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S02.E10: Don't Cry Over Shattered Glass

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5 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

The confrontation at Brandi's party seemed strangely flat. With the exception of LeeAnne's carefully timed glass throw, they all seemed weirdly enervated. Like they were sick of themselves and the manufactured drama. Nobody even blinked an eye when she shattered the glass, and she sat back down, disappointed.

Well, Stephanie reacted - her “Help me Jesus!” was kinda perfect.

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14 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

This may not be a popular opinion but I would take a Lee Anne over a Cary any day of the week and twice on Sunday. 

I prefer straight up front, in your face crazy as opposed to stealthy, talk behind your back lying bitchiness.

I agree with this. I don't know what it is, but there is something endearing about LeeAnne's brand of crazy.

I feel the same way about Kim Richards. 

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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28 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

This may not be a popular opinion but I would take a Lee Anne over a Cary any day of the week and twice on Sunday. 

I prefer straight up front, in your face crazy as opposed to stealthy, talk behind your back lying bitchiness.

I think it's a matter of managing each of them. LeeAnne doesn't like people not having her back or gossiping about her. You'd have to keep that in mind because she will flip out when that happens.

However, Cary is shady, which means you can never ever drop your guard around her. You could probably have a very good superficial relationship with her. You could never share anything personal with her ever, but you could go out to lunch and talk about movies, TV shows, and Oscar dresses.

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Also, I am no expert on classy southern lady etiquette but I am pretty sure bringing a hostess gift you hope will embarrass the hostess is a no no.

Kameron is like The Countess, in that she's big on preaching etiquette, but the rules don't seem to apply to her. 


4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Stephanie is so shady this is like the fifth time she has expressed dismay that she is being lumped in with Brandi even when she participates in the same antics. 

Yup. She likes to have all the fun, but then wants Brandi - and Brandi alone - to take the heat. 


1 hour ago, DFWGina said:

Those guys get paid to make dog food and could make whatever she asked for as long as they got paid - it matters nada to them....Success or Failure - they get paid....

That explains it.

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4 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Based on what they've shown throughout the season, I think D'Andra and her mother are stuck in a pattern of behavior that was established when D'Andra was a young girl.  It seems like every time we've seen D'Andra and her mother interact on screen, D'Andra's mannerisms become those of a less confident person.  I imagine this happens with many people who are raised by an over-bearing parent.  I wouldn't be surprised to find out of there was some degree of emotional abuse in their past.  

I'm not denying that D'Andra's mother may be overbearing, but D'Andra had no problem turning around and trying to dominate her step-son of a few years.  She was not his mother, and it wasn't her place to overstep and bark orders while his father was right there.  I think she's probably pretty similar to her mother, and there may be a reason that Dee doesn't quite trust D'Andra to turn over full operation.  There's probably a reason that the employees don't take her seriously.  One may assume that it's because D'Andra is a shrinking violet, but we've seen her in action. 

The first time D'Andra went to her mother and stated they needed to invest in more research and development, she presented no plan of action.  This time she came prepared and her mother was open and receptive, and even complimentary.  I'm actually shocked that an almost 50 y/o D'Andra finally figured this out.  

3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Oh, I see.  Her mom seems to berate her like a child.  And if D'Andra's been running a business for many years, she should be able to do it by now. That's sad.  It's great to have the support of a parent in running a business, but, if they hold you down, it's a negative.  I started my own business in 1998 with just myself and $1000.00!  I know.....I can't believe I was that crazy, but, it turned out okay and is still going.  Not having a safety net sometimes gives you motivation and confidence. You can't learn to do it, unless you do it.  

And yes, to me D'Andra and her mom need makeovers. They both are very dated and could look much younger with new looks. 

But the business is Dee's, not D'Andra's.  In almost every episode, she's managed to subtly (and not so subtly) slip in whiney complaints about her mother, and how unfair it is that princess has not been given everything carte blanche.   It reminds me of how Bernie Madoff's sons complained in a similar manner.  If you want control, start your own damned business.   I don't care what her mother told her to get her back in Dallas.  D'Andra agreed to the deal.  I imagine she actually knows her mother, and as the viewers have figured out in a few short segments, Dee is driven, controlling of her vision of the company, and not the type to retire so she can stay home and eat bonbons.

On her website, she refers to herself as a "girl boss", and her husband as, "Prince Charming".  Ugh.  Here's her header quote:


In the game of life, there are no trophies for participation!

In her "In Style" page, it discusses how the little beauty had 75 pairs of shoes for one season alone, and her ruffled panties were a hit on the playground.  You can't make this shit up.  It ends with, she "still stands by her aversion to outfit repeaters!".

I'm sorry, most of us aren't trust fund babies, and most of us repeat outfits.  She could not sound more entitled and unaware of the struggles of the average person.  I believe she married an "average man" because she gets to look down on him, and correct his table manners in front of her mother and the world.

I'm trying with the woman, but she battles me at every turn.  Just because she doesn't totter around in solid pink, waving a wand and toting a pocket pup, doesn't mean she's self-aware, or down to earth.

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Thanks for the background on D'Andra.  I can't imagine being in that position.  I suppose that when you work under others, you have to take what they dole out.  I suppose that I'm too independent for that.  I can't imagine that degree of privilege.  And when one gets too excited about material wealth......I find them less impressive. 

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1 hour ago, Texasmom1970 said:

This may not be a popular opinion but I would take a Lee Anne over a Cary any day of the week and twice on Sunday. 

I prefer straight up front, in your face crazy as opposed to stealthy, talk behind your back lying bitchiness.

Popular is overrated! I'd hang with LeeAnne too.  But only with plastic.....

29 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think it's a matter of managing each of them. LeeAnne doesn't like people not having her back or gossiping about her. You'd have to keep that in mind because she will flip out when that happens.

However, Cary is shady, which means you can never ever drop your guard around her. You could probably have a very good superficial relationship with her. You could never share anything personal with her ever, but you could go out to lunch and talk about movies, TV shows, and Oscar dresses.

LeeAnne seems to deal well with blunt and direct, even if it's a negative comment.  I think I could hang with her for that reason. 

I'm not a talk behind your back kind of girl.  I only say what I will say directly to you.

I think it's why I dislike Stephanie and agree she's two faced.  That TH when she said she didn't care about the flesh eating disease which came right after the scene where she was so fake concerned for LeeAnne.

Her and Cary deserve each other.

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3 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Regarding Leeann's diagnosis of "flesh eating bacteria "- aka necrotizing fasciitis- considering she had lost a substantial amount of weight and seemed to feel very ill, it was very surprising her Doc didn't admit her to hospital for debridment and IV antibiotics, which is the standard treatment. It can be life threatening if not treated swiftly and properly. Hate to joke, but, Leeann truly is rotten from the inside out....

Either Cary has lost her mind, or she is getting a very bad edit. Girl really needs to quit with the Botox, as she has a weird thing going on with her face. 

Just when I was starting to enjoy Brandi again, she turns evil. The revelation about Cary being Mark's family nanny, even if true, is hurtful and damaging. 

I don't think Leeanne had necrotizing fasciitis.  The doctor used the words flesh-eating, but he was kind of hedging his words.  He gave Leeanne the culture results in the office, so she had already been there at least once complaining, and the cultures were taken.  There is no way she would not have been hospitalized with NF.  She would have been on heavy antibiotics, and maybe supplemental fluids and oxygen.  It's often a race against the clock as they return multiple times to surgery.  I worked in recovery and our secretary had a routine ortho procedure and developed NF.  She returned again and again, as they cut a little more out of her leg each time.  She lived and kept her leg, but she never seemed the same.  She wore skirts above the knee exclusively to work, prior to the infection.  So while she was healthy in the end, she was "disfigured" enough that she never wore a skirt again.

I don't think that Leeanne was exaggerating her condition.  The doctor used those words . . . . I just don't know what to think about the whole thing.  A typical surgical infection can be pretty debilitating, so no need to exaggerate on the doctor's part.  It just doesn't look good after the continual pointing out that he's just a "vagina" doctor.  OB/GYNs are highly trained surgeons no doubt, but they're not plastic surgeons.  

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14 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

Possible but I think her wit is accidental.

 Wouldn't it be awesome if Kameron was faking -- if this was a persona, performance art, like Borat?  If she can keep it up for the rest of the season and then show up at the reunion, wearing a pink tee shirt with one winking eye -- !!!  That'd be so cool. 

Because if this is really who she is, she's a waste of space, and boring.

I tend to believe Kameron's whole persona is a performance for the producers. Every now and then you see the facade slip, like when she started laughing in Mexico after someone made a joke about being dirty (after she fled the dildo for a second time). The whole thing seems like an act to me, like the producers want her to play the pearl-clutching, pink-obsessed Dallas society queen and then they slapped on the Legally Blonde parallels to draw people in. It's not working for me, but I also can't take it seriously because it just seems like a season-long act for the cameras.

1 hour ago, Texasmom1970 said:

This may not be a popular opinion but I would take a Lee Anne over a Cary any day of the week and twice on Sunday. 

I prefer straight up front, in your face crazy as opposed to stealthy, talk behind your back lying bitchiness.

Actually, from what I've seen on the internet, LeeAnne seems to be the most popular of the Dallas HWs. She has the biggest social media following by far, with Brandi in second. LeAnne is obviously polarizing, but I think a lot of people recognize that without her, the show would be lacking the engine to drive a lot of the drama and storylines. Brandi sometimes helps the storylines along, but to me the show is clearly dependent on LeeAnne's loose cannon spitfire behavior to generate conflict and conversation for the other HWs to react to.

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Is LeeAnne auditioning for best soap opera villain ever? Her overreactions crack me up.

Kameron arriving, walking into, and sitting down at her “dog food meeting”. Good Lord. All I could hear in my head was “Hi. I’m Elle Woods. And this is Bruiser Woods. And we’re both gemini vegetarians.”

Cary is a fake, two faced bitch. 

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15 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Cary called Brandi a liar about something that she clearly said and in her talking head even tried to walk back saying she might have said it. If she hadn't called Brandi a liar about the doctor thing I think both Brandi ans Stephanie would have had her back on the overall fight with Leeann but Cary is not loyal to either of them so her hurt came off as more phony.

And she wouldn't have even had to do that if she (Cary) hadn't started the shit-stirring herself that evening!  Actions, meet consequences.

9 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Who WERE those guys that Kameron had the meeting with and WHY were they blowing smoke up her ass? Even her child knew it was a ludicrous idea. 


That whole scene was the funniest to me.  I just imagined producers going in to them to get releases signed, let them know that she was going to present her idea and they were to just act happy and supportive about it for her TV show, etc. -- but then their faces when she was sitting across from them, prattling away about her stupid idea in her stupid baby talk with her stupid baby pouting and her stupid dog sitting there in his purse - aaaaahahahahahahahaha!!!


7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought he looked really jazzed when he walked into the room full of women, but he lost a lot of zip when he had to walk over and interact specifically with her. 


I did too. Leeanne is so crazy. She makes for great TV. 


She's supposedly just 48. But her whole style ages her. 

Yikes - two years younger than me?  I'm shocked.  And her mother may not want to "look 76", but clearly she also has no desire to "look sane" either.

3 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

This may not be a popular opinion but I would take a Lee Anne over a Cary any day of the week and twice on Sunday. 

I prefer straight up front, in your face crazy as opposed to stealthy, talk behind your back lying bitchiness.

Agreed - although that being said, if any friend of mine told me they were coming to my party "specifically" to cause a scene with another guest, I'd tell her to stay home :)

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I thought it was weird that the dog food manufacturing guys agreed to be on screen but the logos on their shirts, presumably indicating what company they were with, were blurred out.  Maybe it wasn't the same company that ultimately made the sparkle food.

Perhaps this has been said before (as I've only been watching this season of Dallas) but Cary's botoxed eyebrow raising makes her look like a slightly less painfully thin Taylor Armstrong.  It's kinda weirding me out.

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5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Perhaps, my expectations are too high, but, wouldn't the content of the dog food (nutritional value) would be more important that the way it looks?  

Not only that but this trend is too late to start now. Maybe 20 years ago when people didn't care what additives and coloring were in their food but now even dog food is moving towards natural and without additional shit. People pay more attention now on what is actually in the dog food too. Of course not everyone but it's moving in that direction. I would certainly didn't feed my dear furry family member with that shit as I want him to be healthy and live a long life. I don't think she would feed her dog with it herself on regular basis, maybe to show off few times. 

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13 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

And then the grand "EVERYBODY loves dildos!!!" speech. She usually scares me with her special brand of onscreen cray but goddamned if she didn't amuse the shit out of me tonight.

As for Cary, just take your CHANEL COAT and shove it up your lying, gold-digging temple ass.

She is so committed to the cray that I was seriously thinking - DO straight guys like dildos?!  Is this where my marriage went wrong?  Hah!  And then she threw the glass and I stopped pondering.

10 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I swear this is a real thing - I've seen it on TV somewhere before. Maybe in L.A.? The hangover IV infusion is something like B-12, electrolytes, glucose, etc.

One of the doc husbands on Married to Medicine started a company for this.  And then his not so bright wife suggested he start investing in brick and mortar locations for it which seems like a dumb idea.  If you’re so hungover you need this (not saying I’ve never been, mind you!) having them come to you seems better lol.

I had sinus surgery a couple years ago and developed an infection.  My ENT took a culture and it was some super rare thing so she referred me to an infectious disease specialist.  Waiting for that appointment was the longest couple days of my life.  Turns out it was something rare but also something that usually clears on its own.  Which was good because I also found out I’m allergic to most antibiotics. Anywho, guess that was apropos of nothing but it started out seeming relevant.

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2 hours ago, ava111 said:

Not only that but this trend is too late to start now. Maybe 20 years ago when people didn't care what additives and coloring were in their food but now even dog food is moving towards natural and without additional shit. People pay more attention now on what is actually in the dog food too. Of course not everyone but it's moving in that direction. I would certainly didn't feed my dear furry family member with that shit as I want him to be healthy and live a long life. I don't think she would feed her dog with it herself on regular basis, maybe to show off few times. 

She said she would use beets as the coloring. I would hope she cares about the nutritional value otherwise what's the point?

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4 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I thought it was weird that the dog food manufacturing guys agreed to be on screen but the logos on their shirts, presumably indicating what company they were with, were blurred out.  Maybe it wasn't the same company that ultimately made the sparkle food.

Perhaps this has been said before (as I've only been watching this season of Dallas) but Cary's botoxed eyebrow raising makes her look like a slightly less painfully thin Taylor Armstrong.  It's kinda weirding me out.

Last season we saw that Cary self-injects botox as she sees fit.  I'm pretty sure she even had it in a fridge at home and was administering it between her eyes while her husband was present.  I was kind of surprised that she was so open about it.  

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I'll have to go back and focus on these ladies' tight faces and foreheads.  It's funny...I watch most of the HW franchises and other reality type programs with OVERDONE faces, but, I don't even notice it anymore.  It's so common.  NOW, if someone didn't have tight skin, I'd probably think she was ill.  lol  It's pretty sad that when facial self mutilation is the norm.  I do actually think it's gotten to that point with some.....like Kim Z and Kim K. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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12 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Last season we saw that Cary self-injects botox as she sees fit.  I'm pretty sure she even had it in a fridge at home and was administering it between her eyes while her husband was present.  I was kind of surprised that she was so open about it.  

I think she is open about it as a sort of advertising for their practice... I mean she probably thinks she looks fabulous and others would want to be just like her so.... come on down and they can inject you to look like her.  ACK.

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1 hour ago, DFWGina said:

I think she is open about it as a sort of advertising for their practice... I mean she probably thinks she looks fabulous and others would want to be just like her so.... come on down and they can inject you to look like her.  ACK.

I didn't express myself properly.  I meant she kind of "bragged" how comfortable she is with injecting botox, and that she has free will to use it ad lib at home.  I've never had botox, but if I'm paying that much, it better be the plastic surgeon who's injecting.  My only interest in botox is for my severe TMJ.  I'm not demeaning nurses, as I am one, but I don't want a nurse injecting me.  Her familiarity implied (to me) that she may be injecting patients in the office.

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22 hours ago, princelina said:

That whole scene was the funniest to me.  I just imagined producers going in to them to get releases signed, let them know that she was going to present her idea and they were to just act happy and supportive about it for her TV show, etc. -- but then their faces when she was sitting across from them, prattling away about her stupid idea in her stupid baby talk with her stupid baby pouting and her stupid dog sitting there in his purse - aaaaahahahahahahahaha!!!

The one guy was like, "Ummm....you could do diamond shapes?" I felt like they were trying to be a part of the meeting, but really just wanted to hide under the table and laugh. 


22 hours ago, princelina said:

Yikes - two years younger than me?  I'm shocked.  And her mother may not want to "look 76", but clearly she also has no desire to "look sane" either.

This made me laugh so hard. I'd definitely rather look sane than young. 


19 hours ago, TexasGal said:

She is so committed to the cray that I was seriously thinking - DO straight guys like dildos?!  Is this where my marriage went wrong?  Hah!  And then she threw the glass and I stopped pondering.

My husband was in the next room, using the computer, and heard him mumble - "Eh, not really a fan of dildos". 

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21 hours ago, ava111 said:

Not only that but this trend is too late to start now. Maybe 20 years ago when people didn't care what additives and coloring were in their food but now even dog food is moving towards natural and without additional shit. People pay more attention now on what is actually in the dog food too. Of course not everyone but it's moving in that direction. I would certainly didn't feed my dear furry family member with that shit as I want him to be healthy and live a long life. I don't think she would feed her dog with it herself on regular basis, maybe to show off few times. 



18 hours ago, diva2themax said:

She said she would use beets as the coloring. I would hope she cares about the nutritional value otherwise what's the point?

If she cared about the nutritional value, she probably shouldn't emphasize the pink or the sparkles. 

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Kameron is not too off base with the novelty pink dogfood concept - I've heard it stated the reason dog/cat food has shapes and colors is for the owners, the dog or cat doesn't care...had a dog that liked to graze  the litter box.

As for the guys at the dogfood manf plant - they don't care, they're getting paid to develop  it....Kameron doesn't have to sell them on the idea, either it can made or it can;t..

Edited by sheetmoss
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Now that's a fun game. Who would I hang with? Brandi, Leann, Stephanie, DeAndra. The rest I wouldn't give the time of day. Carys a stealth bitch with too much botox and she's just a money hungry social climber. There really are no words for Kameron. I would throat punch her in 5 mins. flat. Stop with the pink, the (badly) dyed blonde hair and the affected way of speaking. And YOU are not the arbiter of what people should or should not wear, see, or laugh at. Go to the OC. There's a bitch there named Peggy and you can make condescending, nasty faces at each other all day.

But this is still miles from the mess the OC is. There is not one person on there who is entertaining, funny, or interesting. NOT.ONE.

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1 hour ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Now that's a fun game. Who would I hang with? Brandi, Leann, Stephanie, DeAndra. The rest I wouldn't give the time of day. Carys a stealth bitch with too much botox and she's just a money hungry social climber. There really are no words for Kameron. I would throat punch her in 5 mins. flat. Stop with the pink, the (badly) dyed blonde hair and the affected way of speaking. And YOU are not the arbiter of what people should or should not wear, see, or laugh at. Go to the OC. There's a bitch there named Peggy and you can make condescending, nasty faces at each other all day.

But this is still miles from the mess the OC is. There is not one person on there who is entertaining, funny, or interesting. NOT.ONE.

Same ladies for me.  I don't think I could throat punch anyone, but I would definitely buy a big pink dildo and chase her down the street until she refused to come back!

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Are clinical studies not a standard for the health and beauty industry? Dee seemed pleasantly surprised that one had been done on the product D'Andra was wanting to market.

Leanne, lawd...no bull, but plenty of batshit.

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22 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I didn't express myself properly.  I meant she kind of "bragged" how comfortable she is with injecting botox, and that she has free will to use it ad lib at home.  I've never had botox, but if I'm paying that much, it better be the plastic surgeon who's injecting.  My only interest in botox is for my severe TMJ.  I'm not demeaning nurses, as I am one, but I don't want a nurse injecting me.  Her familiarity implied (to me) that she may be injecting patients in the office.

My former dermatologist (Fabulous dr) had her teenage son and husband inject her Botox at her home under her guidance / supervision / request.  She is only former since I do not live in her state anymore....  I have zero problem with a trained medical professional of any kind doing the injecting on other people.  No way would I have anyone other than a dermatologist do it on me.  But, I do see nurses and other aesthetician type people advertising Botox in local (Dallas) magazines.  I have even heard of some Dentists getting into it.   I do not think it is a problem for a nurse to inject herself or patients if they are all in agreement ahead of time and you know that it is the nurse and not an MD doing the work.

1 hour ago, jaync said:

Are clinical studies not a standard for the health and beauty industry? Dee seemed pleasantly surprised that one had been done on the product D'Andra was wanting to market.


I thought Dee was surprised at the results -- not that one had been done.

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23 hours ago, ghoulina said:

The one guy was like, "Ummm....you could do diamond shapes?" I felt like they were trying to be a part of the meeting, but really just wanted to hide under the table and laugh. 


This made me laugh so hard. I'd definitely rather look sane than young. 


My husband was in the next room, using the computer, and heard him mumble - "Eh, not really a fan of dildos". 

Would you please relay to your husband that I giggled over that for 10+ minutes.

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Those guys get paid to make dog food and could make whatever she asked for as long as they got paid - it matters nada to them....Success or Failure - they get paid....

Yes I hope Kam learns what the terms "Sell-In" and "Sell-through" mean.  Hint: those guys will not be responsible for Sell-Through.



I swear this is a real thing - I've seen it on TV somewhere before. Maybe in L.A.? The hangover IV infusion is something like B-12, electrolytes, glucose, etc.

OK, but when your drinking this much so often, and your lifestyle is to the point where you need this and have someone on call, it's time to reevaluate.

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From this awesome recap -

The IV didn’t cut it, so she’s off to see “Dr.” “True.” “Hey, so, funny thing,” he tells her — I’m paraphrasing, but you’ve got to trust me on the tone here — “You’ve got just a smidgeof necrosis, a friendly little infection eating holes in your tissue.” “I have a flesh-eating bacteria?” she asks, understandably horrified. “You kind of do,” he responds. 

I feel a little bad for making fun of Dr. True for seeming like a terrible doctor now that it turns out he is legitimately a terrible doctor.


I am cracking up!

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Am I the only one who suspects there's really nothing to the "D'Andra and Keatin clash" C plot? They may not be besties, but their relationship seems totally fine/ a non-issue to me. Like, you can add ominous music to a FaceTime call in post-production, but that doesn't make it drama. 

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4 minutes ago, ladle said:

Am I the only one who suspects there's really nothing to the "D'Andra and Keatin clash" C plot? They may not be besties, but their relationship seems totally fine/ a non-issue to me. Like, you can add ominous music to a FaceTime call in post-production, but that doesn't make it drama. 

I don't know. She went offff! I imagine part of his equanimity is how good this is making his mom look in comparison, even his non reaction.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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On October 17, 2017 at 10:53 AM, pasdetrois said:

I swear this is a real thing - I've seen it on TV somewhere before. Maybe in L.A.? The hangover IV infusion is something like B-12, electrolytes, glucose, etc.

It was on the show "Billions." That's where I've seen it before.

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On October 17, 2017 at 9:09 PM, TexasGal said:

She is so committed to the cray that I was seriously thinking - DO straight guys like dildos?!  Is this where my marriage went wrong?  Hah!  And then she threw the glass and I stopped pondering.

One of the doc husbands on Married to Medicine started a company for this.  And then his not so bright wife suggested he start investing in brick and mortar locations for it which seems like a dumb idea.  If you’re so hungover you need this (not saying I’ve never been, mind you!) having them come to you seems better lol.

I had sinus surgery a couple years ago and developed an infection.  My ENT took a culture and it was some super rare thing so she referred me to an infectious disease specialist.  Waiting for that appointment was the longest couple days of my life.  Turns out it was something rare but also something that usually clears on its own.  Which was good because I also found out I’m allergic to most antibiotics. Anywho, guess that was apropos of nothing but it started out seeming relevant.

I once knew a professional dominatrix who would swear up and down that straight guys like dildos. For what it's worth. The more you know...

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Well I was at a "sex toy party" with friends, and the one said that she had bought one for her husband, and her sister said that she had done the same thing for hers!  But they reported that neither husband liked his gift :)

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On 17/10/2017 at 0:22 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Perhaps, my expectations are too high, but, wouldn't the content of the dog food (nutritional value) would be more important that the way it looks?  

Absolutely. Plus, I never ever want to see pink dog poop!

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On 10/17/2017 at 2:00 PM, RedheadZombie said:

But the business is Dee's, not D'Andra's.  In almost every episode, she's managed to subtly (and not so subtly) slip in whiney complaints about her mother, and how unfair it is that princess has not been given everything carte blanche.  

Here's where I take issue with both of them: If you believe D'Andra from the beginning of the season, she had a successful career in DC and her mom called her up and told her that if she came back she could take over the business.  Now, I wouldn't let myself be manipulated like that, but this seems like their dynamic from birth, so I can't really judge.  As soon as she got back, Dee snapped that carrot just out of her reach again.  They are a therapist's dream come true.

Edited by schmickschmack
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Here's where I take issue with both of them: If you believe D'Andra from the beginning of the season, she had a successful career in DC and her mom called her up and told her that if she came back she could take over the business.  Now, I wouldn't let myself be manipulated like that, but this seems like their dynamic from birth, so I can't really judge.  

That's what she says, but I bet D'Andra was also homesick for Dallas and being a big fish in the Dallas society pond vs. being a little fish in the D.C. society pond.  She could have gone back to her career in some way if she was so in love with it. I think the handing over the company story is just storyline. D'Andra's got it made in Dallas from what I can see. 



Am I the only one who suspects there's really nothing to the "D'Andra and Keatin clash" C plot? They may not be besties, but their relationship seems totally fine/ a non-issue to me. Like, you can add ominous music to a FaceTime call in post-production, but that doesn't make it drama. 



I don't know. She went offff! I imagine part of his equanimity is how good this is making his mom look in comparison, even his non reaction.

I think he left because she is high strung and out of touch. She wanted to be his savior, and he was, "uh, no thanks. I'm good." Then he got in his car and left. At night. Yeah.

That said, I really like D'Andra. She's an excellent addition ... kind of a rich but fun and without the uppity Heather Dubrow.

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According to the Prissy Pink Princess' rules of etiquette, Kameron should have pulled Brandi aside before giving Brandi the batteries or Kameron should have had gift bags for all of the women. Not only did Kameron fuck up her dig joke, but she violated her own rules about etiquette, class, and grace. Kameron is a boring basic dipshit.


Tiffany in the background laughing her ass off is my core workout.

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53 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

According to the Prissy Pink Princess' rules of etiquette, Kameron should have pulled Brandi aside before giving Brandi the batteries or Kameron should have had gift bags for all of the women. Not only did Kameron fuck up her dig joke, but she violated her own rules about etiquette, class, and grace. Kameron is a boring basic dipshit.


Tiffany in the background laughing her ass off is my core workout.

Not to defend Kameron but the batteries were a Hostess gift so in that case it's a different situation where you don't have to pull them aside. Of course giving a Hostess gift you think will embarrass her is a much worse breach in etiquette than what Brandi, who apologized to Kameron before she did it, did.

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2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Not to defend Kameron but the batteries were a Hostess gift so in that case it's a different situation where you don't have to pull them aside. Of course giving a Hostess gift you think will embarrass her is a much worse breach in etiquette than what Brandi, who apologized to Kameron before she did it, did.

Agreed. It was Brandi's party, so not out of line to give her a gift and no one else. But....the gift was meant to send a message of sorts, and that is definitely a faux pas. 

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kameron & d'andrea were on wwhl tonight.  kameron's face was so strange ...of course people mentioned and of course she said it was 'contouring' lol.  right! and i have some swamp land in florida to sale you.  

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43 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

kameron & d'andrea were on wwhl tonight.  kameron's face was so strange ...of course people mentioned and of course she said it was 'contouring' lol.  right! and i have some swamp land in florida to sale you.  

She looked a bit like Nicole Kidman.   

I liked both Kameron & D'Andrea on the show tonight.  They laughed and giggled and seemed like they really enjoy each other and are good friends.  They remind me of Brandi and Stephanie but with different senses of humor.  I'd be surprised if Kameron doesn't lighten up eventually.  It's in her to have a good time, I think.

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30 minutes ago, Jextella said:

She looked a bit like Nicole Kidman.   

I liked both Kameron & D'Andrea on the show tonight.  They laughed and giggled and seemed like they really enjoy each other and are good friends.  They remind me of Brandi and Stephanie but with different senses of humor.  I'd be surprised if Kameron doesn't lighten up eventually.  It's in her to have a good time, I think.

i liked d'andrea but will pass on kameron.  she's a phony.  although i will admit i also would not / did not like the dildo scene.  i would be clutching my pearls.  i just can't stand her putting brandi down...not cool! 

i thought  d'andra looked  good but not kameron.

Edited by jaybird2
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