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S12.E07: Un-Noble Women

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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't know why people think Heather leaving the show is the reason for the downfall. It started last year before the reunion and the reunion sealed the deal of this show's fate. It was nasty, it was ugly and there was really nowhere to go but further downhill after that reunion. In my opinion, Heather brought nothing except bad acting (her crying scene in the car while she was on the phone with her husband) and a whole lot of condescending attitude throughout all the season's she was on the show. Plus she is one mean bitch (cue to the Ireland bus ride to see her true colors and her finger pointing and throwing Shannon out of her house first season Shannon was on). Rumor has it she left because Terry was caught cheating, they paid off the mistress to get lost and she didn't want that broadcast all over TV.  So Heather saving the day, NO, I don't think so. 

The only reason Tamra and Shannon are such buddy buddy besties is because they have nobody else to film with. They don't like anybody except Meghan and there is no real friendship with Meghan and anybody,  she is on the show as little as possible. 

I was kind of kidding when I said that Heather could save the show. But I did like her and I do miss her. I said I wouldn't watch if she were to go because she was the only one I could stand, and I am trying to keep my promise. 

I don't think any one gal can save the show. But the NY show has sealed my long-time feelings that the show is better if you have some gals in the cast that really like and care about each other. The more the better. Shannon and Tamra are not close because they have no one else to film with. They have grown steadily closer over the last two years - on camera and off. Heather also had a relationship with them. There was a history there, which I think is important. There is so little history with the others. Meghan, Vicki, Peggy, and even Lydia who was only on for one season. None of them really care about each other, which just makes it seem off to me. 

  • Love 14

Heather isn't the reason for the downfall, but she was one of the strongest players.  She's the only person in the history of this show I find truly enviable.  

They absolutely need her back, if they want any semblance of wealth and class in the midst of all the low life hijinks.   Even wealthy Shannon is not enviable, not even a drop. 

  • Love 12
14 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Shannon and Tamra are not close because they have no one else to film with. They have grown steadily closer over the last two years - on camera and off. Heather also had a relationship with them

I don't think those three were ever true friends. Tamra said at the beginning of the season she hasn't even seen Heather's new (finished )house. Funny how things change once you're not on camera any longer and there is really no reason for the friendship to continue. That will probably happen with Shannon and Tamra as well. I mean really, what do Heather and Shannon, two very wealthy women have in common with trashbox Tamra? Absolutely nothing except hating Vicki and filming the show?

  • Love 10
13 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't think those three were ever true friends. Tamra said at the beginning of the season she hasn't even seen Heather's new (finished )house. Funny how things change once you're not on camera any longer and there is really no reason for the friendship to continue. That will probably happen with Shannon and Tamra as well. I mean really, what do Heather and Shannon, two very wealthy women have in common with trashbox Tamra? Absolutely nothing except hating Vicki and filming the show?

I don't think they necessarily have to be great friends when filming stops in every instance. They can still enjoy each others company, and care about each other and have a true fondness for each other. How many of us have had great relationships with folks at work, and then when we move on to other jobs don't really hang out much any longer? It just happens. Tamra and Heather did have a great relationship for pretty much the run of the time they were on together. Heather and Shannon came to care about each other on the show as well. That might not have continued for another season. They might have had issues. But those issues would have been more interesting to many because of their shared history. I would have been far more interested in seeing Tamra and Heather have problems than I am in seeing anything between Peggy, Lydia or Kelly. Because I just don't care about these people in any way. Their stuff is just boring without history and any relationship. JMO of course. 

  • Love 12

BORING, BORING, BORING!  Maybe it's because I found the recent RHONY so entertaining that this is paling in comparison, but I find myself watching just out of habit.  There is absolutely nothing new going on and they are clearly re-hashing the same old stuff because there's nothing else to do.  Do they have any trips coming up?  Maybe I need to take a break from this show.

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

Here is my thoughts on the difference between Tamra and Vicki. Tamra now seems to be sorry for the way she acted in the past and trying to be a better person.  She isn't perfect, she still slips up, but she is trying to be a better person. Vicki hasn't ever even given a sincere apology or owned up to her part in any of this. I'm much more willing to forgive a truly repentant person than someone who just keeps going. It is my same issue with Ramona.


I think this is my problem with Tamra. I don't believe she is in anyway sincere in her claims of being a better person. Just the way she handled the interaction with her mother tells me that she is still manipulating people and situations to make herself look like the victim. I think she gives lip service to trying to be a better person and trying to be a Christian because she wants us to stop seeing her in association with her past actions. If Tamra ever apologizes to Alexis for the way she treated her or Gretchen for Naked Wasted, or even Vicki for dragging her into her marriage issues with Simon, or Simon for involving Vicki in their marriage in the first place, I might see her as really trying to repent. But, this is a woman that has wreaked havoc on other people's actual lives in order to stay relevant on this show, and so far she has done nothing to show that she is the least bit sorry for any of it. 

  • Love 13
53 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't know why people think Heather leaving the show is the reason for the downfall. It started last year before the reunion and the reunion sealed the deal of this show's fate. It was nasty, it was ugly and there was really nowhere to go but further downhill after that reunion. In my opinion, Heather brought nothing except bad acting (her crying scene in the car while she was on the phone with her husband) and a whole lot of condescending attitude throughout all the season's she was on the show. Plus she is one mean bitch (cue to the Ireland bus ride to see her true colors and her finger pointing and throwing Shannon out of her house first season Shannon was on). Rumor has it she left because Terry was caught cheating, they paid off the mistress to get lost and she didn't want that broadcast all over TV.  So Heather saving the day, NO, I don't think so. 

The only reason Tamra and Shannon are such buddy buddy besties is because they have nobody else to film with. They don't like anybody except Meghan and there is no real friendship with Meghan and anybody,  she is on the show as little as possible. 

Vicki isn't close to any one either. She and Kelly don't hang out when filming ends, Lydia had nothing to do with any of them after she left the show, Peggy doesn't have a real connection to any of them other than meeting Lydia for the first time in a staged photo shoot for L/D's new magazine/this show and Meghan leaves the OC when filming ends. LOL Tamra and Shannon at least get together during the filming hiatus from time to time (they have mutual friends).

As for Heather, she and Tamra did things together when they weren't filming and they then included Shannon after her first season on the show. The only one that wasn't a part of that group back then was Vicki, she has never been close to any of them, including Jenna. 

As for the rumor that Terry cheated on Heather, had there been any truth to that Kelly would have tweeted that all over her twitter account but she has not made that claim ever. LOL According to Kelly, Heather was demoted to FOH but she wanted to remain a full HW, production refused so she quit. 

  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

I think this is my problem with Tamra. I don't believe she is in anyway sincere in her claims of being a better person. Just the way she handled the interaction with her mother tells me that she is still manipulating people and situations to make herself look like the victim. I think she gives lip service to trying to be a better person and trying to be a Christian because she wants us to stop seeing her in association with her past actions. If Tamra ever apologizes to Alexis for the way she treated her or Gretchen for Naked Wasted, or even Vicki for dragging her into her marriage issues with Simon, or Simon for involving Vicki in their marriage in the first place, I might see her as really trying to repent. But, this is a woman that has wreaked havoc on other people's actual lives in order to stay relevant on this show, and so far she has done nothing to show that she is the least bit sorry for any of it. 

Oh, Tamra is imperfect.  We all are. I do believe she apologized to Alexis a couple of seasons ago (right around the time she became a Christian). I don't really believe she dragged Vicki into her marriage issues with Simon. I haven't rewatched that season in a couple of years but it always struck me as more of Vicki meddling in Tamra's marriage. I think Vicki is the type of person that has to be the most important person in your life and it is all about how you can serve her. She was threatened by Simon and she instigated a lot of the drama there. Naked Wasted was just beyond. I was absolutely disgusted by Tamra during those years. I couldn't stand her. I have seen improvement in her behavior through the years. She is still a hothead and tends to fly off. I just don't see the vindictiveness quite like what we used to. 

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

I think this is my problem with Tamra. I don't believe she is in anyway sincere in her claims of being a better person. Just the way she handled the interaction with her mother tells me that she is still manipulating people and situations to make herself look like the victim. I think she gives lip service to trying to be a better person and trying to be a Christian because she wants us to stop seeing her in association with her past actions. If Tamra ever apologizes to Alexis for the way she treated her or Gretchen for Naked Wasted, or even Vicki for dragging her into her marriage issues with Simon, or Simon for involving Vicki in their marriage in the first place, I might see her as really trying to repent. But, this is a woman that has wreaked havoc on other people's actual lives in order to stay relevant on this show, and so far she has done nothing to show that she is the least bit sorry for any of it. 

Family problems are the hardest to let go of, so Tamra still having some old, unresolved issues with her mother isn't that surprising to me. I really believe that she is trying to do better, react differently but that doesn't happen over night for anyone, let alone someone like Tamra that was such a mess to begin with.

As for Tamra and Alexis, Tamra did apologize to her, Alexis wasn't receptive of it at first but has since said that she believes Tamra is changing for the better. Gretchen/Slade gave as good as they got, not only from Tamra but also from Vicki and they are desperate to get back on the show and are hitching their wagon to Vicki's long term HW position to get them there. 

Now, as for Tamra/Simon's marriage, I saw it differently than you did. IMO, Vicki overstepped the boundary in their marriage. She wanted someone else's marriage to look as bad as her/Donn's marriage did and she knew there was trouble, so she went for it. Tamra's biggest mistake was confiding in Vicki to begin with, no secret is scared with Vicki, she stores what you shared with her to use against you at a later date. 

Tamra hasn't been a likeable person in the past but I really believe she is trying to be a better person now and although far from perfect, she is at least trying. I can't say the same about Vicki, she has never tried to better herself as a human being IMO.

  • Love 14

My opinion on why this show blows chunks?
Vicki - there is no redemption arc for someone who endorsed a mate who faked cancer. She needs to go. Her daughter is boring. She looks old and like hell, and shouldn't have a word to say about Shannons' weight gain.

Shannon- sad controlling woman, its not fun to watch her nag her family, or be so woefully insecure. She and David need off camera counseling and a decision should be made that is best for the family. They all look miserable.

Tamra- her ongoing insistence on talking about a daughter who wants privacy is gross. Her gym obsession is fine, but last years story arc of a competition was silly & low rent and she won due to being on a show. Her crazy eyed son and daughter in law are there to pick up checks, and I have no interest. Eddy still pings.

Speaking of pinging, Lydia's husband also does, and I love the Fire Marshall Bill reference. They both look like they need to have a good meal. I am bored by their vanity magazine, and their flashes of wealth. Lydia looks anorexic, and her hair too long for someone her age.  She annoys me, adds nothing to the show, and I can't stand her horse face toothy grin.

Peggy may be on pain meds or an antidepressant, but I agree, she is vacant and not all there. Probably not the best timing to come on the show. DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) is stage 0 cancer but is aggressively treated at minimum by lumpectomy and hormone therapy post surgery. Peggy made a personal decision for bilateral mastectomy, I just think the timing for being on this show is bad. She likely is on it to promote her husbands business. Also, one of the trash websites has she and her husband as divorced years ago....not sure what that's about?

Megan has always been boring. She has a way about her that is condescending. Baby Aspen is cute but that doesn't save a show.  Her husband Jim is rude, and we can count down till that divorce announcement. Megan has her paycheck (I mean baby) at least.

K Dodd is the worst, I have expounded at length in other posts about her, and literally I have never had a person on any Real Housewives shows that I detest to the degree I abhor her. I used to just fast forward thru her scenes, but that leaves me with the rest of this cast who are all a snore.  Andy and Bravo need to address the crisis of this franchise with an entire cast over haul or cancel it next season.

Edited by Crazydoxielady
  • Love 17
44 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Vicki isn't close to any one either

I didn't mention Vicki in my post. I was talking about Heather and wondering why people thought she was such an asset to the show. 


46 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

As for Heather, she and Tamra did things together when they weren't filming and they then included Shannon after her first season on the show.

How do you know this?


47 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

The only one that wasn't a part of that group back then was Vicki, she has never been close to any of them, including Jenna. 

What? Vicki was best friends with Tamra at one point and very good friends with Jenna when Jenna was on the show. Until Vicki screwed both of those relationships up, of course. 


32 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

As for Tamra and Alexis, Tamra did apologize to her,

That's nice. Did Tamra ever apologize to Jenna for screaming at her and throwing a drink in her face? 

  • Love 5

Shannon wanting to open a restaurant made me roll far back in my head!!!!!!!! (No I'm not banning !!!! points LOL) I worked in food and beverage from the ages of 14 till 55. It is BRUTAL. I loved it but it takes a special kind of crazy to enjoy it..Honest. I was a gen. mgr. for a large chain and if I worked 60 hours a week it wa a "short" week. 80 was the norm. What's your food cost Shannon? What's your labor cost? Are you doing fine dining? Or casual? Are you hiring people who KNOW the business? What's your waste cap? Who are your supplies going to be? You need a kitchen mgr. (back of the house) and at least 2 mgrs. for the servers (front of the house) . Who is going to train your cooks? Who is going to train your servers? Do you know ANYTHING about working in a restaurant? Have you ever washed dishes for 10 hours because none of your dishwashers showed up?  Seriously I could go  on, and on, and on. But I'll stop. As my ex used to say "stupid, stupid, stupid."

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Heather isn't the reason for the downfall, but she was one of the strongest players.  She's the only person in the history of this show I find truly enviable.  

They absolutely need her back, if they want any semblance of wealth and class in the midst of all the low life hijinks.   Even wealthy Shannon is not enviable, not even a drop. 

Didn't Heather refuse to come back on the show because Andy wanted to discuss Terry's affair?

OC was never meant to be as upscale as Beverly Hills

  • Love 3

Some of the past housewives are still friendly, even Andy Cohen expressed surprise at how some were close after filming (cause he loves drama and fighting).

I think Lydia stayed friends with Gretchen/Alexis... tamra is still friendly with Tammy and Lynne, jeana is still friendly with a lot of the women.

If I had to say what started the downfall, it was Jeana leaving.

With that said, Shannon is type A and particular..so I could see her possibly working in the restaurant industry.  It's smart she has partnered with someone that has worked in that industey...better then when Alexis partnered with a make up artist to design dresses lol

I think Peggy is probably book smart, but not street smart.  I do like she gets T amra flustered without even trying :)  next week's preview shows T amra saying Peggy has a resting *itch face..and Peggy in a TH says don't be a &itch and you won't get the face :)

Edited by JAYJAY1979
  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Shannon wanting to open a restaurant made me roll far back in my head!!!!!!!! (No I'm not banning !!!! points LOL) I worked in food and beverage from the ages of 14 till 55. It is BRUTAL. I loved it but it takes a special kind of crazy to enjoy it..Honest. I was a gen. mgr. for a large chain and if I worked 60 hours a week it wa a "short" week. 80 was the norm. What's your food cost Shannon? What's your labor cost? Are you doing fine dining? Or casual? Are you hiring people who KNOW the business? What's your waste cap? Who are your supplies going to be? You need a kitchen mgr. (back of the house) and at least 2 mgrs. for the servers (front of the house) . Who is going to train your cooks? Who is going to train your servers? Do you know ANYTHING about working in a restaurant? Have you ever washed dishes for 10 hours because none of your dishwashers showed up?  Seriously I could go  on, and on, and on. But I'll stop. As my ex used to say "stupid, stupid, stupid."

I remember Heather wanted to open a restaurant when she first started appearing on the OC. 

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, oakville said:

Didn't Heather refuse to come back on the show because Andy wanted to discuss Terry's affair?

OC was never meant to be as upscale as Beverly Hills

Well, since OC came first, how could it have been planned as more Down scale than BH?

it was initially conceived as a peep into the life of the wealthy.  Heather is the only one who ever really fit the bill.  

  • Love 6
52 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I didn't mention Vicki in my post. I was talking about Heather and wondering why people thought she was such an asset to the show. 


How do you know this?


What? Vicki was best friends with Tamra at one point and very good friends with Jenna when Jenna was on the show. Until Vicki screwed both of those relationships up, of course. 


That's nice. Did Tamra ever apologize to Jenna for screaming at her and throwing a drink in her face? 

I know this from their twitter accounts, they post pictures of them doing things together during the filming hiatus. 

Yes, Vicki and Tamra were close on the show but they didn't do much, if anything, after filming ended. Vicki and Jenna weren't close outside of the show either and Yes, Vicki has screwed up most of her on camera friendships. LOL

Yes, Tamra apologized to Jenna and Jenna accepted. Jenna even admitted she overstepped getting involved with Tamra's/Simon's divorce.

I mentioned Vicki because as the OG of the OC, she doesn't associate with the others outside of filming/photo opts and never really did. 

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7
13 hours ago, PumpkinPK said:

I don't have the Brianna hate that most people on this board have, but my goodness she has awful children.  Perhaps she's too afraid of being a controlling monster like her mother was to discipline them at all?

The way she just sits around completely blind to how wild they are blows my mind.  Hopefully Ryan is a bit more strict with them so they can actually function out in the world one day.

It's sure funny how nobody will film with Vicki. We're stuck with Brianna and her brats. Steve may be a nice guy, but he comes off as a schmuck just for being Icky's boyfriend. May we never see Ryan's bitchass on our TV's again.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Family problems are the hardest to let go of, so Tamra still having some old, unresolved issues with her mother isn't that surprising to me. I really believe that she is trying to do better, react differently but that doesn't happen over night for anyone, let alone someone like Tamra that was such a mess to begin with.

As for Tamra and Alexis, Tamra did apologize to her, Alexis wasn't receptive of it at first but has since said that she believes Tamra is changing for the better. Gretchen/Slade gave as good as they got, not only from Tamra but also from Vicki and they are desperate to get back on the show and are hitching their wagon to Vicki's long term HW position to get them there. 

Now, as for Tamra/Simon's marriage, I saw it differently than you did. IMO, Vicki overstepped the boundary in their marriage. She wanted someone else's marriage to look as bad as her/Donn's marriage did and she knew there was trouble, so she went for it. Tamra's biggest mistake was confiding in Vicki to begin with, no secret is scared with Vicki, she stores what you shared with her to use against you at a later date. 

Tamra hasn't been a likeable person in the past but I really believe she is trying to be a better person now and although far from perfect, she is at least trying. I can't say the same about Vicki, she has never tried to better herself as a human being IMO.


I remember Tamra constantly going to back and forth between Vicki and Simon telling each what the other said. Vicki even told Tamra to leave her out of it several times because she didn't want the blowback from Simon, but felt bad because Tamra was constantly telling her how horrible Simon was. Tamra manipulated Simon and Vicki the same way she manipulated Simon and Ryan so that she looked like the victim caught between two people. She was so good at it that she didn't even realize when she was doing it. I don't remember an apology to Alexis. I remember Andy asking her about it at one point after her baptism and Tamra blowing it off and making a joke about it. So, if she did apologize, good for her. Did she ever apologize to Lizzie for posting her phone number on Facebook?

Look, Vicki is no saint, but Tamra set her up to look like an interloper when any and everything that Vicki ever said about Simon was as a direct result of what Tamra told her about their marriage. Vicki thought she was being a protective friend until she just had to keep telling Tamra to leaver her out of it. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

That's nice. Did Tamra ever apologize to Jenna for screaming at her and throwing a drink in her face? 

I think she must have at some point?  At least she better have. That was one of Tamra's lowest moments for certain (sadly she's had too many to keep track of all of them). I just assumed she did because Tamra and Jeanna seemed to be getting along pretty well when J made a few appearances last season (or was it the season before - can't recall now).  


I remember Heather wanted to open a restaurant when she first started appearing on the OC. 

Yes she sure did.  I predict Shannon's "restaurant" idea going the way of Heather's plans.  And this is: nowhere.  I think it's just something to talk about for a storyline.

  • Love 5

        I don't care that Lydia got all that crap for her birthday. Her prancing around in glitter doesn't bother me either. I was really pissed when she started making fun of Shannon again in her talking head. Going on about how crazy she is. Shannon did act crazy, because she is obviously in a lot of pain and unhappy and insecure. Of course she would be upset hearing Vicki wanted to meet with Tamera. She doesn't want to be left behind. She completely lacks compassion and empathy. She is like that kid who tormented her classmates in school but sucked up to the teachers and adults and acted super sweet in front of them. She likes being known as 'nice' as long as people are looking. I dislike her intensely.

  • Love 17
3 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Well, since OC came first, how could it have been planned as more Down scale than BH?

it was initially conceived as a peep into the life of the wealthy.  Heather is the only one who ever really fit the bill.  

OC has wealthy people. OC was meant to show what happens in gated communities.

OC has more grifters like Slade& Lynn Curtain & Alexis. I think there was a blonde housewife who worked for Vicki who was also poor. She had trouble managing her kids. One was named Josh . She left the show to marry George

3 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I think she must have at some point?  At least she better have. That was one of Tamra's lowest moments for certain (sadly she's had too many to keep track of all of them). I just assumed she did because Tamra and Jeanna seemed to be getting along pretty well when J made a few appearances last season (or was it the season before - can't recall now).  

Yes she sure did.  I predict Shannon's "restaurant" idea going the way of Heather's plans.  And this is: nowhere.  I think it's just something to talk about for a storyline.

I remember when Jenna's daughter Kara showed up at a party wearing a raincoat to avoid getting a drink thrown at her by Tamra.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

If I had to say what started the downfall, it was Jeana leaving.

I might have to agree with that. Jeana certainly had her issues, but she seemed to be the "bridge" on the show; sensible, got along with most of the women. I agree with the poster that said there aren't really any genuine connections on this show anymore. 


18 minutes ago, oakville said:

OC has more grifters like Slade& Lynn Curtain & Alexis. I think there was a blonde housewife who worked for Vicki who was also poor. She had trouble managing her kids. One was named Josh . She left the show to marry George

That was Lauri. I think she was the only one living outside the gates when the show first started. She HAD been married, ostensibly to a well off guy, but they had divorced recently and she was struggling. She worked for Vicki when Vicki still had her offices in her home. That was back when the show was a lot more relatable and enjoyable. 

  • Love 3

Actually, I liked the Laurie storyline. Rags to riches to rags back to riches.  She snagged a good wallet.   Tammy K wasn't able to get back behind the gates. 

Most of them were grifters, and upper middle class at best.  

I want to see some rich fucking people with closets bigger than my house.   Not 2 bedroom town homes and hot glued cuffs.  Though I found Lynne entertaining, until the fall out from her parenting became apparent. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

        I don't care that Lydia got all that crap for her birthday. Her prancing around in glitter doesn't bother me either. I was really pissed when she started making fun of Shannon again in her talking head. Going on about how crazy she is. Shannon did act crazy, because she is obviously in a lot of pain and unhappy and insecure. Of course she would be upset hearing Vicki wanted to meet with Tamera. She doesn't want to be left behind. She completely lacks compassion and empathy. She is like that kid who tormented her classmates in school but sucked up to the teachers and adults and acted super sweet in front of them. She likes being known as 'nice' as long as people are looking. I dislike her intensely.

I hope Shannon does seek professional help, off camera with a real counselor.  I bet there a few mental health care professionals watching Shannon and wanting to send her their business cards. 

Are Shannon and David building a new house?  When they moved in to the rental it was supposed to be temporary and it seems like they are comfortable there.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

I remember Tamra constantly going to back and forth between Vicki and Simon telling each what the other said. Vicki even told Tamra to leave her out of it several times because she didn't want the blowback from Simon, but felt bad because Tamra was constantly telling her how horrible Simon was. Tamra manipulated Simon and Vicki the same way she manipulated Simon and Ryan so that she looked like the victim caught between two people. She was so good at it that she didn't even realize when she was doing it. I don't remember an apology to Alexis. I remember Andy asking her about it at one point after her baptism and Tamra blowing it off and making a joke about it. So, if she did apologize, good for her. Did she ever apologize to Lizzie for posting her phone number on Facebook?

Look, Vicki is no saint, but Tamra set her up to look like an interloper when any and everything that Vicki ever said about Simon was as a direct result of what Tamra told her about their marriage. Vicki thought she was being a protective friend until she just had to keep telling Tamra to leaver her out of it. 

Yes, and when Vicki confronted her about it, Tamra was all, "I was just talking shit like girlfriends do! I didn't mean for you to say anything about it!" It was clear, to me anyway, that Tamra was sending a lot of mixed signals. You even see it in the season finale - after going on and on about how Vicki wouldn't butt out of her marriage, whom does Tamra go running to after she announces she wants a divorce? Vicki! Crying into her shoulder about Simon. That's actually on camera! Who knows what she was doing/saying to Vicki off camera?


8 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I don't think any one gal can save the show. But the NY show has sealed my long-time feelings that the show is better if you have some gals in the cast that really like and care about each other. The more the better. Shannon and Tamra are not close because they have no one else to film with. They have grown steadily closer over the last two years - on camera and off. Heather also had a relationship with them. There was a history there, which I think is important.

Generally I agree with this, but I don't find anything fun or likeable about the friendship between Tamra and Shannon. I agree that they are close, but I also agree with the other poster that it is a closeness largely based on colluding against a common enemy (Vicki). Shannon has done such a complete turnaround on Tamra that it's often difficult for me to take their relationship at all seriously. I mean, I get giving people another chance - but the way that Tamra went from being so hated to so embraced, and the way Vicki went from being so embraced to so hated, Shannon really seems to move in major extremes. I would seriously like to see what happens if their friendship imploded on the show. That said, I do kind of wish Heather were still around because I actually think she would be a better, more organic bridge between Vicki and the others than Lydia or Peggy.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, oakville said:

OC has wealthy people. OC was meant to show what happens in gated communities.

True, but originally when the show started it focused on Coto De Caza which is very inland and not where people with big bucks would ever consider living.

They still show that tacky gate that is closing in the opening.  Its on wheels !   Ok for Coto, but you would never see it in Newport Beach.

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Shannon and David building a new house?  When they moved in to the rental it was supposed to be temporary and it seems like they are comfortable there.

She told Lydia or Kelly at the Sip n See that they were going to wait to start looking for a new place, I believe they are looking to buy a place and then remodel not build from the ground up, until the end of the year.

  • Love 2
On 8/22/2017 at 10:01 AM, ghoulina said:

She even said something like, "It's not going to turn a huge profit". It sounded, to me, like it was a vanity project - something for her to play around with, but not anything that was going to make money. And David, the sole supporter who's owned his own business for years, is thinking - "Yea, let me just give you millions of dollars to PLAY with". 


Well, it's lower calorie than regular milk. Buttermilk is obtained when the fat has been removed from milk to make butter. So it's lower in fat and calories than regular milk. That's why some people will use it in mashed potatoes instead of regular milk, it's a healthier option. Of course, it depends on what type of milk you're using. 

However, I've never heard of "marinating" chicken in ANY milk. That just sounds....odd.....to me. I marinate mine in various dressings - Italian, or a balsamic vinaigrette. 

Actually a great recipe for Fried chicken is to dip the chicken into a buttermilk based liquid before sludging it through the dried ingredients to make the crunch. It's used because the buttermilk is "thicker" and binds the dried topping to the chicken better

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

True, but originally when the show started it focused on Coto De Caza which is very inland and not where people with big bucks would ever consider living.

They still show that tacky gate that is closing in the opening.  Its on wheels !   Ok for Coto, but you would never see it in Newport Beach.

Lol!  A wheeled gate.  See how poor I am?  I was impressed.

Still, the premise was built around Jeana and her family.  Jeana was a hot shit in her day with a sports star husband in his day.  There was glamor and decent wealth there.  Vicki and that other cheesy midwestern blonde chick were upper middle class wannabes.   Laurie of course was destined to meet her wallet, and Tammy K had been noveau riche at one point.  

I just want my face rubbed in some damn wealth.   At the least these chicks can afford some decent hairpieces to cover their fried ass shit and decent wardrobes.  

Heather rubbed my face in her wealth and I loved it.   I can see Vicki and Tamra types just by walking down the street a mile or so. 

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 8

Lydia's THs remind me of those old Joan Crawford movies - soft lighting and heavily filtered so she looks almost pretty, then cut to a shot of her with the girls and YIKES.

Vicki, stop with the 'sexy' clothes, you're nauseating America and not fooling anyone into thinking you're even remotely attractive.

ok I am PMSing and being super catty.  Positive notes - I agree that buttermilk makes a great marinade for chicken, and healthy if you use low fat buttermilk.  I marinate pieces in a buttermilk and hot sauce mixture, bread in panko and bake it - heaven!


now I am bithcy AND hungry.  Thanks, Uterus!

  • Love 9

I'm honestly bummed this season is so horrible. All the original RH shows (OC, NY, BH, even NJ) are my crack tv... I'm on the tipping point of abandoning OC and I've not done that with any of the other ones yet (even hung in there with NJ)... this season oh OC is painfully awful. What were the producers thinking, bringing back Vicki (who should have been gone a few seasons ago) and Kelly... then adding in dull as paint drying Lydia and Peggy. Time to recast the majority of the women (I don't mind Shannon and Tamra back with all new woman, bonus would to bring Jeana back) or kill it. Sigh.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:


I just want my face rubbed in some damn wealth.   At the least these chicks can afford some decent hairpieces to cover their fried ass shit and decent wardrobes.  

Heather rubbed my face in her wealth and I loved it.   I can see Vicki and Tamra types just by walking down the street a mile or so. 

        I enjoy BH for that reason. I love Lisa Vanderpumps homes and closets. Yolanda's home was amazing too. I drool over Million Dollar Listing LA. Yet, seeing Lydia's "gifts" made me roll my eyes. Maybe because I'm not a car person. I don't even remember anything remarkable about her house. Nothing drop dead gorgeous that made me sigh. Peggy's house is nice, I dislike the beigeness to be honest. Im thrilled that bright crisp white walls are in. I like lots of light and color.

        Hopefully, they will take a beautiful vacation.

  • Love 4
On 8/21/2017 at 6:15 PM, Bronzedog said:

I know we're supposed to be impressed, but, two cars just seem assholerish.

Oh!  Peggy's on!  Time to vacuum!  She definitely idolized Ricky Ricardo.

Lol! How many of us are now scheduling our household chores when RHOC is on! 

And thank you Bronzedog for expanding my vocabulary...I can't wait to accuse someone I know of being "assholerish"! That's some awesome shit!

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Lydia's THs remind me of those old Joan Crawford movies - soft lighting and heavily filtered so she looks almost pretty, then cut to a shot of her with the girls and YIKES.

Vicki, stop with the 'sexy' clothes, you're nauseating America and not fooling anyone into thinking you're even remotely attractive.

ok I am PMSing and being super catty.  Positive notes - I agree that buttermilk makes a great marinade for chicken, and healthy if you use low fat buttermilk.  I marinate pieces in a buttermilk and hot sauce mixture, bread in panko and bake it - heaven!


now I am bithcy AND hungry.  Thanks, Uterus!

Vicki is SO homely. She has NO clue about how to dress. She also has saggy boobs.

Lydia is a MORON. Her hair is too long. She has a horse face with big teeth. She's really unattractive. Her BORING husband looks like a doofus.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Cherrio said:

True, but originally when the show started it focused on Coto De Caza which is very inland and not where people with big bucks would ever consider living.

They still show that tacky gate that is closing in the opening.  Its on wheels !   Ok for Coto, but you would never see it in Newport Beach.

I am pretty sure that OC became popular due to the TV teen soap opera OC & the Laguna Beach/Hills  MTV show & a movie with Tom Hanks son called OC. Is Coto De Caza is the poor part of OC?

4 minutes ago, oakville said:

I am pretty sure that OC became popular due to the TV teen soap opera OC & the Laguna Beach/Hills  MTV show & a movie with Tom Hanks son called OC. Is Coto De Caza is the poor part of OC?

I'm pretty sure that you're right that it was capitalizing on both The OC and Laguna while marrying it with the concept of Desperate Housewives.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, oakville said:

I am pretty sure that OC became popular due to the TV teen soap opera OC & the Laguna Beach/Hills  MTV show & a movie with Tom Hanks son called OC. Is Coto De Caza is the poor part of OC?

Coto is not a poor community, its just very inland which means its nowhere near the ocean.    Its a created gated community that appeals to some people.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Heading to the store to get the ingredients for the chicken Divan recipe which is my go to casserole. I would recommend a Pouilly Fume instead of Grey Goose to go with it. Who at the clubhouse do I send it " to the attention of"? 

Send it to Andy, he can freeze it until he can give it to VG.

  • Love 3
On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 3:43 PM, Long Spot said:

I can never not smell that when I see him now, and I will blame you every time.  

You guys?  I feel like I've got a little present for you, and I can't believe no one heard it.

They were gagging over an edited in or real Vicki fart.  I know because I just laughed myself into tears and replayed it 3x to be sure.

There is a distinct fart noise, either real (and not implausible given where mic are and shapewear and Vicki has never had control of any bodily function), or planted by the producers just to mess with her.

But I assure you.  It's there.  They hug, someone says "how are you", Vicki says something about buying something for little girls and then....*TOOT*

Hope you've all got it DVR'd or On Demand.  Happy watching!

Something to look forward to?


On ‎8‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 5:15 PM, RHJunkie said:

Tamra did her mom dirty in that dinner conversation. YOU fractured your relationship with your daughter. Don't call your mother out on national television as if she has any responsibility to jeopardize whatever relationship and trust she has with her granddaughter by trying to fight your cause for you. Further, I understand being disappointed that her mom didn't go to the fundraiser, but given the situation, it would have been nice for Tamra to at least once say 'I understand why she didn't come but I'm still sad that we couldn't have shared the experience together'. At least she acknowledged it during their phone call. Tamra was also passive aggressive in painting herself as a victim when she essentially said 'maybe I should have stayed with Simon and been miserable because at least I would have my daughter' as if the reason she doesn't have her daughter is because she chose happiness with Eddie instead of misery with Simon. I don't know the details of her fractured relationship with her daughter but I'm not inclined to think that the reasons for their distant relationship is that black and white. 

Did Tamra throw her mother under the proverbial bus AGAIN?


I had totally forgotten there was a new ep this week.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, kitten59 said:

Who hired Peggy!? It's like they just plopped some bumbling woman into the mix and are are watching to see if she'll sink or swim. She is sinking! She can barely tread water! She also seems very medicated.

Yes! Who sits in a conference room and green lights this shit? Probably the same dumbass that thinks we wanted to see nasty ass Kelly for another season.

Edited by Mr. Minor
  • Love 16

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