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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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Just now, Jeanne222 said:

Isn’t that farm big enough for both brothers and their families to live there?  Acres and acres of land and they quibble like the spoiled, enabled, lazy men that were raised there. 

To live sure. To own? That's more problematic.  The land laws in the area prevent the properties from being split up aside from the original division - the farm property of 32 acres was originally separate from the wedding barn property, therefore these properties can be sold separately.  What CAN'T happen is Matt plunking down a house here and there and everywhere and everyone buying a house and a few acres and having their own property. (If you don't believe me, look up the law in the area and ask yourself why the wedding barn property's original owner walked away from the cash cow that selling the property for a subdivision close to Portland would have brought. For that matter, ask yourself why Matt the WONDERFUL business man has never once suggested doing the obvious)

So it will always be two properties and Matt isn't likely to give up EITHER for years, but I really see him keeping the property he plans to put the fantasy dream house that he'll get bored with as soon as it's finished at least until that point.

Each property has its pluses and minuses - one has more property but a lesser house, one has a better house but less property. How does Matt choose which twin gets what? And this all ignores the two younger siblings unless Matt really is a "Fuck them if they didn't take it when I offered" sort. If he is - then both Jeremy and Zach also fail the test anyway.

46 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think both brothers would like to live on the farm. I think it’s the two wives and their ideas holding them back. 

Sensibly, I would hope both wives realize the circle of attention neediness that swirls around Matt and that living on Matt's farm - and it will ALWAYS be Matt's farm - means their husband's and probably their children will all be "on call" for whatever Matt's whims demand. 


49 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Tori has had a taste of the bright lights and social media about her every move.

I genuinely don't see this, especially when compared to Audrey who lives on social media.


17 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

There’s plenty of room on the farm for multiple families if they  wanted to live there. And, I call BS on the story that Jer would be upset with Zach wanting to move and work on  the farm. Jer has DECLINED the pleas from Matt to do that for years! So, I don’t buy it. The farm house is not even Jer and Auj’s style.  If they are pretending it’s an issue, it’s for ratings, imo. 

See above. There are restrictions on the property being broken down. They certainly might get more houses built but they can't sell the houses as separate property. Its never been an issue of there being room for everyone.

As for Jer being upset... Sunny, I hope this doesn't shock you but sometimes people are assholes. Jeremy tends to be an asshole a lot of the time. He's exactly the sort who would turn down a treat like an extra piece of pie but then be angry that someone got the treat he turned down. Jeremy seems to see himself as first and best of the Roloffs. His argument will be that he has expressed interest but has needed time for his special ministry blah blah blah.  I mean sure, maybe he's faking for ratings but siblings have fought over much less than a beautiful home and business on a large piece of property.

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Jeremy wants the option to purchase the farm someday, but when it has been offered to him more than once he has said he was not ready.  Maybe he will be ready at 40, maybe never.  Is the whole family supposed to wait indefinitely until he decides?  Can he even afford it without the TLC income the last few seasons?  I had read somewhere that despite buying that big house he and the ginger were moving back to Bend.  So I don’t know how much involvement he could even have with helping out on the farm or learning operations leading up to ownership if that is true.  I agree that Zach is a lazy oaf, but if he is making a serious offer why wait forever for Prince Golden Locks?

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7 hours ago, sATL said:

the kid-adults didn't help? maybe that is what she meant then by "no support"

You're probably right...those kids do nothing to help unless they get paid. Sounds like Jeremy isn't the golden boy so much anymore. It's all about Zach and his kids. 

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When Matt was showing Caryn the part of the property where he wanted to build, was that a neighbour's house that could be seen on the far left? There was a play structure in front of it, but it certainly wasn't the main house and didn't look like the DW. If I had all that property, the last place I would build would be where I could see the neighbour's house.

It was interesting to see a bit of the renos of the main house over the year. It really is a beautiful home, and then did a great job with the renos to make the additions look like they were part of an original house. Does anyone know what the square footage of it is? I know it has a few garages which don't count in the sq footage (at least where I live) but it is a large house regardless. 

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Jeremy wants the option to purchase the farm someday, but when it has been offered to him more than once he has said he was not ready.  Maybe he will be ready at 40, maybe never.  Is the whole family supposed to wait indefinitely until he decides?  Can he even afford it without the TLC income the last few seasons?  I had read somewhere that despite buying that big house he and the ginger were moving back to Bend.  So I don’t know how much involvement he could even have with helping out on the farm or learning operations leading up to ownership if that is true.  I agree that Zach is a lazy oaf, but if he is making a serious offer why wait forever for Prince Golden Locks?

Exactly, Jer wants it but he doesn't have the money or income to make it happen.

However he's such an entitled little shit that he just expects everyone to wait around or better yet... make it happen for him if he pouts and complains enough to guilt trip everyone into handing it to him on a silver platter.

He could have written his books AND stayed on the show if he was really willing to sacrifice and do whatever it took to make it happen but that would have meant facing comments and criticism online etc.....his fragile little baby ego couldn't take it.

He's a big spoiled baby who THINKS that he works soooooo hard, give me a break he sleeps in every day and then pisses around buying toys for his truck, placing orders on Amazon, fiddles around with his collection of cars and bikes that are stored on the farm, goes to his "office" at the farm, sits his ass in front of a microphone pontificating on their podcast, goes on multiple vacations and getaways every year etc... Jeremy wouldn't know HARD WORK if it sat on his face and wiggled.... He's never had a job where he had to be up early, work all day, come home and do chores fall into bed exhausted and get up again the next morning at 6 AM to start the process all over again.

Auj is the same...she thinks that they work so hard and constantly complains how exhausted they are with 2 kids to juggle... Good grief try getting yourself up, then get a toddler and a baby up, make lunches, pack diaper bag etc..drop one at school and the other at daycare, go to work and juggle who will pick up the kids, go home make dinner, bath the kids etc and start again the next day.

They both make me sick with their clueless attitude, couple of spoiled rotten prima donnas who've never worked hard or sacrificed for anything.

Zach isn't much better, they're both lazy as hell.

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6 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Sensibly, I would hope both wives realize the circle of attention neediness that swirls around Matt and that living on Matt's farm - and it will ALWAYS be Matt's farm - means their husband's and probably their children will all be "on call" for whatever Matt's whims demand. 

EXACTLY!  It might be nice if both boys drag their families to live on Matt's Farm.  It won't take long before they're taking the place of Amy.  Matt needs to browbeat someone regularly or he's not happy.  I don't think Caryn will take any crap.

6 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:
7 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Tori has had a taste of the bright lights and social media about her every move.

I genuinely don't see this, especially when compared to Audrey who lives on social media.

Yeah...me neither.


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18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Amy is complaining that she didn’t get enough sympathy last year! Who in the hey wants others feelings sorry for you? That’s so silly and selfish.  She really does have it rough with living in two gorgeous houses, nice car, new furniture, kids, grandkids, flexible schedule, financial security, good health, loving fiancé, man......sounds like she’s suffering....

I think the word she used several times was "support," not sympathy.  She may not have meant physical support.  She seemed to have everyone "hinting" that she just wasn't working hard enough...she needed to get that 30 years of stuff out of that house right now!  Right now, so KT and her husband could move in.  GEEZ!

It was nice to see the clips of the "old" Amy when she had kids at home, seemed to be cooking all the time...involved in all the kids' activities.  SMILING and LAUGHING all the time (oh, and she had a j-o-b too).  Several years of having to live with a man who's always right, who continually bad-mouthed Amy  wore her down.  Matt continues to talk "to us" through the camera but doesn't say much except to complain about Everything Amy.  It's over.  She's gone.  LEAVE HER ALONE!  Start ragging on Caryn and see how far you get.

I hope Chris will be patient and understanding...giving Amy some time to rewind.  I'd like to see her smiling all the time ... and I'd like to see her short bob again.

Edited by Back Atcha
spelling correction by Sister Mary Perfecta
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My husband was passively hearing the show while in the room doing something else. He really had no idea about the Roloffs and their stories. He said to me 'but do these people do nothing else but complain all the time?"...How depressing they are. He was exactly right. This show needs to go. Quit bringing viewers down and quit complaining while all the time sitting in beautiful homes with a paycheck from the network.

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1 hour ago, Caracoa1 said:

Jeremy and Audrey do not want to purchase the farm, They expect it to be "gifted" to them.  After all Jeremy is the "golden child".

You think he is the golden child?  Maybe with Amy?  Matt seemed to be dismissing his interest in the buying the property and was singing Zach’s praises.  Amy was the one who said not to dismiss what Jeremy has done for the farm.  

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7 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

I think the word she used several times was "support," not sympathy.  She may not have meant physical support.  She seemed to have everyong "hinting" that she just wasn't working hard enough...she needed to get that 30 years of stuff out of that house right now!  Right now, so KT and her husband could move in.  GEEZ!

It was nice to see the clips of the "old" Amy when she had kids at home, seemed to be cooking all the time...involved in all the kids' activities.  SMILING and LAUGHING all the time (oh, and she had a j-o-b too).  Several years of having to live with a man who's always right, who continually bad-mouthed Amy  wore her down.  Matt continues to talk "to us" through the camera but doesn't say much except to complain about Everything Amy.  It's over.  She's gone.  LEAVE HER ALONE!  Start ragging on Caryn and see how far you get.

I hope Chris will be patient and understanding...giving Amy some time to rewind.  I'd like to see her smiling all the time ... and I'd like to see her short bob again.

She did use the word sympathy at least once. It was when she was standing in the house and lamenting over what she lost. She carries so much resentment inside. Some people just can’t let go. I hope she is able to eventually, really move on.

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29 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Jeremy used to be Matt's golden child.  I'm not sure what took the bloom off that rose.

Maybe when TLC told Jeremy and Audrey their services were no longer required as they didn't have any "Little People" in their lineage.  As a producer on the show, Matt wants to keep the money flow going.  Jeremy wasn't part of that any more, so dropped in Matt's list of priorities.

I don't believe Jeremy's announcement that he and Audrey chose to leave the show.  Right . . . and then instantly decided he had to have an office at the farm for his writing and thinking of deep thoughts?  Nah . . . he just wanted to see what was going on, and hope they might change their minds if they saw him every day they were filming.

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On 10/27/2020 at 6:55 PM, IndianPaintbrush said:

Highly doubtful Zach "sprang" this news on his parents during filming. I guarantee they already knew. I guess if the producers can't get Matt and Amy to provide enough drama, they'll just have Zach fighting with his invisible brother.

I wonder if Amy knew?   It was presented as if Matt was told prior to the walkthrough and had time to digest.

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On 10/27/2020 at 9:51 PM, Boston said:

So lazy Zach and the Visiting Nurse Tori want the farm.  We will see what happens when it turns into the 'money pit' or just basically running it into the ground.  Matt keeps saying how Zach "works hard" on the farm.. Really?   I watch this show, but it has become kind of sad.

I thought it was interesting that Matt clearly was presenting the fact Zach has been doing "a lot" on the farm for two years as news to Amy.   Even if Matt is the one overseeing the operations, Amy is still an owner, Zach's mother, and until a few months before this discussion was living on the property.   It seems like somehow or another one of those factors would have meant she was aware of at least a few of Zach's endeavors on the farm over the previous two years.    

I feel like production may be pushing the Zach agenda to keep the show running and history is being retconned to suit.   Honestly, in Amy's shoes I'd be having some feelings about being strongly encouraged to move off the property, first being led to believe Matt would be 100-percent owner, then led to believe a sale would take place.   Once she's fully committed and the house is cleaned and spruced, suddenly the son who's never really exerted much effort into the farm or expressed a desire to buy it is tossing around the idea and Matt is planning his dream build for his new home on the farm as well.   As the ex wife I'd have feelings about that situation -- realizing family gatherings would mean constantly confronting all of that again, except she will be definitely made a visitor while Matt is resident, family and partner to their son.   I don't care, that's a lot emotionally.   

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

She did use the word sympathy at least once. It was when she was standing in the house and lamenting over what she lost. She carries so much resentment inside. Some people just can’t let go. I hope she is able to eventually, really move on.

Seeing a taste of what Amy's parents were like, I'm not sure she's really known in her life what it is to be truly emotionally supported and understood.   I'm not super surprised she would be yearning for that.   Even if she and Chris are a great match (I don't know either way), the move out of the house and off the farm might seem much less emotional to him as a real estate professional and someone who's never raised children.  

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Tikichick, you also want to remember that Matt really has no problem lying to people. As I recall "Jeremy is doing work around the farm" also gets trotted out when someone is being accused of being lazy. If it bolsters Matt's arguement at the time, he'll pretty much say anything. So I would take "Zach works hard" from Matt as Matt's typical bluster. While I do think Zach does things on the farm we don't see, I can't believe, for example, that Zach is suddenly proposing new investment options or doing the farm accounting. 

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15 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Tikichick, you also want to remember that Matt really has no problem lying to people. As I recall "Jeremy is doing work around the farm" also gets trotted out when someone is being accused of being lazy. If it bolsters Matt's arguement at the time, he'll pretty much say anything. So I would take "Zach works hard" from Matt as Matt's typical bluster. While I do think Zach does things on the farm we don't see, I can't believe, for example, that Zach is suddenly proposing new investment options or doing the farm accounting. 

 I didn't say it was true.  I was suggesting that if it were true it would be fairly difficult for Amy to be so entirely unaware that Matt needed to inform her.   Somewhere over the two years that Zach has been "doing a lot of work around the farm"  his mother, who lived on said farm and was co-owner of the property and the business would presumably been in the position to be aware of some of Zach's allegedly prodigious efforts.

I'm laying the entire idea down to producer manipulation and pressure.

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Wasn't it Pumpkin Season of 2019 that Zach worked during the special PAID tours and Jer wasn't available?  It seems that Zach has worked every pumpkin season, so, I give him that.  But, that's not what I would call a full time job. Based on what Jer and Zach have demonstrated, neither of them really seem to have that talent you need for a business like that.  I don't think Molly or Jacob do either. It's not a moral issue.  Some people just aren't cut out for stuff like that. As a business owner and operator, you have to have somewhat of a fire in the belly. Pumpkin Farm work is both farming, sales, art, numbers, etc. You have to work on ideas, research, finances, and have the ability to make things happen.  It's stressful.  I can't see anyone in the family doing it except for Matt and Caryn.  And, they don't want to do it. So, this fantasy of the kids taking over is nice, but, not very realistic.  But, it makes for good tv.  That's a pretty living, I suppose.  It likely pays Zach and Tori more than if they worked 40 hrs at regular jobs.  

I'm not sure if Jer and Auj were not invited to continue on the show.  IMO, the show has surpassed the idea of showcasing little people.  Their family, is their family.  To me, it would help the show to have more stories, content, cousins playing, family gatherings....But, IDK.  TLC is not the brightest.  No respect for them really.  

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

She carries so much resentment inside. Some people just can’t let go.

Like me.  Who COULD let go if they had to speak to MATT--wait, be interrogated and chastised by Matt every time they showed up on their own property--not me.  Leave her alone; maybe she can let go.   I carry "resentment" against Matt and I haven't watched more than ten episodes all these years.  He's a manipulator and a gossip who thinks of himself as the smartest and the best--and always right.  What will he do when he doesn't have Amy criticize anymore?

Walk, walk, walk... and up ZOOMS Matt in his MattMobile.  I feel that she's an abused woman and her tormentor is the one who can't let go.  He's lurking around every corner.  TLC won't think Amy's life with Chris is interesting if she's happy, so some conflict will be necessary.  Of course, perhaps CHRIS won't be happy.  It's not easy for a neatnik to live with a clutterer.

I realize A LOT OF THIS is created drama.  I wonder if Amy/Amy's agents asked for the "nicer" scenes where she was able to walk through the house alone and remember the good times.  A nice way for her to end the season.

Edited by Back Atcha
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1 hour ago, Tikichick said:

As the ex wife I'd have feelings about that situation -- realizing family gatherings would mean constantly confronting all of that again, except she will be definitely made a visitor while Matt is resident, family and partner to their son. 

And then there's ChaCha; Amy will definitely be the fifth wheel--probably seated at a separate table.

1 hour ago, Tikichick said:

I wonder if Amy knew?   It was presented as if Matt was told prior to the walkthrough and had time to digest.

Yeah!  That was creepy; we're all voyeurs as Matt pretends it's ALL NEWS TO HIM and Zach presents it as a recent light-bulb moment.    Manipulator and mini-manipulator.

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19 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

If they are pretending it’s an issue, it’s for ratings, imo. 

Most everything on reality shows is for drama and ratings.

Edited by preeya
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24 minutes ago, preeya said:

Most everything on reality shows is for drama and ratings.

And scripted.  Amy already let it slip that Chris refused to say something while filming even after she asked him to play along.  As far a Matt “tormenting and abusing” Amy, if it were that bad she would not be showing up at pumpkin season as a greeter.  She would stay as far away from him as possible.  

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9 minutes ago, DonnaMae said:

She should be used to her empty nest by now.  Her kids have been out of the nest for quite a while.

But it could be that her abandoning the nest altogether was the final emotional recognition it's truly over.    Hadn't the youngest son and his girlfriend come and stayed with her at the house not too long ago? 

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Amy has owned her new house for a year now.  She was able to host a very sad Christmas dinner for Z&T with Chris, but at that point she hadn’t fully moved out of the big house.  Now we know she didn’t finally vacate the farmhouse until late Feb or early March 2020.   And Chris still wasn’t living there full time when thes COVID a episodes were filmed. Now it’ a year since she bought her new place...has Chris moved in??  If after a full year of playing house on a part time basis,  I don’t see them getting married.  Amy is very sloppy and likes to surround herself with her 40,000 very important and sentimental mugs, and boxes filled with 30 year old papers. Chris likes order and not so much clutter.  

Tori has every reason to be cautious about living on the Roloff property.  Thirty-two acres will feel like a 1/32 of an acre once Matt constantly stops by to talk pumpkins and buildings and maintenance every day and night.  It will be extremely difficult to keep boundaries in place.  Matt will pull the strings to manipulate Zach and Tori based on what he needs.  Poor pitiful crippled disabled Matt will whine and wheedle.  Big business man Matt will pull the boss / owner card.  Even when he and Caryn (aka the next ex-Mrs. Roloff) are in AZ, he will call or text to make sure Zach is dancing to Matt’s tune.

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8 hours ago, Absolom said:

Jeremy used to be Matt's golden child.  I'm not sure what took the bloom off that rose.

Jeremy didn't knock up the wife first. Worse, the second grandchild was a not-boy and that makes Jeremy kind of a not-man. Sorry but one day, Ember will see that video of her gender reveal where Granpa Matt frowns and looks down when he realized he wasn't getting a male grandchild and immediately turns to Uncle Zach and says "Well, Jackson is king of the farm". Matt's disappointment was so visible, I felt bad for Auj and Jer and I dislike those two greatly. 

Jeremy also has clearly been refusing to put his shoulder to the wheel and take on the role of "Matt's helper bitch on the farm". That farm has been sitting there for actual years. Jeremy's career has hardly exploded, he's basically holding Audrey's purse while she uses an MLM to make them money. He piddles around with hobbies but also refuses to commit to the farm because he's somehow doing a ministry that basically involves him goofing around and letting his wife support the family. Maybe Matt finally had the scales fall from his eyes and realized he raised a shallow piece of shit who really doesn't care about anything but his own wants and needs. That Jeremy quit the show (and I waver on this but I think Jer and Auj went in demanding more control over how they were portrayed, got told no, threatened leaving and basically production held the door for them to walk out) was probably a big deal because it does put more of the work load of filming on the remaining members of the family. 

Frankly, off screen, I wonder if Jeremy's complete lack of ambition and his willingness to be Mr. Audrey Roloff might be a bit of a turn off for Matt.

Zach in contrast has been devoted to the show, produced an appropriate male heir for Matt to have cute scenes with, is *willing* to plonk Jackson down on the farm for whatever shoot Matt wants to do. Zach shows up for Matt's surgery and in general seems concerned for Matt, while Jeremy doesn't, and mostly seems annoyed that he is being mildly inconvenienced. Maybe Matt has realized that when push comes to shove, the twin who actually puts in the time is the one Matt didn't think as much of. 

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4 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Jeremy didn't knock up the wife first. Worse, the second grandchild was a not-boy and that makes Jeremy kind of a not-man. Sorry but one day, Ember will see that video of her gender reveal where Granpa Matt frowns and looks down when he realized he wasn't getting a male grandchild and immediately turns to Uncle Zach and says "Well, Jackson is king of the farm". Matt's disappointment was so visible, I felt bad for Auj and Jer and I dislike those two greatly. 

Jeremy also has clearly been refusing to put his shoulder to the wheel and take on the role of "Matt's helper bitch on the farm". That farm has been sitting there for actual years. Jeremy's career has hardly exploded, he's basically holding Audrey's purse while she uses an MLM to make them money. He piddles around with hobbies but also refuses to commit to the farm because he's somehow doing a ministry that basically involves him goofing around and letting his wife support the family. Maybe Matt finally had the scales fall from his eyes and realized he raised a shallow piece of shit who really doesn't care about anything but his own wants and needs. That Jeremy quit the show (and I waver on this but I think Jer and Auj went in demanding more control over how they were portrayed, got told no, threatened leaving and basically production held the door for them to walk out) was probably a big deal because it does put more of the work load of filming on the remaining members of the family. 

Frankly, off screen, I wonder if Jeremy's complete lack of ambition and his willingness to be Mr. Audrey Roloff might be a bit of a turn off for Matt.

Zach in contrast has been devoted to the show, produced an appropriate male heir for Matt to have cute scenes with, is *willing* to plonk Jackson down on the farm for whatever shoot Matt wants to do. Zach shows up for Matt's surgery and in general seems concerned for Matt, while Jeremy doesn't, and mostly seems annoyed that he is being mildly inconvenienced. Maybe Matt has realized that when push comes to shove, the twin who actually puts in the time is the one Matt didn't think as much of. 

Yeah and I think patriarchal Matt doesn’t like that both Jeremy and Zach are whipped by their wives, with Jeremy being more so.

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30 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Yeah and I think patriarchal Matt doesn’t like that both Jeremy and Zach are whipped by their wives, with Jeremy being more so.

And I also think Matt is smart enough to realize that despite having a vagina, Audrey is likely as good at, if not better, at manipulation and she's not going to be the next whipping girl for Matt to bitch about.

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42 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Jeremy didn't knock up the wife first. Worse, the second grandchild was a not-boy and that makes Jeremy kind of a not-man. Sorry but one day, Ember will see that video of her gender reveal where Granpa Matt frowns and looks down when he realized he wasn't getting a male grandchild and immediately turns to Uncle Zach and says "Well, Jackson is king of the farm". Matt's disappointment was so visible, I felt bad for Auj and Jer and I dislike those two greatly. 

Jeremy also has clearly been refusing to put his shoulder to the wheel and take on the role of "Matt's helper bitch on the farm". That farm has been sitting there for actual years. Jeremy's career has hardly exploded, he's basically holding Audrey's purse while she uses an MLM to make them money. He piddles around with hobbies but also refuses to commit to the farm because he's somehow doing a ministry that basically involves him goofing around and letting his wife support the family. Maybe Matt finally had the scales fall from his eyes and realized he raised a shallow piece of shit who really doesn't care about anything but his own wants and needs. That Jeremy quit the show (and I waver on this but I think Jer and Auj went in demanding more control over how they were portrayed, got told no, threatened leaving and basically production held the door for them to walk out) was probably a big deal because it does put more of the work load of filming on the remaining members of the family. 

Frankly, off screen, I wonder if Jeremy's complete lack of ambition and his willingness to be Mr. Audrey Roloff might be a bit of a turn off for Matt.

Zach in contrast has been devoted to the show, produced an appropriate male heir for Matt to have cute scenes with, is *willing* to plonk Jackson down on the farm for whatever shoot Matt wants to do. Zach shows up for Matt's surgery and in general seems concerned for Matt, while Jeremy doesn't, and mostly seems annoyed that he is being mildly inconvenienced. Maybe Matt has realized that when push comes to shove, the twin who actually puts in the time is the one Matt didn't think as much of. 

Jeremy also doesn't have a child that's an LP.


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Just now, readheaded said:

Jeremy also doesn't have a child that's an LP.

I get you but Jeremy has always been the Golden One and he's not LP. If Ember had been Cole (get it, hee hee) then instead of look at how Jackson is king of the land, we would be seeing how Jackson and Cole are just like Zach and Jeremy with Cole leading the way and shining in everything while Jackson tags along with his little LP legs, the perfect sidekick. 

I also kinda wonder if the dynamic of "Jackson is first and best for Granpa Matt" will change as Bode becomes more of a player.

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I have to admit that Amy walking through the farmhouse with all those memories playing really made me emotional. It has to be hard to let go of the place that you raised your children in and has so many good memories. Despite being divorced now, they lived a good life there. It was a wonderful place to raise kids. And it has to hurt a little that she and Matt were not able to hold their marriage together. They are both much happier now but I’m sure in a way you might feel like you failed your kids. 

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1 hour ago, winsomeone said:

Did Amy say she wouldn't have sold the farm house to Matt if she knew he were going to consider selling it to Zack? And if that is so, how will he pay for that house with no real job? 

That was not discussed at all. Zack just told his parents he was interested.

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22 hours ago, mxmummy said:

I have to admit that Amy walking through the farmhouse with all those memories playing really made me emotional. It has to be hard to let go of the place that you raised your children in and has so many good memories. Despite being divorced now, they lived a good life there. It was a wonderful place to raise kids. And it has to hurt a little that she and Matt were not able to hold their marriage together. They are both much happier now but I’m sure in a way you might feel like you failed your kids. 

I think every parent(s) has to struggle with the decision to keep or not keep the family home. Amy is not the first to leave the family home and won't be the last. Memories will always stay ...you don't have to be in a certain location to remember ,  and you don't lose the memory, if  your not at the location..

Just sharing a few examples :

  • the family home can expensive to keep during the retirement years. Taxes , utilities and upkeep can be a burden when one is on a fixed income. Many financial planners do speak on this matter as one is planning for the golden years - while one is still working. Its not always "cheaper to keep 'er ( the home)" in some cases
  • some of the family home "responsibilities"  and do not want to carry those until God calls them home. All was fine when there was  a bunch of hands to carry out the duties. It gets to a point when one gets tired of chores like shoveling snow.. and you get tired of hiring a person to do so. And remember: the longtime steady hired hands, also have retirement plans.
  • when the kid-adults move to another side of town/city/state , the kid adults want the parents closer to them. 
  • for  the parents who lived in xwyz hot/top school district, had a good time during the k-12 years. When that is over, there can be time one wants to be in a usually quieter location, being near those closer to their age. Many single ranch communities are popping up for those 50+ with 1 or none kids, under 16
  • Two+ story, master on upper level, 6-7 stairs just to get in the front door, narrow doorways to bathroom, etc. Sounds like a  great floor plan until medical issues dictate otherwise. Many make the decision to move before the decision is made for them
  • Locations and Neighborhoods change over time. Sure the location was "tolerable" for the past 30-40 years - but what about the rest of the area ? Stores might be closed or are further out, Restaurants come and go, friends who once lived close moved (or passed), one's driving habits change in that don't want to drive miles/ x-way just to get somewhere. Might make sense to move if a buyer comes along.


Edited by sATL
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4 hours ago, mxmummy said:

That was not discussed at all. Zack just told his parents he was interested.

Maybe she is talking about when Amy did her live chat, they did discuss all of that but to be honest I didn’t pay close attention.  She tends to repeat herself and do damage control on what we saw on the show.  

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7 hours ago, winsomeone said:

Did Amy say she wouldn't have sold the farm house to Matt if she knew he were going to consider selling it to Zack? And if that is so, how will he pay for that house with no real job? 

Assuming Zack and his own little family have some tv show money!  

I do find it hard to think Matt would give up any part of the farm to any of his kids. I just see way too many pitfalls there. 

I could see him giving a lease or rental agreement of some kind. 

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On 10/30/2020 at 6:20 PM, LucyEth said:

Maybe she is talking about when Amy did her live chat, they did discuss all of that but to be honest I didn’t pay close attention.  She tends to repeat herself and do damage control on what we saw on the show.

Okay. I didn’t catch Amy’s live chat.

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I'm kind of surprised that no one but Jacob has talked about the news that he was molested by a TLC producer when he was a child in early seasons of the show.

Had that been my kid, there would already be a MAJOR stink being raised, and I'd be demanding an explanation if that guy hasn't been suspended (or fired) . . . WHY NOT????

If ANY of the Roloffs continue to make money from TLC without any repercussions for what their employee has been accused of doing to one of their children, it will be a major sign that they will do ANYTHING for money.

Disclaimer:  I was molested for 12 years as a child, but my female birth vessel turned a blind eye to it, because the molester provided a roof over her head and food on the table.  I have NO tolerance for someone who does not stand behind their child.  If a parent accepts any benefit by allowing a sexual abuser to have ongoing access to their child(ren) in exchange for something of financial value, that's not a parent, folks.  That's a pimp.

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4 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I'm kind of surprised that no one but Jacob has talked about the news that he was molested by a TLC producer when he was a child in early seasons of the show.

Had that been my kid, there would already be a MAJOR stink being raised, and I'd be demanding an explanation if that guy hasn't been suspended (or fired) . . . WHY NOT????

If ANY of the Roloffs continue to make money from TLC without any repercussions for what their employee has been accused of doing to one of their children, it will be a major sign that they will do ANYTHING for money.

Disclaimer:  I was molested for 12 years as a child, but my female birth vessel turned a blind eye to it, because the molester provided a roof over her head and food on the table.  I have NO tolerance for someone who does not stand behind their child.  If a parent accepts any benefit by allowing a sexual abuser to have ongoing access to their child(ren) in exchange for something of financial value, that's not a parent, folks.  That's a pimp.

I hear you, but it could be Jacob's choice to be the only person to speak publicly about it.  Also, I don't think the producer was an actual TLC employee, but a 3rd party contractor.  

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2 minutes ago, readheaded said:

I hear you, but it could be Jacob's choice to be the only person to speak publicly about it.  Also, I don't think the producer was an actual TLC employee, but a 3rd party contractor.  

He is listed as a producer for 111 episodes and a senior producer for 40 episodes.  Jacob refers to him as an Executive Field Producer.  Regardless of whether he was an employee or a contractor, TLC shares responsibility for not protecting children who appear on their programs.

Think about it this way.   A lot of large companies use 3rd party contractors.  If one of the contractors drives drunk in a company vehicle and causes a crash, the victims could - and should - sue the large company (as well as the contracting company) for the bad acts of their representatives.

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43 minutes ago, readheaded said:

I hear you, but it could be Jacob's choice to be the only person to speak publicly about it.  Also, I don't think the producer was an actual TLC employee, but a 3rd party contractor.  

I wonder if Matt and Amy have known about this before now.

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