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S19.E18: Live Eviction #5

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Who will be evicted from the Big Brother House?  Plus the power will once again be up for grabs.

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As I pause for a bathroom break , I am still LMAO at the veto speeches. And Pauls outraged that they crapped all per his ceremony. A mockery ! Honestly. I thought it was perfect.

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OMG! Could Jessica just use the damn Hex and be done with it. I'm sick of this stupid drama and Jessica lording the Hex over everyone. Personally, I think that she's being a moron because Cody doesn't seem like a good catch.

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Today was the 1st time this season I felt it may have been worth watching the live feeds. Those of you that had it must have got the bang for your buck this week. Very intrigued by "the house erupts". This really feels like George Orwell's 1984 more than any other season before and Paul is the very visible BB orchestrating this mess.

Edited by dizzyd
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I don't think I've ever hated a TV person more than I hate Paul.  He is an utter lowlife.   I will be completely done with this show if Jessica doesn't use her hex and shove it in his rotten face.  

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I respect the restraint Cody and Jessica showed. When I was an R.A. I saw a LOT of harassing situations, but, fortunately I had the power to move people. If I were in that house I'd have wailed all over Paul and/or Josie. They are contemptible.

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2 minutes ago, lookattheflowers said:

Jeebus, I would self evict just to get away from Josh. Holy Crap!

Seriously a Lord of the Flies vibe this season, yikes! 

I probably would have run as fast as Megan did. I really feel bad for her.

2 Whistle nuts.

Edited by dizzyd
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Jess and Cody should now turn their energies to having conversations with Josh to point out to him what is going on. They have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Keep the pressure off that Pauls is bad for everyone game.

I'm not giving up yet. Temptation and POV could save both Jess and Cody.

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 Something tells me this isn't Josh's first experience being rewarded for bad behavior.   He, Paul and Raven are reprehensible people.  Christmas isn't looking too good either.  And don't think I'm buying you're 'not a good look, bro' line.  You're just too much of an empty space to do anything beyond being set dressing.  

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I can't watch a week of Josh as HOH. That is absolutely the worst thing that could have happened for me. I can't stand him, his face, or his voice. His head will be HUGE this week. And the others are so happy because they get to use his HOH to make him be an even bigger asshole. He's too stupid to see that they've made him their puppet. As much as I don't really like Jessica or Cody, I feel so bad for them. I'll be glad when they're finally gone so the others can start to turn on each other.

Edited by MitaJo
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Jessica's stock went way up for whatever it's worth even if she is out this next week.

That was ugly as hell.  And I don't think I can even look an actual meatball now. Yuck.

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I turned it off.  I'm just not interested in watching this nasty shit.  The people aren't entertaining in any way.  I hate the ganging up on Cody and Jessica, orchestrated by a Paul.  And Josh is HOH?  Ugh, I won't be watching any of this week.  He is THE WORST.

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7 minutes ago, Suzysite said:

Aaaand...series cancelled.   I'll check back from time to time, but this is too much.  My sanity can't take any more.


I watch big brother faithfully every year. I look forward to it every summer. I even sat through the awful winter season. But this is too much for me... I'm tuning out for the season. It isn't fun to watch horrible people like Raven, Josh, and Paul succeed when they're so nasty and hostile for no reason. Nope, im not here for that sorry. Like you, I'll read up here to see if anything has changed but I can't stomach watching this season any longer. 

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Did Cody forget what he said?  Own up to it!  You wanted her out early because you saw her as a great competitor before you knew what a great girl and honey she was.

Enough of "The Bold & The Beautiful"

Fuck you Alex.

Paul brags about my biggest move ever.  Gag me with a fork.

"I have no speech"  Excellent Cody!  Paul blew his chance not taking Jess off the block.

Disrespecting you Paul!? Really?  Go try and suck your tiny dick.  Cockroaches deserve more respect than you.

Jessica was stupid engaging with bird-brain dying Raven.  She has repeatedly lied to you, just ignore her.  Then of course she runs to Paul making bigtime victim noises.  I may despise the most, but so many others are soooooo close.

"I thought we had a deal" that you had no intention of keeping.  Fuck you Paul!

Then he unleashes his flying monkeys into a giant shitstorm.  Too bad a bucket of water wouldn't melt his entitled troll ass. 

This gang is disgusting.  Cody is no prize and totally miscast for this game, but that is no excuse.

Where did Jess get those stupid kitty ears?  Is that a thing with the kids these days  :)  ?

That Hex invocation was cool.  I'm glad Jess didn't have to make that silly recitation.  I raced home from 5th grade to watch the original daily Dark Shadows.

And now we're all like phony chatty and friendly and nicey nicey and oooh how that worked bla, bla, bla for America.  Kevin, Mark, Elena and Jess are the only ones I can sort of root for.  Cody is a lost cause.

Ugh.  Man-baby Josh wins HoH will nom Codica.  This really sucks.  Veto always rules.

The studio audience appears to love this outcome, but that can never really be trusted.

Thanks to @Callaphera for this lovely unedited shot of Miss "At Death's Door" Congeniality.




Raven miss congeniality.jpg

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Looks like I'm not the only one who feels like I'd be rewarding all this ugliness by continuing to watch this madness. It's Lord of the Flies + One flew over the cuckoo's nest + Clockwork orange + The Shining.

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Hell no!  I barely put up with a Paul HOH, and that was because of the hex.  I cannot do a week of Josh in power.  I will follow on-line and check back in next week.

Not that I think Jessica should have trusted Paul and his minions in any event, but why did she ask for Alex to go on the block as one of her conditions to not use the hex?  I thought she wanted Josh out so bad last week. 

And, for the record, grown-ass women look ridiculous wearing cat ears.

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Every time Paul sat in that DR yelling at us about how dare Jessica think of going back on their "deal", I literally wanted to go through my TV to punch him in the face. And yes, I do mean literally (I have rage issues when it comes to this show). Paul? You are not talking to one of your groupies. WE SEE YOU!! We see you telling everyone this deal is bullshit! I wouldn't hate you half as much if you just admitted in the DR "yeah, apparently Jessica is too smart to buy what I am trying to sell her". 

But I don't blame him entirely, I have no doubt BB was egging him on with that nonsense. At least they threw Matt a small bone and showed his DR saying how embarrassed he was by the whole thing. And he should be most embarrassed by his showmance. Definitely not a good look for Miss happy Raven. 

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They're still down a person, right? Megan leaving and them still evicting that week means decent odds for a jury buyback, if I'm not mistaken. How hilarious would it have been for Jess to take the deal, Cody go out, and then come back in with a jury buyback. I feel cheated.

This week will be a shitshow. I would not be surprised in the slightest if Jody just walks out. Cody applied for Survivor, not this, and he's probably regretting every second.

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Forget Josh's tomfoolery. They should've let Christmas loose with cutting, yet remarkably potent one-liners: "$500,000 is a pretty expensive date." Yikes.

I can't hate these people too much -- they're not racists (BB15, the lowest of the low) or seemingly misogynists. At least the Cult of Paul isn't all about getting out the women. Cody was the only one about the "bros and the babes" at the beginning, and look where he is now. Without Paul, it'd be Cody and the Brigade ... 5.0? I'll take Paul's Zombies over that any day.

I don't know, this seems like garden variety Big Brother, to me. None of this behavior is going to make national news. Is it high-class? No. But neither is the show.

1 minute ago, Ananayel said:

Cody applied for Survivor, not this, and he's probably regretting every second.

He did? Ha, that makes ... so much sense. (I'm glad they did not accept him. I would not want to see him with access to a machete.)

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Julie got all het up about the girl ON CRUTCHES taking too long and yet the show still ended early.  Settle down, Julie.

Nope, I'm back to loathing Jessica.  I have no idea what she was getting all up on Raven for but it looked pretty unnecessary.  Oh no Raven never talks to Jason and Kevin and now SHE IS so they must be talking about MEEEEE.

And I don't even LIKE Raven.

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HA! Josh as HOH...this week is gonna be batshit and I am here for the drama!

These people are assholes but I can't feel sorry for anybody because the people they're being assholes to are also assholes.

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12 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

Everybody keeps talking about a Megan.  Who's Megan?  Where is she?  Thanks to whomever answers.

She self evicted like week two cause Josh bullied her. Had blue hair and was close to the dull blonde girl that got evicted.

Edited by Lamima
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3 minutes ago, Lamima said:

She self evicted like week two cause Josh bullied her.

I think it was week 1. She was on the block and the nomination had to be replaced when she left which was the start of 1/2 the house being nominated that 1st week.

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45 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Where did Jess get those stupid kitty ears?  Is that a thing with the kids these days


43 minutes ago, Newbietunes said:

And, for the record, grown-ass women look ridiculous wearing cat ears.

A. Thank Frankie's sister Ariana for the kitty ears as they are her signature, she even sells limited-edition versions online... and yes, it's a thing.

B. I've always for some reason enjoyed the cat ears thing; and on halloween? Always hot. Jessica put Alex to shame with those tonight though and I know she just did it just to prod Alex. Alex always wears her busted Target version ears and there was something about Jess hiding Alex's, so it was the perfect time for Jess to bust hers out... as Will Smith said 'The difference is I make these look good !'

I am in no way appalled or swearing off the show because people looked ugly (esp. Raven... wow, you're UGHLY when you are angry, where did the happy sunshine go? Huh Raven??) this is just standard shit-stirring Big Brother which is what they look to create every year. Bravo. That was nuts. But not a first by any kind of longshot.

I felt much worse about Howie's attack on 'Busted' April in the house until and after she cried. There was the whole Aaron season... etc. this was just par for the course imo. As my friend would say: "Eh... it happens."

I also knew that production wouldn't let their precious Hex not be used... I guess production made her a better offer than Paul.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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