first time. (In the show's final episode, @Mellowyellow.) Who would have expected that a year ago? Certainly not me.

I will accept that but only if we have at least two episodes with Felicity sporting a baby belly (not too long because I'd feel bad if EBR had to wear a massive belly)! Can you imagine how cute pregnant Felicity would be!!!!!! EBR would do wonders with that! 

1 hour ago, bijoux said:

I'm waiting for Oliver to get a T-Shirt saying, My Body is Ready... To Have Your Babies. Could he be a more obvious dork? He goes from taking things slow to giving Felicity the key to his apartment. I love it!

I couldn't agree more! The part when he was at the door saying he was cool with Felicity tutoring William! So loveable and such a daggy dad!!!!!! He is sooooo ready for babies!!!!!!!

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2 hours ago, lemotomato said:

I swear that's Jack Moore reacting to Emily being her usual hilarious self. Kind of like Stephen's story about his first scene with Emily in 103 when he broke character and genuinely smiled at her.

That would be the 3rd actor she made crack in a scene (Tom Cavanaugh being the 2nd).

And yes, I do agree I think it's the actor reacting to EBR doing her thing, rather then William.

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I know the real life reason for not giving GA a full face mask, regardless of who it is, but in-universe there's no reason for him not to wear a full face mask.  If FBI lady asks why then it's easy enough to say only a damned fool would run around with that much face exposed. 

It would be kind of funny if she keeps pointing out minor changes but never mentions how GA is now a black man.  Mr. Mayor, don't you think it's odd the GA no longer has facial hair? 

Also, while it was kind of cool falling multiple stories and then being canary cried INTO a car hard enough to crack the windshield does not strike me as the best way to get from point A to point B.  Forget the tremors, Dig is going to need painkillers after stunts like that.

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2 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Also, while it was kind of cool falling multiple stories and then being canary cried INTO a car hard enough to crack the windshield does not strike me as the best way to get from point A to point B.  Forget the tremors, Dig is going to need painkillers after stunts like that.

Yeah, that seemed great in theory but they may want to work on the execution a bit, like aiming or softer landings. I'm not 100% sure Dig would have been that much worse off just jumping off the building. That landing was rough.

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23 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:


Also, while it was kind of cool falling multiple stories and then being canary cried INTO a car hard enough to crack the windshield does not strike me as the best way to get from point A to point B.  Forget the tremors, Dig is going to need painkillers after stunts like that.

Lol. Maybe that’s what the drugs are for. 

My hope since they introduced Diggle’s tremor is that trying to help him motivates Felicity to want to work with medical technology. Curtis already made the chip, and we saw in that Legends episode that Smoak Tech made a prosthetic arm. 

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47 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Also, while it was kind of cool falling multiple stories and then being canary cried INTO a car hard enough to crack the windshield does not strike me as the best way to get from point A to point B.  Forget the tremors, Dig is going to need painkillers after stunts like that.

Yep. Plus, what about the owner of the car? Pretty sure they didn't leave behind a note/payment for the windshield. And if they did, what would they write? "Sorry we broke your windshield. Green Arrow had to make an entrance by having Black Canary canary cry him into the car after he dove off a building. Why you ask? Why couldn't the Green Arrow just take another route? Because we decided to use Dinah's canary cry in different ways in this episode."

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7 hours ago, immortalfrieza said:

I can see a partnership, but I have no clue where anyone is getting this idea that there's going to be a romance between Diggle and Dinah from. Their relationship seems as platonic as it gets really.

Honestly? I think it's mainly rooted in paranoia because this show has a history of tossing out it's own canon in favour of actor chemistry and I think even the biggest Dinah haters around have got to admit that David and Juliana have it in spades. Me? I'm enjoying the Dinah/Diggle interaction. They have the dynamic and chemistry that Oliver and Laurel should have had, but didn't. Is it earned? Not really, but I'm able to roll with it because most characters on Arrow haven't really earned sht since season 3, anyway. The writers have simply become too lazy to write proper storyarcs, so they just fast-track character and relationship development as they see fit. 

Edited by strikera0
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7 hours ago, immortalfrieza said:

You're kidding right? FBI lady's role in every scene she's been in so far has been to basically go "I'm ON TO you people!" and point two fingers at her eyes and then at Oliver before leaving. Not to mention that she just ends up sounding like a total bitch in her every line. I'm hoping there's more to her character than that coming up because if not FBI lady's one trick poniness is going to grate quickly.


Nope, not kidding. Yeah, you're right, so far it's a one note sort of thing, but the FBI lady is playing it hilariously - and it's adding another layer to the Diggle takes over as Green Arrow sort of thing.

This being Arrow, I have very little hope that there's more to her character coming up.


I can see a partnership, but I have no clue where anyone is getting this idea that there's going to be a romance between Diggle and Dinah from. Their relationship seems as platonic as it gets really.

To clarify, I don't think that Arrow is going the romantic route - they seem relatively invested in Diggle/Lyla, even with Audrey Marie Anderson staying busy with other work. They even made a point of reminding us in this episode that Diggle is married, and Legends of Tomorrow just clarified that they have at least vague ideas for some upcoming ARGUS plots, something that will be easier with Lyla in the picture. And with Diggle/Lyla married, they can continue to use ARGUS as a shortcut for all kinds of things.

So with that caveat, and speaking just for me, I suspect this idea is coming up because Diggle and Dinah aren't just getting a lot of scenes together this season - more one on one scenes together than Diggle has generally had with any other supporting cast member other than Lyla since season one - but the two actors have some solid chemistry, and Harvaky has been playing about half of their scenes either as if she's willing to jump his bones right there if he is, or, in a couple of cases, as if she resents that he hasn't jumped her bones. 

And, well, he's now the Green Arrow and she's the Black Canary, and we've had five seasons of people squawking at us that the Green Arrow and Black Canary are COMICS CANON, EVERYONE, COMICS CANON, so I can see why this is coming up. 

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For me this is definitely the best episode so far.   I still prefer more Delicity and OTA but I will take what I can get.

Best part of the episode for me was Olicity, I had almost forgotten how adorable, sexy they are.   See writers it's not hard to do a balance episode with Olicity ( I would have preferred more but for those who don't care for this relationship, I think it was the right amount of romance).

I will always love John Diggle but I am not sure how I feel about this storyline.  I like him as Green Arrow but I have a hard time believing he would find it hard to be a leader when is a natural one.  I guess with the injury he is second guessing himself.  I missed these talks Oliver and Diggle use to have.    It is so natural and you can see they care about eachother.

I also liked the scene with Felicity and William.  It just flowed and Felicity is just adorable with him.  William is improving but the writers need to write as pre-teen not a toddler, so i can't blame the actor too much.  You can only be as good as the writing.

Curtis I still managed to block him  so Yeah for me.

Why show why, just when I was starting to like WD.  Turn it around writers.  I like it when he is funny not an A$$.

DD - no comment

I also like that it was Felicity that got a bow made for Diggle like she did for Oliver in season 2.

I also liked the mention that Thea would be a badass aunt.  

I also liked Det Lance. this episode. 

I am sure I am missing more but I have been fighting a sinus infection and that is all I can remember.

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Well, this is the first episode this season that I actually was excited when a scene came on. The majority of the episode was alright. I still had my issues, and I definitely feel like I'm more critical of this season than other seasons (the last one I grew intense hatred for was most of season 3), but this episode actually had some good moments. But let's start with the bad, to get that out of the way.

Dinah. Oh, Dinah. And I really liked you last season too. I actually also liked her this episode when she had a brief moment with her dialogue with Felicity...before Curtis got in the way, but that was more because I was amazed that two women were having a scene alone without a guy for once, so Curtis really ruined it. But yeah, I think my irritation from Dinah stems more from her getting a substantially larger role, which mostly consists of her knowing a big secret, hiding it, judging said person for keeping the secret, and then getting multiple scenes an episode with them. I get that they finally have their Black Canary, and I can tolerate Dinah...if they also balanced out our original characters and it didn't feel like Dinah is getting more scenes than Oliver. 

Plus, Dinah can judge Diggle all she wants, but she's keeping this secret too, and this is not the first time this season. I get it's his secret to tell, and at least she's not a tattletale like Rene was with Oliver, as if Oliver's their keeper or whatever, but I just needed far less of Dinah. They eased her in well last season, but then they maximized her screen time this season too quickly. You simply can't go from 0 to 100 that fast. 

Diggle doing drugs to hide his tremor? Can we just skip to the episode where Diggle's drug thing messes him up on a mission somehow, Oliver finds out, reprimands him but also supports him, and Diggle deals with his tremor differently, like through a magical one time serum from STAR Labs? Because I know that's where it's going and I'm not particularly interested in the journey. I love me some Dig, but this is season 6. SIX! How come these people learn about not keeping secrets, and then immediately forgetting the lesson to keep more secrets? Especially coming from Dig, who has been gung ho against any secrets being kept. It's annoying because it's not character progresssion; it's character regression and plot contrivance. 

I guess, when I wanted a Diggle plot that was all about him, I didn't want this. 

Rene was more annoying this episode. However, to work this into a positive, since Dinah wasn't going to tell anyone about why Diggle was acting messed up and freezing out on missions, it wasn't the worst thing for Rene to go and tell Oliver. Diggle really messed up and he'd never done that before. Rene was pissed that their new leader couldn't make a decision that almost led to lives being lost, so he went to tell their old leader. The unfortunate part is that it didn't feel like it was out of concern, but I'm going to pretend that it was, just so I can stick with my path to like Rene. 

And finally, FBI Lady, if you noticed that the Green Arrow stopped using arrows....maybe you should also take notice that he's also now black. Just saying. Also, if you don't have agents following around Mayor Queen when you suspect him....maybe you need to step up your game. You have some insight, but clearly not enough. 

Now, for some positives.

So...I don't hate William as much as I expected to. As the episodes have gone on, I've been more annoyed with the writing. The kid actor, Jack Moore, is doing what he can, but he's still an amateur and he's also still had some decent moments where I'm ok with William. EBR being put in a scene with Jack definitely helped things tremendously, though. It's the first time that kid has smiled this season, and I liked William's relationship with Felicity there. I also liked Oliver's approving smile as he watched them interact. It really shows that Felicity could be really good for William, even after losing his mom. 

The Olicity scenes really made the episode for me. After having Felicity basically relegated to either background character or Curtis' banter buddy, it was nice to actually get a more toned down Felicity, and have Oliver smile. Both got to talk about themselves and be a supportive partner to each other. And now they're back together, so all is right in the world. It is nice that Oliver is getting to take a step back and get a moment of happiness. I think, when Thea wakes up (and I have to assume she will), Oliver will be at his happiest. And yes, show, thank you for remembering that Thea is still alive.

And once again, it's hysterical to me that the two times we get a Black Canary/Green Arrow team-up, it's not with the actual Green Arrow. See: season 4's Laurel Lance/Malcolm Merlyn team up and now the Dinah Drake/John Diggle team up. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

I was looking at Felicity's Window of Company Names, and some of them are just boring amalgamations, but there are some good ones on there: 

* NSYNC Solutions
*Codewatch Clique

and my personal favorite:


Lol, I loved how for Codewatch it was Codewatch Click--Clique? A lot of them screamed "I haven't eaten or slept when I came up with some of these," which seems to be what they were going for. 

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Just like I still don't know why last week's episode was titled "Tribute," I don't know why this week's episode is titled "Next of Kin." Nevertheless, I thought it was a very good episode overall (although I miss Oliver as the GA) and the first episode this season that I would want to re-watch...

Revised Title Card

This episode's title card omitted Spartan's symbol and had only the following team symbols: Black Canary, Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific, Overwatch, Arrow. Unfortunately, I don't have a gif of it, but you'll see it if you re-watch the episode.

New Voiceover Intro

I hate the new Oliver voiceover: "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I returned home with only one goal-- to save my city. But I couldn't honor that commitment and honor the promise I made to the mother of my son, so I asked the best man I know to help. His name is John Diggle, and he is the Green Arrow." 

I hate it because it reminded me of how angry I was in Season 4 when Oliver treated the stupid promise he made to a deceptive woman who he hadn't seen in 10 years like a sacred holy vow to be obeyed above all else and everyone else. Now Oliver is again obeying another promise to this same woman. Why couldn't Samantha have just died without speaking a word, and Oliver sought and was awarded custody of William? That way, it would've been clear that Oliver wanted to take custody of William and that he wasn't just doing it to comply with his mother's dying wish.

When Oliver first found out about William, Samantha didn't want William "sucked into [Oliver]s orbit" or anywhere near Oliver (408). Now, while dying, she says to Oliver: "William needs a parent. Promise me... that you will be his father."

Yes, Oliver should take care of his son and become involved in his life as his father. However, last time I checked, in child custody cases, the primary consideration is not a parent's wishes but the best interests of the child. IIRC, Samantha had moved back to her home in Central City to be near her family (after taking or not taking money from Moira - $1M not cashed and another $1M mysteriously missing) and her parents are still living. Presumably, William's grandparents have been in William and Samantha's life for 10 years. So what would've been in William's best interests? (A) Stay in Central City with his grandparents whom he's known all his life and continue to go to the same school where he has friends; or (B) move to Star City to live with his father, who's a virtual stranger and a busy mayor, while being taken care of by another stranger, Raisa, and starting over again at a new school where he knows no one? Now, maybe the judge would've still decided to give custody to Oliver as the father, but we'll never know because apparently Samantha is the show's oracle and whatever she says goes.


I'm still not sure what the villain story was this week with Onyx. And I find that I just don't care.


I loved all of the Oliver/Diggle/Felicity interactions in this episode, in whatever combinations.

Most Annoying This Week

Dinah and Rene. Need I say more? 

Actually, I did have two questions. One, Dinah is a police lieutenant now, so why is she still going to crime scenes? I thought police lieutenants stay at the precinct and assign their detectives to investigate crime scenes. Two, after Diggle froze in the field, Dinah tried to cover for him by saying "fog of war." However, iirc, it was only the "Tina" casting sides that mentioned she was an ex-marine. But on the show, it's never been said that she's ex-military, has it?

Also, when Diggle asked Oliver, "Who came to you? Rene?", did anyone else have a flashback to watching Godfather 2? ("Now listen - whoever comes to you with this Barzini meeting - he's the traitor. Don't forget that.")

Less Annoying This Week

So William is a math prodigy? Is this even remotely believable, given that his parents are Oliver Queen and Samantha Clayton?

Also, when William referred to Oliver's Green Arrow persona as "the other guy," did anyone else think of Bruce Banner's referring to the Hulk as "the other guy" in Marvel's Avengers movie?

Incidentally, William was sitting down throughout his scene with Felicity - probably because, I suspect, Jack Moore is now taller than EBR.

Olicity Rises!

I loved, loved, loved all of the scenes between Oliver & Felicity. But c'mon, another reference to their off-screen conversation during the summer? I guess we'll have to wait for MG's book to come out in January.

Btw, when Felicity kept eating chips in that one scene, did anyone else wonder - just for a second - whether Felicity was pregnant? I know that she's not, but the way she kept munching down! Slow down, girl. 

ETA: The EW reviewer said that one of the crossed out names on Felicity's whiteboard was Oracle.

Edited by tv echo
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The thing that really baffles me about Digs problem with tremors is that this can be solved so easily, if he would just be honest. If he would just remember that not only is his best friend a billionaire who certainly has access to advanced medical technology, and one of his teammates once cured paralysis, not to mention the countless billionaires, scientific geniuses, and people with access to super advanced technology (the Legends ship can regrow a human hand!) from the future and alternate universes, whos numbers he must have on his phone right in his pocket, who would instantly come by to help him fix his hand. This is such an easy to solve problem, that only isn't being solved for the sake of drama. 

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

did anyone else have a flashback to watching Godfather 2? ("Now listen - whoever comes to you with this Barzini meeting - he's the traitor. Don't forget that.")

It was Godfather I--Brando/Vito said it to Pacino/Michael. 

Why no, I haven't watched that movie like a gazillion million times. Nor did I cheer when Michael set about settling Family Business by annihilating all the five families.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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2 hours ago, tv echo said:


So William is a math prodigy? Is this even remotely believable, given that his parents are Oliver Queen and Samantha Clayton?




1. Your intelligence level is not dependent on your parents. I know for a fact. 

2. We don’t know anything about Samantha’s academic capabilities, but, as was just stated by Felicity in this episode and as I think has been obvious all along, Oliver can do math. He just doesn’t care about it. You can’t fly a plane without some mathematical ability. Maybe if the show stopped making Oliver dumb for plot people would realize that he’s actually quite intelligent. 

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On rewatch, I like the episode even BETTER when I can fast-forward through all non-OTA scenes. 

One slight nitpick: I wish Felicity hadn't been wearing her pumps around the loft when Oliver first showed up to talk about William. How cute would she have been running around in her bare feet?

I like that Oliver and William's relationship is still kind of strained. Even an experienced father would struggle trying to parent a new, traumatized kid. 

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12 hours ago, immortalfrieza said:

You're kidding right? FBI lady's role in every scene she's been in so far has been to basically go "I'm ON TO you people!" and point two fingers at her eyes and then at Oliver before leaving. Not to mention that she just ends up sounding like a total bitch in her every line. I'm hoping there's more to her character than that coming up because if not FBI lady's one trick poniness is going to grate quickly.

You and I are on the same wavelength here. 

(Pointing two fingers at my eyes and then back at you.)

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Diggle looking buff in the suit looks kinda badass, but still REALLY hope that once Oliver gets back in the suit those episodes will be actionpacked like never before cuz he has some catching up to do in terms of action!

Personally i don't like this Diggle/GA arc.. I mean... Are viewers really supposed to believe Oliver will stop being GA? Just like we were supposed to believe he quit being GA last season... It just falls flat...

But again, Diggle wears the suit well.

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16 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

BTW, I have know about quadratic equations. That's the one where you have two solutions for ax(squared)+bx)+c=0. There's also a long formula for when the numbers are complicated, but I don't know that offhand.

It is formally called the quadratic formula, or colloquially known as the 'ABC formula'. 

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It is formally called the quadratic formula, or colloquially known as the 'ABC formula'. 

Technically, quadratic equations are equations that have x^2 as the highest-degree variable, and the quadratic formula is one way to solve a quadratic equation.
Some other possible ways to solve the quadratic equation are factoring, completing the square, or the square root method.

Edited by ComicFan777
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47 minutes ago, TV Anonymous said:

It is formally called the quadratic formula, or colloquially known as the 'ABC formula'. 


34 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

Technically, quadratic equations are equations that have x^2 as the highest-degree variable, and the quadratic formula is one way to solve a quadratic equation.
Some other possible ways to solve the quadratic equation are factoring, completing the square, or the square root method.

Thanks, guys. I went to a Doctor Who convention a few years back, and I met Carole Ann Ford (Susan). The picture I chose for her to sign was of Susan with a blackboard behind her. That had lots of formulas, including the one for quadratic equations. I told her that, and she asked me what a quadratic equation was. I did not know. Bear in mind, I have a meth degree.

On-topic? Curtis's facial "T" doesn't work. I feel the character is okay, but the "T" is weird in any medium. Wild Dog's new look is better, and Rene is basically shooting people while seeing through small eye holes.

ETA: Math degree. MATH DEGREE. I also have a Master's in journalism, yet I still lapse into keyboard dyslexia.

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