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S12.E13: Don't Rock The Boat

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14 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

That might be why David made the comment about the silver spoon. A glass topped gas pump would probably have been a bit of a vintage designer's detail even though it was on a farm. Sounds like it was a "gentleman's farm" and if I remember correctly it was in a very wealthy southern OC area.

The comment from David was strange, but then I sometimes think his hostage-like response to many things is strange. I thought he was saying that she was rich and pampered and not use to doing mundane tasks like putting gas in her car, so she had no idea how to navigate the process without damaging the equipment. But really, for some reason that scene looked really edited to me. Spliced together in a strange way. Like he was saying that in response to something else she said which was maybe less interesting than letting her tell the gas story. 

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3 minutes ago, gundysgirl said:

But really, for some reason that scene looked really edited to me. Spliced together in a strange way. Like he was saying that in response to something else

Does it really matter anymore? That was his vile look, cold, serial killer eyes, (disregarding his verbal put downs) in front of his children and mother in law. One thing if it was in the privacy of he and Shannon, but he has passed the point of no return to do this in front of an audience. They are so far gone; Shannon and her pathetic "I want him to look at me blah blah blah with lust in his eyes" and David hiding his freon to add to her vodka.   This is riveting to watch. A reboot of War of the Roses.

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21 hours ago, MinorL said:

Peggy and Diko's recitation of Diko's conversation with David must be about a different conversation than the one we saw. Peggy acts like David walked up and demanded, "well, did your wife have cancer or not?!" when Diko actually brought it up. Their attempt to create drama/storyline is so transparent. 

Does Vicki not remember that the last time she talked to Tamra she yelled at her and claimed that Tamra basically ruined her life?

This has probably already been said, but my guess is that Lydia's brand of Christianity wouldn't be tolerant of pot use if her mother weren't such a prolific user.  

Thank you!  Listening to Peggy the next day I was like "wait a minute - David didn't bring it up - YOUR husband Dik-head did!  And David apparnently had as much trouble following the Peggy's Big C Saga as the rest of us.  Now there's a NEW element - Peggy DID have cancer cells.

But to blame Shannon?  And why the hell was Dik-head lying about it?  

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11 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

Does it really matter anymore? That was his vile look, cold, serial killer eyes, (disregarding his verbal put downs) in front of his children and mother in law. One thing if it was in the privacy of he and Shannon, but he has passed the point of no return to do this in front of an audience. They are so far gone; Shannon and her pathetic "I want him to look at me blah blah blah with lust in his eyes" and David hiding his freon to add to her vodka.   This is riveting to watch. A reboot of War of the Roses.

No, absolutely it doesn't matter. He is cold to his core. Maybe with good reason, I have no idea. Certainly in whatever context it was extremely inappropriate to say it in front of Shannon's mom - who seems like a very nice person. But I think this is per usual for both of them. That this is what they do. I can easily imagine Shannon mocking David's eating of potatoes as something carb addicted losers in Michigan do with his mother sitting right beside him. They are just miserable together and they are making everyone around them miserable as well. And because it cannot be said enough - those poor girls. Their eyes say it all during these exchanges. 

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3 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

No, but I think parts of Diko's explanation made some sense.  From what I could gather from what he was saying on the boat, they (the doctors?) must have found something (a mass or something).  He said they did a biopsy and the biopsy came back normal (no cancer), but they decided to remove "the mass" anyway (he made a point to say it was a mass, not a lump -which, to me, added to the confusion).  When they sent the "mass" off to the lab they found the 3mm of cancer (or precancerous cells, that part is still unclear to me, but either way, scary as shit) and from that, decided to do the double mastectomy.

Every time one of them tells the story, I can't help but think they are being purposely vague and contradictory.

I thought they biopsied the tissue that was removed after the mastectomy and they found the cells. This would make sense of Peggy saying during WWHL that she was in denial about the findings and that made her not want to talk about it with the cast while filming.

But really I'm still confused...It seems like they found precancerous cells, did the surgery and found something more serious from that. Does that sound right?

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3 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

No, but I think parts of Diko's explanation made some sense.  From what I could gather from what he was saying on the boat, they (the doctors?) must have found something (a mass or something).  He said they did a biopsy and the biopsy came back normal (no cancer), but they decided to remove "the mass" anyway (he made a point to say it was a mass, not a lump -which, to me, added to the confusion).  When they sent the "mass" off to the lab they found the 3mm of cancer (or precancerous cells, that part is still unclear to me, but either way, scary as shit) and from that, decided to do the double mastectomy.

A little confusing but I totally understand the way you explained it. Diko and Peggy didn't do a good job of making it clear but I don't think they are pulling anything shady, though. They seem pretty genuine about it. 

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

A little confusing but I totally understand the way you explained it. Diko and Peggy didn't do a good job of making it clear but I don't think they are pulling anything shady, though. They seem pretty genuine about it. 

I think they are open about it, but damn they are confusing.  And to get offended when people ask questions to clarify makes no sense to me.  During the Diko/David exchange, it seems to me like the first time David had heard about it.   I love how Jim looks completely disinterested in absolutely everything - except the food. 

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1 hour ago, lunastartron said:

Unpopular opinion: I don't think Peggy and Lydia are the chief problem(s) with the season. In fact, they are, at times, the only cast members in whom I am somewhat interested - though admittedly because they're largely unfamiliar rather than because they're especially charismatic. I appreciate, in particular, that Peggy does not default to shrieking, hurling plates in restaurants, and/or compulsively shoving booze or chips down her gullet before bellowing like a disgruntled Veruca Salt. She's obviously not as canny or quick as Lisa Vanderpump but a woman who can maintain her composure is a refreshing change of pace on these shows whenever one crops up. Likewise, Diko may be dehydrated for screen time but, relatively speaking, I'd much rather watch the interactions between him and his wife at this point than another installment of The Dying Horse: Beador vs Beador or Kelly lashing out at Michael again. The butterfly game that the Sulahians played provided a cute scene. 

Peggy is grating at times and has done a bad job of explaining her medical history but all of the women have contributed to making it a storyline with stupid commentary like "I'm confused! Does she have cancer or does she not have cancer?!" It's not that complex or intriguing; women don't get double mastectomies for fun.

Lydia is annoying but her children and house are gorgeous. As far as interludes about the ladies' individual lives go, I'd much rather watch Judy and the kids painting Easter eggs than Kelly taking her mom to a senior center, Tamra trotting out her overplayed parental alienation card, or Brianna moping around in her mom's kitchen. 

The central problem is the unbridgeable between Vicki and Tamra/Shannon as well as the fact that all three have brought nothing new in terms of narrative this year. Tamra and Vicki have flimsier plot points that Ramona and Sonja on NY. Shannon is still woe-is-me'ing about David. Kelly can really only offer going crassly nuclear on enemies. 

Lydia and Peggy are not particularly likeable or possessed of any It factor. They're inherently the supporting members of the cast. But I think their conflicts and arcs are essentially watchable apart from the inorganic and artificial way that they seem to have to prop up/engage in the cold war among the vets at production'a behest. 

..... and Meghan is forgettable!

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I had a needle biopsy done, the results looked clear but were inconclusive.  I had it removed - then they did the pathology testing.    So, my take is she had something - maybe not a lump, but abnormality.  Same thing - needle biopsy came back clear, but she wanted it out.  After they found 3mm of precancerous cells, and instead of waiting for it to turn cancerous - she made the double mastectomy decision.   

My daughter has had several breasts biopsies - thankfully all have been cysts, and clear.  But both of my aunts died of breast cancer, and my grandmother had it.  My husband's sister died of breast cancer last year.  So daughter has it on both sides of the family, and she is vigilant about screenings. 

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24 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

..... and Meghan is forgettable!

Meghan would be okay as a FOH. I think she's entertaining when she uses her dry humor to take it to Vicki (her reaction to the  influenza B yarn was gold and she earned her spot on the roster this year for refusing to visit Vicks in the hospital as far as I'm concerned) and she has been the least morally objectionable of the bunch for the past two years. But, yes, watching paint dry is more engrossing than taking in the scenes she tries to carry by herself (and I'm probably one of her few earnest fans). 


43 minutes ago, gundysgirl said:

No, absolutely it doesn't matter. He is cold to his core. Maybe with good reason, I have no idea. Certainly in whatever context it was extremely inappropriate to say it in front of Shannon's mom - who seems like a very nice person. But I think this is per usual for both of them. That this is what they do. I can easily imagine Shannon mocking David's eating of potatoes as something carb addicted losers in Michigan do with his mother sitting right beside him. They are just miserable together and they are making everyone around them miserable as well. And because it cannot be said enough - those poor girls. Their eyes say it all during these exchanges. 


We were already treated to how Shannon behaves around and in front of her MIL last year when she had her meltdown at the Beador girls' rock band debut then proceeded to tearily berate him on the limousine ride home because he wouldn't openly castigate his mom in front of Sophie and the twins. 

Seriously, if a man did anything approaching just one of the many histrionic and out-of-control displays that Shannon has delivered (i.e. admittedly getting blackout drunk and attempting to break down a door that a spouse locked in order to curtail any physical altercations), they would be regarded as a flagrantly scary abuser. 

Edited by lunastartron
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I'm not convinced David is any more at fault for the shitty marriage than Shannon.    He has a flat affect, but I doubt he's truly bad.  I always think he looks shell shocked and not pleased to be there.

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48 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Meghan would be okay as a FOH. I think she's entertaining when she uses her dry humor to take it to Vicki (her reaction to the  influenza B yarn was gold and she earned her spot on the roster this year for refusing to visit Vicks in the hospital as far as I'm concerned) and she has been the least morally objectionable of the bunch for the past two years. But, yes, watching paint dry is more engrossing than taking in the scenes she tries to carry by herself (and I'm probably one of her few earnest fans). 



We were already treated to how Shannon behaves around and in front of her MIL last year when she had her meltdown at the Beador girls' rock band debut then proceeded to tearily berate him on the limousine ride home because he wouldn't openly castigate his mom in front of Sophie and the twins. 

Seriously, if a man did anything approaching just one of the many histrionic and out-of-control displays that Shannon has delivered (i.e. admittedly getting blackout drunk and attempting to break down a door that a spouse locked in order to curtail any physical altercations), they would be regarded as a flagrantly scary abuser. 

Ha! Just realized I used an exclamation mark accidentally instead  a question mark! I was teasing that you didn't mention Meghan!

I agree Meghan would be good FOH. I love how she challenges Vicki!

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11 hours ago, Hello Lady said:

I agree, she's sees both sides as well. She didn't care for the silver spoon remark, thanks dear son in law.

The silver spoon remark was right-on. Explains why Shannon is SO clueless. Typical spoiled brat, entitled graduate from the University of Spoiled Children - PERFECT college for her to attend.

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2 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Unpopular opinion: I don't think Peggy and Lydia are the chief problem(s) with the season. In fact, they are, at times, the only cast members in whom I am somewhat interested - though admittedly because they're largely unfamiliar rather than because they're especially charismatic. I appreciate, in particular, that Peggy does not default to shrieking, hurling plates in restaurants, and/or compulsively shoving booze or chips down her gullet before bellowing like a disgruntled Veruca Salt. She's obviously not as canny or quick as Lisa Vanderpump but a woman who can maintain her composure is a refreshing change of pace on these shows whenever one crops up. Likewise, Diko may be dehydrated for screen time but, relatively speaking, I'd much rather watch the interactions between him and his wife at this point than another installment of The Dying Horse: Beador vs Beador or Kelly lashing out at Michael again. The butterfly game that the Sulahians played provided a cute scene. 

Peggy is grating at times and has done a bad job of explaining her medical history but all of the women have contributed to making it a storyline with stupid commentary like "I'm confused! Does she have cancer or does she not have cancer?!" It's not that complex or intriguing; women don't get double mastectomies for fun.

Lydia is annoying but her children and house are gorgeous. As far as interludes about the ladies' individual lives go, I'd much rather watch Judy and the kids painting Easter eggs than Kelly taking her mom to a senior center, Tamra trotting out her overplayed parental alienation card, or Brianna moping around in her mom's kitchen. 

The central problem is the unbridgeable between Vicki and Tamra/Shannon as well as the fact that all three have brought nothing new in terms of narrative this year. Tamra and Vicki have flimsier plot points that Ramona and Sonja on NY. Shannon is still woe-is-me'ing about David. Kelly can really only offer going crassly nuclear on enemies. 

Lydia and Peggy are not particularly likeable or possessed of any It factor. They're inherently the supporting members of the cast. But I think their conflicts and arcs are essentially watchable apart from the inorganic and artificial way that they seem to have to prop up/engage in the cold war among the vets at production'a behest. 

I agree with a lot of this.  I saw Peggy on WWHL the other night.  Diko was bartending.  They came off better than they do on the show.  Peggy denied the homophobia rumor and said her rift with her brother goes back many years and has nothing to do with his sexuality.  I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt - for now.   I also think Lydia's personal life is pretty boring and I don't think it adds much to the show but producers have to go there because they need content.  She'd be more palatable if we saw more of her and the wives rather than her and her drab husband.

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5 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Yeah, I don't think David is the only villain in the narrative of the Beador marriage either in general or even just with respect to their weird class warfare in miniature. 

One of the first scenes on the show featured Shannon taking a jab at him because of his blue-collar roots - I don't recall the specific dialogue but she deliberately emphasized that she hailed from a provenance featuring cotillion in order to contrast it with his upbringing. 

She's made condescending commentary about the dumpy nature of the women in Michigan. 

When the audience first encountered her, she was staying up all night on the computer and then whining about how their schedules didn't sync up and she never got to spend time with him even though that construction career which rakes in millions would clearly entail early wake-up times. 

When he took her out to dinner with the children for their anniversary at a restaurant, she explicitly voiced her dissatisfaction at both the venue and at the necklace he gifted her. 

And she's mystified at the premise that she can be unappreciative and/or place a premium on the superficial components of experiences? 

David himself is clearly all kinds of fucked up per the story about him telling Sophie to return Shannon's wedding ring. But Shannon, after all of these seasons that nominally provided her an opportunity to reflect on her contributions to the marital dynamic, still hasn't grasped that bitching at her husband for eating chips prior to serving up some 300 calorie quinoa for dinner probably isn't the best strategy to ensure he gazes at her with adoration. Just like it's not all that inscrutable why a spouse stops making an effort after you tell you him you need to guzzle some more vodka in order to be able to manage physical affection after her takes you on a romantic getaway. 

Shannon is still emotionally and mentally a spoiled teenager. Which is a disturbing look on a woman in her mid-fifties. 

Shannon is a total drama queen, is a spoiled bitch, and has zero personality.

5 hours ago, StarryNight said:

If I heard Lydia talk about "cutting off Doug's balls" one more time, I was going to scream. THEY DON'T CUT OFF THE BALLS, MORON! Maybe she meant it as a joke initially, but the joke got old 3 episodes ago. Enough already!

Peggy irritates me too, with the whole Armenian thing. Sort of in her defense, if she is Armenian, she is probably Orthodox Christian (I am too, but not Armenian). It is the oldest Christian Church and the one that can trace it's roots back to Christ. So not necessarily Armenians are the oldest Christians, but Orthodox Christians are. We also do take Easter pretty seriously. Not that other churches don't, but we do a strict fast through all of Lent (no animal products, oil, or wine), and we typically go to church 5 times a week or so (preferably every day) during Lent. I don't know of any other Christian churches that do that. Of course, I also don't think Peggy does any of that. So maybe that's what she meant, and in her ignorance, she just didn't know how to explain it ?????

I seriously am amazed how Vivki doesn't understand why everyone hates her. How can she continually say she did nothing wrong?

because Miss Piggy ICKI Vicki is a MORON.

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2 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

I thought they biopsied the tissue that was removed after the mastectomy and they found the cells. This would make sense of Peggy saying during WWHL that she was in denial about the findings and that made her not want to talk about it with the cast while filming.

But really I'm still confused...It seems like they found precancerous cells, did the surgery and found something more serious from that. Does that sound right?

That's what I think Diko was saying, but who the fuck knows.  Those two are incoherent.

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3 hours ago, WordsWordsWords said:

Peggy: We're Armenian, so we celebrate Easter. And we bake cookies. Because we are Armenian. And Armenians love their families (apparently no one else does.)

Direct quote from Peggy: I told you what I wanted to say. Respect it. Don't question it.

Really, Peggy? Who died and made you Queen of the World? When you put out a story which is confusing (even-- EVEN-- if it's 100 percent legitimate), people will want to understand. We can't understand by osmosis. So we ask questions. I'm no great admirer of David, and I hate that you've put me in a position of defending him, but he didn't lean in and question your husband aggressively as you imitated him. Yeah, my dislike for Peggy just keeps on growing.  And Diko really pushed the description of David's questions when he said he felt as if David had "interrogated" him about it. I don't like Peggy or Diko.

Vicki and her casseroles. Does she want a casserole from someone every time she catches a cold? Sounds that way. *insert eye-roll*

That colonic scene was TM-freakin'-I.  I have to say, though, I wouldn't want to have anyone messing around with my innards if she didn't know where my colon was.

David and Shannon's sniping at each other was uncomfortable to watch. I've seen that behaviour with friends, and it never leads to a good outcome.

Briana is only 30? Bless her heart, she's not aging well.

Brianna is NOT aging well, and she's REALLY fat. She's married to a LOSER, like her mother Miss Piggy's husbands and boyfriends, and has 2 sons who are TOTAL brats.

Edited by ITALIA
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2 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Meghan would be okay as a FOH. I think she's entertaining when she uses her dry humor to take it to Vicki (her reaction to the  influenza B yarn was gold and she earned her spot on the roster this year for refusing to visit Vicks in the hospital as far as I'm concerned) and she has been the least morally objectionable of the bunch for the past two years. But, yes, watching paint dry is more engrossing than taking in the scenes she tries to carry by herself (and I'm probably one of her few earnest fans). 



We were already treated to how Shannon behaves around and in front of her MIL last year when she had her meltdown at the Beador girls' rock band debut then proceeded to tearily berate him on the limousine ride home because he wouldn't openly castigate his mom in front of Sophie and the twins. 

Seriously, if a man did anything approaching just one of the many histrionic and out-of-control displays that Shannon has delivered (i.e. admittedly getting blackout drunk and attempting to break down a door that a spouse locked in order to curtail any physical altercations), they would be regarded as a flagrantly scary abuser. 

Not quite, David's mother/sister left before Shannon had her melt down. Both women came, said hello to the girls and his mother then talked smack about Shannon to Shannon's co-workers, women that she had never met in her life, and she did so on mic/camera. Oh, and least we forget, the grandmother told Sophie (I think) "remember no matter what happens, I love you", so she knew this would send Shannon off the edge but did it anyway! Talk about a piece of work/crap, IMO, that was worse than how Shannon reacted, it was a premediated attack designed to set their mother off and ruin their big night. 

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3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Not quite, David's mother/sister left before Shannon had her melt down. Both women came, said hello to the girls and his mother then talked smack about Shannon to Shannon's co-workers, women that she had never met in her life, and she did so on mic/camera. Oh, and least we forget, the grandmother told Sophie (I think) "remember no matter what happens, I love you", so she knew this would send Shannon off the edge but did it anyway! Talk about a piece of work/crap, IMO, that was worse than how Shannon reacted, it was a premediated attack designed to set their mother off and ruin their big night. 

Ah, okay. I thought Shannon stormed out/started screaming after Tamra playedruntelldat while Beador Mere was still in the venue. 

All of these people are twisted and their bad behavior is cyclical IMO and it's probably impossible at this point to determine who set the dominoes in motion. For instance, I think any mom would bristle after hearing tales of Shannon's instability, watching her vilification of David over the seasons, etc - whether or not David is largely responsible for that, it's unsurprising his mom is going to be sympathetic to him rather than Shannon and cast his actions as responsive rather than precipitative. 

And his articulation of the situation in the limousine was quite diplomatic while affirming Shannon but it seemed like nothing short of him totally disowning his mom at that point would mitigate her emotionalism. 

Both Shannon and David seem to favor involving their girls in their problems - guess we know where he got that propensity!  (From his mother) 

Edited by lunastartron
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7 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Ah, okay. I thought Shannon stormed out/started screaming after Tamra playedruntelldat while Beador Mere was still in the venue. 

All of these people are twisted and their bad behavior is cyclical IMO and it's probably impossible at this point to determine who set the dominoes in motion. For instance, I think any mom would bristle after hearing tales of Shannon's instability, watching her vilification of David over the seasons, etc - whether or not David is largely responsible for that, it's unsurprising his mom is going to be sympathetic to him rather than Shannon and cast his actions as responsive rather than precipitative. 

And his response in the limousine was quite diplomatic while affirming Shannon but it seemed like nothing short of him totally disowning his mom at that point would mitigate her emotionalism. 

Both Shannon and David seem to favor involving their girls in their problems - guess we know where he got that propensity! 

David's mom/Sister didn't stick around after the girls were done playing, they left before everyone went upstairs for food/drinks and well before Tamra spilled the beans on the MIL. Yes, Shannon went over the edge but I will cut her some slack because of the affair. Which makes what his mother said/did all that more egregious IMO. I get that she doesn't like Shannon, she doesn't have to but to destroy your grand daughters big night just so you can twist the knife in their mothers is really sick! And then to find out that the other woman had dinner with the SIL and that David had his mother's approval to cheat on Shannon is beyond disgusting. The MIL hates Shannon far more than she loves her grand daughters or even her own son, far more IMO.

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2 hours ago, ITALIA said:

The silver spoon remark was right-on. Explains why Shannon is SO clueless. Typical spoiled brat, entitled graduate from the University of Spoiled Children - PERFECT college for her to attend.

And yet she was trying to explain her work, or chores to passive aggressive David, and he didnt want to know. I think he needs Lydia to talk about having his balls off! 

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Shannon spent a good bit of time this episode talking about how much she hates herself and who's fault that is. As Ru Paul says, If you can't love yourself how the hell you gonna live someone else. How's she going to have sex with David when she literally hates her body? I want them to stay together and counseling, unfilmed!!, with a well educated professional would probably help. They could start by just making an effort to be civil to each other at all times.  No digs! Breaking up that beautiful family would be a mistake imho. Don't make a Vicki mistake where the grass is always greener elsewhere cuz it isn't. David and Shannon appear to be good parents and I hope they make it work.

Peggy's coming across as someone with a lot of suppressed rage. Probably from the cancer diagnosis and painful mastectomy procedures. She's gonna blow at some point.

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15 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Ha, thanks for the reminder of Vicki showing her medical papers as proof that she had influenza B. She apparently forgot that we also saw Brooks's medical papers. And we all know how that turned out. Lol. 

What? Did Vicki really show her "medical papers" to prove she had a rare form of influenza B?

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I think David is for sure cheating on Shannon again. He's not "always working out." I wouldn't be surprised if he never stopped cheating on her. I think the whole vowel renewal was just an act for him and a cover up. 

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20 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

You can tell who a person is by looking into their eyes..and David just seems cold, calculating and mean when I look at his eyes.  He seems resentful of people from wealthier families as his remarks aboit Shannon show.  I do wish there was footage if Shannon rolling logs up a wheel barrow lol


JayJay, I totally agree with you about David's eyes; something about him has always rubbed me the wrong way & you just articulated for me exactly what it is. Thank you!

Shannon & David bring out the worst in each other & I'm amazed their daughters are as well grounded as they are living amidst such tension.  The contempt they each have for the other is in my opinion unsurmountable & really unhealthy for their children.  Enough already--get divorced before you really damage your girls.

I lived near Shannon & David's rental home for awhile.  I don't mean to defend David, but I will say the money in that area was almost sickening. The kids in these wealthy families are being raised in a way I would not want my child raised & I think that's part of what David was upset about with his nasty silver spoon tirade.  So while I do agree with him on one hand, the passive aggressive, rude way he went about discussing it was not okay.  That said, their daughters are not "spoiled brat" types at all, for which I give both parents credit...

Edited by IslandGirl
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13 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

The comment from David was strange, but then I sometimes think his hostage-like response to many things is strange. I thought he was saying that she was rich and pampered and not use to doing mundane tasks like putting gas in her car, so she had no idea how to navigate the process without damaging the equipment. But really, for some reason that scene looked really edited to me. Spliced together in a strange way. Like he was saying that in response to something else she said which was maybe less interesting than letting her tell the gas story. 

OMG, Gundysgirl, "hostage-like response" is perfect!  That's exactly how he looks in so many conversations with her, like you can see the wheels turning as he's thinking "which words do I use to escape this situation". 

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1 hour ago, StarryNight said:

I think David is for sure cheating on Shannon again. He's not "always working out." I wouldn't be surprised if he never stopped cheating on her. I think the whole vowel renewal was just an act for him and a cover up. 

I've posted this before, I think David is a skeevy creep that has a knack for saying the wrong things. Shannon needs to divorce him, take half of his shit and move on. For the sake of her children, if nothing else.

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I was kinda upset at David at dinner until I realized she started with the nastiness"We're eating in the dining room. Big deal" He didn't answer her but got his shots in when she started talking. Divorce is sometimes, the only option. I stayed for 25 years. I did more harm than leaving. They (the kids) grew up with screaming, and crying, and yelling. Not good. I'd do it differently now. But hindsight is always 20/20.

I used to love Shannon but she's  being a big old downer this year. Quit bitching and eat less, and walk woman! I lost 60 pounds on a treadmill. Took 6 months and 1 hour a day Mon-Fri. Not that hard. Sorry. 

I like David. I LOVE me a construction worker! The arms on those guys. MMMMMMM

Always like Lydia's Mom. Lydia, not so much. I'm just an old beach livin hippie but I'm around her age and I love me some good smoke. Makes watching the housewives much more tolerable. LOL 

My BFF and I watched Downton Abbey every week with Dollar Tree with tiaras and fake pearls on. And we had tea, of course. Gotta have some fun in life! Lydia's Mom is welcome anytime to join us! 

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On 10/3/2017 at 8:46 AM, CrinkleCutCat said:

Shannon: "I want that husband that looked at me with adoring eyes... I want him back".

Shannon needs to get out of her dream world. I have been with my husband for 24 yrs. We don't look at each other with adoring eyes. When you have been together forever that is what happens. It's normal. We do, however, love each other very much, are still attracted to each other, enjoy each other's company, make each other laugh and don't lie, cheat, or demean each other and have gotten through some rough patches throughout the years. We know we're in it till death do us part. Shannon has an unrealistic idea of what she expects marriage to be and she is going to expect that with any man she becomes involved with. First couple of years, yes, euphoria, then you get down to the nitty gritty of everyday life. I just can't stand her outlook on EVERYTHING. I know I will get skewered for this but I do think she is spoiled and entitled and did grow up with a silver spoon. Maybe her mommy didn't like that comment. Too bad if it's true. 

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5 hours ago, Jel said:

OMG, Gundysgirl, "hostage-like response" is perfect!  That's exactly how he looks in so many conversations with her, like you can see the wheels turning as he's thinking "which words do I use to escape this situation". 

Except he can leave anytime, and start divorce proceedings, ya know,being so unhappy at just about everything..

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Shannon needs to get out of her dream world. I have been with my husband for 24 yrs. We don't look at each other with adoring eyes. When you have been together forever that is what happens. It's normal. We do, however, love each other very much, are still attracted to each other, enjoy each other's company, make each other laugh and don't lie, cheat, or demean each other and have gotten through some rough patches throughout the years. We know we're in it till death do us part. Shannon has an unrealistic idea of what she expects marriage to be and she is going to expect that with any man she becomes involved with. First couple of years, yes, euphoria, then you get down to the nitty gritty of everyday life. I just can't stand her outlook on EVERYTHING. I know I will get skewered for this but I do think she is spoiled and entitled and did grow up with a silver spoon. Maybe her mommy didn't like that comment. Too bad if it's true. 

I totally agree with your comments about Shannon.

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On 10/2/2017 at 10:19 PM, LilaFowler said:

Shannon, you were a size 2/4 when he started his affair.

So were half the beautiful women in Hollywood when their men cheated. Shannon isn't the first and won't be the last woman whose man cheats and the woman blames herself because of her looks when that is usually his last complaint. 

I usually root for love but there is none left between those two, not even enough love for their daughters to act civilly in front of each other. They really should cut their losses and divorce. And if they are staying because they don't want to split the assets then they deserve their misery. Staying for the children is probably the worst thing these two could do (next to giving the daughter the wedding ring and dragging this mess onto tv)

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If Shannon and David do decide to divorce, it would probably be featured as her storyline. Perhaps as soon as next season if she's smart and the love is gone. I'm sure she'd be broken hearted (more so that she didn't get the happily ever after than for love for David) and be heartsick. Does that qualify her for a casserole? I'd have to go into my recipe files for a low-cal one to help start her on her way to a revenge body. 

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20 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

The comment from David was strange, but then I sometimes think his hostage-like response to many things is strange. I thought he was saying that she was rich and pampered and not use to doing mundane tasks like putting gas in her car, so she had no idea how to navigate the process without damaging the equipment. But really, for some reason that scene looked really edited to me. Spliced together in a strange way. Like he was saying that in response to something else she said which was maybe less interesting than letting her tell the gas story. 

I said that in my original post - that the scene felt like it was edited weird. I just couldn't figure out what silver spoon had to do with getting gas. Not that David is above the passive aggressive comments - that seems to be their main form of communication. 


4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Shannon needs to get out of her dream world. I have been with my husband for 24 yrs. We don't look at each other with adoring eyes. When you have been together forever that is what happens. It's normal. We do, however, love each other very much, are still attracted to each other, enjoy each other's company, make each other laugh and don't lie, cheat, or demean each other and have gotten through some rough patches throughout the years. We know we're in it till death do us part. Shannon has an unrealistic idea of what she expects marriage to be and she is going to expect that with any man she becomes involved with. First couple of years, yes, euphoria, then you get down to the nitty gritty of everyday life. I just can't stand her outlook on EVERYTHING. I know I will get skewered for this but I do think she is spoiled and entitled and did grow up with a silver spoon. Maybe her mommy didn't like that comment. Too bad if it's true. 

Great post. Shannon's desires do seem a bit unrealistic for a couple who has been together that long. I've been with my husband 11 years, and I certainly don't expect "adoring eyes" any more. (Although, we both throw our fair share of judgy eyes.) There is more to a lasting partnership than all that fairy tale BS. You have to be committed to giving 100%. It's not 50-50. You give your all, without expectations. And if you feel like the other person is really never pulling their weight, leave. But don't be afraid to work hard. Because anything worth having is worth busting your ass for. Like with exercise, she doesn't seem to want to make the effort. 


11 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

What? Did Vicki really show her "medical papers" to prove she had a rare form of influenza B?

Yes. She whipped them out of her purse at the colonic place. She's so pathetic. I bet she has a whole binder on her flu experience. 

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36 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

If Shannon and David do decide to divorce, it would probably be featured as her storyline. Perhaps as soon as next season if she's smart and the love is gone. I'm sure she'd be broken hearted (more so that she didn't get the happily ever after than for love for David) and be heartsick. Does that qualify her for a casserole? I'd have to go into my recipe files for a low-cal one to help start her on her way to a revenge body. 

Honestly, I hope that one day, after Shannon and David are divorced and she's in a new, loving relationship, she doesn't look back in regret. How much time has she wasted on this man who does not love her, doesn't respect her and is sticking around for ...why, again? The kids? I think the kids know better than everyone how miserable their parents are.

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If David dislikes her (also has a history of cheating) so much and can't help his snide and mean comments, why then doesn't he initiate proceedings for a divorce? There must be something in it for him. It could be money, I doubt after all Shannon has said, that it certainly isn't mad sexual passion! I think that he's devious and is banking some on the side. There is all the equity that they had in the previous house that is floating around or invested somewhere. If he isn't into Shannon anymore then he needs to man up and end things. Everyone is miserable. 

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21 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

The comment from David was strange, but then I sometimes think his hostage-like response to many things is strange. I thought he was saying that she was rich and pampered and not use to doing mundane tasks like putting gas in her car, so she had no idea how to navigate the process without damaging the equipment. But really, for some reason that scene looked really edited to me. Spliced together in a strange way. Like he was saying that in response to something else she said which was maybe less interesting than letting her tell the gas story. 

Totally agree - editing was weird, not that Shannon and David aren't weird.

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Shannon said in her blog that there was a gas shortage in the 80's when she first started driving, so her dad installed a gas pump on their property. So I guess that is what David was referring to - they were wealthy enough to have a small gas station right at home. 

1 minute ago, nexxie said:

Totally agree - editing was weird, not that Shannon and David aren't weird.

Yes, they are strange to the extreme to me.

During the conversation with Peggy's husband - and I am happy to say that I cannot remember his name because I just don't care - I don't think David did anything wrong, or that his questions were off base in the least. But the way that he communicates could be off-putting to someone that only just met him. His strange monotone way of speaking, without inflection or emotion. His completely dead eyes. If you had only just met him and were met with his voice and glare, you could wonder what was going on behind the expression. Or I probably would. 

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6 minutes ago, gundysgirl said:

Shannon said in her blog that there was a gas shortage in the 80's when she first started driving, so her dad installed a gas pump on their property. So I guess that is what David was referring to - they were wealthy enough to have a small gas station right at home. 

Yes, they are strange to the extreme to me.

During the conversation with Peggy's husband - and I am happy to say that I cannot remember his name because I just don't care - I don't think David did anything wrong, or that his questions were off base in the least. But the way that he communicates could be off-putting to someone that only just met him. His strange monotone way of speaking, without inflection or emotion. His completely dead eyes. If you had only just met him and were met with his voice and glare, you could wonder what was going on behind the expression. Or I probably would. 

Definitely - even Shannon says she doesn't know what he's thinking!

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22 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

I had a needle biopsy done, the results looked clear but were inconclusive.  I had it removed - then they did the pathology testing.    So, my take is she had something - maybe not a lump, but abnormality.  Same thing - needle biopsy came back clear, but she wanted it out.  After they found 3mm of precancerous cells, and instead of waiting for it to turn cancerous - she made the double mastectomy decision.   

My daughter has had several breasts biopsies - thankfully all have been cysts, and clear.  But both of my aunts died of breast cancer, and my grandmother had it.  My husband's sister died of breast cancer last year.  So daughter has it on both sides of the family, and she is vigilant about screenings. 

I'm not a doctor but doesn't pre-cancerous mean pre-cancerous?  i.e. next up = cancer?!   

Here's my cancer story....A cyst formed on my arm so I made an appointment to get it checked.  The very pleasant woman on the other end of the phone suggested that I get a regular gyno check up since it had been awhile.  I hate them and hadn't been for a few years   Begrudgingly, I acquiesced.  The doctor removed the cyst and had it biopsied.  It was fine.  But, the pap smear came back abnormal.  They tried a few things - each procedure being slightly more invasive than the last and none did the full trick.  Finally, it was determined that to be safe, I should get a hysterectomy.  I don't remember millimeters, etc. but the point was that it had spread far enough that they wanted to the whole thing out in case it had spread and they couldn't see it all (or something like that).

I could have risked it and not had the surgery but the doctor was pretty insistent.  Who knows what Peggy's doctor's advice was, but I'm not sure it matters.  If removing her breasts was presented as a reasonable option by her doctors, I can't judge.  Even if it wasn't, I get the psychology of taking such extreme measures.  With a family history of any physical or mental condition, there's little wiggle room.

Sidenote: I had gone for a second opinion to a university doctor.  I told him this story and he said that the bump on my arm saved my life.  The woman I scheduled the appointment with was also a big player.  Had she not asked about meeting with an OBGYN, odds are I might not have. 

Edited by Jextella
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43 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Honestly, I hope that one day, after Shannon and David are divorced and she's in a new, loving relationship, she doesn't look back in regret. How much time has she wasted on this man who does not love her, doesn't respect her and is sticking around for ...why, again? The kids? I think the kids know better than everyone how miserable their parents are.

He doesn't respect anything about their union. What kind of man gives his child his wedding ring and tells her to tell her mother that the marriage is over? The kids absolutely know the marriage is over. No one who cared about their kids would do that. Even if the marriage is over and so frayed that everyone can see it, David forcibly dragged his kids into the middle of that ruin.

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42 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

If David dislikes her (also has a history of cheating) so much and can't help his snide and mean comments, why then doesn't he initiate proceedings for a divorce? There must be something in it for him. It could be money, I doubt after all Shannon has said, that it certainly isn't mad sexual passion! I think that he's devious and is banking some on the side. There is all the equity that they had in the previous house that is floating around or invested somewhere. If he isn't into Shannon anymore then he needs to man up and end things. Everyone is miserable. 

I tend to think they both don't want to be the "bad guy". They're staying for the kids. Both likely want out - somewhere deep inside - but don't want to be the one to "break up" the family. It's like a contest to see who can needle the other one to the point of leaving. 

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