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"The View": Week Of 9/18/17

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Whoa, YES, thank you Jesus, and I'm Jewish. Jed is gone? What What What? Damn, they must have fired her, she's not working out the week? What in the world. Oh, this makes my year. There is a God. I don't care who they get to replace her, just looking at her made me sick, she was an evil viper.  Let's see what we can find out as to whether she was fired gang okay? Inquiring Minds Need to Know.  

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

What? What? You know better than to leave me hanging like this, @Haleth!!


I meant about her leaving. Today was her last day.  (A Monday?  Strange.)  I'm sure you've seen the other posts. 

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I feel so powerful.  Last week I posted that "some people"  say Jed is a narcissistic bitch, and BOOM!  she's gone. 


Seriously, I thought her behavior last week was more out of line than usual.  talking over everyone else.  And the Hillary interview - there was at least one time, maybe two, where she asked a long-winded, multi-faceted question ending in a yes or no choice.  It's a really bad way to conduct an interview, she was attempting to get her OWN view across in the question, rather than actually being interested in hearing Hillary's point of view. 

I didn't see today's show yet, but I will watch it tonight only because I saw on another site that Jed made a good-bye speech.  I'm glad to see her go.

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47 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I don't even know why they have a conservative on The View anyway. Whoppi, Joy & Sunny and most of the viewers don't care what the conservative has to say. It's such a thankless role for someone.

So true. What they really need to do is add at least 2 conservative panelists (how about Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin) to make opinions more balanced and then fire Whoopi. It sure would make for more interesting and thought provoking  television.

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Oh, I so agree, she was so horrible to Hillary, and her hands in a fist the entire time she was asking this 5 minute question, seriously I wanted to kick in my 25 year old television, but I can't afford a new one. Finally someone has removed that red smear of a smirk off her face for 10 minutes! Thank you The View for getting rid of that snake. Okay, NEXT!

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Well, I am NOT sad over this news or by her exit. Just as I don't think Jedi was likeable, I thought she was the most obnoxious as well, with her rabid hyena laugh self-delusional hypocrisy.

But this quote in the above linked article about her departure, according to Page Six, supposedly a memo from the producers had me rolling my eyes:

"She’s been a spirited voice at the table over the past year,

asking smart questions and challenging us all to think."

Who are they kidding? None of her questions were ever smart. She always preceded with "People say...I have read people say...there is a report..." but wouldn't say WHO these people were, or what the "reports" were. And speaking for myself, she never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever challenged me to think. 

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$30 for a coffee mug!!!! That's insane. I collect coffee mugs from places I travel, and $15 at tourist traps is the most I've ever seen. And, for the record, everywhere but the U.S. manufactures their own mugs (ie, London mugs are manufactured in the United Kingdom). But every US tourist mug is Made In China. $30 for a cheap mug is indefensible.

The only reason I can think of for announcing it today is that they knew the news would get out and didn't want their own nes to be scooped. But really, tomorrow ("Day of Hot Topics") would have been a better time for it.

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2 hours ago, bannana said:


CCB's comment to Joy, aren't you happy that I am back, was kind of snarky and surprised Joy.

When Joy was on Watch What Happens Live, Joy was asked if a Christian was brought back, would she choose  Elizabeth or Candace, and, Joy said something like, "definitely Elizabeth" or "Elizabeth every time".  I don't remember exactly what she said, but, it was strong statement indicating that she did not enjoy working with Candace.  Guess Candace heard about it.

I don't know what is worse, apparently being told you're fired then having to go on air, or, being Michelled out and just never mentioned again.

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I haven't even seen the rest of the show. I just got from work and went to The View's YouTube channel, saw the first clip, and immediately started singing O Happy Day! Good riddance to the worst co-host this show's ever had, topping Raven, Candace, and Hasselbeck for that honor. Maybe Bannon'll pick her back up over at Breitbart.

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2 hours ago, mrbean5411 said:

So true. What they really need to do is add at least 2 conservative panelists (how about Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin) to make opinions more balanced and then fire Whoopi. It sure would make for more interesting and thought provoking  television.

I've been saying this for years.  It's so unfair because it's often 4 against one.  How balanced is that?  However, Ann C. and Michelle M. is a no no.  They are both over the top, especially Ann Coulter. 

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5 hours ago, Mimi said:

Wow!  Doesn't sound like it was her decision.

Of course not. She thought she was somebody.

5 hours ago, Catnip said:

I wonder if her sudden departure had anything to do with the Hillary interview? 

Another reason for me to like Hillary if she was the nail in this snake's coffin.

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9 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I honestly think Whoopie owes Sunny an on-air apology.  After telling Sunny not to yell at her, which Sunny absolutely did not do, she wouldn't even allow her to talk.  Bullying at its finest. 

There's a ton of comments about it on Facebook & they're not deleting them, so ...

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21 minutes ago, A.J. said:

I've been saying this for years.  It's so unfair because it's often 4 against one.  How balanced is that?  However, Ann C. and Michelle M. is a no no.  They are both over the top, especially Ann Coulter. 

Well this show never purported to be "fair and balanced." It's not news. It's Entertainment.

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I was surprised too since the season just started, it must have been a sudden decision.  And she's planning a wedding, back in the day that's something the producers would have loved to exploit.

I'd love for Elisabeth to come back, tbh, she was so fun to make fun of and I'd like to see her deal with Trump's mental instability and inaction.  

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2 hours ago, LoveIsJoy said:

Knocked me over with a feather!  I was not expecting today's show at all.  I don't agree with much of anything Jed says, but I have always liked her.  She definitely had her flaws, but I thought she was a good panelist overall and seemed to mesh well with the other ladies (maybe not Whoopi so much; who couldn't even be bothered to get up and run over to give her a genuine "goodbye" hug (but humorlessly shoved some candy in her direction instead...WTH)?

Maybe I've been inoculated by spending  a decade with Bitsy at the table, but Jed never bugged me a fraction as much as Elisabeth did.  Aside from political discussions, Jed was enjoyable to me and she could laugh easily and seemed comfortable with herself. She wasn't overly precious like Candace, or making up stories and hiking up her micro-mini skirts to show off her Christian legs, like Elisabeth.  And I just don't particularly like Paula's personality.

Table of one, I know, but I was really sad at the news of Jedi's abrupt departure and the way it came out during Sara's celebration.  I didn't appreciate Candace's snark at Joy, or her listening to her bask in the glory of spotlight sex and the joy of being "lifted" like she's some sexy, religious, Disney Princess.  Yuk. 

 Whoopi's rudeness to Sunny was so unprofessional and nasty, that she should be required to apologize to both Sunny and the audience.  I was truly offended by Whoopi today, and I tend to like her some days.  

This should have been a WTH Wednesday episode.

I haven't watched the show much but, got home today and turned it on  and as Jed announced she was leaving I was interrupted by a knock at the door. So, I missed her expansion.  I also missed why whoopi scolded Sunny. I heard her say, "don't yell at me' and wondered, what the hell happened?  I don't know how sunny can stand it. She could own Whoopi's ass, I guess Sunny is better than me. 

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wow. That was shocking and I feel bad for the short notice the View gives them. Not even time to scout a new commentator job to make an easier transition. Kind of BS from the View imo. Saw some reporting on twitter that it is rumored that View staff was pissed about Jedediah's questions mainly the "tone deaf" one bc they want Hillary to come on again as a guest. In terms of Meghan McCain. SIGH lol. She was originally a recurring host after the 08 election to trash on republicans and come out in support of marriage and pot. Then she became a GOP hardliner shill on Fox. She is so inconsistent, and shallow with her views similar to Hasselbeck. At least Candace and Jed were consistent with their bad views. and McCain is pro life so the culture wars shall continue lol. 

The view should've canned Whoopi at beginning of the season and kept Jed and hired a pop culture or journalist to moderate when Joy wasn't there. Wrong direction imo. 

Edited by Bmarsh
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I'm honestly not too thrilled with Meghan McCain - she can be a real bitch (she was on CNN doing special correspondent work during one election night, and she was really rude and snippy. She came back and apologized the next day and said it was because she was sleep deprived). She also waffles back and forth. I understand she dissed The View very often on Fox, and now she's all nice-nice. Her position on Trump insulting her dad's patriotism and status as a war hero has been all over the place as well. But her penchant towards bitchiness on national TV is mostly what irks me.

I am related to a ton of middle-of-the-road Republicans. I am actual close friends with Trump fans. But we are NICE. It *can* be done. I don't see a lot of that in Ms. McCain. Is it that hard to find a pleasant, informed conservative point of view? I don't know why this show can't achieve that. Nicolle came closest, and they kicked her to the curb along with the others.

Here she is dissing (her words) "liberal snowflake" anti-Trump celebrities on Fox. I mean, how is this a good fit for The View?

Edited by ChicagoCita
added link to YouTube Fox video
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It sounds like Meghan is almost 100% a lock to replace Jed. Which I am fine with. She can come across rather smug and snotty sometimes, but, for the most part, I tend to agree with what she says. She is smart, and I think solidly set in her views. I don't think she will back down and shrink in her seat when Emperor Whoopi tries to shut her up. I am however not looking forward to hearing about her father all the time. While I wish John all the best, I don't need to hear about him every day. Sarah seems like such a sweetheart who hasn't had her light extinguished yet in the viper pit. 

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I think Jed is probably regretting her recent negative comments about Faux News.  There she was, trying to align herself with the View ladies, against Faux, and then she gets canned anyways.  I doubt they will welcome her back to Faux now.

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I think that was the first Elisabeth reference in a few years. 

Whoopi mentioned Liz earlier this year.  She said something like "she sat here 10 years and gave her opinion" or something similar. 



Did Michelle get to make a goodbye speech? Or was she just poofed?

She didn't give a speech.  They had a singing contest on her last day and she won.  I think there was a trophy or something involved.  She did like a Ms. America thank you thing.  It's like that was her goodbye sendoff. 



Whoopi's rudeness to Sunny was so unprofessional and nasty, that she should be required to apologize to both Sunny and the audience.  I was truly offended by Whoopi today, and I tend to like her some days.  

I think Whoopi would quit the show first before she did that.  She can be so horrible at times.  The nerve and hypocrisy of her statement is mind blowing.  And to think she wrote a book called, Whoopi's Big Book of Manners.   

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I don't share Paula's political or religious views, but I've always enjoyed her on the show.  She's also pretty, well-groomed, and well dressed (usually with great shoes).  What I like most is that she does NOT let the rants Whoopi directs at her stop her one bit.  Whoopi will interrupt Paula yelling, "Here's the thing!" and continue rambling.  Paula will wait quietly and then continue with her comment.  I hope we continue to see Paula on a regular basis.

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I don't like her, and won't miss her, however, if she was just fired this morning before the show, I do feel a tiny bit of sympathy towards her, as that is a tacky thing to do, especially when they were doing Sara's birthday celebration at the beginning of the show. It must have been hard for her to sit there waiting for the segment to end so she could give her news.  However, wasn't Whoopi there on Friday and Jed off. Maybe something was brewing then.

And speaking of Whoopi, when she yelled at Sunny this morning, I turned off the tv. I didn't care about the Fuller House segment anyway, and couldn't bear to listen to Whoopi another second. Sometimes I almost start to like her again, then she goes off like she did today and I just wish she'd go away.

As for Meghan McCain, I've never seen her so have no pre-formed opinion, however, just knowing she was on Fox, where Jed came from, that's already a strike against her.

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3 hours ago, LoveIsJoy said:

Table of one, I know, but I was really sad at the news of Jedi's abrupt departure and the way it came out during Sara's celebration.  I didn't appreciate Candace's snark at Joy, or her listening to her bask in the glory of spotlight sex and the joy of being "lifted" like she's some sexy, religious, Disney Princess.  Yuk. 

I'm sorry for fans like you, LoveIsJoy, that Jedi is leaving.  The way in which she was forced to tell us was cruel.  I'm sure there are plenty-o-Viewers who appreciate Jedidiah.  I think her problem may have been that she was required to be the oppositional voice no matter what, that she's probably a bit insecure, and she covers that with a brash attitude.  Maybe, for me, if she'd been a bit more humble (but who on that panel is?), she'd have received fewer negative reactions.

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Haven't watched the show in a long time, but heard the news about Jedi and knew everyone on this board would be ecstatic.  They should just replace her with someone that appeals to the audience.   Not a liberal or a conservative observation, but I think it would be more fair to have all liberals instead of just one conservative, especially when the live audience obviously agrees with the four liberal viewpoints.   Just my view.

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Here'a what I think happened: Jed was fired at the end of season 20 and was not supposed to return for season 21. Meghan was going to replace her.


However, Meghan's deal wasn't done in time for the start of season 21, so Jed was a placefiller until they got Meghan's deal done.

This is the only reason of why they would get rid of a cohost 3 weeks into the new season.

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18 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

I don't share Paula's political or religious views, but I've always enjoyed her on the show.  She's also pretty, well-groomed, and well dressed (usually with great shoes).  What I like most is that she does NOT let the rants Whoopi directs at her stop her one bit.  Whoopi will interrupt Paula yelling, "Here's the thing!" and continue rambling.  Paula will wait quietly and then continue with her comment.  I hope we continue to see Paula on a regular basis.

I like Paula a lot too.  However, I prefer her there when Whoopi is not because it almost always turns into an unpleasant situation to watch.  I can't bear to watch it because Whoopi is often unbearable.   

15 minutes ago, buffynut said:

And speaking of Whoopi, when she yelled at Sunny this morning, I turned off the tv. I couldn't bear to listen to Whoopi another second. Sometimes I almost start to like her again, then she goes off like she did today and I just wish she'd go away.

I 100% agree with everything word. 

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25 minutes ago, A.J. said:

I like Paula a lot too.  However, I prefer her there when Whoopi is not because it almost always turns into an unpleasant situation to watch.  I can't bear to watch it because Whoopi is often unbearable.  

I agree with you. I would prefer Paula at the table over Meghan McCain if they are the only two choices, but watching Whoopi go crazy on her is too toxic to have to watch everyday. Her personal nonsense with Sunny is the same thing, but nowhere to the same degree as with Paula (and Rosie O). Overall, I'm not looking forward to Meghan at all, but I still find Jedilyingliarwholies being kicked to the curb so damn satisfying.

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Well this show never purported to be "fair and balanced." It's not news. It's Entertainment.

Right. The original premise of the show was women from different walks of life expressing their views. Not necessarily political. Views of marriage, raising kids, TV shows, movies, shopping, cooking, fashion, etc.  

There isn't a need to have liberals vs. conservatives on this show.  It was never supposed to be a political commentary. It was : here's a current event, let's discuss, what does everyone think?  

Political topics took over during elections, then died down.  The current political climate is taking over the news, so it takes up a lot of the discussion.  But the show has always been a discussion of things that matter to women.  The women should be chosen based on being intelligent and informed, not based on a notions that every topic is seen through the lens of liberal vs. conservative.

Discussions don't have to be based on the notion that there are only two polar opposite ways to think, about every topic.

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I also liked Jed. Didn't agree with most she said. Yes, she could overbearing with the motor ranting & her constant interrupting. But, will admit she came across articulate, educated & held her own as the "conservative" panelist. Unlike Elizabeth and Candace...who are just crazy dipshits. Also, I finally got use to this panel after so many "exits."  It's pretty much a given that Jed was fired for Meghan McCain to join the panel. She won't last. She's been a guest co host before and just doesn't fit.  Plus, Meghan has bashed the show before in past interviews. If it was a choice between Paula & Meghan, I choose Paula. Meghan will kiss Whoopi's ass, Paula won't. I do appreciate that Meghan openly supports gay rights. Paula, not so sure.

Also, love that Candace still is trying to make us believe she wanted to leave( and not fired from!) The View to make her shitty Hallmark movies.

Edited by rags
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2 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Of course not. She thought she was somebody.

Another reason for me to like Hillary if she was the nail in this snake's coffin.

Hillary is nobody, she ran and lost. So if Whoopi didnt like what Jed said, tough. Who is next, simpering Sunny? Don't shout at me!!!

Bunch of parrots

13 minutes ago, rags said:

I also liked Jed. Didn't agree with most she said, but she was articulate, educated & held her own. Unlike Elizabeth and Candace...who are just crazy dipshits. Also, I finally got use to this panel after so many "exits." It's pretty much a given that Jed was fired for Meghan McCain to join the panel. She won't last. She's been a guest co host before and just doesn't fit.  Plus, Meghan has bashed the show before in past interviews. If it was a choice between Paula & Meghan, I choose Paula. Meghan will kiss Whoopi's ass, Paula won't.

Also, love that Candace still is trying to make us believe she wanted to leave( and not fired from!) The View to make her shitty Hallmark movies.

She's making good money with those movies, and its a nice atmosphere.

Edited by Hello Lady
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25 minutes ago, rags said:

I also liked Jed. Didn't agree with most she said. Yes, she could overbearing with the motor ranting & her constant interrupting. But, will admit she came across articulate, educated & held her own as the "conservative" panelist. Unlike Elizabeth and Candace...who are just crazy dipshits. Also, I finally got use to this panel after so many "exits."  It's pretty much a given that Jed was fired for Meghan McCain to join the panel. She won't last. She's been a guest co host before and just doesn't fit.  Plus, Meghan has bashed the show before in past interviews. If it was a choice between Paula & Meghan, I choose Paula. Meghan will kiss Whoopi's ass, Paula won't. I do appreciate that Meghan openly supports gay rights. Paula, not so sure.

Also, love that Candace still is trying to make us believe she wanted to leave( and not fired from!) The View to make her shitty Hallmark movies. 

I can't stand Candace's views on politics or religion,  but I love those cheesy movies . I put her views out of my mind. ...they're great Sunday afternoon movies. 

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9 hours ago, Aileen said:

WOW. I did NOT see that coming. Definitely wasn't her call.

Yes, for sure it wasn't her call.  She didn't even pretend otherwise, which was actually kind of refreshing.

I had a minor medical procedure this morning under light anesthesia, with The View on in the background when I heard , "This will be my last day".   I honestly, truly thought I was having a wonderful dream!  It couldn't possibly be true, could it?  But it was!!  Turned my whole day around when I got home and watched, and there it was again!

She may be good at something, but it sure wasn't this show.    And, like you, I did not see it coming.  At all.  I think I didn't dare hope!  Nicely played, The View.  :-)

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Re CCB, Hello Lady said:


She's making good money with those movies, and its a nice atmosphere.

Maybe not so much, as CCB's hubby is not at all happy with her kissing any of her co-stars.  He sounds a bit insecure, IMO, since it IS part of her J.O.B., but she, apparently, isn't enjoying it either.


A quote from that article:


“I’ll be honest, I’m, like, I’m kind of over it in the sense that I don’t like that I keep kissing two different men! I’d like to stick with one guy,” the Dancing With the Stars season 18 alum told Us about her love triangle with Scott Weinger (Steve) and John Brotherton (Matt) in the Netflix series. “Sometimes I’m doing my Hallmark movies and we’ve got a new guy in each movie. I’m getting more uncomfortable with it the older I’m getting. I’m like, ‘I don’t want to keep doing this!’”

(bolding mine)

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1 hour ago, rags said:

I also liked Jed. She came across articulate, educated & held her own as the "conservative" panelist.

I so agree.  She stood for what she believed and she didn't back down to Whoopi.  And she seemed likable on a personal level as well.  It blows the mind how people hate on Jed for doing her job.  She was hired to give the opposing viewpoint.  If all views were the same what's the point of the show. 

And if she was fired for her question to Hillary, that's ludicrous.  I voted for Hillary and I didn't think what she asked was out of line.  If Hillary survived a debate with Trump and that investigation, surely Jed's question was nothing.  And if it was all on the network then horrible for them for getting rid of people for no good reason.  They did it with so many cohosts.  Who's next?   



Meghan openly supports gay rights. Paula, not so sure.

And I have a feeling Paula is a supporter of gay rights.  After all she is good friends with Sarah who openly talks about her gay brother.  I can't see the two of them being such good friends if Paula didn't support gay rights.  Plus she works at GMA who is very gay friendly.  Robin Roberts, Gio Benitez, formerly Sam Champion and Alex Perez are all gay. 

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2 hours ago, Former Nun said:

I don't share Paula's political or religious views, but I've always enjoyed her on the show.  She's also pretty, well-groomed, and well dressed (usually with great shoes).  What I like most is that she does NOT let the rants Whoopi directs at her stop her one bit.  Whoopi will interrupt Paula yelling, "Here's the thing!" and continue rambling.  Paula will wait quietly and then continue with her comment.  I hope we continue to see Paula on a regular basis.

Yes! I love the way Paula handles Whoopi. She's the only one that will bite back. The others just laugh open-mouthedly (Jed) or look down shyly (Sunny) when Whoopi barks.

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38 minutes ago, A.J. said:

I so agree.  She stood for what she believed and she didn't back down to Whoopi.  And she seemed likable on a personal level as well.  It blows the mind how people hate on Jed for doing her job.  She was hired to give the opposing viewpoint.  If all views were the same what's the point of the show. 


I never resent someone for doing their job, and it's perfectly possible to give the opposing viewpoint without being so abrasive and obnoxious day after day.  It was her personality, her delivery, so many other things.  I have a lot of respect for many people with viewpoints other than my own.   She was unpleasant, IMO, not articulate, overly-impressed with herself, and not at all a good fit for this show.  Speaking for myself, doing her job and having viewpoints other than my own had absolutely nothing to do with it.

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48 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Yes! I love the way Paula handles Whoopi. She's the only one that will bite back. The others just laugh open-mouthedly (Jed) or look down shyly (Sunny) when Whoopi barks.

Love me some Paula! I wish Whoopi would retire! 

7 minutes ago, DebbieM4 said:

I never resent someone for doing their job, and it's perfectly possible to give the opposing viewpoint without being so abrasive and obnoxious day after day.  It was her personality, her delivery, so many other things.  I have a lot of respect for many people with viewpoints other than my own.   She was unpleasant, IMO, not articulate, overly-impressed with herself, and not at all a good fit for this show.  Speaking for myself, doing her job and having viewpoints other than my own had absolutely nothing to do with it.

But Whoopi is like that every day, she's the reason I use FF to the guest! 

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When either Whoopi or Jedidiah would go on a rant, I immediately hit the mute button. I'm not interested in Whoopi's Valley Girl voice to ridicule people, and I wasn't interested in Jedidiah's rapid-fire attack-dog manners. Both of them need to learn that letting other people speak their minds doesn't mean you lose an argument.

Sunny is an excellent example of speaking softly and letting a cutting barb do its job.

Now I'll only have to use the mute button on one of them, at least until I see how Ms. McCain behaves.

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13 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

When either Whoopi or Jedidiah would go on a rant, I immediately hit the mute button. I'm not interested in Whoopi's Valley Girl voice to ridicule people, and I wasn't interested in Jedidiah's rapid-fire attack-dog manners. Both of them need to learn that letting other people speak their minds doesn't mean you lose an argument.

Sunny is an excellent example of speaking softly and letting a cutting barb do its job.

Now I'll only have to use the mute button on one of them, at least until I see how Ms. McCain behaves.

I really like Meghan, but Sunny know it all. UGH

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