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S19.E29: Head of Household #10; Nominations #10


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A few thoughts:

Raven, honey, you do know they do make waterproof mascara, right? And BTW, I don't think Matt will ever talk to you again once this show is over.

Matt, STFU. Josh (!) actually hit the nail on the head. You just NOW are starting to play the game?

I'm sick of the Whistle-nut shirt, does this dude own another other articles of clothing, jeez.....

I hate Paul, but he sure is lining himself up nicely until the end. Too bad these dodos will never see it until finale night. I just don't get this cast, in past seasons there was always note comparing, but not with these people.


This season is officially BB19: The Season of Backdoors. It's seriously becoming ridiculous!

  • Love 9

Josh for fuck's sake can you dial it down from 11 in your damn DR's?  Quit fucking shouting.

"What was your GPA?" "Dance, and also business" had me ROLLING.

Alex was annoying fake fighting, she was annoying in her DR's and she was annoying punching Jason.  I wish there was a chance she would go this week.

Matt, you are hot and SO adorably clueless.

I felt badly for Kevin when he had to stress his innocence and I seriously have no idea why Josh got all het up about it.

  • Love 9

Unintelligible, bitch, liar, clown makeup wearer!!

Oh, sorry I just saw it was obviously Bash Raven Day and figured it was a good way to start off *grins*

Damn, that was harsh it was like 'we don't understand you and when we do you just tell senseless lies.' Nice. Not that I disagree or am upset with any of it, but maybe they could have not used the two damning clip packages together in the same show?

Anyhow, Jason is the WORST under any kind of pressure. I hope he's never called in for a lineup because he'd be making "Sorry, it was me." motions to the people behind the glass.

I just know that if Kevin actually becomes the target this week that is almost as dumb as sending home Mark last week. I get that he was the last solo person on 'that side of the house' and now it's Kevin as the only solo but I want some action here to shake this thing up; not more of the same ole same ole.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 9

I laughed so hard at the Raven mumble montage. Too funny.  Didn't they do that with Corey last year too? 

I agree with Josh...Matt, you finally want to play? Juat shut up again.  Matt just irritates me....and I don't know why.  

How about the part with Jason saying Kevin had wrist surgeries...and Raven pipes up, uh Pacemaker!  Really Raven? Who knew she had one? Just kidding. 

  • Love 7

Matt and Raven are incredibly annoying.  Either one can go next week.  Save Kevin.  He's less offensive.

Nice of them to combine many of Raven's ridiculous "stories" to call her out.  Then showing her good tricks with the disappearing limp and the random accent mumbling or whatever that was.

Actually, they are all incredibly annoying.

All idiot members of the Cult of Paul.

Funny nobody wants their crappy temptations.

  • Love 9

It's amazing that the entire house can be so snowed by Paul and yet Josh of all people ALMOST seems to be getting a clue but he and Christmas will do nothing about it until its too late. Josh also hit the head of the nail about Matt showing up to play after 60 days....Matt truly was like a little bitch during the comp.

I wonder if Holly dropped "the good wife" act at home when she saw how comfortable Jason is  constantly laying his hands, throwing her over his shoulder and generally manhandling the scantily clad Alex. He gets a double deduction doing it with just a towel on. At one point it appeared as if he did a full frontal adjusting his towel in front of her. I thought that was why she was nearly collapsing to the ground.

Raven mumbling and talking in tongues must be some sort of act as she talked normal throughout the episode.

For the first time this season Paul mad me laughed when he ticked off Raven's story ending with her mom being lighteng proof. That was pretty funny.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 9

OMG these bozos are handing this game to Paul on a silver platter.  Christmas is truly rolling through this thing on her cart, not allowed to participate in the true competitions involving challenges.  In my dreams, Paul and Xmas would be on the block.  Or Alex.  Paul needs to go or he's won this thing.

Also, WTF with the season of "backdoors" every frickin time?  Just nominate who you want out and deal with it once in awhile.  It is getting very old. 

Alex still bugs.

Kevin cannot win anything, Matt and Raven suck.  Go for the power players or you'll all be in jury and not winning, idiots.  Complete idiots, these people.

  • Love 8
59 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

"Because I never talk to them, so it'll look really weird if I start talking to them." --seriously, Alex?! It's called Big Brother. Try playing it some time!

I think Alex has been playing the game hard since day one. Her comment made perfect sense to me. If Paul talks game with them a lot but Alex never does, she's right, it would look shady if she suddenly started now. If anything, the fact that she knows it makes more sense for Paul to do it just shows that she's playing the game.

49 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

How about the part with Jason saying Kevin had wrist surgeries...and Raven pipes up, uh Pacemaker!  

She's such a moron. Yes Raven, in a competition that requires holding on to something, a pacemaker in your stomach is totally an equal liability as having injured hands. And the whining about wanting a letter from home. Bitch please...then win something! Ditto with Matt getting all pissy at Jason and Alex because they both wanted to win HOH. It's not their fault you sucked and fell off. I can't stand either of them. I have no doubt that Raven's mom is currently setting up another GoFundMe page to help her recover from her lightning strike.


Also, WTF with the season of "backdoors" every frickin time? 

It's not a backdoor though, the targets are Matt or Raven.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 4
Just now, Rachel RSL said:

If Paul talks game with them a lot but Alex never does, she's right, it would look shady if she suddenly started now. If anything, the fact that she knows it makes more sense for Paul to do it just shows that she's playing the game.

See, I disagree. I think in Big Brother, you have to talk to everyone. The fact that Alex won't even entertain talking to Matt and Raven is why Paul has so much power. I'm not saying make an alliance with them, I'm saying talk to them -- like people. Then maybe it comes out even indirectly, that they're a lot closer to Paul than Alex thinks, and maybe it gets her wheels turning. People talking to each other is the most powerful weapon in Big Brother, and I don't think anyone who's a great player refuses to use it.

I've seen this all the time on Survivor, too, and it drives me crazy: "Oh, don't worry, I'll go talk to them for you," and suddenly, it's the other person's agenda, not yours, and that person is now closer with your presumed ally than with you.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, missyb said:

LMAO ! Ih the show segment about Raven's lies, she is telling Paul that her mother is real smart. She's in Mensa and she is too. My close captioning says My Mom has dementia !

there was a quiz in Reader's Digest that was supposed to tell you if you are "Mensa-worthy."   I bet Raven and her mom did something like that, and believed that it meant they are "in Mensa."   

Or maybe Raven and her mom both "have menses"  and they think that's the same thing. 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, North of Eden said:


I wonder if Holly dropped "the good wife" act at home when she saw how comfortable Jason is  constantly laying his hands, throwing her over his shoulder and generally manhandling the scantily clad Alex. He gets a double deduction doing it with just a towel on. At one point it appeared as if he did a full frontal adjusting his towel in front of her. I thought that was why she was nearly collapsing to the ground.

While they were negotiating a deal during the HOH comp, did he ask her for a backrub, or did I mis-hear? Also, he kissed her unexpectedly when they were celebrating alone. 


Hearing Matt be so vocal was all kinds of weird. I'm not used to his voice.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, slasherboy said:

What does Whistle-nut mean?

I think Whistle Nut is Jason's clown name.


3 hours ago, Eolivet said:

See, I disagree. I think in Big Brother, you have to talk to everyone. The fact that Alex won't even entertain talking to Matt and Raven is why Paul has so much power. 

I've seen this all the time on Survivor, too, and it drives me crazy: "Oh, don't worry, I'll go talk to them for you," and suddenly, it's the other person's agenda, not yours, and that person is now closer with your presumed ally than with you.

I am so with you on this.

3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

And who would have guessed Josh of all people would get a clue that Paul might actually be manipulative and playing for himself.

Who knew?

  • Love 3

These people are all fucking morons. End of story.  

They make someone like Paulie from last season looking like a member of Mensa.  Looking at you especially, Raven.

6 hours ago, lookattheflowers said:

I hate Paul, but he sure is lining himself up nicely until the end. Too bad these dodos will never see it until finale night. I just don't get this cast, in past seasons there was always note comparing, but not with these people.

I agree, but the sad thing is that's been pretty evident for weeks, if not the very first or second week.


2 hours ago, Nashville said:

Maybe.  I definitely do know they did the same mumbleopathy with Clay in BB17.

At least he had the excuse of getting hit in the had who knows how many times from playing football. 

Edited by vb68
  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Blissfool said:

While they were negotiating a deal during the HOH comp, did he ask her for a backrub, or did I mis-hear? Also, he kissed her unexpectedly when they were celebrating alone. 


Hearing Matt be so vocal was all kinds of weird. I'm not used to his voice.

You heard right. This guy isn't as above board as he's presented to be. Of course he 's getting physical with a hot girl like Alex after he couldn't go near Christmas after being involved in her injury. He may have put a bun in the oven but this baker isn't quite ready to hang up his apron it seems.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Meanwhile, Paul doesn't have to do much of anything for another week.  He is just lucky that he is stuck in a house full of Paul sock puppets.  He isn't that smart, it is just that everyone else is that dumb.

You summed it up in 3 sentences. Someone else mentioned above that they hated to say it but that Paul is the only one really playing the game and I agree - as much as I would hate for him to win, I really don't want any of them to win anymore.  They are too stoopid to deserve to win!

  • Love 5

Sorry, but I loved this episode. First time I can really remember laughing this season. FINALLY I got what I wanted - not an entire hour of "game" talk (which is useless at this point, when everyone but Paul is an idiot and/or sycophant), BUT some real house goings-on! That's what I wanted. Just a bigger glimpse of what life in the BB house is like for these people, how they interact with each other, etc. 

Sooooo much Raven snark. Matt's face when she mumbles incoherently is priceless! It's okay, he's going to get her speech therapy so she can "talk good". But then we'll miss out on more gems like "marine colon!" 

And then....and then.....a montage of Raven's tall tales! Oh man, thank you BB gods. That was amazing. Bitch is in Mensa??? I bet she can't even SPELL Mensa! And her mom was struck by lightning? What, when she was pregnant with Raven? How can she train for the Olympics with her pacemaker? And Paul's incredulity over her "inverted spine" seriously had me in stitches!!!

I also loved everyone waiting on Josh to turn out the lights, and he's in the bathroom, brushing his teeth and dancing!!! It's interesting how harmlessly ridiculous and fun these people can be when they're not trying to not play Big Brother. 


But, if we must get back to game play - Matt and Raven may be useless lumps, but I think I'm going to give the moron prize to Alex and Jason. So the Matt votes WEREN'T sympathy votes. They were rogue votes, placed in order to throw shade at Kevin, in case Matt or Raven won HOH. EXCEPT - there was only supposed to be one, but Alex fucked up and voted as well. This isn't the first dumbass move like that she's made, and I'm real tired of her calling Jason stupid. He is, no doubt, but so is she. 

But yea, Jason is dumb as rocks. KEVIN is the last person you should tell about the votes. Why WOULDN'T he tell everyone else, if they're all pointing the finger at him??? 

Also, I thought both of them were so freaking stupid during the end of that HOH comp. If you think for one minute that little charade was going to convince anyone you're not really a tight duo.....well, I've got a bridge to sell you. As lame as it was to see Matt finally getting riled up about something, I did understand his contempt for how OTT they were acting. 


I forgot about that dumb tree. Of course no one used it. It's not worth the risk. I really wish they would have kept the Temptation Competition instead of that stupid thing. It's funny how Matt and Raven still feel so comfortable being pawns. And I find it interesting that PAUL has to be the one to go warm them up to it, since Alex doesn't really talk to them and that would seem weird. Sixty some days in the house and you don't talk? Damn, Paul really IS doing a good job of keeping all this pairs isolated from each other. Why can't any of them SEE this??? 

Actually, it was nutbag Josh who finally expressed SOME glimmer of doubt where Paul is concerned. But minion Christmas shut that down real quick. I see those 3 going to the end, and Paul winning. But Christmas COULD win with the sympathy factor. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

What does Whistle-nut mean?

This is so funny to me because you know how guys trash talk each other and make up silly crude nicknames for their close friends/family? Well our very close friend started calling our now 19 year old son "Whistle-Dick" when he was becoming a teenager and a few other goofy names too  along the same lines, but Whistle-Dick has stuck and he still calls him this. The sad part is my now 19 year old son answers when he calls him that! LOL

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, mojoween said:

Matt, you are hot and SO adorably clueless.

It's really a shame. He doesn't deserve to be there, but he's the only eye candy for me. 


11 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I just know that if Kevin actually becomes the target this week that is almost as dumb as sending home Mark last week. I get that he was the last solo person on 'that side of the house' and now it's Kevin as the only solo but I want some action here to shake this thing up; not more of the same ole same ole.

If any of these pairs had half a brain, they'd make KEVIN their #3, not Paul. Kevin has zero chance of winning. He hasn't done a damn thing this whole time, and I don't think his social game is that great anymore, considering most people are getting annoyed with him. 


10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

I wonder if Holly dropped "the good wife" act at home when she saw how comfortable Jason is  constantly laying his hands, throwing her over his shoulder and generally manhandling the scantily clad Alex. He gets a double deduction doing it with just a towel on. At one point it appeared as if he did a full frontal adjusting his towel in front of her. I thought that was why she was nearly collapsing to the ground

Yea, I really would not be cool with his behavior. That didn't look like "good friend" to me; there was a very playful, flirtatious vibe. 


10 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

I think Alex has been playing the game hard since day one. Her comment made perfect sense to me. If Paul talks game with them a lot but Alex never does, she's right, it would look shady if she suddenly started now. If anything, the fact that she knows it makes more sense for Paul to do it just shows that she's playing the game.

I think Alex has been TRYING to play the game hard (which is better than a lot of these lazy losers), but she sucks at it. If she TRULY wanted to play, SHE'D be the one with relationships all across the house, not Paul. She feels safe in her little Paul-Jason-Alex bubble, but if she bothered to talk to others, she might realize he has the same deal going with Matt/Raven and Christmas/Josh. 


5 hours ago, vb68 said:

At least he had the excuse of getting hit in the had who knows how many times from playing football. 

But Raven has a.....PACEMAKER. 


2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't know why Jason didn't put up Christmas and Josh for eviction.

They are a stronger couple.

Their reasoning seems to be that Christmas is a gimp who can't win comps and Josh is so crazy that he'll never get a jury vote. But I don't know....based on my limited viewing, Matt and Raven seem like such duds; I'd be much more likely to bring them to the end. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:


I don't know why Jason didn't put up Christmas and Josh for eviction.

They are a stronger couple.

Duh, because Paul told him to nominate them.

it really is a combination of Paul playing well and the others being so stupid.  Matt's not suspicious at all that he's always the pawn?  Wouldn't it be readinsbke to ask for someone else to be the pawn?


The show was marginally better last night.  Even though I don't enjoy Paul, I do want him to win now.

And I literally lunge for the mute button every time I see a DR with Josh starting.  The sound of his voice, plus the volume, that's a big no from me.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Raven and Matt are a weak couple.  Whichever of those two that doesn't get evicted will be pissed and mostly likely vote with the wishes of Christmas and Josh next week.  Meaning, next week in all likelihood Jason or Alex will be sent packing.  Jason won't be able to play in the next HOH, so he will have to rely on Alex beating both Josh and Christmas.

That's the thing... no one appears to be planning or thinking for themselves.    I expect them all to be in the corner standing on their heads soon.  Because if Paul ordered  it, they would do it.

I'm not holding out much hope - but maybe Josh's childish mind clears for a second and he has another flash of reality. 

And I agree with @ghoulina that it was fun to see the quirky side of HGs in the house instead of constant 'whispering' game talk and yelling at us from the DR.

They should edit more of that stupid slice of life stuff in.  

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I honestly thought Raven was asking if Kevin had a pacemaker in his repaired wrists. I honestly think shes that dumb.

I think Kevin had said he had a problem with his wrist, and had surgeries, and that's why he couldn't hold on any longer - which made sense.   those knobs they had to hold on to looked like they required a weird wrist angle. 

Raven CANNOT let anyone else's medical issues get in the way of her being the "sick kid", so she yelled "pacemaker!"  as in "a wrist problem is no excuse, I have a PACEMAKER!" (no, you don't).    

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, backformore said:

I think Kevin had said he had a problem with his wrist, and had surgeries, and that's why he couldn't hold on any longer - which made sense.   those knobs they had to hold on to looked like they required a weird wrist angle. 

Raven CANNOT let anyone else's medical issues get in the way of her being the "sick kid", so she yelled "pacemaker!"  as in "a wrist problem is no excuse, I have a PACEMAKER!" (no, you don't).    

No, I got that. I'm just saying that was my first thought because she comes off that dumb to me.

17 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

That's the thing... no one appears to be planning or thinking for themselves.    I expect them all to be in the corner standing on their heads soon.  Because if Paul ordered  it, they would do it.

Yes, they are all on the same "team", and they treat Paul like he's the coach, calling the plays.  It's like every single one of them has forgotten that there is no team, and the endgame is supposed to be to WIN, which would mean to BEAT Paul.  

I think that's the most frustrating thing this season.  They forgot the game.  They're playing Paul's game instead of Big Brother.  

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, phlebas said:

never learned how mascara worked.

Do they bring their own cosmetic, etc., supplies with them?  Because waterproof mascara is available everywhere and works brilliantly (it just flakes off).  But maybe the network supplies the non waterproof stuff and particularly WANTS mascara running down certain cheeks for effect?

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Perhaps he can borrow Raven's makeup.

What the hell is up with her.  Who wears makeup in a comp?  If she wanted to always look like an idiot, she has succeeded.

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I think Alex has been TRYING to play the game hard (which is better than a lot of these lazy losers), but she sucks at it. If she TRULY wanted to play, SHE'D be the one with relationships all across the house, not Paul. She feels safe in her little Paul-Jason-Alex bubble, but if she bothered to talk to others, she might realize he has the same deal going with Matt/Raven and Christmas/Josh. 

I am so close to grabbing a bull horn and flying across the country..................................

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

So the Matt votes WEREN'T sympathy votes. They were rogue votes, placed in order to throw shade at Kevin, in case Matt or Raven won HOH. EXCEPT - there was only supposed to be one, but Alex fucked up and voted as well. This isn't the first dumbass move like that she's made, and I'm real tired of her calling Jason stupid. He is, no doubt, but so is she. 

Finally!  I couldn't understand what happened last episode with the votes.  Alex explains her fuck up and yet they still think, and will probably succeed, in blaming Kevin.  How do they explain the 2 votes?  Maybe they will try to say that Kevin voted twice?  Why is no one asking questions?

2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

You heard right. This guy isn't as above board as he's presented to be. Of course he 's getting physical with a hot girl like Alex after he couldn't go near Christmas after being involved in her injury. He may have put a bun in the oven but this baker isn't quite ready to hang up his apron it seems.

I forgot about that.  Why was a married man giving a horsey-back ride to a woman?  When he hoisted Alex up, well....  He kissed her?  Oh shit, Mrs. Whistle-nut may get out the gun...........

Kevin thought he had a friend in the other married man and look what has happened.  Kevin is a stand up guy.

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

We all know how some members of the house got all upset and reported back to Paul when Kevin was talking to Cody.  I think they are all just too afraid to talk to each other.

But ... there's nobody to report back to, since she just discussed the plan with Paul. Literally the only thing she needed to do differently is "I'll talk to Matt and Raven." What's Paul going to say -- no? (I mean, he could, but that would look weird). That's what would've been great about it. Paul was 100% in the loop about Matt and Raven being talked to, but if Alex had done it herself, she'd have gotten her own information, not information filtered back through Paul.

That's Big Brother 101, and it boggles my mind that someone like Alex (isn't she a fan?) has forgotten that. 

  • Love 3

I tried to not watch this, because it's terrible, but I caved and tuned in just in time for the Raven Sucks montage. So that was kind of worth it.

I vote they don't give any one of these losers the grand prize - Paul can't get it because he's gotten too many advantages/interference to count as a legit win, and the others are playing some game other than Big Brother. I say give the $500K to the animal shelters that provided the feed block kitties.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Kip Hackman said:

Agreed. Give him the 500K now, and fill the next month with CSI reruns.

Or a video loop of watching paint dry.


Alex and Jason are under the incredibly misguided notion that they are totes adorbs together.  They are not.  I'm sure they talk about which one of them is going to run away with America's Favorite.  Their back-and-forth screaming to each other during the challenge, and their extremely loud, physical interactions are just plain weird. 

I want to see the jury house!

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Jason is Whistle-Nut the rodeo clown.

Which begs the question, what is a whistle nut? From the urban dictionary:

"The act of, or a person being completely and totally incompetent. Lacking qualification or ability. Incapable. A mentally deficient person. Not possissing the necessary ability and skill to do or carry out a task."

3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Bitch is in Mensa??? I bet she can't even SPELL Mensa!

To qualify, you just have to get a high score on a standardized test; they accept a variety of tests, and you can try as many times as you want.

  • Love 1

Also, WTF with the season of "backdoors" every frickin time?  Just nominate who you want out and deal with it once in awhile.  It is getting very old. 

Yeah, it's funny how this has become the mode of play. The brilliant Nakomis realized how to game this back when the nominated houseguests could pick people to play. That's why they changed it to random draw. It least random draw allows for the possibility that the true Target wins PoV.

Nothing epitomized this season more than when Jason and Alex kept playing the comp and the other ones were whining for them to finish so they could go in and eat pizza.

Raven is even worse than the useless Victoria from a few seasons ago. Victoria was lame and vapid but at least she wasn't an exaggerator and an inarticulate mumbler.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I forgot about that dumb tree. Of course no one used it.

I always love when TPTB set something up they view will "shake the house to it core" ™Chenbot and then... nothing. I loved how they were all like "Oh look, the tree is red again." Then went about their business.

I think the issue with Raven is eyeliner not mascara, as she has yooge black lines down here face whenever she's in a comp where she gets wet. I guess it's probably both though. These are the exciting things this season has left us to contemplate.

As for nominating Christmas/Josh instead I'm sure the houseguests are envisioning, and TPTB are praying against, Christmas having to cede her part of the final HoH due to her foot so it's really like just going up against Josh final three. If they do "engineer" it so Christmas can compete you're still playing a pair down a person as that leaves Josh doing a mental comp. Win/win.

Speaking of comps aren't we about due for that "I bet there are 136 gumballs in that picture frame!" comp?

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:


To qualify, you just have to get a high score on a standardized test; they accept a variety of tests, and you can try as many times as you want.

the tests are the Stanford-binet or the Cattell, and each of these are tests that are administered by a professional.  they are not just paper and pencil tests, there are timed puzzles to test non-verbal intelligence.  American Mensa has developed it own test.  But the basic requirement is to be in the top 2% of the population in intelligence, which I assure you, Raven is not.  American Mensa also only lets you take the test ONCE.  If you don't pass, you have the option of submitting scores from a test administered by a licensed psychologist, to be considered. 

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, backformore said:

the tests are the Stanford-binet or the Cattell, and each of these are tests that are administered by a professional.  they are not just paper and pencil tests, there are timed puzzles to test non-verbal intelligence.  American Mensa has developed it own test.  But the basic requirement is to be in the top 2% of the population in intelligence, which I assure you, Raven is not.  American Mensa also only lets you take the test ONCE.  If you don't pass, you have the option of submitting scores from a test administered by a licensed psychologist, to be considered. 

Thank you. I thought I had read it was timed test that was professionally administered. That girl is not a member of Mensa. NO way, no how. 


I still want to know more about this "inverted spine". 

17 minutes ago, backformore said:

American Mensa also only lets you take the test ONCE.  If you don't pass, you have the option of submitting scores from a test administered by a licensed psychologist, to be considered. 

You're overstating the requirements. They'll still take a GMAT or LSAT for example, even though they won't take a high school SAT score since they started grading those on a curve. You can keep taking both, with the GMAT more permissive as to how often. Having said that, some people test well for reasons that have nothing to do with being smart. If you go around trying to impress people by throwing out big words, you'll probably have an edge. Or maybe you like word problems. The tests only correlate with intelligence; they're not proof (but are better than nothing for those in position to play the odds, like a college).

  • Love 1

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