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Deadpool 2 (2018)


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That was fun. I don't think it is as shocking as the original, at least to the "average" moviegoer. For instance: Terry Crews goes out to promote the movie . . . and his character is killed almost immediately. It wasn't a "black guy bites it first" thing, since Vanessa was killed. Also, all of X-Force save for Wade and Domino wound up dead. Then again, when Peter Milligan took over the book, and turned it into a reality show satire with Mike Allred drawing, I think he killed off most of the team. And I think one of those guys was named Zeitgeist. So it might've been a nod to the hardcore fanbase. Brad Pitt playing Vanisher for a split second? That was a surprise.

Even with the angst over Vanessa's death and the safety of Russell/Firefist (nobody tell One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda), things were fun. I don't think there was as much pressure to reach the original like with the Avengers and Age of Ultron. One of the high points was Cable. Forget al the shit with Madelyne Pryor, the techno-organic virus, the Askani'son, Stryfe, and all the rest. Did Josh Brolin kill it as Cable? He did. The bad news is that he might be stuck in that role for a while. Well, as least he doesn't have to look like his chin is a scrotum.

There's more, but I'll stop here. I'm happy Vanessa's death was undone, and that that Wade got his encounter with Logan. i think think Green Lantern was a misfire, as opposed to a full-on garbage fire, so it's a little painful that it's basically a punchline. Deadpool blowing Ryan Reynolds' head after reading the script? Funny.

ETA: Yay, Joe Kelly got into the credits! Also, leading into the release, Gail Simone was pumped with Wade riding a motor scooter, like in one of her stories.

Edited by Lantern7
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6 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

That was fun. I don't think it is as shocking as the original, at least to the "average" moviegoer.

Did Josh Brolin kill it as Cable? He did. The bad news is that he might be stuck in that role for a while. Well, as least he doesn't have to look like his chin is a scrotum.



I said that to my family when it was over--that I liked it just as much, but the humor, while still laugh out loud funny, felt different because it wasn't as shocking this time.  We were ready for it.  I liked both movies equally and loved the new characters.  I could go on and on, but I don't think I could cover everything that I thought was cute or clever.  Others have already mentioned a number of things and I'm sure there will be more to come that will have me nodding my head in agreement. 

Josh Brolin was fantastic as Cable-and hot! 

Edited by Shannon L.
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I loved the first Deadpool, and, while because the humor wasn't quite as shocking and therefore fresh as in the first one, it wasn't quite as awesome as the original, it was very much a worthy sequel. It was still fun and exciting and Deadpool was allowed to be Deadpool, and it had some moments of real emotion and had an awesome soundtrack, and thats all I wanted here. 

I was super pissed about Vanessa getting fridged, and in such a cliche way, I am thrilled that she got brought back! She deserves better than to be a tragic dead girlfriend to a hero. I do hope she can maybe get her powers from the comics at some point, her and Wade fighting together would be kick ass. I guess Morena couldn't be around much, as she is dealing with some stuff in Gotham, but I missed her being around. 

I wont lie, as much as almost all of X Force getting killed instantly was darkly hilarious, I was still annoyed seeing characters with a lot of potential (even Shatterstar!) getting killed off for the sake of a joke. At least Peter got to live the second time! And Domino survived, which at least made me happy. I love Domino (I even dressed as her for Halloween a few years ago!) and this was a pretty cool interpretation of her. Her luck powers were awesome on screen, and Zazie Beetz was a real scene sealer. Kickass, as well as funny. 

Josh Brolin has just become the king of comic adaptations, right? First Thanos, and now motherfreaking Cable! He was a great Cable, and I cant wait to see more of him in later movies. He and Deadpool are always a fun combination, and I want them to get into his weird origin from the comics. Like, a lot. He was perfect. 

The biggest shock? Juggernaut, bitch! They even seem to be getting closer to his comic backstory, being Professor Xs step-brother and their whole messed up family situation. I did not see him showing up, at all. That was an even bigger shock than Deadpool showing up to kill Origins Deadpool! And killing poor Ryan Reynolds! Seriously, we all forgave you for Green lantern years ago, Ryan! Its ok! 

"I was fighting this cape, until we realized both our moms were named Martha." I died. Yes, drag BVS, draaaaaag it! 

  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

"I was fighting this cape, until we realized both our moms were named Martha." I died. Yes, drag BVS, draaaaaag it! 

I really, really want this series to somehow address that Morena Baccarin and Gal Gadot have very similar looks. Although Wonder Woman probably doesn't deserve to get dragged- it's literally the only thing keeping that verse alive at this point. I still want some kind of allusion to Wonder Woman.

  • Love 8

It was fun. And I was happy to be surprised by parts of the movie - Deadpool's super team certainly did not follow any expected route. I also liked the  Juggernaut theme song and the Bond-like opening credits. 

But ... it suffers in comparison to the first movie. The first was like lightning in a bottle - and there is no way to be groundbreaking again. These are a few things that hurt the movie (for me) :

  • Killing the girlfriend in the first act - - it started the movie off on a down note. This was the girlfriend Deadpool spent the first movie trying to save. And we got the trope of the girlfriend getting killed immediately after they made plans to start a family. 
  • The directing did not seem as inspired as the first. The amazing chain of events in the convoy car fight of the first movie - which became the slo-mo opening sequence - holds up to multiple viewings. 
  • There seemed to be a sense of "let's not screw up the franchise." 
  • I was hoping for more reaction to Cable saying he was from the future - Deadpool just accepted the entire time travel concept so easily. That seemed like a major missed opportunity. 
  • There were too many moments when Deadpool took breaks from trying to save the kid - and saving people from the kid. Cable could have killed FireFist many times over during those moments. And the kid could have killed the headmaster multiple times before Deadpool intervened. The staging felt a bit sloppy. 

I was enjoying the movie again by the end, tho. 
But what about the post-credits scenes? Did Deadpool really save Vanessa? Or was that just fun, non-canon film footage? 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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There was a lot of fun to be had...Wade putting together X-Force, the post-credit sequence.  Zazie Beetz was great and Josh Brolin was really good too.  Anything X-Men related was great too.

But I wasn't feeling it like the last one.  The plot was thin, the humor wasn't as much or as strong and I think even Ryan's schtick as Deadpool just wasn't working as much.

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I saw a little bit of an interview with Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, where they said they weren't sure there will be a Deadpool 3, but there will definitely be a Deadpool 4.  :)  They also said they don't know yet which of the members in this movie will be in the X Force movie, but Deadpool, Domino, and Cable will definitely be in it.

6 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Wade WOULD pick "All Out of Love" as the song to blow himself up to, wouldn't he? The cheesiest break-up tune ever, LOL.

Hey now! Don't be dissin' my Air Supply!!!!!*

*Why no, I don't know all the lyrics to all their songs and I never, ever, sang along with them when I heard them on my car radio in the '80s.

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At first I thought Vanessa broke up with him or something before they showed what happened, or maybe it was just a ruse to trick some bad guy into thinking they're dead so they can go into hiding. I couldn't believe they actually killed her - made things way too serious for my liking. The opening "credits" mitigated it a little. But I was too shocked to read them at first, so I missed the first few.

I loved that he time travelled with "If I Could Turn Back Time" playing, though. That was perfect.

It was nice to get a couple of scenes where we got to see Ryan Reynolds' actual face. Damn that special-effects makeup really is hard to look at.

When I first saw the music video with Celine Dion... I thought that was some kind of parody with a fake Celine Dion because no way would the real one do a song for Deadpool. How wrong I was.

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On 5/21/2018 at 12:00 AM, tennisgurl said:

I was super pissed about Vanessa getting fridged, and in such a cliche way, I am thrilled that she got brought back! She deserves better than to be a tragic dead girlfriend to a hero. I do hope she can maybe get her powers from the comics at some point, her and Wade fighting together would be kick ass. I guess Morena couldn't be around much, as she is dealing with some stuff in Gotham, but I missed her being around. 

On 5/21/2018 at 9:23 AM, shrewd.buddha said:
  • Killing the girlfriend in the first act - - it started the movie off on a down note. This was the girlfriend Deadpool spent the first movie trying to save. And we got the trope of the girlfriend getting killed immediately after they made plans to start a family. 

I believe I recall an interview where they said Deadpool was just a more compelling character if he has nothing to lose. And I can see that, especially after this story required his self-sacrifice. It's not that he needs angst, but he doesn't seem like the same "in it for my own amusement" character if there's someone important to get back to. Now maybe this could have been handled better than killing her off like they did, but I could see a sequel with a happier home life feeling shallower.

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I didn't like it, I didn't hate it but, it felt massively empty/soulless.  The movie ended up exactly as I feared after Reynolds forced Miller out. IMO, Deadpool worked because Miller balanced Reynolds out. Reynolds may know Deadpool and has the dark comedy aspect down but, Miller brought the story and direction, and probably the heart.

Honestly the first 15-20 minutes were pointless, kind of cleaning the slate to get to the 2nd movie. The actual story didn't really start until Cable showed up and his story is the one that had the heart.

There were points where I thought the movie got boring and there were points where they dragged the joke out way to long which killed it.  The 4th wall breaks were over used to the point of killing the joke. 

The Good:

Cable, everything Cable, Josh Brolin was perfect. Granted, I have loved Brolin since The Young Riders and Cable is one of ym favorite characters.

Domino - I wasn't sure about the casting because she looked nothing like the Domino I'm used to but, the actress and character were great.

Juggernaut - first time I ever met yhe Juggernaut was Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. This was a very good version of the character, so much better than X3. As soon as i heard the dude with black hair talk with an Irish accent i said "Black Tom!". Then when they first mentioned the monster in the basement, I was like, if that's Black Tom then Juggernaut is the monster in the basement.

The post credit scene where Deadpool killed Wolverine Origins Deadpool. 

The Bad:

Not enough Negasonic or Black Al and I'm confused, was that Yukio from The Wolverine or a different Yukio?

Too much Dopinder (over use lost the charm) and Weasel just didn't work in this movie, even if he was kept to an almost minimum.

The opening credits  an attempt to repeat the first movie while going OTT left it empty and not funny.

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Okay, so this movie was a lot of fun. But first things first, the fridging of Vanessa. It was annoying, but I can see why they felt it was necessary here, because if Deadpool is happy, then there's really not much of a movie. He has to be pissed off and even more irrational than usual, to get the most out of the character. Also, they undid it with the end credits scene (which also apparently undid Green Lantern and the Deadpool that appeared in Wolverine: Origins), so I can forgive it.

But god, this was funny. They managed to make me like Cable, who I've never cared for. His curmudgeonly response to all of Deadpool's behaviour was great. His gritty, super-dark mission was perfectly lampooned. It just worked. He was pretty great as an antagonist, and then as a reluctant ally.

The gags about him being racist because he killed Black Tom (another fun reference from X-Men comics) and didn't like Dopinder's music, were funny.

But the best new character in the movie was Domino. I liked Zazie Beetz in Atlanta, but in this, she just got to be so much bigger, so much more free. And so freaking hot. Loved how her powers were depicted (I agree that the direction wasn't as flashy in this movie, but the sequences with her luck really worked well), loved her attitude and the energy she brought to every scene she was in. I need a spinoff starring her. And hopefully Negasonic Teenage Warhead, because she's so fucking cool, and also really damned hot. Underused in this movie, for sure, but the moments she got were great.

I really liked Juggernaut, and was honestly surprised at him appearing. I didn't know who the monster in the isolation cell was going to be, but Juggernaut was not who I expected. This was a great interpretation of the character. Big, brutish, coarse. And I loved the casual line about his brother being "in a wheelchair, so I guess it equals out".

I think I'd have preferred it if they'd had to kill Russell. That Deadpool had belatedly realised the kid was just an asshole, and had to die. The redemption and happy ending just felt a bit out of place, here. And I did think that Cable's solution to the "one bullet left" scenario would be shooting the headmaster, so Russell had no one to kill. But man, I laughed at "he even runs like a pervert."

The gag with X-Force all being nearly instantly killed was so good. It was sad, because Terry Crews is too awesome to get rid of so quickly, but all their deaths made me cackle. And the 'blink and you'll miss it' joke of Brad Pitt cameoing as the Vanisher was just excellent.

I never found TJ Miller funny, even before we learned what a douchebag he was. Too much of him in this, and I'd have been quite happy if he had died a horrible, tortured death. And Dopinder was a joke that was tread too thin.  And I thought some (not all) of the fourth wall breaking jokes fell a little flat. A few got a laugh from me, but I just kind of rolled my eyes at some.

  • Love 6

The Bond opening was great. Also, the guy who was "really on fire" was extra funny given the later juxtaposition with the admittedly obvious CGI fight between CGI characters. The whole convict transport fight/chase scene was excellent. I particularly liked DP's driving upside down, "This is harder than it looks". As soon as Cable showed up and told them about his time-travel doohickey I knew that Vanessa would have to come back.

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It wasn't as good as the first, but I still laughed really hard in places, and that was much-needed tonight. I could not stop laughing in the scene where he was growing his legs back, I don't know why. 

I didn't like them killing off Vanessa - since we lost my mum almost two years ago, and my dad saw the movie with me - but it looks like he brought her back at the end. I don't know most of the comic book characters, so I didn't know what to expect. I'm also hetero, but thought Domino was hot. I used to be in good shape like that, and I miss it, so she might have inspired me to start working out again. 

"You did it for me". heh, I liked that part. 

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10 hours ago, JustaPerson said:

But why do Cyclops, Nightcrawler, and Quicksilver still look the same if DP2 is supposed to be in the present day? Shouldn't they have aged since the 80s? I guess get them using McAvoy as Xavier if they couldn't get Patrick Stewart but still weird. 

I took it as a gag, not much else.

ETA: Here’s a sketch of Domino I got about a month ago. ?

Edited by Lantern7
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Deadpool invades your favorite DVD movies.

What, too much???

According to the marketing department, there is no such thing as too much.

With Deadpool 2 out on DVD, Deadpool himself has now "invaded" the DVD covers of some of your favorite movies

(all by the same movie company that produced Deadpool 2, of course)

You can now get "Special Deadpool Photobomb Edition DVDs" of movies such as

City Slickers, The Day After Tomorrow, The Devil Wears Prada, The Terminator,

 Fight Club, 127 Hours, The Martian, Alien

X-Men: Apocalypse (of "course" he invaded the X-Men films) 

and many,  many,  many, many, many,  many, many others.

What, too much??????

the movies themselves are still the same (Deadpool, in the real world, "still" does not have "that" ability "YET").

Say what you will; the marketing for this franchise is pure genius.

  • Love 7

I was really into the Dolly Parton 9 to 5 song and really getting ready to enjoy another fun time and then Vanessa's death really through me.  I felt Wade's pain there for a minute.  Then the credits came on and said exactly how I was feeling........

The rest of the movie was fun.  The humor was there but I guess I really liked Vanessa so I just couldn't get into it like I did the first one.  The rest of the cast was fun and the humor was there but the movie itself was too much of a downer for me.  Still l woulnt' exactly not recommend watching it.  It is still  Deadpool and some of it did work.  The taxi driver whose name escapes me was hilarious.  

Domino was definitely the highlight of the new characters I also kinda liked Yukio even though she had a very small part.  

  • Love 4

Just watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll have to watch it again, though. So many jokes. I know I missed some stuff from laughing.

Beetz was awesome as Domino. I'll look forward to seeing more of her. Brolin was great too.

Despite the silly humor and over-the-top action, it says a lot about the movie that you felt it when Vanessa was killed. And when they were reunited when Wade died.

Edited by WritinMan
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Finally got to see this and I watched the super duper version so I don't know what was in there that was left out of the regular version. I enjoyed this one but not as much as the first and the opening credits answered that question as to why; Vanessa is my favorite character so wasn't happy for her to die. I went in not knowing anything about the movie besides knowing that Cable was from the future and I still didn't guess that Deadpool would go back and save her. I'm a dummy. I'm hoping he saved Terry Crews and Bill Skarsgard too and we just didn't see it. Loved Domino.

I thought TJ Miller's character was pretty funny in the first movie but he was just ok in this one and I don't mind losing him in any future installments. I'd rather see more of Deadpool's old roommate, she's hilarious. I also want more Negasonic Teenage Warhead. I loved Yukio and her "Hi Wade" every time she saw him. She was adorable.


I need to watch this again now that I don't have to feel so bad about Vanessa. Also once again the music was on point. I woke up this morning with a great song on my mind that I'd like to see in the next one but I've already forgotten. Maybe it will come back to me later.

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Oh I meant to mention that I'm mad at Cable for killing the rednecks talking about toilet paper, I was enjoying that conversation. That's what we rednecks talk about, ya know? Not even kidding, the family had a huge discussion about it just last week. (Also I had no idea they were Alan Tudyk and Matt Damon. I have trouble with faces especially Matt Damon's. He looks like everybody)

Just saw this the other day,  I low key forgot it came out.   I enjoyed it.   Possibly more than the first,  I'll be the voice of dissent in that regard.   Though I was NTW was in it more...

I loved Domino,  possibly more than Wade. Luck is a superpower!  And it's very cinematic.   And her just mouthing noooo and walking away from juggernaut was the literal best thing ever. 

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On 5/22/2018 at 5:21 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Not judging! Like I said, I listened to Air Supply a lot during a bad period in my life. And it helped.

So. I was bored the other night, and lookit! This, as well as most all other FOX and Marvel movies, EXCEPT for X-Men: Days of Future Past, are available to watch for Free. So I watched.


But, but, but...I will not lie: I swooned when I saw 😍Hugh♥️♥️Jackman😍 at the end. Clearly edited from that horrid piece of shit movie Wolverine: Origins. But ♥️Hugh♥️♥️.Jackman♥️. (SHUDDUP! Don't Judge Me!).

Then there was the music of Air Supply that just took me back. And now I have to see if I can get that album of their greatest hits on iTunes. And naturally "All Out of Love" is playing like a loop in me head.

And Josh Brolin is UBERLY HAWT as Cable. Though I thought, based on the '90s animated X-Men series that he

had a son, not a daughter? The 'toon only ever showed a mini-me son.

. Of course, that's where all my knowledge comes from. But I've always loved Brolin. Both father and Son, but maaaaaan, Josh!

Okay, and I did laugh at the beginning, when Wade is playing with the dead action figure of Logan.

  • Love 1

They can kind of do whatever they want with Cable given his time traveling and all of that. Yes, he had a son in regular 616 (??) continuity. He also had a clone. And then he took Hope and raised her through the hellscape of a ton of different futures with Bishop on their trail trying to kill her.

But given that Deadpool exists in some strange-ass pocket dimension where Copycat doesn't seem to exist and Negasonic Teenage Warhead actually has explodey powers as opposed to telepathic and pregoc powers then, sure, Cable can have a daughter in the future. Why not?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Dandesun said:

They can kind of do whatever they want with Cable given his time traveling and all of that. Yes, he had a son in regular 616 (??) continuity. He also had a clone. And then he took Hope and raised her through the hellscape of a ton of different futures with Bishop on their trail trying to kill her.

But given that Deadpool exists in some strange-ass pocket dimension where Copycat doesn't seem to exist and Negasonic Teenage Warhead actually has explodey powers as opposed to telepathic and pregoc powers then, sure, Cable can have a daughter in the future. Why not?

See? I didn't know this. And to clarify, I wasn't complaining about Hope; I wuz just confused, because, like I said, I only ever saw the 'toon and that only showed Cable with a son. It's all good.

8 hours ago, PepSinger said:

I honestly think this movie has become better on rewatch. I enjoyed it when I say it in theatres, but I laugh even harder watching it on HBO.

I hope so. I just saw it last night and didn't like it. I felt like there was too much stuffed in and I felt like it should have been called Deadpool and friends. Didn't like them killing off Vanessa either.  Not only from a character point of view but it really slowed the movie down. 

3 hours ago, BooBear said:

I hope so. I just saw it last night and didn't like it. I felt like there was too much stuffed in and I felt like it should have been called Deadpool and friends. Didn't like them killing off Vanessa either.  Not only from a character point of view but it really slowed the movie down. 

I've only watched it once, when it was in the theater and yeah I wasn't fond of it ether. It was a let down from the first movie, IMO. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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