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S35.E03: My Kisses Are Very Private

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Patrick is really weird, wearing Simone's clothes. Ryan, too. But I'm surprised they can have so many clothes out there. Ryan, I liked you but disrespecting someone just because they're older than you is not cool.  Ali, Patrick does not bring anything in competitions that we've seen. And Patrick is just being weird for the camera, trying to be the likeable funny goofy guy.

I don't know why, but I don't like Ben. I have no rational basis for this. I just don't like him. Of course my opinion may change. Well, Alan, if you have trouble with coconuts, how about just lobbing one at a tree trunk from fifty yards back. That might smash it open.  I don't like Joe either. It's pointless to be a picky eater on Survivor. You don't have a lot of choice. Oh young lady (forgot your name) Cole can talk to whoever he wants to. He's not your boy and he doesn't need to have your permission to talk to other people.

Now I'm going to see how much Patrick really contributes at the Immunity challenge. Last place in the hurdles. Well, he can hit the bricks OK, but his team is in last place and he won't switch out with anyone. A real challenge beast. Oh, oh, Hustlers lost. Yep, Patrick really contributes at challenges.

Lauren is trying a little too hard, but she knows that she's in first place to be voted out. Well Ali, I really liked you, but you're obviously pulling for Patrick. Lauren is trying too hard.  Oh oh she just shot herself in the foot, saying she's never trusted a redhead in her life. Then Ryan says, "I've never been in a relationship." That shuts up Jeff for a minute! OK Devin, your head is in the right place. This is kind of an Island of Misfit Toys group. In fact, Patrick reminds me of one of them, maybe the Charlie in the Box. Now Ryan is giving the St. Crispin's Day speech.  Oh, shocker, they voted out Patrick!  David must have been the third, I didn't think Ali was going to.

I do like the music.

Patrick, if this is the worst thing you've ever felt, then you've led a very sheltered life. And you're a sore loser!

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Not the most scintillating episode.  Lauren or Patrick, I didn't really care that much. Lauren seems like such a sourpuss and doesn't really add that much at all. But Patrick     showed in he final words he he was probably the right choice.

Edited by vb68
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3 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Well, that was a surprise. I never thought for a moment they'd keep Lauren over Patrick.  Well played, editors. 

Me neither.  I totally expected her to go.  Even when Jeff pulled Patrick's name up for the second time, I still thought she was going and someone didn't want her to go in a landslide.

When Alan said “I’ve been having trouble with these coconuts” I was worried we were foreshadowing to a nearly-severed finger.  That’s why I would refuse to use a machete out there (one of hundreds of reasons I wouldn’t be good at this show). 

These episodes are just meh.  Strategy, challenges, and TC.  Oh, and showmances.  At least Ashley had the good sense to hide her attraction to JP.  Joe can go yesterday.  Very few times I actually applaud when a Survivor gets voted off, but I will be doing that when Joe finally does go.  I knew they were probably just teasing us with the talk about blindsiding Joe.  I guess Joe didn’t factor into his master plan of pinning the idol on Mike to get him voted out blowing up thanks to Cole.  Jessica seemed really worked up over Cole telling Roark/Desi about the idol.  I don’t know if I agree with her logic that telling them in advance of the challenge was a bad idea.  But it didn’t end up mattering, whatever the ramifications might have been.  Maybe she was jealous it wasn’t there special secret lol  I was so excited there for a minute that the Healers were going to lose.  I’m just thankful those poor chickens didn’t wind up with Joe. 

Did I notice some contestants smile when Probst said Simone was voted out?  And not that I’m complaining, but is this the fewest idols that have been found by now?  I feel like more idols have been found at this point in previous seasons, but only the Healers found theirs.

Edited by LadyChatts
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6 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

These episodes are just meh.  Strategy, challenges, and TC.  Oh, and showmances.

Way too much on the showmances for my tastes. I wanted to yell out this isn't Big Brother!

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5 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I was glad to see Ryan's gamebot-y style of "get to the merge wah wah wah" ultimately overruled by people like Lauren and Devon, who realize these are people you're playing with, and team chemistry is important, and also if you're ultimately just going to be slotting into other alliances, you need people who are loyal.

And if Patrick wouldn't even give up the ball during a challenge, what chance did he have of listening to anyone down the road?

I used to love people that played overtly strategic games, but now they make my ears bleed. Go along to get along, be flexible, have a vague idea how you're gonna get there, but don't plan everything to the most minute detail. It's actually pretty boring.

What I don't get is, why were they so concerned about the merge?  When has there not been a tribe swap?  They have to cross that big hurdle first before worrying about the merge.


And he pissed me off with his arrogance when he said that if he had switched out to Lauren in the challenge they would have still lost because...."well, look at her". Him, Joe and Alan...the ones I most wanted gone. One down, two to go.

That pissed me off, too.  I was also pissed when Devon said they need to keep Patrick because he could win challenges over Lauren.  Patrick totally blew that challenge.  The other tribes swapped out when they needed to.  Patrick lost it and showed he needed to be the hero.  I'm glad they made the right decision and got rid of him.  Lauren can be useful.  She just needs a fair chance from her tribe.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I'm very happy to see Patrick go but Lauren's remark about redheads all being untrustworthy kind of threw me, she said something similar last week.  Are we never going to be done judging people by their pigment? 

I kind of like the two couples, even though I'm not usually interested in Survivor romances.  Maybe it's because it's the girls crushing on the guys this season.

This was a good, smile falling off, blindside. I would love to see something just like it with Joe next week.

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Keeping a strong guy for challenges can be a good thing, but if you can't trust that strong guy, sometimes it's better to get rid of him.  Every No-Collar but Nina grasped that in Worlds Apart when they got rid of Vince early, and two seasons prior, Kass, Tasha, and J'Tia all got that when they voted Garrett out in Cagayan.

Thank you, Lauren and Devon, for getting that, and for finally getting Ryan and Ali to get that, too.  Patrick was a loose cannon who was not to be trusted.

Edited by Star Aristille
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I'm glad Lauren is still there even if she did diss us redheads. Hmmph! (Do kids still say "diss"? God, I'm old.) 

Even with a blindside, I'm still finding this season ridiculously boring. I didn't know who to root for during the challenge because there's nobody I particularly like or dislike. They're all just...meh. Even Patrick's goodbye glare was meh. You're no Ozzy, dude.

4 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

What I don't get is, why were they so concerned about the merge?  When has there not been a tribe swap?  They have to cross that big hurdle first before worrying about the merge

I was thinking the same thing. Have these people never watched the show before?

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2 minutes ago, Star Aristille said:

Keeping a strong guy for challenges can be a good thing, but if you can't trust that strong guy, sometimes it's better to get rid of him.  Every No-Collar but Nina grasped that in Worlds Apart when they got rid of Vince early, and two seasons prior, Kass, Tasha, and J'Tia all got that when they voted Garrett out in Cagayan.

Thank you, Lauren and Devon, for getting that, and for finally getting Ryan to get that, too.  Patrick was a loose cannon who was not to be trusted.

I'd like to feel sorry for Ali, but hey, she backed the psycho, and now she'll have to pay the consequences if there's no swap coming up soon.

Huh? She voted for Patrick tonight.

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Even with a blindside, I'm still finding this season ridiculously boring. I didn't know who to root for during the challenge because there's nobody I particularly like or dislike. They're all just...meh. Even Patrick's goodbye glare was meh. You're no Ozzy, dude.

I think Michaela is the blindside champ for me.  She had a stare down with Jay (who admitted he did it) before Probst even finished reading the votes, then punched a tree on her way out.  And Rodney when his bro Joaquin got voted off-continually looking back and forth, from one side to the other, as though he was trying to comprehend how that went so wrong.  It reminded me of someone counting and trying to figure out where their math was off.  Although I don't know if I've seen a smile come off someone's face so fast since Edgardo in Fiji.


I was thinking the same thing. Have these people never watched the show before?

Since recruits are the casting way, maybe they really haven't.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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This was the most satisfying elimination I’ve ever watched. And one of the best episodes. Less than 10 minutes devoted to a challenge (for chickens, no less) and the rest of the hour watching tribe interactions and dynamics. THIS is how this show should be.

Patrick is an angry young man, and I suspect, dangerous.

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7 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I'm very happy to see Patrick go but Lauren's remark about redheads all being untrustworthy kind of threw me, she said something similar last week.  Are we never going to be done judging people by their pigment? 

I kind of like the two couples, even though I'm not usually interested in Survivor romances.  Maybe it's because it's the girls crushing on the guys this season.

This was a good, smile falling off, blindside. I would love to see something just like it with Joe next week.

I thought she said she could tell when redheads were lying.

Patrick the sore loser.  I'm surprised he didn't yell that he was going to tell his mother on them.  the blind side was so sweet that I yelled "sucker" at the tv.  

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4 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

This was the most satisfying elimination I’ve ever watched. And one of the best episodes. Less than 10 minutes devoted to a challenge (for chickens, no less) and the rest of the hour watching tribe interactions and dynamics. THIS is how this show should be.

Patrick is an angry young man, and I suspect, dangerous.

Agreed on all points.

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Hey Patrick... after your teams asks you approximately 28 times to switch out then you should think about doing so. Even if you think you're the greatest. (flash back to him looking at his own reflection in the swim goggles). He was a spaz around camp and a spaz at challenges. The proper decision was made for sure. I'm glad to see him go.

The first portion though was way too much 'You got your Big Brother in my Survivor!' for my liking.

I was trying to decide which was duller, Alan's machete or Alan himself. If you do something the same way like 15 times and it doesn't yield any results you obviously need to switch up your approach. Hit on a different angle... put the sucker int he sand and hit it with a two handed chop, don't just continue to ineffectively flail against it.

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HAH!  Finally knocked that stupid shit-eating grin off Patrick's face.  They fooled me.  A dudebro's douchbaggery almost never gets him voted off over a woman.

His bitter tears and whining for his tribe's defeat just bring me more joy.  I hope his moving business crashes and burns, but I doubt it.

Patrick put them very far behind and they lose.  He's such an asshole.  That attempt to be "nice" to Lauren in the water was pathetic. 

Simone's yard sale.  LOL

Starting with surprise, surprise, the bros are targeting Lauren.  The easy solution to the Patrick dilemma is to not lose challenges.  Duh.  He did nothing in last weeks challenge, but that is down the memory hole.  I really like Lauren and her realizing the awful position she is in and doing something about it with her back against the wall.

Patrick goes idol crazy, Ali tries to talk him down.  It won't work and he goes further off the deep end.

Why are you more likely to lose next week as Patrick has shown himself to be useless, Devon?  Nobody else broke at Tribal.  Excellent blindside.

Look it up, Pat

Over in Blue Land, Krissy and Ben seem confident.  Too confident.  Something about Ben bothers me, but I can't put a finger on it.   Maybe because Ben thinks he and Krissy aren't a "power couple" because there is no sex while yapping on the JP Ashley thing.  The whole concept is just stupid.  

Allen has to go.  Ashley needs to suck up to him to avoid this silly power couple thing while working to whack him.  JP just catching fish and avoiding drama.  Usually a merge-worthy strategy.

Joe still gotta go.  Good to see the rest of the tribe hates him too.  Jessica is a bit squirrely.  She is going to be trouble, some way; some how.

Cole is lovestruck and blabs about the idol.  How soon until everyone knows?  Like 10 minutes LOL

Now Jessica gets all pissy that Cole has a plan and is going for it.  You have to do the planning now.  After losing the challenge it's much harder to strategize.  Joe is paranoid, you all have to be cool.  Don't tell Mike anything until the very last second.


Mike sits so he can't be blamed.  

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I know many of you are sick of the challenges, but some of us like them. My father watches specifically for the challenges and the TCs. He could not care less about camp life. (Interestingly enough, he has a fairly good record at predicting who will be voted out and who will win despite taking numerous smoke breaks during the strategizing/camp footage.) For my family, this episode went a little long before it hit the challenge. Or maybe we just didn't care to spend that much time on Jessica and Cole. We get it. They like each other. Move on to Cole spilling the beans about the idol.

Glad to see Patrick go. I thought Lauren did an excellent job throwing him under the bus at TC, even though I'm sure the decision was made prior to that. What I'm really curious about is where Ali stood, because I was getting the sense that she *really* wasn't happy with Patrick. I also wonder if Ryan really meant "I want to keep Pat" or if that sentence was followed by another one later on starting with "but I'm worried blah blah...if we do keep him."

Either way, not sad to see him go.

Honestly, I thought Alan showed a sense of humor about being unable to chop the coconut. I mean, he obviously expected to be better at it, but his remarks were self-deprecating. I appreciated that.

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In no way was I rooting for Patrick, but Lauren can fuck off with the comment against redheads.  Patrick could no more control the color of his hair than Lauren can help that she's shaped in a more masculine manner.  I do hope we see some of her perfect aim in the future.  She doesn't look like any center fielder I've ever seen, but her arms seem solid enough, I guess.

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16 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Well, one thing about Patrick being voted off early was that no future voted off contestants won't have to suffer him at Ponderosa. 

There's a pre-jury Ponderosa, too, though, that we don't see, so Katrina and Simone had to suffer him.  So will any other castaway voted out before the jury starts.

Edited by Star Aristille
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35 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I think Michaela is the blindside champ for me.  She glared at Jay before Probst even finished reading the votes, then punched a tree on her way out.

Agree with this. Michaela's reaction was the best blindside reaction in the history of ever (I wish there was a gif of her forgetting her shoes).


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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

Not the most scintillating episode.  Lauren or Patrick, I didn't really care that much. Lauren seems like such a sourpuss and doesn't really add that much at all. But Patrick  showed in he final words he he was probably the right choice.

My recording cut off and I didn’t see Patrick’s final words.  I usually don’t really care but am very curious about what he said following his death stare(s).   Does anyone mind giving me a little recap?  Thanks!

I do think the tribe made the right choice even if Lauren is a bit of a sourpuss.

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58 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

These episodes are just meh.

ITA.  It pains me to feel this way because I have been all-in on Survivor since Season 1 but I find myself checking email and web-surfing--things I've never done during previous seasons.

Did Alan throw a single beanbag during that challenge?  Useless, thy name is Alan.

What is it with the ladies and their bras this season?  I've never noticed so many of the women wearing regular bras--not sports bras, not swim tops but Victoria's Secret-looking bras.  Weird.  And sad that bras are the most captivating thing I have to say about these first few episodes.

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He said something along the lines of hoping his tribe mates did really terrible, that he couldn’t believe they lied to him when he was honest, and he was disappointed being out so early.

Edited by LadyChatts
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 If Patrick was blindsided and devastated after all that had transpired, he proved what a clueless player he is!  He has the sensitivity and perception of a rock. 

My bet is that Allie and Ryan will worm their way into the other tribes' graces after the merge, maintain a secret alliance, and take it to the end. There is real intelligence and shrewdness there. The opposite of Patrick. 

I hope a merge, when it comes, will give Lauren a new lease on life. She has the potential to be a strong player, physically and strategically. 

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So weird. I posted something and now I can’t find it. So odd. Maybe, it’s in another thread. Anyway, Lauren did a good job of talking herself out of getting voted off. Of course, it was only between her & Patrick but she didn’t back down. I like that. It was nice to hear/see Roark speak. At least, I think it was her. She was the one cooking, right?

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Patrick's DEATH GLARE was one of the best blindside reactions EVER! Why because its honest. Someone backstabs you well you don't smile and wish them all the best...you should be pissed at them and rightly so! Honestly though I didn't care either way....Lauren is on borrowed time....no one that different can last very long...and well truthfully she was annoying when she was pestering him to switch out. Anway R.I.P. probably the least aware Survivior player I've ever seen.

30 year old virgin?! Girl time is a wastin'!

Speaking of Blondie Virgin....I truly believe the real reason she was pissed that the beefcake (sorry got no name) revealed the idol was that she was ENJOYING having something just exclusive between them...bonding him to her...or so she thought! I guess she really doesn't know much about the opposite sex.

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Just now, North of Eden said:

Patrick's DEATH GLARE was one of the best blindside reactions EVER! Why because its honest. Someone backstabs you well you don't smile and wish them all the best...you should be pissed at them and rightly so! Honestly though I didn't care either way....Lauren is on borrowed time....no one that different can last very long...and well truthfully she was annoying when she was pestering him to switch out. Anway R.I.P. probably the least aware Survivior player I've ever seen.

30 year old virgin?! Girl time is a wastin'!

Speaking of Blondie Virgin....I truly believe the real reason she was pissed that the beefcake (sorry got no name) revealed the idol was that she was ENJOYING having something just exclusive between them...bonding him to her...or so she thought! I guess she really doesn't know much about the opposite sex.

Yeah, she did enjoy their (his) secret about the idol. Hopefully, she doesn’t freak out all over the place about it. Young love. LOL!!!

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