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S16.E11: Warrior Fashion


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For the week of 11/9-15, (Claire's ejection) PR ranked tied for #13 of cable shows with not another Lifetime program in sight.  The episode we're discussing was #5 of all programs in the 18-49 demo on Thursday and the highest non-sports show in that demo for the night.  I have to say that these are very impressive numbers.



  • Love 3
19 hours ago, jhlipton said:

I agree with @LADreamr here. His first top would have fit if he had taken the time to think of his model as his client, and create her clothes for her, not for himself.  That was a totally dick move and should have landed him in the bottom.

Liris is everything.  I love her and her attitude.

IDK. Admittedly, I like Kentaro, but I don't think the fit issue was him not taking into account his model's measurements or being a dick. They focused on him saying he has a big head, so he assumed it would fit over hers. One of the other designers, I think Kenya, commented on how it would be the model's hair that would make it difficult. It seemed to me that she was right, and as far as I know you don't have measurements for hair. He should have taken that into account, yes, but I can understand him potentially not knowing how much flexibility his model's hair would have to move or not move to squeeze into the top.

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, AZChristian said:

And none of the judges looked at it and said, "Ah . . . arming cap to be worn under a helmet."  They looked at it and said, "I don't 'get' the baby bonnet."  So even IF Brandon was "editorializing" an arming cap, he apparently failed.  And wouldn't he have said something if they called it a bonnet and he was going for arming cap?

 I meant the bonnet in itself was (perhaps) meant to be editorial, not that he was editorializing it as anything in particular. He could be referencing anything or nothing at all.  He didn't say it was a "baby" bonnet and I doubt he meant it as that, but that is what most got out of it.  He didn't call it an arming cap and I doubt he meant it as that-it's what I got out of it. 

Maybe  it's just a play on Ninja/FF/warrior theme, since that was the challenge. Who knows. It was an odd choice, I  get why it's being mocked, & I say that as someone who actually likes most of his stuff (and liked this week's results too). He should have foreseen the baby bonnet comparisons and made it either less bonnety or more ... not there at all? 

 If a designer is going to do something like a bonnet, I think they have to be super careful and make their POV/intentions super clear. I got the outfit, though, so minus one part, it still worked for me as whole. 

I've been looking longer/closer at the clothes, and wow, Liris looked divine in that blue dress.


I like Brandon's even more now that I've looked again. 


3 hours ago, slothgirl said:

When my mother was undergoing chemo and had already lost her hair, she was in the waiting room at one point with a new woman who was crying over the potential of losing her hair. My mother said to her "If I had known how much easier my life would be without hair, I would have shaved it YEARS ago! It's fabulous. I can spend the day outside in the yard, take a shower, wash my head, put on my already styled hair and go out!"

Of course, she had super-curly hair in the humid deep south that is a constant battle against "Caucasian afro" level frizz. And yes, I inherited "the hair" from her. Hopefully I won't inherit her breast cancer.

What is SM?

I hope you won't, either, Slothgirl. I can't tell you how many women and men I've heard say that about losing their hair. Good for your mom! I hope she is doing well. 


2 hours ago, carrps said:

Big happy hugs to Scorpiosushine! And can I say how much I love your "handle?" As a Scorpio, I'm so used to people hearing that and giving me the "warding off evil" sign. Scorpiosunshine is such a great play on that.

Love Meisha. I think she's the real star of the models this season. She works with it with a wink and hip flip not stomping. Seems like such a nice non-diva-y person, too.

Heh, slothgirl. I have curly hair, and I'll never live in a tropical humid climate!

Aww, thanks for all of that, Carrps! :-) :-) 

*knowing Scorpio look*  Ha, and that's so funny! I know just what you mean; I always get interesting reactions when it comes up.  I wouldn't want to be any other, though. ;) 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I love project runway and don't want it to go away. Other design shows have been tried but are never as good. I have watched since the beginning and there are always some designers I like more than others but I'm always happy when Thursday rolls around and PR in on. 

I love this show, too. Yes, there are things that annoy me, but it doesn't make me want to stop watching. This show is one of my favorites.

  Another big part of it is reading the forums and seeing what PTV posters have to say. I enjoy all the varying opinions and cracking up at the humor. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, PepperMonkey said:

How can the runway actually be "anonymous"???

The4 first two or three, before the judges know the designers' styles can be anonymous, I think.  I noticed Heidi didn't say this one was.  The judges at this point know who designed what (and have for a while).

3 hours ago, staphdude said:

Glad Ayana didn't win. She is getting rather smug ( to be honest most are) and it grates.

I don't find her any more "smug" than any of the others.  I have notice3d that, for all her "modesty" she seems to always wear tight blouses (not that I'm complaining!).

3 hours ago, VMepicgrl said:

IDK. Admittedly, I like Kentaro, but I don't think the fit issue was him not taking into account his model's measurements or being a dick. They focused on him saying he has a big head, so he assumed it would fit over hers. One of the other designers, I think Kenya, commented on how it would be the model's hair that would make it difficult. It seemed to me that she was right, and as far as I know you don't have measurements for hair. He should have taken that into account, yes, but I can understand him potentially not knowing how much flexibility his model's hair would have to move or not move to squeeze into the top.

If the model had been a complete stranger, I could see that.  But she's not -- he's seen her 10 times before; he should know what she looks like, and have at least an  idea of what her hair is like.  If he's been a designer for any length of time, he's had to come across afros, poofy hair, and the like as well. I don't think he's a "dick", but he seemed extremely self-centered in that first design.

Edited by jhlipton
  • Love 1

Let me ask this- what exactly is wrong with Brandon being recruited and then (perhaps) the pre-ordained winner?

Let's say you are Project Runway Lifetime- there has been exactly one designer to come out of this show with a definable career- Christian Siriano- and he wasn't during your very long era with the show. Sure, a case could be made for Michael Costello and Nick Verreos, but that would be among people who watch the show and not the general public at large. The quality of sponsors has gone down since that season- no commercial success= no money. The accessory wall has dropped from Macy's and Banana Republic to Just Fab, JCPenney, and QVC (All Stars season). The Season 3 trip to Paris with Catharine Malandrino hosting a boat trip down the Seine never would happen now.  So, if you are Lifetime and spent a crapton of money buying this show and have gotten no commercial success from it, how do you make that happen? The talent who are applying apparently suck. What do you do? Go find some talent.  Go find some marketable people who look good on TV who can make clothes that appeal to actual consumers. Maybe they thought Seth Aaron would do that (and I would buy every commercially priced Seth Aaron jacket that fit, BTW). Maybe they thought people would buy Ashley's or Erin's or Gretchen's.

So why not Brandon?  Why not showcase Kentaro and Ayana, both of whom make nice clothes that could sell?

EDITED TO ADD: I don't want to give the impression I am advocating a rigged show or a fixed show, but more if the quality of applicants is not to the standards they are looking for but they are not ready to end the show, why not go find some qualified applicants?

Edited by justawatcher
  • Love 8

I thought it was amusing that Margerita declared (in response to the criticism that the judges don't know who she is as a designer), thought that one outfit would change all that.  It is especially amusing that it was the Wonder Woman literal costume that she thought was her breakthrough on the "know who she is as a designer" front.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, justawatcher said:

Let me ask this- what exactly is wrong with Brandon being recruited and then (perhaps) the pre-ordained winner?

Let's say you are Project Runway Lifetime- there has been exactly one designer to come out of this show with a definable career- Christian Siriano- and he wasn't during your very long era with the show. Sure, a case could be made for Michael Costello and Nick Verreos, but that would be among people who watch the show and not the general public at large. The quality of sponsors has gone down since that season- no commercial success= no money. The accessory wall has dropped from Macy's and Banana Republic to Just Fab, JCPenney, and QVC (All Stars season). The Season 3 trip to Paris with Catharine Malandrino hosting a boat trip down the Seine never would happen now.  So, if you are Lifetime and spent a crapton of money buying this show and have gotten no commercial success from it, how do you make that happen? The talent who are applying apparently suck. What do you do? Go find some talent.  Go find some marketable people who look good on TV who can make clothes that appeal to actual consumers. Maybe they thought Seth Aaron would do that (and I would buy every commercially priced Seth Aaron jacket that fit, BTW). Maybe they thought people would buy Ashley's or Erin's or Gretchen's.

So why not Brandon?  Why not showcase Kentaro and Ayana, both of whom make nice clothes that could sell?

EDITED TO ADD: I don't want to give the impression I am advocating a rigged show or a fixed show, but more if the quality of applicants is not to the standards they are looking for but they are not ready to end the show, why not go find some qualified applicants?

I wouldn't mind at all if they searched for actual, talented fashion designers and recruited them to appear on the show. But they should judge them and award wins as objectively as possible. If they already have decided who wins each season, it's not interesting to me.  

But I think they would have a tough time recruiting. They have lost a lot of credibility. The sponsors and some of the guest judges are embarrassing. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, justawatcher said:

Let me ask this- what exactly is wrong with Brandon being recruited and then (perhaps) the pre-ordained winner?


EDITED TO ADD: I don't want to give the impression I am advocating a rigged show or a fixed show, but more if the quality of applicants is not to the standards they are looking for but they are not ready to end the show, why not go find some qualified applicants?


They're presenting the show as a talent search that will be won by the person who does the best in the competition. If they want to recruit contestants, that's fine, they just need to be honest about it. Having a pre-ordained winner is a rigged or fixed show, though. I'd watch recruited contestants, but if, as is happening this season, the judges are going to ignore criteria they've insisted on in the past and fall all over themselves to convince us the chosen one was chosen correctly, then it's not a contest and it's not entertaining. I don't want to watch someone coast to a possibly undeserved victory.

Re Warriors. Just a couple of weeks ago I was thinking kindly of this show because no one had mentioned "warriors." If this were a show about designing for men, no one would ever say they were warriors, they'd just assume. I think recent current events have shown that we don't need to say "women warriors" any more, although most of us have known that for a long time. Women have been fighting for as long as men, maybe in different ways, but just as hard. Although, few have been doing it in high heels, baby bonnets and red organza.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Sarnia said:

I though the bonnet was straight out of Little House on the Prairie. Brandon himself mentioned Bo Peep when he commented his look on the runway so he was definitely not thinking arming cap.

Now what could possibly say "warrior" more than:

"Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,

and doesn't know where to find them;

leave them alone, And they'll come home,

wagging their tails behind them."

I like Brandon and even though his stuff isn't to my taste, I get that he has a point of view and that his clothing definitely looks like a collection.  That comment, however, is one of the most idiotic things (given the challenge) I've ever heard - and speaks to a level of immaturity that I suppose might be excused because he is only 24.   Like many other cancer survivors on this board, I found that bonnet both insensitive and offensive.  Losing your hair to chemo is bad enough, but being infantilized on top of that?  No. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Curious to know which other designers you think are succeeding and may have benefited from this show. Not being snarky, I just would like your opinion.

Michael Costello and Dmitry Sholokhov, to name only two.  I guess it all depends on how one defines success.  My feeling is that, if they can make a good living (again, subjective) at what they're doing, they're successful.  Successful and famous don't always go hand-in-hand.  Didn't take your comment as snarky.  :)

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, VMepicgrl said:

IDK. Admittedly, I like Kentaro, but I don't think the fit issue was him not taking into account his model's measurements or being a dick. They focused on him saying he has a big head, so he assumed it would fit over hers. One of the other designers, I think Kenya, commented on how it would be the model's hair that would make it difficult. It seemed to me that she was right, and as far as I know you don't have measurements for hair. He should have taken that into account, yes, but I can understand him potentially not knowing how much flexibility his model's hair would have to move or not move to squeeze into the top.


20 hours ago, jhlipton said:

If the model had been a complete stranger, I could see that.  But she's not -- he's seen her 10 times before; he should know what she looks like, and have at least an  idea of what her hair is like.  If he's been a designer for any length of time, he's had to come across afros, poofy hair, and the like as well. I don't think he's a "dick", but he seemed extremely self-centered in that first design.

Exactly.  He knows what his model looks like, he should have accounted for her hair.  But the thing that drove me the most crazy was he kept saying his head is big - it is SO SMALL!  He's got a small head, and not a lot of hair - how could he think his head size was comparable?   I agree with what Tara said in the recap: I feel like Kentaro is just unwilling to design for larger models and when he got the sizing wrong at first, he just didn't bother to make it work.  Last week's disaster with LIRIS of all people made see that.  And with this week's mess,  I'm disliking him more and more as the weeks go on.

  • Love 2
On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 5:57 PM, RedheadZombie said:

It was Heidi and Jessica Simpson for Mondo, and Nina and the other judge (Michael Kors?) for Gretchen.

was so disappointed that Mondo did not win.    He definitely had a unique style and was vey talented.  I am sorry he became a bit boorish later down the road, but loved his work.   Gretchen??? The less said the better.  Still gripes me that she even went to Fashion Week, much less won.

  • Love 4
On 10/28/2017 at 3:04 PM, LADreamr said:

I know there's a lot of Kentaro love here, but I thought he was kind of a dick in this episode.  Deciding he would make the top he wanted to make, and then just stuff the model into it, and then surprised when he has to start over on the top, because apparently he didn't even consider her measurements when making it.  His personality just puts me off.  

Yeah, I was wondering about that, too. They must be given the models' measurements, so why didn't he make the top to fit the model in the first place? You can always take something in, but you can't let it out if you haven't allowed for alterations. I thought it was incredibly stupid and careless of him to not consider the model's measurements. 

  • Love 3
On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 7:03 PM, wings707 said:

I never thought much about Jessica Simpson one way or the other ...until....Being reminded that she was the weak one who sided with Nina and Michael Kors, against Mondo and worse yet, for Gretchen....Well that stinks (or worse)

3 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

Michael Costello and Dmitry Sholokhov, to name only two.  I guess it all depends on how one defines success.  My feeling is that, if they can make a good living (again, subjective) at what they're doing, they're successful.  Successful and famous don't always go hand-in-hand.  Didn't take your comment as snarky.  :)

Oh brother, that's the truth.   Rich and famous can be flashy and short lived sometimes, but successful to me is doing what you love, making a living suitable for you and your family, as you mentioned,  being reasonably  happy,  and perhaps  being able to go to a job you like every day.  There have been quite a few success stories with that  agenda I believe.   There have also been a couple of winners who we expected a lot more from and they did not do it, or they had a quiet success that worked for them.  Being famous is not all it is cut out to be perhaps.  Especially if you want another side of life and  not just WORK

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, pheebs said:

When I first mentioned Brandon's "Asassin's Creed" bleached out cosplay - I was thinking about the first iteration of the game. In that game, the hood always looked and moved like it was made of muslin.

Ever since I read that Assassin's Creed comment, now I can't unsee it. I totally wonder if Brandon plays. It could even be a subconscious thing.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

Michael Costello and Dmitry Sholokhov, to name only two.  I guess it all depends on how one defines success.

The two that leap to my mind are Chris March and Emilio Sosa - but as costume designers, not fashion designers.  On that level I'm not sure either one of them actually needed the show at all.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, SSAHotchner said:

Yeah, I was wondering about that, too. They must be given the models' measurements, so why didn't he make the top to fit the model in the first place? You can always take something in, but you can't let it out if you haven't allowed for alterations. I thought it was incredibly stupid and careless of him to not consider the model's measurements. 

I believe one of the other designers told him to use the size 18 dress form for the top. It wasn't just the hair that was the problem. He did get it over her head, but then it didn't fit in the shoulders and she couldn't get more than one arm into it. That top was made for a size 8...or for Kentaro to wear. 

Kentaro is charming, but his limitations are becoming more clear. He is not helped by competition fatigue either. 

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

Michael Costello and Dmitry Sholokhov, to name only two.  I guess it all depends on how one defines success.  My feeling is that, if they can make a good living (again, subjective) at what they're doing, they're successful.  Successful and famous don't always go hand-in-hand.  Didn't take your comment as snarky.  :)

There have been a few designers who have parlayed their win into more success in their careers - but Christian Siriano is the only one who competes on the level of "high" fashion and can reasonably be considered a success as a New York couture designer. He presents full collections at New York Fashion Week every season, has his own New York Boutique, as well as floor space at Neiman Marcus and in upscale boutiques across the country. That's not to denigrate the careers of other designers, I just think Christian has reached a level that no other designer on the show has. BTW I LOVE Dmitry!

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

[Christian Siriano] presents full collections at New York Fashion Week every season, has his own New York Boutique, as well as floor space at Neiman Marcus and in upscale boutiques across the country.

Don't forget Payless Shoes.  :)


4 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

...Christian Siriano is the only one who competes on the level of "high" fashion...

Not quite.  Michael Costello seems to show at NYFW each season.

Edited by Miss Ruth
  • Love 3
17 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

Switching gears a bit, when I saw "Warriors" in the title of the episode, I was hoping for actual warrior-style clothing with Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth/Captain Phasma) as a guest judge.

I though of two things, both from season 4:

  • The woman wrestler challenge where they had to make wrestling outfits
  • Jillian's warrior outfit in the avant-garde challenge
5 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

Don't forget Payless Shoes.  :)


Not quite.  Michael Costello seems to show at NYFW each season.

LOL, he did sign on with Payless shortly after his win, and their partnership is still going strong. 

As for Michael Costello, you are right, I stand corrected. Some of his stuff is absolutely gorgeous!

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I though of two things, both from season 4:

  • The woman wrestler challenge where they had to make wrestling outfits
  • Jillian's warrior outfit in the avant-garde challenge

I thought of Jillian's, too!

I had no idea Michael Costello was showing at NYFW.  I never hear about him in fashion news or see his name mentioned much. He has a fairly solid, but fairly limited niche. Sort of like Chloe Dao being a big fish in a little pond in Houston. He (Michael) never won, did he? I can't remember if he won that All Stars season he was on.

Michael Costello came in 4th in Season Eight of Project Runway, was fan favorite, and was second runner-up in the first season of All Stars.  Frankly, I think he had Mondo beaten hands down, but I think that show was created for Mondo (who showed his true colors on Under the Gunn) to make up for his losing to Gretchen.  I really liked Michael, and was proud of the way he handled Ivy's cheating accusation.  I'm glad he's doing well.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

LOL, he did sign on with Payless shortly after his win, and their partnership is still going strong

I read an interview with Christian Soriano, and he said that the money from Payless was a big help in funding his line at the beginning.  Also, I think he's gotten a lot of publicity for red carpet events, especially when he rescued Leslie Jones and made her that gorgeous red dress.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, carrps said:

I had no idea Michael Costello was showing at NYFW.

In the fairly recent past, Michael Costello had a major show that got a lot of "buzz' but didn't get the photo coverage because the cohesion came from .......circular cut outs that exposed genitals.  Many, many other designs from him are flashy and Lord knows there's a market out there for attention getting clothes.  (The back of the Beyonce white lace dress is on Google images and it's really just right.)

5 hours ago, carrps said:

I thought of Jillian's, too!

I had no idea Michael Costello was showing at NYFW.  I never hear about him in fashion news or see his name mentioned much. He has a fairly solid, but fairly limited niche. Sort of like Chloe Dao being a big fish in a little pond in Houston. He (Michael) never won, did he? I can't remember if he won that All Stars season he was on.

Chloe Dao designs for Jen Arnold star of The Little Couple. A lot of her looks must be challenging to design as JA is 3' 2" yet she looks fabulous. Chloe may not be mainstream but her work is being seen and discussed  

  • Love 2
On 2017-10-27 at 9:56 AM, Midnight Cheese said:

Good god.  Does Margarita control the weather, too?  Then please tell her manipulative self I vote for eternal autumn!  Love that she's actually worse than the cheaters, despite the designers interviewed to date all confirm they all complained, repeatedly, about the bozos- and she is still tight with Michael, who was so manipulated by evil Marg, hundredth verse, same as the first.

I have seen nothing to show Kentaro's alleged contempt for the plus-sized.  His nightgown design for Heidi's sweatshop was modeled by the tedious though gorgeous Liris, and it IMO should have won.

I think Tim largely uses his save in a fairly sincere manner.  This long podcast includes a ton of stuff indicating how much he disdains the judges for their superficial critiques, and how much he loves clothes/arts with historical referents (like Tim/M talking of the bodice with respect to QE 1.)



What a great interview. Honesty is interesting. I cannot stand hearing the standard "we all got along" BS that comes spewing out of people's mouths. Questions were asked that that required honest answers and for once we get them. Does that make Tim wrong, does that taint the image of the other judges. No. It simply allows one to see some of the dynamics behind the show. It makes me wonder how the twins were received and perhaps what the real discussions sound like when the cameras aren't on.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, MartyQui said:

I read an interview with Christian Soriano, and he said that the money from Payless was a big help in funding his line at the beginning.  Also, I think he's gotten a lot of publicity for red carpet events, especially when he rescued Leslie Jones and made her that gorgeous red dress.

Signing with Payless turned out to be a very smart move on his part. And I loved that red dress he made for Leslie Jones - she looked stunning!

I've got such a soft spot for Christian. By far my favorite winner - I must've watched the last five minutes of that season finale every day for a month! Everyone seemed genuinely thrilled for him, from Heidi and the judges to Tim, his model Lisa, and of course his family. For me, it is still the best win and the best moment in the history of the show.

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 5
On 10/30/2017 at 6:51 AM, mmmbutteey said:

All this talk about preferential treatment in previous seasons and what we now know about Harvey Weinstein make me seriously wonder how much he potentially influenced Anya's win?  

Eh, for me this is a bit much.  I know Anya is not popular here but I loved her throughout the season and I agreed with a lot of her challenge wins.  She was my winner, I think.

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