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S08.R04: Surprise


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34 minutes ago, Linny said:

It's sad watching Nova cling to a father who has no interest in her.

He showed up 6 hours late, but at least he brought a stuffed owl!


35 minutes ago, Linny said:

Can I have some more Corey scenes, please? I miss him.

Right? Disappointing lack of Corey and Miranda and their cute scenes interacting with the girlses. 


31 minutes ago, nikita said:

Kail can miss me with her DARVO ass, insinuating Javi is some abusive monster ~*behind closed doors*~ and only she knows what he's really like.

Yet who grabbed and shook whose head?

  • Love 17
54 minutes ago, Linny said:


It's sad watching Nova cling to a father who has no interest in her. In a few years she's going to be like Aubree, aware that her father is useless and unreliable. I do think Nova's lucky to have Brittany, because as brash as she can be, she seems to have her head screwed on straight. She was wise enough to know she wouldn't be a good parent as a teenager, and she respects herself enough to not take shit from any man, so I think she's a better influence than Briana in that aspect.


What got me was Nova putting her new stuffed animal on the TV stand next to what were surely her other daddy disappointment gifts.

  • Love 15

I loved the look Brittany gave the camera after Devoin showed up...6 hours late.  That was just shitty.  He was always going to be a shit dad. Uninterested. I wish the coven hadn't made it look like they were the ones kicking him out in the beginning.  

I don't even know what to think about how Briana and Luis are interacting now. She's right to not trust him, and I think he's going to disappoint her, but all of it just screams of her setting him up for failure.

And how is her younger one going to feel when she sees this? The only person in the family who advocated to not put her out for adoption was her sister. And her sister had to agree to become domestic help in order to do so.  Like, I totally get an older kid helping out mom with the baby. 100%. That's how it goes.  But why address adoption with a 5 or 6 year old?  WTF. Aren't they worried it's going to make the older kid wonder when they might be adopted and who would advocate for them? Jeez, coven.

  • Love 11

Well, Javi, you sat there all smug while Kail treated Joe like shit and now it's your turn. Take the L, move on and as the kids saw nowadays, live your best life.

I know we only see a snippet of these people's lives but I have no trouble believing that it's a 24 hour bitchfest in the DeJesus household.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 15
28 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I will say that Aubree actually expressed herself pretty well and very clearly on *why* she was upset. She wasn't just throwing screaming fits. She was sad that Watson didn't smile at her and only smiled at her mom and Cole, so it's not only jealousy of her brother...she feels left out of the family. Then she pretty clearly stated that it hurts her that Chelsea and Cole sleep with Watson and she's by herself at night for bedtime, which absolutely must make her feel like a loner, all compounded by the fact that her bio dad doesn't live with them and this has made that extra "out there" and painful. It was all pretty transparent. I hope Chelsea got it together later or offscreen and empathized, because you can't get much more obvious than that. 

I did think Aubrey expressed her self well. It might be my own communication style and love language but I also thought Chelsea empathized and told her that she understood but her "behavior" wasn't acceptable. She had to listen to adults.

Chelsea wasn't chastising her for having feelings but behaving poorly- which was the right way to go about it (to me). 

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Sure, enough, Jenelle just had to get a vacation right after giving birth. "I feel bad for leaving Ensley". Then why did you? So your future murderer can propose to for the cameras? They're both so gross. 

Dave gives me the goddamn creeps. Whenever he reaches over and puts his big meaty paw on Jenelle's belly I shudder. She's so tiny. It'll be nothing for him to snap her neck like a toothpick. He's just a seething ball of rage.

  • Love 15

I was loving the look Brittany gave the camera after she let Devoin in. I was also shocked by the calm, somewhat kind farewell exchange between Roxanne and Devoin - she told him something like "Bye, see you around D." Such a huge difference from throwing her shoe at him and screaming (like at the TM3 reunion). 

When they came home the father-daughter dance and Chelsea asked if anyone else (i.e.:Adam) had shown up and Randy said: "She (Aubree) had her father there" talking about Aubree, my tiny, black, Grinch-sized heart grew three sizes. I love the little family Chelsea, Aubree, Cole, and Watson have and I'm really so happy for Aubree and Chelsea. (Yeah, I know I don't know them in real life, but I'm really happy for these reality TV show participants LOL)

Ensley is beautiful. Jenelle doesn't deserve her. David seems more maternal (and that's saying something). I try not to snark on the kids' weights, since they don't get to choose to be on the show (and they're kids), but Kaiser is chubby. He's always been chubby, but plenty of babies are chubby (and I love chubby babies) but as they grow and walk more, they usually thin out (mine did) and toddlers have so much energy they're constantly burning up. Poor Kaiser must get all his comfort form food. It did seem like he had that bag of snack mix with him every time he was shown this episode. Poor kid. :( 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 13
26 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I try not to snark on the kids' weights, since they don't get to choose to be on the show (and they're kids), but Kaiser is chubby. He's always been chubby, but plenty of babies are chubby (and I love chubby babies) but as they grow and walk more, they usually thin out (mine did) and toddlers have so much energy they're constantly burning up. Poor Kaiser must get al his comfort form food. It did seem like he had that bag of snack mix with him every time he was shown this episode. Poor kid. :( 

Nathan, to me, is built bigger. He looks like he could potentially pack on the pounds if he didn't work out. Instead, he's just a big, muscly guy. Kaiser may have his genetics. True, MANY kids are chubby and lose that "baby fat" later on. But Jenelle's lifestyle isn't conducive to someone who may be genetically predisposed to be larger - constant junk food and lots of lying around. I agree that he might likely end up emotionally eating too. 

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Why doesn't Briana ask Luis to agree to full custody of the baby if he's so adamant on keeping the baby???? Briana can be the every other weekend parent visiting for ice cream visits.

I think that's a solid question to ask him if he's so against adoption and wants to be involved in Stella's life. Nobody would think any less of Briana for agreeing to that since dads all over the world co-parent the same way. Moms should have the option, too! Briana is being honest in how she feels. She doesn't know if she can handle two kids alone. Luis can take the full responsibility.

This is such a good question. I really wish she would have said well, I think you should have primary physical custody and I'll get her every other weekend and Wednesdays....and watched the fear in his eyes.

I joke with my husband that if he ever divorced me, he's getting the kids and I'll get the "every other weekend and Wednesdays" visitation, I'll even pay child support, but the majority of the heavy lifting with the kids is on him. We laugh. (And heaven forbid if we did divorce, that's not actually what would happen.)

  • Love 15

Exactly what I was thinking re: Luis. Some dads want an abortion or adoption and the moms don't and end up raising the child. So why the hell can't he be the primary or only caregiver if, for him, adoption is "not an option?" Just as Kailyn does a disservice to the women who are truly abused with her lies, Luis does a major disservice to the men who would like more time with their children and more equal roles as fathers by assuming that the options are Briana as parent and him as fun outing weekend guy or the two of them living together and that's it. Seriously, the audacity of insisting that adoption is totally wrong while clearly assuming someone else is going to do the day to day raising of your child anyway! 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 16

And Kail can lose me with acting like Javi doesn't need to know who she's dating. The men you drag around effect his son, I think he has a right to know. 

Especially when the fucking bitch had the audacity to have it written in her and Jo's visitation that Jo couldn't have anyone at drop-offs or have anyone do the drop-offs but Jo. He also couldn't have anyone in his home around Isaac (girlfriend) or move anyone in. When Vee moved in with Jo, Kail made a stink about it on Twitter. She posted Jo violated the court order. Now that the tables are turned, Javi has every fucking right to know whose balls she is licking and whose dick is walking around her home when "the boys" are there.  

2 hours ago, Calm81 said:


Briana - Brittany's face into the camera when devoid showed up was amaze balls. 6 hours late to see your daughter after going months without seeing her is pathetic and to only stay for an hour???? Such a beautiful girl. So sad.

Why doesn't Briana ask Luis to agree to  taking full custody of the baby if he's so adamant on keeping the baby???? Briana can be the every other weekend parent visiting for ice cream visits.

I think that's a solid question to ask him if he's so against adoption and wants to be involved in Stella's life. Nobody would think any less of Briana for agreeing to that since dads all over the world co-parent the same way. Moms should have the option, too! Briana is being honest in how she feels. She doesn't know if she can handle two kids alone. Luis can take the full responsibility.

Accept we already know Briana is keeping the baby in real time.


Edited by GreatKazu
damn phone!
  • Love 15
6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I did think Aubrey expressed her self well. It might be my own communication style and love language but I also thought Chelsea empathized and told her that she understood but her "behavior" wasn't acceptable. She had to listen to adults.

Chelsea wasn't chastising her for having feelings but behaving poorly- which was the right way to go about it (to me). 

It was one of the best talks I have watched between a parent and a child on this show. Jo and Isaac have the best talks ever. 

Chelsea did ask what was bothering Aubree. Aubree responded in a manner that I found to be clear and concise for a child her age. She admitted she feels tired and is feeling irritated due to lack of sleep. I felt like I was listening to an adult. lol  There was no yelling or raising of voices. I am thinking back to the moment where Leah got mad at Gracie last week in the car. Chelsea and Aubree spoke in a soft manner and listened to the other without any interruptions. Chelsea let it be known what she expected of Aubree and seemed very sympathetic to what Aubree was feeling and even offered a suggestion about taking naps to help her with her groggy and tired feeling. Overall, it was a good scene and it shows that Chelsea does have those talks with Aubree to discuss her behavior. I recall her having a couple of talks just like that before. 

  • Love 17

I don't know too much about Briana and her family outside of the show besides the plastic surgery stuff. I find Brittany to be refreshing, though. I think she should watch what she says around the kid, but she seems to have her shit together and wouldn't let any guy mistreat her. I think she's funny, too. Last week when she said, Nova's out here saving lives and doesn't even know it. It had me busting out laughing. Even when she said Luis is a grandpa after finding out he's in this 30's.

  • Love 15

I have been no fan of the DeJesus girl gang joining this show but after that look Brittany gave the camera last night when Devon finally showed up, I take it all back. I laughed out loud. 

Also Kail thinks she is slick with her PFA against Javi but she is terrible at selling her devious moves. When JC was questioning her about it and said "so you are afraid?" her answer was so unconvincing. You can always tell when she is lying. She doesn't make eye contact, doesn't answer directly, answers questioas with a question. She is the worst. Truly. 

  • Love 21
13 hours ago, Linny said:

I fail to understand why David had to drag Jenelle across the state of North Carolina to propose to her. I live in that area, and it's definitely beautiful here, but I'm sure he could have picked an equally scenic spot closer to home. 

That scene reminded me of the opening scene of a 48 Hours or Dateline episode.  Seriously scary. 

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Another year, another father-daughter dance Adumb misses out on. Thank God Aubree has Cole; to not only step up, but to act so pumped to be there. And Randalicious dancing was hilarious. 


Leah's segments are so boring (I'm studying, see???) they have to use Germy's drama to pad them. Brooke dumped him because he had an extra long call with Leah? Ummm, didn't he cheat on her? And I love Leah lecturing him about being a stable parent. That's rich, coming from her. Thank God Addie has Gracie in her life. Both her parents suck. 


Okay, I know Brittany is an obnoxious thug who says WAY too much inappropriate shit in front of Nova. But sometimes she is so dead-on-balls accurate with her snark, I can't help but laugh. And that face she made, after letting Devon in? I died. 

I really feel for Nova, though, because her dad is Adumb 2.0 and no one in her life has learned how to keep adult matters away from her. 


I can't hate on Javi and his hysterical behavior. I just can't. I feel for him. Can you imagine being deployed, coming home to a woman who wants you out, and then finding out she got knocked up just ONE month after you divorced? I mean, that has to cut you deep. It's just awful. He's sensitive and he reacts badly, but I can't help but feel for him. Notice how he had the same concerns as Jo and mentioned the effects Kail's behavior would have on "MY boys"? HIS boys. He loves them both. He's a good dude, he just needs some help coping with things. And Kail can lose me with acting like Javi doesn't need to know who she's dating. The men you drag around effect his son, I think he has a right to know. 

LOVED Jo, Vee, and Isaac playing ball with the recycle can! Way to improvise. 


Ew. David already has the baby pressure on Jenelle and she hasn't even birthed this one yet. I found it interesting that she hadn't even contemplated BC right before delivery. I guarantee she never went on any, and I won't be surprised if she's pregnant now. 

Kaiser was cute with his sister. But my heart breaks, knowing her arrival means even MORE time confined to his crib. 

Sure, enough, Jenelle just had to get a vacation right after giving birth. "I feel bad for leaving Ensley". Then why did you? So your future murderer can propose to for the cameras? They're both so gross. 

Sometimes, I think ALL of the ppl on this show use the "it's concern for my child" or "it's what's best for my child" as an excuse for simply doing what they want to do and this episode, I think Javi did it. I can tell he truly loves his son and is genuinely a good dad - both on and off-camera, he's no Adam or Devon, he's no fake-family-man BUT he didn't send Kail 10 angry texts in a row and then angrily show up at her door, uninvited and unwelcome, bc he's concerned about his son. He did that because he was hurt and FURIOUS with Kail and felt insulted and betrayed that, after divorcing him AND telling him she didn't want anymore kids, she's now pregnant by this new dude. This was not about Lincoln, this was about Javi. I'm not even saying I blame him, Kail's selfish and fucked-up behavior is infuriating even to those of us who don't know her, so I can only imagine what it's like to be on the receiving end of it. But it's such an eye-roll to me when people use their kid or any other bullshit as an explanation that's so obviously not the real reason. Just own it, Javi, you were hurt, angry and felt betrayed, you're human...we understand. 

I do think there's a side of Javi that the cameras haven't fully seen yet, though. Not a violent side, but definitely a side of him that doesn't respect Kail's boundaries. I see it in little ways, like how he just comes in the house and goes through her fridge and laughs it off when she very clearly tells him to not to and continues to go through it and pour himself a drink, then proceeds to make himself at home, plops down on her couch, even though it's clear Kail wants him to leave. 

Another time I can think of, off the top of my head, is when they had a day trip planned and Kail got pissed at him and said, "Take me home," several times. Despite this, he did not turn around and continued to drive and said, "no, i'm not taking you home," and she said, "i really don't wanna do this today," and he said, "I don't care," and continued to drive on. It wasn't until she said, "I was never excited," and the tire blew out (so they were forced to go home) that he respected her wishes. 

And now, we hear that he shows up at Kail's door, despite being specifically told he's not welcome, to do or say god-knows-what, argue and yell at her?? 

He gets so caught up in his own feelings and is completely dismissive to what she wants or feels and just continues to try to force things to be how he wants and I think this drives Kail NUTS and that's why she's so harsh and blunt with him, sometimes, bc she feels like if she has to be in order for him to get through to him. 

I didn't get it before but after watching this episode, something clicked for me...I get it. 

He's not a bad guy, to be clear, but I can see why he and Kail weren't compatible at all. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
  • Love 12

This is gonna sound really mean, but I fast-forward through a lot of Briana's scenes bc the super HD close-ups of her face gross me out - she has really bad skin. Hopefully she'll use some of her MTV paycheck to invest in getting a prescription for Accutane. IDK, I was eating when I watched so maybe that's why I was particularly grossed out but yeah. 

I wonder if Devon only showed up bc the cameras were there - I know MTV paid him (as they do everyone they film), probably not much but they pay everyone a little something. he can go out of his way for a couple hours to play fake-family-man for the cameras For a little MTV money, not a bad deal. and yes, he and adam have a lot in common, i can already tell. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, jenifaohjenny said:

Kail is giving Farrah and Jenelle a run for their money in the race for worst teen mom ever.

Farrah and Jenelle don't really bother me, at least not nearly as much as Kail does. I see some good in both of them that I don't see in Kail. 

Jenelle at least treats her men well. She's not the world's greatest mom but she does seem to be the type of parent who her kids can talk to about anything when theyre older and the type that will be supportive of whatever they wanna do w/their life, instead of constantly nagging them with criticisms and demanding expectations. 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Just watched the second episode.


I've witnessed so many cases of domestic violence where women had bruises all over their bodies. Split lips. Black eyes overlapping last weeks black eyes. Women too afraid to go home so they stay at a women's shelter with no luxuries just to keep their babies safe.

Uprooting their lives and changing their identities so that their ex-husbands/boyfriends that are so dangerous can't track them down (I haven't witnessed these cases but read about it in the news) to finish them in.

For all of that to happen to then see a sea cow put HER HANDS on Jo then file an order of protection.

To then put HER HANDS on Javi (could have been more times behind the scenes) and have the audacity, the AUDACITY to file an order of protection over some text messages from a man that has never laid a hand on her makes me extremely angry and also sad for the women that truly feel unsafe. ?

She's a beast!!!!!!!! Screw you, Kailyn!! Javi is a terrific father and rightfully upset over what you've done to him. Yeah, he was overly clingy and jealous (with reasons) but the way you went about ending the marriage was not only cruel to Javi but to your boys.

Lying to Javi telling him you want to focus on a career and didn't want to feel pressured into having more children then to get knocked up by a dude from your school before the ink was dry on your divorce papers speaks volumes. You used Javis need for a bigger family as an excuse to end the marriage because you HAD EYES FOR SOMEONE ELSE.

You were looking for excuses to get rid of him and his lack of support over your miscarriage (eh hem - abortion from another man) made it perfect for you to leave him while having viewers feel bad for you.

Most of us felt for it hook line and sinker and hated Javi for it and understood why you left him while he was deployed. You deserve an award for that performance.

I hate everything about you except for the beautiful children you brought into this world. Isaac and Lincoln are so friggin cute it makes my cheeks hurt from smiling at their daily interactions with each other. Your new baby I'm sure will be just as cute and you don't deserve them!!!! 

I hope you lose all of your money soon and have to work crappy jobs to support all of your children that you had while being smug about your BMWs and Starbucks while driving. As long as the kids have their needs met you can live off of top ramen noodles. Their fathers will get them what they need.

Leah - Yuck! The way she was eating the mini corn dogs while facetiming germs was gross lol. She was all giddy about the breakup since it was "over Leah" blah blah.

Leah's sister is losing a lot of weight. Pillses?


Chelsea - I have that same poop emoji pillow in my home that they have. ? 

Adumb is really losing it in the father department (like the last 8 years) and now he's not getting MTV checks. I knew once the cameras stopped filming him he would be MIA.

Briana - Brittany's face into the camera when devoid showed up was amaze balls. 6 hours late to see your daughter after going months without seeing her is pathetic and to only stay for an hour???? Such a beautiful girl. So sad.

Why doesn't Briana ask Luis to agree to  taking full custody of the baby if he's so adamant on keeping the baby???? Briana can be the every other weekend parent visiting for ice cream visits.

I think that's a solid question to ask him if he's so against adoption and wants to be involved in Stella's life. Nobody would think any less of Briana for agreeing to that since dads all over the world co-parent the same way. Moms should have the option, too! Briana is being honest in how she feels. She doesn't know if she can handle two kids alone. Luis can take the full responsibility.

Accept we already know Briana is keeping the baby in real time.

Oh so Devon hadn't shown up in months??? So he came for the MTV money and cameras, then. Play fake family man for a couple hours, get a few hundred bucks from MTV, now it's worth showing up! Before, he was "doin' things." 

At least that little stuffed owl he got her was cute. 

And whaaat? Kail's "miscarriage" was really her pregnancy with another mans baby that she had aborted??? is that really true or did you just make that up as something you personally think she did? Spill the tea. 

Also, just FYI, Javi did more than just send angry texts, he angrily showed up at her house that night, despite Kail specifically telling him earlier that night that he's not welcome. Javi showed up and banged on the door, anyway. Kail specifically said this in the episode, as did articles from back in early march, when the PFA was originally filed. 

I hope he still plans to write that book about his marriage to Kail...i love gossip

I don't think she needed a PFA for one moment but Javi is/was emotionally immature and does have issues with boundaries when he's angry. Anyone would be driven nuts by Kailyn and act out imo but I also assume jealousy is a character flaw of his in every relationship. Just never to this extent because he picked the absolute *worst* person to be in a relationship with. 

  • Love 13

Yeah. I don't think Kailyn in any way feared for her physical safety wrt Javi. She was inconvenienced by him. All she had to do was call a military buddy to go and talk some sense into him and take him home. When my husband was a young soldier he had to come to the aid of a buddy or two to help him get his head on straight in situations like that. Once, it was for a neighbor.   I think Kailyn was being spiteful. Sure, Javi was in the wrong showing up like that, but he wasn't threatening to hurt her. I could see calling the police and having him removed. He would have gotten the message then, but filing that order on him was extreme in their situation. 

  • Love 17

Never thought that in the screwed up franchise that is Teen Mom OG and 2 that Gary (Amber’s ex) and Jo (Kail’s ex) would step up and be the most stable parents in the franchise (with the exception of Chelsea).    Leah and Isaac are very fortunate that they have the dads that they do and that those dads have gone on to marry kind, somewhat normal women who can be better mother figures than the actual moms.   (No, Kail, I do not think you are a “good mother” – you may love your boys, but you love yourself more.  You knew the boys were having trouble adjusting to the divorce with Javi, especially Isaac, but you could not put your kids first – because you were “lonely” or wanted another kid or whatever you immediately hook up with a random dude and get pregnant and throw those sweet little boys’ lives into even more turmoil)   Isaac broke my heart at the restaurant, crying about wanting everyone to live together.  Loved Linc coming to give him a hug.


And Janelle – let’s see – three babies, three daddies – you don’t even have custody of one of your kids and you share custody with the second one and you just laid around and moaned and bitched during your pregnancy and yet you were still blessed with a beautiful, healthy little girl and you still “had” to go on vacation because you were so tired and overwhelmed by taking care of  three kids?  Okay.

  • Love 15

When the girls were in bed (or maybe they were in the car...can't remember), there was a look on Ali's face that looked like she had just started composing her memoir in her head.  I think she's a smart little kid who absorbs way too much of the shit that is going on in her (her mom's) life and it's sad.

The kids on this show are so stinking cute.  Lincoln?  God damn.  I would like to hang out with him for an hour or two.  Same with Aubree, Isaac and of course Addie...ALL DAY EVERY DAY.  And then I'll drop her off at Walmart when I'm done :).

  • Love 16
7 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

Another time I can think of, off the top of my head, is when they had a day trip planned and Kail got pissed at him and said, "Take me home," several times. Despite this, he did not turn around and continued to drive and said, "no, i'm not taking you home," and she said, "i really don't wanna do this today," and he said, "I don't care," and continued to drive on. It wasn't until she said, "I was never excited," and the tire blew out (so they were forced to go home) that he respected her wishes. 

And now, we hear that he shows up at Kail's door, despite being specifically told he's not welcome, to do or say god-knows-what, argue and yell at her?? 

He gets so caught up in his own feelings and is completely dismissive to what she wants or feels and just continues to try to force things to be how he wants and I think this drives Kail NUTS and that's why she's so harsh and blunt with him, sometimes, bc she feels like if she has to be in order for him to get through to him. 

I didn't get it before but after watching this episode, something clicked for me...I get it. 

He's not a bad guy, to be clear, but I can see why he and Kail weren't compatible at all. 

If I'm remembering the time with the tire blowout correctly, it was a concert they were going to. And everything was fine and happy until Kail got pissed about something. And instead of getting over it after having a little rant, she was letting it ruin all their plans, which had been made far in advance and they were both excited about.

And, boy, I've been there, and it super sucks when someone with issues like Kail can never put aside their pique (usually over nothing) to think about others and their plans, anticipation, prep work, etc. It sucks so bad and hurts so much when they will not hesitate to drop a nuke on a birthday or Xmas. Still can cry over that myself ?

Edited by nikita
  • Love 8
40 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

We are getting to see Javi's payback for the way he treated Jo. We all knew it would come back and bite him in the ass, maybe not this soon? Whenever I get to feeling a little bit sorry for Javi I think about that. Karma's a bitch! and Karl is a disgusting POS bitch!

how did he treat Jo again? Other than make a few snide remarks behind his back. 

  • Love 2
21 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

We are getting to see Javi's payback for the way he treated Jo. We all knew it would come back and bite him in the ass, maybe not this soon? Whenever I get to feeling a little bit sorry for Javi I think about that. Karma's a bitch! and Karl is a disgusting POS bitch!

Me too! It was all fun and games when she  blatantly disregarded court orders to stay in PA; filed that false PFA against Jo; berated Jo in his own home over his choice of attire and moved because Jo had the audacity to move closer to his son. 

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I don't think she needed a PFA for one moment but Javi is/was emotionally immature and does have issues with boundaries when he's angry. Anyone would be driven nuts by Kailyn and act out imo but I also assume jealousy is a character flaw of his in every relationship. Just never to this extent because he picked the absolute *worst* person to be in a relationship with. 

I believe THIS is so true. I think Kailyn picks a certain type of dude, but she also tends to bring out the worst in them. For example, we've seen Jo take a hard line with Vee (Isaac comes first) but nothing as dickish as we saw him being with Kailyn post Isaac's birth.

Nathan on the other hand, got together with another girl and then pulled the same shit on her that he pulled on Jenelle.  Flipping out, talking shit, arrests for domestic abuse. 

I once went out with a guy who was "a bad breaker upper."  I think that was a Seinfeld thing (yes, I'm old). Anyway, when we were getting to know each other he told me that once a girl had pulled a gun on him after they broke up. He thought it was funny. And then we dated briefly and we broke up and he was SUCH an unbelievable prick that I ended up siccing my brother on him. That guy brought out the worst in me.  I'd never done that before and certainly not since. But some people delight in the extreme emotional reaction they're able to evoke in others.  Because they're narcissists and it amuses them. 

  • Love 6

I agree with the comments about Javi. Kail is a miserable hosebeast and that PFA was bullshit, but if I were in her shoes I wouldn't want my ex showing up at my house and harassing me via text either. I understand Javi has every right to feel angry and betrayed, but there's not much he can do about it now. The divorce is final, and if Kail doesn't want to communicate with him beyond discussing Lincoln, then that's her right. Unfortunately for him, she'll never own up to her bad behavior so he's never going to get the closure he desperately wants. 

On a more positive note Lincoln was such a sweet kid the way he came over to Isaac and gave him a hug. I also thought it was funny when he told Kail to stop eating the French fries because they were "for his brother." 

  • Love 11
On 8/1/2017 at 9:26 AM, Linny said:

I fail to understand why David had to drag Jenelle across the state of North Carolina to propose to her. I live in that area, and it's definitely beautiful here, but I'm sure he could have picked an equally scenic spot closer to home. But I guess David thought he and Jenelle deserved a mini vacation after a few weeks of having a newborn, because parenting is soooo hard when you don't have a job or any responsibilities other than filming a TV show. Ensley is cute but she's doomed just like her brothers.


It will be easier to lure her up there or somewhere else when he goes in for the kill. All I could do while watching that was picture him leading Jenelle to her death. And what the fuck was up with the "I'm the mediator" and Barb should be talking to him? Dude is dangerous and crazy!

Kailyn is a miserable cow. Wait till they find out baby daddy #3 wants nothing to do with her. Is he planning to parent, though>

  • Love 10
56 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

how did he treat Jo again? Other than make a few snide remarks behind his back. 

I remember him being all pissed that Jo wanted to spend Father's Day with Isaac because they planned a vacation for the same time. And another time where they all met to discuss child support and I believe Jo said it didn't concern Javi and he got all rude saying how he was going to be involved in those decisions. Oh and when he forbid Kail from speaking to Jo on their own property. And wasn't he the one filming with a cell phone when Kail was screaming at Jo for wearing sweatpants in his own home? I could be wrong on that last one.  I'm sure there are more examples than this.

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:


I do think there's a side of Javi that the cameras haven't fully seen yet, though. Not a violent side, but definitely a side of him that doesn't respect Kail's boundaries. I see it in little ways, like how he just comes in the house and goes through her fridge and laughs it off when she very clearly tells him to not to and continues to go through it and pour himself a drink, then proceeds to make himself at home, plops down on her couch, even though it's clear Kail wants him to leave. 


See - with this, I mean it was HIS HOUSE too until Kail pulled his whole life out from under him.  He went away for work and came home to no wife, no house, only seeing his son(s) here and there, at the whims of a crazy person.  Everything that is precious to him, everything he loves is snatched away.  I would flip the f out too, if for no other reason than the fact that my life has been emptied of everything I love.  Just because Kail wanted a new dude.  FUCK HER, he can pour a drink in his former house, from his former fridge.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

See - with this, I mean it was HIS HOUSE too until Kail pulled his whole life out from under him.  He went away for work and came home to no wife, no house, only seeing his son(s) here and there, at the whims of a crazy person.  Everything that is precious to him, everything he loves is snatched away.  I would flip the f out too, if for no other reason than the fact that my life has been emptied of everything I love.  Just because Kail wanted a new dude.  FUCK HER, he can pour a drink in his former house, from his former fridge.

Add to that, the possible realization that he was used and I bet he was warned by several people that she was using him. And it's not like he can completely walk away, pretend it never happened, he has to deal with her for the next 14 plus years because they share a child. 

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, nikita said:

If I'm remembering the time with the tire blowout correctly, it was a concert they were going to. And everything was fine and happy until Kail got pissed about something. And instead of getting over it after having a little rant, she was letting it ruin all their plans, which had been made far in advance and they were both excited about.

And, boy, I've been there, and it super sucks when someone with issues like Kail can never put aside their pique (usually over nothing) to think about others and their plans, anticipation, prep work,betc. It sucks so bad and hurts so much when they will not hesitate to drop a nuke on a birthday or Xmas. Still can cry over that myself ?

that's the thing, tho. you can't dictate what's "nothing" to someone else, that's not for you to decide. 

Kail is a selfish bitch and got more and more distant and cold towards Javi with each passing season, but I think that's at least partly bc of how Javi reacts to her. He wants her to suck up her feelings for the sake of his feelings. Yes, it's nice of someone to do that for you, but you can't force them to or demand it. They either love and appreciate you enough to do it or they don't. Instead of getting that and either accepting it or leaving, Javi would try to force the situation to be what it wasn't and force her to be someone she's not. 

I think he fell in love with the Kail he was with at the beginning of their relationship and keeps trying to get that girl back, instead of just accepting that that's not who she really is, that's just how she seems until you get to know her. B/c i think he was in denial throughout most of the relationship and trying to force the situation to be what it once was. 

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