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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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If being nationally exposed as a child molester and having his family's TV show cancelled because of it didn't stop him from trying to mount everything in sight, I'm not sure paranoia is on his radar much.

This made me think of the scene in "Bad Grandpa" where Irving gets stuck in the vending machine, and now I can't unsee that happening to Josh.

Two men can't create a baby.

They can have fun trying, though.

  • Love 4

They were paid speakers at that mother/daughter conference (with Mechelle) the week that Joshgate II hit. I'm glad they're dressed like young women and not frumpy girls. However, Jinger is still hiding. Compare her wrists and ankles to Jana's, who is in no way large-boned. Girl is TINY! Not an ounce of meat on those bones.

I'm slightly uncomfortable with this, since my ankles and wrists look a lot like Jingers. I do hope she's okay though.

  • Love 1

Joshie must have started the molesting while the girls were all still in prairie dresses.  That sure didn't stop him.  So now many, like Jana and Jinger, are dressing much nicer and much less modest.  Hmmm.  Obviously the protections didn't work.  But then Joshie seems to like them in prairie dress or g-string, doesn't matter to him.  He likes all kinds of clothing, or none.  Jana really does look cute in that skirt.  If her spirit could loosen up, I'll bet she'd be a free spirit, good, and holy, and sinless pretty much, but free.

Edited by Micks Picks
  • Love 2

I have a feeling that no one in the Lonely Hearts club will be getting married for a long time. Possibly 3 to 5 years or more for all of them.


I don't know. I feel like JB and M will soon become desperate for some good publicity. I wouldn't be surprised if we got blindsided by a surprise courtship/engagement announcement from either Jana or Jinger, or mostly likely (IMO), John David. 

I'm slightly uncomfortable with this, since my ankles and wrists look a lot like Jingers. I do hope she's okay though.

Yes! You can't judge weight on wrist size. I have relatives who constantly fuss and criticize me because of my very small wrists, though the rest of me is obviously not skinny. And the parts where I'm non-skinny are kept carefully concealed by Jinger's fundie attire. I don't feel like I have enough information to have an opinion on Jinger's weight.

Edited by momofsquid

I don't know. I feel like JB and M will soon become desperate for some good publicity. I wouldn't be surprised if we got blindsided by a surprise courtship/engagement announcement from either Jana or Jinger, or mostly likely (IMO), John David. 

Right now would be an opportune time for some grifter to come along and convince the family he/she is nice fundie spouse potential before all the Duggar $ is gone. (Not that I hope that happens; I just think it could.)

  • Love 1

I remember the girls saying all the guys who approached JimBob about them were weirdos. Can you imagine? They are probably worse than the most awkward of dorks you've rejected from online dating. And with an added sense of entitlement.


According to Jessa, the guys are "weirdos." Jana chimed in with a more forceful "no, they're creeps," which got her shushed by her mom.


So, yeah, I'm guessing that Jana isn't attracted to any of the suitors that JB and M can drum up for her. And who can blame her, really? If I knew that I was expected to marry a man -- submit to him, bear him a child every 18 months for the next 20 years of my life, etc. -- I would also be holding out for a man with a decent personality  (sorry, Ben!) who can hold a good job for more than a year (sorry, Derick!), and JB and M don't seem able to ensnare those types of QUALITY men for their daughters.

According to Jessa, the guys are "weirdos." Jana chimed in with a more forceful "no, they're creeps," which got her shushed by her mom.


I would have liked Jessa to define "creep."  Is a creep a person who listens to secular music?  Someone who watches TV? One who enjoys a beer with his hot wings?  Does he do something as "creepy" as have a job outside of a family run business?   I think  I define a creep as someone like her brother Josh.

Edited by zenme
  • Love 17

Can I just say, the Ben/McKinley dynamic was my favorite part of the whole new series.  And I'm not even that big a fan of Bradley Cooper.


The sad part is, do you think if they DID use it, they would even be made fully aware of the possible side effects?  Or JB would just be "oh well they're not having sex anyway so we don't need to even mention to them that birth defects would be possible if they were having sex, because they're definitely not."  I'd like to think that they're legal frigging adults who can make their own medical and life decisions and that the doctors they'd see would ethically put their foot down and insist on having private doctor-patient conversations with these grown-adult children, but... well, you know..

As a former Accutane user, I am glad the Duggerlings are not on it. The side effects are horrible. Dreadful.

  • Love 2

I would have liked Jessa to define "creep."  Is a creep a person who listens to secular music?  Someone who watches TV? One who enjoys a beer with his hot wings?  Does he do something as "creepy" as have a job outside of a family run business?   I think  I define a creep as someone like her brother Josh.


If I had to guess, these guys are probably significantly older, socially inept mouth-breathers who want a virgin wife for all the wrong reasons.


And yes, brother Josh, too. 

I would have liked Jessa to define "creep." Is a creep a person who listens to secular music? Someone who watches TV? One who enjoys a beer with his hot wings? Does he do something as "creepy" as have a job outside of a family run business? I think I define a creep as someone like her brother Josh.

Maybe she saw someone like her brother in those guys. Jill did say 2/3 fundie families dealt with "mild touching".

  • Love 3

IMO, Jana and Anna have always appeared to be far more than just obligate sisters-in-law. They appear to be genuinely close friends, supported by the fact that Jana used to spend so much time staying with them in D.C. and road-tripping with them to Keller family events. Therefore, I imagine that Jana is stepping up in the biggest way to help Anna care for the M'kids during the next six months that Josh is away at "Jesus Jail" and likely even beyond that.  


Personally, I wonder if seeing her close friend's life fall apart (with very little recourse available to her due to their beliefs) will further cement Jana's reluctance to marry. Jana has a front row seat to the devastation and if Anna is being counseled to stay aboard the burning ship that is Josh, then I can imagine that Jana would feel some real fear when it comes to picking a mate now that she has seen firsthand that a husband can do almost anything to you and you are still expected to stay with him. 


Someone on this board who has met Jana said that she that radiates fragility and I can absolutely believe that. As JB said to Derick regarding Jill, "her whole life is wrapped up in who she marries" and that must be a really scary prospect for Jana given the fact that only the biggest duds are father-approved marriage material. 

I find it very telling that there are no Bates-Duggar marriages thus far. After all, MEchelle says "they absolutely LOVE the Bates. Guess the feeling isn't mutual...

Kelly has a gift for matching her kids up. She isn't going to mess that up with a damaged Duggar. (damaged as in having those two as parents, Boob and MEchelle)

  • Love 3

I would have liked Jessa to define "creep."  Is a creep a person who listens to secular music?  Someone who watches TV? One who enjoys a beer with his hot wings?  Does he do something as "creepy" as have a job outside of a family run business?   I think  I define a creep as someone like her brother Josh.


Could be.


On the other hand, it might also be that guys who try to go through Jim Bob to get to a very very very sheltered girl (and doormat) that they've seen on television are actually creeps in the more, uh, traditional sense. ...


Because how likely is it, really, that a secular guy with a high school diploma or college degree and a real-world job, who listens to music and enjoys a beer with friends on Friday night, would actually call Lego-headed idiot control freak Jim Bob wanting to marry one of his super-sheltered, old-lady-dressing, unemployed, uneducated, boring, non-dancing, literally untouchable daughters? Seems pretty unlikely to me. I'm betting the ones that Jana characterizes as creeps would probably look pretty creepy to us real-world types as well.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 24

Could be.


On the other hand, it might also be that guys who try to go through Jim Bob to get to a very very very sheltered girl (and doormat) that they've seen on television are actually creeps in the more, uh, traditional sense. ...


Because how likely is it, really, that a secular guy with a high school diploma or college degree and a real-world job, who listens to music and enjoys a beer with friends on Friday night, would actually call Lego-headed idiot control freak Jim Bob wanting to marry one of his super-sheltered, old-lady-dressing, unemployed, uneducated, boring, non-dancing, literally untouchable daughters? Seems pretty unlikely to me. I'm betting the ones that Jana characterizes as creeps would probably look pretty creepy to us real-world types as well.


Not to mention that a vow of celibacy sounds like a totally viable alternative to letting Jim Bob Duggar decide what you're going to be doing with your vagina for the rest of your life and discuss it with some guy you may or may not have ever met. There's a reason why when women had no legal status separate from the interests of whatever man legally owned them there were a lot more nuns than there are now. 

  • Love 13

Could be.

On the ot. A r hand, it might also be that guys who try to go through Jim Bob to get to a very very very sheltered girl (and doormat) that they've seen on television are actually creeps in the more, uh, traditional sense. ...

Because how likely is it, really, that a secular guy with a high school diploma or college degree and a real-world job, who listens to music and enjoys a beer with friends on Friday night, would actually call Lego-headed idiot control freak Jim Bob wanting to marry one of his super-sheltered, old-lady-dressing, unemployed, uneducated, boring, non-dancing, literally untouchable daughters? Seems pretty unlikely to me. I'm betting the ones that Jana characterizes as creeps would probably look pretty creepy to us real-world types as well.

Hey now, Jana is a catch! There was a recent pic of her upthread where she was stylish.

For a certain kind of guy, their lifestyle, at least as portrayed on tv, is appealing. They have done some traveling, are conservative, and will be devoted to their family. I agree the girls are the ones that are gun shy to make the commitment.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 2

Hey now, Jana is a catch! There was a recent pic of her upthread where she was stylish.

For a certain kind of guy, their lifestyle, at least as portrayed on tv, is appealing. They have done some traveling, are conservative, and will be devoted to their family. I agree the girls are the ones that are gun shy to make the commitment.


Yeah, she does look darned cute in the picture.


However, given that, to me, perhaps the most obvious Duggar-daughter characteristic is that they behave pretty much as Stepford wives toward their incredibly stupid and mega-control-freaky father, I have a feeling that that "certain kind of guy" you mention would strike me as awfully creepy (unless he's just too entranced by Jana to notice her horrible pops eternally lurking just over her shoulder, I suppose -- I can sort of see that happening).   ; - )


ETA: Unfortunately, I fear that the guy who was so entranced by Jana that he overlooked lurking Lego-head might well regret his choice when he realized how much time he, his wife and kids would spend bored to tears on the TTH waiting-room couches over the next several decades.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 2

For a certain kind of guy, their lifestyle, at least as portrayed on tv, is appealing. They have done some traveling, are conservative, and will be devoted to their family. 


I agree to a certain extent. I can imagine Jana being very attractive to an early 30's, already-sowed-his-wild-oats kind of guy who has become recently established in his profession and feels ready to start a family. She's very beautiful (IMO), a natural homemaker, and appears to genuinely adore babies and children. She would be the ideal stay-at-home wife and mother. 


As much as I wish Jana would go to college -- WHY can't she go to John Brown University? It's 15 minutes away and conservative Christian, for Pete's sake! -- I think she would actually be content to be a stay-at-home mother. However, being a stay-at-home mother requires a husband who can provide a home and a reliable, sufficient income for their chosen family size. 


I think Jana is waiting for a man who can provide those things, but those things requires an education and a non-Gothard career path, and I have a hard time seeing those kinds of normal men described above getting past JB's filtering system.  

Edited by Guest


She's very beautiful (IMO), a natural homemaker, and appears to genuinely adore babies and children. She would be the ideal stay-at-home wife and mother.

Sadly, I think she would actually be the ideal nanny for a nice family.   Her lack of education and absence of any independent living skills would probably be fine for a short time, but I can't see any man being satisfied with that for long.  The uniqueness of having to "teach" your partner so much about basic relationship dynamics sounds ok, but I think it would get old.  Most guys don't want that much of a "challenge" in every aspect of their partnership.  And I can't see how marriage to a Duggar girl of age would ever truly be that.  

I should add that it is my hope that the derailment of the TLC gravy train will ultimately benefit Jana. As the money begins to run dry, JB will to need to marry off his 18+ dependents in order make them someone else's financial responsibility. JB might approve a more normal, worldly, non-Gothard man if the guy has an established job with a good revenue stream. 


A worldly guy might even become JB's favorite son-in-law if he runs some sort of established small business that could employ Derick, Ben, and the other Duggar boys down the line. LOL! 

I should add that it is my hope that the derailment of the TLC gravy train will ultimately benefit Jana. As the money begins to run dry, JB will to need to marry off his 18+ dependents in order make them someone else's financial responsibility. JB might approve a more normal, worldly, non-Gothard man if the guy has an established job with a good revenue stream. 


A worldly guy might even become JB's favorite son-in-law if he runs some sort of established small business that could employ Derick, Ben, and the other Duggar boys down the line. LOL! 


Oh, geez. This poor guy. I can see JB wanting to do this -- hand off all the responsibilities he irresponsibly insisted on creating to somebody else. And I'd like a nice husband for Jana, too. But I still hope that this hypothetical guy runs like crazy as soon as he realizes that his decency could be taken advantage of and he could end up being the lifeline for Boob's horde of uneducated, barely employable consumers. Surely he could find a nice girl without the cargo ship of family baggage that Jana might drag with her, courtesy of Boob. (sorry, Jana -- although I'd applaud if you would flee with him)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

I should add that it is my hope that the derailment of the TLC gravy train will ultimately benefit Jana. As the money begins to run dry, JB will to need to marry off his 18+ dependents in order make them someone else's financial responsibility. JB might approve a more normal, worldly, non-Gothard man if the guy has an established job with a good revenue stream.

A worldly guy might even become JB's favorite son-in-law if he runs some sort of established small business that could employ Derick, Ben, and the other Duggar boys down the line. LOL!

Unanswerable question, but WHY don't the Duggers teach their kids a good trade so the boys meet the above criteria? My brother in law is a plumber and makes a damn good living at it. The Duggers have a car lot and tow truck. What else? There are lots of small businesses, auto, plumbing, tons of service industries that require actual training. How many shady used car lots will Springdale support?

Keep holding out girls!

  • Love 7

Unanswerable question, but WHY don't the Duggers teach their kids a good trade so the boys meet the above criteria? My brother in law is a plumber and makes a damn good living at it. The Duggers have a car lot and tow truck. What else? There are lots of small businesses, auto, plumbing, tons of service industries that require actual training. How many shady used car lots will Springdale support?


I'm guessing it was the plan to create one big family business -- some sons would manage the car dealership, some would manage the towing company, some would manage their real estate properties, etc. It's JB's way of keeping all of his children (and their future families!) under his thumb in a way that financially benefits his own chosen business ventures. Plus, he doesn't have to pay for any of that pesky college or trade school education. 


That's why I'm hoping the future husbands of Jana, Jinger, Joy, etc. have some kind of real job independent of JB's shady businesses. 

I hope Jana finds herself, never mind a man.


I agree with you, but given her upbringing, finding herself a man might be easier than finding herself. Sad, but true. :-/

There are lots of small businesses, auto, plumbing, tons of service industries that require actual training.


At heart, JB and M are grifters, I think. And the idea of learning a trade or a skill or a profession and then building something on that? Never crosses a grifter's mind. I'm sure some of the kids aren't grifters by nature. But in this family they're out of luck.

  • Love 3

They all live in a small and insulated area.  No real emerging industry or urban growth.  Small business is the norm, aside from the high volume retailers like Wally World, Target, etc.  The competition for low-skill and low-pay jobs has got to be fierce.


 I can't imagine the Duggar name is going to be opening any doors for any of the boys in the near future, when that name now represents an untrustworthy and negative image.  I think Josh has tainted the whole family.  Folks may claim in public "Yeah, Jim Bob & his boys are still good people", but when hiring is at stake, I think folks will go with less controversial choices. 


In short, they're screwed, 

  • Love 5

They all live in a small and insulated area.  No real emerging industry or urban growth.  Small business is the norm, aside from the high volume retailers like Wally World, Target, etc.  The competition for low-skill and low-pay jobs has got to be fierce.


 I can't imagine the Duggar name is going to be opening any doors for any of the boys in the near future, when that name now represents an untrustworthy and negative image.  I think Josh has tainted the whole family.  Folks may claim in public "Yeah, Jim Bob & his boys are still good people", but when hiring is at stake, I think folks will go with less controversial choices. 


In short, they're screwed, 


Yes. The boys are screwed and if I were a single Duggar daughter, I would be looking to change my last name -- and quick! 

And sadly, every single one of the Duggar boys still at home is going to be eyeballed VERY closely and carefully out in public by any parent with a young daughter.  It may not be right, but it's human nature.  The one-bad-apple thing.  And it not falling far from the tree.  And every other stupid fruit analogy.   

  • Love 10

And sadly, every single one of the Duggar boys still at home is going to be eyeballed VERY closely and carefully out in public by any parent with a young daughter.  It may not be right, but it's human nature.  The one-bad-apple thing.  And it not falling far from the tree.  And every other stupid fruit analogy.   


Yep. Just ask Josiah. 

I think there was more going on with Josiah. I have a theory that the hypersexual sons are the ones that JB binds in a courtship ASAP..ergo Josh and Josiah.The other older boys are all thick as stumps i believe..quieter..calmer. .not getting "caught" looking at porn, etc. Both Josh and Josiah were outgoing..chipper...threats to JB in one way or another. Just my spidey senses,of course. YMMV.

Edited cus looking at poem not a big deal..lol

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 5

Unanswerable question, but WHY don't the Duggers teach their kids a good trade so the boys meet the above criteria? My brother in law is a plumber and makes a damn good living at it. The Duggers have a car lot and tow truck. What else? There are lots of small businesses, auto, plumbing, tons of service industries that require actual training. How many shady used car lots will Springdale support?

Keep holding out girls!

You know these fools lack critical thinking skills. And KEY words ACTUAL TRAINING. Whose paying for that? Not Jimbob

  • Love 6


Unanswerable question, but WHY don't the Duggers teach their kids a good trade so the boys meet the above criteria? My brother in law is a plumber and makes a damn good living at it. The Duggers have a car lot and tow truck. What else? There are lots of small businesses, auto, plumbing, tons of service industries that require actual training. How many shady used car lots will Springdale support?


Because anyone with a REAL skill like a plumber or an electrician can get a job anywhere -- even outside of Springdale! If they work on a car lot for JB, or drive a tow truck for JB, or flip houses for JB, as well as living in housing provided by JB, and driving vehicles provided by JB, he only needs to pay them a token salary. There is no way anyone can squirrel away money and take off on their own. Everyone will be under the "umbrealla" of JB, and under his control. Everything will be just as Jesus intended.

  • Love 9

I don't know, but I think Jana is, without diagnosing her, a nervous Nelly. I think she is intelligent enough to have real world questions but is filled with what-ifs. She tows the party line out of fear, not fear of JB & M, but fear that their beliefs are correct. What an awful way to live, and by staying in the family fold, she can stay safe on the coattails of her parents.

  • Love 4

I don't know, but I think Jana is, without diagnosing her, a nervous Nelly. I think she is intelligent enough to have real world questions but is filled with what-ifs. She tows the party line out of fear, not fear of JB & M, but fear that their beliefs are correct. What an awful way to live,


That sounds like a good assessment to me. I essentially did this, although I got past it fairly young. Not a lot of thoughtful kids are going to immediately assume they're right -- and capable of standing alone -- and the family and culture they're in are entirely wrong. Only the more impulsive and heedless can do that really easily, I think. Plus, in a situation like this, the controlling parties do their best to instill fears of all kinds, obviously. So if you take a kid who's already a fairly cautious or nervous type and pump her full of extra fears, you've got pretty good insurance against her bolting. Awful way to live indeed.

  • Love 9

I agree to a certain extent. I can imagine Jana being very attractive to an early 30's, already-sowed-his-wild-oats kind of guy who has become recently established in his profession and feels ready to start a family. She's very beautiful (IMO), a natural homemaker, and appears to genuinely adore babies and children. She would be the ideal stay-at-home wife and mother.

As much as I wish Jana would go to college -- WHY can't she go to John Brown University? It's 15 minutes away and conservative Christian, for Pete's sake! -- I think she would actually be content to be a stay-at-home mother. However, being a stay-at-home mother requires a husband who can provide a home and a reliable, sufficient income for their chosen family size.

I think Jana is waiting for a man who can provide those things, but those things requires an education and a non-Gothard career path, and I have a hard time seeing those kinds of normal men described above getting past JB's filtering system.

ages ago I worked with two best friends since college. Dude A was a total player. He was engaged but messed around and even got someone pregnant from another department within the company (a one night stand at a company party) . Eventually his fiancé found out and left him. He then left his newborn to take a job out of state. Cut to two years later at Dude Bs wedding, A was the best man. He was married to the most nicest naive young woman on the planet. Everyone was shocked, shocked I tell ya. I talked to her for awhile. She totally doted on A. I wondered if she had any Idea of his past. He did act very respectful of her that day.
Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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