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S35.E01: I'm Not Crazy, I'm Confident

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8 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Mom of two.  I don't put a lot of weight on her swimming.  Her Olympics was almost 30 years ago, when she was 18.  And it's not like they give these people a ton of speed/distance swimming challenges.  More like "dive down 8' and untie this buoy", usually.  

She's a marriage and family therapist and sounds very new-agey so I'm sure she was surprised to not land on the Healers.  

It makes me mad when they take one tiny thing from someone's past and make it their chiron.  Or take a perfectly fine profession like Actuary or Urologist and decide it plays better to the masses as Financial Analyst and Sex Doctor.  

I noticed Jeff using "Dr. Mike".  I wonder if Jessica, who has a doctorate in nursing, will get similar respect.  Not that I think a PhD is really comparable to an MD.  

Having what it takes to be an Olympian is not to be poo poo'ed!  Its a very long road of tons of work requiring not just physical talent but emotional and mental toughness.  Geez!  Lots of personal traits developed that would be of benefit on survivor.  That said she would probably still be on and made it far  if she had been on Healers.  She looked fit.

Edited by marys1000
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9 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Mom of two.  I don't put a lot of weight on her swimming.  Her Olympics was almost 30 years ago, when she was 18.  And it's not like they give these people a ton of speed/distance swimming challenges.  More like "dive down 8' and untie this buoy", usually.  

Well, that's a needed skill. It would still make more sense if they'd known about it, to keep the one with that ability over someone who kneels down and has a little vom after a challenge - the one who got the pity gift of the idol to save her.

Edited by violet and green
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2 hours ago, marys1000 said:

Having what it takes to be an Olympian is not to be poo poo'ed!  Its a very long road of tons of work requiring not just physical talent but emotional and mental toughness.  Geez!  Lots of personal traits developed that would be of benefit on survivor.  That said she would probably still be on and made it far  if she had been on Healers.  She looked fit.

We didn't see very much of her, so it was difficult to much of a read on her.

In pre-game interviews with Josh Wigler, Simone from the hustlers tribe had Katrina pegged as a cancer survivor:


Simone Nguyen (Diversity Advocate, Hustlers Tribe): She's definitely a cancer survivor.

Josh Wigler (Reporter, THR): Interesting. Why do you think that?

Simone Nguyen (Diversity Advocate, Hustlers Tribe): She looks scared all the time. She's trying to prove something to herself, and her narrative is probably something like, "If I can beat cancer, I can beat anything." I definitely think that it's ... you see a lot of cancer survivors and a lot of people with medical conditions on the show. Honestly, what they go through is so much worse than what we go through here. In this case, I think that maybe suffering like this might not have been the best choice for her.

She isn't a cancer survivor, but Simone wasn't that far off. Wigler writing about Katrina:


She also hopes that Survivor will provide her with some healing energy for some injuries and conditions she's incurred along the way, including chronic fatigue syndrome and effects from a car accident a few years ago.

"I'm imagining when I'm out here, I'm going to be completely healed," she says. "I have a few goals. Number one, I'm going to win. Number two, I want to connect with all the people out here, because we're going to be a family in the end; we're relying on each other, even though we're competing against each other. It's just like anything. You compete on an Olympic team or a national team, some people won't want to talk to you, and some people will be your best buddy even though you're competing against them. It's just how it is. Number three, I would love to see if I could go back and the doctor says, 'It's like beaming light!' I'm going to beam my light through my body the best I can while I'm out here."

So if Simone picked up on that before they were even allowed to talk, I wouldn't be surprised if others got a similar sense.

Btw, link to Wigler's profile on Katrina that I pulled the above stuff from: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/survivor-season-35-player-profile-meet-katrina-radke-1035732

Also, when I suggest possible reasons for voting Katrina out, I'm not saying being an Olympian isn't really impressive, or doesn't require hard work, or that Katrina isn't a wonderful person. I am saying that every person in that tribe is ultimately playing to win (or should be), and that voting out Katrina may have been the right thing for their game, even if it sucked for Katrina. I mean, they vote out people I like all the time on Survivor. That doesn't make them bad people. It can make me frustrated, but it makes the remaining players closer to the goal and often it's a good decision.

Edited by simplyme
Changed "she" to Katrina so people would know who I was yapping about
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9 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:
12 hours ago, Special K said:

I just had to say that that Hustler pair, I'm going to call them Horschach and Barbarino.  Seriously, it's like they forced me.

O. M. G.  That is so perfect!

Yes, it is perfect!  LOL 

Edited by wings707
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If I were to choose who to vote out I can't see myself selecting another player other than Katrina. She herself has admitted in interviews that she was not feeling a good vibe in this tribe and that she thought she didn't belong. Especially for Chrissy she said Chrissy wanted her gone from day 1. They were never friends or allies and us getting the impression they were was only to keep the suspense of will Chrissy or will she not use the idol. Katrina in her interview with Rob Cesternino was annoying calling him out for asking questions. I imagine what she must have been during those 3 days. Plus Alan is a huge physical asset, I don't see any reason to vote him out over Katrina.

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18 hours ago, Jobiska said:

There were plenty of team immunity challenges involving balance recently--I recall because Debbie kept messing them up and criticizing other members for messing them up and saying she was a gymnast and screaming and fussing.

Oh, you are right.  Debbie the gymnast.  I'd forgotten about that one.

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Thanks @simplyme good post.   It fascinates me how much information about ourselves we project even withoUT  saying much.  Simone's background helped her nail it but others got enough to back off.  Even with the scant footage we saw,  Katrina radiated strange to me. 

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Katrina did look kind of strange and afraid.  And every time they showed her I was trying to figure out who exactly she strongly resembles.  I'm not sure if it's someone on TV or in my life or even from Survivor.  Anyone?  Maybe it's Dawn Meehan now that I look again.  There's someone else, too, and I can't put my finger on it.  

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1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Katrina did look kind of strange and afraid.  And every time they showed her I was trying to figure out who exactly she strongly resembles.  I'm not sure if it's someone on TV or in my life or even from Survivor.  Anyone?  Maybe it's Dawn Meehan now that I look again.  There's someone else, too, and I can't put my finger on it.  

Ruth Marie from Panama? The way she looked like a wet kitten at one point?

That aside, late to the party as always but I'm really happy that Survivor is back. I particularly liked the choice at the challenge, wish they would do that more often than just at the first episode of theme seasons. The choices seemed very counterintuitive to me, I would have grabbed the last chosen puzzle right away. Simplest path, easier learning curve :)

I want for the idol not played to be used to lure a nervous player into safety, whether to keep him or her calm and get his or her vote, or whether to vote him or her out of the game. Kind of like it worked with Randy back in Gabon, but with the possibility of the presumed safety working for more than one episode. And of course I reserve the right to be unhappy about it if the victim turns out to be someone I like.

Come to think of it, I'd love it if a "chaos player" ended up having it and tried to screw out the one who gave it to him (or her, but at this stage him seems more like it), only to be done for by his own hubris. Not very likely to happen, but a girl can dream. 

Edited by NutMeg
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9 hours ago, himela said:

I She herself has admitted in interviews that she was not feeling a good vibe in this tribe and that she thought she didn't belong. 

not that she didnt belong on Survivor but that she belonged on Healers (therapist).  In her interview she said she spent a lot of time at pre game ponderosa watching people and assessing who she thought she would connect with. None were heros.  Im gonna root for who I like vs someone I cant stand who is playing a goid game which is subjective anyway.  I dont like Chrissy.  I might have likedd Katrina

Edited by marys1000
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On 9/28/2017 at 11:57 AM, Charlesman said:

ALSO, anyone else confused why the blue team picked the crazy maze? That did not look easier than "roll it down a straight line". Why did that one get picked last? The missing side rails didn't seem that tough to overcome, the team that started last sure finished it faster than everyone else did after a head start. Weird choice.

I thought it was a classic case of being too clever by half. I probably would have done it too, thinking something like, "That one looks really easy so it probably is the hardest but they know we're thinking that so clearly I cannot choose the wine in front of you."

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8 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Katrina did look kind of strange and afraid.  And every time they showed her I was trying to figure out who exactly she strongly resembles.  

Hate to say this, but to me she looked like a less mangled Gary Busey.  Staring round eyes, shape of the mouth, and messy (but at least in her case it's due to Survivor conditions) sticky-up hair.

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23 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Did you see Crystal in Gabon?  Her Olympics career wasn't 30 years before, either.   She did make it pretty far, though.  

I'm betting her almost complete inability to perform any kind of physical feat on Survivor (she was a runner who couldn't even make it up a slight hill in the opening episode!)  may have been the thing that prompted the IOC to investigate her original Olympic performance.  They discovered she had been doping in the 2004 Olympics and she was stripped of her gold medal in 2012:


Edited by ratgirlagogo
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Rewatching the episode. The way Jeff let out that zinger about the Hustlers, he should play Zingbot in Big Brother. (Can't you imagine?)

On Hustlers tribe:

Red-haired guy has a crab in his pants.

Ryan has a clue in his pants.

Here comes creep Joe.  I really dislike people like him who invent a grievance against someone else and that person is put on the defensive trying to defend something they never did. And the aggressor only does it for the sake of putting the other person on the defensive, not because he/she believes the other person did anything wrong.

I do like the music. Ben has an ugly dumb tattoo on his right rib cage. It's a profile of a woman with fat lips. Looks like a ten-year old drew it.  There's also a scene with Ben and Alan talking about having a plan, etc.. I wonder if they were talking about voting out Katrina and that part was edited out.

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I can see a little Jamie Lee Curtis or maybe Julie Haggerty? (Mousey voiced actress from Airplane and Trial and Error.)


I just watched it a second time and now I really hate Alan and Joe.  I do wish JP (or whatever his initials are) hadn't pulled his pants down, it was so much like a prison search, and Alan did not have the right to demand anyone prove anything to him.  Joe blasting Ryan for looking for an idol was just as bad.  Who do they think they are?  Everyone should be looking for an idol, it's part of the game, it's not a crime.

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22 hours ago, 303420 said:

I thought it was a classic case of being too clever by half. I probably would have done it too, thinking something like, "That one looks really easy so it probably is the hardest but they know we're thinking that so clearly I cannot choose the wine in front of you."

Yea, I'm guessing it was a situation where they thought, "That looks to easy! There has to be a catch". Personally, while my boys were saying the other teams should have picked the straight course, I was immediately leery of it. I figured it would be so narrow that it would make navigating the ball almost impossible. 

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On September 28, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Gummo said:

I love this idea.

I've never gone back to watch earlier seasons, but wasn't there a much greater variety of challenges in the first few seasons? I remember they used to sit and listen as Probst read them a local myth or folktale and they had to answer questions based on it.

Now it's run, swim, puzzle. Run, swim, puzzle. Run, swim, puzzle.

No offence but the myth and folktale stuff sounds like a total bore to watch.  I like the idea of variety though, like when they made dolls based on the players and had to knock them out, or food auctions.

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18 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

No offence but the myth and folktale stuff sounds like a total bore to watch.  I like the idea of variety though, like when they made dolls based on the players and had to knock them out, or food auctions.

Actually they were short and quick, and then they had to go on a kind of scavenger hunt to answer the questions, so I never found them boring.  I liked when they had to answer questions about the other players to see who was a good listener/connector with others. (after the merge)

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On 9/30/2017 at 3:38 PM, Jobiska said:

Hate to say this, but to me she looked like a less mangled Gary Busey.  Staring round eyes, shape of the mouth, and messy (but at least in her case it's due to Survivor conditions) sticky-up hair.

Ha!  I see all these.  And I now realize I also see some of Ragetti from Pirates of the Caribbean.  




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6 hours ago, princelina said:

Actually they were short and quick, and then they had to go on a kind of scavenger hunt to answer the questions, so I never found them boring.  I liked when they had to answer questions about the other players to see who was a good listener/connector with others. (after the merge)

I completely agree with you. They should bring those types of challenges back. Especially the asking questions about the other players because then you see who actually took the time to get to know the other players and how well they knew each other.

The scavenger hunt after a short story to answer the questions was also a fun one.

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On 9/28/2017 at 6:33 AM, Boilergal said:

During the commercials leading up to tonight I thought Hustlers - as in con men.

As I said when we were discussing the theme months ago, "hustlers" means male prostitutes to me. I will never stop laughing that they chose it as a tribe designation. 

Going back to Alan, why is everyone assuming that "show me that you don't have it" meant "let me inspect you like you're going to do a drug test for your parole officer"? I mean, JP certainly did. Alan went that way after the dumb shit JP thought waving his dick was a good way to diffuse the conflict. I just didn't take it that way when it was said. I took it as turning out pockets, maybe showing socks and shoes.  I also don't know why a grown man standing in front of several cameras would feel like he needed to comply, even if that's what Alan meant. That's a weird thing to do. Not sure I would want someone that weak willed in my alliance. Who knows what he could be pressured into. 




Football player Brad Culpepper?   Throw things, aim things, throw things.  

@blackwing, Brad didn't aim or throw anything in his football career. He was not a QB. So, I am not sure how aiming and throwing things in his season (even if it did happen, which I can't remember) had anything to do with Brad. 

Edited by azshadowwalker
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14 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

No offence but the myth and folktale stuff sounds like a total bore to watch.

Omigosh, Rudy running around the forest saying, "Uhhh, I dunno" at every station will never get old.

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On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:02 PM, dizzyd said:

Alan Ball - Chicago Bears

I like the Bears but they have not been playing good ball for many years. I was blaming Cutler but Alan shows me that Cutler was not the only weak point on the team. Dude is seriously paranoid and messed up. The man strips and you still insist that he has an idol? OOOOKKKKKK. Alan can go as soon as possible but I fear he is going to stick around because you can't lose a strong man. A strong woman is ok to target but not a strong man.

On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:01 PM, Lamb18 said:

Well, hello Hero tribe. Chrissy, what is heroic about being a mother and going to work? That is, more heroic than anything else? Lots of people do that. Nice, a sex doctor. Obvious why he was cast - a geek with an offbeat profession (offbeat for Survivor, anyway). Doesn't look anything like Evan from Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise.  Hustlers - why do I think of Larry Flynt?? I also think of card sharks and get rich schemes.



On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:11 PM, serenitynow said:

No way do urologists refer to themselves as "sex doctors."

Yup. Not to mention, Denise, who won, was a legit sex doctor. She is an actual practicing sex therapist. So this is a bit of a let down.

On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:46 PM, vb68 said:

This whole theme is just ridiculous.  I mean, healers aren't also by definition heroes?    I have to avoid thinking about it. 


On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:59 PM, Mindthinkr said:

I have a sneaking suspicion that everyone is not who they say they are. That these categories were to challenge  us and the other players on how to view them. 

Yeah, this is another attempt to force people into stupid categories because they wanted to have three tribes and felt the need to come up with a stupid theme instead of just starting with three tribes. Listening to the different players try and explain why they were on the tribes they were on is just painful. I am a working Mom. I shifted my work schedule so I can work 8 hours and pick up my kid from school. We didn't want to send him to after care because we thought it was too much and we wanted to put that money into his college fund. Does that make me a hero? I think it makes me a parent who feels that we are better off with two incomes rather then one and who is lucky enough to have a flexible job. I guess it is easier to say Hero then "parents who feels that we are better off with two incomes rather then one and who is lucky enough to have a flexible job" tribe.

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Omigosh, Rudy running around the forest saying, "Uhhh, I dunno" at every station will never get old.

That was classic. 


No offence but the myth and folktale stuff sounds like a total bore to watch.  I like the idea of variety though, like when they made dolls based on the players and had to knock them out, or food auctions.

I have a feeling the mythology type challenges would be super long and possibly dull for the players (and definitely for the editors, lol), but since they can cut it down significantly for the viewers, I don't think it would be too bad. 

Besides, it's not like watching people running with heavy stuff or doing a puzzle is exactly riveting TV either. Most of the challenges are really not that interesting to me unless something special happens.



I completely agree with you. They should bring those types of challenges back. Especially the asking questions about the other players because then you see who actually took the time to get to know the other players and how well they knew each other.

This particular challenge was always great TV and almost without fail provided such great conflict, I can't understand why they don't do it anymore. Also, it's got to be one of the cheapest and easiest challenges to run. No testers needed, no big expensive course, just abunch of people standing in a circle with a pad of paper and a pen and some sort of little apparatus for them to chop each other's ropes. 

So much could be learned from who chopped whose rope, the shit-talking nature of the questions was fun to watch (and the inevitable person who stomped around camp the rest of the day after being the answer to one too many negative questions was always funny), plus it was always one of those "assign stuff in order" challenges for the winner that ended up revealing more than it was supposed to. Why would they get rid of something so easy that stirred up so much drama. Do they really think their multi-colored challenge sets are that impressive that they make better TV? Not to me! 


I just watched it a second time and now I really hate Alan and Joe.  I do wish JP (or whatever his initials are) hadn't pulled his pants down, it was so much like a prison search, and Alan did not have the right to demand anyone prove anything to him.  Joe blasting Ryan for looking for an idol was just as bad.  Who do they think they are?  Everyone should be looking for an idol, it's part of the game, it's not a crime.

I missed that scene on Wednesday, I just checked it out on CBS.com. That was beyond uncalled for. Also, if these 2 are such a "power couple" why assume JP is the one carrying the idol? Ashley certainly wasn't going to do the same, so what did he even prove? 

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1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:
3 hours ago, Haleth said:

Omigosh, Rudy running around the forest saying, "Uhhh, I dunno" at every station will never get old.

This is one of the best moments in Survivor history. 



I completely agree with you. They should bring those types of challenges back. Especially the asking questions about the other players because then you see who actually took the time to get to know the other players and how well they knew each other.

This particular challenge was always great TV and almost without fail provided such great conflict, I can't understand why they don't do it anymore. Also, it's got to be one of the cheapest and easiest challenges to run. No testers needed, no big expensive course, just abunch of people standing in a circle with a pad of paper and a pen and some sort of little apparatus for them to chop each other's ropes. 

So much could be learned from who chopped whose rope, the shit-talking nature of the questions was fun to watch (and the inevitable person who stomped around camp the rest of the day after being the answer to one too many negative questions was always funny), plus it was always one of those "assign stuff in order" challenges for the winner that ended up revealing more than it was supposed to. Why would they get rid of something so easy that stirred up so much drama. Do they really think their multi-colored challenge sets are that impressive that they make better TV? Not to me! 

I totally agree.  I have been FFing through the Fiji challenges and only watch the puzzle at the end.  I would go back and watch them if anyone posted something noteworthy that happened but so far no one has.  Production is way too comfortable there.  

Edited by wings707
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5 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

why is everyone assuming that "show me that you don't have it" meant "let me inspect you like you're going to do a drug test for your parole officer"?

I was wondering how you 'show someone that you DON'T have' anything.  Hard to prove a negative.  And players hide idols in the woods all the time.  

Though I suspect Alan has never watched Survivor.  His 'which past player are you most like' answer was 'none', which I take as more evidence he's never seen it.  Just a hunch.  He seems like the typical, overconfident pro athlete who would never stoop to doing homework for something this 'simple'.  And I think his crazy act is producer prompted.  

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4 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

Going back to Alan, why is everyone assuming that "show me that you don't have it" meant "let me inspect you like you're going to do a drug test for your parole officer"? I mean, JP certainly did. Alan went that way after the dumb shit JP thought waving his dick was a good way to diffuse the conflict.

Because Alan started the conversation (after declaring JP has the idol and JP denying it) with demanding "how far are you willing to go to prove that?  Let's go.  Let's go.  Let's go to the water's edge right now and prove it.  Let's go for a swim."  And I just got this verbatim by sitting through about a zillion ads on CBS.com so I could skip to that point of the show.  And the ads were very annoying. 

It then gets derailed by JP asking to swear on his mother's grave which Alan "doesn't want to make him do" or offering "a man's handshake" which Alan doesn't accept, and devolves into the stripping, but what other interpretation than "take off our clothes" can you get out of "go for a swim?"  (Also, I can understand JP just preferring stripping rather than throwing swimming in the dark into the mix...I've seen plenty of poisonous sea snakes in the Fiji setting in past seasons....).

And then after the handshake is refused, JP does pull everything out of his pockets, then Ashley gets involved and there's a lot of talk about "tripping," then even after all that Alan refers to the idol in JP's pants and looks pointedly down at his crotch, and then JP out of exasperation turns around and pulls down his pants, and Alan does not say "don't do that," he says "don't turn around" (!!!) and bends down and looks at the ground around JP's feet!

That's where everyone is getting that Alan demanded JP strip.  Because he did, even if it's just implied in what he actually asked.  Or did you think that he would see the pockets turned out before the swim, or see the outline of the idol in the wet trunks?  If he wanted the pockets turned out he would have asked for that--and that wasn't good enough for him later--he meant stripping from the beginning.

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43 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

And then after the handshake is refused, JP does pull everything out of his pockets, then Ashley gets involved and there's a lot of talk about "tripping," then even after all that Alan refers to the idol in JP's pants and looks pointedly down at his crotch, and then JP out of exasperation turns around and pulls down his pants, and Alan does not say "don't do that," he says "don't turn around" (!!!) and bends down and looks at the ground around JP's feet!

I expect at that moment, the sound of a latex glove snapping would've been the best joke ever.  JP would have royally FLAKED.  ;>

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22 hours ago, princelina said:

Actually they were short and quick, and then they had to go on a kind of scavenger hunt to answer the questions, so I never found them boring.  I liked when they had to answer questions about the other players to see who was a good listener/connector with others. (after the merge)

Oooooh, yes! I forgot about those. I loved the challenge where they had to guess what everyone thought about everyone else. Sometimes it was a bit uncomfortable to watch people get their feelings hurt, but overall interesting and highlighted the social aspect of the game more than just the physical. Comps DID use to be a lot more diverse. 


9 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

Going back to Alan, why is everyone assuming that "show me that you don't have it" meant "let me inspect you like you're going to do a drug test for your parole officer"? I mean, JP certainly did. Alan went that way after the dumb shit JP thought waving his dick was a good way to diffuse the conflict. I just didn't take it that way when it was said. I took it as turning out pockets, maybe showing socks and shoes.

Because he said (I think) that the Idol was in JP's PANTS. Not his socks or shoes, not even "pocket". The way he was gesturing and phrasing himself, it seemed to me like he thought JP had the thing right down the front of his pants. 


5 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Besides, it's not like watching people running with heavy stuff or doing a puzzle is exactly riveting TV either. Most of the challenges are really not that interesting to me unless something special happens

Indeed. Challenge time is often when I check my phone real quickly. 

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The challenges used to be my favorite part.  I love the puzzles but would prefer they be more the sort the audience can play along, at least sometimes.  It makes me mad when it's a jumble, which the audience could play, but they spoil the solution at the outset.  

I wonder if Alan's "let's go down to the beach" was more ignorance about the game?  Maybe he thought they could walk away from the cameras to strip?  

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6 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I wonder if Alan's "let's go down to the beach" was more ignorance about the game?  Maybe he thought they could walk away from the cameras to strip?  

I don't think Alan is a superfan, but his interviews sound like he's seen enough of the game ro be somewhat informed. I don't know that Alan really thought this through much more than "accuse JP of having an idol and don't let it go." He may have simply got caught up in it, and the suggestion to go down to the beach could have been to give JP some possible distance from women in the tribe before dropping trou. Or he just threw it out there expecting JP to say hell no and raise suspicions.

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I never thought Alan suggesting a trip to the beach had anything to do with a strip search, but rather he wanted to get him alone to talk to him without Ashley.  Perhaps to make a deal with him and perhaps so he could tell the rest of the tribe "yes JP has the idol, he showed it to me down on the beach!", something like that.

If he'd never seen Survivor before, where would he get the idea to accuse JP of having the idol in the first place?

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On 10/1/2017 at 5:18 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

No offence but the myth and folktale stuff sounds like a total bore to watch.  I like the idea of variety though, like when they made dolls based on the players and had to knock them out, or food auctions.

As others mentioned, the Rudy one is one of the most classic and funniest moments in Survivor history.  I loved those challenges.

OTOH I hate hate hate HATE the endless boring puzzles on Survivor.  Go out to a beautiful island in the Pacific and work puzzles.  And what do you do year after year?  Puzzles.  Something you can do anywhere including in your own living room.  Gag. 

Endless puzzles bore me to death.  Now a folklore story followed by a challenge based on the info you have to remember from the story.  Or not remember in Rudy's case ("I dunna know" with the perfect delivery of that line each and every time).

I also agree with some others thinking why the hell was one team called the Hustlers?  I think of pool hustlers first and foremost followed by scammers and grifters.  Also Hustler magazine.  And as mentioned above, prostitutes.

Maybe their version is a correct one by some tired old dictionary definition from a half century ago but Americans these days usually don't mean "hard workers" when they hear or use the term "hustler."

Edited by green
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17 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Not to mention, Denise, who won, was a legit sex doctor. She is an actual practicing sex therapist.

Which means she specializes in sexual dysfunctions with a psychological cause in any gender.

Dr. Mike is urologist.  Meaning he specializes in dysfunctions with a physical cause in male genitalia.  You know those commercials with couples holding hands while sitting in individual bathtubs outdoors?  He's the doctor that prescribes those pills for men.  Or remember John Bobbitt?  I'm sure doctors with specialties like Mike's were involved heavily in his recovery.

So they're both sex doctors, just with different specialties; one physical and one mental.  And if a doctor like Mike  can't find a physical reason for a problem, he's likely to recommend seeing a doctor like Denise.

Edited by SVNBob
additional thought
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On 9/29/2017 at 9:00 PM, simplyme said:

We didn't see very much of her, so it was difficult to much of a read on her.

In pre-game interviews with Josh Wigler, Simone from the hustlers tribe had Katrina pegged as a cancer survivor:

She isn't a cancer survivor, but Simone wasn't that far off. Wigler writing about Katrina:

So if Simone picked up on that before they were even allowed to talk, I wouldn't be surprised if others got a similar sense.

Btw, link to Wigler's profile on Katrina that I pulled the above stuff from: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/survivor-season-35-player-profile-meet-katrina-radke-1035732

Also, when I suggest possible reasons for voting Katrina out, I'm not saying being an Olympian isn't really impressive, or doesn't require hard work, or that Katrina isn't a wonderful person. I am saying that every person in that tribe is ultimately playing to win (or should be), and that voting out Katrina may have been the right thing for their game, even if it sucked for Katrina. I mean, they vote out people I like all the time on Survivor. That doesn't make them bad people. It can make me frustrated, but it makes the remaining players closer to the goal and often it's a good decision.

I find it a bit disturbing  that a "diversity advocate" would make assumptions like "cancer survivor" about people.  I can only imagine all the false assumptions she makes about people based upon their ethnicity, gender, age, etc. in doing her "job" as a professional SJW.

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I don't know if I'd call her wild ass guess an assumption.  And it's a game, so I'm fine with her playing 'read the players' games.  Guessing she's gay because she has short hair or something... that might bug me.  

13 hours ago, green said:

Americans these days usually don't mean "hard workers" when they hear or use the term "hustler."

It does have that meaning for me, as well as the other meanings.  Here's the Google pop-up definition-



an aggressively enterprising person; a go-getter.

a prostitute.


If he'd never seen Survivor before, where would he get the idea to accuse JP of having the idol in the first place?

I'm sure even the ones who never really watched the show have been told the very basics.  

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I don't think Alan wanted JP to solve the idol issue.  Alan wanted to tell his alliance that JP has the idol because he was acting strangely when confronted.  He was looking for a reason, others would believe,  to vote him out.   

Edited by wings707
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6 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Dr. Mike is urologist.  Meaning he specializes in dysfunctions with a physical cause in male genitalia.  You know those commercials with couples holding hands while sitting in individual bathtubs outdoors?  He's the doctor that prescribes those pills for men.  Or remember John Bobbitt?  I'm sure doctors with specialties like Mike's were involved heavily in his recovery.

I don't think of that as a sex problem but a physiological problem. I don't think of my OBGYN as a sex doctor, she monitored me and helped me through my pregnancy and conducts a pap smear. If something is wrong, she helps me fix it. Any Doctor can prescribe Viagra or Cialis or whatever. I know general practioners who prescribe a compound pharmaceutical to help women with low sex drive. Does that my GP a sex doctor?

The description can be made to work but it is pretty silly. When I thin of a sex doctor, I think of someone like Denise, not a Urologist or Gynecologist. They were aiming for something more titillating and failed miserably.

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2 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I don't think of that as a sex problem but a physiological problem. I don't think of my OBGYN as a sex doctor, she monitored me and helped me through my pregnancy and conducts a pap smear. If something is wrong, she helps me fix it. Any Doctor can prescribe Viagra or Cialis or whatever. I know general practioners who prescribe a compound pharmaceutical to help women with low sex drive. Does that my GP a sex doctor?

Yeah, kinda. :)   Just not your GP's main focus.

I think Mike was saying he's more of a specialist in urology as it relates to fertility and/or sexual function, as opposed to urology in general.


2 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

The description can be made to work but it is pretty silly. When I thin of a sex doctor, I think of someone like Denise, not a Urologist or Gynecologist. They were aiming for something more titillating and failed miserably.

Aw, Mike was just going for the laughs.  Take a good look at Mike - from surface impressions, are you going to peg him as an expert in things sexual?  :D    And Mike is apparently self-aware enough to have no problem with it.

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3 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I don't think of that as a sex problem but a physiological problem. I don't think of my OBGYN as a sex doctor, she monitored me and helped me through my pregnancy and conducts a pap smear. If something is wrong, she helps me fix it. Any Doctor can prescribe Viagra or Cialis or whatever. I know general practioners who prescribe a compound pharmaceutical to help women with low sex drive. Does that my GP a sex doctor?

The description can be made to work but it is pretty silly. When I thin of a sex doctor, I think of someone like Denise, not a Urologist or Gynecologist. They were aiming for something more titillating and failed miserably.

I just think this is so silly.  His entire job is fixing up dude's penises so they can have sex.  There's no other reason (that I know of????) to have an erection.  If this dude isn't a sex doctor, I honestly don't understand who could be.  Only Denise?

I don't think production "made him" say that.  I think that's how he introduces himself at parties etc.  Because it's completely true!  If he said "urologist" everyone thinks he helps people to pee.  But he doesn't.  He helps them to have sex.  That's what his job is.  So why not say so?

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I just really hope they continue the trend from the last couple of seasons of hiding advantages at the challenges.  Michaela sitting there on her "wasn't picked" nerd bench all pissy with the advantage lying there between her feet and Sarah spotting it and craftily delaying getting on the transport boat so she could snatch it was an awesome Survivor moment.

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On 10/2/2017 at 6:41 AM, azshadowwalker said:

Going back to Alan, why is everyone assuming that "show me that you don't have it" meant "let me inspect you like you're going to do a drug test for your parole officer"? I mean, JP certainly did.

Maybe JP has experience with police and strip searches. :)

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30 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

I just think this is so silly.  His entire job is fixing up dude's penises so they can have sex.  There's no other reason (that I know of????) to have an erection.  If this dude isn't a sex doctor, I honestly don't understand who could be.  Only Denise?

I don't think production "made him" say that.  I think that's how he introduces himself at parties etc.  Because it's completely true!  If he said "urologist" everyone thinks he helps people to pee.  But he doesn't.  He helps them to have sex.  That's what his job is.  So why not say so?

I figure a urologist typically deals with male infertility, urinary issues, kidneys, prostate, cancers and a whole lot that has nothing or next to nothing do with 'sex', though.  Even if Mike specializes in infertility issues, I wonder how his patients that are seeing him for something like low sperm count like being lumped in as seeing a 'sex doctor'?  They don't need help having sex.  Well, even those with erectile dysfunction aren't typically needing help with sex itself.  It'd be more apropos to call himself a boner doc.  

And I'm guessing even if he specializes in infertility he must see patients with other issues, for diagnosis, if nothing else.  And if he finds a UTI, I'm sure he treats it, not refers it out.  Like any other urologist.  

But if I were him and specialized in ED, I'd call myself a urologist specializing in ED.  To me ED isn't synonymous with sex.  Maybe to others it is.

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4 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I figure a urologist typically deals with male infertility, urinary issues, kidneys, prostate, cancers and a whole lot that has nothing or next to nothing do with 'sex', though.

I know a urologist, and he deals primarily with women. He is in fact a urogynaecologist. But his true passion is urodynamic workups. What I mean from this is there are many specialities within the field of urology - and this guy's speciality is as he stated ED, etc, (I forget!), and male problems. I have no problem with him saying, smiling, as he explains what he does to the whole tribe, "I'm a sex doctor." It downplays his intense brains, and to the many who won't have the interest to inquire further because he is way OLD, and will just therefore dismiss him, he's maybe no more than those types who hustle drugs for ED and have no real qualifications, per se, in the field - unlike Dr Mike!

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