heatherchandler August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/9/2017 at 9:56 PM, ghoulina said: I alternate between calling him Kaiser Roll, Kaiser Wilhelm, and Kaiser Permanente. Expand Kaiser Soze! 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3535784
TheRealT August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 1:36 AM, CofCinci said: Kaiser is a popular child's name for ignorant white supremacists because you can't really name the baby Adolf. His middle name is Orion, which for white supremacists means Our Race Is Our Nation. It's a common middle name in those circles. Nathan also posted that baby Kaiser is an example of the Alpha Race. http://thestir.cafemom.com/tv/182518/jenelle_evans_son_kaiser_at Expand Greaaat. Nathan is a white supremacist. I used to hate him for being a crazy, abusive fuck, but lately I've kind of been TeamNathan (ONLY in contrast to TeamJenelle) because Jenelle/UBT are so awful and it seemed like Nathan genuinely cares about Kaiser (though he's completely fucked up and probably incapable of being a good parent). I even had the thought that I wished Nathan would 1) get his shit together, 2) get a vasectomy, and 3) focus his energies on getting full custody of Kaiser and being the best parent he can be. But it turns out he's a white supremacist and named poor, poor Kaiser the (somewhat) socially acceptable equivalent of "Adolph Hitler." Awesome! 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3535806
SPLAIN August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 Nathan also responded to a Tweet about Kaiser not needing glasses because he is a "decent" from the Griffin line and the line is perfect. As if to imply males who wear glasses are imperfect. He also fat-shamed an employee at the gym he once visited. Nathan is scum. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3535925
Calm81 August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/9/2017 at 3:05 PM, gunderda said: I actually really like it too. However that poor child is going to be so pissed when year after year she can't find her name on a crappy souvenir keychain. Expand You literally had me giggling half asleep as I drink my first cup of coffee. I just pictured Kaiser and Entable spinning that souvenir cart in circles hoping and angrily praying to find their name on a fucking keychain while looking at their mother with disgust!! ??? I'm going to hell due to this board. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3536595
Calm81 August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 (edited) On 8/9/2017 at 9:33 PM, Jeanne222 said: Janelle and Barbara are two peas in a pod. As Janelle ages we will see Barb incarnated. When Janelle does not get her way she immediately turns on the water works...typical Barbara. The screaming and shouting. The only thing Janelle has going for her is she is pretty and still able to attract men. Not the cream of the crop but men. BTW does David work or is he another one on the MTV payroll! Uggg. Expand Not quite. I do believe Barbara has her moments of not handling situations appropriately with her daughter and Jace but I wouldn't say she is on the same level as Jenelle. Point being, Barbara has held a deli position at Walmart for years. When I was 19 I worked in the deli department for two different grocery stores and customers can be extremely rude and petty, so with that said, if Barbara were like Jenelle she would have been fired by now as a result of cussing out a handful of customers. You need to be a people person and handle all sorts of different personalities to work customer service. I remember one time a lady was cussing me out because I wouldn't let her cut in line of other customers because she was in labor. Yes, the lady said in some colorful language "I'm going in bleeping labor you bleeping idiot you need to take my order now the contractions are killing me", so I said as pleasantly as I could "Excuse me mam, please go to the hospital if you're in this much pain you won't be needing the roast beef in labor and delivery." Needless to say I got into serious trouble for that because the lady in "labor" took the time to have my manager brought over to colorfully tell him how rude I was for nicely asking her to go to the hospital to deliver her baby instead of cutting in line to get deli meat. Had I been Jenelle I would have been FIRED instead of having a talking to. Barbara is not Jenelle. Wow, that was a little long, I guess I needed to get that off of my chest. It's been 16 years since that incident and 18 since I worked customer service job. The big reason why I'm always courteous to Customer service staff. They get treated badly and can't even politely stand up for themselves without getting a special lesson from the manager. I have more horrible stories but for another day. Lol. I know some staff can be rude themselves but a majority are rude because they get disrespected all day long especially during the holidays. I did make a point somewhere in there, right? ?? Yeah, Barbara can get emotional and LOUD but she's not a pea in the pod with that sociopath she raised. Edited August 10, 2017 by Calm81 24 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3536845
Popular Post lezlers August 10, 2017 Popular Post Share August 10, 2017 (edited) On 8/9/2017 at 12:43 PM, TheRealT said: UBT and Jenelle are just weird. They never seem "normal" to me. Not "normal" in the sense of being healthy and well-adjusted (they clearly aren't), but even "normal" in terms of seeming comfortable with each other. They lay the Babe stuff on thick and clearly put a lot of effort into trying to come off well, but they never seem like a real couple. I have no sense of what they like to do together or what they like about each other. Actually, it seems like UBT likes Jenelle's money and being with someone he can control who tolerates his rage fits and Jenelle likes being with someone with a pulse and a penis who's willing to help out with childcare and life management. Expand She said at their dinner that she loves him because she doesn't have to worry when he goes out with friends. So there's Jenelle's criteria for a mate: doesn't think he'll cheat on her. Abuse her kids? Eh. Try to strangle her to death? Eh. Suspect he might cheat? AW HELL NAW, YOU BEST GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Priorities: she gots 'em. On 8/9/2017 at 2:28 PM, CaughtOnTape said: I don't care. I was not a whiny child and the ones I've been around, more often than not, are not whiny. Every sound he makes is a whine. Every time he talks, he's whining. I absolutely get that it's Jenelle's fault because she doesn't pay attention to him. But he's still a whiny big baby. Expand LOL. How do you know you weren't a whiny child? Were you recorded every second of your life? Did your parents tell you that? Let me tell you something: parenting comes with it's own set of rose colored glasses sometimes. I guarantee you whined as a small child because EVERY small child at some point whines. It's completely developmentally normal. We see tiny snippets of these people's lives. A child Kaiser's age is likely freaked out from the chaos, cameras, ect. The 10 minutes a week we see of him for two months of the year is very doubtfully a testament to his temperament at all times. He's a toddler that never asked to be on TV. There's plenty of stuff about Jenelle to snark about without insulting a two year old. Edited August 10, 2017 by lezlers 38 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537045
BXD August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 I legit feel uncomfortable watching Briana's scenes. Whether it is them having an inappropriate conversation in front of Nova, or Nova awkwardly interacting with her dad, I physically squirm. I might have to start fast forwarding. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537149
lezlers August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 (edited) On 8/9/2017 at 10:11 PM, TheRealT said: Yeah, I thought of that kid (the only seemingly normal person Jenelle has ever dated on the show). I think Barb actually was supportive of that relationship; I remember her mildly defending the guy, saying he seemed nice, when Jenelle broke up with him because he was boring or something. Barbara is dramatic and emotional, but I don't think she's sociopathic like Jenelle. Barb is capable of interacting with people in a "normal" way, while Jenelle is not. When Jenelle is not screaming at someone or bawling her eyes out, her affect is usually weirdly flat and she seems to have problems connecting with people, even her own children. According to Barb, UBT quit his job when he hooked up with Jenelle. I think his current job is spending Jenelle's money and keeping her away from her friends and family. Expand I've never been a huge Barb supporter, although she deserves kudos for taking on Jace (even though that kid is clearly on his way to becoming a little sociopath). Mostly because I think Jenelle is largely the way she is because of Barb (it's no mystery that her siblings are equally fucked up. You simply don't end up with three fucked up kids unless you're doing something wrong as a mother.) When you see Barb and Jenelle fight, it's kind of like watching mirror images. They both go from 0 to 60 in about 2 seconds, they both immediately resort to tears and yelling when things aren't going their way (justified or not) and neither of them seems particularly empathetic towards the other. Have they ever gone to family therapy together? They BOTH could benefit from some help in communication. I really do think they're equally horrible communicators and they're BOTH damaging Jace to the point of no return. That kid is guaranteed to spend his life in the criminal justice system. Edited August 10, 2017 by lezlers 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537271
SPLAIN August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 Barb has three children with mental problems. She is not at fault for having 3 kids who suffer from mental issues that was likely due to genetics. Barb mentioned long ago about going to therapy with Jenelle. Therapy only works if one puts their mind to it. Jenelle can't bother with getting help. 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537425
MargeGunderson August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 4:55 PM, SPLAIN said: Barb has three children with mental problems. She is not at fault for having 3 kids who suffer from mental issues that was likely due to genetics. Barb mentioned long ago about going to therapy with Jenelle. Therapy only works if one puts their mind to it. Jenelle can't bother with getting help. Expand Why should Jenelle change? She doesn't have any problems; baby-stealing Barb'is the problem. Just ask Dave. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537433
Miss Chevious August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 4:55 PM, SPLAIN said: Barb has three children with mental problems. She is not at fault for having 3 kids who suffer from mental issues that was likely due to genetics. Barb mentioned long ago about going to therapy with Jenelle. Therapy only works if one puts their mind to it. Jenelle can't bother with getting help. Expand Jenelle doesn't think she needs any help. Everybody else has got a problem, not her. In her world, she's right and when things go awry, it's everyone else's fault, not hers. Having UBT as her official ass-kisser 24/7, isn't helping her with that either. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537438
Scarlett45 August 10, 2017 Author Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 4:00 PM, lezlers said: I've never been a huge Barb supporter, although she deserves kudos for taking on Jace (even though that kid is clearly on his way to becoming a little sociopath). Mostly because I think Jenelle is largely the way she is because of Barb (it's no mystery that her siblings are equally fucked up. You simply don't end up with three fucked up kids unless you're doing something wrong as a mother.) When you see Barb and Jenelle fight, it's kind of like watching mirror images. They both go from 0 to 60 in about 2 seconds, they both immediately resort to tears and yelling when things aren't going their way (justified or not) and neither of them seems particularly empathetic towards the other. Have they ever gone to family therapy together? They BOTH could benefit from some help in communication. I really do think they're equally horrible communicators and they're BOTH damaging Jace to the point of no return. That kid is guaranteed to spend his life in the criminal justice system. Expand I also think Barb's husband, the children's biological father had a huge hand in how they turned out. Whether it was general assholish tendencies plus some type of mental illness that caused him to beat Barb for years, I think that had an effect on the kids. Witnessing it as well has having half his DNA. On 8/10/2017 at 4:55 PM, SPLAIN said: Barb has three children with mental problems. She is not at fault for having 3 kids who suffer from mental issues that was likely due to genetics. Barb mentioned long ago about going to therapy with Jenelle. Therapy only works if one puts their mind to it. Jenelle can't bother with getting help. Expand Yeah Barb gets a lot of flack and while she isn't perfect she has always been functional in a way her children haven't been. She has been a present parent in a way her children or her ex-husband haven't been. Her son suffers from schizophrenia (which of course isn't her fault or his) and her daughter is a bit better at "adulting"- probably because she doesn't have the TM2 money like Jenelle to fall back on. 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537493
Mr. Miner August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 1:14 PM, Calm81 said: Yeah, Barbara can get emotional and LOUD but she's not a pea in the pod with that sociopath she raised. Expand Unfortunately she might be raising a sociopath that her sociopath daughter spawned. He has that dead eyed blank expression face like his John Lithgow looking bitch mother. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537497
Christina87 August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 I second whomever mentioned that Barbara can act normal, but jenelle can't. Remember how sociable and fun she was with the other cast members at the reunion? I especially loved her conversation with Leah about meeting a "doc-tahhh" at college. Jenelle just can't function with normal humans. She doesn't have any sympathy, empathy, or interest in getting to know anyone unless partying is involved. 23 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537537
Nancybeth August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 Wow, I didn't know all of that about their choice of Kaiser! I figured they just thought it sounded cool. Ugh, what an asshole. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537544
HeySandyStrange August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 5:16 PM, Scarlett45 said: I also think Barb's husband, the children's biological father had a huge hand in how they turned out. Whether it was general assholish tendencies plus some type of mental illness that caused him to beat Barb for years, I think that had an effect on the kids. Witnessing it as well has having half his DNA. Yeah Barb gets a lot of flack and while she isn't perfect she has always been functional in a way her children haven't been. She has been a present parent in a way her children or her ex-husband haven't been. Her son suffers from schizophrenia (which of course isn't her fault or his) and her daughter is a bit better at "adulting"- probably because she doesn't have the TM2 money like Jenelle to fall back on. Expand Honestly, if Barb's son's schizophrenia is as severe as Jenelle eluded to in her books, there wasn't much she could've done to prevent the effects of it. Same with Jenelle's psycho tendencies and whatever was going on with the other daughter. The genetics for it were already there, there was no guarantee that even the best environment would've prevented the illnesses from coming out. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537551
mscav August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 Quote She said at their dinner that she loves him because she doesn't have to worry when he goes out with friends. So there's Jenelle's criteria for a mate: doesn't think he'll cheat on her. Abuse her kids? Eh. Try to strangle her to death? Eh. Suspect he might cheat? AW HELL NAW, YOU BEST GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Expand I used to do a lot of volunteer work with families transitioning in and out of foster care. Unfortunately this is a very common theme with a lot of the women in that system. If Barb hadn't taken Jace and she didn't have MTV money with the other two, her and the kids would all be part of the system as well. Janelle has another trait many of them have. My other kids were stolen from me by (family member, CPS, dad, etc.) so I'm going to have another one no one can take away. Cue 6 moths later when that one is taken also. It's a very sad situation. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537604
lovesnark August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 5:29 PM, Christina87 said: I second whomever mentioned that Barbara can act normal, but jenelle can't. Remember how sociable and fun she was with the other cast members at the reunion? I especially loved her conversation with Leah about meeting a "doc-tahhh" at college. Jenelle just can't function with normal humans. She doesn't have any sympathy, empathy, or interest in getting to know anyone unless partying is involved. Expand You hit the nail on the head. Barb is social, likes to have fun and be funny and people like her. Jenelle can't relate to others on a human level. She's only able to hold a conversation with someone if they're praising her, wallowing in her pity party or engaged in a screaming match with her. 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537625
MaggieG August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 "You can't be mean to Meme." Follow your own damn advice Jenelle. I was shocked that she and Barb managed to actually have a decent conversation without yelling. I think I saw a pig fly by as it was happening. Ok, who says "I love you" to their friends? I noticed Kail said that to Sterling as she got to the court house and was hanging up the phone. I don't do that, not even to my best friend. I say that to my husband and my mother. I do love my good friends, but it's weird to me to say it like that. Like it's a throwaway comment that doesn't mean anything. And we know they aren't friends anymore so Kail obviously didn't love her that much :P 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537636
Christina87 August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 Hahaha maybe it's a regional thing! I'm from the south and say I love you to my friends all the time! Not even necessarily just my closest friends, but not acquaintances, though I've even had acquaintances say it if they were trying to comfort me or something. A yardstick might be...if I wasn't on MTV, anyone I'd be close enough to to appear on the show, I would be close enough to say I love you. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537656
Scarlett45 August 10, 2017 Author Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 5:55 PM, MaggieG said: "You can't be mean to Meme." Follow your own damn advice Jenelle. I was shocked that she and Barb managed to actually have a decent conversation without yelling. I think I saw a pig fly by as it was happening. Ok, who says "I love you" to their friends? I noticed Kail said that to Sterling as she got to the court house and was hanging up the phone. I don't do that, not even to my best friend. I say that to my husband and my mother. I do love my good friends, but it's weird to me to say it like that. Like it's a throwaway comment that doesn't mean anything. And we know they aren't friends anymore so Kail obviously didn't love her that much :P Expand I say I love you to my BFF who is like a sister to me in a lot of ways. Not all the time but if something important is going on or one of us is upset. I don't think it's weird and all but it's KAILYN. I do wish Kailyn had some strong non sexual peer relationships to keep her grounded. On 8/10/2017 at 5:55 PM, MaggieG said: "You can't be mean to Meme." Follow your own damn advice Jenelle. I was shocked that she and Barb managed to actually have a decent conversation without yelling. I think I saw a pig fly by as it was happening. Ok, who says "I love you" to their friends? I noticed Kail said that to Sterling as she got to the court house and was hanging up the phone. I don't do that, not even to my best friend. I say that to my husband and my mother. I do love my good friends, but it's weird to me to say it like that. Like it's a throwaway comment that doesn't mean anything. And we know they aren't friends anymore so Kail obviously didn't love her that much :P Expand I say I love you to my BFF who is like a sister to me in a lot of ways. Not all the time but if something important is going on or one of us is upset. I don't think it's weird and all but it's KAILYN. I do wish Kailyn had some strong non sexual peer relationships to keep her grounded. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537661
MyPeopleAreNordic August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 (edited) On 8/9/2017 at 3:29 PM, Rebecca said: Jenelle's rant about how her mom should be super happy and helping her plan her wedding...yeah, maybe if this wasn't engagement number what? 5? And if it actually occurs it will be her second wedding. Plus, they haven't even been together that long! Jenelle doesn't want to include Barb in her life but Barb should help plan Jenelle's second wedding to this guy who treats Barb like crap along with Jenelle also treating her like crap? Not to mention SHE IS RAISING YOUR SON, Jenelle. Jenelle sure expects the sun, moon and stars from Barb without giving anything, even basic human respect, in return. The narcissism is off the chain. Expand And in real time, Jenelle didn't even INVITE Barb to the wedding. :( On 8/9/2017 at 5:43 PM, suzeecat said: I seem to remember Barb mentioning that she was in an abusive relationship when Jenelle was growing up, I'm guessing this was before Teen Mom. So, Jenelle is choosing men just like her own mother did. And Jace sees the men in Jenelle's life as role models for how men act in relationships. Not to mention, Jace's own mother's angry perspective on life and relationships. Both Barb and Jenelle seem to have a confrontational way of dealing with life in general. The cycle continues. Inevitably, Jace will be in jail either for drugs or violence before he turns 21. He doesn't have a chance. Expand I still think Jace has a way better chance than Kaiser (and probably Ensley, once the novelty of being Jenelle's mini-me girl wears off). (As long as Barb lives to be healthy enough to care for him until he's an adult.) Barb at least realizes there is a problem and seems to be getting help (the talk of a doctor, etc) whereas Jenelle would probably just have David beat him back (or worse) if he hit her. If a teacher called Jenelle to let her know Jace has been in trouble at school, my guess is Jenelle would 100% spin it in to being the teacher's fault somehow and talk smack about the teacher/school in front of Jace, etc. I doubt Jenelle would break away from Twitter fans on her iPhone and sitting her couch to try to get him any help or address the issue. I don't think it would even cross her mind to try to get help since she's only worried about herself and her soulmates. Jace at least has Barbara who cares and tries. Poor Kaiser has no one in his day-to-day life. (And Ensley is likely screwed, too.) Edited August 10, 2017 by MyPeopleAreNordic 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537696
MaggieG August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 5:58 PM, Christina87 said: Hahaha maybe it's a regional thing! I'm from the south and say I love you to my friends all the time! Not even necessarily just my closest friends, but not acquaintances, though I've even had acquaintances say it if they were trying to comfort me or something. A yardstick might be...if I wasn't on MTV, anyone I'd be close enough to to appear on the show, I would be close enough to say I love you. Expand On 8/10/2017 at 6:00 PM, Scarlett45 said: I say I love you to my BFF who is like a sister to me in a lot of ways. Not all the time but if something important is going on or one of us is upset. I don't think it's weird and all but it's KAILYN. I do wish Kailyn had some strong non sexual peer relationships to keep her grounded. Expand I guess it just bugs me because it's Kail and we know it doesn't mean shit when she says it. She only loves herself 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537748
ghoulina August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 6:14 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said: I still think Jace has a way better chance than Kaiser (and probably Ensley, once the novelty of being Jenelle's mini-me girl wears off). (As long as Barb lives to be healthy enough to care for him until he's an adult.) Barb at least realizes there is a problem and seems to be getting help (the talk of a doctor, etc) whereas Jenelle would probably just have David beat him back (or worse) if he hit her. If a teacher called Jenelle to let her know Jace has been in trouble at school, my guess is Jenelle would 100% spin it in to being the teacher's fault somehow and talk smack about the teacher/school in front of Jace, etc. I doing Jenelle would break away from Twitter fans on her iPhone and sitting her couch to try to get him any help or address the issue. I don't think it would even cross her mind to try to get help since she's only worried about herself and her soulmates. Jace at least has Barbara who cares and tries. Poor Kaiser has no one in his day-to-day life. (And Ensley is likely screwed, too.) Expand It's hard to say. Environment-wise, I do think Kaiser has it WAY worse. But personality wise, I'm worried about Jace. He may have inherited some issues from his mother that are going to be hell to fight against. It's still early with Kaiser; but whining aside, he seems to be a lot more easy going. But there's no getting around that they all got dealt a shitty hand in life. Poor kids. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3537886
Marley August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 Kaiser has Nathan and Jenelles DNA and is being raised by his siblings pretty much. I feel like he has no chance really and it's sad. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538227
BitterApple August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 The only thing Jace has in his favor is a grandmother who's willing to seek professional help, however I don't know if that will be enough in the long run. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538239
lezlers August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 1:36 AM, CofCinci said: Kaiser is a popular child's name for ignorant white supremacists because you can't really name the baby Adolf. His middle name is Orion, which for white supremacists means Our Race Is Our Nation. It's a common middle name in those circles. Nathan also posted that baby Kaiser is an example of the Alpha Race. http://thestir.cafemom.com/tv/182518/jenelle_evans_son_kaiser_at Expand Holy shit, I had no idea. Any sympathy I may have previously had for him is gone now. What an ignorant piece of shit. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538456
Christina87 August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 Kaiser seems so sweet and innocent to me. If anything bad happens to that little boy it will break my heart. ? Maybe it's just because he doesn't look like Jenelle and the other two do. We all know Jace has mental illness from two parents, and Ensley looks exactly like Jenelle Jr., so I definitely picture her being just like Jenelle as a teen. But at least Nathan's issues might be caused by environment and not hereditary. Kaiser seems so loving, and Jenelle just shoos him away. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538461
lezlers August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 2:21 AM, SPLAIN said: Nathan also responded to a Tweet about Kaiser not needing glasses because he is a "decent" from the Griffin line and the line is perfect. As if to imply males who wear glasses are imperfect. He also fat-shamed an employee at the gym he once visited. Nathan is scum. Expand Yes, because NATHAN is the very picture of perfection. Gross. On 8/10/2017 at 10:16 AM, Calm81 said: You literally had me giggling half asleep as I drink my first cup of coffee. I just pictured Kaiser and Entable spinning that souvenir cart in circles hoping and angrily praying to find their name on a fucking keychain while looking at their mother with disgust!! ??? I'm going to hell due to this board. Expand I have a common name with a yoonique spelling (THANKS MOM) and nearly 40 years later STILL give my mom shit about this. When I was pregnant with my son and told her I was going to name him Henry she said "but he won't be able to find anything with his name personalized on it." I almost spontaneously combusted right there in the middle of Michaels craft store. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538463
BitterApple August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 10:38 PM, lezlers said: Yes, because NATHAN is the very picture of perfection. Gross. I have a common name with a yoonique spelling (THANKS MOM) and nearly 40 years later STILL give my mom shit about this. When I was pregnant with my son and told her I was going to name him Henry she said "but he won't be able to find anything with his name personalized on it." I almost spontaneously combusted right there in the middle of Michaels craft store. Expand My Wal-Mart has this massive bin with bottles of personalized Coke in it and I can't find my name to save my life. It's Kristen, which I know is a big-time 70's/80s throwback, but what the hell? I'm feeling really old now that my name is so outdated it doesn't warrant personalization any more. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538489
CofCinci August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 10:38 PM, Christina87 said: Kaiser seems so sweet and innocent to me. If anything bad happens to that little boy it will break my heart. ? Maybe it's just because he doesn't look like Jenelle and the other two do. We all know Jace has mental illness from two parents, and Ensley looks exactly like Jenelle Jr., so I definitely picture her being just like Jenelle as a teen. But at least Nathan's issues might be caused by environment and not hereditary. Kaiser seems so loving, and Jenelle just shoos him away. Expand Kaiser is "decent" from the master race. If any issues arise it is from environment. Nathan has just solved one of the oldest arguments in the history of psychology, Nature vs. Nurture. I hope his probation officer allows him to travel to Stockholm because I'd hate to see him miss out on his Nobel Prize. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538494
lezlers August 10, 2017 Share August 10, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 4:55 PM, SPLAIN said: Barb has three children with mental problems. She is not at fault for having 3 kids who suffer from mental issues that was likely due to genetics. Barb mentioned long ago about going to therapy with Jenelle. Therapy only works if one puts their mind to it. Jenelle can't bother with getting help. Expand I have different feelings about that. I've seen Jenelle (and believe me, it hurts my soul to stand up for Jenelle) try to communicate with Barb about her feelings and Barb dismisses them outright. I really don't think Barb is receptive to criticism (probably about as receptive as Jenelle is.) Barb is not perfect. We've seen her poke at Jenelle (the scene last season about the stupid popcorn in the parking lot comes to mind), we've seen her fly off the handle with seemingly little to no provocation, we've seen her yell and scream just as much as Jenelle. We've also seen her engage with Jenelle in front of Jace and call Jace "bad" and threaten to have him live somewhere else. I mean, she's not exactly up for canonization as the patron saint of mothers, here. Sure she's held a job for a long time and supports herself, but she's got 40 years on Jenelle so that's not really the fairest comparison in the world. Now, that's not to say that Jenelle is a good mom or even person because I absolutely do not believe she is, I'm just saying she's very damaged and I don't feel Barb is blameless in that. Do I think Barb was intentionally cruel to her children or set out to raise them in an unhealthy environment? Of course not. I think she absolutely loves her children and grandchildren. But Jenelle isn't the only one who could benefit from some parenting lessons. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538501
Miss Chevious August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 10:46 PM, BitterApple said: My Wal-Mart has this massive bin with bottles of personalized Coke in it and I can't find my name to save my life. It's Kristen, which I know is a big-time 70's/80s throwback, but what the hell? I'm feeling really old now that my name is so outdated it doesn't warrant personalization any more. Expand Don't feel bad @BitterApple I'm in the same boat. My name is not uncommon, it's spelled conventionally but I've never yet seen it on a Coke bottle, keychain or coffee mug. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538727
Mkay August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/11/2017 at 12:04 AM, Miss Chevious said: Don't feel bad @BitterApple I'm in the same boat. My name is not uncommon, it's spelled conventionally but I've never yet seen it on a Coke bottle, keychain or coffee mug. Expand Sigh. I feel your pain. My name is I guess from the 80's era. I have not heard anyone name their kid my name in the last ten yrs. however, it isn't spelled like most people with my name spell it. I've never found my name on the coke bottles, key chains, you name it. But it is on those items, just not the way I spell it. I get excited when I meet other people with my name spelled the same. Hahaa 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538827
nikita August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 10:50 PM, lezlers said: We've seen [Barb] poke at Jenelle (the scene last season about the stupid popcorn in the parking lot comes to mind) Expand I'm confused by this example? I thought that scene was about Barb trying to get Jenelle to help with Jace's school fundraiser. Jenelle wasn't speaking to Barb and didn't want Barb to have camera time (RME). So what I saw was Barb advocating for Jace (Jenelle's -- *gag* -- social media following could have really bolstered Jace's sales numbers), but Jenelle of course put her own desire to ignore/punish her mom above her son's school participation. And Barb was a hell of a lot more friendly and calm in that situation than I would be if my daughter treated me that way. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3538895
DeeReynolds August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 When I had my daughter, I couldn't even sit normally for like 2 weeks from the pain and aftermath. How the hell was Jenelle able to go on vacation after 6 days?? Is it not as bad after multiple births? I've only had one so far... Plus, it's a huge sacrifice to ask someone else to watch a newborn for multiple days. Ugh, Jenelle is the worst. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3539675
zenme August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 Ugh. For me it was not only the pain, but I was exhausted and bleeding. Miserable. I couldn't imagine leaving my newborn,but nothing shocks me with Jenelle anymore. She has absolutely no maternal instincts whatsoever. From leaving Jace as a tiny baby to go partying every night, to throwing her child in his crib any time he deigns to be a 2 year old, to leaving a 6 day old behind so she can take a "me,me,me trip." A cat is a better mother than Jenelle. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3539690
CofCinci August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/11/2017 at 5:55 AM, DeeReynolds said: When I had my daughter, I couldn't even sit normally for like 2 weeks from the pain and aftermath. How the hell was Jenelle able to go on vacation after 6 days?? Is it not as bad after multiple births? I've only had one so far... Plus, it's a huge sacrifice to ask someone else to watch a newborn for multiple days. Ugh, Jenelle is the worst. Expand How was she able to do it? Drugs. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3539835
mittsigirl August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 1:14 PM, Calm81 said: Not quite. I do believe Barbara has her moments of not handling situations appropriately with her daughter and Jace but I wouldn't say she is on the same level as Jenelle. Point being, Barbara has held a deli position at Walmart for years. When I was 19 I worked in the deli department for two different grocery stores and customers can be extremely rude and petty, so with that said, if Barbara were like Jenelle she would have been fired by now as a result of cussing out a handful of customers. You need to be a people person and handle all sorts of different personalities to work customer service. I remember one time a lady was cussing me out because I wouldn't let her cut in line of other customers because she was in labor. Yes, the lady said in some colorful language "I'm going in bleeping labor you bleeping idiot you need to take my order now the contractions are killing me", so I said as pleasantly as I could "Excuse me mam, please go to the hospital if you're in this much pain you won't be needing the roast beef in labor and delivery." Needless to say I got into serious trouble for that because the lady in "labor" took the time to have my manager brought over to colorfully tell him how rude I was for nicely asking her to go to the hospital to deliver her baby instead of cutting in line to get deli meat. Had I been Jenelle I would have been FIRED instead of having a talking to. Barbara is not Jenelle. Wow, that was a little long, I guess I needed to get that off of my chest. It's been 16 years since that incident and 18 since I worked customer service job. The big reason why I'm always courteous to Customer service staff. They get treated badly and can't even politely stand up for themselves without getting a special lesson from the manager. I have more horrible stories but for another day. Lol. I know some staff can be rude themselves but a majority are rude because they get disrespected all day long especially during the holidays. I did make a point somewhere in there, right? ?? Yeah, Barbara can get emotional and LOUD but she's not a pea in the pod with that sociopath she raised. Expand I so agree with you about Barb not being the same as Jenelle-not even close! Dear Calm, I can just picture you being firm but so polite:) Serving customers can be a very trying job:( On 8/10/2017 at 2:38 PM, lezlers said: She said at their dinner that she loves him because she doesn't have to worry when he goes out with friends. So there's Jenelle's criteria for a mate: doesn't think he'll cheat on her. Abuse her kids? Eh. Try to strangle her to death? Eh. Suspect he might cheat? AW HELL NAW, YOU BEST GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Priorities: she gots 'em. LOL. How do you know you weren't a whiny child? Were you recorded every second of your life? Did your parents tell you that? Let me tell you something: parenting comes with it's own set of rose colored glasses sometimes. I guarantee you whined as a small child because EVERY small child at some point whines. It's completely developmentally normal. We see tiny snippets of these people's lives. A child Kaiser's age is likely freaked out from the chaos, cameras, ect. The 10 minutes a week we see of him for two months of the year is very doubtfully a testament to his temperament at all times. He's a toddler that never asked to be on TV. There's plenty of stuff about Jenelle to snark about without insulting a two year old. Expand Maybe toddlers who did not whine, grew up to be adults who now whine? 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3539839
mittsigirl August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 10:46 PM, BitterApple said: My Wal-Mart has this massive bin with bottles of personalized Coke in it and I can't find my name to save my life. It's Kristen, which I know is a big-time 70's/80s throwback, but what the hell? I'm feeling really old now that my name is so outdated it doesn't warrant personalization any more. Expand Well was I ever thrilled to get an Anastasia doll from Burger King when the movie came out, otherwise I would have never found anything with Anastasia on it! 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3539846
Calm81 August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 (edited) On 8/11/2017 at 5:55 AM, DeeReynolds said: When I had my daughter, I couldn't even sit normally for like 2 weeks from the pain and aftermath. How the hell was Jenelle able to go on vacation after 6 days?? Is it not as bad after multiple births? I've only had one so far... Plus, it's a huge sacrifice to ask someone else to watch a newborn for multiple days. Ugh, Jenelle is the worst. Expand Ha! I wish! My third delivery was easier because I knew what I was doing (do sit ups as you push) so it was less painful but I always get "cut" down there and it took almost 2 WEEKS to be able to walk normal again. But for the first week I had to wear that mesh underwear and use a squirt bottle to clean myself. Maybe Jenelle didn't get cut so hers was much easier but I'm thinking some drugses helped ease her along for her trip. To all of the people talking about not finding their names on the keychains of souvenir shops. We popular names feel your pain. My name was soooooooo popular in the 80s and 90s that my name was always taken. I believe the common names that were always left were like bob, Tom, and Jennifer but other than that we all had slim pickings or had to get a name that was close enough, like my brother bill had to get the William name. ? Edited August 11, 2017 by Calm81 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3539863
mamadrama August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 2:38 PM, lezlers said: I guarantee you whined as a small child because EVERY small child at some point whines. It's completely developmentally normal. We see tiny snippets of these people's lives. A child Kaiser's age is likely freaked out from the chaos, cameras, ect. The 10 minutes a week we see of him for two months of the year is very doubtfully a testament to his temperament at all times. He's a toddler that never asked to be on TV. There's plenty of stuff about Jenelle to snark about without insulting a two year old. Expand My kids are awesome. Better behaved than most (I worked for an after school nonprofit facility that saw hundreds of kids a day), bright, funny, intelligent, and polite. But yep, they can whine with the best of them. At young ages, their communication skills are just not that developed; whining is a part of life. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3539980
leighroda August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 10:46 PM, BitterApple said: My Wal-Mart has this massive bin with bottles of personalized Coke in it and I can't find my name to save my life. It's Kristen, which I know is a big-time 70's/80s throwback, but what the hell? I'm feeling really old now that my name is so outdated it doesn't warrant personalization any more. Expand If you go to the Coke website you can search and find where your name is being sold or I think you can order it. I never find my name on anything (leigh) it's not common, but not unique, I looked it up and they have my name but idk where 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3540123
Christina87 August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 @Calm81 that's a crazy story about the woman in "labor!" I'm honestly shocked that you would get in trouble for saying that! That's the way education is getting now, too. A kid can call you a stupid b**** and you have to stand there, smile, and take it. Then you enter the incident into the computer and when the kid has SIX of these incidents, they get called into the office to "talk" about "why they're behaving that way." If they get nine, they don't get a Sno cone at the end of the quarter. And it starts over EVERY QUARTER. So it is virtually impossible for kids to get in real trouble, and kids can just do whatever to teachers but you can't retaliate whatsoever. Then, the admin gloats about how well this system is "working" because the suspension numbers have gone way down. And they have also cautioned us to be careful of what race we write up, because all the races must have even suspension numbers. Plus, literally anything will get you accused of racism. I had a black boy in the villain role (one of the best roles) in the play, the role he tried out for, and his mother didn't let him come the second night, after making a formal complaint about my "racism," because he was the villain and black. Just imagine how this kind of non-discipline will work with Jenelle's kids and Gracie down the line... 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3540198
AirQuotes August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 David's mom is nicer than me because I'm not babysitting anyone's 6 day old infant so they can trot off for their monthly get away or whatever Jenyell calls it. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3540264
lezlers August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 (edited) On 8/11/2017 at 1:27 AM, nikita said: I'm confused by this example? I thought that scene was about Barb trying to get Jenelle to help with Jace's school fundraiser. Jenelle wasn't speaking to Barb and didn't want Barb to have camera time (RME). So what I saw was Barb advocating for Jace (Jenelle's -- *gag* -- social media following could have really bolstered Jace's sales numbers), but Jenelle of course put her own desire to ignore/punish her mom above her son's school participation. And Barb was a hell of a lot more friendly and calm in that situation than I would be if my daughter treated me that way. Expand Yeah....I saw it completely differently. Jenelle didn't want to speak with her right then but Barbara kept rushing over to the car and trying to force Jenelle into an interaction. When you're in a super toxic, volatile relationship with someone and they clearly do NOT want to speak with you , why would you get in their face and insist they interact? And why would you force an interaction with a volatile person with whom you constantly fight in front of your grandson who you're allegedly advocating for? Was Jenelle being a petty little brat that day? Yeah. But if there was EVER a time to be the bigger person and let something go, it was then. And Barb didn't. And the fact that she did it with a shit eating grin on her face the whole time really rubbed me the wrong way. If it was just her and Jenelle that's one thing, but she chose to do it in front of Jace and the cameras. In that moment, her desire to make Jenelle look like a jackass (rightfully so) overrode Jace's emotional well-being. Not cool. Edited August 11, 2017 by lezlers 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3540315
StatisticalOutlier August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/9/2017 at 10:36 PM, BitterApple said: Barb is a pleasant person otherwise. Expand I just can't take that cackle. On 8/10/2017 at 9:06 PM, BitterApple said: The only thing Jace has in his favor is a grandmother who's willing to seek professional help, however I don't know if that will be enough in the long run. Expand I can't forgive Barb for continuing to expose Jace to the conflict between Jenelle and her. Exposing him to Jenelle at all was bad enough, but she had a hand in making it worse. On 8/10/2017 at 5:55 PM, MaggieG said: Ok, who says "I love you" to their friends? I noticed Kail said that to Sterling as she got to the court house and was hanging up the phone. I don't do that, not even to my best friend. I say that to my husband and my mother. I do love my good friends, but it's weird to me to say it like that. Like it's a throwaway comment that doesn't mean anything. And we know they aren't friends anymore so Kail obviously didn't love her that much :P Expand Is it a generational thing? I first started noticing it on more recent seasons The Real World, where the housemates were saying "I love you" to each other after one day. They didn't do that in the first season, and at some point (I watch it only occasionally and intermittently) it became very common. On 8/10/2017 at 10:38 PM, Christina87 said: Kaiser seems so sweet and innocent to me. If anything bad happens to that little boy it will break my heart. ? Maybe it's just because he doesn't look like Jenelle and the other two do. Expand But he looks exactly like Nathan to me. Which is not a good thing. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3540409
Enya Face August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 10:46 PM, BitterApple said: My Wal-Mart has this massive bin with bottles of personalized Coke in it and I can't find my name to save my life. It's Kristen, which I know is a big-time 70's/80s throwback, but what the hell? I'm feeling really old now that my name is so outdated it doesn't warrant personalization any more. Expand THIS! All day! My mom named me Kylie (in the US, in the early 80s.) I hated it when I was a kid and the closest thing to personalized anything I got was something that had "Kyle" printed on it, with a cleverly painted letter "I" added by my mom. As a grown ass adult, I still just want a freakin coke with my name on the label! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3540756
heatherchandler August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 On 8/10/2017 at 5:55 PM, MaggieG said: Ok, who says "I love you" to their friends? I noticed Kail said that to Sterling as she got to the court house and was hanging up the phone. I don't do that, not even to my best friend. I say that to my husband and my mother. I do love my good friends, but it's weird to me to say it like that. Like it's a throwaway comment that doesn't mean anything. And we know they aren't friends anymore so Kail obviously didn't love her that much :P Expand I need to know more about this. How does everyone know they are not friends? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3540779
MaggieG August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 @heatherchandler I only know that from Kail's thread. I can't remember the detais now though, but I'm pretty sure they had a falling out 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/60370-s08e05-lips-dont-lie/page/4/#findComment-3540802
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