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S19.E27: Power of Veto #9

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The 9th Power of Veto competition will be contested tonight and we will see if one of the nominated houseguests is removed from the chopping block?

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Does anyone have a list f the Zings? I missed Kevin's and want the unbleeped one that ZB said to Alex.  They were a bit harsher this year!!

I absolutely hate that slip n slide comp. So boring to watch. 

Big move Christmas......not.  

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Shut up Josh.

The only good zing was the one for Christmas

Shut up Josh

Jason looked like a cartoon character running in place

Shut up Josh

Why are none of these idiots thinking of Paul when talking about who to put up?

These idiots were way to happy to see Zingbot

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So Zingbot tells Raven she has a face like a clown and everybody else gets light little jabs. Christmas even gets a cute version of the 12 Days of Christmas about her accident.   Zingbot isn't usually very funny anyway but he could at least try to be  evenly harsh.

Josh acting like he's HOH and saying, "I need more."  Please.

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I see Christmas has the same HoH delusion that Josh had, that whatever she decides will happen as far as votes go. No, you still need the VOTES to send Matt home instead of who the whole house wants gone and that's Mark. This reminds me of Josh saying that Elena was going home for his HoH. In a related matter, Christmas is a straight up bitch. What the hell was that with Mark at the veto ceremony?? Just seemed liek unnecessary bitchiness.

Zingbot showed me this year how very starved for entertainment the house is... lame.

And Mark you know what a really big move would be? No, it's not getting out extreme sidekick Alex it would be at least planting the seed that PAUL needs to go but he's pulled a Jedi Mind Trick on everyone that he is not the droid they are looking for I guess. These people are almost as dumb as zingbot is.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Christmas you suck.  You could have gotten out the yippy chihuahua and instead you did the lamest move possible.

It did amuse me that Christmas did a DR about Alex's boobs and when Alex took off her punishment shirt the girls were happy to appear.

I also appreciate stuff like when Christmas and Josh were talking with Mark in the kitchen the next cut was them saying nice things about him.  Often all the fakers will be nice to someone's face and then the DR is them saying something like "OMG he's so stupid I hate him and can't wait for him to be gone."

I was sad it was slip-n-slide because I knew Mark would be too big for it.

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19 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

. In a related matter, Christmas is a straight up bitch. What the hell was that with Mark at the veto ceremony?? Just seemed liek unnecessary bitchiness.

Yeah, her favor was "listening to him"?  And I love how everyone shot daggers at Mark when she revealed Mark was trying to make a deal and plead his case - in other words, playing the game. 

I wasn't going to be satisfied with Zingbot unless it resulted in Josh bursting in tears, so tonight was a failure in my eyes.

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I wonder if this is a different Zingbot than the one in previous seasons. This one was pretty funny singing ZIIIIIINNNNG and I don't remember the other one doing that. This one sounded like a trained singer.


For the record (pasted from another message board):


Mark, I think you might be bye-sexual. Every time you tried to get sexual with Elena, she said “bye!”

Alex, I see you have been forced to carry around a ton of dead weight or as I like to call it… Jason!

Poor Raven. You got the Clownitard. This is the worst punishment ever. Oh wait, that’s just your face!

Josh, my heart goes out to you. You shed so many tears this summer. Too bad you can’t shed any… weight!

Paul, you taught me so much last year, like how to have Friendship, how to be Pissed, and how to lose… a half million dollars.

Matt, congrats on making it so far in the game, especially since the only thing you’ve done is Raven!

Kevin, I hear you like to use Saran Wrap to preserve your youth. Newsflash. Too freaking late!

Alex, what do you call someone with bleach blonde hair, wears cat ears, and handles a lot of wieners. A *bleep*! [possibly suggesting a prostitute, loose woman, etc.]

Christmas, you’ll find no coal in your stocking this holiday season. However, you will find: ten shattered bones, nine weeks in a cast, eight surgeries, seven more x-rays, six years of rehab, five titanium screws, four hospitals, three pain pills, two crutches, and a guilty rodeo clown.

Edited by TimWil
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I think Zingbot needs to retire. Josh gets a weight jab? Nothing about pots and pans, meatballs, circus music? He could have tied circus music to Ravens's clown makeup. Weaksauce.

Raven, Christmas, and Alex are in a three way tie for the worst. Poor Mark.

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

So Zingbot tells Raven she has a face like a clown and everybody else gets light little jabs.

I mean Raven's zing was about how terribly she does her makeup, particularly the fact that she wears foundation about 5 shades too light for her, while Alex was called a whore. I'd say Alex's was a bit harsher than Raven's lol.

The zings sucked. I mean I did laugh at Raven's. That was pretty good because of the truth in it lol. But calling Kevin old, Josh fat, Mark bye-sexual, and Alex a whore were all simultaneously lame and kinda gross.

Come to think of it 'lame and kinda gross' is a good description for this season as a whole.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Josh sure likes to laugh at other people. 

In 'similar but a little bit' different news: Christmas has a great laugh.

I had the exact same reaction as the HGs for her zing. So awesome. Loved it.

Edited by woodscommaelle
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I liked Matt and Mark's zings. I'd imagine they bleeped out the word "whore" for Alex. Can you not say "whore" on national television? 

Wow, they were trolling the current administration pretty hard. Les Moonves gives no effs.

(To me, the best all-time zing was Mike Boogie's, followed by Cody's and Frankie's. I honestly can't remember any of the other zings, but I always enjoy Zingbot. It's this show at its most harmless and entertaining.)

ETA: Oh, and Jordan's about how why Jeff hasn't proposed because she's terrible at answering questions.

Edited by Eolivet
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The Christmas Song Zing was the best because all these weeks its bothered me seeing Jason carry on like he has no care in the world and he's partially responsible for the long road Christmas has ahead and any permanent damage. If that had been me...I don't think I could look her in the eye let alone carry on like nothing ever happened.

Okay, I've slagged Jason now Christmas herself. Not sure why she felt a need to lie to US in the diary room. IT's clear she picked Raven hoping that would increase Mark's chances to win so she would be able to justify putting up someone else. And in the end she was stupid not to listen to Mark about Alex but the answer was clear to her question before the commercial break. Why wouldn't we take a shot at getting Alex out now insteaad of later....the answer is painfully simple....PAUL WOULDN"T LIKE IT....and everyone lives to please Paul as we know.

Even Matt knows he's a dud...and I wanted to hear what was said about Alex.

Speaking of which it amazed myself that I was rooting for her to go on the block. That was unthinkable for me for the first few weeks as she was my favorite. I wanted her and Cody to work together but she lost me when instead of recognizing Paul as a threat she teamed up with him.

The sad part about finale night will be some dummy will probably have a chance to take someone else but they will choose Paul and he wins after everyone who puts there key in the box sings his praises in code of "Best Player" or I'm voting for who "Deserves to win" Maybe six months later they will wake up and realize they might have had a half million dollars if they'd gotten rid of him at the first available opportunity.

The show is adrift without Cody. I sure miss him and even Jess too. At least they were interesting as opposed to blank slates like Matt and Raven.

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

Was anyone else worried about Raven when she took her full weight on her stomach?  I've always thought that challenge was too dangerous for any of them, as well long and boring to watch.

Isn't that challenge usually a 'to be continued' episode? And yes, super boring.  FF comes in handy.

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9 minutes ago, Eolivet said:


(To me, the best all-time zing was Mike Boogie's, followed by Christine's and Frankie's. I honestly can't remember any of the other zings, but I always enjoy Zingbot. It's this show at its most harmless and entertaining.)

Danielle Murphree's was pretty good. Something like the only thing Shane will give you after the show is a restraining order. 

There were a million different ways to make fun of Josh. Was odd they fat shamed. That's not cool. Paul's zing was as lame as this cast. 

Hoping we get some gameplay soon with the pairs going at each other but I'm not holding my breath. 

This is really hard to watch.

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5 hours ago, Cutty said:

There were a million different ways to make fun of Josh. Was odd they fat shamed. That's not cool.


It's always ok to call someone fat for some reason. I agree, there was a gazillion other things about him they could have used instead. (Yeah, I'm overweight, so it's personal)

Edited by ChiCricket
Forgot an a
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7 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Danielle Murphree's was pretty good. Something like the only thing Shane will give you after the show is a restraining order. 

Yes, and Britney's about "I have a half-million dollars to donate to a charity in your name. I think it's called the Brigade."

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1 hour ago, woodscommaelle said:

Isn't that challenge usually a 'to be continued' episode? And yes, super boring.  FF comes in handy.

Yes.  The Slip'nSlide has traditionally been an HoH comp - not a PoV comp - and its usual MO is to start at the end of the Thursday eviction episode, with play continuing as the credits roll.

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The best zing will always be the Christine/Cody combined zing in BB16. "Hey, Cody! You're such a nice guy. You haven’t made enemies this summer. Except for maybe…. Christine’s husband! Zing zing zing!”

Was it cruel? Yup. Was it hilarious? Hell yeah. She spent the whole summer rubbing up against some hot, young, single guy because her husband was all the way back home. I'd say it was well deserved.

Edited by Callaphera
wrong season
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2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Was anyone else worried about Raven when she took her full weight on her stomach?  I've always thought that challenge was too dangerous for any of them, as well long and boring to watch.

That challenge is a total slip hazard by design and has been severely dangerous for years. If Kevin played and fell he could have broken a hip. Raven fell on her device. Jason thought he injured his arm. The challenge is a disaster waiting to happen and i always wondered why nobody ever fell and broke bones.

The producers of this show bring stupid to a new level. 

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13 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I see Christmas has the same HoH delusion that Josh had, that whatever she decides will happen as far as votes go. No, you still need the VOTES to send Matt home instead of who the whole house wants gone and that's Mark. This reminds me of Josh saying that Elena was going home for his HoH. In a related matter, Christmas is a straight up bitch. What the hell was that with Mark at the veto ceremony?? Just seemed liek unnecessary bitchiness.

Zingbot showed me this year how very starved for entertainment the house is... lame.

And Mark you know what a really big move would be? No, it's not getting out extreme sidekick Alex it would be at least planting the seed that PAUL needs to go but he's pulled a Jedi Mind Trick on everyone that he is not the droid they are looking for I guess. These people are almost as dumb as zingbot is.

Mark knows if he through Paul's name out there, it wouldn't stick and he would be in more trouble. Because these people are sheep.

Why are people walking around acting like Paul is off limits? Why would the cast even want to allow someone who was had a chance to win before another and easier chance? Why are people so worried about weak links? Fuck Matt or Raven. If they stay in the game all the way towards the end, you could beat them in comps because they suck and they have no game so they have no chance of getting nothing but butthurt votes. Get people out who can win! Fuck!

Also, Josh and Raven killed the zingbot segment by trying so hard to make a spectacle. 

Edited by Racj82
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2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I liked Matt and Mark's zings. I'd imagine they bleeped out the word "whore" for Alex. Can you not say "whore" on national television? 

Wow, they were trolling the current administration pretty hard. Les Moonves gives no effs.

(To me, the best all-time zing was Mike Boogie's, followed by Cody's and Frankie's. I honestly can't remember any of the other zings, but I always enjoy Zingbot. It's this show at its most harmless and entertaining.)

ETA: Oh, and Jordan's about how why Jeff hasn't proposed because she's terrible at answering questions.

The current administration stuff made me think about how crazy this would have been if they did this season during the elections and they didn't know good old Trump won. Actually, as I'm typing I just realized how much craziness is going on with him they don't know about.

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After an hour of Alex's child-pageant bows, I'm nostalgic for the kitten ears. 

2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

The Christmas Song Zing was the best because all these weeks its bothered me seeing Jason carry on like he has no care in the world and he's partially responsible for the long road Christmas has ahead and any permanent damage. If that had been me...I don't think I could look her in the eye let alone carry on like nothing ever happened.

Okay, I've slagged Jason now Christmas herself. Not sure why she felt a need to lie to US in the diary room. IT's clear she picked Raven hoping that would increase Mark's chances to win so she would be able to justify putting up someone else. And in the end she was stupid not to listen to Mark about Alex but the answer was clear to her question before the commercial break. Why wouldn't we take a shot at getting Alex out now insteaad of later....the answer is painfully simple....PAUL WOULDN"T LIKE IT....and everyone lives to please Paul as we know.

Even Matt knows he's a dud...and I wanted to hear what was said about Alex.

Speaking of which it amazed myself that I was rooting for her to go on the block. That was unthinkable for me for the first few weeks as she was my favorite. I wanted her and Cody to work together but she lost me when instead of recognizing Paul as a threat she teamed up with him.

The sad part about finale night will be some dummy will probably have a chance to take someone else but they will choose Paul and he wins after everyone who puts there key in the box sings his praises in code of "Best Player" or I'm voting for who "Deserves to win" Maybe six months later they will wake up and realize they might have had a half million dollars if they'd gotten rid of him at the first available opportunity.

The show is adrift without Cody. I sure miss him and even Jess too. At least they were interesting as opposed to blank slates like Matt and Raven.

Regarding Christmas's injury, I don't think Jason is responsible at all.  She was riding him like a fucking horse.  And unless he forced her to do so, she was on there of her own volition.  Plus, her full well-muscled weight landed on top of him.  Would she be sobbing and spending sleepless nights worrying about ruining his career, fearful to even look him in the eye?  I doubt it.  The first lesson is to not leap on to people and ride them around a fake lawn with no padding.  But if you choose to do so, accept that a freak accident is possible.   Second lesson may be to avoid riding (and cuddling) married men.  It doesn't end well. 

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Mark's was clever, but I felt bad for him. Matt's was the best. Josh was over the top, but I was kind of enjoying his DR reactions. Wow, the rest of the zings were lame. Old? Fat? 

2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Yes, and Britney's about "I have a half-million dollars to donate to a charity in your name. I think it's called the Brigade."

LOL, I forgot about this one. Ouch.

What was Boogie's zing? Was it about him being a horrible human being? Because that would fit.

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7 hours ago, Michichick said:

Also enjoyed Raven's look of utter stupidity when she didn't understand the zing that was directed at her.

BAZINGA! Best moment of the night!  

5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Regarding Christmas's injury, I don't think Jason is responsible at all.  She was riding him like a fucking horse.  And unless he forced her to do so, she was on there of her own volition.

I said this way back when. And I may be mistaken, but I don't think she has ever outright blamed him either. 

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9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I mean Raven's zing was about how terribly she does her makeup, particularly the fact that she wears foundation about 5 shades too light for her, while Alex was called a whore. I'd say Alex's was a bit harsher than Raven's lol.

The zings sucked. I mean I did laugh at Raven's. That was pretty good because of the truth in it lol. But calling Kevin old, Josh fat, Mark bye-sexual, and Alex a whore were all simultaneously lame and kinda gross.

See I think Raven's zing was harsher precisely because of the truth in it, plus the fact that she didn't know what he was talking about and will probably feel really hurt when it's explained to her.  Kevin knows he's old, Christmas knows her leg is broken, Paul knows he lost the game last year, Josh talks about his own weight all the time, those were cases of rubbing-it-in, not really new information. Alex knows her zing was based on a play on words with "weiner," not really about her, and Mark knows his zing was a play on the word "bye," not really calling him bisexual. Even Mark didn't start crying and saying, "Zingbot called me bisexual," not that there's anything wrong with that,  He knew it was rubbing it in that he lost his girlfriend.

Raven's a young girl who thinks she looks pretty and now she knows other people think she looks bad.   I'm not even convinced she wears the pale make-up to look sick as everyone assumes.   In the diary room, without make-up,  you can see her face is naturally much paler than her body. She probably uses sunblock on it when she tans.  It's also always been  a fashion among dancers to be pale.  As Balanchine once said, "There are no tan swans."

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If I knew how to cut & paste clips from the show to make up my own to illustrate a point, (or if I cared enough to do so), I would make a clip of Raven jumping up and down like a 2 year old screaming, "Zingbot! It's Zingbot!" on a loop (finding her goofiest face of the 5 minutes worth of that  repeated dialogue) and then cut to what he says about her "white face" clown makeup and the puzzled and then butt-hurt look on her face. 

And on a separate Zingbot note - I don't like Josh, but if anything, he has lost some weight in the house so far. The pots & pans or meatball topics would have been much funnier aimed at him.

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9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

The show is adrift without Cody. I sure miss him and even Jess too. At least they were interesting as opposed to blank slates like Matt and Raven.

And it's going to be so much worse with Mark gone, since he's the only human being left in the house.  With him out of the game, I could not possibly care less who wins, but it might be fun to watch them go all "Lord of the Flies" on each other.  Since they can't seem to function unless they have someone to kick around, I wonder who the next target will be?  Or, to rephrase - I wonder who Paul will choose to be the next target?


5 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Mark's was clever, but I felt bad for him. Matt's was the best. Josh was over the top, but I was kind of enjoying his DR reactions. Wow, the rest of the zings were lame. Old? Fat? 

And then, cut to Mark crying in the DR saying that he's "crazy about that girl."  Oh, Mark.  You can do soooooooooooo much better.  The jury house is going to be super awkward.

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6 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

What was Boogie's zing? Was it about him being a horrible human being? Because that would fit.

Zingbot started out zinging a guy (another guy) named Jeff (wore blue University of Kentucky shirt all the time): "Hey, Jeff, how does it feel to be the old guy in the house?" ::pause:: "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there ... Boogie."

If anyone ever deserved an age-related zing, it was him.

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11 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

And Mark you know what a really big move would be? No, it's not getting out extreme sidekick Alex it would be at least planting the seed that PAUL needs to go but he's pulled a Jedi Mind Trick on everyone that he is not the droid they are looking for I guess. These people are almost as dumb as zingbot is.

Yea, but unfortunately he had just given Paul safety, so he couldn't really come at them with that idea this week.


11 hours ago, mojoween said:

I was sad it was slip-n-slide because I knew Mark would be too big for it.

Yup. I said the same thing to my husband; this challenge favors someone small and lean, and coordinated. Also, I just hate this comp. I've never been one who finds others falling to be funny. 


10 hours ago, TimWil said:

Josh, my heart goes out to you. You shed so many tears this summer. Too bad you can’t shed any… weight!

I don't get the comments about Josh being fat. That dude is nowhere near fat, IMO. 

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Just now, Pondlass1 said:

Thank goodness the fast forward button was invented. Episode was a bore. 

Maybe live feed watchers can answer this for me... Does the Xmas wheelie bike need oil or is that a sound effect?  

Sound effect. If it was real, I'm sure it would drive everyone crazy...well crazier.

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I thought the Zingbot shtick was incredibly unfair to Jason.  Not that I think he was going to win but this definitely hurts his chances.  To have production reinforce the narrative that he's dead weight being carried by Alex solidifies the fact that nobody will vote for that kind of player to win the game.  If he's in the final 2 with Alex, you better believe that will be a ridiculously high hurdle he'd have to get over to beat her out.

Meanwhile, other people get personal zings that have no effect on the game whatsoever. 

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28 minutes ago, MV007 said:

I thought the Zingbot shtick was incredibly unfair to Jason.  Not that I think he was going to win but this definitely hurts his chances.  To have production reinforce the narrative that he's dead weight being carried by Alex solidifies the fact that nobody will vote for that kind of player to win the game.  If he's in the final 2 with Alex, you better believe that will be a ridiculously high hurdle he'd have to get over to beat her out.

If Jason doesn't want to be seen as dead weight, then maybe he shouldn't BE dead weight. He's done nothing but what Alex, and by extension Paul, has told him to do. I don't think there's any "narrative" going on here. It's reality. 

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18 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

If Jason doesn't want to be seen as dead weight, then maybe he shouldn't BE dead weight. He's done nothing but what Alex, and by extension Paul, has told him to do. I don't think there's any "narrative" going on here. It's reality. 

The word narrative isn't synonymous with false.  This is now a story line that was given the stamp of approval from production.  I agree that it is reality.  But imo, it should be a reality the players perceive on their own not spoon fed to them by zing bot.  Or, in the alternative, I wouldn't have a problem with zing bot going at all of them in a similar fashion.  They could've called out Raven for her victim whoring.  Or called out Paul for being the puppet master.  Or called out Christmas for being in and out of the house.  All things that could be used against people in the game.  Making fun of Raven's makeup and Josh's tears and Marks impotency have nothing to do with the game, while Jason's does.

Edited by MV007
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50 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Maybe live feed watchers can answer this for me... Does the Xmas wheelie bike need oil or is that a sound effect?  

Sound effect.  Pepi (Christmas' name for the scooter) can actually squeak every now and then - but in terms of both volume and frequency of occurrence, it is absolutely nowhere near what the sound editing guys add to the episode whenever it shows up on-camera.  Listen close during the show, though; sometimes instead of squeaks, the SFX guys will dub in a revving motorcycle engine.  :)

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19 minutes ago, MV007 said:

I wouldn't have a problem with zing bot going at all of them in a similar fashion.

Zingbot has always been a mix of personal and gameplay insults. Heck, Zingbot was probably responsible for Andy's awakening in BB15, after he was called out as a ghost because "he's pale with red hair and he floats." Donny got "your beard is Duck Dynasty, but your social game is Suck Dynasty." One could argue Zingbot went after Matt's game, because he hasn't done anything but have sex with someone. I actually like that Zingbot went after Jason, because he's one of the few who was playing the game, only to have completely stopped (remember in week ... 3, when he was trying to convince Alex not to nominate Jessica to keep numbers for their side?) He's won comps and HoHs, so he still has that, but in terms of gameplay? He's absolutely dead weight (and he wasn't initially). Maybe this will wake him up.

Edited by Eolivet
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6 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Zingbot has always been a mix of personal and gameplay insults. Heck, Zingbot was probably responsible for Andy's awakening in BB15, after he was called out as a ghost because "he's pale with red hair and he floats." Donny got "your beard is Duck Dynasty, but your social game is Suck Dynasty." One could argue Zingbot went after Matt's game, because he hasn't done anything but have sex with someone. I actually like that Zingbot went after Jason, because he's one of the few who was playing the game, only to have completely stopped (remember in week ... 3, when he was trying to convince Alex not to nominate Jessica to keep numbers for their side?) He's won comps and HoHs, so he still has that, but in terms of gameplay? He's absolutely dead weight (and he wasn't initially). Maybe this will wake him up.

Yea, I have no issue if its equal across the board.  I don't think thats the case though.

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26 minutes ago, MV007 said:

The word narrative isn't synonymous with false.  This is now a story line that was given the stamp of approval from production.  I agree that it is reality.  But imo, it should be a reality the players perceive on their own not spoon fed to them by zing bot.  Or, in the alternative, I wouldn't have a problem with zing bot going at all of them in a similar fashion.  They could've called out Raven for her victim whoring.  Or called out Paul for being the puppet master.  Or called out Christmas for being in and out of the house.  All things that could be used against people in the game.  Making fun of Raven's makeup and Josh's tears and Marks impotency have nothing to do with the game, while Jason's does.

I agree that they could have gone in harder on some of the others, and more game related zings. But they also mentioned Matt virtually doing NOTHING all season....except Raven. If memory serves, Zingbot has always proffered a mix of personal vs. game-related zings. I guess it just comes down to personal opinion, but I don't think it's unfair at all to snark on their game play, or lack thereof. 

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12 hours ago, TimWil said:


Alex, what do you call someone with bleach blonde hair, wears cat ears, and handles a lot of wieners. A *bleep*! [possibly suggesting a prostitute, loose woman, etc.]


I assumed the bleep was another word for cat beginning with a P

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1 hour ago, illini1959 said:

Maybe I'm in the minority on this but....

The Zingbot is stupid.

Also stupid?  The comp that Zingbot narrates.  "Zingbot is President of Planet Zing.  For this competition, take your ZingScoop, scoop up the ZingSlime, walk down the ZingSlide and put it in the ZingBowl," etc. etc.  It's like listening to a game created by 5-year olds.  The over-the-top reactions by the houseguests makes me cringe hard with secondhand embarrassment.  

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I think Zingbot's backstory this time may have given the HGs a more-than-usual nibble of current events outside the House.  The investigation of Trump's alleged collusion with Putin was already news when the HGs went into sequestration - and I saw a BUNCH of eyebrows shoot up when Zingbot's narrative got to the part about the "scandal" that Zingbot "colluded with President Puntin... to steal the election".  I bet some HGs are wondering how close Trump is to impeachment while they're sitting in the House....

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As a new BB watcher, this was my first experience with ZingBot. Is that a typical ZingBot session? I don't know what I was expecting, but a socially awkward Dalek wasn't it. 

Seems like a missed opportunity to give the HGs some insight into how they're coming off to the viewers.

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