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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

You can't tell me that a man in his late 50's  that has never been married has found his love match in Amy.

I say that (to myself or out loud) every single time I see those two apart or together on any episode. 

I still can't explain the match because it wasn't as if Chris was "down and out" prior to meeting Amy. 

I guess it's my own projection in assuming that NOBODY in his/her "right mind" would leverage personal dignity, freedom, and/or quality of life for Class D "celebrity status" and the knowledge that even though I have plenty of $$$ to live comfortably myself my wife's financial wealth would appreciably enhance my lifestyle.


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I mean, maybe he loves her?

Trust me, I kinda wonder sometimes what Caryn gets from Matt, because he's not so handsome in the face to make up for the body issues or the unpleasant personality or the misogyny, but if she's hung around this long, its probably love.

Amy seems quite pleasant when not around Matt and clearly adores Chris and thats a big thing for a lot of men. She's honestly not so wealthy that money would be a huge motivation.

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I just don't see Amy's adoration of Chris. I know that much of the drama between her and Matt is scripted and exaggerated, but she does not appear genuinely excited to make a fresh start with Chris. She just wants to bitch about how she was forced off the farm (she wasn't). It comes across like she's "settling" for Chris because she couldn't have the life she really wanted.

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1 hour ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

I just don't see Amy's adoration of Chris. I know that much of the drama between her and Matt is scripted and exaggerated, but she does not appear genuinely excited to make a fresh start with Chris. She just wants to bitch about how she was forced off the farm (she wasn't). It comes across like she's "settling" for Chris because she couldn't have the life she really wanted.

Makes me wonder why she sold out?  She didn't have to.  I'm thinking Amy likes a pocket full of money and doesn't like to spend money fixing things.

The pool needed major repair.  The house needed several fixes.  Her side had all of those fantasy items that are old and falling apart.

She would have stayed if everything could have been fixed on Matt's dime but that wasn't going to happen.

Too much work and money for Amy so she skedaddled and will spend the rest of her life complaining!

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Well, let's not discount Matt screeching "have you decided to move yet?", every time a camera appears for the last five years. Also let's remember when she said she didn't want to move, she was told by Matt, in an angry fashion, that her decision wasn't what he wanted so it wasn't a decision and then continued demanding she move?

While I think Amy was lucky to get out with the cash she got, I don't think anyone thinks Amy won the farm war. 

I mean really, if it's such a shithole, and expensive to boot, why did Matt want it so bad?


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2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

That report doesn’t make any sense and it’s estimates are all over the place... she’s either worth $100,000 or a million 

That’s a pretty big difference in fact it’s a $900,000 difference and then at the end she’s suddenly worth 4.5 million

Her wealth comes from being a “Family Member” .... huh?.. Is her family in the mafia?  😎

sounds like a bunch of BS  💩 

@Joan of Argh, This post cracked me up.  I totally imagine that you're at home, pulling your hair out like your avatar as you typed this.  True?  😄😁

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43 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

@Joan of Argh, This post cracked me up.  I totally imagine that you're at home, pulling your hair out like your avatar as you typed this.  True?  😄😁

You got that right! 🤣😅

They might as well say she could be flat broke or a millionaire or anything in between.... because they obviously have no idea how much money Caryn has. 

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4 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Amy wild in the sack 😂 

I think Amy wears her pumpkin patch costumes... she’s little red riding hood and Chris is the big bad wolf!

On another board they call Amy “Little Lava Vixen” and insist that “she’s a spinner and Chris plays helicopter every night”  I needed brain bleach after that visual 😵


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I'm sorry, am I being asked to prove my opinion? I don't mind if you don't agree but I can think of numerous times where Matt's voice raised above a trembling frightened whisper as he demanded Amy decide to sell. Heck last season he was shouting (is that better than screeching? How about "hollaring"?) that Amy not selling wasn't a decision at all. They were in his office, and he was loud and nasty in tone. 

He also tends to screech whenever he's shouting/hollaring his demands from the ATV, in my opinion.  This is not always directed at Amy - but his incessant "Lets GO!" and "Away we go!" etc etc when he's yelling at people doing work for him hits "screeching" in my opinion as well.

Edited by EllaWycliffe
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On 5/20/2021 at 1:38 AM, Joan of Argh said:

There’s something about Chris that makes me uncomfortable and I don’t know why... just a strange feeling...maybe it’s because he seems to be to good to be true 🤷‍♀️ 


I feel the same way. When he first came on the show I was wary of him and I still am. Although the feeling has lessened somewhat, it is still there. And you are right, it's a strange feeling and I don't know why. Almost like an instinct type of feeling. I actually didn't expect their relationship to last this long, and never thought he'd marry her. I am suspicious of him. 

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At the beginning I was wary of Chris.  When I saw him at the pool party and the motorcycle ride I really thought he was just trying to increase his real estate contacts.  He hasn’t done anything shady that I’m aware of, but I did expect him to just stay a bachelor when they starting dating.  The one thing I’ll say is Chris seems like he enjoys that Amy is not financially dependent on him.  I think his quality of life has probably increased because of whatever he earns on TLC and any increase in real estate clients he may have gotten from the show.  They just seem an odd match but he seems the opposite of Matt in a lot of respects,  is not bad looking, and is gainfully employed.  He also seems to weather Amy’s irritability and complaining without blowing up at least on the show.  The couple flair ups on the show were mild at best.  

As long as Amy doesn’t have food on her face or teeth, got some facials and a decent hair cut, I think she’s fine physically.  Chris seems like an active person and Amy for all her faults does seem willing to jump in and try different physical activities.  I think it would be great to have a partner willing to run off on motor cycle trips, rafting, etc.  As I mentioned before I think Amy’s anger hasn’t really been directed full force on Chris because a lot of it still and probably always will go to Matt.  I think Chris just zones out and goes to his happy place during all that. I don’t think Amy probably asks a lot from Chris besides eating a ton of paprika and garlic because she got used to doing a lot of stuff on her own due to Matt’s physical limitations or just never bothered doing them at all because it wasn’t important to her. 

It seems like an easy relationship because they both seem to have low expectations, not sure if marriage will change that.

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On 5/18/2021 at 10:48 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

For all that Matt is the King of Farm Maintenance.... just how many of his precious structures have literally rotted away from lack of upkeep?

The original pirate ship.

The tree house.

The tower of terror. 

And he's owned the property for close to a year and still hasn't broken ground on his dreamhouse. 


He spent the last 30 years building or buying crappy structures that junked up the farm. I never saw the kids playing on this stuff...I did see them having apple throwing fights on them and other rough and rowdy behaviors that fortunately didn't result in a kid falling and breaking his/her head open. I never saw Molly play in her princess castle...I think Matt wanted his kids to have a childhood he never had and built these things with good intentions but as usual, Matt went overboard and it became more about him and his ego and less about the kids...they got older and didn't have interest in that stuff anymore. 

Matt will never build his "dream" house...he'll either remodel the big house so Caryn will agree to live there or he'll keep renting it out and live six months out of the year in Arizona and live in double wide the rest of the time. Just a prediction...if he actually goes through with a new build I'll be shocked.

On 5/19/2021 at 3:11 AM, sATL said:

I'm still surprised that they both found suitable people to be with relatively quick. And people who they would consider marrying. I guess being single, possibly forever single,  post divorce, isn't good tv. Maybe I am just used to people getting divorce and not remarrying.

Matt didn't have to look too far...Caryn was their employee! He started diddling with her while he was still married to Amy. And yeah...Caryn is a gold digger.

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1 hour ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Matt will never build his "dream" house...he'll either remodel the big house so Caryn will agree to live there or he'll keep renting it out and live six months out of the year in Arizona and live in double wide the rest of the time. Just a prediction...if he actually goes through with a new build I'll be shocked.

I'm inclined to agree although I would add that financially, building another McMansion on the property is expensive and I suspect people in the local area might be tired of giving freebies to Matt. I kinda doubt he's got the cash to throw around. I recently rewatched the big house build episodes and they actually ran out of money and had to stop building for a bit so I wonder if it even makes financial sense to build a completely new house simply because the old one has Amy cooties. 

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I said up thread I don't think Matt will build another big house on the farm.  That would be foolish.

He's probably a bit cash poor with buying Amy out!  Pumpkin season was in the tank.

Did I hear it wrong or is Amy carrying a cash note on the buyout?  That would mean Matt didn't pay her in full and Amy s getting payments plus maybe some interest.

I think Matt will let the big house sit a while then when Amy is married and gone a while he and maybe Caryn will move in.

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6 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I'm inclined to agree although I would add that financially, building another McMansion on the property is expensive and I suspect people in the local area might be tired of giving freebies to Matt. I kinda doubt he's got the cash to throw around. I recently rewatched the big house build episodes and they actually ran out of money and had to stop building for a bit so I wonder if it even makes financial sense to build a completely new house simply because the old one has Amy cooties. 

That's why I think he'll remodel the big house...paint it, do the kitchen over, bathroom redos, etc..Caryn will pick out the things she wants and the things she wants rid of. Probably cheaper than building an new place.

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On 5/22/2021 at 9:31 AM, Spazamanaz said:

I feel the same way. When he first came on the show I was wary of him and I still am. Although the feeling has lessened somewhat, it is still there. And you are right, it's a strange feeling and I don't know why. Almost like an instinct type of feeling. I actually didn't expect their relationship to last this long, and never thought he'd marry her. I am suspicious of him. 

I think many are, but honestly, doesn't it really always come back to what does he see in HER? She's not a beauty, usually looks dirty and greasy, and her personality really sucks. He does seem to like her kids, Matt, Caryn, and even her sycophant friends. I'd say the relationship would make a lot more sense if they had been together for years and he was putting up with her to keep the rest. I have an ex boss who has been with his wife for years, but he doesn't seem to really like her. But, he also see her kids as HIS kids and even thought they are grown adults now, it's pretty obvious if they ever got divorced, she would make it abundantly clear to her kids that they were never to see him again. So yeah, it really just seems he's staying married for the family. Probably don't hurt he travels a TON for work and can be gone weeks at a time. LOL! 

I keep reading here that Chris sold his house and is just mooching off of Amy, but she also keeps saying he's not completely moved in. She always makes it sound like he's not there full time yet. If he's not there all the time and sold his house, where is he staying then? 


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16 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

I keep reading here that Chris sold his house and is just mooching off of Amy, but she also keeps saying he's not completely moved in. She always makes it sound like he's not there full time yet. If he's not there all the time and sold his house, where is he staying then? 


Matt's gone from Oregon quite a bit.  Maybe Chris is house-sitting for Matt at the double-wide and only staying with Amy when Matt is in town.  LOL.

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7 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

I think many are, but honestly, doesn't it really always come back to what does he see in HER? She's not a beauty, usually looks dirty and greasy, and her personality really sucks.

Life isn't entirely about looks. I happen to agree btw, that Amy is not a great beauty, but frankly neither is Matt with his honking bulbous nose and gnarled troll like hands and yet Caryn finds him sexually attractive enough to talk about being naked with him.  

But looks aren't everything and while Amy isn't a great beauty, she's also really about average for a woman of her age. (I'd say that for Matt as well, to be honest). I'd argue her personality with Matt sucks, but when not around Matt, Amy is pretty outgoing and friendly. Try watching some of the early episodes with out the "OMG SHE'S HOLLARING AT MATT" blinders on. Amy and Mike had a great friendship where they laughed and joked, Amy had little people friends at the LP conventions where she was obviously a welcome part of the social circle. I can recall Deb from season two and Lisa started turning up around season 8 so these are long term friends for Amy.  She's also the sort of woman who is fairly traditional and I can see where Chris might like a woman who is willing to go on his outdoorsy trips but also makes him dinner and treats him like he is super awesome. 

28 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

I keep reading here that Chris sold his house and is just mooching off of Amy, but she also keeps saying he's not completely moved in. She always makes it sound like he's not there full time yet. If he's not there all the time and sold his house, where is he staying then? 


Chris sold his house in December 2020. This was filmed April-October of 2020. 

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On 5/22/2021 at 8:45 PM, BrownBear2012 said:

That's why I think he'll remodel the big house...paint it, do the kitchen over, bathroom redos, etc..Caryn will pick out the things she wants and the things she wants rid of. Probably cheaper than building an new place.

This makes good financial sense, I completely agree. I just wonder whether Matt's ego will get in the way. I mean, to me? I just bought the property, I may be paying for it for a long time and there's a really nice home already set up for my handicap with plenty of room, no need to build a ramp to anything, wide doorways, low light switches and... a fairly bland beige interior. I can spend a lot of money building a new big place (the dream house isn't going to be small) with all the handicap features that cost more because I'm too damaged from my memories of "never feeling welcome in that house" and my lover has some sort of issue with living in my ex's place (but won't be chipping in on the new place) and spend a fuck ton of money doing it.... or I can renovate, add some color to the walls (red most likely) and put in some masculine furniture and live in a really great house. 

I'd go with renovating, personally. Its not like anyone was murdered in the house.

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I’m rewatching last week’s episode, since I missed some portions.  Laughing a lot over Matt repeatedly yelling Put on that strap on!  😆 This was when he was bringing the structure down. Not sure why that struck me......lol.  Not a great visual.  

Man, I bet Amy bit about a pound of nails in half while signing that farm buyout paperwork.  😩 She didn’t have to do it though.  It’s almost like she didn’t really want it, but she didn’t want Matt to have it.  Hopefully, she’ll move on now.  It’s nice she said she was appreciative. 

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On 5/19/2021 at 7:27 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

Her concern is that Matt is a manipulator who gaslights and exaggerates. So if Chris is hanging around Matt, Matt is going to fill his ears and mind with not so complimentary stories about Amy.

She shouldn't worry about that at all. If Matt tried that and  Chris is truly dedicated, loyal to Amy and madly in love, he would stop Matt in his tracks and tell him he does not want to hear it.

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Matt has proven himself to be a manipulative gaslighting cheater.  He obviously did a number on Amy, along with Caryn, so no wonder she's always wary when in his/their presence.

I hope very much that Chris is sincere and doesn't break Amy's heart. She tries to show a tough exterior at times, but to me she seems fragile and holding back emotion.

Isn't it interesting how we all see and interpret things from our own perspectives?

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15 minutes ago, SoCal4Us said:

Matt has proven himself to be a manipulative gaslighting cheater.  He obviously did a number on Amy, along with Caryn, so no wonder she's always wary when in his/their presence.

Speaking as someone whose had to deal with a charming manipulative gaslighting relative, yes this.  Chris might be a saint who has Matt's number down and just enjoys tweaking Matt's tail so to speak, but Amy would still be wary of introducing him to Matt because of how Matt has acted in the past. 

Hell, if we take Caryn at her word - she was best friends with Amy, and now, thanks to Matt, Amy's best pal is making mean digs about her on national tv.  

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On 5/22/2021 at 5:51 PM, Jeanne222 said:

I said up thread I don't think Matt will build another big house on the farm.  That would be foolish.

He's probably a bit cash poor with buying Amy out!  Pumpkin season was in the tank.

Did I hear it wrong or is Amy carrying a cash note on the buyout?  That would mean Matt didn't pay her in full and Amy s getting payments plus maybe some interest.

I think Matt will let the big house sit a while then when Amy is married and gone a while he and maybe Caryn will move in.

Yes, she’s definitely the lien holder is what I heard. Why in the world? That woman cannot let go. 

Chris has gotten pissed at Amy on camera before. He basically told her to shape up or ship out when they were at that cabin shortly after they got together. And now it looks like he ain’t moving in unless Amy gets rid of her hoard piles. He’s one of those guys that seems easygoing (and is) until he’s pushed a hair too far. Then look out!

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New episode is up!

Chris and Amy look a barn wedding venue - he wants a more casual wedding but agrees the venue they look at is nice. It is nice, it looks a lot better than the barn at Roloff Farms and its obviously meant to be a wedding venue first. 

Matt's happy to finally be free and is building a log cabin. He's delighted that Caryn wants to build a better chicken coop than his -basically the chicken coop in the air is too high for Jackson. Matt is delighted that Caryn wants to do a project! They note it was awkward previously to do projects because Amy was a monster.

Tory and Zach may buy half the farm but have reservations. They natter on a bid and head to the farm. We discover pumpkin season may not happen! Caryn is now working as something like the farm manager. She says she left the job previously because there was "tensions" but now that Amy is gone, its now professional for Matt to be dating the farm manager. 

Amy and Lisa and Deb discuss how Amy needs to make some room for Chris. They also discuss doing the farm wedding with Roloff farms but that they will have to act as a buffer.

There's an extensive pile of cuteness with Jackson and baby chicks. 

Now Tory and Caryn paint the new chicken coop. They discuss how Caryn hired Tory on the farm and there's a lengthy how Tory met Zach and BUT HE'S A LITTLE PERSON wonderment.  Caryn goes into the gold digger talk. Caryn is fairly defensive about this in a confessional. Caryn isn't actually interested in expanding the farm and thinks Matt may need to slow down.

Tory returns from taking Lilah to the doctor. Lilah has an eye thing and has been refered to a specialist. Jackson has an appointment for his legs. He's three and a half here so yes, the child is being seen by a doctor and things aren't being ignored.

Amy has Chris over. They have time away since he's still living in his old place. He's a lil annoyed about the boxes in the garage. He basically makes the point that its been eight months and honestly, Amy really needs to fucking deal with moving or see a damn shrink because its getting ridiculous. Also she's needing to accept that its a four bedroom place and Chris needs to put his things some where. She definetely takes a tone with him and he takes a tone with her. 

Next week, more talk of Jackson needing surgery. 

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On 5/22/2021 at 3:23 PM, BrownBear2012 said:


Matt didn't have to look too far...Caryn was their employee! He started diddling with her while he was still married to Amy. And yeah...Caryn is a gold digger.

I felt that in the recent episode that wonderful, chicken raising, tori bonding, caryn was being jammed down the throats of viewers as she explained how in love she was with the warm snuggling matt....not there for roloff bucks but for his warm embrace---sorry she has gold digger branded all over her...

It is wonderful that tori and hubby are going to buy as share of the farm...but where is thier money coming from...and what about the other roloff kids...do they get to partake in the fruits of the farm?


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31 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

So, Chris has never been married before…he doesn’t want to move into 4 bedroom house with a basement until the garage can fit 2 cars, bike and an empty office? Why not take one of the bedrooms for an office? Weird 

I would chalk it up to storyline drama, however, Chris and Amy seemed very spirited in that conversation about the boxes and it seemed Amy was disappointed that another man had expectations that she could not meet.  This type of thing will be a constant issue.  When you are hardwired so differently like that.....I hope they can make it work.   

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Did they use the word monster? If so, who did?

No one said monster... all I heard was “up until recently it was Amy’s farm and Caryn didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes” so she didn’t start any projects but now that circumstances have changed she decided to add a chicken coop for Jackson because he enjoys the chickens.

I think it’s nice because on Instagram Jackson loves the chickens... he’s very cute with them.

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26 minutes ago, TMI said:

I felt that in the recent episode that wonderful, chicken raising, tori bonding, caryn was being jammed down the throats of viewers as she explained how in love she was with the warm snuggling matt....not there for roloff bucks but for his warm embrace---sorry she has gold digger branded all over her...

It is wonderful that tori and hubby are going to buy as share of the farm...but where is thier money coming from...and what about the other roloff kids...do they get to partake in the fruits of the farm?


Caryn has put on some pounds...she's looking very zaftig. As for the other kids...Jeremy expressed interest a few years ago in running the farm but seems to have decided not to. I read that he and Audrey are looking to buy their own farm...Jacob has zero interest in it...probably too many bad memories there for him. Molly has her own career, husband and life in Washington state. No way is she interested in it. I guess Zach will use his TLC money because outside of the show they have no other income. Tori quit her teaching job when she got married and Zach only worked minimum wage jobs coaching soccer and working odd jobs at the soccer place. I think he might have some money from selling those step ladder things to hotels...Matt didn't want to do it anymore.

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6 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

Yes, she’s definitely the lien holder is what I heard. Why in the world? That woman cannot let go. 

Chris has gotten pissed at Amy on camera before. He basically told her to shape up or ship out when they were at that cabin shortly after they got together. And now it looks like he ain’t moving in unless Amy gets rid of her hoard piles. He’s one of those guys that seems easygoing (and is) until he’s pushed a hair too far. Then look out!

I posted on another thread here that she did say something about being a lien holder when she was signing the paperwork. I'm betting it's an installment loan buyout rather than flat-out buyout because Matt doesn't have the money to pay for it outright.


{edited for spelling]

Edited by Lurk
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On 5/19/2021 at 8:38 AM, Jeanne222 said:

Another evening of Matt baiting and Amy scrolling and being a real sour puss!

I forget who said what but it sounds like Zack and Tori for the win!

If the show is to go on it will have to be them since the other three are gone!

And the other three are not little people, which is the premise of the show.

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On 5/19/2021 at 4:18 PM, Fostersmom said:

I was going to quote just part of this, but really it all needs quoted. 

Yes, Amy needs to just shut up about the farm already! She acts like she was forced off the farm in the matter of a day, in the dead of night, and given no choice of a new home. She could have bought a house with a few acres if more land was so important to her, but she didn't. Instead, she's just going to whine and moan about it. I admittedly only started watching regularly again in the past couple of seasons, but unless I'm mistaken, she was given the chance to buy the house or stay on the farm in some capacity, and again, didn't. And yes, I'm sure she got a tidy sum in the buy out. 

Amy also needs to get over Chris not hating Matt. She should be grateful she found someone who is willing to try to be on friendly terms with her ex. A lot of people can't do that. And if she wants to be part of her grandkid's events, you'd think she would want them to be pleasant ones. I mean, who wants to look back at Jackson's and Lila's birthdays and remembering nothing but Grandma Amy with a sour look on her face? 

I can't really blame Tori for wanting the big house. She's probably not going to come right out and say it, but she doesn't strike me as a stupid woman who's unaware of what her future might look like. The house they live in now is ridiculously stupid for most families with small kids, let alone a family with small kids who are also little people. It's obvious Jackson's going to need surgery soon on his legs. Is Zach going to carry him up and down the steps? Doubtful. Zach's no stranger to surgery himself, so what happens if he needs surgery again? Tori's supposed to run up and down a millions steps, trying to corral kids, and get Zach what he needs at the same time? Plus, Zach keeps going on about wanting more kids, and again, Tori's not stupid and probably is assuming they will have more little person kids. 

I also had to agree with her that chickens are disgusting! LOL! I used to refuse to go in the chicken barns at the county fair. They stink and are just gross to me. I'd always say they aren't good for anything but eating and laying eggs for me to eat! 

The farm house has stairs too.

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I wonder if Zach will take some business classes to aid him in running the farm?  Most things can be taken online now.  He might want to consider the reasons behind some of the business decisions Matt has made. And, he might do some research on amusement farms like theirs.  They are quite popular, but competitive in their appeal to keep patrons coming back.  You have to have features that inspire people to return every year.  Zach doesn’t seem to have much of a vision for the business.  He talks about memories there, but no real zeal for things to come, except his kids living on the farm like he did.   Matt seems to know this.  So, the future of the farm......hmmmmm... I see why Matt is hesitant to relinquish control.  

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