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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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They said due to filming, family members may not always be available. Jackson had to be at least 4 1/2 months old, Ember close to 1 month when Pumpkin season started. In PA pumpkin farms generally open last weekend in September or first weekend in October. Jackson was born mid-may, Ember at the end of August, IIRC. I bet the filming of this episode, based on when they talk about ages is set-up. The actual season for pumpkins hadn't started, I bet. 

It is ridiculous that the boys can't work because of babies. My husband went back to work a few days after my son was born. 12 week paternity leave is now available, but, Jeremy doesn't actually work a real job, other than the show. Zach works at the soccer club.


I do feel for Tori, but, they could have alternated times at the farm once the season started.  Pumpkin season is when she met and fell in love with Zach. It holds a special place in her heart. Her parents don't live too far away and she could have left Jackson with them. Zach was smart to want to keep the baby away from the public, although unnecessary.  He wasn't a brand new baby and I'm sure they took him out other places. Tori did keep the baby close to her and protected so they had a smart compromise.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

It is ridiculous that the boys can't work because of babies. My husband went back to work a few days after my son was born.

1966.  I called my husband from the doctor's office when he said he was sending me to the hospital IMMEDIATELY to induce labor (pre-eclampsia).  My husband's boss wouldn't let him off work because "it could be hours" before I had the baby.  I had to get myself to the hospital and check in alone (without my little packed bag). I was a dutiful little wife because I had the baby after work hours.  He went back to work the next day--didn't miss a moment.  Apparently those are the dark ages.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 13
3 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Matt has the attention span of a gnat. No doubt something shiny flitted by and the pirate ship slipped his mind. I haven't even touched on the completed projects that took far longer than they were supposed to.

Attention span of a gnat, follow-through of a slug, but the ego of Attila the Hun!  Matt is obviously better and smarter than anyone he ever deals with...especially Amy.

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

If Matt is this awesome farmer who is the supreme businessman and organizer, why is the farm never fully ready when pumpkin season starts?

Because, he always plans big and spends big but the implementation of his big plans and expenditures are rarely in a timely fashion...his "projects" are always right down to the wire and need professional help at the last minute. He might have adult ADD. The pirate ship was not well thought out...typical Matt...Go Big! Go Bold! Go$$$$$ but skimp on the implementation of the finishing touches with the thought that his kids will do the dirty work. He wants his toys and will spend a lot of money to obtain a new toy and gets irritated if anyone (Amy) tells him it's not needed or too expensive. He must have had some wild temper tantrums as a child when his mommy and daddy said "No" to something he wanted. As for the "farm" itself...it is a "farm" but the only thing he grows for profit are the pumpkins. He does not grow wheat, corn, soybeans, or anything that would be a profit maker. He's a "gentleman" farmer...one crop that he sells to the public and the rest is just land for his "projects" like the treehouses, gazebos, soccer field, pirate ship, Molly's castle, etc. etc....He has a peach business but it went under years ago. So managing "the farm" is really about the pumpkin business and the salsa products and taking care of the farm animals that are strictly for fun...the goats, the chickens, sheep. Despite Matt's criticisms of Amy being disorganized and sloppy, he is just as bad. His office is a pig sty and and he was totally unprepared for the opening day of the pumpkin sales...he has all year to get ready for it and he's been doing it for years! I would vehemently disagree with you that he is an "awesome" farmer and "supreme" businessman. If it weren't for a very generous income from TLC, he and his entire family would not be able to live the way they do and have the luxury vacations, luxury cars, remodeled and expanded home, FREE publicity for their pumpkin and salsa business. And his organizational skills are mediocre at best...if they were so "supreme" he wouldn't have had the opening day disorganization and epic fail with the pirate ship.

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 4

So I am trying to understand why Matt says he is so busy, all I see him doing is tool around in his 4 wheeler ( or whatever they call them ) and watch while other people do the work.

Amy is really so mad at the break up of the marriage and holds a major grudge against Caryn, which leads me to believe that either the affair started before they split or that Amy considered her a friend who betrayed her.. Next week looks interesting when Amy says, "I am sure you want to say something "   I am surprised that princess said they had to use donor milk for Ember, I would think that would go against their 50% rule, I bet they researched if Jeremy could produce milk. Also it bothers me they keep saying baby...um like she is born and has a name now - 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Amy is really so mad at the break up of the marriage and holds a major grudge against Caryn, which leads me to believe that either the affair started before they split or that Amy considered her a friend who betrayed her.

   I think this was touched on a couple of seasons ago.  I haven't watched for awhile--just started again.  I think Amy AND posters here believe Matt and Caryn had an extramarital affair and Amy was VERY upset.

2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Also it bothers me they keep saying baby...um like she is born and has a name now - 

We had a baby in October 1966.  We gave him a name, but we called him "Baby" or "the baby" without realizing it...until another baby came along in October 1968.  No one ever mentioned it to us.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, kicksave said:

He must have had some wild temper tantrums as a child when his mommy and daddy said "No" to something he wanted.

He may be like many adults who were disabled and/or very ill/hospitalized for long periods as children.  The parents dote on their sick child to (sometimes) the neglect of others.  Siblings often never get over their resentment. Because they felt so sorry for little Matt, perhaps his parents catered to his every whim--solved every problem...and he still expects the world to do it. 

  • Love 3

It's nice that Amy is loving the purge and organization now.  When Matt brought people in to have it done during their marriage, she hit the roof over it. She's come a long way.  It must be Chris or the muffin business....whatever it is is nice though.  I hope she means it about letting things go, what are we hanging onto?  Lots of self-reflection. I'm impressed. 

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I religiously watched this show for the first six or seven seasons before my dislike for all of the bickering caused me to slowly wean off.  I actually thought it was cancelled until caught one episode a year or so ago.  I once was interested in watching again, but TWoP (I think it was pre-PTV) was filled with comments of how awful everyone was, and how they let Rocky die out in the yard in the rain.

Through my years of watching, it was pretty clear (to me) that Amy despised Matt.  Matt was disgusted because Amy was a slob.  The teenaged twins had grown into angry assholes who were disrespectful to their home, belongings, their parents, and anyone else they encountered.  The twins swore constantly, and Amy did nothing to deter any of this behavior, in fact she all but encouraged them to treat Matt this way.  Matt cared about the behavior but did little other than yell.

Anyway, if Matt was cheating and Amy was heartbroken and sobbing her heart out, as suggested upthread, it's because it ruined the story line.  Even in the first couple of seasons Amy clearly disliked everything Matt did, said, thought of, and every expression on his face.  Right now they're starting to look a little bit like Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas in The War of the Roses.  Matt is no innocent and I am not blind to his faults.  But I'm not falling for the story of:   Woman who gave her life to loving a man, he lost interest in the devoted wife and had an affair, she bravely goes on, daring to love again.  They were toxic together.

ETA:  I'm a nurse, so Matt's bitching and whining about his limitations never bothered me much.  I understand that others may have a lower tolerance.  I had an auto-immune disease as a child, so I know how this type of thing can affect the rest of your life.  Some things are hard to shake off.

omg. what is the story with rocky? this is my first season, was he a dog? i need to know where to aim my hatred. 

  • Love 1

Say what you will about Matt he is the one that thought up Pumpkin Season and he is the one running the show.   What I would love to know is how much $$ is actually generated by Pumpkin Season.  They said last evening the funds sustain the farm for the year.  They have to be hauling in quite a bit of cash.

The twins have never done much but try to reign over others.  Zack telling Tori how it will be and Jer giving up a night of precious sleep. 

Neither of them work.  I had to smile when Audrey was lamenting how bad it would be when Jer was giving his couple of hours to the farm and not be there with her.  Really???  Most men have to work and are back on the job in days. 

I wonder if Pumpkin season sustains the twins too?  No wonder Molly wants no part of any of it!

Edited by Jeanne222
  • Love 3

I would vehemently disagree with you that he is an "awesome" farmer and "supreme" businessman.

I was being sarcastic. I would never agree that he is any of those things .He just thinks he is. And my point is..if he thinks he's those things, why is the days leading up to opening always a cluster###. By now, he should have the system down pat and running like a well-oiled machine.

Amy has never claimed to be a "businesswoman." It sounds to me like she was happy being a mother. Now that her kids are grown and she's no longer a wife, she's looking for a new direction in her life. Good for her.

My oldest grandson is 7, he has been the baby until his brother was born 11 months ago. I still slip up and refer to him as the baby, though.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Where are y’all seeing the tees and tigers? I looked at a few of their categories but so far I haven’t seen either. Thx

On their website - linked on the previous page - this is quoted:  "Exotic Animals – Walk on the Wild Side. Come see a Tiger!"

I didn't see the t-shirts, but I stopped looking after the tiger.

  • Love 2

It's nice that Amy is loving the purge and organization now.  When Matt brought people in to have it done during their marriage, she hit the roof over it.

Possibly because Matt turned it into a "Hey Audience, my wife is a slob and I am gonna teach her how to service me by giving her a 'gift' that is really me publically shaming her as a slob" moment?

I mean, call me crazy but I doubt very much Matt would enjoy a "Matt can't keep his projects on budget so Audience, I am *gifting* him with the services of a professional budgeter who will publically display to you how Matt overspends and Matt better smile and love it" moment. 


Say what you will about Matt he is the one that thought up Pumpkin Season

This is not an idea unique to Matt. U-Pick farms with festival events were fairly common. And I remember season one before the free advertising pumpkin season. Matt's non TLC enhanced efforts were much less lucrative. Even now, a major reason the farm does so well is because of the tv show.


I was being sarcastic. I would never agree that he is any of those things .He just thinks he is. And my point is..if he thinks he's those things, why is the days leading up to opening always a cluster###. By now, he should have the system down pat and running like a well-oiled machine.

This. There's no reason for every season to show Matt bitching how he's two days to opening and everything is a complete mess and of course it's never ever Matt to blame. I understand there will be new attractions but pumpkin season starts at the same time every year and Matt holds everything to himself rather than delegate and look what happens.... 

And seriously, Matt really needs to make a decision about *what the twins do* as far as jobs and since he's no longer married to Amy, and the twins are no longer boys but closer to 30 than 20, maybe it's time the twins didn't play at having jobs on the farm. If the pirate ship genuinely failed to launch because the twins were supposed to handle the decorating, then it is time they were accountable and it's time Matt stopped acting like their dad and started sitting them down and treating them like Amy, like they are fucking morons who need to fucking learn how to work.  Because seriously, Matt is the man who runs the show and the pirate ship wasn't ready because Matt failed to supervise his employees and of course also failed to do a fucking thing or say a fucking thing to get them to change that behavior.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

I think the "baby" objection  is Jeremy keeps saying baby needs bla bla or baby is awake. He's doesn't say the baby or baby Ember was a terror last night,  just baby made stinky.. I thought it was very odd, but then I'm not hip.

I was definitely "hip" in 1967, but that had nothing to do with calling my baby, "Baby," or "the baby," instead of his name. It was just a habit that no one called us on.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I think Matt was reasonable to a point about Amy needing to consider a percentage back if she was putting her bread in the store....

Amy and Lisa are kinda clueless about running a business. It costs a store to display a product.

(sentences deleted)

Matt was in charge of the pirate ship and that led to huge cost overruns and last minute chaos.

Perhaps Amy needs to have her own accountant (maybe a forensic accountant).  That place is bleeding money and she has no idea.  If Amy gave Matt every penny taken in for her pumpkin bread, it wouldn't make a dent in the hidden expenses of his Great Ode to Matt Pirate Ship.  In the case of the cost to display a product, that space was empty.  The display made the "store" look much better.  The only possible cost would be the actual handling of the bread by the cashier ringing up the sale. 

  • Love 7

I was being charitable about the bread in that if he's kicking back a percentage of the sales of his books then its reasonable to expect Amy's bread to do so as well. My concern on it is that the very concept that you have to pay for space shouldn't be new to Amy, and if it was, then Matt needs to rethink his handling as something about it should have been said well before four days before opening. If Amy wasn't his ex - if it was Lisa's business solely - Lisa would have every right to be pissed that Matt suddenly changed things up four days before the season started. 

I do agree that Amy might be smart to have her own person involved in costs and investments if she's not interested in or willing to push Matt on the topic.

  • Love 3

Ok, I know people get downright rabid about this but I'll say it anyway: why in the heck doesn't Audrey just get baby formula? 

With my first baby, I tried to nurse her. It was painful, I was tired, miserable, felt like all I did was feed the baby, was finishing feeding the baby, or about to feed the baby. The house was a mess because I was exhausted, and hubby was a soldier, so he was gone a lot. Giving my daughter baby formula saved me. I could feed her, she was satiated, and we could sleep. After the formula, I could really enjoy  my baby. It may sound selfish to some, but it's what I needed to do, and I suspect Audrey would enjoy life with Ember more is she gave her formula. 

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, zenme said:

Ok, I know people get downright rabid about this but I'll say it anyway: why in the heck doesn't Audrey just get baby formula? 

With my first baby, I tried to nurse her. It was painful, I was tired, miserable, felt like all I did was feed the baby, was finishing feeding the baby, or about to feed the baby. The house was a mess because I was exhausted, and hubby was a soldier, so he was gone a lot. Giving my daughter baby formula saved me. I could feed her, she was satiated, and we could sleep. After the formula, I could really enjoy  my baby. It may sound selfish to some, but it's what I needed to do, and I suspect Audrey would enjoy life with Ember more is she gave her formula. 

Because Audrey is an Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christian. So, the Bible is her go-to guide to how to give birth (Natural! No drugs! Must. Be. Painful.!), how to be a wife (Husband is the head! Wife is the helpmeet!), and how to "do" motherhood (Breastfeed!). If one cannot breastfeed, then the modern equivalent of a wet nurse (Donated breastmilk!).

Does the Bible mention formula? No? Then that's your answer.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, zenme said:

Ok, I know people get downright rabid about this but I'll say it anyway: why in the heck doesn't Audrey just get baby formula? 

With my first baby, I tried to nurse her. It was painful, I was tired, miserable, felt like all I did was feed the baby, was finishing feeding the baby, or about to feed the baby. The house was a mess because I was exhausted, and hubby was a soldier, so he was gone a lot. Giving my daughter baby formula saved me. I could feed her, she was satiated, and we could sleep. After the formula, I could really enjoy  my baby. It may sound selfish to some, but it's what I needed to do, and I suspect Audrey would enjoy life with Ember more is she gave her formula. 

Because then she couldn't post all the messages on social media about what a martyr she is. 

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, zenme said:

Ok, I know people get downright rabid about this but I'll say it anyway: why in the heck doesn't Audrey just get baby formula? 

I don’t know why Audrey doesn’t, but I can give my perspective why I didn’t—I didn’t want to. I know this isn’t popular to say but breast milk is objectively better for children’s physiological and neurological development* (and in addition to that it really was a beautiful bonding time for us as I’d had postpartum hemorrhage, was on bed rest, and couldn’t do much of the more active parenting stuff for the first six weeks) and so it was important for me to work through the issues I was having. I had a great lactation consultant who helped us solve the issues, and breastfeeding my daughter remains one of my sweetest memories of her babyhood. I’m proud we were able to do it and, though I like to think I have nothing in common with Auj, I bet she is too. 

*Of course, this is assuming the baby is getting enough nourishment as you troubleshoot. I would assume Ember is getting what she needs nutritionally even though Auj is/was struggling.

  • Love 7

I bet it sort of bothers Amy a little bit when she is critical of Matt's business methods, because, he is the one who dared to dream and make it happen. He may not be perfect, but, he has some competence or else the whole family wouldn't still be reaping the rewards of his ideas and hard work.  I often criticize work-a-holics, but, it is hard to argue with success.  

 While Amy contributed with raising the kids, household chores, (lol), her part-time pre-school job, etc.  Matt was the breadwinner and due to his risks taking and crazy plans, Amy now has a wonderful and charmed life.  She has a lovely home, designed for her personal needs, nice car, stability, was able to pay  for her children's college education,  ability to travel anywhere she wants, the ability to do her pet projects, ability to run her own charity, and able to not have to work a full time job which frees her up to spend lots of time with her adult kids, grandchildren and boyfriend.   It must be nice to be able to buy the clothes you want, have pedi's and manicures, professional hairstylist, entertain anytime you want, cook any dishes you desire, not have to lay in bed at night worry over paying the utility bill or stretching the grocery money.  Money isn't everything, but, Amy has done well.  She admits this too.  It appears that maybe, she's getting a little happier.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3

After 20 or so years of marriage, Amy and Matt have certainly become ingrained in certain patterns: he has about 34 new ideas to make money/start a business/invent something/build something every day.  She develops an eyeroll response, argues that he needs to focus, etc.  Over time, he starts hiding his "great finds," gloats to himself that he got away with something, and she sighs and complains because she is carrying the load of dragging her kids to soccer, school activities, etc.  Her housekeeping (or lack thereof) is fodder for his needling and complaining. She bristles back.  He can then accuse her of being angry all the time.  They still are carrying out this behavior.  Especially since they can't get out of each others' way living within spitting distance.

Matt has an especially sneaky way of pretending to act accommodating and conciliatory ("you can sell your bread at the Pumpkin Season store!") followed by a little sad self-sacrifice speech ("I *was* going to use that space for my book,") and then a little jab: ("so how much are you going to pay back to the farm for sales of bread?") followed by another fake nice concession ("however you decide to do it is just fine with me.") Then the ultimate knife turn during his talking head: "Amy really doesn't understand how the business works." 

While Matt is more direct in his insults regarding his ex-wife, as in saying how happy he is that Amy is with someone who keeps her from nagging at him, Amy isn't without her share.  Her constant smooching and fawning over Chris and saying how HAPPY she is are, in their own way, cut-downs of her ex.  It's all pretty smarmy TV. I can't imagine airing my dirty laundry for TLC to display (probably after ten takes).  They will never truly move on until the show ends and they can live in separate locations.

The twins are generally annoying me because they don't seem to be doing a damn thing.  Jeremy doesn't work, but he can't go out there and use his able-bodied self to actually get his father ready to open for Pumpkin Season? I'm sorry, but although new  babies are work and complications such as sleep training or feeding issues can add to the drain, MOST PEOPLE ARE OUT MAKING A LIVING.  Every single scene of J/A and Z/T are of them lounging in their living rooms (in very nice homes) during the day, pontificating and navel-gazing about their awesome roles as New Fathers as if they have re-invented the wheel.  Jeremy's continual inclusion into everything such as nursing ("we're trying to get her to nurse more," "we're full term and ready to give birth at any time!") just grates on me.  And the "did she eat? How much? Should we weigh her? Where's the scale? What's left in the bottle? Should we do her exercises? Let's do her exercises!" along with Zach/Tori's "let's do tummy time. He hates tummy time! We're putting him to bed now! He's crying! How long has he been crying?" are making for some really, really snooze-worthy TV.  My humble suggestion would be for the Boyz to put their work boots on and go help dear old Dad (who can barely walk) do some grunt work around the farm so he doesn't have to hire a giant crew to paint a freaking pirate ship (I'd love to know what the expenses are for that property every year- given Matt's endless projects). I think we all know that if this family operated as we are seeing without a TLC paycheck, they'd have sunk a long, long time ago.

Someone commented about Zach's rather low-level intelligence above when he discussed the baby "coming down the hole." He said something the other night about "sleep deprecation," or some other massacre of the English language.  His wife just sits there (she's a teacher, no?) while he also says, "me and Tori are going on a trip..." I'd be nipping that in the bud quite fast. 

  • Love 15

I don't usually give Jer a pass on much of anything but if Auj was insistent on breastfeeding how was him staying up all night benefitting anyone. Now if she was getting up to bottlefeed then yes by all means he should have been doing his part but I think she was the one that was all about breast feed only. I remember maybe on the episode before this when he was telling her something like "you feed for x amount of time then lets give her just 2 oz of formula from a bottle" it looked to me like he was trying to help at that time. 

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Her constant smooching and fawning over Chris and saying how HAPPY she is are, in their own way, cut-downs of her ex.

I can't fully agree about "cut-downs."  I've seen too many women friends (I'm 77) who were in marriages that weren't terrible...but they also weren't cherished.  After divorce or widowhood, their first serious relationships were just like this.  It's like giddy first love.

  • Love 5

I don't think Amy and Matt are ever going to find their 'happily ever after' on the Roloff farm together.  They nip and tuck at each other every time they are eye to eye and even off camera during their little talks to the camera.

Sorry but that is no way to live.  It would be interesting to see them apart.  Could they be happy?  I donno!

As for the boys I remember they hardly graduated high school and now don't do much of anything.  If Matt and Amy are running the farm together and if it is supporting those two BIG boys why not hold them to 40 hours a week working on the farm.  I don't think that would be too much to ask.

Maybe both Matt and Amy are terrible enablers of those two sons. 

  • Love 3
39 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Matt was the breadwinner and due to his risks taking and crazy plans, Amy now has a wonderful and charmed life. 

They are both doing quite well, but not as a result of Matt's breadwinning.  Thanks to whatever TLC talent scout saw the potential of the Roloff family and their rundown "farm."  TLC money has made all this happen.

  • Love 9

Anybody have any idea how much TLC pays the Roloffs each season.  Probably true.  TLC is the  benefactor to all the Roloffs!

TLC is probably the one footing the bills at the boys homes too.  I forgot about that.

So really nobody has to work!

I'm pretty sure it would have been both Matt and Amy that signed that deal with TLC.  Heck maybe they can't leave each other.  Maybe they are under contract!

22 hours ago, Rap541 said:

And for the record - I think Matt was reasonable to a point about Amy needing to consider a percentage back if she was putting her bread in the store. I think though that he would have been better off not springing that on Amy and Lisa.

I agree - for once he wasn't wrong and unreasonable that they should pay a percentage of their sales back to the farm. But he probably could have explained it a little bit better.  And I'm sure he probably didn't think about it either, their accountant or whatever (or maybe even Caryn) told him "hey, this is how it should work".  I doubt it was his idea that he gives profits from his book away.  OR he wanted to charge Amy on her products and someone made him aware that if he did that then he'd have to do the same to his book.  But either way, it's how it needs to be done. But I question Amy's statement about her needing to sell 100 breads to start to make a profit ONLY because she now has to pay some back to the farm. 

21 hours ago, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

It is ridiculous that the boys can't work because of babies. My husband went back to work a few days after my son was born. 12 week paternity leave is now available, but, Jeremy doesn't actually work a real job, other than the show. Zach works at the soccer club.

No shit - that's exactly what I said to myself while watching.  These kids don't have jobs - they can work pumpkin season and help out their dad!! 

18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I didn't notice much difference in the time and/or effort exerted to the Farm between Zach or Jer.  About the same. What I did wonder, is why Jer hadn't volunteered to take the night shift with the baby earlier.  Or, even Auj could have said that's what is happening. 

I think it's entirely possibly that Audrey was just too stubborn to allow him to do it UNTIL the doctor told her that's what needs to happen. Jeremy said he did suggest it and then Audry was very adament that it was the doctor's idea. 

I have a friend who has 2 kids and neither of them are good sleepers - the youngest I think is almost 2 and has never slept through the night and I've been told that she makes her husband get up with her too (even though she was big time into breast feeding), not sure if that's the case anymore.  But I do not get the point of having two exhausted parents. 

  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

The twins are generally annoying me because they don't seem to be doing a damn thing.  Jeremy doesn't work, but he can't go out there and use his able-bodied self to actually get his father ready to open for Pumpkin Season? I'm sorry, but although new  babies are work and complications such as sleep training or feeding issues can add to the drain, MOST PEOPLE ARE OUT MAKING A LIVING.  Every single scene of J/A and Z/T are of them lounging in their living rooms (in very nice homes) during the day, pontificating and navel-gazing about their awesome roles as New Fathers as if they have re-invented the wheel.  Jeremy's continual inclusion into everything such as nursing ("we're trying to get her to nurse more," "we're full term and ready to give birth at any time!") just grates on me.  And the "did she eat? How much? Should we weigh her? Where's the scale? What's left in the bottle? Should we do her exercises? Let's do her exercises!" along with Zach/Tori's "let's do tummy time. He hates tummy time! We're putting him to bed now! He's crying! How long has he been crying?" are making for some really, really snooze-worthy TV.  My humble suggestion would be for the Boyz to put their work boots on and go help dear old Dad (who can barely walk) do some grunt work around the farm so he doesn't have to hire a giant crew to paint a freaking pirate ship (I'd love to know what the expenses are for that property every year- given Matt's endless projects). I think we all know that if this family operated as we are seeing without a TLC paycheck, they'd have sunk a long, long time ago.

EXACTLY!  And if Jerk & Zach's excuse for not holding down real jobs is the show -i.e.- production constraints like getting consent to film at a company or schedule conflicts, then somewhere these 2 should make it known in their various social media outlets.  Otherwise, they are making themselves look like bigger short-sighted idiots than the show already portrays them.  TLC has provided a nice gig, but it ain't gonna last forever.  I don't know if even a spin-off with just Z/T & J/A would pull in enough viewers to make it viable for another couple of years.

What if Matt's threats of an early death come to fruition?  What if he has to sell the farm?  Even if he & Amy decide to will/sell the place to any of their kids, Molly & Jacob aren't coming back to take it over IMO.  Zach is not physically able to do much of the manual labor, and I honestly don't think he wants to make that his life.  Zach is (? was?) employed at the soccer facility, and Tori has a teaching degree, so maybe they can jump back into the job market when LPBW folds up.

I don't think Jerk has any concept of the actual manual and mental labor involved in running that place.  I think he thinks he will get to ride around in the golf cart and be the Master of All He Surveys. Apparently Odd never really worked for any long term employer, neither has Jerk.  I don't see either of them as financial geniuses and making wise investment decisions with whatever TLC money they earn.  I'm not including their Biblical advice column or snake oil "business" as future income sources b/c those markets are pretty narrow.  

As for acting as if being "dads" is their full time jobs.  OK, great if that's what you & your partner decide. However, in the real world where the rest of us non-TV people live, that choice is usually only an option when one of the partners has a job to cover the expenses of the home in which the other partner will "stay".  Saying you are the SAHD when your WIFE IS ALSO staying at home kinda cancels out your claim.  

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, Former Nun said:

Because they felt so sorry for little Matt, perhaps his parents catered to his every whim--solved every problem...and he still expects the world to do it. 

He does at times remind me of a woman at work who flipped out over every single little thing and most especially when we refused to cater to her and do her job for her.  She was blind from birth.

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Former Nun said:

In the case of the cost to display a product, that space was empty.  The display made the "store" look much better.  The only possible cost would be the actual handling of the bread by the cashier ringing up the sale. 

Not to mention Amy is half-owner of the pumpkin business overall.  It's just another way for Matt to try to gig Amy.

  • Love 2

Oh yes, but, that was due to Matt as well.  

Only because his wife agreed to participate. 

And back in the day, Matt used to brag like a bitch when people raised the issue of the messy house that TLC chose their family in no small part because Amy refused to clean the house for the cameras and he was as proud as punch about it because it was the deciding factor for the family to be chosen by TLC. 

Another reason I don't buy the "Matt did it all and Amy just takes his money, what a selfish bitch she is" narrative.

Although amusing to contemplate, I doubt TLC has a contract enforcing that Matt and Amy stay together. It just wouldn't be legal. That said, I'm pretty certain they do currently make most of their income from being on the show. I do question how profitable pumpkin season is. Don't get me wrong, I think it makes money, but I think its way more popular because it's been on a tv show than because it's a super awesome experience.

I do think TLC can and does require Matt and Amy to be in a required number of scenes together and they otherwise don't interact.

A show of Zach/Tory and Jeremy/Oddj would fail. Zach is boring, and Tory is boring. They seem like nice people but "hey babe-uh, do you want cereal?" is dull. 

Jer and Auj would like to be the focus of a show... In that I think *Auj* would love it and Jer would do as he's told. But... These two are also dull and worse, they are totally aware of the cameras and they are very very interested in being perceived as wonderful married people who have a perfect marriage. And they both have fairly flat affects when they're acting as the perfect couple. 

The twins are also coming off as pathetic losers with their complete inability to work. Seriously, in the quartet of Zach/Tory and Jer/Auj, only Tory has ever held a full time job for longer than a few months. Boo hoo Jer, you spent a sleepless night. Did you have a nice long nap after lunch? Because you didn't have to go to work and I know from your Instagram that you spend your days at the house dramatically posing for your many photos of yourself all while you wax philosophically on how you hate social media but also love it when people send you free stuff because they follow your social media. 

  • Love 7
20 hours ago, kitkat68 said:

Is Auj's storyline all about how horrible her experiences are with motherhood? Like no sleep, having to feed Ember every hour, mastitis, trying to prevent mastitis, etc...? I don't want to hear it every week.

Right? What a whiner. Geez...you would think she was the only new mother to ever experience nursing issues. If the baby is under nourished and you aren't able to provide her with enough milk at every feeding, then use some supplemental formula bottles. "Donor" milk should be reserved for mothers with medical issues or emergencies (like illness or emergency hospitalization). It will not be the end of the world if baby girl Roloff gets a couple of supplement formula bottles. Personally, she doesn't present as someone who is actually nursing...all that under the sheet cover stuff looks fake to me. 

  • Love 4

I think she's actually nursing because she's just not that good of an actress and also because she's already done a triumphant "OMG MY TITTIES GIVE LIFE AND I AM NURSING THE HELL OUT OF MY BABY NOW! I AM A GOOD MAMA WITH BABY ON THE TITTY SOLELY! I AM NTO A SHIT MAMA WITH FORMULA! I GUTTED THROUGH THE SCREAMING AGONY AND I GAVE IT MY ALL FOR MY BABY LIKE A GOOD MAMA SHOULD!!" post.

Her story will be in the Bible one day - "The Suffering of Auj of the Sore Titties"

  • Love 7

Z/T make about 10k each per episode 

J/A make about 10k each per episode 

The parents make about the same. 

Chris and Caryn make around 3-5k per episode 

Matt and Amy both have an estimated net worth of 4.5 million each after the divorce.  Besides their TLC income they are both published authors. Amy has her food business. They both profit from the farm. 

The boys probably don’t work because they can sit on their butts (with their wives) and collect about 250k before taxes. 

  • Love 4

Maybe, I give reality tv too much credit, (I know, that's pretty funny.), but,  it can and often does pay the person more than what they can make, in some other job.  Plus, if you have a regular job, it has to accommodate your reality tv show schedule.  Why should I work a regular job of 2000 hours a year and make $30,000., when I can be on a reality tv show, work a fraction of that time and make substantially more. PLUS, get to spend quality time with my spouse, child and other family members?  I think that both parents staying at home and actually raising the kids might be a good thing. Not to knock work ethic, but, that bonding time is also important. My dad worked a lot when I was growing up. I sure would have liked having him around all the time. 

  I can see how that might be challenging to have a regular job and be a regular character featured on a reality  show.  (Amy's favorite word.)  Because, not only do you have to be available for filming, trips, events, tasks, etc., but, you also carry the name of your regular employ with you. I can see how an employer might not be on board for that. 

Plus, I imagine that you just get used to having a certain life style.  lol

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1

Sunny, I mostly don't disagree but the twins need to own the reality that they aren't doing anything but getting paid to fuck their wives. Jeremy is a stay at home dad. I'm done hearing about how busy he is working. Same with Zach and hoe about both of them expressing even some false gratitude that they dont have to work and can spend time with their kids?

  • Love 2

I also agree Amy needs to put profits back into the farm; that's why her crap is selling anyway - that & the show.

Matt either has executive functioning issues or the last minute nonsense is all for 'teevee drama'.

I don't think Auj is breastfeeding because of religious beliefs. I was part of La Leche League International for years & saw many women, often militant about breastfeeding, & religion had nothing to do with it from what I saw.

For myself it was a 'have to'; despite having issues, many of which are similar to Auj, I had to stick with it because of multiple food allergy issues in the family. In fact donor milk would have probably been out as well, because I had to give up so many foods so they didn't get them through my milk. It was tough so I get it, but I can't stand her cry me a river routine as I had little to no support & no real help. For that & other reasons I can tell her she has NO idea what being exhausted & sleep deprived is really like. She can just get some formula or stop bitching (I'm in a mood today LOL).

Parenting is a lot of work & if she's complaining this much already she'll have a lot more to complain about & martyr herself for as the girl gets older - & if they have another one I can't imagine the pity party that will ensue!

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 6

I really don't think Audrey's stubborn insistence in breastfeeding is a religious thing; it's a hard-headed insistence that it's the right thing to do, no matter what, in accordance with hipster/cool/two-thousand-and-teens/everything must be carefully orchestrated guidelines.  Along with husband sporting a man-bun, driving a vintage (unsafe) BMW around town, remodeling your 60s-era house yourself, and calling your spouse "babe" and everyone else "dude."

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

I really don't think Audrey's stubborn insistence in breastfeeding is a religious thing; it's a hard-headed insistence that it's the right thing to do, no matter what, in accordance with hipster/cool/two-thousand-and-teens/everything must be carefully orchestrated guidelines.  Along with husband sporting a man-bun, driving a vintage (unsafe) BMW around town, remodeling your 60s-era house yourself, and calling your spouse "babe" and everyone else "dude."

I also think she might view formula use as 'failure', same as had she not achieved her perfect, natural, PAINFUL birth experience. For her it could be a 'mother status' thing, as in - look what I did that others didn't/couldn't - she suffered & struggled more, hence she is better. I've known others like her & it's her own issue.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 5
52 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Maybe, I give reality tv too much credit, (I know, that's pretty funny.), but,  it can and often does pay the person more than what they can make, in some other job.  Plus, if you have a regular job, it has to accommodate your reality tv show schedule.  Why should I work a regular job of 2000 hours a year and make $30,000., when I can be on a reality tv show, work a fraction of that time and make substantially more. PLUS, get to spend quality time with my spouse, child and other family members?  I think that both parents staying at home and actually raising the kids might be a good thing. Not to knock work ethic, but, that bonding time is also important. My dad worked a lot when I was growing up. I sure would have liked having him around all the time. 

  I can see how that might be challenging to have a regular job and be a regular character featured on a reality  show.  (Amy's favorite word.)  Because, not only do you have to be available for filming, trips, events, tasks, etc., but, you also carry the name of your regular employ with you. I can see how an employer might not be on board for that. 

Plus, I imagine that you just get used to having a certain life style.  lol

I think the main gist that people are dogging on the twins for is that they don't come around to help out their dad/help out on the farm as much. Jer and Auj don't seem like they come around to visit family as often. And if Jer really wanted to take over the farm then he should have been learning the ropes. 

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