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S01.E22: Beginning of the End

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There are a couple of new preview clips 


1) Cybertek is in control of the Deathloks



2) Phil Coulson - man with a mission, and Garrett is acting a little squirrelly on his GH/LSD top up.



Obviously none of Coulson's team die at the facility in Cuba despite all the Deathloks and the guy with the berserker staff -- how is that even possible ?

None of them even appear to be injured afterwards.


Do they really expect the viewer to believe that a controller for human drone (which is essentially what the Deathloks are) isn't evil ?  That they are just there for the incentive packages, and go home after an regular 8 hour shift to the wife and kids.

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Obviously none of Coulson's team die at the facility in Cuba despite all the Deathloks and the guy with the berserker staff -- how is that even possible ?


Well May has used the Berserker staff handedly in the past.  I suspect she'll be the one to take it into her possession. 


Do they really expect the viewer to believe that a controller for human drone (which is essentially what the Deathloks are) isn't evil ?  That they are just there for the incentive packages, and go home after an regular 8 hour shift to the wife and kids.


But what is the incentive package?  It must be pretty significant. 

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But what is the incentive package?  It must be pretty significant. 


IMO the guy who said "incentive package" sounded kind of freaked out. Perhaps he has an eye implant, and the "incentive package" means not killing him.

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Mutha....! Damn good finale!

Totally loved the interaction between Coulson and Fury. Had me chuckling a few times. And, May was supremely awesome in kicking Ward's ass.

Fury... *sniff* loved this moment with Coulson. Aw....Coulson is an Avenger!!

I totally squealed like a fan girl when Koening appeared. Billy, that is. I wonder just how many of them are out there?

Just a damn good finale!!

Edited by NCChic
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So, none of the 5 supersoldiers at the Havana Hydra lair had guns, but were terrible shots even though they can see in the dark. None of them. And the one guy with the berserker lance got suckered by May. Since Skye was off Facebooking or whatever on the Hydra network, it was 2 to 1 odds and the supersoldiers just sucked. Should call them the not-so-super-soldiers. Then again at the evil compound, none of the supersoldiers had guns. WTF ?


SHIELD has spacecraft ??


So Ward isn't really evil. He's the Diet Coke of evil -- just one calorie, not evil enough.
They are moving the evil-meter on Ward just a enough so he can be redeemed. but then he decided to go all-in evil.


Were the US military generals unaware that Quinn just got out of SHIELD prison ? Why would they be doing business with him in the first place ?


Despite all the Deathlok tech, why won't Garrett fix Mike Peterson's face ?


Cybertek really was just Hydra Corporate, but the incentives package was blackmail. WTF once again ?


I still chuckle every time I see Skye doing field ops -- it's just so ludicrous, because she's just so badass </snark>. No one in the control center was willing to call Skye on the whole bomb-in-the-bag trick -- but they are an evil corporation, run by evil people, doing evil shit yet they all ran like cowards.


Of course Fitz proclaims his love for Simmons right before they blow the window in the pod.
Fury is there waiting at the exact moment that they breach the surface -- WTF ??


Ward really is an automaton -- without orders, he's nothing, he really can't think for himself. That's why he's redeemable -- he needs someone to tell him NOT to be evil. Ward might need a bandaid for his foot.


You could almost see the wires on Coulson when Garrett punted him across the room and up a flight of stairs -- a punch like that would kill a guy (body armor or not)


Coulson and Fury were pretty funny dialog-wise, plus Fury bringing a BFG to the party. Nice !!

And I liked that Koenig apparently was a twin or a LMD.  Who wants a lanyard ?


That tease with Garrett rebuilding himself was just stupid and the big problem with this show -- no one check's to make sure people they killed are actually dead, and then polices the body of the EVIL BAD GUY who has taken a regeneration serum.


Enough with Skye's fucking parents already !! And enough with Skye's special snowflakeness.


And Coulson sees what Garrett could -- the universe. But of course it's kept secret.  It's all about the secrets.  Does new SHIELD not have whiteboards ?

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So, none of the 5 supersoldiers at the Havana Hydra lair had guns, but were terrible shots even though they can see in the dark. None of them. And the one guy with the berserker lance got suckered by May. Since Skye was off Facebooking or whatever on the Hydra network, it was 2 to 1 odds and the supersoldiers just sucked. Should call them the not-so-super-soldiers. Then again at the evil compound, none of the supersoldiers had guns. WTF ?

They're like Stormtroopers and Jaffa. Neither one can shoot straight. :)

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IMO the guy who said "incentive package" sounded kind of freaked out. Perhaps he has an eye implant, and the "incentive package" means not killing him.

Close, it was just holding the loved ones as hostages.

One of the lamest moments turned into the most awesome as Garrett's resurrection gets cut short by Coulson.

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I loved it!

I was actually panicked about Fitz, I loved that he actually told Simmons how he felt finally and I loved her response. And I was shocked that Fury rescued him. I wonder how Fitz is going to change, they mentioned it several times he was without oxygen for awhile. I really hope there's a fallout from it.

I loved May's and Ward's fight. And how May "kept some for herself." Slightly though, I wish The Calvery had kicked a bit more tail in that fight.

I even enjoyed Coulson and Fury together. I could watch them just stand and react to fights. "You didn't tell me he was this insane."

Does anyone feel like the end was slightly disjointed...how did Garrett get out before he was blasted by Coulson? And what happened with Ward? And really, no final scene with Fitz? I really thought after the failed bromance fist bump last week, we'd see Tripp checking in on Fitz. Or at least Simmons and Skye with Fitz. But instead we have Coulson showing a bit of crazy at the end...

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That tease with Garrett rebuilding himself was just stupid and the big problem with this show -- no one check's to make sure people they killed are actually dead, and then polices the body of the EVIL BAD GUY who has taken a regeneration serum.

Aww, ottoD, where's your sense of humor? I bet it was way funnier than anything that happened on any of the actual comedies that aired this evening.

So, does anyone know what are the geometric hieroglyphics that those who were injected with the magic Koolaid obsessively carve? I mean, is that a recognizable schematic of something? I'm guessing primal alien info, or does it resemble some actual current tech specs?

I loved it!I even enjoyed Coulson and Fury together. I could watch them just stand and react to fights. "You didn't tell me he was this insane."

Yes. More, please. Edited by shapeshifter
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(reposted from TWoP)

The Things I Liked:

*FitzSimmons being alive

* "I have a better weapon..."

*Noisemaker! It's great!!

*Trip- bringing the noise and the funk and the injured pretty!!


*A substantial bit of screentime for Fury

*Billy Koenig (LMD?)

*The Toolbox (got a flash of DC's Mother Box, but we're in Marvel's sandbox...)

*Mike blasting the crap out of Garrett

*Coulson's talk about his resurrection ("It might get loud.")

*The seeming off-hand...disintegration of Garrett (or is it just making it harder for Garrett to re-integrate?)

Things I Didn't Like:

*Fitz forgetting the quarter comm, unless it was confiscated in a scene that was cut.

*These people falling for,essentially, 'look over there!'

*Raina acting like she understands Skye; Raina may know about one of Skye's folks, but that is no guarantee. Nature/nurture, "Flowers".

*How de-fanged Ward seemed in the episode; if her wasn't flipping out over Garrett he was talkin' smack to May or Skye- and getting whooped by May for his trouble. (Not that Melinda is unscratched, just sayin'.)

*Leo's unclarified medical condition. (I know, wiggle room for next season, but with so much relatively wrapped up, Leo's sitch being vague is disappointing.)

So much more to process! I'm looking forward to my lanyard next season!

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As much fun as Bill Paxton was on this show, Coulson incinerating him at the end, was made of so much win.  Still, farewell Garrett.  You sure brought the entertaining crazy in this episode.


I'm glad they got Samuel L. Jackson back for more then a cameo.  Loved seeing Nick Fury and Coulson together, and their reaction to Garrett being a crazy motherfucker.  But... he's really going to have Coulson be the director of SHIELD?  I'm not sure Coulson is the right guy for that job.  But, I guess the pickings are slim; especially since Maria Hill went to work for Stark.


Both Fitz and Simmons surviving feels like a cop-out, but I guess at least Fitz might have some permanent injuries.  But I'm just glad Simmons is OK.  If she went, I'd probably go too.


Not surprised Deathlok ended up coming back once his son was safe.


Loved Melinda taking down Ward, but he kind of ended up being a disappointment.  Can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Skye.  He really was more pathetic then evil, which was just sad to watch.  I do wonder what's in store for him.  I guess he'll be back, but maybe on a recurring level?  I'm guessing Tripplet might get upgraded to a regular next season, which I'm cool with.


Overall, good finish to a shaky season, and I'm curious to see where this goes.  That said, I have to admit I'm way more excited over the Agent Carter series.

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I think I scared my entire neighborhood cheering when Koenig showed up! Okay, Marvel nerds who could Skye's father be? He looks humanoid but the skin on his hand looked weird. Favorite line goes to May, "You were never on top."


Pardon me while I get a bit technical medically. For Fitz, it depends how long and extensively his brain was deprived of oxygen. I had my frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes damaged from lack of oxygen (ischemic stroke). Youth is a big positive on his side and getting excellent medical attention. Most TV shows have people bounce back immediately from brain injuries but in reality it is something that affects your entire life and takes years to get back to the new normal. If AoS sticks to Coulson's line that Fitz will never be the same, I'm guessing some kind of paralysis, aphasia, or cognitive deficits. Actually paralysis would make sense since he already has a broken arm so he would have to delay physical therapy for healing. I'll stop now that I am WAY overthinking things!

Edited by Grammaeryn
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Pardon me while I get a bit technical medically. For Fitz, it depends how long and extensively his brain was deprived of oxygen. I had my frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes damaged from lack of oxygen (ischemic stroke). Youth is a big positive on his side and getting excellent medical attention. Most TV shows have people bounce back immediately from brain injuries but in reality it is something that affects your entire life and takes years to get back to the new normal. If AoS sticks to Coulson's line that Fitz will never be the same, I'm guessing some kind of paralysis, aphasia, or cognitive deficits. Actually paralysis would make sense since he already has a broken arm so he would have to delay physical therapy for healing. I'll stop now that I am WAY overthinking things!


I still don't get the issue with Fitz -- he was without air for about a minute underwater, maybe 2 or 3 more to get him in the helicopter. Did they not start CPR immediately once he was on the helo, well before they got to the jet with the decompression chamber (where did Fury get the jet and helo from exactly) ?

And since when do you need to decompress from 90 ft. underwater especially since they started out at atmospheric pressure in the first place -- if they had been in the water for a long time sucking back pressurized air to give, maybe.



*Fitz forgetting the quarter comm, unless it was confiscated in a scene that was cut.

He didn't. Fitz left the quarter on the plane so Coulson and co. could track the plane.



So if one quarter was on the Bus, and Trip had the other (they went out of their way to show that the previous episode), how did Fury find Fitzsimmons location ?


Aww, ottoD, where's your sense of humor? I bet it was way funnier than anything that happened on any of the actual comedies that aired this evening.


I agree, it was funny in an over-the-top evil funny way.  You could almost hear the cackle in Garrett's voice.


But it just bugged that the guy who had taken the regeneration serum was basically unguarded.


ETA: I wonder what happened to the gravitonium ?  Did Quinn take it with him when he left with Raina ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Well, I don't know what to say about that finale other than "it was incredible."  Just completely blown away.  Relieved that FitzSimmons are both alive.  I really did believe one or both of them might die.


Honestly, I just don't care about Agent Carter at all, and I expect to spend several weeks waiting for SHIELD to return.  I liked the first Captain America movie, but I just don't see the point in revisiting that era.

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Really loved the finale and I'm so happy to see this how end the season on such a hot streak!


I think having Fiz survive was a misstep as it really could've added gravitas to the episode and would've further pushed Ward to "irredeemable" status.  As it is though, it obviously leaves the door open for major permanent ramifications with Fitz...and maybe Fitz himself not being the happy go lucky guy we've all come to love.  I actually liked that we didn't get scene with him at the end, it leaves us guessing as to just how bad he is.


Loved the Garrett revival fake out. Sorry to see the character go, but great way to go out!

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So if one quarter was on the Bus, and Trip had the other (they went out of their way to show that the previous episode), how did Fury find Fitzsimmons location?

Fitz MacGyver'd something on the pod to put out a signal.

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Enough good Whedon moments to keep me entertained.



I loved the FitzSimmons scenes and the stuff with Coulson and Fury. The May/Ward fight was fun. Skye doesn't bug me like she does others so I am ok with her impending storyline.


I will be back next year.

Edited by ChaosTheory
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Fitz MacGyver'd something on the pod to put out a signal.


Oh yeah, the throwaway line about the defibrillator being re-wired as a transmitter but being broadcast on a SHIELD frequency that no one was listening to (well, almost no one I guess).


I still doubt that the pod had that much air in it to last until Fury got there, but whatever.

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I still don't get the issue with Fitz -- he was without air for about a minute underwater, maybe 2 or 3 more to get him in the helicopter. Did they not start CPR immediately once he was on the helo, well before they got to the jet with the decompression chamber (where did Fury get the jet and helo from exactly) ?

And since when do you need to decompress from 90 ft. underwater especially since they started out at atmospheric pressure in the first place -- if they had been in the water for a long time sucking back pressurized air to give, maybe.

I'm not a doctor or nurse but another issue could have been decompression sickness which can cause blood clots. 

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I liked it. I thought it was a lot of fun.

I  was disappointed they didn't do more with Ward but I expect more next season.   Or maybe more hoping because of his 'Mai wait' as if there's more to his story there.     Plus the fact they should have just killed him if this is the end of his story.

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Aww, ottoD, where's your sense of humor? I bet it was way funnier than anything that happened on any of the actual comedies that aired this evening.

So, does anyone know what are the geometric hieroglyphics that those who were injected with the magic Koolaid obsessively carve? I mean, is that a recognizable schematic of something? I'm guessing primal alien info, or does it resemble some actual current tech specs?

Yes. More, please.

I thought it was the equation or formula that Ward stole that Akela was supposed to steal. He was receiving her instructions through the rigged glasses, and all that lines and circles were on a board or something. I'm a little fuzzy, I'll have to see if we still have the episode and rewatch. Not tonight, though ;)


I enjoyed the heck out of that and hope they can carry the momentum next season. I guess it felt like they were spinning wheels for a while there because they were waiting for Winter Soldier to open. Timing was not good.


Given all the other stories that we'll hopefully be seeing (and please, let provide information in a steady flow and not drip,drip, drip), will there still be a Ward story. Because he is kind of pathetic and I'm not sure that I care if he's redeemed, He just doesn't seem to have enough there for me to be intrigued in his redemption.


And yay, life model decoy Koening and his lanyards. Made my night.

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I thought it was the equation or formula that Ward stole that Akela was supposed to steal. He was receiving her instructions through the rigged glasses, and all that lines and circles were on a board or something. I'm a little fuzzy, I'll have to see if we still have the episode and rewatch. Not tonight, though ;)


Most of the blackboards in episode 4, "Eye Spy" (with Akela) showed mostly standard mathematical equations EXCEPT for one board that had drawings eerily similar to what Garrett and Coulson drew.

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Huh. I’m kind of torn by the finale.


There was so much to love: lots of excitement, action and the grand return of true Whedon-esque humor. I loved Trip bringing the funk (and the sounds from the noisemaker were hilarious) and thoroughly enjoyed the Coulson/Fury banter during the final battle with Garrett plus Coulson’s epic destruction of Garrett with, “Hey, look at that!” I also liked Jemma’s musings on the connectedness of life; that was beautiful.


However, as much as I liked the humor, at times it felt like they weren’t taking things seriously enough. When Coulson and Fury were talking about Fury’s introductory Shield speech, it made me anxious because I felt like they needed to pay attention to Garrett before he killed them. Why should I feel any tension about the outcome of the fight if they’re just goofing around? Similarly, while I laughed at May and Ward’s snark during their fight, it didn’t fit with how they felt toward each other as teammates and more. I was expecting the physical showdown but also an emotional one.


The Ward part of the finale was what really confused and disappointed me. They’ve built Ward up as this strong, confident person the entire season. Even when he was Hydra!Ward, he seemed self-assured and cool. Remember his conversation with Raina when he explained how he played the team? He was very confident (and hot!) there. Yes, he’s been having second thoughts about his role in everything but it never came across as pathetic until tonight.


Even within the context of the episode, he went from, “Umm….hey, Garrett? I think we should just move on now because this Hydra thing doesn’t seem to be going anywhere good” to “Tell me what to do, sir! I can do nothing without you!” Sure, he believed that he owed Garrett everything but even that belief was wavering and he’s never before begged for orders. Garrett complained that Ward’s loyalty was not perfect, Ward himself told Skye that he had to make hard decisions because he is a survivor and he’s proven that he can think for himself. He kept Raina’s information about Skye’s background from Garrett. And he went from caring about the team (letting May leave Providence unharmed, telling Skye he would never hurt her, reluctantly releasing FitzSimmons into the ocean) to full-on trying to kill May for kicks?


His interaction with Skye was weird too. Ward went from talking about how good she was and how he would never hurt her to saying he would take what he wanted? What did that even mean?


I expect that they will do more things with Ward next season but I hope it’s not at the expense of his characterization like tonight was. Since they spent so much time on him, I was excited to see where they were going to take his story but then it felt like his part was rushed and out of character.

In fact, the whole episode felt a bit rushed. Why did we not see Fitz and learn how he is? Garrett’s body was just left on the floor? The take-down of the super soldiers – the products of the Centipede Project that we’ve spent all season dreading – took about a minute? There were just a lot of loose ends that seemed like the writers ran up against a deadline and had to end it quickly. The last few episodes were so great but now I’m not sure what to think.

Edited by colormeblue
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The beginning of the episode felt very Whedony to me. In that I've seen this before. The season is almost over and there's still a couple of important things we need to finish so just do it and move on. Like in Buffy's season 5, where they spent the whole season building up Glory as this unstoppable hellgod, only to realize they in fact had not devised a way to stop her and out of their asses made Olaf a Troll god all of the sudden just to give his hammer power. Or near the end of season six, when he realized he had spent so much time getting Tara away from Willow (for good reason) only to realize he need them together so he could kill her (which still irks me but I digress). They surrounded the team with a bunch of super soldiers and a guy with the berserker staff, only to realize there was actually no way to them out of a situation that would have been tough for several of the Avengers. Still, watching May kick ass is always fun so I can forgive it.


It was good to see Fury, and I like that even in the middle of everything that was happening Coulson made a point of saying "We need to talk and it might get loud" and Fury agreeing. I also enjoyed the almost dismissive way they treated Garrett. He's a threat, sure, but after you've faced down death one cybernetically enhanced lunatic isn't really that big of a deal to these guys. And Garrett's aborted return was hilarious.


Ward was, in the end, a bully. And bullies at, at heart, pathetic. Sure, if you were a fan of the character I can imagine that wouldn't be pleasant to watch but then again neither would him being evil all along. Honestly, the way they set things up, there were only two ways Ward's story was likely to end. Like this, or in death, most likely protecting either Garret or Skye. Plus this has the added benefit of keeping around, and potentially bringing him back at some point, though I can't imagine any scenario that would allow him back on the team.


Poor Fitz. I really thought they were going to have Jemma at the end say he was dead. I really did. Making his condition vague like this confuses me. Are they not sure what to do with the character? Is Ian considering not renewing his contract? Either way, I'm really glad Simmons is okay. She has become my favorite character and I am kind of hoping Fitz not being around might give her more to do.


Skye didn't bother me at all. Her snarky confidence was fitting since she was doing stuff in her wheelhouse (computers, conning, etc.) Downplaying the character is definitely the way to go, though the reveal that Raina knows how to find one of her parents doesn't bode well for the future, in terms of keeping Skye as the center of attention.


Patton Oswalt lives!

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Were the US military generals unaware that Quinn just got out of SHIELD prison?


Quinn mentioned this in the last episode -- since SHIELD was discredited, being arrested by them was no longer considered a black mark.  Which implies that nobody else (like military intelligence) had any inkling that Quinn was Up To No Good.


Also, when Quinn was proposing to replace all the various special forces (including the Secret Service) with super soldiers, I did think that the military people got the vibe that replacing them with soldier whose loyalties belonged to Cybertek was a bad idea.  Or maybe it was just me picking it up on their behalf.  I just prefer to have everyone being smart and brining their A game, not just the heroes.

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Patton Oswalt not only lives, he says exactly the same lines as last time. At first I assumed he was a clone, but then I thought he might be a robot. Except that the last Patton got killed, so he must have been organic.

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My favorite part of the episode was when Garrett said something along the lines of "You should always cut off the head!" because for the minutes between Deathlok zapping him and his resurrection, I kept repeating to my husband that they needed to cut off his head to make sure he's dead. And Coulson's casual splattering of him was great. I also loved May's line about Ward never being on top. Some really great one liners this ep. I hope they keep Triplett as a regular. I like his funk in fights.

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I do appreciate that the season ended without lame cliffhangers (such as Coulson "dying" or Skye being kidnapped).
The stuff they did hint at with Coulson and Raina was okay .. but not exactly riveting..

Apparently when Shield was destroyed, all whiteboards and markers were also lost...

I was irritated - very much - by Fitz's reaction to being stuck on the ocean floor being "We're going to die, so let's just cry and wait for death." That has been his personality for most of the season - a defeatist. You would expect a tech geek to be tearing open every  container in the pod to find something that would get them out. And he still couldn't openly confess his feelings for Simmons. Use your words, dammit.
The "only one of us can survive" option felt very contrived.

I did laugh when Garret blew up. Thanks for not dragging that out. Let's move on to new villains and new adventures. I really hate the shows that have same villain in a never-ending cycle of confrontations. (Tomorrow People, Nikita, Once Upon a Time, etc.)

And Tripplet seems just a boring as Ward was, and sort of like a forced diversification effort.

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I am happy that Triplett is now a member of SHIELD because they needed to diverisfy the team.

I assume Ward is gone since Garrett is gone also. I just don't see how the team could ever go back

to trusting him again.

I do hope that season 2 won't focus on Skye as they did when the show started. I thought that was a mistake and it is one of the reasons, if not, the reason why viewers turned away.

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Skye was ONE of the reasons a lot of people turned away. But there was also the lack of significant character development with any of the cast, the unevenness of many of the storylines, and ABC's almost pathological inability to air more than one or two new episodes in a row.

Edited by KirkB
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That was awesome!  I'm sorry Garrett is gone, but, WOW, what a way to go! lol  


Based on what we saw last night, I'd say Ward and Fitz are off the show (as regulars, anyway), being replaced by Trip and Koenig.  Ward's a much better bad guy that hero, anyway, and I never really liked Fitz (too wimpy and redundant with Simmons there).


I like Agent Coulson as the new Director, but is he REALLY the new Director?  He was "promoted" by a guy who the world believes is dead, to the head of an organization that's been shut down by the US government (and its agents still being hunted down).  Are these guys still getting paid?  Who's filling up their plane with gas?  This may have been more of an "informal" promotion than an actual one.


Very few shows have made such a startling improvement in quality in such a short amount of time as this show has.  I can't wait for next season!

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I like Agent Coulson as the new Director, but is he REALLY the new Director?  He was "promoted" by a guy who the world believes is dead, to the head of an organization that's been shut down by the US government (and its agents still being hunted down).  Are these guys still getting paid?  Who's filling up their plane with gas?  This may have been more of an "informal" promotion than an actual one.


Coulson is now Dylan Hunt and is going to rebuild SHIELD from the remnants of what was (and The Bus is his Andromeda Ascendant) -- here's hoping it doesn't take over 304 years to do it.


First thing he will have to do is come up with a new organization name, as SHIELD will always have that Hydra stink attached to it.  I've got it -- NISHIELD (short for New and Improved SHIELD, it whitens, it brightens and even juliennes).

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Fury probably gave Coulson the resources to make a new SHIELD, like untraceable bank accounts for funding (gas, tech, repairs, etc.), contacts and access to top secret facilities. He's Director of SHIELD in name only right now, because right now there is no SHIELD to speak of, and while the show will continue to be titled Agents of SHIELD and they make think of themselves that way they're going to have to either be completely secret or publicly called something else. The world at large still has some pretty serious issues with SHIELD.

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Loved the finale. Made of win. Bill Paxton was fabulous and so glad to see Patton Oswalt back again. As an episode it was fun, fast and snarky here and there. I agree with the post upthread that if the whole season had been like this it would be the #1 show on TV. 

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I have to say, outside if a few contrived parts, I completely geeked on this episode.  And my Patton is BACK!  That right there made my evening :-D 


Loved the scenes with Tripp in them.  The toys and gadgets were epic.  I loved that they made gadgets great 'characters' within the show.  The entire show


Am going to watch again with all of the comments in this forum in mind.  What a cool ride it was, though :-)

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Great finale! The best one I have seen on any show this season so far

Loved Fury and Coulson chatting/snarking, and Coulson's whoops, I just splattered Garrett all over the place, 

Also - Koenig 2.0!! I hope Tripp's funk is back next year.


I didn't like the final scene with Coulson sleep drawing - if the alien blood was going to do something weird to him, shouldn't that have already happened? It was almost instantaneous with Garrett. Also do not like not knowing what happened to Fitz, and the fact that it looks like they are trying the rehabilitate Ward. I didn't like Ward that much to begin with, and after all he did for Hydra, I don't think he is redeemable. 

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Coulson is now Dylan Hunt and is going to rebuild SHIELD from the remnants of what was (and The Bus is his Andromeda Ascendant) -- here's hoping it doesn't take over 304 years to do it.

Perfect analogy, given all the fun snappy dialog in the finale. I just hope they keep it up.

And my Patton is BACK! That right there made my evening :-D

Yes, but was it just a cameo, or will we actually see him next season?
Perfect synopsis!

ETA: I tweeted the link to the interview, and it immediately got favorited by a Reddit person, so, hopefully that helps generate revenue for previously.tv in some small way

Edited by shapeshifter
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Yes, but was it just a cameo, or will we actually see him next season?


I am thinking if Coulson is starting out a new SHIELD, there will definitely be a need for more lanyards  *grin*  (I really do hope he's at least semi-regular and more than just with lanyard distribution systems)

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A question for everyone geeking out about Patton Oswalt: does he have a Marvel connection besides this show, or does everyone just love his character? 


I understand the character love, but I'm new to this fandom so just wondering...

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@MaryMitch I don't think there's a specific Marvel connection, but he's an uber-geek, so it's sort of like "one of us" has landed a gig on a show that he'd likely be watching from home if situations were different. It's also part of why everyone's so into Sam Jackson as Fury, he was a fan, then they started drawing Fury as Jackson ages before he was ever cast to play him. It's just fun for fans of things to get to be in them. I hope that made sense. 

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A question for everyone geeking out about Patton Oswalt: does he have a Marvel connection besides this show, or does everyone just love his character? 


I understand the character love, but I'm new to this fandom so just wondering...


Not an exact version but here's his Marvel connection

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