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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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Dani herself stated she was looking for "someone to take care of her & her girls". She planned to put that eye candy to work as he was able to. Meanwhile those three couch potato daughters of hers sat around like lumps and didn't lift a finger. At the very least, two of them could've gotten part time job after school to help out, especially if they were in such dire straits their phone & electricity were going to be cut off. 

Mo is no prize, but he had just landed in this country only to find out Dani misrepresented her age, her financial status, expected him to do all the heavy lifting job-wise AND be a father figure to her kids.  Plus he was to be her non stop sex machine. That was a really rude awakening for him and I'll bet anything it was way more than he'd bargained for. Is it any wonder he ran for the hills as soon as he could?! 

He may have had an ulterior motive, but so did she.

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, realitymaven said:

It's so bizarre, isn't it? The giddiness of posters who see them both as famous TLC "stars". There's one poor, old handicapped pensioner who's been sending him scraps of money in order to get Mo to move to Canada. No luck so far!

Is that P.M.?  You can feel her giddiness through the screen every time MoHo posts to his "fan" page.  

Ladies.. stop making me ashamed to be a woman!

  • Love 4
On 9/6/2016 at 1:07 PM, Major Bigtime said:

Mohamed is still sporting the herpes mouth sores, looks like. Danielle loves being on TV, doesn't she?


On 9/6/2016 at 2:36 PM, realitymaven said:

Having trouble with the site- but wanted to say I actually looked at tunisianloveRats at realitymaven's mention. The site actually does exist. Oy vey. I didn't spend time on it but maybe over the weekend I might browse. I cannot believe this. 

And why this forum is making me link to previous posts that I replied to previously. No clue. Carry on.

  • Love 1

I was reading some of the posts on that Tunisian love rat website. I'm sorry, but those women seem kind of pathetic to me. They speak about the Tunisian men using all of these "innocent" women, but these women were using the men too, just in a different way. 

After these women got bamboozled for money, visa, or both, they still don't see that they were gullible. Why, in the first place, would you fall for those terrible pick up lines and lame attempts to try and seduce you? And the lies! The lies that they fell for, any sane person could see a mile away. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

When does Mohammad have time to work?  Every time you look at his Facebook page, he's always posting videos of himself.

New video:  Mohammad is now saying that people are using his name to start fake Facebook accounts and asking women to send them money. 

He is also always travelling. If I claimed that I had three jobs, I know that I probably wouldn't have time to travel like he does. 

His hair looks terrible. He cuts it himself and he totally butchers it. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

When does Mohammad have time to work?  Every time you look at his Facebook page, he's always posting videos of himself.

New video:  Mohammad is now saying that people are using his name to start fake Facebook accounts and asking women to send them money. 

This page? https://www.facebook.com/hammajbeli4/

  • Love 2

Here's the latest according to her FB page.............


Danielle Mullins Jbali

September 7 at 1:05pm · 

This is a quick update on me and my family. My grandson is now 9 months old and he is crawling. My oldest daughter is in college and my younger two daughters decided they wanted to go back to school instead of home school. Many of you know that I went to school to become a state tested nurse aide, I finished the class on August 24. On September 2 I took my state test and passed it. I recently interviewed for a job and they are offering me a job . I appreciate all the support for me and my children. Please don't forget to watch the spin off show on Sunday at 10pm.

She also said in one of the comments that she is not yet divorced but "working on it" and that she plans to attend nursing school to become an RN.

Edited by 4leafclover
  • Love 2
11 hours ago, 4leafclover said:

Here's the latest according to her FB page.............


Danielle Mullins Jbali

September 7 at 1:05pm · 

This is a quick update on me and my family. My grandson is now 9 months old and he is crawling. My oldest daughter is in college and my younger two daughters decided they wanted to go back to school instead of home school. Many of you know that I went to school to become a state tested nurse aide, I finished the class on August 24. On September 2 I took my state test and passed it. I recently interviewed for a job and they are offering me a job . I appreciate all the support for me and my children. Please don't forget to watch the spin off show on Sunday at 10pm.

She also said in one of the comments that she is not yet divorced but "working on it" and that she plans to attend nursing school to become an RN.

Wait. Who was homeschooling the daughters? Danielle?

As an educator and an American, I'm very afraid. Please tell me Danielle wasn't trying to teach anyone anything. Please. 

  • Love 6

@Eme  Danielle's children all have the same father, she was with him for about 20 years. Apparently a good guy but she wanted something more exciting (wish granted).  Mo was working in Doha when he "met" Dani on the internet. For DHL but he got laid off and had to go back to Tunisia before his U.S. visa arrived. He was very active on visajourney so his playacting "how you say it? Green card" was just that, playacting. I think the shock for him may have been finding out that he couldn't take off right after the marriage (like the day after). 

He had a FB page before meeting his soon to be wife....the "beefcake" poses are supposedly typical for guys in the bezness.  https://www.facebook.com/mohamed.jbeli.3192?fref=ts

  • Love 7
On 9/9/2016 at 0:07 PM, Suzy123 said:

I was reading some of the posts on that Tunisian love rat website. I'm sorry, but those women seem kind of pathetic to me. They speak about the Tunisian men using all of these "innocent" women, but these women were using the men too, just in a different way. 

After these women got bamboozled for money, visa, or both, they still don't see that they were gullible. Why, in the first place, would you fall for those terrible pick up lines and lame attempts to try and seduce you? And the lies! The lies that they fell for, any sane person could see a mile away. 

I've never been scammed either but I've seen how run of the mill scammers operate (not necessarily love scammers). There's a theory afoot that anyone can be scammed, it's a question of timing. Scammers do have a knack (innate or acquired, I don't know) of spotting vulnerable people or normal people at a vulnerable time. Then it becomes a form of brainwashing: constant attention, praise alternated with withdrawal (so the target always feels off balance). It really is a skill and the results can be ruinous: how did this successful businessman get swindled out of x amount of dollars? The offer sounded too good to be true and of course it was.....Bernie Madoff was a prime example of a successful con man. With Denise, Mohamed seemed to have an easy time of it. Just utter a few platitudes "Age is just a number" "Beauty is from within".....game, set and match.

  • Love 4

Back during the original season, some review of the show suggested that Loren suffered from an eating disorder, then detailed the reasons why the writer thought that, based on scenes from the show. The entire review was wrapped in a faux-concern for people talking bad about her and how it would affect her in real life. There were several comments agreeing that she showed signs, but even more suggesting that the writer should keep her opinions to herself because it would be just as hurtful to read as the criticisms of her being over-dramatic and fishing for her own show. I remember that the op-ed eventually got removed, but can't remember where I read it. Maybe Jezebel of Huffington Post?

I found it interesting how people who suffer from something such as an eating disorder or addiction can see it in others so easily. It seems like you can drop an addict in a foreign location and they will find their drug of choice within hours. The reasons for suggesting Loren had an eating disorder didn't even involve her weight, but I don't remember any details. The article itself was interesting as it related to the discussion of an eating disorder, but it's completely understandable to me why people find it so distasteful to be diagnosing a complete stranger based on an edited television show, especially one that airs on TLC.

Speaking of TLC, her secret is probably something like she has a tattoo of Elvis wearing a Mickey Mouse costume on her inner thigh, and tattoos are frowned upon in Judaism. Or two of her toes are fused together. Maybe she's really a red-head. TLC would find that offensive somehow. 

ETA: Addiction to bacon. I'm calling it now, Loren's secret is an uncontrollable desire for bacon and her husband keeps kosher. 

Edited by Christina
Sweet, sweet, bacon
  • Love 7

with all her annoying tics and crazy mouth movements, I will feel awful if it turns out Loren has Tourettes, but thats my gut feeling. she reminds me of thee super annoying legal analyst that used to be on nancy grace who when she talked, her mouth would move the opposite way of her words--I think this person received so much criticism they took her off the show.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

with all her annoying tics and crazy mouth movements, I will feel awful if it turns out Loren has Tourettes, but thats my gut feeling. 


I was going to make some snarky remark about her secret having something to do with her weird sideways-jaw talkin' but now I wonder if you might be right and I feel like a bit of a jerk. 

  • Love 1

My guess is Loren has an anxiety issue, anxiety about making his parents think she is perfect, anxiety about planning a wedding in Israel, anxiety about the hideous wall paper in their rental, you name it.  Not to make light of that disorder but I get the feeling she has always needed the focus on her in regards to everything.

How does she have money for another wedding anyway?  Does she work? Sexy Lexy must make some money but not enough to cover all the expenses plus travel costs and a wedding.

I wish they did not do so much back story footage and filled in with more current things, I thought I was watching a re run.

  • Love 2

I also think Loren's secret may have to do with her tics.  Anxiety, Tourette's, or perhaps some form of ADHD that requires Adderall (which could also be a reason she is SO skinny when no one else in her family appears to be).  

But I also think she might be pregnant.. I thought she looked pregnant during the episode before anything was even mentioned about a secret. 

  • Love 2

When I first saw the preview where she broke down because Alexei told his mother and he said "it's time for people to know" I thought pregnancy first and that maybe she thought it was too soon to tell anyone. Or perhaps she had a miscarriage.

But after I saw her TH on the couch, the way she worded it definitely sounded like something else - lupus, etc. Something that stress would aggravate. I'm surprised it didn't come up last season.

  • Love 1

Regarding Loren: They made a point to show a specific tic where she blinks.  This could be just a tic or it could be part of a larger issue like tourettes.

I also thought Crohn's disease, weirdly, and when she said she had a condition that was exacerbated by stress (or implied rather), I started looking for a stoma on her middle.

Really, she might also have type 1 diabetes, but since they made it a point to show the blinking tic, I'm gonna assume it's something to do with that.

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For loren i think it is lupus or severe depression... I do not agree with alexei not wanting the best friend at the wedding.. What do u guys think?

Danielle and mohammed this is a very special couple.. He is like almost 20 yrs younger what was she think even now she was saying she will track him down in florida and its their last chance so she still has hope lol

  • Love 1
On 9/8/2016 at 10:14 AM, fuzzylollipop said:

Where can I sign up for one of these tlc shows? This working 9-5 thing and furthering my education by attending college on a daily basis isn't working for me. I need stupid people to send me their money and I'm much better looking than Mo or Dani.

This is truly fascinating. I don't understand how anyone can consider any person who appears on the freak show channel of tlc a star. I binge watch the hell out of the shows on there...But only when I'm home alone and I tell no one about it except my previously tv peeps. It's like my dirty secret, my addiction. I think if I spotted any of "tlc's stars" out in the real world I would avoid eye contact and speed walk past them without so much as an acknowledgement just because I don't even want them to know I watch them. 

Jeez I really hate myself for not being able to quit them though. I just can't wrap my mind around them or their fans. I'm greedy and want more! I want a timeline of their relationship, a book on all these juicy stories and their own show. 

"Reality TV: My Secret Shame". You could get a show about being addicted to reality TV! Everyone wins!

  • Love 5
On 9/7/2016 at 3:35 PM, WhoAmIReally said:

Does it surprise you that Dani (after marrying Mo) had an affair with a totally built guy who found her on the internet (thus ruining his marriage) and screwed over a gay woman who had a crush on her by accepting cash and giving nothing back in return except a little mild flirting?  I find it way stranger that anyone would find Dani attractive.  That's the power of "fame". 

Get outta here!  Really???  No really??  I get that every pot has a lid and yada yada but kinda speechless.

  • Love 7
On 9/10/2016 at 7:17 AM, BradandJanet said:

Wait. Who was homeschooling the daughters? Danielle?

As an educator and an American, I'm very afraid. Please tell me Danielle wasn't trying to teach anyone anything. Please. 

Well she can't be any worse than the Duggars!  I think homeschooling can be a great option for some.  But the teachers should actually KNOW something.

  • Love 4
On 9/12/2016 at 3:18 PM, Nowhere said:

During their season I thought she had a cocaine habit although she'd never admit it. Sometimes I notice that she's real talkative and sniffing and rubbing her nose a lot. When the friend came in town for the bachelorette party I thought for sure these two girls were doing lines. 

I was SOOO in the cocaine habit corner.  THIS is the exact moment I said to myself girl is doing rails.  Saw enough in it in the 80s that it is pretty easy to spot.  Could be wrong but I am thinking no. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Get outta here!  Really???  No really??  I get that every pot has a lid and yada yada but kinda speechless.

Yeah, here's a pic of the guy.  I'm not sure that anything happened, but they got together on Facebook and he went to visit her (right after Mo left, I think).  His wife found out and last I heard was done with him.



Edited by WhoAmIReally
  • Love 3
16 hours ago, WhoAmIReally said:

Yeah, here's a pic of the guy.  I'm not sure that anything happened, but they got together on Facebook and he went to visit her (right after Mo left, I think).  His wife found out and last I heard was done with him.



Thank you for the photo!  Speechless.  Maybe I am seeing something but does he look a little American Psychoish?  

  • Love 5

I am kinda bummed, all the psycho's I meet are not buff at all.

Truthfully, I did not watch the first season that Danielle was on but when I tuned in this season, I thought she and her daughters were "slow" or "special." 

I am sure that there are records kept somewhere by the government about the statistics of how long these green card marriages last, it could be very telling.

  • Love 4

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