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Season 5 Discussion


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17 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Actually, when you are a teen, you DO ask your new stepparent if he/she will cover for you.  The stepparent is supposed to say, "No!".

Olivia mentioned the boyfriend staying too late, or something to that effect.  After that it was all Luis asking her questions about their relationship and if they are in love or just "effing", despite her telling him it was inappropriate.   

Someone who marries a woman should not automatically become a step father just for the fact that they got married. They aren't even married yet!  He might develop that type of relationship with the little one but not Olivia. She'll be adult this year and he should be addressed as her mother's husband once they marry. 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Lemons said:

Someone who marries a woman should not automatically become a step father just for the fact that they got married. They aren't even married yet!  He might develop that type of relationship with the little one but not Olivia. She'll be adult this year and he should be addressed as her mother's husband once they marry. 

Why? Isn't that just a difference in semantics? What does the label have to do with anything? Technically, he will be her stepfather AND her mother's husband, regardless of age. What name they choose to use is kind of irrelevant imo.

  • Love 4

Here are my thoughts on the couples this week:

Nicole/Azan: How the hell can Nicole, a Starbucks barista and single mother, send Azan $1600 ($800+$500+$300 were the amounts quoted in Azan's THs)? Is she getting paid from the show and just sending Azan his cut for this scam? Wouldn't this money be better used to take care of May? While I realize it can be hard to communicate when both people have jobs, not to mention the time zone difference, Azan blaming his job loss on Nicole is just lame. Yeah, I know she's extremely needy, but they need to be adults and understand that talking at work isn't doable. Azan is very strict about following most of his cultural rules. Why would he violate his employer's rule against no texting? I assume that's why he got fired. Nicole said she can't text at work. Why would Azan be expected to be available to her while he's at work? It's just weird to me. I think Azan actually wants a sugar momma, and Nicole is more than happy to oblige as long as she thinks she's getting Azan all to herself. It's apparent that with the food humor (i.e. live chickens and sheep's head) that the producers are reaching to try and make this couple watchable. I don't blame Nicole for not wanting to eat the sheep's head. I will put almost anything in my mouth until I see teeth.

Molly/Luis: I give Luis a pass on his sex talk with Olivia. He's coming from a sexually permissive place that is cavalier about sex. A 17-year-old girl banging is no big deal in his mind. Did he come off creepy? Absolutely. I just don't think that was the intention though. I bet Luis had sex all the time as a bartender in the D.R. until he met Molly, his "pathway to citizenship" and to him it's like washing hands. He's probably miffed by sex being a taboo subject. The only thing he is guilty of IMO is not doing research on where he was going just like 90% of the people on this craptacular show. However, Molly's brother, Cowboy Suave, should've corrected him and explained that most of America is a Puritan society and that stepdads don't talk to their stepdaughters like that. It's the culturally insensitive equivalent of not eating a pig that was prepared specially for you in a foreign country. I just wish Luis would've said that in front of Father Molly. That would've been T.V. gold. I get that Luis feels rejected as a stepdad, so he's trying to be friends with Olivia. While it's the best he can hope for, it's not going to happen. Olivia is smartly letting Luis dig a hole with Molly and seems to take great joy when he screws up. The problem is Molly is so blinded by lust and the proposal that there's pretty much nothing Luis can do that won't be forgiven. Yes, she'll tell Luis to knock off his behavior, but she's too focused on planning for the upcoming wedding. As Olivia sadly explained, Molly has been wanting a proposal for years. I can only imagine what kind of men Olivia has seen through the years and kudos to her for, at least, trying to pump the brakes on a proposal. Of course that's too sensible for her mom and Luis who were absolutely disgusting at the restaurant. I will say Luis has absolutely earned his green card. Like Azan, he has had to soldier through a lot that no man should have to endure.

Annie GoldBaht/David Poor: It has already been said many times, but it bears repeating. David Poor is one sad sack of a man. Run Annie Run. You can do better. It must be a rough life in Thailand if David Poor is your best option to get out. It makes sense though. Any decent American guy has options and wouldn't have to resort to all the trouble David Poor has gone through to get a Thai bride. I'm pretty sure he'd eat dog crap if Annie told him it was part of the culture. I can't believe that Chris, the enabler, is subsidizing and sponsoring this idiot and his fiance. He must be on this show for exposure, but he comes off as skeevy, and I'm not sure why requesting massages by the pool didn't make Annie run. If he's asking for Thai massages on camera, just imagine what he's going to ask for or do when Annie is living in his home. To make matters better, David Poor likes to hit the bottle and might be a pathological liar. I found it interesting that his daughter didn't believe his girlfriend was real. It makes me thing he has made up girlfriends or lied in the past. I have no clue why he couldn't be upfront about the engagement. Maybe he realizes how pathetic he is and didn't want his daughter, a straight shooter, calling him out for being an unemployed homeless alcoholic (if she even knows that). Annie GoldBaht isn't stupid, but she and her family seem to be clouded by distorted visions of what American life is like. She will assuredly be in for major disappointment and will want to go back to Thailand like Noon.

Evelyn/David: I know Evelyn has in her mind exactly how her wedding has to be, but she forgot to take into account that there are actual people involved. If David's groomsmen can't afford to wear the suits that she wants them to wear, is it really going to make or break the wedding? Of course not. Her singing, on the other hand, could ruin the wedding. I understand a wedding is a woman's big day, but shouldn't the focus be on love for each other? And does it matter how family and friends are dressed as long as they attend the ceremony? I don't know. It just seems like they're both going through a lot just to consummate the marriage. I wonder if Evelyn has the after-wedding coitus planned out too. Probably.

Josh/Aika: Josh's obsession with Aika becoming a model against her wishes is bizarre. I don't think most men want their wives to be models despite what Josh says. Most guys like arm candy, but they wouldn't want their wives posing in lingerie, nude, or in swimsuits for money to be ogled at by other men. Josh seems to think Aika is way hotter than she is. She's a beautiful woman, but she doesn't seem like model material to me. And she just wants to start a family and her biological clock is ticking. I think Josh wants Aika to get a modeling career so she can take care of him while Aika probably wants to be a stay-at-home mom and expects Josh to take care of her and her kid. He lives with roommates right now, so he will need to step up to make that happen. These two need to communicate better since they clearly aren't on the same page. I could say that about all the couples though. I always wonder why most issues involving these couples aren't resolved ore even discussed before they come to the US.

Elizabeth/ANDREIIIIIIIII-I'm Team Andrei all the way. I've never understood the Bachelor/Bachelorette party concept. Why should somebody need one night of drunken debauchery as a last hurrah? It makes marriage seem like a death sentence. I don't see Andrei as a controlling bad guy. He's merely a product of his culture. He said he didn't mind if she went out with her family. He just would like to be there if she goes out with friends. I think it's reasonable to not expect your wife/husband not to be out partying until 4 AM, and it's not like Andrei is restricting her from seeing her friends at all. If not having a "girls night out" without him is a dealbreaker for her, then maybe she shouldn't continue with the marriage. Instead she seems dead set on showing off Andrei to her family and convincing them that he's the love of her life. She seems to really love the drama, and I look forward to Andrei arguing with her family.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 6
55 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

Someone who marries a woman should not automatically become a step father just for the fact that they got married. They aren't even married yet!  He might develop that type of relationship with the little one but not Olivia. She'll be adult this year and he should be addressed as her mother's husband once they marry.

  Based on your logic Molly’s dad should call him “his daughter’s husband” rather than son-in-law. Once they are married stepfather is the appropriate legal term for the relationship.  I know  people who have married well after their children were adults who use the term stepfather/mother.  

If one of my kids (we are a blended family) referred to my husband as just my husband based solely on how old they were when we got married I would see this as a sign of disrespect.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, balisticnikki said:

Why? Isn't that just a difference in semantics? What does the label have to do with anything? Technically, he will be her stepfather AND her mother's husband, regardless of age. What name they choose to use is kind of irrelevant imo.

I think the term "father" has meaning.  It means that he is responsible for her.  For her care and guidance. It means he is able to tell her what she can and can't do.  Her mother's husband means only that he is her mother's new husband.  

7 minutes ago, OhIgetit said:

 If one of my kids (we are a blended family) referred to my husband as just my husband based solely on how old they were when we got married I would see this as a sign of disrespect.

If you have an adult woman of say, 30 years old, and her father marries a 25 year old women.  Does the 30 year old really have to call the 25  year old woman her stepmother?  At what point does it get a little bit silly?  Luis in not equipped to be Olivia's stepfather, nor should he have to be.  

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Yeah it definitely went on too long, and he did way too much of the eating! 

Based on my limited observations of people, David Pour just seems way to comfortable with taking money from people to be a real self-sufficient self-starting kind of guy. Let's just say that I question his work ethic.

People who keep taking money from others and calling it "loans" are generally moochers. David did so and did so again without a flicker of discomfort. 

And no doubt Annie was repulsed by an elderly Pillsbury doughboy getting sweaty and jumping around. He's an irritating drunk, and he was drunk. And, it wasn't just Annie.  His own best friend said that he had a drinking problem that he wouldn't own up to so clearly it's been a problem in the past. He said he would run her off if he didn't stop.

Then when David Pour came up and was nuzzling on Annie, I think she vomited in her mouth a little. If he's just being himself then himself sucks.

Drinking alcohol after a stroke is questionable. Getting drunk after a stroke is playing Russian roulette. Just the fact that he was doing it indicated a problem to me.

If you knew you had a deadly fig allergy, would you ever pick up another fig again? Of course not!

Gauging by the fact that he had to borrow money from his friend just to pay the dowry, I would say David Pour been low functioning for several years. He's had only himself to care for and he has nothing saved. Maybe he will get his act together when he gets back to the states, but why am I thinking that more than likely he'll wind up on disability.

BTW, I got a kick out of Annie's 90% because it reminded me of Mohamed's 50% or whatever number he put on his percentage that he was there because of his love for Danielle... we all knew it was 0% anyway!

He really icks me out.  I think he has a drinking problem and I think he is an irresponsible work averse loser.  Re the bolded, perhaps she won't have to wait the 2 years because he will drink himself into another stroke and won't be as lucky.  I can't even suggest he is a nice man.  A nice man doesn't lie to his kids, lie by omission to his intended (does she REALLY know how destitute he is?), be ok with producer manipulation so his fiance gets asked for a quid pro quo 'massage' by the pool, blah, blah, blah.  

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

OK I finally got to see this episode.

I'm going to go against the grain here.  Erp.  So here it goes.

Could be because I'm foreign too but I think Luis is getting the short end of the stick here trying to communicate in English because for whatever reason I "got" what he said.  Coupled with the fact that this is scripted AF and the words he does say are edited and chopped together (and hers as well...that was bad splicing there for the last segment),  I think the daughter pearl clutching at the word "fuck" is ridiculous.  She was happy when he said he would be on her side about her boyfriend staying later than her mom wanted but then when he called her out on basically sleeping with her boyfriend with no intentions of marrying him then she gets all "this is so inappropriate." 

Didn't understand the double talking head at the end either.   "this is not how we parent in america" seems like the incorrect angle for me.  Since he's her "friend" or "stepdad" or whatever we are calling this, he basically just talked to her like that.  "so you aren't serious with your boyfriend and you are just fucking?  Oh well.  You can do whatever you want anyway."   Which obviously she does and she will.   His whole other babbling was explaining to her the way they talk about basically "friends with benefits."   Would this have been less jarring if the translation would have come across that way?  Or "one night stands?"  Or "guy you are sleeping with but you are too young to get married so it is just transitional sex?"   Well Luis doesn't have command of the english language for that.   If Molly wants to be pissed at anything just go with the blanket "i'll do the parenting" angle instead of the "Luis has a long way to go to learn about parenting."   I'm not thinking so Molly.....he seems WAY more pragmatic than you honey.

What if we actually assume that Luis isn't a child predator and he actually does love Molly and a green card and actually give zero fucks about her teenager daughter..(as in he doesn't remotely want to bang her because she's 17)...... because he likes older women and curvy girls.....so he just does want to form a reasonable friendship with her daughter?  So he can't ask her about her boyfriend that she is sleeping with that she wants him to not tell her mom about so that when she appears on another TLC show about getting pregnant and not knowing who the father is, Luis will be like "welp it's apparently american culture that I absolutely don't have a conversation with a 17 year old about any boyfriends or sex so what could I do?"  Molly pick a side...you can't have it both ways.

Luis was explaining his angle perfectly...people have to grow up fast in poor areas....it's no different than the poor areas of the USA.   If you are watching Before the 90 days.....see ABBY.   Where he's from a 17 year old is an adult....I'm sure 11 and 12 year olds get pregnant and sex conversations happen way faster there.   He's right that the Molly areas of the world have very sanitized lives.   So he's not going to freak out over her 17 year old daughter having sex with her boyfriend. 

I wish we would just get off this angle altogether and manufacture some drama between Molly and Luis and let's see where that goes.  I don't like Luis being painted as some child predator and this On Demand step parenting sans english sucks.  If he's going to be an epic douchenozzle then let's expose him for wanting a green card and taking Molly for a ride.  Anything that has to do with her kids is a bad angle....if NOTHING happens then he's being edited like a shady ass and it's undeserving.   He has a different perspective from a poor country.  His opportunistic nature may come from seducing this older lady with money.   If something were to happen and Luis was a predator then TLC is just documenting doom and that's truly ridiculous.  Of course this is TLC so......

Moving on.....Aika shocks me.  I stare at her and wonder someone can appear on TV to be wearing so much makeup it actually looks excessive ON TV.   If you've ever been on camera then you know how much it sucks the color from your face.  Sheesh.

That being said, she's so keeping it real I am proud of her.  She knew that modeling agency would drop her if she mentioned kids and they did.  She knows exactly what Josh wants and is parading her around for and she's annoyed.  God Bless Aika.   I hope that someday she can wear some sweats in public with some nikes.   I'm starting to really loathe Josh.

BahtlessDavid.....yeah.  Well....um....yeah.

And the last grenade is the sheeps head.  Not my preference and I don't like brain and tongue and Kill on Demand pollo for tonight but this over dramatic hysteria over eating food seems ridiculous.   It's almost like they hype it up in their brains (hahaha) and it makes the anxiety even worse.  Part of me wonders if people do this to exert a weird control over themselves because it doesn't seem like it's worth it to freak out over pea sized pieces of meat.  Or brain.  Or testicles.  Hell anything tripey or in that area is far worse since it still tastes like the shit that is in it.  Gross AF but the hysteria seems immature and insulting.  Why the stereotype of the ugly american who can't blend in foreign land??  Gah.   It's not like they were making you eat LIVE SPIDERS.  That head was overcooked to hell...there wasn't anything scary about it.  Scary is raw brain sitting in a pool of coagulated blood and them using some bread to sop it up and they hand you a big piece that looks like toast with placenta and tell you to eat it.  THEN YOU BLINK.  You don't blink over boiled meat.  You find the cheek, it tastes like lamb (cuz it is) you smile and make a joke..yell "OPA!!!!" (opa works in EVERY country and it's distracting and celebratory).... and send mamma to the kitchen to make you a big pot of honey tea.   I guess she can get back at Azan in Florida by making him eat a plate of fried chicken nuggets.

OK I'll pull that pin now and walk away.....(sorry to be antagonistic to the rest of most of posts here....I didn't think i'd be in abject disagreement!!!!)

I think people should be ok with others food preferences.  If you aren't raised eating certain foods it can be jarring.  I certainly would NOT be picking a pea sized piece of meat off a cooked head.  I am squeamish about meat to begin with so I do NOT want to see the eyes, teeth, skull etc.  You shouldn't make a big deal out of it but saying 'no thank you' should be enough and its completely rude to try and force someone to eat something they find unappealing.  I do NOT think this would make someone an ugly American.  If I had a visitor from another country I would try and stock my house with foods they are comfortable with.  Azan doesn't need to stock their house with Tyson Chicken Nuggets but try not to serve something just for shock value.  That isn't a good host.  I find it easier to tell people I don't know who I may be dining with that I am a vegetarian.  

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, Lemons said:

I think the term "father" has meaning.  It means that he is responsible for her.  For her care and guidance. It means he is able to tell her what she can and can't do.  Her mother's husband means only that he is her mother's new husband.  

If you have an adult woman of say, 30 years old, and her father marries a 25 year old women.  Does the 30 year old really have to call the 25  year old woman her stepmother?  At what point does it get a little bit silly?  Luis in not equipped to be Olivia's stepfather, nor should he have to be.  

You obviously missed the point of my post...let me restate it. stepfather is the appropriate LEGAL term.  I think that using the term “my mothers husband” is sillier than stepfather and just sends the message that the person is not accepted . I would only find it appropriate if the stepparent played a role in the breakup.

  • Love 2
31 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

He really icks me out.  I think he has a drinking problem and I think he is an irresponsible work averse loser.  Re the bolded, perhaps she won't have to wait the 2 years because he will drink himself into another stroke and won't be as lucky.  I can't even suggest he is a nice man.  A nice man doesn't lie to his kids, lie by omission to his intended (does she REALLY know how destitute he is?), be ok with producer manipulation so his fiance gets asked for a quid pro quo 'massage' by the pool, blah, blah, blah.  

And if he croaks before she gets her green card approved, back she has to go.  That would totally suck for her.  At first, I liked David and thought he was a nice guy who’d just had some shitty luck.  As the show moved along, I didn’t like his complaining about the expense, and now I’m totally Team Annie after his drunken escapades.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

And if he croaks before she gets her green card approved, back she has to go.  That would totally suck for her.  At first, I liked David and thought he was a nice guy who’d just had some shitty luck.  As the show moved along, I didn’t like his complaining about the expense, and now I’m totally Team Annie after his drunken escapades.

Then I really hope for her sake it happens after they marry.  I think she will have earned it!  :)

19 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Then I really hope for her sake it happens after they marry.  I think she will have earned it!  :)

You have to have the green card in your hand to get to stay. If your petitioner dies or divorces you prior to your being eligible to receive yours, you get sent back.  Unless you can prove abuse or being forced into prostitution or sex trafficking by your spouse, and there may be other exemptions. I’m mot an immigration attorney, nor do I play one on TV.  There seems to be the provisional green card that they get first that allows them to work and apply for a drivers license if they didn’t already have one that would be valid here and “the real green card”.

So Little Orphan Annie will be stranded at Chez Chris without a baht or a penny in her purse while David Poor rents her out as an indentured servant to Chris and babysitter for Chris and Nikki’s kids while Tobo the Magnificent drinks his lazy ass into a stupor all day long?  Not what I envisioned for my heroine, Annie Get Your Gold.  She’s already earned whatever benefits she’s got coming to her, IMO.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

I'm in a step mom position to a teenager (a boy) and treading those waters is just WRONG. It's just inappropriate. Unless the step and the skid are EXTREMELY close and have had a solidly established, long term, near-parental relationship, you just do not discuss sex. Even under the most ideal circumstances, you listen and refer back to the biological parent. And to make the Luis and Olivia scenario even worse, the male is older, putting him in a double-higher status position (older/adult and male), while Olivia occupies two low status roles (younger/child and female). You just do not go there. I also have a daughter, and my partner (male) is very careful not to cross the line w/ her. Ever. A man who is not bio dad or doctor should never engage in a sexually explicit conversation w/ a girl, esp not a step daughter. It's rife w/ potential problems and every reasonable person should know this. At that point (3 weeks in) Luis is still a wild card, an unknown, a big question mark. And he should be trying to solidify his reputation as a decent, responsible, trustworthy, stand up guy. Not the guy we saw last week, asking if Olivia is getting poked. If he has concerns about Olivia's behavior, he should bring it up to Molly asap. This is kinda like Common Sense 101.

I think Luis is oversexed and creepy. But no, I have never called him a pedophile (attracted to toddlers and pre-pubescent children) and I have no reason to think he is. However, I think Olivia is a beautiful young woman and if the two of them continue to have sexually explicit conversations, he will likely start fantasizing about her.

EXACTLY!! Luis defending himself by saying she is old enough and in his country people grow up fast is ridiculous. It was totally inappropriate and how he is oblivious to this is similar to how he was oblivious to asking the little one if he could be her father. He is either really stupid or does not have one shred of common sense about how anything involving human relationships work.  CLUELESS!

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Same here - and add bunny to the list!

When I was about 7 years old, my parents took me with them on a trip to Montreal to visit friends. We went to the friend's house for dinner. I took a few bites (it was delicious), and then someone (I think it was my dad) said something like: "Isn't that good? Do you know what it is?" and I shook my head "No". Then our host said "It's rabbit!"

At which point I burst into tears and sobbed "I'm eating THUMPER??" I refused to eat another bite.


You go girl!

I remember the first time I saw the movie "Babe" and at the exact moment when dear, sweet Babe asked Ferdinand "Are you my mother?", I swore off eating pork ever again. I haven't had it since. 

Before my beloved bacon eaters give me a hard time, please know that Idris Elba has my back about turkey bacon as he doesn't eat pork either. He talked about it on "Live with Kelly and Fill In Host of the Day" and said "Turkey bacon is so delicious. Everyone should try it; it's one of my favorite things." 

9 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Think about it this way:  38 x 2 = 76.  You're in the middle between birth and 76.  Doesn't sound so bad that way.

And the "92-year-old elderly woman" comment was read off a teleprompter by the anchorwoman, so it was written by someone else.  This channel has the WORST local news reputation in our area. 

A few months ago when the London bombings took place, I actually got on their Facebook page to tell them that every bit of geographical information they gave was WRONG - including pointing out the London Aquarium as the Parliament building.  The reporter (who had just gotten off camera about 5 minutes before) responded back immediately.  He thanked me for the info, conceded that because it was a breaking story they hadn't had a chance to do the research before putting the map up, and promised me they'd get it right for the next report during their 6:00 PM show.  Sure enough, they did!  They even showed the path of the vehicle going on the correct side of the bridge (which is opposite of what we have there, but spot-on for England).  He's the only person I've ever seen on that station who makes half an effort not to look like an idiot.

I hope you sent them an invoice so they would pay you for doing their jobs! 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

Ok, someone needs to keep a running list of Molly' brother's nicknames. I know I'm forgetting some. Plz add to the list:

keep 'em coming, y'all!

Brother Allman

Mullet Muffin

(*Actually I'm not sure if he has a mullet w/out his hat...and an iconic hat it is, right up there with Larry's)

Cheese 'n Cracker

Breck Shampoo Boy

PS Re David Pour, I think that "friend" Chris has inserted himself for exposure for their business, and image makeover (if you read up on him on social media) as a caring guy. Too bad he went and asked Annie for that massage. I hope he never hears the end of it. 

Edited by Tuneful
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

Why? Isn't that just a difference in semantics? What does the label have to do with anything? Technically, he will be her stepfather AND her mother's husband, regardless of age. What name they choose to use is kind of irrelevant imo.

My mother was raised by her grandmother.  She only met her mother when she was sixteen.  "technically" she is her mother and my grandmother but neither of us call her that.  I wouldn't honor her with the name grandma because she chose not to be a grandmother.  And I would certainly never call her new husband my step-grandfather.  I can't fathom my mother calling him a stepfather.  Yuck.  I think names matter.  

3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

You have to have the green card in your hand to get to stay. If your petitioner dies or divorces you prior to your being eligible to receive yours, you get sent back.  Unless you can prove abuse or being forced into prostitution or sex trafficking by your spouse, and there may be other exemptions. I’m mot an immigration attorney, nor do I play one on TV.  There seems to be the provisional green card that they get first that allows them to work and apply for a drivers license if they didn’t already have one that would be valid here and “the real green card”.

So Little Orphan Annie will be stranded at Chez Chris without a baht or a penny in her purse while David Poor rents her out as an indentured servant to Chris and babysitter for Chris and Nikki’s kids while Tobo the Magnificent drinks his lazy ass into a stupor all day long?  Not what I envisioned for my heroine, Annie Get Your Gold.  She’s already earned whatever benefits she’s got coming to her, IMO.

Seems likely. They'll be able to use her help once the baby arrives, and she'll probably be very willing to work hard for them when she realizes what kind of crappy apartment David Pour can afford on his salary. Annie will be scrubbing floors, washing dishes, babysitting, and whipping up Thai meals for them while David Pour vomits on himself in the basement.  

Nikki was sorta not happy with David and his interchangeable girlfriends to begin with, but maybe, just maybe, Annie can still ingratiate herself if she plays her cards right, meaning just working hard and being sincere and making a friend. How do you not just have empathy for someone like that?

Annie is completely capable of getting herself some kind of job and working once Chris forks over the $1000 required with the paperwork. 

Funny scenario: David Pour acts bad (not hard to imagine), and Annie gets a restraining order banning him from Chez Chris.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Deafening Roar said:

I am catching up on the latest episode and I am getting borderline furious listening to Molly. Her baby talk and exaggerated accent is enough to make me want to shoot someone! I swear to y'all, we do not all talk that way in Georgia!! My goodness, if I had to hear that 24/7 all around me, I would move! ?

I just flew home yesterday from visiting my mother in Greenville sc.  

i was at Publix.  I heard that voice.  I hurried to see, hoping it was Molly.  It wasn’t.  

Ya’ll there’s more than one out there with that voice!!!

  • Love 3

Brava to everyone who made comments on this thread!  Woo!  Lots of interesting opinions.  

Wow.  Luis lost me this episode.  I really did not like how he was making out with Molly at lunch.  The look on his face (someone said he was Taking Over The Family) was creepy.  The jury is still out re: his intentions, if he has any, for Olivia, but the inappropriate language -- he's kidding No One when he mentions the liberal values in DR - he knows Olivia doesn't like him and yet he Went There with the talk. No.  Uncle Cletus is completely useless. She was getting harassed right in front of him, and the cameras, and he did nothing to stop it.  Father Molly would not have put up with that kind of talk....can't wait to see what happens next between Louise and Father Molly.  

Now we finally got some intel on WHY Azan is with Nicole.  She's sending him money.  Who knew?  Blaming her for losing his job was Super Lame.  She knows she can't talk while she's working, but he HAS TO?  She knows that they can't cohabitate when he comes to the US, but she insists he offend his Aunt by asking for that privilege over there?  She is a nasty Piece of Work.  When they were on the beach, you could tell she LOVES having the Upper Hand in finances where he is concerned.  "I don't mind paying for everything!" She announced Royally.  Really?  Just bringing it up is obnoxious.  He seemed only too happy to Not Be Working.  That is a recipe for disaster if he comes to the US.  She is so insecure, she will be trying to control him Even More than she is now, and he lives thousands of miles away.

There is no chemistry between David Spain and Evelyn.  They barely tolerate each other in their talking heads and when they are bickering.  She is immature and it looks to me like he is Biding His Time to bring down the hammer when it comes to where they will live, etc.  Also think he needs to quit Blaming Her for not providing housing and tux money --  what is he bringing to the table?  We hear that their parents are chipping in, but what is he, as a 29 yr old man paying for?  Lot's of hostility when they should have worked out some of this stuff before he left Espana.  I just don't see the love between these two.

Aika is likeable.  Don't know how long she will last with the Roomate Situation.  The Very Aggressive Roomate was off-putting with his attitude - I like that she was not cowed by it.  Whoever said that their relationship is None Of His Business is right.  Also, Josh needs to step up his game and get going on providing a Life for her.  I can't imagine how he was able to afford her coming over in the first place?

Bahtman Poor David - what was up with that cray dancing in the street? He was no longer with the Wedding Party who wanted to celebrate his handing over  his Last Baht to her parents -- those are people who had reason to dance.  Did he not notice that ONLY WOMEN were dancing?  He joins in (horribly!  Brings to mind Elaine's dancing on Seinfeld) and can be forgiven for the excitement of it all, but Dude, get a grip and Look Around. You are not to be making a spectacle of yourself in the street  downtown!  She was so embarrassed.  He thinks he can do what he wants because he is a Bridegroom, but not really.  He certainly does not care to Read A Room....or a city street, as the case may be.

Libby is Very Invested in the Andreii is A Cave Man Narrative.  She is used to a domineering father, so Andreiiii is cut from the same cloth.  I could see why that is appealing to her.  Nevertheless, she would not calm down and listen when they were out drinking.  I was listening,  and I also got the impression he was not being ridiculous in his expectations.  We shall see how that all works out when he meets the family.  

As an aside, cow tongue, when cooked right, is amazing.  Big crockpot, put in washed tongue and leave in all day on High.  It will baste in it's own juices.  You can add salt and pepper if you want.  When it is done, and you will KNOW by the lovely aroma, you peel the outer skin and the inside is shredded beef.  Very tender and wonderful.  Boiling = bad, don't ruin it.  In any event, you eat it by putting it in flour or corn tortillas.  Some slices of avocado on top will bring it all together.  FYI.  

Edited by Eme
Forgot to include Libby and Andreiiiiiiii
  • Love 5
22 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

There's a term, something like "elderly primagravida," that refers to someone having a first child in what's considered "middle age" based strictly on the slight dangers of having a first child later in life. Was that it? I'd be insulted too unless I thought it was a medical term like that.

It was an orthopedist. I was having surgery on my "middle aged" ARM. LOL!

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Eme said:


Aika is likeable.  Don't know how long she will last with the Roomate Situation.  The Very Aggressive Roomate was off-putting with his attitude - I like that she was not cowed by it.  Whoever said that their relationship is None Of His Business is right.  Also, Josh needs to step up his game and get going on providing a Life for her.  I can't imagine how he was able to afford her coming over in the first place?

Aika is likable. And, she's undaunted. She's a woman on a mission. She's digging for gold, or at least, for copper. There's no way she's going to be intimidated at the last minute by an grumbling roommate.

She does seem to be genuinely affectionate with Josh for whatever reason. And, the fact that she wants to have a child with him is very telling... Maybe she's in for the somewhat longer haul.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Eme said:


Bahtman Poor David - what was up with that cray dancing in the street? He was no longer with the Wedding Party who wanted to celebrate his handing over  his Last Baht to her parents -- those are people who had reason to dance.  Did he not notice that ONLY WOMEN were dancing?  He joins in (horribly!  Brings to mind Elaine's dancing on Seinfeld) and can be forgiven for the excitement of it all, but Dude, get a grip and Look Around. You are not to be making a spectacle of yourself in the street  downtown!  She was so embarrassed.  He thinks he can do what he wants because he is a Bridegroom, but not really.  He certainly does not care to Read A Room....or a city street, as the case may be.



He seemed to feel entitled to more attention because he was an American. "Look at me! Look at me!"

Reminded me of when Larry was talking to random people in the streets about his candy. Like they cared.

To say these "ambassadors" make me cringe would be an understatement.

Annie better get used to that kind of embarrassment if she's going to go with him anywhere.

I really think David Pour needs AA. If for no other reason than perhaps a 12-step program would help him with his overeating and help him reflect and have more awareness of how he imposes himself on others.

  • Love 3
On 11/12/2017 at 9:32 PM, tincansailor981 said:

It wouldn't surprise me if he's planning to be just that.  I sure wouldn't leave a stranger alone  around my daughter but that's just me.

Remember last episode where people were concerned for Olivia and there were others that seemed to take offense?  This episode showed us exactly why this is a concern.

Also, I'm at a loss to understand why it takes going to Dominican Republican to bring home a guy as ugly as Luis.  Surely she could find a better looking guy here in the US without paying for him.

  • Love 4

I'm trying to understand the hot that Josh sees in Aika.  In addition to her horrible, horrible eyebrows and makeup, the body isn't that great either.  Better than mine for sure, but for someone to be even a fit model, she isn't fit enough.  Josh is insecure enough about himself that he feels like he needs her being a model to brag to his friends about?  And yes, Josh is not attractive at all either.

Then again, has there been a 90-day Fiance show where someone hasn't had a modeling attempt?  It seems like one of those Real Housewives gimmicks -- you know how every franchise has the "so and so didn't invite me..." episode arc.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 2
14 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

EXACTLY!! Luis defending himself by saying she is old enough and in his country people grow up fast is ridiculous. It was totally inappropriate and how he is oblivious to this is similar to how he was oblivious to asking the little one if he could be her father. He is either really stupid or does not have one shred of common sense about how anything involving human relationships work.  CLUELESS!

What made me angry is that he didn't ASK her.  He said, "I am going to be your new father forever."  Given that Kensley reportedly knows and has a relationship with her bio dad, this was extremely inappropriate.  That's why she turned on Luis and went into "I don't like you" mode.  In her mind, she probably feared she would not ever see her bio dad again, and - for obvious reasons - she was blaming the man who told her he was taking over the father role in her life.  Olivia is old enough - and has probably seen more than one new man in Mama's life - that she understood that Luis was just Mama's latest bedmate.  But I can see where Kensley would be frightened and confused by Luis' comment.

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Aika is likable. And, she's undaunted. She's a woman on a mission. She's digging for gold, or at least, for copper. There's no way she's going to be intimidated at the last minute by an grumbling roommate.

She does seem to be genuinely affectionate with Josh for whatever reason. And, the fact that she wants to have a child with him is very telling... Maybe she's in for the somewhat longer haul.

An "anchor baby" can facilitate an immigrant staying in the US faster than waiting out the whole K-1 green card process.   A woman could get pregnant before marriage and if she has her baby in the States, she's got a little citizen as her anchor.  

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

An "anchor baby" can facilitate an immigrant staying in the US faster than waiting out the whole K-1 green card process.   A woman could get pregnant before marriage and if she has her baby in the States, she's got a little citizen as her anchor.  

Makes a lot more sense than her having a baby with him because she wants to spend the rest of her life with him.

Just another green card scammer.

Josh's roommate is annoying. Who made him the moral police? I'll bet he's one of those people who makes a fuss in the store when he sees another person shoplifting.

33 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Andrrrrrreeeeeiiii is controlling yes, but I wonder how Elizabeth would feel if Andrrrrrrrrrrrreei was going to go out with a bunch of male friends and go clubbing?  I just don't see her being happy with that.

Is David Pour regaining all that weight he lost before our eyes?

I agree that Elizabeth probably wouldn't appreciate Andrrrei staying out to 4:00 AM clubbing for regular boys nights out. 

David Poor seems to be gaining all the weight back right about his midsection and hips.  His face and upper body seem fairly thin.  He is shaped like a pear or a bell. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Bryce Lynch said:

David Poor seems to be gaining all the weight back right about his midsection and hips.  His face and upper body seem fairly thin.  He is shaped like a pear or a bell. 

He's got an unhealthy appearance to him, and I don't just mean his weight. How old is he? Late 40s?? If so, he looks far older imo, and I'm not disputing his age, just that I don't think he looks well for an under 50 man. 

  • Love 5
58 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

An "anchor baby" can facilitate an immigrant staying in the US faster than waiting out the whole K-1 green card process.   A woman could get pregnant before marriage and if she has her baby in the States, she's got a little citizen as her anchor.  

I am not totally familiar with the law, but I think a K-1 would be a much smoother path to a green card than an anchor baby.  I believe the baby can't petition for the parents until he/she is 21.  The main benefit of an anchor baby is that, us Americans being soft-hearted suckers, we are reluctant to deport the parents of a baby/child born an American citizen.   I don't think giving birth to an anchor baby gives any legal status to the parents.  

With the K-1, Aika can do her 2 years hard labor with Josh, get her green card, and upgrade.  Actually having no man in her life would be an upgrade.  

Just now, Gigglepuff said:

He's got an unhealthy appearance to him, and I don't just mean his weight. How old is he? Late 40s?? If so, he looks far older imo, and I'm not disputing his age, just that I don't think he looks well for an under 50 man. 

He does look old for his age.  He sort of looks malnourished in his face and obese around his midsection.  It is an odd and unhealthy look..

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I am not totally familiar with the law, but I think a K-1 would be a much smoother path to a green card than an anchor baby.  I believe the baby can't petition for the parents until he/she is 21.  The main benefit of an anchor baby is that, us Americans being soft-hearted suckers, we are reluctant to deport the parents of a baby/child born an American citizen.   I don't think giving birth to an anchor baby gives any legal status to the parents.  

Aye, and there's the rub.  If we deport the parents and they leave the child, the child may then become dependent on the state.  So it's easier to just let the parents stay.  Sadly, a lot of them are dependent on the state already, so there's no win/win situation.  

  • Love 3

I suspect David Poor is a Type 2 diabetic.  Some are so skinny, they look like they are about to dry up and blow away, or they look like the Michelin Man. He’s got a bell shaped body, and the bloated, puffy look, and he can barely walk (which could be due to his weight or neuropathy. 

He supposedly had lap band or gastric bypass.  He’s eating his feeling and/ or replacing his addiction to food with alcohol.  This man needs to see a therapist regarding his habits/issues , join AA, or check into a treatment center, but that won’t happen until he admits he has a problem.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

In her mind, she probably feared she would not ever see her bio dad again, and - for obvious reasons - she was blaming the man who told her he was taking over the father role in her life.

This might be so true - it's amazing how little children can interpret what we say to them, and we don't even know. For example, when Luis started the "Spanish lesson" by asking her "Do you know what this color is called in Spanish?", I felt she the girl thought she is being tested and that she was somehow failing for not knowing the answer.

  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I suspect David Poor is a Type 2 diabetic.  Some are so skinny, they look like they are about to dry up and blow away, or they look like the Michelin Man. He’s got a bell shaped body, and the bloated, puffy look, and he can barely walk (which could be due to his weight or neuropathy. 

He supposedly had lap band or gastric bypass.  He’s eating his feeling and/ or replacing his addiction to food with alcohol.  This man needs to see a therapist regarding his habits/issues , join AA, or check into a treatment center, but that won’t happen until he admits he has a problem.

Unfortunately it seems that a lot of people who have had lap band or gastric bypass surgery gain at least some of their weight back. Definitely agree David could use some help with some of his issues.  You can tell Annie is stressed out because she KNOWS life with David is not going to be easy.  She already doesn't like that they will be living with his friends and you definitely can't blame her.  Ditto Aika and Josh, although Aika seems more of the type to be able to move on and do well.  Annie thinks this is a rescue from a hard life but be careful what you wish for.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

An "anchor baby" can facilitate an immigrant staying in the US faster than waiting out the whole K-1 green card process.   A woman could get pregnant before marriage and if she has her baby in the States, she's got a little citizen as her anchor.  

At 36 years old, she might just want to have a baby. "Anchor baby"  is kind of a derogatory term. 

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, Lemons said:

At 36 years old, she might just want to have a baby. "Anchor baby"  is kind of a derogatory term. 

There are lots of derogatory terms being thrown out on a discussion board.  I was simply offering an alternative to why she might be so anxious to start a family with a man she hardly knows in a foreign country.  

I actually like Aika (so far) - more than any of the others in this season's crop of foreign-born fiancees.  I just don't see her and Josh as a long-term couple.  

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Lemons said:

At 36 years old, she might just want to have a baby. "Anchor baby"  is kind of a derogatory term. 

Marrying Josh is a much stronger path to getting to stay in the USA than having a anchor baby, so I tend to think she really wants to be a mother.  Another possibility is she only said she wants to get pregnant to put a quick end to the modeling fiasco.  

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Marrying Josh is a much stronger path to getting to stay in the USA than having a anchor baby, so I tend to think she really wants to be a mother.  Another possibility is she only said she wants to get pregnant to put a quick end to the modeling fiasco.  

That's exactly how I took it.  She was shutting down the modeling thing without being disrespectful to the agency people, and sort of establishing the fact that she can have opinions on her life, too (looking at you, Josh).  

  • Love 4
On 11/15/2017 at 0:44 PM, Ivanova said:

I once saw a British documentary show about a boy who didn't eat anything but fries. His parents didn't know how to change his eating habit (he was about 4-5 years old). Turned out that when he was 2, he got meningitis, and he was very ill for a long time during the time when his eating habits were supposed to be forming. As a result, all food seemed scary and foreign to him. When the parents tried to make him eat normal food, he would freak out.

The expert started by placing bowls of mystery goo in front of the parents and asking them to eat it. They understandably couldn't. He then explained that normal food is like this mystery stuff for their son. He said that they were making a mistake by not letting him play with the food and by forcing him to eat normally. He encouraged the child to touch the food, smell it, rearrange it and do all the things that kids aren't supposed to do. The parents did this for a few weeks and he started eating.


Thank you for mentioning this ! Sensory issues when it comes to food is very very common among children. I know a 5 year old boy who eats chicken nuggets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If he didnt get chicken nuggets, he would starve himself. The parents near gave up - they tried everything, they didnt buy the chicken nuggets for him anymore, and he refused to eat anything for 4 days, after which he began drinking PediaSure for 2 weeks, then the mom gave p and said I cant watch this anymore, and gave him back the chicken nuggets. 

Like the situation you mentioned - during a child's baby/toddler years, there was probably some sort of occurence - could it be reflux, GI issues, or whatever - that the child will from then refuse to touch a variety of foods. I see many kids with autism who will only eat dry crunchy foods like fries and crackers. The blame isn't always , say, maybe the parents didnt offer different foods, because sensory issues are real. It takes a lot of work to get a young child to trt different textures if they are completely averse to it, but a good feeding therapst can help. Its a slow process, and like you sad, it involves olaying with the food, tolerating the smell, the sights, etc before tasting it. 

Edited by Matias130
  • Love 3

I think that David Spain needs some Andrei in him. When Evelyn said that the groomsmen MUST all buy a specific tux, I scratched my head and thought, "Can't they just back out of being groomsmen?" They could easily just come as guests and not have to buy an overpriced tux that they did not choose. That would royally piss off Evelyn Im sure, as she probably *needs* them to be groomsmen to complete her bridal party. The idea of having a bridal party is really really American by the way, I am surpried that David and his friends are forced to partake in this tradition that they probably have never seen or heard of. I owould have thought that there should definitely be Spanish touches because from what I have seen, the wedding seems like a totally American affair. 

Elizabeth said something like "Why is Andrei trying to change me and take me away from what I come from ?" Is't he moving to HER country, and she is staying put in her comfort zone anyways ? Those words should have come out of HIS mouth. In the same episode she said "Andrei's going to have to learn to adapt to the ways of life here." If she doesn't like Andrei's mindset, she doesnt have to marry him, because he is not David Spain, he is a man who has his mind set and will not step down on what matters to him. And this is not unreasonable what he wants, because in many places of the world it is not respectable for a married woman to go out in the middle of the night like a cat. I really think Elizabeth should and will be the one to compromise. I don't think she would be happy with Andrei going out with the guys to dance clubs without her - a bunch of guys in a nightclub have nothing to do if not talk to girls. I noticed that a lot of the commenters here who said that their partner wouldnt mind them going to a club without them, HOWEVER they are not club people anyway. I think that if they were clubbers, the story would be differen. In my younger days when I went to dance clubs, there were always instances where my and my friends were touched, grabbed, leered at, had someone slip their arm around me, etc even when minding our own business. In many parts of the world there is no concept of "girls night", groups of friends of both sexes go out together, and they are usually under 23. After mid-late 20s, couples all go out together to a sit down restaurant because dance bars are for kids. 

  • Love 2

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