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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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I think a lot of people struggle with gift giving. But Matt's choices were both things he wanted from Amy (more organized house) and digs at her at the same time. It appeared to me completely deliberate on his part.

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1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

I don't think the shadowing "gift" was designed to make Amy work.  Amy had expressed an interest in turning the farmhouse in a B&B after the kids were gone.  With that in mind, Matt made reservations for them to stay at a B&B for their anniversary so she could see how a B&B is run.  He had also arranged for the owner to spend some time with Amy answering her questions, etc.  But then, as turned out, the housekeeper didn't show up, so the owner had to talk to Amy while she was changing sheets, etc.  Amy seemed surprised that the owner had to do that sort of thing, but the owner explained, "When the staff doesn't show up, it's my responsibility to do their job."  Amy never mentioned the B&B again (as far as I can remember).

I also have OCD, but it manifests itself in hyper-organization.  I cannot stand clutter.  Have you ever watched Marie Kondo on Netflix?  She's awesome for organization and storage ideas.  Hubby will even look at some of his older (tighter) clothes and ask, "Does this spark joy?  No?  Out with it!"

It's all perspective, like anything else.  He may have thought she would like it, but she obviously didn't.  I would prefer something more sentimental, and I have a feeling Amy would have too.  All goes back to them not knowing each other.  😉

I haven't watched Marie Knodo, but I know lots of people who have.  I learned a lot from Clean House.  I can make decisions, but when I'm feeling overwhelmed, it gets harder.  So I do their method of boxes: "Keep", "Toss", "Donate", "Unsure".  Toss immediately goes out of the house when it's full.  I don't want to be tempted to overthink.  Donate also immediately goes out of the house to the car so I'm not temped to change my mind.  I will then re-evaluate "Unsure".  Often, I find I can make a clearer decision once the rest of the stuff is done, and stuff will go mostly to Donate.  Anything left goes to "Keep", and I've been known to re-evaluate "Keep" if I'm in the right frame of mind. Then I make myself handle the "Keep" box immediately.  Then I start all over.  It enables me to sort fairly quickly, and keeps the overwhelming feelings from escalating. 

They also had the mantra, once the house is organized, that if you bring something new in, something old must go (preferrably 2 old things must go).  And I try very hard to stick to that.  It helps that a store opened up where she buys purses, clothing, etc, for cash or store credit.  I love that I can take garbage bags full of stuff in that I don't need, and come out with one thing I really wanted.  😀

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18 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

There was no pleasing Amy!  Nothing Matt did suited her.  So now she's alone well there is Chris!  So there's that!

Maybe all she wanted was someone that didn't blow money on silly, never finished projects and actually helped raise his own kids.

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11 hours ago, bobalina said:

Maybe all she wanted was someone that didn't blow money on silly, never finished projects and actually helped raise his own kids.

Or, just someone who could refrain from driving while drunk and screwing the help.  

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Off topic, but TLC has at least three dwarf shows. Could they please have at least one that shows happy people? Is this what they want to educate us about little people, that most of them are just plain miserable?

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39 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

Matt was a shit husband but you know what?  Amy is financially secure and has everything she has today due to Matt and his crazy ideas.

Amy and the kids worked just as hard as Matt for the show money. Amy has continued to explore new businesses. She's just as responsible for her monetary sucess.

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Amy hasn't been successful in any of her ventures!  The B&B was a bust once she found out there was work involved!

The cakes bombed when the shop making them had rats!

Now she's tooting a book nobody will buy!

Three unemployed, lazy sons completes her resume!

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8 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Amy hasn't been successful in any of her ventures!  The B&B was a bust once she found out there was work involved!

The cakes bombed when the shop making them had rats!

Now she's tooting a book nobody will buy!

Three unemployed, lazy sons completes her resume!

She's still selling baked goods.

What about the salsa?

And those three boys are on Matt's resume too.

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13 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

Pretty sure the salsa is made by a company, not Amy's creation.

They're her recipes.  There is a company that manufactures and packages it for them, which is not unusual.  My cousins are summer food vendors, and when I was younger, they processed their own meats.  It was a family affair and everyone dug in and helped.  But as time went on, food laws got more strict, summer demand increased, farming costs skyrocketed, people in the family aged/passed on, and there was a big interest in getting their product past the summer season.  It was a no-brainer to take their recipe to a meat processing plant about 30 minutes away.  It's their personal recipe that they have the facility run for them when it's needed.  My cousins retain ownership of the recipe, they handle marketing and distribution (90% of which is to their business directly - only a small handful of local outlets sell their product to the public).  They have none of the headaches - the processing facility deals with those.

There's no way the Roloff Family would have been able to handle production.  Plus they sign the headaches off to someone else.  Win-Win.

Edited by funky-rat
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I'm pretty sure it was Matt that started the process of using a commercial company to make and process the Salsa.  I remember him going into places that would allow him to place the salsa in their stores and businesses.  Marketing sells the salsa and that's Matt surely not Amy.

If it were up to Amy she would occasionally stir up a batch of maybe 8 jars, slap a label on it half cock eyed and offer it for her contribution to Pumpkin season.  Sigh.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm pretty sure it was Matt that started the process of using a commercial company to make and process the Salsa.  I remember him going into places that would allow him to place the salsa in their stores and businesses.  Marketing sells the salsa and that's Matt surely not Amy.

If it were up to Amy she would occasionally stir up a batch of maybe 8 jars, slap a label on it half cock eyed and offer it for her contribution to Pumpkin season.  Sigh.

And if it was up to Matt it would have been produced once and faded away with all the other "projects"

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24 minutes ago, bobalina said:

And if it was up to Matt it would have been produced once and faded away with all the other "projects"

I believe they're still selling the salsa.  Matt did a wondering with packaging and labeling.  You can pick up one of the jars at pumpkin festivities!

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Although disagreement and lively discussion are encouraged here, please be mindful to respect the opinions of your other posters. 

Disagreeing with another poster is fine, attacking a poster (or multiple posters) for their opinion is not. Your post should remain primarily about the show, not other posters reactions to the show. 

This is not an “Pro-Amy/Matt” or “Anti-Amy/Matt” forum and no one is required to defend themselves for having an opinion either way. 

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On 6/10/2019 at 12:50 PM, Literata said:
On 6/10/2019 at 12:47 PM, Literata said:

Circumstantial evidence: everything else. And there's a ton of it. " So perhaps once it became clear he had a chance with Caryn, he used the opportunity to put the "our marriage isn't working" spin on things so he could extricate himself from Amy. 

Regardless of who they both ended up with, I am glad they split. I had to quit watching the show because I felt just as frustrated (watching the show) as they did in their marriage. They communicate differently and yet they each felt they were right. Some weeks I couldn't stand Matt, other weeks I was shaking my head at Amy's behaviour. My biggest fear was that the kids would take sides, but now I do not care. So long as Matt and Amy are happy, all the power to them.

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15 hours ago, Chalby said:

Regardless of who they both ended up with, I am glad they split. I had to quit watching the show because I felt just as frustrated (watching the show) as they did in their marriage. 

Matt was frustrated.  Amy was fustrated.

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JMO... I just watched the new episode and good grief Amy is such a Debbie Downer, so negative and pissy about every little thing... I could barely watch....plus her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.... QUIT the whining... Snotty comments, sarcasm..so NASTY..No one wants to listen to that.

She needs to work on being more cheerful and optimistic... She has Chris and a new home.. So stop wallowing in all the old BS and move on with her big deal "second act".....  so far ACT 2 is looking and sounding a lot like ACT 1.....it's just more of the same...Amy bitching and complaining.

It seems like the kids prefer the company of Matt and Carynn and I can understand why because I do too.

Chris better get ready for a tsunami of negativity if he marries her. 



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26 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

JMO... I just watched the new episode and good grief Amy is such a Debbie Downer, so negative and pissy about every little thing... I could barely watch....plus her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.... QUIT the whining... Snotty comments, sarcasm..so NASTY..No one wants to listen to that.

She needs to work on being more cheerful and optimistic... She has Chris and a new home.. So stop wallowing in all the old BS and move on with her big deal "second act".....  so far ACT 2 is looking and sounding a lot like ACT 1.....it's just more of the same...Amy bitching and complaining.

It seems like the kids prefer the company of Matt and Carynn and I can understand why because I do too.

Chris better get ready for a tsunami of negativity if he marries her. 



My sentiments exactly.  The bitchiness is unreal with her.  If I had to listen to all that negativity, I'd jump out a window, or better yet, I'd throw her out the window.  I bet when the bloom is off the relationship with her and Chris, she'll return to her natural state.  

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I hope the move improves Amy’s disposition. Lol There is nothing wrong with getting inventory on what repairs are needed on a house. Goodness, she’s touchy. I will say that outfit she had on at the house tour looked great on her. The brown polka-dot dress with white jacket really suited her. 

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As usual, I found Matt to be insufferable in this episode. So he hasn't been in the big house in 10 years? I guess that means he has been in a relationship with Caryn for likely a dozen years or so now? Talk about someone who can't move on. Amy has moved on with Chris, and even in this episode it was revealed that she had put offers on a few different houses but lost out to higher bidders. Hardly a case of not moving on in my books. Matt seems to be the one in arrested development - can't move on from complaining about Amy. Is that all he and Caryn have to talk about? Even the producer seemed bored with Matt. I know I was. 

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31 minutes ago, Wollstonecraft said:

My sentiments exactly.  The bitchiness is unreal with her.  If I had to listen to all that negativity, I'd jump out a window, or better yet, I'd throw her out the window.  I bet when the bloom is off the relationship with her and Chris, she'll return to her natural state.  

I thought it was very telling when Amy and Chris had Zach and Tori over for bbq dinner... Zach couldn't wait to finish eating and get the hell out of there... It was more of her Negative Nancy routine... I wanted to shove a burger in her yap so she'd STFU and let the others eat in peace and enjoy their meal.

Amy grumbled and made a comment like "just leave then".....  Ummmm yes Amy that's what happens when you're a miserable bitch.. People don't want to linger, they just want to get away from it.

I had to laugh when Zach warned Chris about her negativity... Pretty bad when your kid has to warn your fiance about your pissy disposition.

Her bitching about putting in offers and losing out to other people was so ridiculous, welcome to real estate... It happens to everyone.... Has happened to us a few times over the years... Nothing to whine about... Increase your offer or move on. 🙄


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3 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

As usual, I found Matt to be insufferable in this episode. So he hasn't been in the big house in 10 years? I guess that means he has been in a relationship with Caryn for likely a dozen years or so now? Talk about someone who can't move on. Amy has moved on with Chris, and even in this episode it was revealed that she had put offers on a few different houses but lost out to higher bidders. Hardly a case of not moving on in my books. Matt seems to be the one in arrested development - can't move on from complaining about Amy. Is that all he and Caryn have to talk about? Even the producer seemed bored with Matt. I know I was. 

Thank you !  I’m just now watching after reading and those two  have nerve talking about Amy and her incisiveness.  As soon as they sit down in a restaurant Start  bitching about Amy. She can’t get out of the house fast enough for you   FU.  
 The rides and TH with Caryn again Amy and how she’s cramping your style. caryn in the office ( the one Amy didn’t have a key to ) laughing like Amy will change her mind ?  Bitch! 

   The farm has been her home for 30 years but hey the big cheese and his side piece  want to be king of the mountain..  Even Tory said that Amy should have her own contractors not his doing inspections  Every talking TH he does nothing but talk smack about her.   Amy’s talking heads are smiling cheerful and the fact she’s had the same place for 30 it’s understandable and never shopping for a house is stressful .  Zach is right she was the den mother with parties, soccer,  homework, vacations  and doctors.  Matt’s life isn’t any different so on to the next fantasy project to tell us how he didn’t have a childhood and now he’s such a good grandfather.   

Crap Matts nose has Grown so large  , he’s all nose. 

Topic of conversation with kids at dinner is Amy.  Give it a rest.   Matt thinks the decision for her to give up the house—- yeah don’t want to inconvenience you and  Caryn ,can’t have that.  Ever so kind of him to say she can come by and use it property for an event .

i remember  the vacations Matt would go bitching and moaning and he’d be taking a call from the farm and then leaving. 

now Matt doesn’t want for people he won and got the whole ball,of wax with “ sneakery “ got a case of the guilts? 


Edited by athousandclowns
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4 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Thank you !  I’m just now watching after reading and those two  have nerve talking about Amy and her incisiveness.  As soon as they sit down in a restaurant Start  bitching about Amy. She can’t get out of the house fast enough for you   FU.  
 The rides and TH with Caryn again Amy and how she’s cramping your style. caryn in the office ( the one Amy didn’t have a key to ) laughing like Amy will change her mind ?  Bitch! 

   The farm has been her home for 30 years but hey the big cheese and his side piece  want to be king of the mountain..  Even Tory said that Amy should have her own contractors not his doing inspections  Every talking TH he does nothing but talk smack about her.   Amy’s talking heads are smiling cheerful and the fact she’s had the same place for 30 it’s understandable and never shopping for a house is stressful .  Zach is right she was the den mother with parties, soccer,  homework, vacations  and doctors.  Matt’s life isn’t any different so on to the next fantasy project to tell us how he didn’t have a childhood and now he’s such a good grandfather.   

Crap Matts nose has Grown so large  , he’s all nose. 

Topic of conversation with kids at dinner is Amy.  Give it a rest.   Matt thinks the decision for her to give up the house—- yeah don’t want to inconvenience you and  Caryn ,can’t have that.  Ever so kind of him to say she can come by and use it property for an event .

i remember  the vacations Matt would go bitching and moaning and he’d be taking a call from the farm and then leaving. 

now Matt doesn’t want for people he won and got the whole ball,of wax with “ sneakery “ got a case of the guilts? 


I agree!  And, people can say what they want about Matt and Amy, but has anyone ever heard Chris say anything negative about Matt?  Has he ever been snide about Matt?   Caryn can't wait to get her digs in about Amy, but Chris is a class act.  Amy traded up; Matt traded for someone like him.

Just now, readheaded said:

I agree!  And, people can say what they want about Matt and Amy, but has anyone ever heard Chris say anything negative about Matt?  Has he ever been snide about Matt?   Caryn can't wait to get her digs in about Amy, but Chris is a class act.  Amy traded up; Matt traded for someone like himself.


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I saw a clip of Amy, Chris, Tori, and Zach eating outside. Amy said worst case scenario would be not finding a house before the holidays. Zach asked what the best case scenario would be. She said finding a house before the holidays.

Chris asked her, why’s that?

Clip ended. What was her response?

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I did think it was funny that Zach and Tori were chiming in with advice about house buying....omg, considering their own house buying experience...I still don't get it.  I guess they could offer to tell what they did wrong. lol 

I still think the snide comments, quips, nasty attitudes are welcomed for the show, because, if there was none, it wouldn't make for as interesting show. I mean, the drama over the property is all they really have now.  THAT's why I think we are seeing so much of it.  Of course, when it comes to Amy, she's always been that way and it's not a stretch for her.  I really do wish Chris and Amy happiness, but,  Amy is so possessed with misery, that I'm not sure how she'll ever be at peace.  I wouldn't live with that.  Once, she doesn't have Matt to take it out on, where's it going to be directed?  Hmm........

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At the camp fire when they were talking about the future of the farm, Matt said none of the boys showed any inclination to run it ever. Amy said that wasn't fair, as they were not raised to run it. That is certainly true. And that is on her. Matt would try and make them clean up after themselves and she would throw a hissy fit. Saying that would ruin their "fun" years at home. She raised those boys to be shiftless and they are to this day. Not a one of them has a job.

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I’m sure it was producer driven, but Matt and his builder buddy doing the home inspection with Amy present was really shitty.  It was just another attempt for Matt to belittle and insult Amy.  He was acting like a new buyer who’s never walked the property before.  It was his goddamn house for many years!  He knows about the various needed repairs and half-assed projects HE walked away from when he moved into his bachelor pad with his side piece. What an insufferable asshole.  Of course there will be nicks and scratches in paint or moldings.  Some switch plates may be cracked or missing, some rugs will be dirty, hardwood will need some sanding.  But those are cosmetic things every new owner knows going in.  What a real home inspection is for is to check the electrical panel, the roof, the HVAC system, the plumbing, signs of termites or water damage, condition of windows, structural integrity of decks, walls or additions.  Matt nit picking over minutia was only to twist the knife.

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I didn't watch the episode, but I still read comments here about LPBW.

What I find interesting is that those who have favored Matt and those who have favored Amy see the same episode so differently - and both in line with their ongoing points of view.  

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24 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I didn't watch the episode, but I still read comments here about LPBW.

What I find interesting is that those who have favored Matt and those who have favored Amy see the same episode so differently - and both in line with their ongoing points of view.  

Quite true.  To me, most of the reality characters we see have various qualities.  Most are not all bad. Characters can annoy me, but, I still can usually find some redeeming quality.  (Perhaps with the exception of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I have to really struggle there. lol)  Some are quite annoying and some not so much.  I tend to listen to what the character admits about themself and what the character's friends and family say to them on the show.  

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12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Quite true.  To me, most of the reality characters we see have various qualities.  Most are not all bad. Characters can annoy me, but, I still can usually find some redeeming quality.  (Perhaps with the exception of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I have to really struggle there. lol)  Some are quite annoying and some not so much.  I tend to listen to what the character admits about themself and what the character's friends and family say to them on the show.  

Yes, they're flawed, complicated human beings like all of us.  Having said that, I don't think I've ever seen Matt be introspective about himself or his faults.  

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Nothing new in this episode as far as Matt and Amy are concerned, still being nasty toward each other and throwing shade whenever they can.  I did find it interesting when Tori said after that dinner, that they were going for a walk and were saying their goodbyes and Amy said "ok just leave".  Were they going over to Matt's to say hello and this annoyed her?  Scene might have been edited and we missed something.

Next week looks interesting.  Just looking at the preview, if Tori is so upset and worried about her children being LP then why is she having children with a LP?  Guess next week will reveal more information about how she feels.  

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4 hours ago, LucyEth said:

Next week looks interesting.  Just looking at the preview, if Tori is so upset and worried about her children being LP then why is she having children with a LP?  Guess next week will reveal more information about how she feels.  

Genetics is weird. M&A ended up with 1/4, while, Z&T are 2/2, despite T being average height. Their health insurance must cost a fortune. 

This says that Z&T have 50/50 odds of having an LP child or not. Now that I read that, it's sort of obvious.


Edited by ShortyMac
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On 6/21/2019 at 9:12 AM, winsomeone said:

I wonder if Jeremy or Zack would have turned out differently if Matt had had any say in their upbringing?

Oh please...he had a say in their upbringing...he wasn't interested! All he wanted to do was build tacky forts and wobbly play things and runaround in his Mule. He saw those kids as Amy's job...he never took an ounce of interest in their schooling or their futures. Don't put this all on Amy...she made mistakes but Matt was unplugged.

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Matt has become an even bigger douchey dick than ever. The "inspection" was totally a dick move and his comment that he needed to see if there was "damage and rot" was just a mean spirited and nasty remark. The way he and Caren snark on camera about Amy is just disgusting. Caren is a total bitch. Her comment about never living in the big house was beyond snark...it was mean, snide and totally inappropriate. Reserve your nasty comments about the family home and Amy to yourself or to pillow talk with your boyfriend. I really don't understand how these kids can stand to be around Caren...she is just a horrible person behind that fake smile. Matt is greedy, passive aggressive and, well, shitty.

Amy should have moved out two years ago...staying there has been bad for her. "The Farm" is no longer what it used to be...the family is older, broken and they all need to move on. Let Matt deal with the selling or whatever with the farm...let's see how great a businessman he is..ha ha. I know his farm neighbors will be glad to see him go...no love lost there.

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I hate this family and their petty problems. Except for Zack that has actual health issues due to his dwarfism, (and ok, maybe sometimes I also feel bad for Matt and Amy, health wise and having to put up with God knows what from bullies) anyway, the family members themselves don't need to bitch about most of what they do. Look at the size of that damn house Amy was living in all alone. Bitch, please. I wish I was getting paid for that house and was able to move into an nice little place of my own. Some of us can't pay the bills every month. Some of have sickness and death to contend with. You have a friggin cheating husband and a divorce. Boo Hoo. Your kids don't even seem to like you that much. 

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18 hours ago, Wollstonecraft said:


Sorry not sure what's going on with the quote feature, I can't get rid of it..... Anyways.

I think Amy could save herself a lot of the aggravation if she'd just disengage.

Matt has every right to do his own inspection since that side of the farm is half his including the house and Amy has every right to schedule it for a day when she's not there since it's her home, if it pisses her off that much to interact with Matt then don't do it, don't give him the opportunity.

If she doesn't want him there alone in her house have Chris or Zach walk through with Matt and the inspector.

Tell him to give her a summary of the inspection in written form so she can look it over. (that's what Matt would do)...  Don't let him rattle your cage.

I realize that she has to have some interaction with him over legal matters etc. but she doesn't have to be there for every single thing he's doing on that side of the farm.

I really hope that Amy gets to a place where she doesn't give a crap about Matt or what he's up to, she has Chris, she has a nice home and a whole new life ahead of her....she should be happy but no... It's like she's consumed with hatred, she's so touchy and cranky she even snapped at Chris when he pointed out that it was 5 months and about time to get going.

Zack even pointed out how negative his mom is.... All that anger isn't good for her health.


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2 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Sorry not sure what's going on with the quote feature, I can't get rid of it..... Anyways.

I think Amy could save herself a lot of the aggravation if she'd just disengage.

Matt has every right to do his own inspection since that side of the farm is half his including the house and Amy has every right to schedule it for a day when she's not there since it's her home, if it pisses her off that much to interact with Matt then don't do it, don't give him the opportunity.

If she doesn't want him there alone in her house have Chris or Zach walk through with Matt and the inspector.

Tell him to give her a summary of the inspection in written form so she can look it over. (that's what Matt would do)...  Don't let him rattle your cage.

I realize that she has to have some interaction with him over legal matters etc. but she doesn't have to be there for every single thing he's doing on that side of the farm.

I really hope that Amy gets to a place where she doesn't give a crap about Matt or what he's up to, she has Chris, she has a nice home and a whole new life ahead of her....she should be happy but no... It's like she's consumed with hatred, she's so touchy and cranky she even snapped at Chris when he pointed out that it was 5 months and about time to get going.

Zack even pointed out how negative his mom is.... All that anger isn't good for her health.


Although they have never directly acknowledged it on the show, I think the anger comes mostly from Matt cheating on her.  But that was many years ago now and she should be able to address that in therapy if necessary.  Many spouses are cheated on without becoming bitter to the extent that she is.

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30 minutes ago, Spike said:

Although they have never directly acknowledged it on the show, I think the anger comes mostly from Matt cheating on her.  But that was many years ago now and she should be able to address that in therapy if necessary.  Many spouses are cheated on without becoming bitter to the extent that she is.

That old saying "the best revenge is living well" comes to mind. He did her dirty by cheating, but get over it already.  Maybe she does need therapy.   She raves about Chris, she is engaged, she is thrilled to have another man and not end up alone.   It's all about #Amyroloffssecondact, which apparently still includes anger.  

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