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S09.E18: Make Out, Make Up

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5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

As far as carrying out the Suntory/Beam message, which Bethenny claims they take seriously, "drink responsibly" she failed miserably. Both on her account and the others.  No where in a liquor commercial are they even allowed to show someone drinking a drink let alone serving up pitchers of drinking and getting naked. 


Thank you for reminding us of this. I had completely forgotten about the "drink responsibly" suggestion. I do wonder how the Suntory/Beam people feel about how the cast was using the product.  

This has probably already been discussed, but didn't Beth complain that her unhappy childhood included witnessing alcohol abuse? It's a little odd to me that she can spend so much time with people who drink excessively so often. 

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9 hours ago, eXiled said:


Fifty-something Sonja is a big ole slutty airhead who is all about her cootie and her booty. You know she was worse 20 years ago when she still had some youth and a tiny bit of mystery on her side. Now everyone knows how she gets down, so she's stuck with Harry Dubin, fuckbuddies like Tom and Frenchie, and various pirates who hit and quit. Perhaps Big Lu can save her from herself. :-)


DANG!, @eXiled!  I laughed out REAL loud at that and got the stink eye from everybody else who's out nearby, enjoying this gorgeous night!  

Dunno if you meant to reference those weird radio ads where they say  "talk to Big Lou" because he is "like you" and on heart meds, or overweight, or paying multiple alimonies, or something, and Big Lou can save you from some kind of distress -- buying life insurance, maybe? But it sounded like it and it was funny!!!

Oh me.  I hope this made sense. Paralleling Big Lou of sketchy life insurance policies with Big Lu as Sonja's potential savior ("she thought Tom liked her special, too!") cracks me up. Thank you for a much needed guffaw.

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10 hours ago, film noire said:

I think they want her money, but not her life.  For reasons unique to each of them, imo, Bethenny's life looks unappetizing to the rest of the cast (Sonja = working too hard; Ramona = single motherhood and water beds; Luann= never got over that Skinnygirl car;  Carole = fuck that, where's my bong? Dorinda = I got plenty of everything and more; Tinsley = Bethenny's work-heavy single mom frantic "no-man" life is not what she wants at all).

If anything, I think these women might be more resentful of her success (for a bunch of reasons) than jealous (b/c nobody wants to be her, or have her actual life).  (eta: Which can be just as toxic as being jealous of someone's success, of course, but it functions differently, and in a less ego-pleasing way than Frankel thinks. Because if she can convince herself they dislike her for her success, she can tell herself that's why they dislike her, period, instead of admitting they might dislike her for how she's treated them over the years. It's a weird global permission to wipe out any validity they might have in taking issue with her. Dorinda called Bethenny out on her policing and screeching -- and was near to tears when she said it frightened her -- and Bethenny mocked her for it.  Dorinda disliking that treatment had nothing to do with Skinnygirl the company, but mouthy, thin-skinned Bethenny herself).

You know, I was thinking she's coming off so damned paranoid that EVERYONE around her is jealous of her & is delegitimizing her success & picking her apart.  Well, there is some basis for her to feel this way -- but she's not right that EVERYONE feels this way.  Clearly, there are plenty of people around who are jealous of her success & money.  But even if we look just at this crowd, I don't think Carole & Tinz are jealous of her at all -- in ANY way.  And there are plenty of very successful people, where she lives in Manhattan & the Hamptons, who wouldn't be jealous of her at all & she'd probably not even enter into their thoughts.  Her biggest prob is how self-absorbed she is.  Not everybody is jealous of your success & money, Bethenny.  I'm sure as fuck not.  Jeez Louise & shit, hun, will ya just get the fuck over yourself!

Now, as far as what's going on with Skinny Girl's financial arrangement here & what the exact nature of "promotional consideration" is?  We don't know exactly, do we?  We can only guess, right?  Seems to me like some sort of sponsorship agreement with Beam Suntory (in the name of Skinny Girl) in exchange for product & name placement -- and yes, probably some fat fee for Bravo.  It might be as simple as that, but I doubt it.  Contracts for these deals can get ridiculously detailed.  

I would bet part of the Bravo agreement (contract) with Beam Suntory stated explicitly this would be designated a Skinny Girl trip & Bethenny would be assigned as the "host".  Really what's likely happening is Skinny Girl (er, actually money-bags Beam Suntory) is merely another sponsor for the show.  It's pretty much the same thing as if Beam Suntory was paying for commercial time.  Well, it's a sneaky, kinda/sorta indirect way of clunking us viewers on our heads with Skinny Girl crap -- but instead of doing it in minute-long commercials, they get to do it at various times in an hour-long show.  It's great way of messaging for Beam Suntory cuz they get more bang for their bucks.

OK, OK, I get it.  The thinking by Beam Suntory is the audience for this show is the most likely target audience for Skinny Girl crapola.  So they wanna push it here to the max.  I'm wondering if producers care if the Skinny Girl promos do actually reach the point of overkill & really start ruining the show.  It's annoying right now, but it hasn't yet reached that point.  Maybe they don't care & will just take as much dough as Beam Suntory is willing fork over -- to the point where the show is endless Skinny Girl plugs.  Yeah, that'd be real fun to watch, eh?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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7 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I am really enjoying Tinsley.  She has been a breath a fresh air amongst the same old, same old.  Considering Dorinda and Sonja were passed out drunk and couldn't even make it to dinner and LuAnn was falling down drunk, why are they criticizing Tinsley's drinking.  Do I agree with LuAnn that she should not have been using the "F" bomb in a public place "yes".  But as Jeff Lewis said on WWHL Tinsley seems fragile and I wish they could show her some compassion on some of her other issues.


Where does Bethanny get off with the constant comments about Ramona's flotation devices, er: boob job?  I don't necessarily think they do to much for her but they aren't huge.  I could take it from any of the others, but Bethanny?  She has big implants for a women with almost zero body fat and her current implants are much small than the ones she had before her marriage.  Those were really way, way, to large for her size.


A little off topic but, I was surprised by Jeff Lewis's negative remarks about Heather Dubrois on WWHL.

They have an on-going battle!!

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1 hour ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I just wanted to say thank you for the translation. I watched the scene a couple of times and could not make out what she was saying. 

Dorinda just becomes belligerent when drunk. I don't think that Bethany came at her hard about being late to dinner. Loud and obnoxious? Yes. But that's sort of Bethany. 

I think all of the women are jealous of Bethany,  but of her perceived power over the show and how many more,  failed or not,  opportunities she has had outside the show. 

So yes,  I think the SG stuff is a way to poke at Bethany,  but I think it's in place of talking about her producer credit, etc.  .. No one except Carole actually likes her 

Something all of those women want is more fame. 

The one thing I never forget about Dorinda is John,  she's much more likable without him,  but like goes with like and there's a reason she's with the low blow /hey I said blow/ creepy dry cleaner ?. 

On a personal note, I'm so insulted he's associated with dry cleaning.  That was my grandfather's profession and he gives it a bad name. 

I agree. The other women needle Bethenny about Skinnygirl because it's a quick way to get under her skin.

Have you ever read the New York Times piece about John? There is definitely this implied unsavory aspect to his business, especially the concierge part of it.

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I don't know if I'm comfortable with anyone having to rely upon Ramona or Sonja's skills.

Yes, that would require hazard pay :) 

There'a a professional crew who travels with outward bound groups, so they'd be safe as houses.

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I am really surprised that Bethany travels so frequently to MX.  She is a very rich women and it is still dangerous.  I have gone over many times over the years to visit the manufacturing plant of one of my customers and I will tell you it has been a very hair raising experience every time.  Once we crossed the boarder we were transported by security the likes of which you were afraid for your life.  It getting better but I will never forget those years of black vaned escorts because the drug families were kid napping anyone Us with influence with $$.  

Edited by Emmeline
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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I agree. The other women needle Bethenny about Skinnygirl because it's a quick way to get under her skin.

Have you ever read the New York Times piece about John? There is definitely this implied unsavory aspect to his business, especially the concierge part of it.

I haven't but I'll look for it now. Frankly, it doesn't surprise me if what you implied is true.

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As others have posted, I don't think Beam Suntory bankrolled the trip.  IMO, they paid for the day trip to the distillery, including the helicopters, botanic garden and the tasting.  They own the distillery, botanic garden and the tasting venue.  IMO, they didn't bankroll the villa because the 'name' of the villa was shown numerous times.  Skinnygirl got promotional consideration in exchange for the other tequila brands being shown.  They worked a deal with production and I have no doubt that Beth had her fingers on it every step of the way.

I also don't think that it was billed as a SG trip.  It was billed, starting last season, as Beth taking the women to Tequila, Mexico and doing a tequila tour.  It was a typical RH 'group' trip with one part of a day devoted to SG.  They were there, what, four days?   Calling it Beth's trip is ridiculous.  She didn't pay for it and I doubt SG paid for it.

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10 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

See I can buy this.  But you don't go to someone's birthday party getting upset that everybody's singing to her because everybody has birthdays lol.  That's a fact.  That has absolutely nothing to do with your acceptance to the invitation to celebrate hers.    Aside from that, she wasn't asking for special treatment, her expectation, and explicit request to Ramona, was that everyone in attendance be genuinely happy for her because she's proud of her achievement.   She didn't even care if they got shit faced AT the event.  She wanted her castmates to respect the chef's and her own time and fake being supportive long enough to enjoy the day in Tequila.  Which, to hear ya'll tell it, makes her the vacation police.  Lol.  I guess. 

And this seems like common courtesy to me. Wouldn't it be kind of normal to expect (at some level) that your friends and guests--at minimum--would come and stay at your house/rental without crapping on you & what you're celebrating? 

It was just so depressing that B had to tell Ramona to act like a human and be polite.

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19 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

As others have posted, I don't think Beam Suntory bankrolled the trip.  IMO, they paid for the day trip to the distillery, including the helicopters, botanic garden and the tasting.  They own the distillery, botanic garden and the tasting venue.  IMO, they didn't bankroll the villa because the 'name' of the villa was shown numerous times.  Skinnygirl got promotional consideration in exchange for the other tequila brands being shown.  They worked a deal with production and I have no doubt that Beth had her fingers on it every step of the way.

I also don't think that it was billed as a SG trip.  It was billed, starting last season, as Beth taking the women to Tequila, Mexico and doing a tequila tour.  It was a typical RH 'group' trip with one part of a day devoted to SG.  They were there, what, four days?   Calling it Beth's trip is ridiculous.  She didn't pay for it and I doubt SG paid for it.

I think all the other bitches, when they hold the title of "hostess" call it their trips and Ramona is a c@nt.

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7 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I think all the other bitches, when they hold the title of "hostess" call it their trips and Ramona is a c@nt.

I think Ro's point was that it was a 'group' aka production's big trip and Beth didn't have the power to disinvite her.  Yeah, Beth could have not invited her on SK promotion half day trip but Beth couldn't block her from going to Mexico.  Ro was breaking the fourth wall (saying it was a group trip) because she was pissed that Beth was playing this game.

Yeah, Doris can deny So on a smaller trip to Doris's house but the end of the season big trip is a different story.   

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I have to say, I love RHoNY. This has been the best season, slurinda, sonja with a j, snarky carole, luanne falling into the bushes, naked Bethenny having a sloppy Ramona moment in the pool. This is what I want from my Real Housewives.

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22 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I think all the other bitches, when they hold the title of "hostess" call it their trips and Ramona is a c@nt.

Yes, they all call themselves "hostess" and that they did this/that/the other arranging the trip but that doesn't make it true anymore than this trip was Bethenny's. And, I can't recall any other HW going into someone else's bedroom yelling/waving their arms around about being on time for a dinner (someone correct me if I am wrong though). 

5 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I think Ro's point was that it was a 'group' aka production's big trip and Beth didn't have the power to disinvite her.  Yeah, Beth could have not invited her on SK promotion half day trip but Beth couldn't block her from going to Mexico.  Ro was breaking the fourth wall (saying it was a group trip) because she was pissed that Beth was playing this game.

Yeah, Doris can deny So on a smaller trip to Doris's house but the end of the season big trip is a different story.   

IMO, the tequila tour trip may have been the only time Bethenny could have stopped Ramona/any of them from going. I also think Bethenny changed her mind because she wanted all the cameras on her/her SG tour and not on Ramona back at the villa, because you know, production would have made sure they filmed Ramona's sad sack expressions as she boo hoo'ed about mean Bethenny leaving her behind and all of the others would have been talking about Ramona the entire time they were on the tour, including the helicopter ride! LOL

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13 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I think she looks amazing.  These are both recent (well, from last summer). I like that she seems proud not only of her body in general, but of how strong she is and of the work she does to keep herself in shape. 




I can do the first position but the second one?  Hell no.  I do NOT have near the amount of upper body strength for that one and I'm pretty sure that even if I had the upper body strength, my balance would fail me.  Bethenny has a very strong body. 

13 hours ago, ryebread said:

I can't believe I'm defending this bish's body. LOL. 

You don't waterski, paddle board, surf and snowboard the way she does without musculature.  She's got a strong, strong body.  I'm strong as hell but the first couple times I tried paddle boarding, it was a fun embarrassment.  Looks easy, right?  But having a super strong core to stay balanced - not to mention the upper body strength needed to pull yourself back up on the board after falling 1,323 times.  Exhausting.

She has been thinner when I thought she looked sick.  And it was sometime right after she split from Jason.  Her face and waistline and even hair told the tale of her health.  I look at her now and she looks glowy and fit.  But I still hate her. Hahaha.  Hate might be kind of strong. ;-)

Exactly!  Those all require a strong body. She also has well defined muscles just standing. She has a small frame and when she loses even 5-10 lbs (like what I think happened during the health problems and after her split with Jason), you can really see it on her body.

1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

As others have posted, I don't think Beam Suntory bankrolled the trip.  IMO, they paid for the day trip to the distillery, including the helicopters, botanic garden and the tasting.  They own the distillery, botanic garden and the tasting venue.  IMO, they didn't bankroll the villa because the 'name' of the villa was shown numerous times.  Skinnygirl got promotional consideration in exchange for the other tequila brands being shown.  They worked a deal with production and I have no doubt that Beth had her fingers on it every step of the way.

I also don't think that it was billed as a SG trip.  It was billed, starting last season, as Beth taking the women to Tequila, Mexico and doing a tequila tour.  It was a typical RH 'group' trip with one part of a day devoted to SG.  They were there, what, four days?   Calling it Beth's trip is ridiculous.  She didn't pay for it and I doubt SG paid for it.


The problem with the bolded logic though is that every franchise of this show has the group trips that are hosted by a cast member. Everybody that pays attention knows that the cast member didn't pay for the trip.  It is just part of keeping up the charade that this show is totally natural and not at all a result of production. You can't change the rules 12 seasons in just because you don't like the person that hosted this year's trip. 

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13 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I think she looks amazing.  These are both recent (well, from last summer). I like that she seems proud not only of her body in general, but of how strong she is and of the work she does to keep herself in shape. 




Good for her.

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1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

I think Ro's point was that it was a 'group' aka production's big trip and Beth didn't have the power to disinvite her.  Yeah, Beth could have not invited her on SK promotion half day trip but Beth couldn't block her from going to Mexico.  Ro was breaking the fourth wall (saying it was a group trip) because she was pissed that Beth was playing this game.

Yeah, Doris can deny So on a smaller trip to Doris's house but the end of the season big trip is a different story.   

Oh that was her point. If she can do that then I want e everyone to break the 4th wall. Ramona needs to go. 

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1 hour ago, diadochokinesis said:

I can do the first position but the second one?  Hell no.  I do NOT have near the amount of upper body strength for that one and I'm pretty sure that even if I had the upper body strength, my balance would fail me.  Bethenny has a very strong body. 

Exactly!  Those all require a strong body. She also has well defined muscles just standing. She has a small frame and when she loses even 5-10 lbs (like what I think happened during the health problems and after her split with Jason), you can really see it on her body.

The problem with the bolded logic though is that every franchise of this show has the group trips that are hosted by a cast member. Everybody that pays attention knows that the cast member didn't pay for the trip.  It is just part of keeping up the charade that this show is totally natural and not at all a result of production. You can't change the rules 12 seasons in just because you don't like the person that hosted this year's trip. 

We're into the twelfth season?  It's not about not liking the person who is hosting.  It's about the the 'host' saying that she has the 'power' of deciding who comes and who doesn't.  I kinda like that Ro called it out and production allowing it.  Because that 'is' the reality. 

Don't get me wrong.  I'm no fan of Ro.

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1 minute ago, breezy424 said:

We're into the twelfth season?  It's not about not liking the person who is hosting.  It's about the the 'host' saying that she has the 'power' of deciding who comes and who doesn't.  I kinda like that Ro called it out and production allowing it.  Because that 'is' the reality. 

Don't get me wrong.  I'm no fan of Ro.

I have no clue what season we are on but all the franchises do it. I think OC is like season 12 or 13 but the group trips didn't happen the first couple of seasons, I think. 

I wonder how much of the trip was funded by SG. I know a lot of us have speculated that B could disinvite Ramona from the tequila trip but not the rest of the trip but we don't know that for sure. Seeing the promotional considerations at the end credits though make me wonder if B could have raised enough of a stink and used that uncredited producer pull to have kicked Ramona off the trip. 

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15 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I think she looks amazing.  These are both recent (well, from last summer). I like that she seems proud not only of her body in general, but of how strong she is and of the work she does to keep herself in shape. 




Wait, the second picture is not Bethanny though. The first, yes, for sure, but the bottom picture is someone else? It looks like two different bodies to me. Maybe the second (or first) is photoshopped? But the second picture is a different body than the first, but the faces are both Bethanny's. I think. It's weird, but they were posted by Bethanny so maybe they were put through some Skinny Girl filter. Whoever and whatever is going on with both women, good for them. I can't do yoga since I have some spinal discs fused, but it looks pretty cool.

Edited by bravofan27
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I don't really have anything to add other than this, laser hair removal isn't an instant process, it takes multiple treatments over the course of 6 or more months, and then you'd still have to be treated for sporadic regrowth here and there.  So, Sonja wouldn't have had a completely bald snatch from the one treatment and will be able to be on display to that creeper at whatever fine establishment it is that she goes to to get treated for quite some time.

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6 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

We're into the twelfth season?  It's not about not liking the person who is hosting.  It's about the the 'host' saying that she has the 'power' of deciding who comes and who doesn't.  I kinda like that Ro called it out and production allowing it.  Because that 'is' the reality. 

Don't get me wrong.  I'm no fan of Ro.

Well we also had Luann, in Vermont, essentially negotiating on camera for better accommodations than the basement bedroom with no electrical outlets and a shared bathroom with strangers.  Bethenny mentioned it was a $10 million dollar villa.  Later Bethenny commented on Luann getting stuck with a room in Vermont with a strange guy using the bathroom.  I am guessing there is a lot of negotiations going on for these women on trips.  Alex McCord mentioned the number of riders Ramona had when they went to Morocco.

I would be curious if next year there will be a Berkshires trip.  The network loves it but it seems like an awful lot of work for one night.

Maybe next year they can travel to Australia and as a part of the trip look up their long last friend Alex McCord.  .

8 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

I have no clue what season we are on but all the franchises do it. I think OC is like season 12 or 13 but the group trips didn't happen the first couple of seasons, I think. 

I wonder how much of the trip was funded by SG. I know a lot of us have speculated that B could disinvite Ramona from the tequila trip but not the rest of the trip but we don't know that for sure. Seeing the promotional considerations at the end credits though make me wonder if B could have raised enough of a stink and used that uncredited producer pull to have kicked Ramona off the trip. 


The first big trip was Season 3 New York and Ramona hosted a trip to St. John.  Luann and Jill didn't go.  The first all cast trip was Season 4 New York.  We are now in Season 9 and good or bad they have managed to cobble together a trip every year.

Sponsors don't make editorial decisions.  If Suntory Beam starts saying who can and cannot go to one of their sponsored events it truly becomes an infomercial.  It would be like Patron Tequila deciding who was the Top Chef winner when they were a sponsor.

Bethenny allowing Ramona on the tour, just showcased Bethenny as being forgiving.  I can't imagine it was that big a deal for Ramona other than she didn't want to be nixed from possible camera time. 

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Bethanny has been and remains my favorite housewife, across all franchises. No one else makes me laugh as much, is as smart and witty, or, much to everyone else's chagrin, as successful. People loooove to see someone in her position taken down a notch or two. I'm sorry, but of course there is jealousy! So many of these hos have tried and failed to start money making ventures. Beth has what they all wanted, and in spades.

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Wait, the second picture is not Bethanny though. The first, yes, for sure, but the bottom picture is someone else? It looks like two different bodies to me. Maybe the second (or first) is photoshopped? But the second picture is a different body than the first, but the faces are both Bethanny's. I think. It's weird, but they were posted by Bethanny so maybe they were put through some Skinny Girl filter. Whoever and whatever is going on with both women, good for them. I can't do yoga since I have some spinal discs fused, but it looks pretty cool.

I thought it was rather obvious both are pics of Bethenny, face and body. She just looks more tanned in the first pic.

Edited by BBHN
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7 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, they all call themselves "hostess" and that they did this/that/the other arranging the trip but that doesn't make it true anymore than this trip was Bethenny's. And, I can't recall any other HW going into someone else's bedroom yelling/waving their arms around about being on time for a dinner (someone correct me if I am wrong though). 

IMO, the tequila tour trip may have been the only time Bethenny could have stopped Ramona/any of them from going. I also think Bethenny changed her mind because she wanted all the cameras on her/her SG tour and not on Ramona back at the villa, because you know, production would have made sure they filmed Ramona's sad sack expressions as she boo hoo'ed about mean Bethenny leaving her behind and all of the others would have been talking about Ramona the entire time they were on the tour, including the helicopter ride! LOL

Didn't Luann berate Ramona and Sonja in Morocco for being late to dinner?

Didnt Ramona act the grand dame in T&C? Not to mention asking Jill to leave.

If B or any other of these broads had broken the fourth wall during a trip Ramona was "hosting" the bat shit crazy would have been out in full force. So if we can suspend disbelief for the other that it is "their" trip why are we taking Bethenny to task?

Not a one of them is a better "hostess" than any other. But anything ridiculous little perceived infraction by Bethenny is enough for the pile on about what a pretentious bitch she is.

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So if we can suspend disbelief for the other that it is "their" trip why are we taking Bethenny to task?

Because she munches on some mighty tasty crackers...

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9 hours ago, nokat said:

I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet. The whale/fishing boat, and Ramona dancing.  She is not quite Elaine Benis, but close.

As much as I can't stand Ramona, I could watch her dance all day! ? 

She is the most awkward woman.  I can't stand to see her talking or flirting because it makes me feel embarrassed for her. She's just an odd person. Watching her trying apologize with  her eyes closed .. Watching her face with that fake weird smile as she blinks over and over as someone tries to talk to her,  ugh! I can't watch,  but Ramona dancing like a loon, yep,  that I can watch. 

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2 hours ago, bagger said:

Didn't Luann berate Ramona and Sonja in Morocco for being late to dinner?

Didnt Ramona act the grand dame in T&C? Not to mention asking Jill to leave.

If B or any other of these broads had broken the fourth wall during a trip Ramona was "hosting" the bat shit crazy would have been out in full force. So if we can suspend disbelief for the other that it is "their" trip why are we taking Bethenny to task?

Not a one of them is a better "hostess" than any other. But anything ridiculous little perceived infraction by Bethenny is enough for the pile on about what a pretentious bitch she is.

No, Luann just started the dinner without them and when they showed up at the end of the meal she told them they missed dinner. There was no yelling/raised voice, no waving arms and she didn't go to anyone's room berating them. 

Jill showed up after declining the invitation and Ramona said that she couldn't stay. Oh, and they had just been through Kelly's melt down at that point.

The only thing anyone is taking Bethenny to "task" for is her melt down on Dorinda and not on Carole, who was the one that told her it was time to get ready for dinner and Carole was even later than Dorinda or Tinsley. All Dorinda said (initially) was that Bethenny needed to relax! LOL

And, Bethenny's behavior was that of a controlling bitch. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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32 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

On my third rewatch, and after Dorinda apologizes the next morning, she admits, "I don't know why I was such a bitch about it".  So even Dorinda agrees she was the aggressor.

I disagree. IMO, Dorinda apologized because she knew she hurt Bethenny but not because she was the "aggressor", that was Bethenny. Bethenny walked into Dorinda's room, arms waving and yelling at Dorinda about her and everyone else being late to dinner and Dorinda tried to calm Bethenny down initially but Bethenny just got angrier with her. That makes Bethenny the aggressor, not Dorinda. Oh, and Bethenny knew right away that Dorinda was drunk but kept at her anyway, going so far as to mock her.

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2 hours ago, bagger said:

Didn't Luann berate Ramona and Sonja in Morocco for being late to dinner?

Didnt Ramona act the grand dame in T&C? Not to mention asking Jill to leave.

If B or any other of these broads had broken the fourth wall during a trip Ramona was "hosting" the bat shit crazy would have been out in full force. So if we can suspend disbelief for the other that it is "their" trip why are we taking Bethenny to task?

Not a one of them is a better "hostess" than any other. But anything ridiculous little perceived infraction by Bethenny is enough for the pile on about what a pretentious bitch she is.

Breaking the fourth wall, Bethenny has said Carole told her it was dinner time to keep Sonja from "Licking her vagina", there was no dinner time. That is why Dorinda was caught off guard.  Sure Dorinda was drunk but she didn't believe she was late to dinner.  Obviously Sonja and Ramona knew in Morocco-they do get a production schedule what time the dinner as and elected instead to have salads sent to their room and screwed around well past dinner time and came down really late.

There was major fourth wall breaking in St. John's the women mentioned Kelly had to be escorted to the airport by producers.  Kelly had a discussion with Andy about being force to go to St. John's.  There has been plenty of behind the scene reveals. 

To me, the issue is the important part of the trip-the cast wages are not paid for by Bethenny or Skinnygirl.  These women don't work for Bethenny or Suntory/Beam and other than a helicopter ride and tequila tasting they weren't terribly indebted to Skinnygirl.   Bethenny wasn't that magnanimous in Vermont when she mentioned a time or two that Ramona ordered expensive stuff when someone else was picking up the tab and Ramona alleged arranged for the chefs from another restaurant to come in.   She certainly let it be known Ramona wasn't paying for the dinner. 

Being a hostess to these women is like herding cats.  In this instance there is 24 hour staff on the property so scheduling meals should not be that big of a deal.  The bigger deal, and this has been mentioned by the producers of the RHOC is when they keep things rolling and the production crew starts accruing overtime.  Seven years later people still call Luann out for nagging Ramona and Sonja for being late.  If it wasn't good when Luann did, why would Bethenny get a pass?  Because her time is more valuable than the others?  I can appreciate Bethenny and her little tirade on how important her time is, but they aren't really there as leisurely guests they are working and Bethenny is a mere co-worker not their boss.  Bethenny will forever be lauded for the lottery for the rooms solution.  That was one time when she used the hostess title in a positive way.

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On my third rewatch, and after Dorinda apologizes the next morning, she admits, "I don't know why I was such a bitch about it".  So even Dorinda agrees she was the aggressor.

Excellent point.

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My favorite parts of this episode:

Ramona and her floaty noodles in the pool - re-united and a must have scene every year

Ramona on the boat: I love sea life! Insert awkward spazzy dance move. Alright, can we go back now?


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Dorinda can make reference to the brand that Bethenny is most known for, a name which practically substitutes as a nickname for her, without being jealous. I don't get how Dorinda mentioning the Skinny Girl brand while drunk automatically equals Dorinda is jealous.  It is such a leap.  The concept of Dorinda being jealous came directly from Bethenny's mouth and it seems if people really like Bethenny they agree with the jump in conclusion.  I don't.

I, and other people I know, sometimes refer to famous people by the television or movie character they are most famous for, that they are most associated with.  Matthew Perry is "Chandler".  Ellen Page is "Juno".  It's affectionate nicknames we use as a shorthand.  Using the full first and last name feels overly formal when we're just in conversation.  Bethenny is Skinny Girl.  Dorinda brought up the brand name.  I don't get how that makes Dorinda jealous.

It's nasty when women have a conflict with one another and reach to jealousy as the first reason why.  Sometimes conflicts are about other things.  

Dorinda was speaking in the clip.  I don't know why Sonja and Ramona are brought up as proof that Dorinda must be jealous.  Sonja and Ramona tried to start alcohol brands.  Yes.  Facts.  That is not relevant to who Dorinda is or what her motivation is.

It sounds to me like Bethenny wanted to avoid the real issue and decided to jump on something easy to dismiss Dorinda, instead.  It's called an ad hominem attack.  Instead of arguing an opponent's point, you point to some irrelevant personal flaw that they have.  Bethenny used jealousy with Dorinda.  "Oh.  You're jealous.  I get to dismiss everything you say, because you're a jealous person."   This is a known tactic.  In fact, there is a joke about it -- people type out "jus jellus" as a way to mock this terrible tactic that people do not respect.

If Bethenny said something like, we'll discuss this in the morning because you're inebriated and not making sense, then I understand.  Instead, she used jealousy.  Um.... ok?

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20 hours ago, ryebread said:

Is there anyone, here, who isn't envious of Bethenny's $60 million, or even $20 million bank account? 

I agree you should acknowledge someone's success without being jealous, but I'll own being green about all that green.  Personally, I think they're all a little jelly.  But not all of them are taking that out on Beth to her face.

Dorinda showed her hand to Beth during her tirade.  She's jealous.  Also, she was very upset about all the butt kissing Ramona was doing.  Nope. Dorinda did not like that at all.  So I have to ask, why? 

Agreed - I do think they are all envious of the money in Bethenny's bank account.

I do think however, all of them except for Carole, resent having to help hock SKG without compensation.

All of these women, have been around long enough publicly and on social media get paid a little bit of coin to help advertise. It's one thing to go to an event to support a friend on their business enterprise, it's another to overload them. Bethenny as a businesswoman has her SKG shown all over the place (Sonja's kitchen has the SKG coffee pods, Carole had SKG at her election party, Sonja had it at her Madhatter party, Bethenny had it at her Christmas party along with an SKG luge, Bethenny brought it to Vermont with her Snowbaord and liquor at the log cabin, and it was all over the place in Mexico)

Dorinda loves her "Dirty" martinis. I don't know if any of these woman have been HONEST about how they feel about the SKG drinks. Other than Ramona saying she did not want to drink SKG in Vermont, everything said has been "positive". I am not a big drinker, and if I do drink I like super sweet fruity drinks, so SKG is out for me.

Dorinda was recently up close and personal to Sonja with an STD J. What was seen can not be UNseen, and now Bethenny is going into histrionics about people being late to dinner and the person she chose to screech at was Dorinda. I do think when Dorinda is drunk, she becomes less filtered. I still think she resents Bethenny's treatment of Jules, as well as the coke rumors as well as we've been drinking SKG for 2 or 3 days and now more SKG conversation at dinner and I ain't getting paid - so all of this just projectile vomited out of Dorinda.

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10 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I do think however, all of them except for Carole, resent having to help hock SKG without compensation.

They probably needed to look more closely at their BRAVO contracts.

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No one else has mentioned this, but in watching the episode (only watched once) I saw Bethenny react to two specific words in Dorinda's slurred monologue - "perfect mother".  Bethenny had been looking down and her head popped right up.  In my opinion, that is what set Beth off, not mention of her company.

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

.  If it wasn't good when Luann did, why would Bethenny get a pass?  

An endless hall pass & double standard wherein Bethenny is defended for what Frankel herself attacks in others? (aka BESSC - Bitch Eating Special Snowflake Crackers :)

Edited by film noire
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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

No one else has mentioned this, but in watching the episode (only watched once) I saw Bethenny react to two specific words in Dorinda's slurred monologue - "perfect mother".  Bethenny had been looking down and her head popped right up.  In my opinion, that is what set Beth off, not mention of her company.

yes, and "super wife" and "super girlfriend" also made her do a double take.  I think Dorinda was listing the ways in which Bethenny is such a "superhuman", I don't think she said those words to trigger anything in Bethenny, but they sure did!

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14 hours ago, breezy424 said:

We're into the twelfth season?  It's not about not liking the person who is hosting.  It's about the the 'host' saying that she has the 'power' of deciding who comes and who doesn't.  I kinda like that Ro called it out and production allowing it.  Because that 'is' the reality. 

Don't get me wrong.  I'm no fan of Ro.

Every single franchise has a woman who says this,  that they are going to "decide" who goes on the group trips. But no one but Ramona Singer broke the 4th wall to remind them they couldn't do that. 

I don't always like Bethany. I couldn't stand her last year,  but people are so much more likely to pile on ANYTHING she does,  even if other women do it.

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Yeah, I really don't get this argument at all. It's like people are talking about 2 different things. I haven't gotten that anyone thinks it's any more okay for Bethenny to yell about being late for dinner than it would have been for Luanne in Morocco. I think what people are reacting to is the idea that B has no right to say anything about dinner or inviting people or whatever because WE ALL KNOW IT'S A BRAVO TRIP AND NOT BETHENNY'S TRIP. Well, yeah, we all know it and we've known it every year. We all agree like gentleladies (and men) to suspend disbelief on that particular point and move along. For some reason, it is suddenly a factor with this trip because it's Bethenny. 

I'm late to the party per usual, but while I found Lu's drunken bush falling hilarious last week, this week the drunkeness was a bit too much even for me. I've got a couple of friends who would definitely strip down without an issue after a few drinks and whatever, but the rest of Sonja's performance depressed the hell out of me. She's a mess. 

I thought B overreacted to Dorinda and Dorinda acted like a total trashbag. It reminded me a lot of when she freaked out on Heather about swearing or whatever the hell that was back then. When she starts to make no sense, I kind of can't deal with her. 

Edited by Otherkate
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@Otherkate, this week's drunken bash was too much for me too. Between Sonja sexually assaulting her castmates and Ramona and Bethany hugging it out naked in the pool,  I was grossed out. 

B was being her usually loud obnoxious self and Dorinda was her usual self while drunk. Someone way upthread proposed it was the SG reference that set B off,  but the reference to her being a super wife and mother.  I even froze at that,  because that came across as a dig. 

I just wish they would get rid of Ramona. She isn't any fun to watch anymore,  just a pile of inflated breast meanness. 

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6 hours ago, Former Nun said:

They probably needed to look more closely at their BRAVO contracts.

They are all always free to band together and say they will not promote. They risk the boot but if it really is that objectionable then stand by your convictions and don't go.

They've all been allowed to promote their products, what sticks in their craw is that none of them have done it successfully.

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1 hour ago, ShawnaLanne said:

@Otherkate, this week's drunken bash was too much for me too. Between Sonja sexually assaulting her castmates and Ramona and Bethany hugging it out naked in the pool,  I was grossed out. 

B was being her usually loud obnoxious self and Dorinda was her usual self while drunk. Someone way upthread proposed it was the SG reference that set B off,  but the reference to her being a super wife and mother.  I even froze at that,  because that came across as a dig. 

I just wish they would get rid of Ramona. She isn't any fun to watch anymore,  just a pile of inflated breast meanness. 

I froze at that too. I'm pretty sure B is aware that no one, including Dorinda, thinks she was some amazing wife and I would guess she drew her conclusions from there. It was ugly.

I almost forgot about B and R having the naked hugathon in the pool. I WANT to forget!

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Guess I've been on this earth for too many decades.  Nekkidness doesn't bother me one bit--especially when the nudes are drunk and silly AND on TV.  How much anatomy can actually be shown?  What was actually shown that was so scary or shocking?  Bring on the full frontal nudity, girls and boys; I ain't afraid!   Drunk people hugging and slobbering are pretty much the same, clothed or un.

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